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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Hi people I want to know why my new domain " "(register in about 2 months later) doesn't have authority? I built many good links for this site whole these 2 months but the domain authority doesn't update

    | vahidafshari45

  • Is there any way to find out what pages ranked for a given term historically? I.e. what were the top 10 search results for "Widgets" 6 months ago, 1 year ago, 2 years ago? If I had a campaign tracking that term, I'd be able to look back, but I do not. Does this data exist anywhere in a format that could be queried?

    | kpclaypool

  • I recently moved my shopping cart from one provider to another and today moz only crawled one page, could this be because maybe google has not indexed it yet or should i be concerned? I pointed the DNS at the new cart monday night if that helps. I would have expected it to be indexed by now

    | SmartVapes

  • We added our website a Robots.txt file and there are pages blocked by robots.txt. Crawl Diagnostics Summary page shows there is no page blocked by Robots.txt. Why?

    | iskq

  • Our devs have set up rel=canonical on our website. First they used relative links href="/dir1/dir2/dir3" for the page meaning that it will redirect to, but no luck, the MOZ dashboard showed the tag value to be, then we have decided to rewrite the code, and now the canonical to looks like href="" but the tag on MOZ looks like So what is the problem? I really got a problem or MOZ does? The code on website looks exactly like href="" rel="canonical" /> for the page

    | apartmentGin

  • Hello, My site ( has recently dropped off the map (50+ places) for almost every phrase I was ranking between 3 and 6 on the first page. My main phrases on google were "web design rochester mn", "web development rochester mn" I have been setting up a new web server but have not pointed this domain at that server yet so it shouldn't be anything related there. I also have not updated the site in a couple years (I know that's bad), so it doesn't appear to be a hacking issue either. I was 'hacked' a few years back where I gained a TON of crappy links from China and what-not but it never appeared to affect anything. I'm not sure if that is what is causing the recent drop in rankings. If anyone has any ideas on what could have caused the issue that would be great. According to my GA traffic I had a spike earlier in the month and then it has steadily dropped off. This is consistent with my actual page rankings. Thanks OAsjcHw

    | reynoldsdesign

  • I want to create three campaigns in Moz and connect them to my Google Analytics account. However, two of the domains I am trying to create campaigns for are joined in Google Analytics. Do I need to separate the two in Google in order to create separate campaigns for each in Moz?


  • I have been working hard to get follow backlinks but they have all been in the Just Discovered part of Open Site Explorer for a long time. So they don't count in my stats for Domain Authority and such. When do they move OUT of Just Discovered?

    | dealblogger

  • I'm curious as to how accurately rogerbot replicates google's searchbot I've currently got a site which is reporting over 200 pages of duplicate/titles content in moz tools. The pages in question are all session IDs and have been blocked in the robot.txt (about 3 weeks ago), however the errors are still appearing. I've also crawled the page using screaming frog SEO spider. According to Screaming Frog, the offending pages have been blocked and are not being crawled. Webmaster tools is also reporting no crawl errors. Is there something I'm missing here? Why would I receive such different results. Which one's should I trust? Does rogerbot ignore robot.txt? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    | KJDMedia

  • Just had my site crawled by Moz Pro for the 2nd time and its flagged up 925 Rel Canonical issues. Most of the pages are similar but with different content. Please can someone tell me what i need to do to sort this issue...? Thanks

    | RGOnline

  • I'm trying to track down a tool that will provide localized rankings within Google Maps/Places, Yahoo Local, Bing Local as well as major local directories such as Yelp, Yellow Pages, etc. Additionally, I'm looking for the results to provide the address being displayed in the ranking. Any suggestions?

    | JonClark15

  • I am trying to locate directories in my competitor's links using OSE. Here is the workflow I am using: Filter all results to external sites only, group by site, linking to any page on the domain. Export results to csv. My competitor is in the web design industry. So I try to filter the titles of the pages linking to the competitor to look for titles containing directory. But when I click on the link for "Windsor Internet Web Design Hosting Ontario Canada Directory" I get a page with the title "Kitchen & Bathroom Showroom | London Ontario | Bathroom Vanity Showroom" Are the results really this misleading?? or am I doing something wrong here? Any insight or help would be greatly appreciated.

    | tdlabs

  • Hey Moz The Q&A interface lacks any spacing after a HTML list item so it makes things look a bit messy. It looks right when being edited but wrong when posted so. example list more list list keeps going Paragraph after bullet list with no space. example list more list list keeps going Paragraph after number list with no space. Any chance of fixing that? It will make posts more readable and satisfy those of us fussy enough to go back in and edit posts so they are laid out correctly. (Sorry, I am English, I can't help myself). Cheers!

    | Marcus_Miller

  • Hi, Our site has a blog.  We had "Categories" and "Tags" in our blog.  This caused SEO chaos with Duplicate content and 404 Errors. We removed all the Categories and Tags about a month ago. Why would these issues still be showing up on Moz as errors on our Crawl Diagnostics page?  Do we need to do some thing else other than just remove them from our blog. Thanks

    | Studio33

  • I wanted to know if there is a tool or other way to automatically link my Moz keyword rankings with my Google Adwords account for the purpose of allowing me to "pause" Adwords campaigns for keywords for which I rank well in the SERP's and to "activate" Adwords for keywords for which I do not rank well.  Since these rankings can change from week to week, it would be great to be able to turn on and off Adwords for specific keywords depending upon my rankings that week.

    | hildebrandlaw

  • Hello Support, I have problems with the formatting of csv files from OSE in Excel. I got lines that only contain -- and these lines break up the data. It is possible to correct this manually but a bit annoying if you have 1500+ links generated in the file. I work a lot with csv files from other tools and programs and those give me no problems. Can you help me out please? Greetings Rob

    | FindFactory

  • Hi there, I have 3 main competitors who I keep my eye on within Moz and I am always comparing pages as they are all sell similar products in the same way but we're increasingly getting more things put in place to make ourselves different, which is why we rank number 1 in the UK for their competitive keywords (without blowing my own trumpet!). One thing I have noticed, a competitor seems to be doing things the old school way. He has around 15 competitive keywords in his pages meta tag (irrelevant) and then has a huge 400 - 500 word description on each page describing whats on the page, what products are in that category (if it's a category page) or localised information if it's a company page. What seems to be odd, is that before penguin/panda their website had around 1,200,000 total links. Then after panda, he went down to around 300,000 total links. In the past few weeks I've noticed that he has gradually increased in total links from 300,000(estimate) to now 961,811 total links in a matter of weeks. Is this an error/glitch within Moz or is he doing something that may be classed as "blackhat" or is it something I shouldn't really be worrying about? Any feedback appreciated 🙂 Tom

    | tomhall90

  • Hi, I have been using OSE to check competitor links, DA, PA etc. And recently noticed that an author at Gizmodo was kind enough to link us to a blog post of his. This is great news as Gizmodo has a DA of 94 and a PA of 50 (Which is pretty big compared to our DA of 30 and PA of 42). The link to the post is here: And the link to our website is: It was showing on OSE for the past few days but now it has vanished and it is showing channel5 (TV Channel in the UK) as the highest DA linking to us, which is still pretty good. But I just want to know why the link has stopped displaying on OSE 😞 Any help or insight is appreciated! Tom

    | tomhall90

  • According to their On-Page Report Card the URL should include the main keyword i.e. SEO in their case, so why do they get an F grade If I check their main page for the keyword SEO? Thanks for your comments!

    | mcany

  • I need to track rankings on search engines across different geographies. Does your tool provide the option to track rankings for search engines other than the ones used in US

    | zycus

  • My website is hosted by Hubspot. When I create a blog, the URL, as an example, would be: Instead I am getting the URL below. Google Webmaster tools and moz see this as an error and google says it can't crawl because it is a non-existent page. Users cannot see this page, and Hubspot can't figure it out, but google and moz see it. This problem is occurring on about 25 blogs out of 150. Any ideas? And thanks. URL: URL:

    | Rong

  • I have a page used for a reference that lists 150 links to blog articles. I use in in a training area of my website. I now get warnings from moz that it has too many links. I decided to disallow this page in robots.text. Below is the what appears in the file. Robots.txt file for User-agent: * Disallow: /blog-links/ My understanding is that this simply has google bypass the page and not crawl it. However, in Webmaster Tools, I used the Fetch tool to check out a couple of my blog articles. One returned an expected result. The other returned a result of "access denied" due to robots.text. Both blog article links are listed on the /blog/links/ reference page. Question: Why does google refuse to crawl the one article (using the Fetch tool) when it is not referenced at all in the robots.text file. Why is access denied? Should I have used a noindex on this page instead of robots.txt? I am fearful that robots.text may be blocking many of my blog articles. Please advise. Thanks,

    | Rong

  • My website is hosted by Hubspot. With each blog I write I can tag them to be listed in a specific category. As an example, one blog article my have three tags or categories that it fits in. Seomoz is seeing this as a duplication of content. in other words, if you go to the different category pages the same article would be listed on all three pages, even though it is just one article.  However, I only have 36 duplicate content warnings and I have 150 blog articles, each having 2 or 3 tags (categories.), so there should be many more than 36 duplications. Is this something that affects my seo, or should I just ignore the problem and check these warnings as fixed? Thanks,

    | Rong

  • So 3 weeks in Penguin 2.0 and after an initial drop in rankings (4-5 places on top keywords from rank 1), I have seen a small climb in rankings by a couple places but have seen a huge jump in my DA, PA and Domain trust/rank... That FAR surpasses any other magicians website. However I am ranking below some really really poorly rated sites. I am getting a PA of 51 which is really high for the industry (maybe the highest). If this is the case, why am I not number one for every keyword in my demographic? 
    I know this is asked a lot but how reliable are Moz stats, I know no one can really know how Google rank sites on SERPS but if Moz is the best shouldn't it be kinda close? Any thoughts on how accurate Moz rank is and also if it can be used as some indication of the SEO power behind a website.

    | TomLondon

  • My website is hosted by Hubspot. They provide a blog area and the option to categorize (tag) your blogs such as most popular, most recent, by year and month. On the blog "home page," they also list 10 complete articles scrolling down the page. I have about 150 blogs so there are about 15 of these long pages. In my moz report, I have a list of pages with excessive links. They are, without exception, the pages with categories or the pages with 10 articles listed. In other words, they are pages that contain a lot of blog articles. Questions:
    Should I ignore these moz warnings?
    Should I disallow these pages with robots.txt?
    Are these category areas of a blog a bad Idea and should be removed?
    Any other suggestions? Thanks,
    Ron Carroll

    | Rong

  • Hi all I'd like to know how can I construct a brief report to send to my potential customers when they first write me asking for general informations and evaluation about their websites and certain keywords for which they want to have a great rank. I'd like to reply them with a short email, with a basic report attached, in which showing them some little details about their (and eventually their competitors) ranking and/or their website situation. It's just a brief professional introduction to our seo and web marketing services. Now I'm doing it manually or with other seo tools, but I have just bought a Moz Pro Plus annually version and I'd like to use Moz for this activity. For example, when I first insert a new campaign, I don't see ranking for days so I can't send rankinh report. Do you have any advice? Thanks.

    | Penny1

  • MOZ registers thousands of DC and Duplicate titles on a Drupal site which has a little strange setup. Example: 301 redirects to which has a rel canonical to which 301 redirects to If you're still with me I thank you.
    My question is since MOZ registers errors, if indeed the rel canonical isn't recognized due to a 301 redirect?

    | Crunchii

  • Hi there, Where is the crawl test tool located in this new moz site?  Formerly it was, Hope you can help. Thanks:)

    | steveovens

  • Hi everyone, I'm new to keyword analysis, and am in the process of consuming a lot of SEOmoz articles and resources on the subject. I wanted to see if I'm correct in my analysis of two compared sites, and hope you can shed some light on the matter. I've been to the Google Keyword Tool and looked for my informational keywords for the project I'm working on, since the user intent is all about information. A not-so-great keyword phrase I've found with 12,100 local monthly searches is: "programa de inglês" (english programme) I'm just using this as a quick example. I have performed a Google search query for the above phrase from (Brazil), and I'm comparing the #2 and #4 results from the 1st page of the SERPs which are: #2) and #4) What's confusing me is that in Open Site Explorer, the #4 result gets a much higher page authority compared to the #2 result, and beats #2 on every category except for internal–external link ratio and all the social categories. Here's an image attached of the comparison. Is it the fact that the external links of #2 account for 100% of the links pointing to it, or that the #2 position beats (rather pitifully) #5 on social sharing, or is it something that I've not stumbled across yet? Thanks in advance for helping out a n00b. 6HU6hBi.png

    | featherseo

  • Since Google is tailoring search results to user IP and location, is it still best practice to optimize your site titles etc. with long-tail geographic keywords? For example, instead of optimizing a page for "dentist in West Palm Beach, Florida", search users who are IN West Palm Beach can just search "dentists" and a list of local dentists will be displayed (both in the local listings AND organic search listings).  I'd love to see Rand cover this on a Whiteboard Friday!

    | RickyShockley

  • Hello, I have a Brand name Roclay; and my domain is . It is technology blog and we cover literally all technologies etc and every article is unique with it's own keyword. Please help me as I am facing issue of SEO for many months now. What keyword should I focus on and how ? Moreover what should I setup in for keyword of my website when every single article is different. Regards

    | roclay

  • When I am in my rankings report I like to view the results in order of ranking, so that the keywords with higher position in google for example appear at the top, which is great. However when I export it to PDF it seems to default back to appearing in alabetical order... is there a way around this? Thanks!

    | stardigital

  • i have been to a couple of index checking websites that are saying my website is not being indexed, my developer and seo team have been making a lot of changes recently and I think it is because of that. Also my first byte grade is D. Can I check here on seomoz if my site is being indexed by Google here in the UK?

    | Malx

  • Hello, Situation: I made SEO at with help of Moz, getting truth links, getting articles about shop, cause i have something interesting in presentation of product and that is 360 photography : . Keep in mind that on products on specific keywords that i want to be on good rank position, i have Grade A on MOZ. This Shop is structured like this: 
    Home Page > Women / Men > category > product Problem: First week i made changes, with Moz, getting A grade, i get high rank on every word i track. It was nice, ppl start visiting web, few conversions. Everything was nice, i had 90% of keywords in top 10 (first page). Second week: i lost positions at 50% of keywords, getting words in top 50 (second/third page). Third week: i lost 90% of keywords, getting words out of top 50. Its not ok, this is not a fluctuation, i asked last week here, if is it normal. But no, i grant you is not normal. How could i see whats the problem?
    Moz is not helping me right now in this situation. From Moz point of view everything is fine. How could i fix it? Other: i want to explain that on product page, the content is ORIGINAL, is not copied or translated. Even pictures are original, cause nobody have 360 photo.

    | Shanaki

  • Hi, On the MOZ bar there are a couple of links.  I understand most of it, but what is an RDs?? PA - page Authority
    DA - domain authority
    Lks - links (to this page)
    RDs - ??

    | Skips

  • Our website ( is using secure HTTPS protocols. For whatever reason, in the "Top Pages" section, OpenSiteExplorer only has pages that were online years ago and hasn't updated its index to retrieve index and show links for HTTPS pages. It's pretty frustrating as we are trying to optimize our website and it's really hard to get feedback/data from the service for new pages on our website. Any comments/thoughts would be really helpful.

    | jsookman

  • We've had a page with a video on it for ages; it always ranks well, generally around no. 5. But I've noticed that it's now ignored in SEMOZ as a page, and only shows as a Universal Result - so it looks as though our top page is no. 22, even thought the video shows as an icon still in the same position, no. 5. That's annoying as I now have to explain to my stakeholders how come our rankings appear to have dropped off a cliff - when i fact they haven't. The page appears in google SERPS exactly as it always has. Can anything be done to make it appear back as it did in SEMOZ? Thanks

    | challMOZ

  • Just a quick question. I am pretty sure that the rate limit of requesting for SEOmoz Pro is every 2 seconds.
    Before become a  Pro member, we can always sing up for  30days free trial and is that free trial has the same rate limit of requesting every 2 seconds?

    | flaminGoGo

  • Just had to let you know that it happend again. So right now we are at 2 out of the last 4 crawls. Uptime here is 99,8% for the last 30 days, with a small downtime due to an update process at the 18/5 from around 2:30 to 4:30 GMT In relation to:

    | alsvik

  • Hi Guys, Recently opened a Pet Supply Business and we have launched our web site just last week. We currently have around 1800 products but have literally 1,000'a more to be added but as with everything in life it all takes time and effort. We have the shop sitting on the Presta-Shop e-commerce platform and it is connected with FB (1350fans), Twiter, Pinterest and a blog. Currently we have circa 600 visitors each month but we obviously need far more than that to compete in this marketplace. I am going to try and use some of the tools on this site to see what insights I can ascertain. So I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction of what do get done next, I have some ideas but I thought I would put this on the table to see what some of the real pro's suggestions would be. Criticism also is welcomed. Thanks for looking guys could do with all the help I can get right now. SnoopD

    | Snoopdog

  • I'm using the latest version of Chrome. I'm logged into Moz and the SERP Overlay is turned on. I turn it off and on again, and then it says "loading" beneath all the search results. Any answers would be appreciated, thanks!

    | franklinmozart

  • hi,
    i have a serious issue with my site. my website contains 21 pages. but during my weekly report, moz found 84 errors. i.e 42 errors in duplicate page content and 42 errors in duplicate page title... when i see the error in details.. all my 21 links are displaying twice. for example
    and so, the same link is repeating twice with www and without www. how do i resolve this error? so please kindly anyone help me....

    | solutionforweb

  • I did a crawl start for the first time and i get many errors, but the weird fact is that the crawler tracks duplicate long, not existing urls. For example (to be clear): there is a page: but then it is continuing crawling: what can I do about this? Screaming Frog gave me the same issue, so I know it's something with my website

    | r.nijkamp

  • Hi everyone.  For some strange reason, the "Export" option is no longer appearing in my SERP Control panel when trying to export results from the SERP Overlay.  It worked fine before SEOMoz changed over to Moz, but now the option is no longer available.  Is there something I can do to restore this feature?

    | bashseo

  • I'm looking for a way of requesting domain authority and some other stats via the API for several previous months. I noticed on here:
    It says "SEOmoz PRO members now have access to historical API linking data - read about this great new feature on our blog!" but i could not find this blog post anywhere and maybe I'm misreading this line anyway.

    | ReallyEasyCart

  • My site was hit by Penguin 2, where I lost 40% of traffic.  People keep talking about spammy links but I've made none of those for my site.  So how can I analyse my site and find out which links are hurting me.  Can it be done with SEOMOZ software?  What do I look for? I used Site Explorer and most of my links are to relevant websites.  Is there a penalty for being in somebody else's blogroll even if I was added naturally and their site is a high ranking (PR4) and relevant site?  All the links to my site coming from forums are no-follow.  Could it be my own website?  How do I check that?  I have no clue what to look for. Thanks

    | uesat

  • Dear all, in open site explorer there is a difference the url's '' and '' (extra slash at end). There can be different values in pageauthority etc. in the open site explorer tool, but is this also the case for Google? Thanks for replying, Regards, Ben

    | HMK-NL

  • Since SEOMoz became MOZ, my toolbar is no longer working. Is this a known issue? I'm definitely signed into the account (hence this email), but the toolbar still requests login. Apologies if I'm not the only one to report it. Robb

    | experiencedays

  • Describe your question in detail. The more information you give, the better! It helps give context for a great answer.

    | pedaguitu

  • I'm looking for the (SEO)moz crawl tool - but can't find it. Where has it gone?

    | SearchMotion

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