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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Crawl Diagnostics is returning duplicate content/title tags for every product image on listing pages of my classified site because each image is on a separate url. So this page, for example, has, among other things, the same title tag as all this page, which is one of many different images that are all child pages in the folder /media In this particular case there are over 140 pages with the same title tag because there are over 140 images for this particular car. That is just one listing and there are over 1,000 listings (vehicles) and that number will grow. Is this really a problem?  With limited resources, what real positive effect will making all these images have unique title tags really have from a SERP perspective?  Keep in mind this being user generated content, there is no way to descriptively update the title tags to something like <title>Bel Air Passenger Side Profile</title>.  That is not feasible.

    | MyClassicGarage

  • SEOMoz crawl diagnostics is suggesting that my root domain and the rootdomain/index.html are duplicate content. What can be done to  ensure that both are considered as a single age only?

    | h1seo

  • Hi, From Site Explorer, I want to download all the inbound links linking to my site: But it seems that there is a limitation. I can only download a part of the inbound links? What should I do? Or is it because my account is free trial? Do I have to pay for it? Please help. Thanks,

    | Sophia_M

  • I'm new to the crawl test tool, I think I know what is meant by external links and linking root domains but I need to check. If there are 500 external links and 50 linking root domains does that suggest the essentially those 500 links are coming from 50 root domains? If yes, then what would 1000 linking root domains and 100 links mean? Or am I completely wrong in my assumptions and if so, can somebody point me in the right direction? Thank you.

    | JemRobinson

  • Wondering how often SEOMOZ updates their Link Analysis pages?  I have had the same status for a month or so - although I know we have added links, etc.

    | findachristianjob

  • Hi, I'm new to SEOMOZ Pro and loving it so far, but was confused as to how the 51 page Crawl of my site ( found so many 301 redirects. 18 to be exact. It's a Wordpress site, and my htaccess file has no 301's in it, so I'm kind of confused as to where to start looking as to why they've shown up in the crawl. I've been building sites for years, and use 301's quite regularly, but this site should have none. The site was originally on a subdomain until it was ready to go live, then I moved the site to it's current domain and ran the Velvet Blues plugin to update all the URLs. I then went through and manually changed the ones in areas where this plugin tends to miss. The site still functions fine, it just bothers me why the 301's are being found in the crawl. Thank you.

    | TrentDrake

  • I normally use open site explorer to identify links that competitors of my clients have and sometimes this gives me what I call 'some low hanging fruit' to go after. (and of course links that are more challenging to get) I don't know why this didn't occur to me sooner. If my client is a chiropractor why not look at the links for 50 or 100 of the top rankings chiropractic sites all over the US? This would HAVE to uncover a wealth of blogs to comment on that have good authority, great industry associations, publications, forums - a whole wealth of items. It made me wonder how many people use site explorer like I have been (top 3-4 competitors that your client has) or identifying links pointing to LOTS of competitors? How do you use it? Couldn't you almost base an entire link building campaign using OSE? Why would this be a bad idea if not? Just some random thoughts. THE WEEKEND IS ALMOST HERE - Have a great day everybody! 🙂

    | Mrupp44

  • After I run a report in Open Site explorer and download the csv, the bar says it processing # of 10,000 links, when the report is done and i open it there are only 450 links

    | thesea

  • Using CDN services are ok for Websites or Blog. But recently heard that there is a service like this from Google and they might charge for that ?

    | Esaky

  • As you know SEO slowly turning into SEM and some metrics and numbers from Open Site Explorer are no so relevant any more. As a customer of SEOMOZ product i am warning if you guys are planning to add more value and ranking metrics according to the new ranking metrics and factors to your tools?

    | JasonOliveira

  • Hi, I'd like to remove some on-page reports from the Summary page. I've already stopped them from running weekly. Is there a way to remove them completely?

    | csmm

  • Hi SEOmoz gurus, The last 2 months I am seeing a drop in the Domain authority for some of my clients. Some of them are old sites. Some are new (less than 6 months old) For the old sites I thought the reason for the drop might be caused by discounting the value of low quality backlinks. But this cannot be the case for the new sites - they have high quality backlinks from newspapers and I can't make any sense of the drop. Has anyone else experienced the same issue? Might this be caused by a change in SEOmoz algorithm? Thanks!

    | ParisChildress

  • Is there a way I can report on local search results for our keywords by city?  
    For example could I specify Phoenix or Chicago and then see how we rank as if we did the search in that city?

    | RPM5

  • and are both showing up in open site explorer.  How do I make sure that these are not being interpreted as two pages when they are the same page?  (Both in search engines and OSE.)

    | EugeneF

  • Hi I use the SERP control panel every day, but now it hardly works and only shows info for the companies who have Google Places and show in the local results. I use Google Chrome on my (old) Toshiba laptop. Are there any technical issues with the SERP control panel at the moment? Kind regards, Barnaby

    | FreeRangeUK

  • Hi Mozzers, Does SERP control panel work in Chrome? Thanks, Marek

    | mad2k

  • I want to quantify how much better a score of 80 is compared to 60. Or 60 compared to 30 etc.... What is the logarithm base? Thanks, Rik

    | garypropellernet

  • How can I transfer campaigns from one account to another? And will the data be lost once transferred? Many thanks!

    | Blurb

  • Hey guys, Fairly new to SEOmoz but loving it so far. I was working on a new clients site a noticed some spammy links added right before the tag. Used Open site explorer to list the domains linking to the url and found nearly 300 unsuspecting domains. Some like which just drives me craaazy, I have already emailed them. Below is the list. Short of emailing every single person can anyone suggest a forum or such that would be helpful for posting this information ? I know it's just a few links but it is frustrating to me and If I can do something about it I would like to. Thanks in advance. Jason

    | RedshiftWebDesign

  • I run the site and am finding that many inbound links are not showing up in OSE and on the toolbar. For example, check out this hotel review: In OSE it shows only 2 links (from 1 domain), which is crazy. It has dozens of inbound links from many different domains (links: I notice this all over my site. Pages that we link between are also showing no internal links -- which is easy to disprove. Was there a problem with this crawl? Or is the problem in our code? Many thanks for your help, Tom

    | TomNYC

  • Hi, I have taken over SEO on  a real estate site with an internal blog. Unfortunately there are loads of duplicated pages and titles in the blog. It was suggested that all should be rel=canonical so not to show up. In my last crawl here though they still do. So question is if SEOMoz crawls and sees them is Google also seeing them? Also would it be best to move the blog off site so this does not cause anymore damage and just link to it from the main site? Thanks for your comments

    | AkilarOffice

  • Is there a simple way, using the moz tools, to get a count of inbound internal links for a given URL?  Seems simple enough but I'm having trouble finding that specific data point.

    | tvfoodmaps

  • SEO Moz has only crawled 2 pages of my clients site. I have noticed the following. A 403 error message screaming frog also cannot crawl the site but IIS can. Due to the lack of crawling ability, im getting no feed back on my on page optimization rankings or crawl diagnostics summary, so my competitive analysis and optimization is suffering Anybody have any idea as to what needs to be done to rectify this issue as access to the coding or cms platform is out of my hands. Thank you

    | nitro-digital

  • Hi fellow mozzers My profile page on SEOmoz has always ranked well for my full name "Jacob Eeckhout". Recently I noticed that it doesn't show anymore, even for the query "jacob eeckhout". Does anyone know what happened?

    | Jacobe

  • Right now, the universal results show up when I look at tankings on the site, but do not show up at all in the weekly pdf reports. They also did not appear in the full rankings history .csv report. They only appear in the weekly csv report, and then, the information is not as detailed as it is on the website (it only shows whether a universal exists, but doesn't indicate at what position it shows up). This limits the usefulness of these reports to my customers. I need to be able to show them rankings histories, including universal results, in their monthly or weekly reports. Including the charts would be nice as well. Since I can individually download the .pdfs for these for each keywords, why can't we just include it in the monthly reports. Also, would like to be able to view rankings history for all three search engines at once for a keyword, or multiple keywords to reduce the number of pages in a report.  Can you add this feature?

    | HMS

  • Hello, I am looking at site explorer and sites linking to my site I've got thousands of links showing as 'followable' but when i check them they have rel="nofollow" tags. e.g: Why would they show as followable when the links are nofollowed? Thanks Steve

    | SteveBrumpton

  • Hey everyone, just a quick question. I am interested in using the Open Site Explorer tool to find ClickBank affiliates (advertisers not merchants) for current ClickBank products. Is there a way to do this? What I have been doing: 1.) Run an inbound link search for current products 2.) Manually go through all the back links and pull links that could be from affiliate sites (and delete those that look like links from directories). Thoughts? Thanks!

    | goproworkouts

  • Hello All, Since I have my domain mapped to site which does not  allow google analytics ... I am worried if it would effect my seo campaign out here . While i see on the seomoz platform, i am being prompted for analytics I wish to know if its ok running seo campaign without analytics ? If not , what should i do to avail analytics ??

    | mysayindia

  • SEOMOZ told me to ask the question here because they say their ranking programme now works correctly and the problems I was having before with keywords changing so dramatically, even though nothing had been changed with regards to optmisation, is now to do with google rather than their ranking tool do google really change their algorithms on a weekly basis so that rankings can go up by more than 50 to ranking 1st to then going down by more than 50? Any hints or tips from anyone on I can keep the rankings more consistent (maybe dropping or increasing by one or two places week by week rather than changing by over 50 positions?)

    | KateNZ

  • I recently just tried to download the list from the OpenSite Explorer Just-Discovered tool and it only downloaded 233 links. When I checked to see how many URLs were available it was over 4,000. It does seem as though it only downloaded today's links although I'm not quite sure about that. Is there a way to increase the number of links downloaded to match what is listed in Opensite Explorer? Thanks.

    | searchysearchy

  • Hi Rodgerbot, Now, i've no seomoz one page report for any  campaign 😞 What happen ? I've previously several report. Thanks,

    | Max84

  • Hello, Do the SEOmoz Campaign Reports (that track errors and warnings for a website) follow rules I write in the robots.txt file? I've done all that I can to fix the legitimate errors with my website, as reported by the fabulous SEOmoz tools. I want to clean up my pages indexed with the search engines so I've written a few rules to exclude content from Wordpress tag URLs for instance. Will my campaign report errors and warnings also drop as a result of this?

    | Flexcin

  • I have been watching my Notices, Warnings and Errors increase since I added a blog to our WordPress site. Is this effecting our SEO? We now have the following: 2 4XX errors. 1 is for a page that we changed the title and nav for in mid March. And one for a page we removed. The nav on the site is working as far as I can see. This seems like a cache issue, but who knows? 20 warnings for “missing meta description tag”. These are all blog archive and author pages. Some have resulted from pagination and are “Part 2, Part 3, Part 4” etc. Others are the first page for authors. And there is one called “new page” that I can’t locate in our Pages admin and have no idea what it is. 5 warnings for “title element too long”. These are also archive pages that have the blog name and so are pages I can’t access through the admin to control page title plus “part 2’s and so on. 71 Notices for “Rel Cononical”. The rel cononicals are all being generated automatically and are for pages of all sorts.  Some are for a content pages within the site, a bunch are blog posts, and archive pages for date, blog category and pagination archive pages 6 are 301’s. These are split between blog pagination, author and a couple of site content pages- contact and portfolio. Can’t imagine why these are here. 8 meta-robot nofollow. These are blog articles but only some of the posts. Don’t know why we are generating this for some and not all. And half of them are for the exact same page so there are really only 4 originals on this list. The others are dupes. 8 Blocked my meta-robots. And are also for the same 4 blog posts but duplicated twice each. We use All in One SEO. There is an option to use noindex for archives, categories that I do not have enabled.  And also to autogenerate descriptions which I do not have enabled. I wasn’t concerned about these at first, but I read these  (below) questions yesterday, and think I'd better do something as these are mounting up. I’m wondering if I should be asking our team for some code changes but not sure what exactly would be best. Our site is Thanks so much for any assistance on this!

    | gfiedel

  • question is in the title - new trainee asked me and couldn't actually answer!

    | Highlandgael

  • Hi, While making my account ,  I have been charged 3-4 times . Please check it and let me know the reason. Thanks Pavan

    | Paul_Ignitee

  • I wasn't sure which report to set up on my domain, so I set up 2 different ones which now appear like this in the Dashboard under the Campaigns section: * I want to delete the wrong report, but I noticed that they produce two slightly different report results which is interesting. My domain does not have any subdomains - which report should I delete?

    | Ubique

  • Just trying to understand if this is bad or not. The crawl report has picked up that my website is redirecting (301) from to - under Crawl Notices (blue section). Is this the wrong way to do it as we wanted the www domain version? Is that why SEOMoz has flagged it ?

    | Ubique

  • Hi All, when i set a new campaign i am asked to decide if to use: Or Can someone please explain the different in terms of the campaign If i use: - will the campaign run on too? Thank you SEOwise

    | iivgi

  • I need to change a couple of the competitors listed under Competitive Domain Analysis but I cant find how to do this? Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks Chris

    | ChrisMcIlroy

  • There are so many errors (~1500) that I can't find the pages with duplicate content among the ones that are correctly tagged

    | seospeedwagon

  • I have some campaigns which have only 1 page crawled, while some other campaigns, having completely similar URL (subdomain) and number of keywords and pages, have all pages crawled... Why is that so? It has been also a while I waited and so far no change...

    | BritishCouncil

  • my site has several hundred pages, and it is important for me to know last crawl date of each page as well as number of pages cralwed in a particualr period ( from / to date ). is there any report in seomoz that can help for this ? or any other suggestion ?

    | elegantmicroweb

  • When I check the mentions returned by FWE using exact match on a two word phrase, usually only one word is matched.  I found this because some of the pages returned as mentions seemed unusual to me.  So I started looking through the results and found that the exact match phrase was not on the page returned in many cases. This was the same with AND queries where they were returning results as OR.  This is pretty important for brand misspellings where people break the brand name into two words.  Am I missing something here?

    | SHD-MOZ

  • Hello all, My client recently asked me if there was a way to highlight a specific list of keywords to put on the first page of every report. These would be the highest priority keywords that we would always want to know the status of for his site. In the reports section, I am only seeing options for organizing the keywords by rankings improved/declined and comparing to competitors. Would anyone know how to label/categorize this list of keywords and then produce them as part of the monthly reports? Thank you,

    | Level2Designs

  • hi folks sorry i really am confused and not very good with technical terms i have 553 Rel Canonical notices but i cant understand what Rel Canonical actually means it kinda sounds like there links that go nowhere to help the seo ranking? am i right or just in way over my head? please use the most basic language you can 🙂 cheers donal

    | homebrew1

  • Hello here, SEOmoz bot has recently marked the following two pages as duplicate: I don't personally see how these pages can be considered duplicate since their content is quite different. Thoughts??!!

    | fablau

  • I put in two urls that were incorrect and now I need to cancel the report generation. Is there a way to do this? And if so, would I get my crawl-credits back? Are they cumulative?

    | krenerr

  • hi, Before Moz were forced to roll back the moz scape I saw a drop in all 3 of my campaigns domain authority; 42 > 39
    39 > 35
    24 > 22 I am employing differing tactics on these campaigns, one of which i would say leans towards the less white (the one in the middle of those stats). The other 2 however are all clean. So, did anyone else see a drop in DA before moz retracted the figures? was there an issue with the latest moz update? Thanks in advance.

    | FDFPres

  • Hi i am very puzzled, i have just got a report saying about my keywords and the data seems to be wrong.It says that my keyword gastric band hypnotherapy is ranked at 9 but when i check online it is ranked at one. When i put in anger management therapy it says it is ranked at 25 but it is ranked at 10 Can anyone please explain what is going on. the url is Google UK Keyword        Current Rank        Change
    gastric band hypnotherapy    9         5     
    anger management therapy    25         5     
    virtual gastric band hypnosis    21         5     
    gastric band on the nhs    46         > 4     
    hypnotherapy gastric band    23         3     
    hypno gastric band    17         3     
    gastric band hypnosis    16         3     
    gastric banding cost    50         3     
    gastric hypno band    32         2     
    gastric banding

    | ClaireH-184886

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