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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Hi I am going through the process of cleaning up the SEO on my blog   Someone recommended that I can use ScreamingFrog to find the location of 4xx errors and I noticed that there are Meta Keywords on about 200 of my posts but some of them are wrong such as it mentions my old city I lived in or my old camera I used to use.  I want to clean these up. If I look on the post itself in Wordpress I don't even this this information.  Where can I edit it?  Is there a way to easily edit across multiple posts?    I previously used All in One SEO perhaps these came from that and I need to reinstall that to clean this up? I'm new to all of this expect a lot of questions. Thanks Dave

    | ShootTokyo

  • Recently SEOmoz erros are saying all of my pages are missing meta and page titles. but when i view source, they appear fine, why?

    | briananglin

  • Hello All - I'm a new here and working on the SEO on my site   When I am finding 4xx (Client Errors) what is the best way to deal with them?   I am finding an error like this for example: ‎   This may have been caused when I updated my permalinks from to  I was using the plug in Permalinks moved permanently to fix them. Sometimes I am able to find and I can tell that I simply have a bad link to News Cafe and I can go to the post and correct it but in the case of the first one I can't find out where the crawler even found the problem.  I'm using Wordpress.  Is it best to just use a plugin like 'Redirection' to move the rest that have errors where I cannot find the source of the issue? Thanks Dave

    | ShootTokyo

  • I was checking external links to a site:  and was wondering why there are so many links pointing from another domain ( although it redirects to So when checking the redirecting domain OSE knows its redirecting... The URL you've entered redirects to another URL. We're showing results for since it is likely to have more accurate link metrics. See data instead? How is this possible? best regards

    | inlinear

  • Hi, I've been adding links to my site on directories, article sites and relevant industry blogs. I've also been given and a budget for Google Ads, which has also increased traffic. In the last week my Keyword positions have risen. However, my domain authority has reduced. I know the most important thing is improving traffic and keywords but I'd like to know how I can improve my domain authority. What is causing it to reduce and how can I improve it? Cheers,

    | desktop_nev

  • I like to migrate some web sites from RavenTools. Do you have any migration tool utility to do it?
    what do you recommend agencies migrating from RavenTools to seomoz?

    | awebdesign

  • All of the other Moz pages allow us to export for reports...why can I not export the organic traffic data page?  I want a one stop shop...I don't want to have to go to Analytics!  Don't make me leave the Moz systemmmmm!  🙂

    | Jeannie.

  • i have over 2,000 temporary redirects in my campaign report redirects are mostly events like being redirected to a login page before showing the actual data im thinking of adding nofollow on the link so moz wont crawl the redirection to reduce the notification will this solve my problem?

    | WizardOfMoz

  • I have seen in few instances where the ranking factors doesn't seem to work for competitive keywords. The websites which don't have more than one or two links rank much higher in search results. Any clue what SEOs should do in that scenario?

    | PreetSibia

  • Hello, I am finding that I miss several of the old seomoz sections. The legacy tools in particular like the visual website comparison. Where is that now? Also, where is the ongoing list of the top 100 sites? So much was lost in the shift to MOZ, I hope some of the good old stuff is still available. Thank you, Nolan

    | QuietProgress

  • what happened to the on-demand crawl you could do in PRO when they switched to the new MOZ site?

    | Vertz-Marketing

  • Our error report went from 1,900 to 18,000 in one swoop, starting right around the first of July. The errors are duplicate content and duplicate title, as if it does not see our 301 redirects. Any insights?

    | KristyFord

  • Will moz automatically track my new subdomain or do I need to set up a new campaign for it?

    | SamCUK

  • Hi Guys, I am not sure if anyone else is suffering from the July 4, 2013 update. I know many of us are awaiting to see what happens once the dust settles. I have a couple of issues/questions/statements below. This is the first time any Google update has every affected me negatively and I'd love some ideas or input. 1. I have ranked quite well for nearly 10 years for all my top keywords. Now, after this update, I am disappearing for my top keywords in the SERPS - definitely getting pushed to page two, etc. Can anyone help me discover the reasons? I have a great SEO expert helping me and I know quite a bit, but this has me baffled. My website is Journey Beyond I have read MOZ's ranking factors for 2013 and also the recently published report from SearchMetrics. In the last few days, I've added more quality text to the homepage and shortened my page title on the homepage (although Google has been changing my homepage browser title to put my brand name first in the title - and they haven't for my competitors). Over the past few months, I've really cleaned up my link profile to the best of my ability. I've never really taken part in any negative or black-hat practices. I am trying to get more links that use my 'brand' name rather than exact anchor text. I believe I have a natural profile - any thoughts? 2. One thing I notice is the higher ranking of larger brands now (at least in my field). Just because a domain with higher authority creates one page of content, how can that outrank me? I mean, I've got ten years and 600+ darn good articles of content on my website. How can one domain that is very 'general' (for example, well known in the world of travel and not specialized or niche like mine) outrank me? How can it be that Google allows larger brands to outrank smaller ones just because they have more backlinks and domain authority, but no real content to support these pages? Is content truly king? I am thinking about an article: "Google, Brands, and the Death of Small Business Online." Anyone wish to collaborate here? I am not being hatelful or resentful, but I foresee the day when an 'alternative' search engine emerges, doesn't allow crap ads, allows users more flexibility, and brings search to the next level. Not all of us want the big brands and are searching for alternatives that stand out. I ignore them when I am searching mostly. Any thoughts or elaborations? Thanks!

    | journeybeyondtravel

  • Is there a way to see historical rankings of your site in Google. I have a site that has been running for a few years now. I want to see how are Google Ranking has performed throughout the years. We recently redesigned and suffered in rankings but I only know(from Google Analytics) What our traffic used to be, not what our rankings were .

    | pinksgreens

  • Our SEO has taken a hit in moving our website from homestead website builder to Wix this last year. 1,500 unique visitors a month to 400 on our website using much of the same SEO and content. I think 2 of our main issues now (site speed and SEO friendliness) would be addressed in the switch to squarespace. But I guess is it worth it? I do not think google likes the whole hash bang html5 ajax thing wix uses and our website relies heavily on good seo. Any advice? I am starting link building but it might be a waste if we switched the site and in turn changed all the page url's as wix uses ?! for it's pages. Just need some clarification ideas on getting traffic to our website, also SEO MOZ software is hard to use report card with wix. We also switched our ecommerce from homestead to shopify and this has been a good move. Shopify (our ecommerce actually gets more traffic than our website now. But the problem I feel is wix hurts our seo just by being on their platform. Seriously thinking of squarespace but feel we would have to start from scratch and just match some of the elements on current site. Any insight, ideas? Am I on the right path in my thinking? Should I just stick it out with Wix? Thanks. -Brian

    | SammisBest

  • Hi! I've had a bunch of duplicate content issues come up in a crawl, but a lot of them seem to have canonical tags implemented correctly. For example: Aztec Any ideas on what's happening here?

    | neooptic

  • Where is crawl tool in the new MOZ setup?

    | amarjitkapur

  • I am using Followerwonk to analyze twitter following. When I tried to download data into Excel files, i realized that there is a limit of 10 downloads per day. Can Moz allow more than 10 downloads per day on a special request? Thanks

    | rajansingh96

  • First Q&A here, so take it easy on me. Hopefully this is not a dumb question. 99% of the on page reports I look at are for local keywords. I'm finding that some of the page reports get and F where they should be receiving A's. I noticed if I manage a long-tail keyword like "books in houston tx"  that I get a grade based on the exact phrase as opposed to a combination of the keywords. So when I have text in the body saying "books in the Houston area" or "Houston Books" for example, instead of using my exact managed keyword, it will tell me that the keyword is not mentioned in the body anywhere. When it is, it's just not in the exact order... I'm trying to write my pages for users and I don't think the users want to hear "books in houston tx" several times. If I do a report on the same page for the keyword "books" I get an A. So this is where it gets a little in the grey area for me. I need a solid on page report for local long-tail search terms. Anyone have any advice? Is there a way I could be using this tool to better suit my needs?

    | AmericomMarketing

  • Hi - I've run the Moz campaign on a client's site. Moz is saying that there are duplicate content errors, and when I look at the errors it is showing that they are all to do with the non-www URLs having being duplicated in the www form of the URLs. However this is not the case - all the non-www URLs are all 301 redirected to the www URLs. Is this an error in the Moz tool? Has anybody experienced something similar?

    | rorynatkiel

  • just got this weeks MOZ report and it states that it have only crawled: Pages Crawled: 1 | Limit: 10,000 it was over 1000 a couple of weeks ago, we have moved servers recently but is there anything i have done wrong here? thanks

    | RGOnline

  • Wondering if I'm missing a thread somewhere with updates on new analytics dashboard (beta) invites?  I'm not surprised I'm not first in line, but be nice to know if it's 2013...or 14?...or 15? 🙂

    | InsightRiot30

  • Hey Moz Family. I wanted to get everyones opinion on some Seo Tools Sets that they have used and have had success with or find essential to Seo Campaigns. I have been playing around with a lot of tool sets. Just need some honest input on some tools you guys use, or a combination of tools. Best of luck, Hampig M Ceo BizDetox

    | BizDetox

  • Hi I am getting warning message "Our access to this account will expire in 1¼ hours. Please reauthorize now to ensure that we can continue to collect data for this account." When i attach feacbook account with in campaign and social tab of seomoz application. can you tell me what is wrong here? Thank you.

    | Webworld_Norway

  • I'm using Chrome 27.0.1453.110. I installed the Moz toolbar and lost the send button in gmail. Didn't matter how I sized the window it was out of view. So I closed the Moz toolbar while I did my mail. But now I don't know how to bring it back up. Does anyone know how to turn it on again? It is still installed.

    | rcullet

  • Hello, "On-Page Report Card"- why is still showing " F grade"  after introducing the keyword in page and title. After changing  the title and putting the keyword inside the title, in this section, "Exact Keyword Usage in Page Title", it shows the first title, without updating my changes. I have updated several times. In some cases worked, in this case doesn't. For example "online project management software" grades F, and "project management software" grades A, even if I've put the "online" word in title an so on. Now I have the same issue with "stock management software"  which grades F. "stock management" grades A, even if i've put exactly "stock management software" thanks.

    | directspark

  • This might be a confusing question but hopefully I can explain it well enough and someone is able to understand where I am coming from. I have used the Keyword Analysis Tool to search the keyword "alice in wonderland fancy dress", the results come back saying that the competition for this keyword is 24%, which I consider to be pretty low. When I look at the Page Authority, Page Linking, Domain Authority and Domain Linking of each site which rank in the top 10 for this keyword I see that places 4 - 7 are taken by eBay links. I then look at the bottom three places (8 - 10) and although their Page Authority and Page Linking is not very high, their Domain Authority and Domain Linking is reasonable. Based on the results I have seen for other keyword, who's overall competition % was higher than 24%, I thought to myself that these bottom three links were actually quite strong, which made me ask the question "why has this keyword got a competition % as low as 24%?". I then wonder whether it was because the Keyword Analysis Tool ranks the eBay links as weaker competition than they actually are? My question to you guys: Does Keyword Tracker rank eBay links as weaker competition than they actually are? Or can anyone explain why the competition % for this keyword is so low but the bottom three links are actually relatively strong? And how do the eBay links rank higher than these bottom three links? Yes the eBay links are relative to the keyword but these eBay links are ranking higher solely on the fact that the Domain Authority is so high and have very little SEO in relation to the keyword, does Google not recognise that the bottom three websites would be more beneficial to customers than the eBay links? And if the eBay links are ranking so high solely on the fact that the Domain Authority is so high then shouldn't they be in the top 10 for almost every product related keyword? Thanks in advance.

    | conor1005

  • Hi, I changed the design of one my wordpress website at the beginning of the month. I also added a "facebook seo comments" plugin to rewrite facebook comments as normal comments. As most of the website comments are facebook comments, I went from 250 noindex/nofollow comments to 950; URL's are ?replytocom=4822 etc. Moz campaign noticed it and I'm asking myself : is it good to have comments in noindex/nofollow ? Should I do something about this ? Erwan.

    | johnny122

  • I have double-checked the rel canonical is properly employed on our page but the On Page Grader says it's not working Here is the URL - What is wrong with how we are doing things?

    | StratasysDirectManufacturing

  • We have a responsive web design website and noticed this morning that we are ranking better on a cell phone search than on a PC search. There has been talk about this happening. My competitors do not have cell phone views or responsive websites. Does anyone know if Moz is planning on adding this kind of ranking information to their reports? Thanks Carla

    | Carla_Dawson

  • I signed up last Friday for a 30 day trial and was hoping to get the on page analysis so I could get cracking on it. Moz said the crawl was done but I have no info for on page analysis which I find really useful when I have used this before. Any ideas and are any of the MOZ moderators able to get the system to perform one so I can make changes tonight for the MOZ crawl again tomorrow? Thanks Paul

    | ptrobson

  • My last campaign crawl produced over 4k 404 errors resulting from Moz not being able to read some of the URLs in our sitemap.xml file. This is the first time we've seen this error and we've been running campaigns for almost 2 months now -- no changes were made to the sitemap.xml file. The file isn't UTF-8 encoded, but rather Content-Type:text/xml; charset=iso-8859-1 (which is what Moveable Type uses). Just wondering if anyone has had a similar issue?

    | BriceSMG

  • Hi We are trying to produce an outreach list based on the competitor backlinks using SEOmoz link analysis tool (open site explorer). I have few questions related to this: 1. How many backlinks per competitor would be a reasonable starting point? And maybe suggest a strategy on how these outreach list can be managed over time? 2. Is there a way to distinguish what types the backlinks are? So for example, can we have list of backlinks that are categorised under online bloggers, traditional journalist or article/press release/directories? 3. Should we be more concerned about the Page authority or the Domain authority when creating this outreach list? I look forward to your answer, thank you.

    | Glassworks

  • I've run a full report in many keywords on the Keyword Difficulty Tool, but in the Search Volume field all of them have the message "not enough data". Screenshot attached. Why is that? I have keywords like "magnesium" that popular and have quite some traffic. Any help is appreciated, thanks! semoz-keywords-analytics.jpg

    | bernardovailati

  • Hi there, Presently doing competitor analysis and note two competitors who have a way higher 'moz domain authority' than my client. Using moz tools I notice their top 5 linking root domains all have a score of 100. Refer to screen shot. Of note, both list and _ Similarly, my client's domain is ALSO linked from their user profile on They also have a published wiki page with their URL linked. BUT, or are not listed in their "top 5 linking root domains". Their highest scoring linking root domain is - with a score of 97. If my client has links on these top domains why would they not be listed in my client's top five domains list like they are listed in their competitors top five? Researching for reasons I came across this old post (2009) here - - and wonder if the competitor's links are 'followed' links - even though all resources suggest wiki and youtube are definitely 'no follow' links? Other interesting "Top 5" domains that are listed for my competitors as top "linking root domains" are, and - again, refer to screenshot. Questions are IF these top linking root domains are in fact 'followed' links/valuable links and help with domain authority scores calculated by the moz tool then 1) HOW do I get these links to show/provide the same value? AND 2) How are my competitors, who are simply travel products, getting links from top domains like I do hope all the above makes sense and that I'm using/interpreting the moz comparative tool correctly! Cheers iGe864i.jpg?1

    | catherineh

  • Hi - Is there a way to run a report or see any Domain Authority dips?  Basically I would like to see Domain Authority trends.

    | Digital_SEO123

  • I'm new to SEO (so please excuse the lack of terminology), and will be taking over our companies inbound marketing completely, I previously just did data analysis and managed our PPC campaigns within Google and Bing/Yahoo, now I get all three, Yipee! But I digress. Before I get started here, I did read: and I found both the answers there to be helpful, but indirect for my scenario. I'm conducting our companies first real SEO audit (thanks MOZ for the guide there), and duplicate content is going to be our number one problem to tackle.  Our companies website was designed back in 2009, with the file structure /city-name/product-name.  The problem with this is, we are open in over 50 cities now (and headed to 100 fast), and we are starting to amass duplicate content.  Five products (and expanding), times the locations... you get it. My Question(s): How should I deal with this?  The pages are almost identical, except listing the different information for each product depending upon it's location.  However, for one of our products, Moz's own tools (PRO) did not find all the duplicate content, but did find some (I'm assuming it's because the pages have different course options and the address for the course is different, boils down to a different address on the very bottom of the body and different course options on the right sidebar). The other four products duplicate content were found and marked extensively. If I choose to use Canonicalization to link all the pages to one main page, I believe that would pass all the link juice to that one page, but we would no longer show in a Google search for the other cities, ex: washington DC example product name. Correct me if I'm wrong here. **Should I worry about the product who's duplicate content only was marked four times out of fifty cities?  **I feel as if this question answers itself, but I still would like to have someone who knows more than me shed some light on this issue. The other four products are not going to be an issue as they are only offered online, but still follow the same file structure with /online in place of /city-name.  These will be Canonicalized together under the /online location. One last thing I will mention here, having the city name in the url gives us a nice advantage (I think) when people are searching for products in cities we offer our product. (correct me again)  If this is not the case, I believe I could talk our team into restructuring the files (if you think that's our best option). Some things you need to know about our site: We use a cookie for the location.  Once you land on a page that has a location tied to it, the cookie is updated and saved.  If the location does not exist, then you are redirected to a page to chose a location.  I'm pretty sure this can cause some SEO issues too, but once again not sure. I know this is a wall of text, but I cannot tell you enough how appreciative I am in advance for your informative answers. Thanks a million, Trenton

    | PM_Academy

  • I'm in the middle of site development and wanted to start crawling my site with Rogerbot, but avoid googlebot or similar to crawl it. Actually mi site is protected with login (basic Joomla offline site, user and password required) so I thought that a good solution would be to remove that limitation and use .htaccess to protect with password for all users, except Rogerbot. Reading here and there, it seems that practice is not very recommended as it could lead to security holes - any other user could see allowed agents and emulate them. Ok, maybe it's necessary to be a hacker/cracker to get that info - or experienced developer - but was not able to get a clear information how to proceed in a secure way. The other solution was to continue using Joomla's access limitation for all, again, except Rogerbot. Still not sure how possible would that be. Mostly, my question is, how do you work on your site before wanting to be indexed from Google or similar, independently if you use or not some CMS? Is there some other way to perform it?
    I would love to have my site ready and crawled before launching it and avoid fixing issues afterwards... Thanks in advance.

    | MilosMilcom

  • Quick Q: Do Pro Plus/Elite memberships allow you to setup different report branding for each campaign? Say for example I wanted one campaign to be branded with the logos of an agency I was doing work for and another to have my logos on. Or is there just a single general branding option that covers all campaigns? Thanks.

    | PeterAlexLeigh

  • So i have had my latest crawl, and the keyword report is showing that using i have some keywords not within the top 50 - i have just done a spot check (coping & pasting) direct from Moz to and out of 4 i have checked 1 keyword i am number 4 and 1 keyword i am page 3 - therefore within the top 50. This leads me to believe that there is something wrong with Moz - here is 1 example "land in the cayman islands" i am showing in moz as not in the top 50 when i am showing on Google as number.4

    | OasisLandDevelopment

  • My internal followed links is 0. Also for top pages the report say "block by robots.txt" but the Moz bot is able to crawl my site and generate report for 10K pages. Please help me understand why.

    | namansr

  • Which MOZ tool can I use to conduct the keyword research?

    | IM_Learner

  • Hey, im having issues with followerwonk. Activate my pro  because when i go in  search bio feater it goes back to standard and i can t use service app shows installed too. fix thanks

    | hunterh

  • I am using the standard functionality to produce weekly Moz reports. There does not seem to be a setting to show rankings of my most important keywords. It would be nice to have those high-level keywords on the first page. For example, I have 200 keywords in an account. I want the report to show on a page my 10 most important keywords. Is there a way to set up a Label to my keywords in order to product a report page just for those keywords?

    | clicktoshop

  • When I try and open an email message from a Moz Q&A response, it hangs Microsoft Outlook for more than 30 seconds.  Is anyone else having this problem?

    | ChristopherGlaeser

  • Thanks for taking the time to reply on the previous question. For discussion, do you experienced any drastic changes on your target keywords these past few weeks? Penguin 2.0 and Panda are still on a multi-week rolling update according to Matt Cutts. Feel free to share. Thanks.

    | civiseo

  • Beginner question, I know, but is there a way to add an annotation or event to the Moz tools, as I can in Google Analytics? I'd like to mark when a change was made. Thanks.

    | KelloggMoz

  • I've been a subscriber a little over a year now and my ranking graphs keep growing in size and they are getting hard to use. Is there a date range filter? Another year and it's going to be a big mess. ranking_mess.png

    | CaliB

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