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Category: Moz Pro

Discuss the Moz Pro tools with other users.


  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Can MOZ do reports/ranks/campaigns separately for each of our sites, then do separate keyword campaigns for specific internal content pages of each of the websites? For a law firm with both a defense and family law sites.  We have multiple pages within each site, we will need to do separate and individual campaigns for assault, burglary, traffic tickets, ect. in our defense site.  And we'll need other specific campaigns for other specific content in out family law site.  Will Moz be able to accommodate our needs with their $99/mo plan or is that service only available for higher packages?  (or is it even possible in ANY of their packages???) Thanks.

    | Wallin_Klarich

  • I want to know is their any good keyword suggestion tool other than Google keyword suggestion tool and keyword planner. I need to have a list of free ones only for now.

    | csfarnsworth

  • Hello, I'm looking to see in the Site Explorer the links coming from directories such as BOW, yahoo etc. I'm listed there from almost 1 year and these links are not listed, the same with my competitors. I'm missing something? Thank you Claudio

    | SharewarePros

  • When I get a 404 error report like below, I can't find a reference to the specific link on the page that is in error? Can you help me. 404 : Error Thanks, Ron Carroll

    | Rong

  • I know that you can export data from the tool when only analyzing one keyword. But can you also export Keyword Difficulty Score when there are multiple keywords? For example, like this: Looking forward to your answer! 🙂

    | JonathanL91

  • I logged in, changed my password and now I can't find my SEO resources. I need to pull a report quickly, and can't find what I need. Please help ASAP!

    | bcbsm

  • How long does it take to see the errors resolved. Duplicate title content etc.

    | ejg1992

  • In the Organic Traffic reports under "Source" what does AVG stand for?

    | AMSI

  • Hi guys, I have a question in regards to the duplicate page titles being reported in my crawl diagnostics. It appears that the URL parameter "?ctm" is causing the crawler to think that duplicate pages exist. In GWT, we've specified to use the representative URL when that parameter is used. It appears to be working, since when I search site:, I am served a single search result for That begs the question, why is the SEOMoz crawler saying there is duplicate page titles when Google isn't (doesn't appear under the HTML improvements for duplicate page titles)? A canonical URL is not used for this page so I'm assuming that may be one reason why. The only other thing I can think of is that Google's crawler is simply "smarter" than the Moz crawler (no offense, you guys put out an awesome product!). Any help is greatly appreciated and I'm looking forward to being an active participant in the Q&A community! Cheers, Brad

    | brad_dubs

  • We are considering purchasing your complete suite. Our question is regarding your Ranking Tool. We currently subscribe to Market Samurai and they provide us with keyword ranking abilities tied to our internal pages. Our domain, has hundreds of internal pages. (86 areas of law, each with 5 pages). will your ranking tool match our keywords to our internal pages? or does it only provide us ranks for the main domain? Thank you.

    | Wallin_Klarich

  • Why are the numbers so different for the two site, one with and one without the www.?  Which one is most accurate for external linking domains, for instance?

    | GaryDC

  • I'm fairly new to the SEO world and am going to be creating an SEO strategic plan for my boss (with his help). I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations on a template to use, outline to follow, must have's/don't need, etc. Anything you're willing to share would be greatly appreciated!

    | kyle21ct

  • Hello here, I am trying to understand how my site can better compete for the keyword "sheet music download" where we used to be 3rd until a few months ago, and now we are at the 5th spot. But here is my specific question: I can't find an explanation why two of our competitors are ranked before us at the 3rd and 4th spot. Please, look at the attached image (very wide) which shows the Keyword Difficulty Report for this keyword. You can also download a PDF of it here below: We are at the 5th spot, and the two competitors highlighted in pink are the ones I am talking about: I am trying to understand why they are ranking better than us, despite our metrics look much better than theirs. In fact, if I look at the metrics in the report, I can't find an explanation to justify their outrank against us, so there must be something else that the report is missing. Any thoughts about this issue are very welcome! Thank you in advance for any help. Sincerely,
    Fabrizio [keyword-sheet music download.jpg]( music download.jpg)

    | fablau

  • Hi, My on page crawl analysis is showing that I have 38 duplicate content issues.  These issues are because we had used tags in our blog.  We remove all the tags 10+ day ago but the crawl that was done 5 days ago is still showing the tags as causing a duplicate content issue.  Why would this be?  We cannot correct is as it is already corrected.  How do we get moz to crawl the correctly? Thanks Andrew

    | Studio33

  • what is the best software for detecting "do follow" outbound links from my site? thanks all!

    | tm4615

  • How does everyone feel about no longer having direct links back to questions we may have answered or asked in the e-mails? Until just recently when somebody commented on a question you had commented on easily you were able to click a link and see if it was maybe another question for you if you had not been clear enough the first time or if you needed to give more info whatever the need you had a link directly to The question referenced in the email. Now all I can do is click on the person's profile which unfortunately does not get me back to Q&A to reply if needed to any questions. I have to go through all the steps again and find it strange why you guys would remove the link going straight to the question being referenced in the email. PS I love you and look the at new e-mails they look great. This is not anything big, but it was a nice advantage, and I will happily give up for all the great stuff  you guys are giving us now. However if it would not be a burden I would love to see you back in their how does everyone else feel? Sincerely, Thomas Von Zickell

    | BlueprintMarketing

  • Moz is reporting no ranking on one of my keywords, but when  I search that keyword on Google we are on the first page.  What would cause Moz to report that incorrectly?

    | SpearOne

  • We have a campaign running for a client in SEOmoz and only 1 page has been crawled per SEOmoz' data. There are many pages in the site and a new blog with more and more articles posted each month, yet Moz is not crawling anything, aside from maybe the Home page. The odd thing is, Moz is reporting more data on all the other inner pages though for errors, duplicate content, etc... What should we do so all the pages get crawled by Moz? I don't want to delete and start over as we followed all the steps properly when setting up. Thank you for any tips here.

    | WhiteboardCreations

  • We have a running campaign for a client who has rankings show for Yahoo and Bing within the SEOmoz Ranking Reports, however, Google shows no data or rankings. When we manually check from different IP's and computers and browsers, we see our client ranking very well in Google and for keywords which we have inside their campaign for SEOmoz. Can anyone provide insight into this? Have you experienced this also? Our reports would look terrible going to the client if sent from SEOmoz directly as Google shows 0 (Not in Top 50) for all keywords, so we have to get rankings from other sources or manually to show our client. Thank you in advance for your help and tips everyone!

    | WhiteboardCreations

  • If I go now to the Keyword Difficulty Tool and submit keywords, I get one list with all keywords (let's say 300), but I have actually say 30 keywords per segment/niche I wan't to view. Is is possible to have 10 separate reports?

    | TrendDevelopment

  • Wher is the API id and key?  I tried generating it several times but I get nothing...?

    | breezego

  • I have tried to generate my Mozscape API numerous times after waiting at least 20 mins between. Any help would be great.


  • Are Google Local position results included in Moz ranking reports? If not, how can these be tracked and monitored? Is a Google Local result likely to achieve a similar CTR as previous organic results? Some of our previous good organic search rankings seem to have been replaced by Google Local results for our restaurant and hotel clients. Is this likely to achieve the same traffic and if not, is there a way to get back to organic results? Thanks!

    | ignitehospitality

  • As we've been fixing errors on our website, the crawl diagnostic graphs have been showing great results (top left to bottom right for errors). The problem is the graphs themselves aren't very pretty. I can't use them in my internal reports (all internal reports are standardised colours/formats). Is there anyway of exporting the top level summary with historic data so the graphs can be recreated in company colours? I don't want the detailed CSV breakdown of what errors occurred, but rather than on X date there were Y errors, the next month Z errors and so forth. The data must already be in the SEOMoz system in order to create the graphs themselves - I was hoping this can be made available to us if it isn't already? Does anyone know if there is already a way of doing this? I've tried to 'inspect element' and find the underlying data in the source code but to no avail, and can't see any exports that would do this. Thanks in advance Dean

    | FashionLux

  • I am a PRO member. But will not be able to use the PRO feature. Why?

    | roadmap

  • Do you have an opinion on the META title tag, useful or can I just remove it? Thank You THIS TAG : & Yes OF corse I Know the real title  <title>blala</title> : Is SUPER IMPORTANT! Thank YOU 🙂

    | Vale7

  • I want to know when new people link to my domain. I do not want to log in once a week and use a complex interface to figure this out, I want it in my inbox every week. Is there a way to get Moz to do this? (I am a PRO user) Cheers, Daniel

    | swombat

  • Good morning all, recently i started to test a new niche build a website and did it with WIX. From some reason OSE don't see any information from the website Can anyone solve this mystery? Thank you very much SEOwise

    | iivgi

  • I had a quick question. Whenever I look at a report on Open Site Explorer for "" I am only receiving 15 results. I need to use wildcards such as "". Is there a way to do so? The end result would ideally be a list of domains linking to If you look at this report you'll see that the backlinks are up to nearly 300k, Thank you.

    | CTSupp

  • I signed up for SEOMOZ so that I could get a conclusive list of links for my competition. I hope I can get this information with this tool. Can I? And where can I find the tool? P.S. I don't need my own inbound links; I can get these with google webmaster tools.

    | bachdeg

  • Is it gone now???

    | netviper

  • I imagine most of the initial problems with the domain migration to will be cleaned up rather quickly. I did however notice right away my links to my campaigns from the dashboard were not working. I then click the campaigns tab up top and my campaign links worked from there. Just thought I'd share real quick incase anyone else is having the same issue.

    | CDUBP

  • 1. Why is only one (1) page crawled every second time you crawl my site? 2. Why do your bot not obey the rules specified in the robots.txt? 3. Why does your site constantly loose connection to my facebook account/page? This means that when ever i want to compare performance i need to re-authorize, and therefor can not see any data until next time. Next time i also need to re-authorize ... 4. Why cant i add a competitor twitter account? What ever i type i get an "uh oh account cannot be tracked" - and if i randomly succeed, the account added never shows up with any data. It has been like this for ages. If have reported these issues over and over again. We are part of a large scandinavian company  represented by Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland. The companies are also part of a larger worldwide company spreading across England, Ireland, Continental Europe and Northern Europe. I count at least 10 accounts on We, the Northern Europe (4 accounts) are now reconsidering our membership at  We have recently expanded our efforts and established a SEO-community in the larger scale businees spanning all our countries. Also in this community we are now discussing the quality of your services. We'll be meeting next time at 27-28th of june in London. I hope i can bring some answers that clarify the problem we have seen here on As i have written before: I love your setup and you tools - when they work. Regretebly, that is only occasionally the case!

    | alsvik

  • About ... if I search on Google for "my phrase" I can see **www.** on first place Doesn't this mean that I should see a similar position on ranktracker if I type "" (without www) and I select the "Entire Subdomain" radio button ? Because this shows that I am NOT in top 50. It does show up if I type my site with www and I select eider "entire subdomain"  or "exact url" radio button. Thank you.

    | adrianTNT

  • I would like for client A to access its online reports directly wihout access to other client campaigns. Is it possible to add some additional campaign specific password protection?

    | worldviewpr

  • I am totally confused with the information that I am getting from the Site explorer. My domain authority is 26, while my competitor's is 29. I am confused because every one of the factors that SEOmoz uses to determine our domain authority has higher rankings for my website. My SEOmoz rank is higher, my external followed links is higher, and so forth. The only factor that my competitor has with a greater ranking or number is that they have more internal links. I used the link metrics portion and added their URL to see all of this information. Can anyone tell me how this is possible ? My domain is and one of the ones that I am looking at comparing is

    | Prickett

  • In the Crawl Diagnostics report we see there 314 Rel Canonical notices. We use the Yoast Wordpress SEO plugin and noticed that the URL is the exact same as the Tag value. When looking into the issue more, I see that the rel canonical tag is pointing to the same page as itself. For example, on the page, there is a link rel="canonical" href="/blog/". Is this an issue that needs to be fixed? How can it be fixed? Will this cause any potential ranking issues? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    | Prager

  • I would like to change the Google Analytics profiles for my SEOmoz campaigns. But every time I try to disconnect or change profile, the request timeout. What to do?

    | Bownty

  • Hi.. I'm running a theme on wordpress called "The Morning After" (not sure that matters). Right now it seems to be adding my site title to each page title, making it well over the recommended 70 characters. I only see this in my crawl results on SEOmoz so I'm not sure if that's how other bots see it, but wonder if anyone else has had this problem and if so, how do I fix it? Thanks! SJ

    | modhop

  • Hey guys, I was revisiting the backlinks to my site and found a few that were not indexed on Google anymore. I confirmed this by typing site:"SiteAddress" in google and it retuned 0 result. Yet when i searched the same site on OSE (OpenSiteExplorer) yielded me a PA of over 40. I used to research sites on OSE to see if they are worth pursuing for a backlink but i am second guessing this because of this recent finding. Can someone please shed some light on this? Thanks!

    | MH-Seonoob

  • Hi All, Having read a useful article I'm now looking to acquire a means of being able to simply type in a URL and see the site structure including link flow. A free website or software app would be great... Thanks in advance Mark

    | Mark_Ch

  • Making backlink report, got results -> Download csv Open downloaded csv in excel, it is different links set inside - copied some urls from the web interface and could not find them in excel using Ctrl+F... wtf?

    | Liston81

  • Hi, I'm desparately trying to audit my backlinks to remove a penguin penalty on my site When I do the inbound link report i'm not getting all the links in the download. I know there is a limit of 25 links from each linking site so we get the full picture of links bu: I have 4700 links so why does it need to limit it when we are supposed to see up to 10,000? When you check the link profile on the report it doesn't seem there are many sites with anything close to 25, so surely that rule is invalid as an explanation here? Should I just work off OSE? But there is less useful info than on the csv.. I'd be very grateful for your thoughts. Thanks! James

    | LiveFit

  • There is a huge Spike in 4xx Client Error after new Wordpress Theme Change. Report shows URL that doesn't exist in the Referral Page. Missing URL (404) - Referral - Likewise there are over 4000 errors (4xx) with happyschools appended to the URL. I'm not sure how to fix the those errors. Thanks.

    | rsmb

  • Hi! I am trying to find out how I make my CSV report neat, so I can interprete the report. I know have a CSV report with just numbers and text all in one column. I tried the button text to columns but that doesn't work because when I do that at column A it overwrites column B in which I have the same problem! Thanks

    | HetCommunicatielokaal

  • hello , i found this issue in seomoz campaigns. i see many links blocked by google for this reason . but something wrong here for example i see this link like that in seomoz dashboard Wagdy Hassan, Author at Seo Seek : Seo Tutorials , Seo Tools , Make Money Online and its already not in google. but when i open the link the title is " Wagdy Hassan " i fixed it 6 days ago. what is wrong with the site? also i still waiting google to put the new results .. wait for your answer, Thanks 🙂

    | Wagdys

  • From what I understand one important aspect in link building is how those backlinks have been acquired throughout time. So if a website gets a large number of backlinks in a short amount of time, the value of those links are reduced in the eyes of search engines. Is there a tool in SEOMoz (that i can't find) that would show the change of backlinks for my campaigns in the last one year?

    | Heydarian

  • When I wasn't looking, I became a "Journeyman". Hooray for me, but I kinda liked being female. ;o) Is there such a thing as a Journeywoman? (couldn't resist- please excuse me if anyone objects to completely inappropriate "questions")

    | gfiedel

  • as a recent majesticSEO subscriber, I feel like i have either been mislead or something isn't right.  For some reason I was thinking it was best to have a single link from a single domain, and that by have too many links from a single domain (backlinks) the ratio between referring domains and backlinks was a factor in pagerank.  In domain analysis here, it would seem that is not that case as it puts a nice big green check mark by the person with most links, whether they are from 1 domain or multiple domains.  Is this a good thing?  Here's an easy example. I am a website designer, and I have the ability to link to my website in the footer of every website I design either by image or by text.  If I do that, obviously I would have a link from every page on the site, but only from one root domain.  Is this a good thing or a bad thing.  My work around is to have a link in the footer that looks like this "website design by" that links to an internal page that has one link to my site, therefore keeping my referring domain : backlink ratio to a 1 which I was under the assumption was the best possible situation.  Thanks for your help.

    | jonnyholt

  • Can someone please explain these words to me?  The little explanationme basically are only helpful if you know SEOmoz vocabulary.  I'm used to referring domains, backlinks, & anchor text.  Any help? Domain Authority
    Domain MozRank
    Domain MozTrust
    External Followed Links
    Total External Links
    Total Links
    Followed Linking Root Domains
    Total Linking Root Domains
    Linking C-Blocks
    Followed Links vs NoFollowed Links
    Followed Linking Root Domains vs NoFollowed Linking Root Domains Thanks!

    | jonnyholt

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