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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • I don't fully understand what this means in the report for our site: here is our site: & we have thousands of fans & facebook likes and all the time on all our posts. For example yesterday we had 73 likes on this post alone: So here's my questions: Is there an error in the reporting? Are we using a social sharing method that isn't giving us valid credit for these links? What should I consider doing differently & why isn't our likes, shares, tweets & Google+ being calculated into our score?

    | seointern

  • I want to know which competitors rank for the same things I do. Is there a tool that can give me this info?

    | ShearingsGroup

  • When I compare the ranking of my keywords with the Moz Rankings and my own search results I get different results even I use the google chrome incognito browser (not logged in, no cookies, no cache) and it's definitely the same country-setting ( where the search is run. I double checked it with several browsers and computers, and I still get a different result as the Moz Ranking Tracker. The keyword is "schafkopf" and the site is The relevant country is Germany ( Does anyone know the reason why the results differ? Could it be the search query was made from different countries/IPs? Any ideas, hints?

    | sauspiel

  • For the second week in a row, the weekly keyword rankings in my MOZ account show "not in top 50" for most keywords. However, when I check some of my rankings  I still broadly have the rankings that I used to have. It seems that the MOZ crawl is experiencing some difficulties. Does anyone have suggestions how to find out what's going on? If I can't rely on the crawl outcomes, then the tool is not very useful anymore!

    | matteis

  • How often is the data supposed to be updated for our Moz campaigns? Mine have been updated on 07/15/2013 the last time. Isn't it supposed to be updated weekly?

    | sbrault74

  • What is the best way to get a infographic distributed for pure marketing? Is there a good way to get both digital and news related channels? big-mistake.php

    | jdcline

  • Since the launch of Moz something or other has been wrong with my data. Is everyone having these issues? Or is it just me?

    | EcommerceSite

  • What's the exact string that Rogerbot send out as his UserAgent within the HTTP Request? Does it ever differ?

    | rightmove

  • I'm looking at my initial reports, and it says one of my problems is that I have too many links. should I be concerned? Because part of my site is a forum.

    | taychatha

  • I'm looking to integrate moz keywords analysis grade (in %) into my keyword research spreadshit as a column. Is there a way to get the % through the API ? Thanks

    | Sindicic_Alexis

  • Is there a way within followerwonk to find out how long you have been following someone for or indeed how long they have been following you for? I have downloaded the excel document from the "sort your followers" tab Which has sections called. "follows @name" and "@name follows" but these just give a last checked date(if they do follow/are being followed) rather than the metric I want!

    | BBI_Brandboost

  • Anyone else having trouble with the compare your keyword positions with competitors section of the analytics?  The rankings for my site(s) are fine but whichever competitor I click on to compare rankings to just returns 'Not in Top 50' the competitor is ranking. I have just manually checked and they are very much listed in the engine. Is this tool broken?

    | GrumpyCarl

  • Hi, I've noticed that most of my temporary redirects are the cause of this parameter.**?s=2f0b01c7d530cf117a2bbb6811f0b527**&do=finduser&userid=1&contenttype=vBForum_Post&showposts=1**?s=2f0b01c7d530cf117a2bbb6811f0b527**&do=finduser&userid=1&searchthreadid=15&contenttype=vBForum_Post&showposts=1 I also noticed that almost all of my duplicate content and duplicate titles are the cause of this parameter. I tried going into google webmasters, but they say i don't need to change anything. How do I get rid of this parameter because it seems to be causing a lot of errors and warning for me.

    | taychatha

  • Hi folks, how's going? I started using Seo Moz and from the first crawling appears that I have 11 pages with duplicate contents... but this is not true, are different pages with different url, contents, tags... any idea to solve he problem? Alessandro,

    | musicanueva

  • Our rankings report is showing inaccurate numbers for the improved, declined, and unchanged summary, both in the email and on the site.  According to the added up numbers, we have 315 keywords in the campaign, but that's not possible as we only have 172 set up for it.  The total for this section is correct, it just doesn't add up.

    | tncomseo

  • I want to import SEOMoz data to list of URLs I have using scrapbox. I added in my credentials according to the API but am getting error 401 as the status of all my links. Any idea why and what I should be doing?

    | theLotter

  • I'm a new Moz Pro user and see that the on-page optimization report includes "too many links" on page and references the "100 links" guideline that Google no longer endorses: Too many links is still an issue in terms of passing link juice, but not much else. Matt Cutts has stated that it is fine to have many internal links in this regard. Please correct me if I am mistaken.

    | Shannon-PayLoadz

  • I'm reviewing a campaign I am running for a client, the Keywords data has not updated yet even though it's supposed to update every monday.  The competitive analysis shows a date of August 14, which is odd becuase I'm on a trial account?

    | amerihope

  • I have live inbound links for the site htp://, but OSE reports nothing found. How long does it usually take for them to index high PR site links? Thanks.

    | xvpn902

  • Hi All, I read an old post (2011) about ignoring rel canonical notices from Moz. I wondered why they can be ignored? The thing is, it's showing a bunch of rel canonical errors for my pages but I know I have the tag right. At the risk of being offensive.. can the notices be ignored because the Moz data is erroneous? I'm not sure what to make of this. Thanks!

    | xvpn902

  • I often use the search tool to give comparisons from 1 company to another and recently have found it not working very well, i am constantly refreshing as it has the circle whirling round for many minutes at a time, it often brings up the results of searches I did earlier in the day or even the day before, and the overall time that it takes to bring up the information I have requested seems to be getting longer and longer.   Now working in a face paced environment this can often loose an hour of my time each day just waiting on information that I have already entered several times. I feel that the quality of the service has just slowed down so much that I am now looking at other companies/tools to gain the same information, is there anything that has happened on your side recently that has caused this issue?  are other users experiencing the same issue? is there anything that can be addressed to resolve this issue. Kind regards Michael Beardsell

    | zenwebsol

  • I'm trying to Facebook stats (engagement, exposure, etc) for the last 30 days instead of the last week...when I look at Facebook admin stats I'm only seeing the last week. Does anyone know if there is a tool (or a way to do it within Facebook) to see the stats for a 30 day time slot instead of just a week? Thanks!

    | NoahsDad

  • Hi All, Could anyone please explain for me why the moz scores that show under SERPs in Google search show one set of values, but when i click on the SERP listing and go to that page, the Moz scores at the bottom of the tab the page is open in are completely different. I.E - SERP result Wireless Alarms <cite></cite>‎Honeywell, Friedland, Response, Wireless house home intruder burglar alarms and wirefree doorbells chimes and accessories.<iframe class="SEOmoz-iframe" src="chrome-extension://eakacpaijcpapndcfffdgphdiccmpknp/html/serpbar.html#{" settings":{"dmr":false,"dmt":false,"mr":true,"mt":true,"serp-overlay":true,"toolbar-enabled":true,"subdomain-metrics":false,"serp-panel-open":true,"toolbar-position":"bottom"},"lsdata":{"feid":3,"fipl":3,"fmrp":2.0446037910058426,"fmrr":5.396862303226778e-12,"ftrp":1.8723654310590483,"ftrr":9.21604483751679e-12,"fuid":3,"pda":8.903939958502189,"peid":3,"pid":3,"pmrp":1.6026230610187469,"pmrr":1.3566326316606153e-10,"ptrp":1.025503845909542,"ptrr":1.4972548621304158e-11,"puid":3,"ueid":2,"uemrp":2.577887966559377,"uemrr":5.40110633420739e-13,"uid":2,"uipl":2,"ujid":2,"umrp":2.577887966559377,"umrr":5.40110633420739e-13,"upa":23.634692786039714,"utrp":4.9331532541404854,"utrr":1.9684091945588755e-16},"user":{"level":"pro","options":{},"proenabled":true,"aclurl":"http:="""" users="" level?src="mozbar","loginURL":"","logoutURL":"","apiRequest":"url-metrics","cols":"133146078688","expired":false,"accessId":"pro-RGFkZHlTbXVyZg%3D%3D","expires":1374925378,"signature":"tBSBXpLbBmk073ofsfBwnilmODw%3D","displayName":"DaddySmurf"},"serp":4,"host":""}"" scrolling="no"></iframe> Page result <label>Page:</label><label id="Page Authority" class="key lsdata">PA:</label> <label id="SEOmoz-data-PA" class="val lsdata">27</label><label id="mozrank" class="key lsdata" title="MozRank">mR:</label> <label id="SEOmoz-data-mR" class="val lsdata">5.30</label><label id="moztrust" class="key pro-only lsdata" title="MozTrust">mT:</label> <label id="SEOmoz-data-mT" class="val pro-only lsdata">5.61</label><label id="SEOmoz-data-uid">1,950</label> links from 
    <label id="SEOmoz-data-uipl">2</label> Root Domains<label>Root Domain:</label><label id="dom-pageauthority" class="key lsdata" title="Domain Authority">DA:</label> <label id="SEOmoz-data-DA" class="val lsdata">24</label><label id="SEOmoz-data-puid">100,262</label> links from 
    <label id="SEOmoz-data-pid">3</label> Domains<label>Subdomain:</label><label id="SEOmoz-data-fuid">19,953</label> links from 
    <label id="SEOmoz-data-fipl">3</label> DomainsThank you.Si

    | DaddySmurf

  • I've noticed a possible discrepancy with my data and the figures in the Ranking Report >> Rankings which leads to this question: In top 3 : 10 On first page: 19 Is this meant to mean 10 of the 19 are in the top 3, or after the 10 top 3 there are 19 more keywords on first page?

    | MickEdwards

  • Is anyone else having a problem with OSE not displaying any data except for domain and page authority?

    | SamCUK

  • I have been monitoring our backlink profile on Open Site for over a year now and despite getting a number of new domains linking to us they are not reflected in the tool. Our URL is: Any thoughts on why this might be the case? The number of linking domains also seems very low compared with other tools we use (i.e. HubSpot)

    | BlueLinkERP

  • Hi All The message below I received from google webmaster, please tell me how I solve this problem Dear site owner or webmaster of, We've detected that some of your site's pages may be using techniques that are outside Google's Webmaster Guidelines. If you have any questions about how to resolve this issue, please see ourWebmaster Help Forum for support. Sincerely, Google Search Quality Team

    | mkm104

  • Hello - I am just trying out the trial and it said the next crawl was nov 1st but I see no change in any of the errors since the initial crawl... so just waiting to find out if what I changed was fixed or not. Is this normal ?

    | Bethany_BabyBrowns

  • Hi Mozzers, Today I received a ton of errors and warnings in my weekly crawl due to the mozbot crawling my noindex'd search results pages, such as this - See image: Anyone else seen a similar error this week with their crawl? Thanks!

    | Travis-W

  • When checking the number of external links linking to a site, Open Site Explorer and MajesticSEO give completely different results. In one case Open Site Explorer is saying the website has: "49 Total Links" and MajesticSEO is saying the website has: "6,143 External Backlinks (in the last 5 years)" and "497 External Backlinks (in the last 90 days)" Does anyone know why this is?

    | conor1005

  • What is the best free 'contact finder' tool? By contact finder I mean a tool that can search multiple websites and display the contact details of each site. Why do Moz not provide such a tool? Thanks

    | conor1005

  • I have a set of keywords for which I have been consistently ranking in the top 10 for months.  Moz Pro, a service that I pay for, has shown for the past couple of months that I don't even rank in the top 50.  Google Webmaster Tools confirms that I have been ranking in the top 10 for these keywords.  Am I doing something wrong or is Moz Pro more of an estimation tool? Thanks 😉

    | Humanovation

  • Our crawl reports are generating back several 404 errors for pages with urls that look like: /category/consulting/page/5/ The tag changes, the page number changes, but the result is always the same: A big glaring 404. Our sites are built on WordPress Multi-site, and I am fairly certain this issue is on the WP end, but I can't figure out why it is generating pages out to infinity, essentially, from the tags and categories. It is worse on some sites than others, but  is happening across the board (my initial concern was that it might be a theme issue, but that does not seem to be the case). If anyone has run into this issue and knows a fix, you're insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    | SIXSEO

  • A client recently rebuilt there site. Same URL, same Google Analytics code. When I log into my SEOmoz campaign for this site, I get this message: It appears there's a problem with our connection to your Google Analytics account. Please go to your Settings page to update your connection. There is nothing to update however. Nothing should have changed in my settings. Do I need to start over here? Any help is appreciated (I know analytics is working, checked it this morning.....)

    | cschwartzel

  • Is it possible to run manual reports for set dates? I would like to give a current standing report to a client rather than wait a whole month.

    | creati54

  • I want to know if there's a workaround to grade my individual pages for multiple keywords in a more efficient manner. Let's say for example (this is an extreme hypothetical) that I'm targeting these keywords: "Red Castles" "Blue Cars" "Green Bottles" on one page. I want to know if there is a way to run three grade reports at once for the single page that they're on with the Moz tools. Thanks a bunch!

    | OOMDODigital

  • Hello, My Moz analytics show over 50 duplicate titles. This because my website title is shown on each page (eg About us | Social Engagement, Contact us | Social Engagement, etc.) Is this really an error to be fixed, that otherwise will impact rankings? Or can I leave it as it is? I don't mind having my website title on each page, but if its worth removing it due to duplicate issues impacting ranking, I will remove 🙂 In this case, does someone have any suggestion on how to do this? Which files should I modify? (Im using Wordpress CMS, and I dont see each page code) Thanks in advance.
    Regards, Eugenio | Social Engagement (

    | socialengaged

  • Hi there I set up a campaign 2 weeks ago but I am registering zero internal or external links for my website. It's a small site with only about 300 external links but they show in Webmaster tools but not in my link report or Open Site Explorer. Do I need to wait until the next OSE crawl or is something wrong with my set up? Thanks in advance! Laurie

    | turnbullholdingsltd

  • Hi All, I am new to moz. Can anyone help to solve my problem. I am signed up for a pro account and taking a free trial. and I've created 3 campaigns, for everything, the number of pages crawled is shown as 1 (i.e there are only one page is crawled for a given url, it doesn't crawl my pages comes through that url, like pagination and etc.) Anyone please tell me, Is this is error due to my site or any activity in my campaign.

    | sandy7th

  • Greetings: I have just updated my site and would like to run a crawl immediately. How can I do so before waiting for the next MOZ crawl? Thanks,

    | Kingalan1

  • Hi I created a couple of new campaigns a few days back and waited for the initial crawl to be completed. I have just checked and both are reporting 5XX (Server Error) on all the pages it tried to look at (one site I have 110 of these and the other it only crawled the homepage). This is very odd, I have checked both sites on my local pc, alternative pc and via my windows vps browser which is located in the US (I am in UK) and it all works fine. Any idea what could be the cause of this failure to crawl? I have pasted a few examples from the report | 500 : TimeoutError 500 1 0 500 : Error 500 1 0 500 : Error 500 1 0 500 : Error 500 1 0 500 : TimeoutError | 500 | 1 | 0 | Am extra puzzled why the messages say time out. The server dedicated is 8 core with 32 gb of ram, the pages ping for me in about 1.2 seconds. What is the rogerbot crawler timeout? Many thanks Carl

    | GrumpyCarl

  • I should be able to set URL Parameters in my Google Webmasters Tool that allows be to stop my overly dynamic page URL problem. Please help me on how to do this.

    | pinksgreens

  • Good morning 🙂 Just wondering how often does the intro/beginners guide get updated? I often refer back to this guide for some "back to basics" Regards George

    | Giorgio68

  • I am trying to respond in the forums, but keep getting an error. 1 error prohibited this form from being saved: Response can't be blank anyone else having issues?

    | netviper

  • Almost every week we have more than a two dozen keywords that will all suddenly increase in rank only to then decrease in rank right back to where they were the previous week. This happens constantly despite the fact that we are doing very little SEO-wise on a week-to-week basis. What might be causing these constant shifts?

    | BlueLinkERP

  • I tried to create a campaign to crawl the subfolders of my site, but it stops at just 1 folder. Basically what I want to do is crawl everything after folder1:* I tried to create 2 campaigns: Subfolder Campaign 1:*
    Subfolder Campaign 2: In both cases, it did not crawl and folders after the last /. Can you help me ?

    | gofluent

  • Two weeks ago, I took down our mobile site and switched to one on dudamobile. However, for some reason, I keep getting this error/improvement message on my on page report. I do not see how I can have a cannocial problem with a page that is no longer there. Can someone explain that and what I can do about it? Thanks! eQTNRD6.png

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • I want to see a video demo or something for the new Moz Analytics. When is the software going to be available for us subscribers?

    | Francisco_Meza

  • Im trying to access followerwonk and it keeps saying to subscribe, although I have just paid for the PRO version

    | Orckestra

  • We have created a large file sending service ( and for obvious reasons we have secured the entire site (we used to have a trial file send form on the homepage so it made sense to secure everything with 301 redirects from http to https) Because we, somewhat naively, started out with a memorable name and domain - Digital Pigeon - where all of our competitors just keyword stuffed their domains we don't really rank for any useful keywords yet. For me, building domain authority via links is more important right now that any on page SEO that is going to be trumped by google's infatuation with domain keywords anyway. Here's the problem though, it seems SEOmoz and even Google Webmaster Tools and Bing Webmaster Tools all fail to take into account inbound links for both http and https for any reports or analysis! I'm wondering if utilising SEOmoz PRO for keeping tabs on our MozRank is pointless if it's not accounting for all inbound links

    | DigitalPigeon

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