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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Hello, I get duplicate page titles errors on pages in which there are little differences. For example: C++ Online Test for Seniors C# Online Test for Seniors I assume that from some reason the ++ and the # are removed when SEOMoz crawler checks for duplicate page titles. As you may know C# and C++ means two different programming languages. Should I do something about it or is it a bug in the crawler?

    | ulukach

  • Suppose i have added suffix and prefix to each of my product (ex: i have two tittles like buy online t-shirt at & buy online poster at, so in this buy online and are suffix and prefix) so .. will it take these two page tittles as duplicates ?

    | vayush

  • I signed up three weeks ago and the first email to me begins with: The first step in PRO is to set up your campaign. Once we start tracking your site and social media accounts, you'll start receiving handy reports of your data. You can also surface site issues right in the app to help you prioritize which fixes you can make for immediate results. At this point I don't know what kind of "campaign" this is or what the "app" is. I have also lodged a ticket because something seems to be broken about my Pro status. I can obviously participate here, so I have a Pro status, but at OSE, it says "Social metrics only available to paid Moz subscribers. Learn more" and hit my Advanced Report limit for the day without seeing any such report.

    | trainSEM

  • Hey, The MOZ toolbar destroys the layout of a lot of sites, which makes it very annoying always switching from top to buttom, then back up, etc. from website to website. This doesn't happen here, but on really a lot of other websites.
    This shouldn't take that much time to fix, could it? Please let me know when we could expect an upgrade, or at least let us know, that you are aware of the problem. Regards,

    | mrblue91

  • The MOZ rankings are based on a GOOGLE UK search, when in reality when someone does a search on Google, the results, by default, are localised (based on the City IP). We need to see where we rank for a local search (Leeds) and also for a UK search?

    | Morch

  • How can I remove inbound links?

    | barryfearon

  • I need to see change since campaign inception, and would like the flexibility of other date ranges. (in a list form, not per keyword) Does Moz have a way to do this yet?  This is the one feature I really need that Moz hasn't historically had.  Can the API be modified for this? Would appreciate some feedback guys!

    | dspete

  • In several of my PRO campaigns, I'm noticing that my keyword traffic stats are several weeks behind. Any idea what is causing this? Here's today's report from a campaign: Any help or explanation is great. Thanks!

    | jeffpic

  • Hi all I added a new domain to my campaigns yesterday and got the usual message saying we will have a small set of results ready in a couple of hours, and the rest will be done in a week or so. 24 hours later, this same message is still showing. Anyone else experiencing this or is it just related to my domain? Many thanks. Carl

    | GrumpyCarl

  • We're a digital agency and I am wondering how we gan give other colleagues access to the campaigns without buying extra accounts.

    | RutgerMeekers

  • Hi all, I work for a bicycle component manufacturer.  We have a group of different facebook and twitter pages each covering different aspects of our market ie: mountain biking, road biking, and urban biking.  I am wondering if it is possible to apply the keywords function of moz to my firm's individual facebook and twitter pages?  I would like to be able to search for specific products that we have launched in the past.  I am trying to collect the amount of social media responses we have received for certain products.  It would be great if I could even search for sentiments about the products we have launched. Thank you!

    | mdaysram

  • Hi there In Google Analytics, if a visitor to your website is logged into Google at the time of searching, the referral keyword is registered as 'unknown'. So, I am curious as to how the traffic data for any given keyword in my campaign is calculated? Thanks Laurie

    | turnbullholdingsltd

  • I am setting up a campaign and I am unsure whether I should specify the root domain ( or the 'www' subdomain ( Are there any guidelines for this or will Moz automatically aggregate the data for both irrespective of the domain you choose? Thanks Laurie

    | turnbullholdingsltd

  • Hello All, I have downloaded some reports for "following" links from SEO Moz and no doubt the report is very comprehensive. However, I know some links listed in the reports does have rel="nofollow" tag attached to it but it is list still shown that they are following links. Can some please guide be to understand why this has happened. Is it possible that SEO Moz has old data of our site because these changes were recently done (2-3 weeks before)..? OR Have I misunderstood following as dofollow..? Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks, moosa.

    | moosa

  • Hi All, I have labeled my keywords, some are branded and some aren't and i have set them accordingly. I know get the the 'manage brand rules' section and even having watched the tutorial twice, i still don't know what this is for as i have already labeled my branded keywords. Can anyone clarify for me please? Many thanks DaddySmurf

    | DaddySmurf

  • My robots.txt file looks like this: User-agent: * Disallow: /*? Disallow: /search So, it should block (deindex) all dynamic URLs. If I check this url in Google: site: Google tells me: A description for this result is not available because of this site's robots.txt – learn more. So far so good. Now, I ran a Moz SEO campaign and I got a bunch of duplicate page content errors. One of the links is this one: (the same I tested in Google and it told me that the page is blocked by robots.txt which I want) So, it makes me think that Moz campaigns check files regardless of what robots.txt say? It’s my understanding User-agent: * should forbid Rogerbot from crawling as well. Am I missing something?

    | VinceWicks

  • Hi, Juicy link finder was really handy to help uncover websites, what is the alternative tool/s people would recommend? Thanks Simon

    | simonsw

  • So, I was reading Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Battle of the Labyrinth tonight, and found a description of a graffiti tag in the Labyrinth that says "MOZ RULZ". What do you think? Is one of the Mozzers a demigod who has explored and survived the Labyrinth? 🙂 (See attachment for book quote.) F1WmT5r

    | AdamThompson

  • Just checked the new Moz, am I right in thinking the super useful crawl test functionality has gone? I use it for existing sites to download all the title tags and meta name descriptions, is there more to come??

    | Karen_Dauncey

  • My site was crawled last night and found 10,000 errors due to a Robot.txt change implemented last week in between Moz crawls.  This is obviously very bad so we have corrected it this morning.  We do not want to wait until next Monday (6 days) to see if the fix has worked.  How do we force a Moz crawl now? Thanks

    | Studio33

  • Hello everyone, We've recently launched two new music instrument listing websites. One in the US One in AU While we're waiting for our custom, branded WP to be built,  I went and put up one of the free themes with closely matching colors. Clearly, this was a mistake because now my WMT account has spit out around 200 'not found' errors  and my Moz account is calling them around 282 'dupe page titles' and 'content'??? 1. Aren't WP outbound links supposed to be 'nofollow' ?  / Why is my theme creating strange links? 2. Can I clean all these up with assigning rel=canonical to the original blog post? Do I need to wait for the new theme to be installed and then 301 the random URLs found by Moz and WMT ? weird link examples: Please help   😕

    | Beetlebum

  • I have a client that does commercial building renovations. I looked at a lot of their competitors and did some googling to see what words people were using. Some terms such as commercial fit-outs, didn't really have any search volume. I did pick out some that had some volume, Google KW Tool said anywhere from 46 local searches for something like "commercial construction contractors" to 320 for "commercial construction companies".  However, no data really shows up for local specifics like "commercial construction companies philadelphia". I tried looking at competitors in the Moz site explorer, but not too many were doing much link building to look at anchor text. Question 1) When it says "local monthly searches", is it defaulting to MY local area based on my google info? So if im in Philly area that local area is whats displaying? Question 2) I tried to run the same keyword list I pulled from Adwords tool  through Moz KW tool, and it tells me some of the terms don't have ANY traffic! So know I am real confused as to whether the KW's i picked are good or crap! I attached image of the stuff. CnYyNb3

    | satoridesign

  • Hi Guys Is there anyway we can test Moz crawler ? it showing only 2 pages crawls. We are running website on HTTPS  ? Is HTTPS is issues for Moz ?

    | dotlineseo

  • Hi, My latest crawl report says that I have a stack of pages with Title Element Too Long on them - e.g. Build My Ride - charity team building event with real purposeBuild My Ride - charity team building event with real purpose You can see that it shows the title element as doubled-up. When I look at the title element on the live page it is not double. GWT shows that there are no issues with long title elements. Any ideas anyone...? Chris

    | chris.elevate

  • hey everybody: are press releases worth any SEO value these days seeing as it's dup content spread among many media news outlets? thanks for the input forum!

    | tm4615

  • Hi, When the update of Open Site Explorer was released I noticed that the new version was missing a huge amount of links that the old version previously found. This still seems to be the case and it's pretty frustrating as we use the tool for our clients. Is this something that everybody is seeing and if so SEOMoz when do you think you'll have a solution? Many thanks

    | JonathanSmith

  • I currently have two Pro campaigns set up. They are both tracking the root domains of two different e-commerce sites. I also am tracking three competitors for each company, in each campaign. I have those set up by subdomains, like so So in my Historical link analysis I am getting, compared to, and Is this a problem? Would it be better for me to switch my company campaigns to track subdomains too, or to switch my competitor tracking to root domains. This is probably pretty rudimentary, but it never even occurred to me until just now. I realize that if I switch to subdomains for my own company tracking this would necessitate setting up a completely new campaign. This would be a problem because I am maxed out on my 1,000 keywords. Last but not least, does the fact that I have been tracking my own site root domains compared to competitors subdomains mean all of my competitive domain and link analysis is, well, garbage?...because I haven't really been comparing the same things?

    | danatanseo

  • My organic Google traffic just completely died and it is not Panda related.  I really need someone to offer some suggestions because I am about to give up.  This is going to be a bit complex .. Here is the skinny:  I have several relatively new sites.  My main site for the purposes of this discussion is smartwatchnews[dot]org and I host my sites on  My traffic was was slowly building and I was averaging 2000+ unique visitors per day on 8,000 highly ranked Google impressions.  In addition, Google was indexing my new posts about an hour after they were made.  After reading seoMoz in its entirety and subscribing to Moz PRO, I decided to streamline my site, and focus my content to provide a better user experience.  Here are the changes I made: 1. For ease of administration, I converted all of my sites into a single multisite wordpress installation.  For some reason, Google now has half of my pages listed on the master site, and not on  I have implemented 301 redirects for the pages at issue hoping to fix this problem. 2. At the same time, I also streamlined my categories and tags and used 301 redirects to route users to the right pages. 3. Finally, I subscribed to Moz Pro, analyzed my sight, and reduced usage of my keywords to around 3%. I had not stuffed, but the focus of my site necessarily resulted in me using certain words frequently. Within one week of implementing the above-listed three tweaks, I went from getting 2,000+ visitors per day to ~200 and my Google impressions went from around 8,000 highly ranked per day to approximately 150 poorly ranked.  In addition, Google went from indexing my site hourly to indexing about once per week now.  I do absolutely no blackhat, link-building or marketing of any kind. Other interesting things I have noticed: 1. Several SEO companies have linked to my site recently ... for example, all of a sudden, just showed up in Webmaser Tools with over 1,000 links to my site.  I have no idea who they are. 2. Google Analytics shows that my site has an average page load time of 33 seconds!  It has never taken me more than 2 or 3 to load one of my pages and I have Google PageSpeed scores in the 90s. I guess what I really want to know is, can I just create a bunch of quality content over the next few months and the problem will remedy itself, or is there an obvious problem that I need to fix? I am at my wits end ... can anyone offer any suggestions before I simply chuck the whole thing?  Thanks in advance for ANY assistance, ideas, or simply "hang in there's" ;-(

    | Humanovation

  • Is there a way to show search volumes for keywords in the Keyword Rankings tab page? A lot of times keywords we are ranking for are added to our campaign, and it would be very useful to see the search volumes within that grid. That way we could sort by the search volume and determine which keywords are worth targeting and optimizing for. I've had this ability with other software in the past and would be a great option for either Moz Pro version or the new Beta that is coming out. Which I'm still waiting for my invite BTW:)

    | agencypromogroup

  • We are a web dev company and want to use your system for many clients/campaigns (20+) but we can't really find out what your costs are?

    | Kaweb

  • Hi there, I'm in a bit of a bind and could seriously do with some help. For the past month I've been working with a client to resolve errors onsite. In that period my moz rank has plummeted and my errors (dupe title & content) have increased dramatically. The correlation makes sense, the increase - not so much. Here's why, screaming frog is reporting that the majority of duplicate titles have been removed or dealt with. I've also got the assurance of the developer that the suggested changes are being implemented. Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with the CMS - umbraco - and this is the first time I'm working with this particular developer, so I'm not sure how to gauge progress without using moz tools. So, here are my immediate questions: 1.   Why would I get different results from Screaming Frog and Rogerbot? 2.   Has anyone here been in a similar situation and could they recommend areas to watch for errors         creeping in? 3.   Is there a way of identifying which errors have occurred when? Narrowing it down to the week each error occurred would be good enough. 4. Is anybody aware of any inherent SEO flaws in umbraco or common SEO mistakes made using the CMS? 5.   is there anything I could provide you with to help you help me? 6. Do you have a suggestion? I'm pretty stuck. Thanks in advance.

    | KJDMedia

  • When setting up a campaign, Moz provides a number of Google Analytic options, however not the one that pertains to the specific URL for the campaign.  Is there a setting I need to change to allow for the right GA account to populate?  Or, can I enter this manually?

    | mmetzger

  • There are still some bugs in a new Moz: I can still find a lot of mentions of "SEOMoz", for example: in a footer, in a Q/A form (SEOMoz Resources), in a new question form (SEOmoz PRO Application, SEOmoz Tools, etc.) On a main form ( sometimes my full name is not visible at all, sometimes my MozPoints are hidden (on a left top corner); There is not direct link from to a main website; Regards.

    | ditoroin

  • Hi I'm new to this whole Moz thing, so needing help from some kind people! I've just looked at my Duplicate Page Content report and there are loads of URLs in there which are the same but are just differentiated by adding / at the end of the URL, e.g. Is this be a canonical issue? I can't understand why though as these aren't at the root. However when we add inline text links within the page HTML, there are some URLs with / and some without, could that be the reason? Thanks for your help! Jackie

    | YoungEpilepsy

  • When I saw the new crawl for my site I wondered why there are no errors, no warning and 0 notices anymore. Then I saw that only 1 page was crawled. There are no Error Messages or webmasters Tools also did not report anything about crawling problems. What might be the problem? thanks for any tips!
    Holger rogerbot-did-not-crawl.PNG

    | inlinear

  • Hi folks, I use OSE a lot for comparing where we stand against our competitors and I'm always surprised to see most of our competitors have loads more internal links than we do. For example, comparing '' with '', we are better on every Root Domain Metric except for the Total Links metric and this is down to a much smaller number of internal links. They are ranking better than us in Google so I'm wondering if there is something wrong with the way our site is coded / structured that means Google and OSE are not picking up our internal link network properly? We have over nine times as many external root domains linking to our site than theirs, which is surely a far more valuable metric than internal links right? Or is there an issue with our internal link structure that is confusing Google and causing us to rank lower? Many thanks for any advice, Luke

    | LukeyB30

  • Within one week, the site crawl shows my on-page links going from ~10 to ~100+ Does anyone know of a rational reason for this? Sucuri shows my site is clean, so I don't think it's a hack. 10 seems too low to begin with anyway. Any ideas? Thanks 🙂

    | pupstar

  • Hi there, I am doing an SEO site audit for a client(giveaway,  and here is the problem: when performing on google --> 13,800 pages were found When I see this number it seems to be a bit too much compare to the links i checked on integrity(link check for broken links) which gave me a result of 1291. I digged in more into the Google results and saw hundreds(maybe thousands) of pages that are blocked by robots.txt. So I am thinking, ok this is it, thousands of pages can't be crawled by the search engines. Here is the big BUT though, then I check at my moz crawl (see attachment) and no pages are blocked by the SEs, and then look at the dups, only 23 recorded?? Is Moz not crawling properly the 13,800 results that google finds or is this some magical phenomenon happening here? I am really confused here that is why I need some help here! Thank you guys! A990Hu4.png k842AOn.png

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • hi im new to the seo world and i dont know a lot about it , so after my site get crawled i found 1 error and 151 warning and 96 notices , it that bad ?? and plz cam someone explain to me how to fix thos problem , a will be very thankful

    | medlife

  • I want to find out what all the report's correct definition and when I see improving or going down what does it mean for eg. Organic search report? Keywords? or non-paid keywords?


  • Hello, Under the warnings in Moz, we have 44 temporary redirect warnings showing up because we moved our blog from to our subdomain within Wordpress.  Wordpress indicates that these were permanent 301 redirects, but Moz is indicating that they are temporary. We want to be sure that they are permanent so we retain the SEO credit.  Can someone please confirm that these are permanent redirects i.e. Moz is showing the following- it has a "trackback" added to the URL? Thanks!

    | AndreaKayal

  • The On-page Optimization report that the Moz tool shows, is not tracking all the pages from my website. I know this because it isn't showing a ranking for all pages on my website. Is there a particular reason why this is happening? It is important for me to know details of all pages, else it does not give me a comprehensive picture of what's going on in SEO.

    | jslusser

  • I noticed that new links are not displayed for my domain (new links have been added yesterday). How is that? My site is Thanks. Andrea

    | nagar

  • I recently asked a question on here about how to fix my 404 error. I figured it out, and now webmaster tools says it's not there any more. This as been confirmed by keeping watch for about a week now. But Moz just crawled my site today and is for some reason showing an error. Am i missing something here or is Moz a little slow sometimes?

    | NateStewart

  • We have recently relaunched and re-submitted our new sitemap to Google. When I look on Webmaster tools, our new sitemap has been submitted just fine, but at the same time, Google is finding a lot of 404s when crawling the site. My understanding, it is still using crawling the old links, which do not exists. How can I tell Google to refresh it's index and to stop looking at all the old links?

    | scoutzie

  • I have included the rel="canonical" tag in all my product pages, but still getting canonical error in MOZ reports for more than 6 month ! I would like to know if my code is wrong or the MOZ report system is not working properly. Here is an example of my canonical code in line 84 rel="canonical" href="" /> Thanks Shayann

    | Shayann

  • Hi Mozzers, Is anyone aware of a tool that will tell me how many outbound external links there are on my website? Basically, I have a theory that our website is littered with links to other websites, but need to know the approximate figure. As far as I can tell, none of the Moz tools tell me this? Any help appreciated! Cheers Matt

    | Horizon

  • Common guys! It can not be THAT difficult to add 3 characters to your reports..
    Instead of seeing 3 times Google BE, I would like to see the language code too. Example: Google BE-NL Google BE-FR Google BE-EN This is really not helpful for me or my clients (screenshot): There's more in the world than the US and English... Can you do this please? edit?usp=drivesdk

    | nans

  • SEO Moz tool reports missing title tags on all the links that have been redirected. E.g. this page: When I check the response code on the page with redirect checker it shows code 200 (page exists). Has it happened to anyone else? How can a redirected page send a 200 code?

    | imoney

  • Checking Keyword-density is just to primitive... what is your recommendation for the subject WDFPIDF?
    The SEO-Tool (german) offers an interesting tool to analyse your text. But there are differences between languages and factors like proximities, synonyms etc. What are your experiences? tools? does mOz develop a tool for this? This would be a nice Feature for the On-Page Grader! best regards,

    | inlinear

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