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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Hi How do SeoMoz reports deal with 'not provided' data I see my total visits from organic search for a month are same as total of both my branded and non branded keyword traffic combined yet GA is reporting 157 visits from non provided data so is SEOMoz being very clever and finding a way to decipher this not provided data and allocate it accordingly in the reports ? Or if not what ? Many Thanks Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Why is The Keyword Difficulty Tool so unreliable? Anyone know of another PAID Keyword Difficulty Tool? Right now I feel like I am getting ripped off for $99 a month for a tool that I have no confidence in...PLEASE HELP ANYONE

    | Local-Interactive

  • I ended up with a box of SEOMOZ swag. (Thanks! As to how this came to pass...I shall draw a veil, as they used to say in Victorian novels.) My upstairs neighbour Max, age 5, enjoys a rich fantasy life and is very much into superheroes and costumes. Naturally, he ended up with a lot of the Roger stickers. Alas, I was unable to answer all of Max's  questions. When he asked: "What does Roger do?" I replied: "Roger makes your computer work." Pretty good, I thought. But then Max asked: "What does the antenae do?" I was kind of stumped. Then it got worse.  Max asked what Roger's superpowers are and if he could beat Spiderman. I tried to change the subject. Max wasn't impressed. What are the answers? Enquiring five year old minds want to know!

    | DanielFreedman

  • Hi Ive recently 301 redirected old pages/urls to new pages/urls due to a site redesign. The seomoz kw report card is still reporting the old urls though with a significantly reduced score for most pages (i.e. from A's to now C's, from B to now D's etc). Does this mean mozbot is following the 301's & its actually the new urls being graded as such or is it referring to the old pages ? I will be adding the new urls to report card shortly but just interested in clarifying the above since i would have thought, if it is the old pages, they would not be reporting any score for those, or its scoring the new pages ? Many Thanks Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • I am trying to use the Followerwonk api and I have changed the C# code from the MozscapeAPI code here for it to work as it uses the same encryption etc. The problem I am having is that I generate the correct link but I still get back 401 Unauthorized from Followerwonk it works fine on Mozscape API.;AccessID=member-NWQyZTI1M2EtMWUyZC01NDJhLThmZW;Timestamp=1368030369;Signature=PxK24AP7cgXMMVhzrU8NSRtSI%3D (I have changed the member ID and Signature) The Link looks right and it defiantly hashes it correctly and the timestamp is set for 20 minutes in the future, Can anyone explain why this is not working. Thanks

    | intSchools

  • Hello, I set a client's website in one of my 5 campaigns in my Pro Dashboard. But my client changed his domain. I don't see an option to change the domain server in the Campaign settings. Is it possible?

    | Eblan

  • We have a Wordpress site. SEOMoz crawl diagnostics are showing 144 missing meta-description tags. The problem is that about 100 are blog pages: Etc. We have a meta-description for but not for every page.... is this a problem? How can we fix it? Thanks!

    | DuBois

  • I looked on my redirrect file and found that /* redirects to /v/404.asp.
    However if you look below at the link analysis  the 404 page is getting a 404 error.
    The homepage is getting a 301 (but I don't know where it is going to).
    The third one is also redirected. 1. [No Data] ||| 301 ||| 2 ||| 36 2. 2. [No Data] ||| 404 ||| 2 ||| 34 3. [No Data] 3. ||| 301 ||| 1 ||| 33 So I have 2 questions: 1) should this be fixed? and 2) how? This is a volusion site and I believe the "catchall" redirect was done by them

    | sbetzen

  • please excuse my noobness. i have a nice  site, which I built from scratch and learned by doing. It has lots of nice content and it does ok, my rankings are woeful mostly cos of all the mistakes i made building it...i'll fix that stuff. This stuff i don't know about. from my adsense i get 2 listings and wierdly the second one gets consistently higher paying ads although most of the visitors come through the first but they are both the same landing page same content -as far as i can tell. when i try to find rankings, use the seo tools etc i get diferent scores, so whatever it is, it is splitting the sites -  can't be a good thing. i have no idea why this happens and i have some inkling that maybe i need something to do with cannonical  redirects or maybe a 301 redirect. both of which i have little idea how to do. If that isn't enough naive blundering about for you, i have a little more... it occurs to me that this prpoblem is probably happening with every page on my site, i.e. the 'juice ' is not getting credited onto that one page. this surely means cannonical redirects but even afterreading up on them idon't quite get it. or rather ido but idon;t get  how to apply it to my context.

    | soundsenglish

  • I've downloaded a crawl test and column G Link Count reads 62 and yep there are a total of 62 links on the page in question. Column AM Internal Links reads 303 and yep there are somewhere in the order of 303 pages pointing at this one. Root Domains is surprisingly low at 6, so maybe there are only 6 domains linking to this page. BUT... External Links read 51. There are not 51 links pointing away from this domain on this page, no way hozay, so can anybody tell me what is meant by 'External Links? A humble thank you in anticipation of an education. Jem

    | JemRobinson

  • Hi - I have quite a few crawl diagnostic errors and warnings.  I have attempted to fix many of them but noticed this note at the bottom of the crawl diagnostics chart: "Last Crawl Completed: Mar. 22nd, 2013 Next Crawl Starts: Mar. 29th, 2013" It looks like SEOMoz thinks the next crawl date is Mar 29th, 2013, which is two weeks ago.  Is there any way to "force" the crawl and get it back on regular schedule?  This may have happened when my account was disabled because my credit card expired...Thoughts?

    | 6thirty

  • Hello, Is there any way to change the lagage of the interface ? Especially for reporting tool ? Thanks in advance for your answer, Alex

    | ACORED

  • Hi, SEOMoz on-page analysis is reporting that our blog has duplicate content when technically it doesn't. Is this something that we need to address as it will actually be hurting our ranking or is this just a SEOMoz software quirk? There is 100+ example like this but here is one example. SEOMoz is reporting and as a duplicate content and Title Tag. Thanks Andrew

    | Studio33

  • It may sound like a stupid question but what kind of likes and shares is Opensite Explorer referring at? Is it just how much your page gets liked and shared or about the posts on FB?

    | BridalHotspot

  • i have problem every time put external link in its always give me no 17.500 no profile back link but when i post old list from open site explorer that list i got it before update it work and give me result but from like 2 week every list i generate from open site explorer it always give me the same result 17.500 no back link profile any help ???


  • I found these URLs in Issue: Duplicate Page Content | 1 0 10 1 1 0 10 1 | 28 | 0 | 12 | 1 |

    | partyrama

  • Hi, I am recently seeing two more new options in the Opensiteexplorer filter options. equity passing links
    non equity passing links
    dofollow What is the difference between an equity passing links and dofollow links. Can you guys help me.

    | Dexjj

  • On my first crawl of a new campaign, the software only crawled 3 pages. any ideas?

    | Santaur

  • Hello, My search engine traffic has been declining recently - I saw one decline last August and another this past April. I'm trying to figure out what caused the decline and would love advice on where I should start digging.  Any recommendations would really help me! Thanks in advance. Jodi

    | JodiFTM

  • Hi, I notice that the crawl test which is from the Research Tools doesn't really get a new crawl even though there is 2 crawl per day. It will only provide the data which was acquire from the crawl diagnostics in my pro account. There is no point for me to get the data which I get from my crawl diagnostic isn't it? Even seomoz provided with more than 2 crawl per day also useless in this case. This whole thing doesn't make sense as the crawl diagnostics will only perform a full crawl test once every week. but even the crawl test also not helping any thing out for me.

    | hanzoz

  • I have crawled three sites already and it returns more than 5000 errors most of which are MIssing Meta Keywords tags. The sites are on Wordpress and using my SEO plugin I can easily edit the meta keywords of each page, but I am having second thoughts. Well should I?

    | jernest002

  • Hi Pros, Here is our question / dilemma... Context/Background _Our company has 41 offices around the US and Europe; _ _We (our SEO) teams results are based on someone in a specific postcode/zipcode opening Chrome/IE/FF and searching using Google/Bing/Yahoo _ _(keyword) + (city) _ i.e. Ice cream Manhattan or Computer services Manhattan Our methodology is - (a) Choose an office (zipcode), identify the territory city names required for that Office's SEO goals. (b) begin to develop the strategy and execute (c) wait 1-2 months and test Question Using SEOmoz we are not sure HOW we could even begin to track the keywords?

    | neuralcorp

  • I am new here and i am very exited about the seomoz software and all the tipps and tricks i find here. But i have one question, will there be an improvement to the Social Monitoring to add google plus, because i think in 2012 google plus would be a Must for every SEO. Thank You!

    | AndrDaub

  • We have just launched a new version of a website and after running it through SEOMOZ we have over 6000 duplicate title & content errors. (awesome) 😕 We have products that show up multiple times under different URLs however we "thought" we had implemented the rel=canonical correctly. My question is - do these errors still show up in SEOMOZ despite the canonical tags being there OR if they were "correct" would we be getting "zero" errors?

    | ZaddleMarketing

  • Hello, I am looking at site explorer and sites linking to my site I've got thousands of links showing as 'followable' but when i check them they have rel="nofollow" tags. e.g: Why would they show as followable when the links are nofollowed? Thanks Steve

    | SteveBrumpton

  • Various URL Structure HTACCESS File Index Rewrite RewriteRule ^index.(htm|html|php) [R=301,L]
      RewriteRule ^(.)/index.(htm|html|php)$1/ [R=301,L]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^
    RewriteRule ^(.)$$1 [R=301,L] Google WMT Setting: Configuration | Settings
    Preferred domain: radio check on "don't set a preferred domain" SEOMoz Open Site Explorer - (301 Redirect) [No Data]    PA38  DA30 - (301 Redirect) [No Data]    PA23  DA30 Majestic Site Explorer
    Number of Referring Domains & External Backlinks vary between the following instances:
    I have set up my htaccess file to rewrite "Various URL Structure" to However when i view metrics in Majestic SEO, the url / Subdomain / Root Domain all differ. Why is this happening?
    Is this harming my site?
    What is common practice when defining URL Structure? Any other quality advise and implementation structure would be much appreciated. Regards Mark

    | Mark_Ch

  • I'm looking at the Open Site Explorer for my site, and it shows 9 links to my site, all from 2 domains (showing all links from all pages and for both www and not www version of my domain name). But I know for sure that there are other sites linking to my site. Are they not there because they are not important or because the links have not been crawled yet?

    | jsoldi

  • I just did my first crawl, and a bunch of the keywords show my rank as being like 76 or 102 and I'm number 1 for the search when I search manually. **I of course have personal results turned off and I'm not logged into gmail when I search.

    | immortalgamer

  • Hi Mozzers, In the reports it is saying that I have some duplicate content and titles even though there is a canonical tag on them, is anyone else getting this?

    | KarlBantleman

  • Hi All, I've encountered a site that has PR3 on most important pages (and less on others but no more on any)  and DA according to MOZ in the low 40's however it is first on everything on his niche (many keywords). How is it possible? Since it is possible, what is the importance of these metrics anyhow? Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • Hi, I run a campaign on one of my new clients in the links report - i see 1970 - external links and i can press " see more in open site explorer) when i press the button, open site explorer is opened but with a message that there is no link data on this website any advice? Are you familiar with another tool that can help me investigate links to website? Thank you SEOwise

    | iivgi

  • Hi, Recently, we have modified URL letter. Actually, We have had norwegian character in URL. But we change this recently. Particularly, Keyword : skrå tak Old Link : <cite>ører/skrå-tak-12/</cite>‎ New link : <cite></cite>‎ Also we have made many improvements on the page. Actually the page rank report shows two places are marked. Why we have like this. And how long it takes to take correct URL. We have updated sitemap in google. Please check attachment and help me to understand why it is showing likewise Thank you RankingReport.jpg

    | Webworld_Norway

  • Hi here, I was wondering if there is a way to find out the originating page where a broken link is found from the 4xx (Client Error) report. I can't find a way to know that, and without that information is very difficult for me to fix any possible 404 related issues on my website. Any thoughts are very welcome! Thank you in advance.

    | fablau

  • HI there, I'm new here and am just getting used to the keyword difficulty tool. I've noticed that just about every keyword phrase I type in, including ridiculous ones such as "perspex underpants" or "guy debord's shoes" all have a difficulty well over 50% and many over 60%. It makes little difference what my phrase is. Am I doing something wrong perhaps? How am I to interpret this result? It would seem to suggest that It is always very hard to rank, even for a rare and ridiculous phrase.

    | WeGoBang

  • Do I then need to re-crawl to make sure the errors were fixed accordingly?

    | immortalgamer

  • Is this possible? I've found how to export to a CSV and copy/paste these into the usual keyword management page. Ideally, I would like to export/import the full information, along with the tags...... I have several brands that have a and a Any other cross-domain features I should be aware of? Thanks in advance......

    | EliteErikSEO

  • I am setting up my keywords' tags and brand rules. Is there any reason not to consider my products' names as "branded keywords". For instance, if my brand is HealthNut and I have products (that people talk about by name), such as GreenGiant Juice, should I create a brand rule for "GreenGiant Juice"? Granted, most of the time, customers will be searching for "HealthNut GreenGiant Juice", but there must be at least a minority who would search directly for the product itself without using the brand name. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

    | EliteErikSEO

  • We recently moved content off a subdomain onto our main www subdomain.  Each of these was previously tracked as its own campaign.  Now that the content is consolidated, I'd like to move the keywords that we were tracking on the first campaign over to the second. I don't see an option to migrate, or export/import keywords.  Is there any (non-manual) way to do this? Thanks

    | doxo

  • Do you miss SEOmoz's Term Extractor Tool and want them to bring it back? If you do, please go to this link and submit a feature request form. Here is a brief description for those that are not familiar with what the SEOmoz Term Extractor Tool is;This tool analyzes the content of a given page and extracts the terms that appear to be targeted at search engines. It applies certain weights to HTML elements and other on-page factors to determine what it thinks is a targeted term.

    | brianhughes

  • Hi there, Are you able to request keyword rankings for a particular day? This would help me with client reporting. If you have any additional information, I'd greatly appreciate it. Regards, Andrew

    | JuiceBoxOM

  • Any help on this would be MUCH appreciated. One of my sites,, has recently been rebuilt and the pages tweaked for some basic optimization. Based on my experience, those tweaks (geared toward keywords with relatively low competition locally) usually bump my local sites up into the top 20 or 30 at worst. 3 weeks later, it seems my site is still not indexing with Google. In addition, I AM NOTICING THAT THE ON PAGE REPORTS IN SEO MOZ ARE NOT REGISTERING THAT ANY PAGES ARE BEING CRAWLED. Again, any help from Moz staff would be awesome! :} Thanks, Ricky

    | RickyShockley

  • We have just hired a new SEO guy and he wants to know what tools we have for link analysis. I would like for him to be able to use my SEOmoz tools, but i do not want him to have access to payment, billing, changes to the account, etc. Is this currently possible?

    | retinax

  • My reports are showing a 404 error for a link to a page in our WP site for which we changed the URL months ago. I can't find where the link is coming from. I used Screaming Frog, but can't find where it might tell me the origin of the link, only that it exists. I am pretty sure it's internal. Can someone please tell me how to find the originating page so I can remove the link without having to comb through every page of the site to look for it? Thanks!

    | gfiedel

  • I tried restarting Firefox, rebooting my computer (Mac), uninstalling and reinstalling the Mozbar, still nothing. I use that data a lot, so I'd love to get it back...

    | Linda-Vassily

  • I am trying to setup a campaign to track a specific subdomain and all its directories. For example, want to track and and so on. No interest in tracking itself. Is this possible?

    | BalihooSearch

  • Am I missing something? I'm trying to do Link Research on but it seems to be blocked, any ideas why that would be the case?

    | JemRobinson

  • I have many categories in my site and each one has others sub categorias and so on until the last categories points to products pages. I want a campaign that crawls just from a given category (or sub category) down to all produtcs pages. How can I do that? I am not sure if defining a folder would accomplish taht? Lets say I have category C, D and E. Sub categories on D are D1, D2, D3 and producs on D3 are D3P1, D3P2 and so on... How can I define a campaig on category D3 and get D3, D3P1, D3P2 crawled?

    | bistro

  • I have some problems with API Access. All time i send more than 10 requests per second i got HttpError() {\n  "status" : "503",\n  "error_message" : "This request exceeds the limit allowed by your current plan. To increase your request limit, see:"\n}. My Plan is Low Volume and continually got this 503 error. How to solve this?

    | Predicta

  • I'm trying to understand this concept a little further. Say if I create a branded keyword, "dc widgets" I then start to add keywords such as "maker" "toy" and apply the branded keyword to it. Does this mean that they then become "maker dc widgets" and "toy dc widgets" ? What purpose does branded keywords offer?

    | priceseo

  • I run an inbound link report for the domain on using the following filters: Show: All Links from: only external Pages to: pages on this root domain Show links: ungrouped It says that there are around 30,678 links for that query. I then go to the advanced tab, and run a report using the same filters, but when I click download report I only get 2874. I've run this for the past 2 days and I get the same. Why?

    | Brett-Harland

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