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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Dear all, I've a 5 years old website, which was in top rank for a particular keyword. It's been a couple of months that the site suddenly disappeared from search. However, the site is number one on Bing and Yahoo.
    I've tried almost everything in my limited knowledge but it doesn't seem to come back. Can you please suggest if something can be done.
    keyword: "party supplies" Your help would be highly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance 🙂

    | jarrodb

  • Last Mozscape index update: July 11, 2013. Next Mozscape index update: August26, 2013 Today is August26.Why mozscape doesnt updated?

    | vahidafshari45

  • So, I love the Grader, but when I export to PDF the pretty little graphics go away.  Is this correctable?

    | ClickMonsterIM

  • A client of ours has asked us to compare their search rankings to competitors. What's the best tool to use in SEOMoz to do this?

    | BillyBobGriffin

  • Is there someone with the wisdom to help me get my businesses listed on DMOZ?

    | Smcnelley

  • It could be that I am missing something really obvious however we are getting the following error when we try to use the Moz tool on a client website. (I have read through a few posts on 403 errors but none that appear to be the same problem as this) Moz Result Title 403 : Error Meta Description 403 Forbidden Meta Robots_Not present/empty_ Meta Refresh_Not present/empty_ Xenu Link Sleuth Result Broken links, ordered by link: error code: 403 (forbidden request), linked from page(s): Thanks in advance!

    | ZaddleMarketing

  • Hello here, today I got my weekly report from Moz by email and it reported a strong decline of rankings on some of our major keywords. Then I went to check on Google personally, and instead I found my pages ranked much higher than reported by Moz (please note that my results wasn't personalized...). I also use a desktop program to check my rankings, and what I found personally on Google corresponded to what my desktop program reported me. Here is an example: my website is, and Moz reported a rank NOT in top 50 for the following keyword: "moonlight sonata sheet music" Whereas we are actually on the 19th spot. Another example for the keyword "czardas violin sheet music", Moz reports NOT in top 50, whereas we are actually at the 5th spot on the first page of Google results! Why's this? Anyone can explain? Is there anything wrong with Moz ranking report?

    | fablau

  • None of my campaigns have updated since 7-01-2013. Anyone know what is going on? Normally it updates the first of every month.

    | Smcnelley

  • How many of you routinely have inaccurate data in your Moz Pro keyword rankings reports? I just checked 5 of our terms that came in this morning - yes, it's a not logged in, non-personalized, incognito, cleared cache search - and none of them actually ranked where Moz said they ranked. One was listed in the top 5 and wasn't even on the first page. One was listed at position 3 but was actually at position 8, a big difference when it comes to CTR. And the report will have stuff like our brand name not ranked at all one week, then jumping by 45+ positions the next week, then gone the next week. And it doesn't fluctuate like that. I get that the reports are general to what most people see, but should such big disparities be expected?

    | Kingof5

  • I have an issue. I have added 5 keywords but when i go to the "on page" tab. They are not there... So i press on "Add keyword" and it takes me to another page where i can see all my keywords. So i go back to the "on page" and no keyword shows up. I wanna have a summary of the weekly crawl for the on page of these keywords and it's not showing up 😞 Anybody knows why?

    | theseolab

  • I've taken a look at this page - and I'm trying to determine if Moz Analytics is live yet? I don't think it is, just wanted to make sure. Because right now I'm just seeing all the same tools as we've always had + Fresh Web Explorer. Anyways, let me know if I'm missing something.

    | CAndrew14.

  • I've create a couple campaigns (sub-domains) but I want them to largely have the same keywords as my other already create campaigns. How can I bring across these keywords? Export and then import them somehow?

    | BlueLinkERP

  • When viewing my client's website in OSE under the Top Pages tab, it shows that ALL pages are blocked by Robots.txt. This is extremely concerning because Google Webmaster Tools is showing me that all pages are indexed and OK. No crawl errors, no messages, no nothing. I did a "" in Google and all of the pages of the website returned. Any thoughts? Where is OSE picking up this signal? I cannot find a blocked robots tag in the code or anything.

    | ConnellyPartners

  • My initial crawl was screwed up because of a no follow that needed to be removed.  I would like Moz to recrawl the site right away so I can find any other errors.

    | Ron_McCabe

  • Hi there I am just trying to confirm how the ranking given in the 'rankings' report is calculated (an average etc). Thanks Sarah

    | Laurie-Tomahawk

  • How can I push up the recrawl date?

    | activeac

  • Hi All, Although my Moz error scans have been pretty clean for a while, a law firm site I manage recently cropped up with 80+ 404 errors since the last scan. I'm a little baffled as the url it shows being returned looks like this: For some reason it seems to be initiating a query to call the root domain twice before the actual resource. I installed ModX Revolution 2.2.6-PL on the site in question, and am hoping a canonical plugin I just started using will take care of these. Has this happened to anyone else? What did you do to solve the issue? Thanks for your time and any tips!

    | G2W

  • I have multiple WP websites and on some of the websites, on my Moz Crawl test,  I see an entry for every blog post but also entries for /feed and /trackback for that single blog post.  For example, 1. Can anyone explain why the Crawl test is picking up the /feed and /trackback items?  Is it simply because they are 301 redirects to the original post ( 2. What setting(s) in WordPress are making this information appear?  Or is it just that the site(s) that have the /feed and /trackback are displaying "normal" behavior for a WP site with a lot of trackbacks and feed entires? 3. Should /fee and /trackback, as well as /author be blocked in robots.txt? Thanks in advance for your advice and input!

    | Titan552

  • I did a lot of work to one of my sites last week and eagerly awaited this week's MOZ report to confirm that I had achieved what I was trying to do, but alas I still see the same errors and warnings in the latest report. This was supposedly generated five days AFTER I made the changes, so why are they not apparent in the new report? I am mainly referring to missing metadata, long page titles, duplicate content and duplicate title errors (due to crawl and URL issues). Why would the new crawl not have picked up that these have been corrected? Does it rely on some other crawl having updated (e.g. Google or Bing)?

    | Gavin.Atkinson

  • I may have missed it, but is there a white label option for Moz Pro? I have a few clients that would like to login and have a look at competition, rankings, etc. Perhaps something like WebCEO or MySEOtool?

    | TysonDowns

  • I just set up automated reports for the first time for my campaigns.  They've just run and some are missing alot of data.  For instance, one shows zero keywords.  When there are in fact lots of keywords in the campaign. Another shows no changes in rankings, when there were changes in ranking.  Is there a way to re-run the reports?  I've set them up monthly and don't want to wait another month to see if they worked?

    | Pablostevens71

  • Hi, I get this warning on my reporting. Blocked by Meta Robots - This page is being kept out of the search engine indexes by meta-robots. what does that means ? and how to solve that, if i using wordpress as my website engine. and about rel=canonical , in which page I should put this tag, in original page, or in copy page ? thanks for all of your answer, it will be means a lot

    | theconversion

  • Hi WHen I run the report card for a particular keyword - URL its says "Occurrences of Keyword 0" however I there is the keywords in the page at least twice and exact match of keywords x1 ? any help would be appricated. For some reason google is just not indexing any keyword that I have optimized page for either. I have checked and they are all "follow" thanks

    | summer300

  • Hi Folks, SEO N00b here, in a new job so please go easy on me if i ask stupid questions. I'm looking for some clarification on Google Keyword rankings. I am looking for accurate Google Keywords rankings as when I log into Google Webmaster Tools I am given values like (6-10) for a ranking? When I used SEOMoz (Research Tools -> Keyword & Ranking -> Rank Tracker) it gives me an even less accurate range by simply saying >#50?Why is SEOMoz giving a completely useless metric? Why is its actual rank not shown? I know rankings are becoming less useful as a metric with Google moving toward personalized search but I still have reports to deliver to clients so the conversation of what metrics are going in the report is to be had another day. Right now I just want to get accurate rankings, from what I've found online Google Webmaster tools is recommended as the de-facto ranking tool but it doesn't provide accurate results so how can that be (yes I know it averages out the ranking but 6-10 is a range of values not a single value that represents an average) Dave

    | icanseeu

  • Hi - I'm trying to access the directory list that used to live at this address: But I am being redirected to: with no explanation. Where is the directory list now living? Thanks T.


  • Hi! G’day to you.  I am Naresh from Dotline Infotech. I’d like to take up couple of concerns to be clarified for my better understanding on Moz tool. Indeed, Moz is a nice SEO tool that helps in improving Search engine optimization comprehensive process. We are moz pro member since a year. Moz has equally bifurcated every SEO activity and rate it according to its own benchmark. I intend to ask a series of concerns; Q1. Moz has page grading system A to F. According to Moz guidelines, if the keywords on the page gets repeated minimum 4 times, Moz consider it as ‘A’ grading (one of Moz metric to evaluating the page). Whereas, Google indicates repetition of same keywords time and again is treated as keyword stuffing.  According to me, if keywords are already within the content one or two time and furnishing relevant information, why keywords re-occurrence to be 4 time. Does the repetition of same keywords 4 times will lead to give more valuable information? Just a request to let me share why we should unnecessarily repeat keywords? Q2. As per Google guidelines, only 3 keywords can be placed in title tag and also advisable to use only one h1 tag instead of multiple.  Among 3 keywords in title tag, only one main keyword can be used in H1 tag. Moz gives much weight age to that particular keyword placed in H1 tag but rest two keywords does not get any importance.  I just like to know if we use three H1 tags within page, will it increase the page grading or not. Q3. Does Moz tool have its own index data or refer to  Google’s ones? Q4. Following the Moz guidelines completely, will it be 100% sure all our keyword rankings, page authority, domain authority certainly be improved. Looking forward to hear you soon. Thanks

    | dotlineseo

  • Whit mozbar it is no longer possible to see the DA of sites, how can we do? We expect an answer as soon as possible!

    | sbrelax

  • I find the Historical Domain Analysis report within Moz really useful but it's stopped updating for some reason. Is anyone else seeing this? When can we next expect it to update?

    | TranslateMediaLtd

  • As the title says, I'm working on a YouMoz post and want to add captions to some of my images. Is this not possible? Since some are justified strangely, I can't just do it with the p tags they offer... I tried dropping a div styled in there and it broke everything, unsurprisingly. Any suggestions? Thanks!

    | jesse-landry

  • Hi, I have used the MOZ report to analyse one of my friends sites and I wanted to query a few warnings it highlighted and I just wanted people's thought on how important they thought these were: The first is dupliate descriptions/titles. This is mainly down the e-commerce pages. Fist duplicate content:
    On some pages the description is identical and all that is different is the title and picture, is this an issue? Duplicate pages:
    Due to the way the website folder structure/catergories has been created some pages are identical but because the product comes under 2 cetergories there is 2 seperate pages, should we use the canonical on one of the pages? Also regarding the canonical tag, they have put link rel="canonical" on every page and got it to point at itself, so not really being used in the way it is meant to be. Could something like this cause any harm? The final thing is internal linking back to the homepage. If for example the homepage is, when linking back is it best to put the full URL over "index.html" even though they are the same page? Any help really appreciated Dan

    | dannylancs

  • I'm diving into unknown territory and looking for keywords and phrases related to a prospective new clients business.  He knows some of the general terms, for example, water removal.  What tool works best to find related search terms and the number of searches for those keywords/search terms.  I usually use the Google Keyword Tool but going to give moz a try. Love to be able to get local search data as well. Thanks!

    | DFLsports

  • I prefer the MozBar at the top of the browser.  When using the Firefox browser the MozBar does not hide any of the web page.  When using the Chrome browser the MozBar (depending on the site) often hides the top portion of the web page.  Is there a way I can use the MozBar at the top of Chrome and get the same functionality as Firefox? Best,

    | ChristopherGlaeser

  • Within the crawl diagnostics area I'm getting duplicate page content issues on several pages. I don't know why, would anyone be able to tell me how these links are duplicate so I can fix them?

    | INMCA

  • I ran a Moz on page report for our Roho Cushions page using the keyword Roho Cushions. I found "keyword stuffing" within the page, mainly from alternate text on images. The report told me I have 45 IMG ALT keywords & 28 Body Keywords. I cannot find the keywords I've used in the body, and if I inspect any image element, the keyword is not used as alternate text. I've ran this report multiple times in the past 2 weeks and have come up with the same results. Does anyone have any solutions? Thanks!

    | Mike.Bean

  • Is there a way to "bulk delete" on-page ranking reports which are no longer relevant? I know we can delete them one at a time, but the reason I ask is that I've done a fair bit of work changing URL's, so the reports are often for old URL's which no longer exist. (yes, I made sure to do 301 redirects to the new ones!) Thanks in advance for any help!

    | koalatm

  • Hi Mozers, I have recently submitted a website using moz, which has pulled up a second version of every page on the WordPress site as a 404 error with index.html at the end of the URL. e.g Live page URL - Report page URL - The permalink structure is set as /%postname%/ For some reason the report has listed every page with index.html at the end of the page URL. I have tried a number of redirects in the .htaccess file but doesn't seem to work. Any suggestions will be strongly appreciated. Thanks

    | AmanziDigital

  • Howdy Mozzers, I have a Magento ecommerce website and I was wondering if the data (errors/warnings) from the Crawl diagnostics are up to date. My Magento website has 2.439 errors, mainly 1.325 duplicate page content and 1.111 duplicate page title issues. I already implemented the Yoast meta data plugin that should fix these issues, however I still see there errors appearing in the crawl diagnostics, but when going to the mentioned URL in the crawl diagnostics for e.g.: and checking the source code and searching for 'canonical'  I do see:" />. Even I checked the google serp for url: and I couldn't find the url indexed in Google. So it basically means the Yoast meta plugin actually worked. So what I was wondering is why I still see the error counted in the crawl diagnostics? My goal is to remove all the errors and bring it all to zero in the crawl diagnostics. And now I am still struggling with the "overly-dynamic URL" (1.025) and "too many on-page links" (9.000+) I want to measure whether I can bring the warnings down after implementing an AJAX-based layered navigation. But if it's not updating it here crawl diagnostics I have no idea how to measure the success of eliminating the warnings. Thanks for reading and hopefully you all can give me some feedback.

    | videomarketingboys

  • Any reason why this may be happening? Social traffic IS tracking data though.

    | Coachup

  • Has anyone had any experience with and moz? The idea is that it points a bot to a html version of an ajax page (sounds good) without the need for ugly urls. However, I don't know how this will work with rogerbot and whether moz can crawl this. There's a section to add in specific user agents and I've added "rogerbot". Does anyone know if this will work or not? Otherwise, it's going to create some complications. I can't currently check as the site is in development and the dev version is noindexed currently. Thanks!

    | LeahHutcheon

  • I am trying to figure out when the next Open Site update will be. In the past I have just gone here - It is saying I do not have permission even though I am logged in. Anyone else having issues? Or if anyone can see it can they see when the next update is?

    | EcommerceSite

  • Does anyone know of a tool that has similar capacity to Raven's Reports? I'm doing some white labeling of reports for another Agency that is used to sending their clients a monthly Raven report that is basicly pulling out all the Google Analytic Data of top referrers, keywords, landing pages ect and putting them into a nice format. I've used the Moz reporting and at times just combined it with a pdf of the actual GA equivalent. That's always seemed a bit clunky but I don't want to have to take on a Raven subscription just for that. Anyone have any good alternatives or know if when the new dashboard launches if it will also up its game when it comes to the generated reports?

    | BCutrer

  • Hi friends i have few questions about how moz ranks webpage. I just started so i looked only on front page of my website And i have grade A and few problems 1. Keyword stuffing. I can not understand how moz page grade tool runks page? does it looks source and counts all keywords? I have menu with 46 countries in which have keyword like "Freight forwarding - England" and so on. May be this is the problem? because if i search in chrome i just see 9 keywords but in source 100. But removing menu does not reduce number of keywords. So i can not understand what should i remove. An we made these pages for adwords campaign us landing pages for targeted keywords. The keyword is : Kravu pārvadājumi (freight forwarding) 2. On page grade shows i have too many links on page like 103. Does it count menus? Is it so bad? 3. what moz crawls for links, Google or my page? because i see duplicated content like and But if you try to write it redirects to so how it is possible to resolve? What Should i do else if redirect does not help. on the moment page have 3 languages and main language is Latvian, webpage: Thanks for help.

    | vervo

  • Help! A few weeks back, my dev team did some "changes" (that I don't know anything about), but ever since then, my Moz crawl has only shown one page for either or Moz service was helpful in talking about a redirect loop that existed, and I asked my team to fix it, which it looks to me like they have. Still, 1 page. I used SEO Book's spider tool and it also only sees 1 page, and sees the sites as http:// (for example), which is just weird. I don't know enough about HT Access or server stuff to figure out what's going on, so if someone can help me figure that out, I'd appreciate it.

    | BetAmerica

  • last week, I made all the recommended changes for my client's website, and our grade according to MOZ got better, but our rankings dropped?

    | lfrazer

  • How often does Open Site Explorer Update? Just trying to get a rough idea. Great tool btw.

    | seo321

  • We sell a great number of insulation products, many of which are produced by individual manufacturers. On the page identified below the Keyword "Kingspan" is repeated numerous times as these items are included in our online shop. However, the many mentions of Kingspan are recorded in the HTML5 Source Code, rather than an external database. When I used the MOZ On-Page Grader, using the keywords "Kingspan" I was surprised to achieve an "A" Grade! I know I shouldn't be complaining, but I am wondering why the significant repetition of the word "Kingspan" has not negatively impacted my score?

    | JustInsulation

  • Hello, As some of my projects are in competitive niche markets, I often chase exact match KW to handle with. However, when using 'Moz >> Keyword Difficulty Report' I'm getting SAME Search Volume result - regardless using broad match, phrase or exact match KWs. Have I missed something? Ranking result's and are however different and seems to correspond to different type of KW search (  which type of KW all its. Please share some light on this.

    | SEOisSEO

  • Does anybody else notice that the Moz weekly rankings report are often inaccurate? Many times it says a keyword (or many keywords) fell out of the top 50, although when I manually check the keyword in a Google search, it still shows that those keywords are ranking in the top 10. I've done these manual searches with personalized search settings turned off, as well as from a completely unbiased computer. Why is this happening? Does anybody have any suggestions? Thank you!

    | jampaper

  • Now that Google is debuting its new Google Adwords Keyword tool, how will this affect the way you do keyword research? Are there other tools you use?

    | alhallinan

  • Hi there, Getting to know the Pro tools and can't find an answer to this. Can someone explain for me please? Using on page grader, I found a couple pages with an F. I scrolled downWTO where it shows the keyword phrases and under each, the URL. Clicking on the first keyword "Building site alarms"it tells me off essentially for not optimising the page for that term. The URL is "construction site security systems" which are different to building site alarms which also have their own page. I don't understand why is Moz associating this keyword with this page? I certainly haven't told it to. Please he

    | DaddySmurf

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