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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Hey Moz community! What are some tools to use to find out who my competitors are and which keywords they are ranking for? Next, once I have found out this information, is it best that I try to outrank my competitors for thee same keywords? Or should I be going for key words that are more specific? What strategy should I use when selecting my key words...? Any help or advice is MUCH appreciated! Thank you in advance.

    | StoryScout

  • A client has found another SEO agency promising various things to do with link building. Most of these promises are based upon links from sites with allegedly high page ranks. So my questions: Page rank seems to be fading out am I safe to stay with PA and DA metrics instead? I don't agree with link building tactics and feel that it should more a networking activity to provide USEFUL links to users... am I being too white hat and missing opporunities? The other company have promised long list of links including 100 SEO friendly web directory listings, 200 PR 8 back links from Pinterest (which i thought was no follow) & 10 long lasting and high quality mini web sites (with three pages/posts, video and pictures). Am I right that this all sounds a little spammy or is this really what I should be doing for me clients?

    | SoundinTheory

  • Hi All, I am in process of doing and SEO overhaul for our five global sites in: US, UK, Canada, Sweden, France I'd like to track hundreds of keywords and rankings per site - I'm talking at least 300-400 keywords each site. Each site has its own country domain with both www and www2 domains. So, I need a keyword tool that will let me track massive amounts of keywords. I know that the Moz Pro tool helps, but we only have 350 keywords on this account. I think on this. Any suggestions on something reliable that will provide good data? I'm sure I can get some budget to purchase something, but I also can't spend too too much money. I'm not looking for a massive analytics package. Right now, I'm concerned mainly with our keyword rankings Thanks in advance!

    | CSawatzky

  • The MOZ crawl report for my site shows duplicate content with both www and non-www pages on the site. (Only the www are indexed by Google, however.) Do I still need to use a 301 redirect - even if the non-www are not indexed? Is rel=canonical less preferable, as usual? Facts: the site is built using the homepage has multiple versions which use 'meta refresh' tags to point to 'default.asp'. most links already point to www Current Strategy: set the preferred domain to 'www' in Google's Webmaster Tools. set the Wordpress blog (which sits in a /blog subdirectory) with rel="canonical" to point to the www version. Ask programmer to add 301 redirects from the non-www pages to the www pages. Ask programmer to use 301 redirects as opposed to meta refresh tags & point all homepage versions to Does this strategy make the most sense? (Especially considering the non-indexed but existent non-www pages.) Thanks!!

    | kimmiedawn

  • I would like to know if anyone else feels let down by seomoz and their customer service. I will give you a couple of examples why i feel let down. I contacted customer services over an issue a couple of weeks a go and never got an answer from them, and the second issue is the private question that you can ask. I asked many days ago and it was an important question and it has still not been answered. I am just wondering what we are paying for by using this site and if other customers of this service feel let down like me.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi Where can I upload the logo for the branded PDF report? Thanks Diego

    | racerfish

  • A client has recently switched to us for their SEO and is hugely concerned about their previous company's link building efforts.They say that they have recently removed over 300 links but OSE still lists 160 links.So three questions: How long will it take for OSE to recognise if the links have been removed? How great could the effects of this be on the site's rankings? If we continue to struggle with getting the links removed would Google's disavow tool make much of a difference or are there negatives that sould be considered first?

    | SoundinTheory

  • Hi there, I have over 150 Duplicate Page Title errors showing up in SEOMoz but on closer inspection these are related to the 'Sort By:' functionality on our ecommerce site that allows customers to sort our products by Price, Alphabetically etc. To give an example: Is showing as being duplicated by this page: Does anyone know how I can resolve this? Any help greatly appreciated. Kind regards, Jon CDFyp.jpg

    | jonmorse86

  • My clients site so far only has a few inbound links.  If I do a report on MOZ/Open Site Explorer it only lists 10 domains linking in and, a number of important ones are not on that list. As an example, one of the leading UK national newspapers (Daily Telegraph) has a link on this page to the client and yet this link/domain does not appear in the above reports. Is this an intentional nofollow type thing that the telegraph does and is there a way for me to check that on their site/page? Any comments most appreciated. Thanks,

    | MrFrisbee

  • I have been running a blog where we add about 6 posts per day.We are facing issues with images.I need to know a good source from where I can take free pictures but most important point they are not Copyright protected. A few days back we have two emails where owner of pictures thretean to sue us but still safe.So need to know some good sources for finding copyright free images.

    | csfarnsworth

  • Hello, I was wondering, if anyone knew how moz handles non provided keywords? is it not displayed, or is it labeled as something else? I know in WMT, it still displays it. Thanks for your help.

    | PeterRota

  • Does anybody know of any mac alternatives for Netpeak & SEO tools for excel? I haven't been able to find any. I just need something to pull PA & DA quickly for a list of domains and URLs. Will I just have to create something custom with the Moz API?

    | kking4120

  • Whenever the rogerbot comes back to my site for a crawl it seems to want to crawl urls that dont exist and thus causes errors to be reported... Example:- The correct url is as follows: /vw-baywindow/cab_door_slide_door_tailgate_engine_lid_parts/cab_door_seals/genuine_vw_brazil_cab_door_rubber_68-79_10330/ But it seems to want to crawl the following: /vw-baywindow/cab_door_slide_door_tailgate_engine_lid_parts/cab_door_seals/genuine_vw_brazil_cab_door_rubber_68-79_10330/?id=10330 This format doesn't exist anywhere and never has so I have no idea where its getting this url format from The user agent details I get are as follows: IP ADDRESS:
    USER AGENT: rogerbot/1.0 (, [email protected])

    | spiralsites

  • Needing to know how to find out the page rank of a URL that is NOT within the top 50 or top 100.  Need to know that specific page's rank, not what our overall site's ranking for the keyword is.  Can't seem to find any tool that goes beyond the top 100. Any ideas?

    | leankit

  • How can i find the top keywords generating traffic, Both paid and organic,  for my competitors? Are there specific tools out there I can use if I dont have access to their Google Analytics account?

    | richm01

  • Obviously things like Mozrank, domain authority, relevancy signals, authority signals, and other fundamentals are a great starting ground, but I was wondering how people put value on a links.  How much time is a link from a page rank of x or a moz rank of y worth.  How much time, money (not in terms of paid links, but in terms of manpower, copyrighting required, etc.) is a link of a certain rank worth. Obviously there is no exact answer to this question, but I'm very curious to see what people have to say in this regard.

    | Oren.

  • Hi there i must be missing something,, i have been looking for the list and cant find it ? where do i go to see it ? I am a pro member but all i can find is posts talking about the directory list..  Where is it ?

    | 365ToursSafaris

  • I feel like last year when Moz was still SEOMoz I used a beta tool that would help you build a bunch of queries for link prospecting.  You would tell it what your sites about and a few other pieces of information, and it would give you a list of google queries to get you started (ie inurl:directory <industryname> +"add site"</industryname>). However, I'm having a hard time finding this tool, or any reference to it on the web.  It's also possible that it wasn't a moz tool but I'm misremembering where I found it.  Does anybody have any idea what I'm talking about?

    | brettgus

  • Hi, my website crawl report shows me I have loads of 418 errors in my pages. Can anyone explain me what it is ?How do I solve this error? Google Webmaster does not give me any error signal.

    | sitowpit

  • Is the Mozbar not working for link data? Whats up with moz I signed up for a free trial and nothing works....

    | JohnWalker

  • I am trying to analyze my site to determine what we may be doing wrong as far as our site goes Ilike everyone else I suppose). In any event I have followed as much as I can from the Moz guideline and tools. We were ranking very well for quite some time and now..kaput. We have tried to make our site faster (using Google Page Speed ..the CDM for GOOGLE). We have also tried redoing out title and description tags to be more search and user friendly. Our site is very fast now...which is good. But we are still not seeing the rankings improvements that we had hoped for. We have built the site using WP and broke the template to make what we feel is an attractive site....used what we feel are the best plugins to capitalize....can anyone give us some feedback to let us know if we are just missing something here. We are RELEVANT to our industry...

    | AdsOnWheels

  • Hey Friends, I have been doing some analyzing in opensiteexplorer and attached below is an image showing my url (5th position) and my competitors (1st position). Any ideas as to WHY they are still beating me in rankings? I'm sure there could be a number of reasons but the numbers are staggering. Thanks Screen%20Shot%202013-09-16%20at%205.22.46%20PM.png Douu98y

    | brandon07

  • I have a site (actual several) that has been up for many years now. Content is changed monthly - regularly. It would always rank in the top 5 positions for 5 or 6 keywords. Now all of a sudden (without any dramatic changes to the website) my ranking results from my weekly Moz reports are dramatically different from week to week - every week. One Keyword will be #1, then the next week it will drop 49 positions, the 3rd week it might be #5, then Not in the Top 50, then #1 again, and so and so on. This happens to all my keywords on my site. I was waiting for Google to finish it's changes to it's algorithms but it's now been long enough and I can't get a handle on what's happening, why it's happening, and what to do about it, and what direction to take with my SEO. My Traffic has actually improved over last year by approx. 25%, but I have also started a PPC campaign for this client. Any suggestions would be great.

    | SummitCom

  • I currently launched my eCommerce startup hosted in Shopify and linked with MOZ. From my first Crawl Report I am getting 580 Duplicate Page Title i.e. all my Collection page have the same title. I have googled and have been checking the MOZ community but cannot find a fix to it. Some of the URL's are - I am new to SEO and any suggestions will be a great help to me.

    | OnlyPetStore

  • Is their any good place at MOZ like some whiteboard friday or mozinor or some other blog where I can find something really useful.I am beginner in this field but want to learn things fast about it.

    | csfarnsworth

  • hi all quick question regarding c-block domains OSE tells me we have 70 c-block domains with a total 130 root domains, is it telling us 70 root domains re c-blocks as this is near impossible for us are c blocks listed as root domains or just links

    | Will_Craig

  • Some of the Google Search shows a title has a hashtag of an article, which contain keyword and while tweeting them, the title which has a hashtag automatically very good used for getting traffic to the blog. And other one, can we use the hash tag inside the alt attribute ? Or our domain name with .com in it. Like or #Google ?

    | Esaky

  • Has anyone else experienced their Domain Authority Score Drop in the last 2 weeks.  I have 6 sites and all of their DA dropped between 2-4 points.  At the beginning I thought it was just my Wordpress sites, but it happened to all my sites.  If anyone has any answers, please enlighten me.  Is it Google?  Last time this happened was in March 2013 and raised all the scores back up and now as of lately, they all have dropped. Kin Regards, David

    | ACann

  • I use SEOMoz to track my rankings in RU, but there are a few problems: 1 - SEOMoz doesnt offer Yandex tracking 2 - When exporting rankings to CSV it only shows the keywords in EN characters and looks something like this ??asad&$ Any suggestions for a better tool to use for RU? Thanks!

    | theLotter

  • I have a local verified google + listing  and recently just went to update it nicely. even though it has been around for months, however Google just can't seem to index it, does anybody know the reason why? I have tried " hard-searching" for it and it is not even indexed! However if i find hard enough, it will appear in google maps, and also my domain has been around for months, if not a year however under Moz Open Site explorer it indicates it is a super new domain and even alexa is not recognizing any data even though it has traffic. The only thing i have done is i have shifted servers two months ago. Does that translate to a new site? I hope not...

    | partyrocks

  • I need one of the best rank tracking tool that allows me to upload keywords in bulk but first I need to see its trial to check either they update daily or they stay with weekly rank which is mostly the case with many free tools. Kindly tell me the one that you have tested and its working good.\ Updated daily.
    Have free testing feature and than can purchase it no matter in a week. Support a lot of keyword to be track.

    | csfarnsworth

  • Can David Beat Goliath. I work with small businesses with top products that are up against big brands and their online presence.  If I am working with them to create content that meets the needs of all their stakeholders/customers/prospects to generate revenue I wonder if keyword targeting with content can really pay off to get them page one, #1 position ranking. So I ask you this question? How do you create a story for a small online store that can get ranked on page one for a keyword when you compete with bigger websites (or sites with higher domain authority)? I don't need all the basics, I'm just looking for a key insight or tip that you have found or heard is working for a David to beat a Goliath (and hold their position rank once they get highly ranked). We are up against sites - for viable keywords -who have higher domain authority and in some cases more content or link backs. Also, I've notice in situations when I do get to page one and I'm in position 7 MOZ analytics show low to no traffic coming from it? Yikes, what do I do to improve that? These are top keywords.

    | brandawakening

  • We have issues with users copy-pasting content from other sources into our site. The only way I know to find out, is to manually (!!) copy a snippet of their text into google, to see if I get results from other sites. I have been googling for tools to help automate this process, but without luck. Can you recommend any?

    | betternow

  • I'm in need of a monthly report on campaign keywords with rank AND global search volume (not "just" traffic.) Is this doable from MOZ? More generally, what does monthly SEO reporting to the C-Suite look like for most SEO's? Would be a good "#WhiteboardFriday" topic. We are a mid sized ecommerce retailer.

    | TEMurray

  • I have submitted this a few times through forms on the site, and I am hoping that this way, a Moz employee might actually see it. With no "tickets" actually being opened, who knows if these messages are even going anywhere. I'm over it: It's been 8 days since I first emailed about this, with no response. Long story short - I cancelled my trail BEFORE it expired, yet when the date passed my Credit Card was charged anyway. It is now overdrawn, with all sorts of FEES attached to it, which I CAN NOT AFFORD. Please check this and refund it ASAP. Kaori Anyone?

    | koka

  • Hi guys, I run an ecommerce store We sell sneakers. My question relates to the name of some of my products and how to rank for them. This concerns to the shoes from New Balance The name of this products follows this format: New Balance XXNumberXXX . But actually I have realized I am ranking for New Balance XXNumber XXX . Note the space between the number and the last 3 characters. All my titles, h1, keywords follow this format. Example: New Balance WL574 RUP vs New Balance WL574RUP My questions are: 1. How would you determine which keyword to rank for: New Balance XXNumberXXX  or New Balance XXNumber XXX? I have thought of using analytics data to see the pattern of the users search or maybe the difficulty of the keyword? I am receiving a decent amount of traffic for New Balance XXNumber XXX but I wonder if it'd be higher ranking for New Balance XXNumberXXX 2. Does the algorithmn take into account this space? According to the On page Grader, I have an A for New Balance XXNumber XXX and a F for New Balance XXNumber XXX but I assume the engine doesn't work this way 3. What would you do? Thanks very much Kind regards

    | footd

  • I have a site that easily has 15-20 images per product page, giving the users ideas of what they can do with the product design. All of them have an alt tag with the keyword phrase in it. There is also an H1, H2, sometimes an H3, body copy with the keyword phrase 1-3 times, bold when it seems like a good time to emphasize it. Just in the images alone, we've exceeded the recommended 15 keyword phrases on a page. Moz On Page Grader says the following: Avoid Keyword Stuffing in Document We've seen evidence that excessive use of keywords can negatively impact rankings and thus suggest moderation. Recommendation: Remove instances of the targeted keyword(s) from the document text of this page to bring it below 15 What's the recommendation for the image alt tags? We'd like the images to show up in Google Images, so they should have the tag, right? What's the right way to handle this for SEO purposes? Someone's suggested naming 1/2 of the images one keyword phrase, and the other 1/2 an altogether different one, not searched nearly as often as the primary keyword phrase.

    | INCart

  • Whenever I get my weekly custom report, I usually see steady but moderate gains in Google or slight drops 1 to 3 spots. But, with Yahoo/Bing it's just crazy. +25 here, -47 here, etc, etc. Also, we even have keywords that we rank in the top 3 on with google, but not the top 50 with Bing or Yahoo. Not sure how that's possible. Nor do I understand how if Bing powers Yahoo, how we can have reports that show a dramatic increase (or decline) in Bing, but the opposite in Yahoo. Granted, not all the rankings are like that for Bing and Yahoo, but there are so many discrepancies, I'm starting to wonder if it's a software problem or something. Does this happen to anyone else? Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Which paid rank tracker is best? Free rank tracker best? --How many keywords we can check per profile from free tool? --How many profiles we can manage from it? Is their any way we can upload bulk keywords in Moz Rank tracker?

    | csfarnsworth

  • Hi guys.. i really need your help.. I have a problem, why after i optimization my keyword with one article each day, after 1 week later my keyword rankings had a huge drop from page 1 down to page 5? (the data from rankings) How the best way to increase my keyword rank in Google? Is there any other way than to use article? Really appreciated for your help..

    | newbie_SEO

  • I know it's coming soon, but does anyone know the actual release date for Moz Analytics? Thanks!

    | eglassman

  • Hi, Regarding the topic of Link Balance (anchor text from external sites). Is there an external tool you can point to your site or an individual URL that can give you the link balance (branded terms, exact match etc). This article is great: But it's a lot of work to do for individual pages (of which we have many). Just trying to see if there's a tool out there (Moz or otherwise), that can report on such balance on a page-by-page basis (paste in URL, hit 'Go'). Thanks.
    Rich Talbot

    | STL

  • Hi guys Moz toolbar show me my 'mT' of index page of my website is 7.07. Is it good?

    | vahidafshari45

  • Hi all, would really appreciate some input on this one. I've been given the task of optimising a website which was built by another company. It's a Wordpress site using Jigoshop. It wasn't in the best of states, and I don't claim that it is now, though we've done quite a bit of work on it. However, after months of work on it, I feel it's not going anywhere. Naturally my customer wants to see results, and they're not getting much. I've submitted the website to a couple of highly regarded directories, and I believe it's listed on some speciality directories (Asian clothing directories). I've also started them on the task of blogging, and I'm trying to get them involved with guest blogging. There's a DA of 1, OSE reports No Data Available for this URL. The Competitive Domain Analysis shows no links at all. I could understand if I started the campaign last week, but we got going in around January this year. One thing that's crossed my mind is that it's quite a slow-loading website. It's with GoDaddy on some cheap hosting plan (not my doing!!). I understand loading times can affect results - could this be the case? It's a bit disheartening really, because we've had really good success with a lot of local businesses' websites but with this one we just can't seem to get it anywhere! 😞 If anyone could shine a bit of light I'd really appreciate it. The URL is Thanks in advance!

    | s7media

  • Keen to improve our follow count on Twitter but its not all about the numbers we are also interested in getting the right followers, followers that fit our customer persona... Any tips or articles to read would be hugely appreciated!

    | MarkPerera

  • Hi there, After the Last Mozscape index update: 08/27/2013Our DA along with all our competitors DA has dropped 4 points, Is there any reason for this ?Have others seen the same thing? Any suggestions of building DA again fast ?  The owner of the company gets the reports from Moz and it really doesn't look good.  Is it expected to bounce back ?
    We we started our SEO efforts the DA was at 28 ... then after a few developments it went up to 34 then dropped to 30 for no apprent reason, and now its down to 26 .. How do we stop this downhill slide ? DA_Drop.jpg

    | 365ToursSafaris

  • My on page ranking tool is giving two entirely different reports for my website - I get one report for my domain name and a different report for the index.html even though essentially both of those pages are...well...the same. Not sure what's going on, hoping it's not an indication of a more serious issue? I appreciate any help!

    | Virage

  • Hi Is the number of duplicate pages reported in a dupe page content error report reduced on subsequent crawls, if you have resolved the dupe content problem via adding the canonical tag to duplicate versions (referring the original page). Like it would if you were solving the problem via a 301 redirect (i think/presume) ? Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi All, A recent Moz scan has turned up quite a few duplicate content notifications, all of which have the same issue. For instance: and are listed as duplicates, but I was under the impression that these pages would, in fact, be the same page. Is this even something to bother fixing or a fluke scan? If I should fix it does anyone know of an .htaccess modification that might be used? Thanks!

    | G2W

  • Hey all good mozzers - For my new publishing company, would you recommend building on a Wordpress Platform or a different CMS?  I want it to look great to user and also allow me to fully optimize it for ranking purposes - thanks. Seems like Wordpress has a ton of possibility and is much cheaper - but I don't want to do all that work if it is not as strong for SEO purposes - I like to use CMS made simple typically because it is exactly what it claims:  simple Advise me please - and then  let me know who you think might be able to help me build the best professional site?  company or individual? thanks ben

    | creativeguy

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