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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • why my site page don't appear in the ranking, which type of domain tracking should i choose to track all my site pages ( my site is a ) ? when i check it i found that they appear in the first 30 results although seomoz saying they are not in the first 50 result !

    | AmrKamal

  • Does anybody know an easy way to export all keywords and labels from seomoz?

    | alsvik

  • Hi, I just used the compain tool to look for errors on my site and it appears that seomoz crawler finds 18 404 errors on pages that are fine in my good. I do proceed with a URL rewritting on those pages, but navigation is fine. Some of the pages are: ... Does anybody know what's going on?

    | acas11

  • Hi Mozzers, I know I am able to view my DA over time, but how about my Page Authority? I have no problem tracking this on my own in excel, but it would be nice if I could find a historical record of our PA for certain pages so I have something to reference. Thanks!

    | Travis-W

  • Hi all, After setting up a campaign in Moz the crawl is successful and it showed the Errors and Warnings in crawl diagnostics (each one had about 40-50), but after a few days the number dropped to zero. Only the "notices" seems to stay normal, with a slight drop since the campaign set up, but not dropping to zero. I set this campaign up in a colleague's account and the same thing happened shortly after set up. I didn't find any Q&A already posted so any insight is appreciated!

    | Vanessa12

  • Is there any software that you can enter in the name of a company, phone number, address, or website URL and get back a list of all the local search terms they are on the first page for?

    | ChaseCameron

  • Hi all! I'm going to submit a few guest posts to several web sites. When I'm selecting a blog, to submit a post, I use SEOMoz root domain statistics ( specially DA). I need to know what is the optimum rank level for select a good quality website to submit posts? Currently I use DA30 or higher sites. Is it a good? Apart from that, what are the other criteria that I should check? Specially after the penguin 4 update?

    | Godad

  • I want to track a "rootdomain" that has two languages on it, the english version is in a subfolder /en/ 1.
    2. I want to manage and track each language-version isolated. So I will setup:
    1. as campaign DE - german
    = as Root Domain
    But as there are links to the /en/ Subfolder these data will also be included in all reports. And there is still no option in SEOmoz PRO to exclude folders or even urls.?! This will be bad when wanting a clear report of just one Language Version. 2. as campaing EN - english
    To track as "Subfolder" will not work beacause this option will only consider exactly this subfolder... So is there a way to see data just only for one language Version?

    | inlinear

  • Hi, We'd like to ask for an increased rate limit of 1 request every 5 seconds for the Mozscape API. Thanks


  • We have been doing SEO optimization based on SEOMoz reco.  However, our page ranking for key words dropped significantly last night..  We used to be on page 3 but now could not even found it on top 20 pages.  Not sure what happened last night.  I checked google webmaster tool but did not find anything.  Can you help?

    | hisstory2001

  • Perhaps a stupid question but SEOmoz registers 403 errors for pages behind a membersite (ie. they are restricted on purpose). Should I noindex these pages or just let SEOmoz register these "errors"?

    | Crunchii

  • We just went through a redesign and i had a lot of 301 redirects created. Looking over my crawl report in SEOmoz, i see over 14k 302 redirects with a message to change them to 301s. When confronting my IT team, I was assured these were all done with 301 status codes. Any advice on where to go from here and/or why I'm seeing this message in SEOmoz if its not true? Thanks!

    | CHECOM

  • We've been getting a ton of critical errors (about 80,000) in SeoMoz' Crawl Diagnostics saying we have duplicate content in our client's E-commerce site. Some of the errors are correct, but a lot of the pages are variations like: However, in our source code we have used rel="prev" and rel="next" so in my opinion we should be alright. Would love to hear from you if we have made a mistake or if it is an error in SeoMoz. Here's a full paste of the script:

    | Webdannmark

  • Hi! Can you please tell me why ranking report showing No data at page authority and link to root domain. Does it mean SEOmoz not completed the report? Please check my attachment here with. Thank you in advance. Nodata.jpg

    | Webworld_Norway

  • Hello SEOMoz folks, I seem to have a weird situation here, and need your help resolving it. The thing is that I received a code for a free 3 month SEOMoz Pro account that I gladly signed up for (who wouldn't considering how awesome SEOMoz is!) That said, I disbanded the startup that I was planning to use the account for several months ago. My 3 month eval ended today and my card was charged $99 because of that. The crux of my problem is that I ought to have cancelled the account long ago which I didn't, and I'e been charged. This is obviously my mistake, but I fervently hope that you guys are able to understand where I'm coming from and help with reversing the charges. To be honest, $99 means a lot to me and I'd very much appreciate if you're able to help me with a refund. I'll continue to be an avid SEOmoz fan (and prospective Pro user) but at this time, I just don't have a need to use the service. Thanks a ton! Siddharth

    | jugaadu

  • I have searched the forum for this questions and basically found the following answer: “Neither Google nor SEOmoz treat keywords as case sensitive. For example, “Jobfair” and “jobfair” should return the same results.” How then can it be that I get the following results in the Rankings Report? (see example pic) And more importantly, which one is correct? sCx74sd.jpg

    | lwadmin

  • Hello, What is the best way to track keywords on sub pages of a website through seomoz? Do we need to create a separate campaign for each sub page? Thanks for all the help!

    | DerekDenholm

  • I just remembered that when I got 50 mozPoints I had to receive a hug from Roger. So, I need my hug!

    | ditoroin

  • Hi, Why does SEOmoz reports links which has been marked as 'nofollow'. I am getting 'Overly-Dynamic URL' reports on links which I have designated as nofollow which means Google will discount them. So why does SEOmoz still report them. Thanks.

    | malpani

  • I did a Google search and I noticed that some of the rankings that pulled up did not match the SEOmoz top 1-10 competitors. I was sure not to include personal results. I was completely signed out of my Google account. Another one of the SEO tools showed the same result as when I did the Google search, completely different from SEOmoz's report. I am curious to know where the data comes from, so I can accurately compare/ contrast the varying results.

    | JMFieldMarketing

  • We ran a CSV spreadsheet of our crawl diagnostics related to duplicate URLS' after waiting 5 days with no response to how Rogerbot can be made to filter. My IT lead tells me he thinks the label on the spreadsheet is showing “duplicate URLs”, and that is – literally – what the spreadsheet is showing. It thinks that a database ID number is the only valid part of a URL. To replicate: Just filter the spreadsheet for any number that you see on the page. For example, filtering for 1793 gives us the following result: | URL | There are a couple of problems with the above: 1.       It gives the www result, as well as the non-www result. 2.       It is seeing the print version as a duplicate (&pf=true) but these are blocked from Google via the noindex header tag. 3.       It thinks that different sections of the website with the same ID number the same thing (faq / blogs / pages) In short: this particular report tell us nothing at all. I am trying to get a perspective from someone at SEOMoz to determine if he is reading the result correctly or there is something he is missing? Please help. Jim

    | jimmyzig

  • I have a web app that uses angularJS and the content is all dynamic (SPA). I have generated snapshots for the pages and write a rule to redirect ( 301) to the snapshot in case of find escaped_fragment in the URL. E.g!/imoveis/venda/rj/rio-de-janeiro Request: is redirected to: The snapshot is a headless page generated by PhantomJS. Even following the guideline ( I still can't see my page crawled and I also in SEOMoz I can only see the 1st page crawled with no dynamic content on it. Am I doing something wrong? SEOMoz was supposed to get the snapshot based on same rules of GoogleBot or SEOMoz does not get snapshots?

    | plure_seo

  • I am trying to find a way to ask SEOmoz staff to answer this question because I think it is a functionality question so I checked SEOmoz pro resources. I also have had no responses in the Forum too it either. So here it is again. Thanks much for your consideration! Is it possible to configure the SEOMoz Rogerbot error-finding bot (that make the crawl diagnostic reports) to obey the instructions in the individual page headers and file? For example, there is a page at month=5&day=14&year=2007 that has – in the header -
    <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> </meta name="robots" content="noindex"> This page is themed Quote of the Day page and is duplicated twice intentionally at and also at but they all have <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> in them. So Google should not see them as duplicates right. Google does not in Webmaster Tools.</meta name="robots" content="noindex"> So it should not be counted 3 times? But it seems to be? How do we gen a report of the actual pages shown in the report as dups so we can check? We do not believe Google sees it as a duplicate page  but Roger appears too. Similarly, one can use , here also the tells Google to stay clear. Yet we are showing thousands of dup. page content errors when Google Webmaster tools as shown only a few hundred configured as described. Anyone? Jim

    | jimmyzig

  • Hi, i have campaign with 34keywords. They did not searcheable through analyze, but some keywords in Google organic search have good position. Where can be problem? Do you help me? Thanks.

    | virtue

  • Hi there. OSE is showing 53 linking domains and WMT is showing 161.
    Why are so many missing from OSE. They are all links of a decent age. Thanks

    | JeromeSavon

  • Hi Everyone! so glad to be here, I had hardly visited the forum and been missing out. I have a client who hired me to set up their basic SEO for their website and I see no grades for the pages, at first I don't maybe the website was not being indexed but report shows it crawled 37 pages so what does it mean no grades what so ever, also showing now rankings, I put 30 to check and zilch. thank you.

    | FeuzaReis12

  • Hi everyone! Is there a report I can run on SEOMoz that will show all of the search terms that people are using to find my site?  I want to analyze where I am doing well and where I can use some work, but I'd like to have that as a starting point. Thanks in advance!

    | JodiFTM

  • Hello Moz-world! I recently set up a new campaign, and the crawl is still in the process of wrapping up (been 4 days). When I look at my rankings it tells me "not in the top 50" then when I scroll over, it shows me that my client is ranking in position 3, in the instance of one keyword. Anyone know why there is a discrepancy between what the report shows, and what it shows when you mouse over the rankings? Thanks! Tyler

    | kbaltzell

  • Besides the rankings in the campaigns i want to check 100+ keywords at once in rank tracking. Is this possible and if not why? It says i can check 400 keywords a day but manually entering them is time consuming and that's exactly why i use SEOMOZ, to save time.

    | FindFactory

  • I think it would be great if there was a way to follow a particular Q & A thread without having to post a comment. There are so many great topics and discussions in here and sometimes I lose track of some that I'd like to continue following as people post, without having to post in the thread myself. Have you guys  (Mozzers) ever considered adding a "Follow this thread on Twitter" or "Follow this thread by email" function? Or is there already a way to do this (without posting), that I just haven't found?

    | danatanseo

  • Trying to run advanced reports, but am being told I've hit my daily report limited - and points me to signing up for a Pro membership - although I already have one. Been like this the last couple of days. Anyone else experiencing this? Thanks.

    | newstd100

  • My client is changing their domain name. They are redirecting (301) all of their URLs to the new domain. Do I need to do anything in SEOMOZ to preserve the campaign?

    | DynoSaur

  • If I have URL A and need to 301 Redirect to URL B but want to have a canonical tag on URL B pointing to URL A Would this be considered cloaking?  My server which runs .net 3.5 does not allow me to do URL re-writes.

    | IMM

  • Hi Mozteam, I added a site less than 200 pages in the tool "seomoz crawler", at May 7. We are May 15 and the tool always displays "crawl in progress." Do you have a problem about this tool? This is embarrassing ... Thank you for your reply. David France

    | DavidEichholtzer

  • When using the SEOMoz on page analysis for "luxury marquee hire" on it's telling me I have no meta description but my source code includes the following: Line 94 <meta property="<a class="attribute-value">og:description</a>" content="<a class="attribute-value">Katalystic Events - Luxury Marquee Hire</a>" /> Being a real newbie am I missing something here? I've included the info uploaded form my wordpress CMS, why is SEOmoz not picking this meta description up?

    | EdoubleD

  • Hello, My keywords rankings compared competitors is not working : For months I've never have any stats in the competitors columns, why ? Thank you

    | JeanlouisSEO

  • Hi, When I check OSE against the Competitive Domain Analysis report in my account the numbers are way off. If the CDA report was 100%, OSE is showing 30% of that. I'm looking at linking root domains with no filters applied. Is the data not pulled from the same db? Thanks.

    | Bondara

  • How to understand from where the link to a competitor's internal page are coming? I mean, we want promote the same "event" but we want understanding where the competitor is already present. Open Site Explorer doesn't have any data for the website listed but I'm sure that the page has a lot of backlinks (I've verified the first 50 manually in Many Thanks for all your advices.

    | YESdesign

  • I just wanted to check with people in the know, A Keyword I'm tracking with the Rank Tracker Research tool is showing #7 in the SEOMoz tool but when I google it myself it isn't showing up in the serps on page 1. I'm assuming that google serps might be distirbuted with a certain "latency" for different users, I just wanted to check check with you guys.

    | chanm79

  • When we marked a page as noindex with robots like {<meta name="<a class="attribute-value">robots</a>" content="<a class="attribute-value">noindex</a>" />} will crawl and marked as duplicate page content(Its already a duplicate page content within the site. ie, Two links pointing to the same page).So we are mentioning both the links no need to index on SE.But after we made this and crawl reports have no change like it tooks the duplicate with noindex marked pages too. Please help to solve this problem.

    | trixmediainc

  • We set up a new campaign in SEOmoz on Friday. It is my understanding that the preliminary crawl can cover up to 250 and this has been our experience in the past. However, the preliminary crawl only went through 2 pages. This is a larger eCommerce site with many pages. Any ideas why more pages weren't crawled? We set up the campaign to track at the root domain level.

    | IMM

  • I am not sure if SEOmoz is compatible with Yahoo Small Business.   The crawl states that the title page is too long for over a hundred titles, but they are not.  SEOmoz is taking the title page and the parent or catagory page and grouping together. Please only respond if you work SEO for Yahoo Small Business accounts.  Would be glad to take discussion thread off line or show the SEOmoz report.

    | Wales

  • I have a site with 8036 pages in my sitemap index.  But the MozBot only Crawled 2169 pages.  It's been several months and each week it crawls roughly the same number of pages.  Any idea why I'm not getting fully crawled?

    | JMFieldMarketing

  • Hi all, Does anyone have any ideas as to why OSE might not have any data for this URL: It is not a new page at all. It's been on the site for years. Is OSE being quirky? Or is there an underlying problem with this page? Thanks in advance for any light you can shed on this, Dana

    | danatanseo

  • I see the keyword ranking report but I need a report that shows the number of searches on those keywords,  Thanks!

    | AFSB

  • hello i want to add seo tools at my site for users i want my visitors able to use pagerank checker , link tracker , backlinks checker , etc - and keyword tools , domain tools , Analytics and Reporting. something like what scripts i need ? can i do this all with wordpress ? Thanks 🙂

    | Wagdys

  • hello i am confused , what is the best CMS for my site ? site will include : Articles Custom pages -Membership -Members Dashboard -Plans ,Offers -Seo Tools -Websites tools Allow members to post ,comment [ maybe mini forum ] what you recommend for me guys? Drupal or Wordpress ? Thanks 🙂

    | Wagdys

  • I changed the title of my facebook page for my business Admiral Movers. I realized that all the  listings that I manually entered over the years may be lost. Is there a way to view old page and new page inbound links to our facebook page?

    | Smcnelley

  • Hi, I've done some digging around the Q and A and SEOMoz articles.  Still not finding exactly what I need. I'm just looking for a tool that will quickly help me find the best contact email on a particular website.  Whether it be the one the site is registered to a different one or both. Thanks in advance for the help. Aaron

    | arkana

  • Hi Since adding blog to a site semoz is reporting increased duplicate content warning on seomoz crawl error tool such as: /blog/category/easter being a duplicate of blog/2013/03 Does this type of dupe content matter ? If so how do you stop this ? Also pages and pages of dupe content reported from internal/site search results, such as: /catalogsearch/result/index/?q=mens+fashion being a duplicate of /catalogsearch/result/?q=mens+fashion Does this matter need to be fixed or since internal site search not an issue and can just ignore, if it is an issue what do you need do to fix this type of dupe content ? Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

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