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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Hi, I'm scouring the web for new links, and am taking a closer look at OSE; I'm trying to gauge whether the PA & DA rating(s) in the results page for a domain search takes into account any penalty signals the site may be showing, and whether there is a 'real' way to identify how much value links from the source will give you (if for example, there's already x10 other links away from that page or x100 links away from that domain). Basically - what else needs to be taken into account when using this app to identify link sources, etc. Thanks, David

    | newstd100

  • To all the Mozzers reading this, I joined SEOMoz in a panic when we were seeing the first hints of an impending ranking crisis for our company website in October, 2012. We tanked in late December for our most important keywords. Simply GONE. Holy C---! It was devastating to say the least. Thankfully, we have a lot of work due to current clients and referrals, but the phone got quiet. That's a deadly sound.15 years of comfort zone gone. I still don't know precisely why it happened, it may have been a number of factors. But I've learned a huge amount through this crisis and can honestly say that I'm glad it happened. How weird is that? But what other fire under my butt would have gained me so much curiosity, fascination, engagement and excitement with deepening my scant knowledge? A week ago, we got our first report showing us that we have now gotten back our positions on page 1 for the 10 keywords that matter. It's continuing to improve according to today's report. So now that I've gotten somewhere- and I am well aware that it may not stick and there is still more to do -it's time to shout out a great big "Thank You". Truly, I don't think I could have survived this situation without SEOMoz and all you wonderful Mozers answering my frantic questions and lending your expertise and support to my situation. It wasn't only my own questions and the responses to those that helped me through this. I have been essentially addicted to reading a vast majority of all the posted questions because it's so dang interesting. So I've been learning bucketfuls from other people's questions and responses. My own personal SEOMoz education. It's only just begun. What an incredible culture and community we have here. I feel I can say "we" now because I am beginning to feel a part of it. And I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. I love this place. Thank you!

    | gfiedel

  • Why is SEOmoz link tagged with a (nofollow) for my site? I have tried to write a youmoz post a couple of times. But, I am just not an expert, that is why I am on SEOmoz. Is there something I can do to get juice from my SEOmoz account? (nofollow) Scott McNelley, President: Admiral Movers, Admi...

    | Smcnelley

  • My site is getting descent traffic from Bing and Yahoo but very little from Google. Can you please help me in finding out the root cause of it?

    | HQP

  • Hi all, With the limit on the keyword counts, I'm not sure how people are going about collecting data for larger keyword sets? I initially thought to alternate my keywords monthly but can't seem to archive the results. Any thoughts/suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks

    | Deniz

  • We have a social network site and we monitor mentions. However, when we search we are finding content from our site being included. How do i filter the content to exclude my site.

    | seoworx123

  • Hi I experienced that Rogerbot after a new Crawl presents me new 4XX Errors, so why doesn't he tell me all at once? I have a small static site and had 9 crawls ago 10 4XX Errors, so I tried to fix them all.
    The next crawl Rogerbot fount still 5 Errors so I thought that I did not fix them all... but this happened now many times so that I checked before the latest crawl if I really fixed all the errors 101%. Today, although I really corrected 5 Errors, Rogerbot digs out  2 "new" Errors. So does Rogerbot not catch all the errors that have been on my site many weeks before? Pls see the screenshot how I was chasing the errors 😉 404.png

    | inlinear

  • Hello I´m a newbie here on seomoz. My question is just simple but i need to be sure about that:Refering to the report which you can create in the "crawl diagnostic summary". Does the CSV export lists all and ONLY the URLS which are in the google index?If not: does a report is available where all and ONLY the URLS are listed which are in google index?Many thanks! Henrik

    | drgoodcat

  • I have been in contact with support to little avail no timelines for the correction kind of leaves me out in the cold. I have loved SEOmoz in the past but this recent bug is costing me time and money. Can someone please tell me how they are working around all these issues in rank reporting and a zero accuracy rate on page report cards? bugs are holding up my SEO efforts. SEOmoz has been in touch but has provided no timelines. My programs are suffering. I found inaccuracy in each report metric and now have very little faith that this is going to be corrected in a timely fashion. I rely greatly on the wonderful tools SEOmoz provides  and now I am flying blind. Who else has been hit by the bug? And, what has support done for you to help?

    | ericajane

  • Hello, I am new at SEOmoz, and I am having some troubles setting up my rank tracking report. Last week I set up e-mail notifications, but it hasn’t been delivered to this day. Can anybody tell me when do you usually receive the report via e-mail? Thank you.

    | Spletnafuzija

  • Hi, is there a way to export keywords of a campaign in SEOMOZ? The other way around to import including labels? Best

    | ValerieSchmidt

  • I got lot of errors in Duplicate page title - 5000 Here the result page is same and content is also same,but it differs only with page no in meta title Title missing error In seomoz report i got empty msg - title,meta desc,meta robots,meta refresh But if i check the link which i got error it shows all meta tags..we have added all meta tags in our site..But i dont no why i got title missing error . 404 error In this report,if i click the link which i got error, it goes to main page of our site. But the url differs. eg: The error link is it automatically goes to page Let me know how to solve these issues.

    | Rajesh.Chandran

  • Is Ranktracker currently down?

    | dunelm

  • this report is returning no results, even though an identical report for a competitor of ours is returning results just fine. Please help.

    | BeatportRDP

  • I'd like to upgrade to Pro Plus for the white label / own branding option. However, I have just noticed that the "white label" pdf reports still feature "Powered by SEOMOZ" at the bottom of each page. Is this a mistake? $2400 / year should be enough to remove SEOMOZ branding completely, surely?

    | AndieF

  • Hy every1, Need your help very urgent. I need to crawl a website that first has a page where you need to put your age for verification and after that you are redirected to the website. My problem is that SEOmoz, crawls only that first page, not the whole website. How can I crawl the whole website?, do you need me to upload a link to the website? Thank you very much Catalin

    | catalinmoraru

  • In Competitive Link Comparison Top 5 contenders... why would the landing page have an HTTP Status showing as Blocked by robots.txt when it is not blocked within the robots.txt file and no files are shown as blocked in Google's webmaster tools. Sorr if I've ticked the incorrect topic categories

    | Hornblower

  • A few months ago I found a tool on Moz that did keyword link research. It is not keyword analysis either. It took a word and turned it into links such as dir:cabinet. I can't find it or remember or it. Does anyone else know? (I know this description sucks, sorry about that)

    | EcommerceSite

  • I heard from a company that is trying to get my clients SEO business that they discovered multiple sites mirroring our site's content. Does SEOmoz have a tool to find these websites? Or does Google?

    | thomas.wittine

  • For multiple clients I have seen a drop of more than 10 ranking spots for keywords we previously placed well for and made no changes to those pages. We decided to manually check where the pages are and majority of these keywords showing crazy declines are really sitting in position #2 without SPYW, with the rest still being in on 1st page. Now we have to personally check these dropping rankings and manually change them for reports. Any reason for this? Anyone else experiencing the same problem?

    | ThnkAgency

  • Adding competitors twitter accounts, there is one that I've repeatedly tried to add but I keep getting - "Uh-oh! Account can not be tracked. Please enter a valid account". I've copied and pasted, manually typed, removed all caps... repeatedly get the same error. The other two accounts I added had no issue going in. Anyone else have something similar that they found a workaround for?

    | ldaknis

  • I have more than 25 keywords ranked in the top 30 for various sites and some of these keywords were inputted a couple weeks ago. However, only one of them has shown a position change. Is there something wrong with the software? It says the next rankings update is April 7th. When was the last rank update?

    | priceseo

  • hi Are the organic search visit figures in SEOMoz traffic reporting unique or total visits ? cheers dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • When I use the SEOMoz Pro Tool for Keyword Resarch, I get the notice that the tool is getting improvements. But when I run my keywords all of the volume metric data is unavailable. Why is this?

    | seocoppercupimages

  • Hi I want to gather a list of sites that are linking to individual blog items. Is there a way of gathering this data easily in Open Site Explorer?  I've tried putting in the url/blog domain in the search box, and this just brings up those sites that link to the blog home page. I want to see all the inbound links that link to ALL subdomains within a particular URL. Any help appreciated. thanks

    | goodge

  • I have run a website in Seomoz  which have many URLs with it. But when I saw the seomoz report that showing Pages Crawled: 1. Why this is happen my campaign limit is OK Tell me what to do for all page crawling in seomoz report. wV6fMWx

    | lucidsoftech

  • I am of the belief it is bad to be "too" Google-centric. Many people have found that out with Panda, Penguin and Venice in recent years - all eggs in one basket and after one update you are out for the count (if you we're naughty of course). Anyway, That aside I enjoy looking at are reminding myself about Google Algo Updates using the SEOMoz Google Change Log (a bit like Gina Tripani's change log on This Week in Google, but only more Algo focused) - So, my question - is there a version of Bing somewhere out there?

    | SEOAndy

  • SEOmoz has us our position for a particular keyword as "Not in Top 50". The same keyword is listed in GA with an average position of. 3.0. What am I missing here? When I do a search, I most definitely am not seeing us listed as #3 for this keyword, and tend to believe the SEOmoz number, but why is it so wildly different in GA? Should I have hope? There is another keyword that SEOmoz has us at #4 and it isn't even on the GA list. Can anyone explain this to me? Many thanks.

    | gfiedel

  • Hi, I can see my ranking details but I can not see my competitors rankings. Seomoz is not updating their ranking and there is some problem in rank tracker as I refresh the ranking, but it says it doesn't update it. Why? Regards, Zeeshan

    | Shehryar

  • Hello, I've had a couple of people look at the backlink profile for nlpca(dot)com and tell me that there were a lot of sitewide links with non-branded anchor text. The spreadsheet is [here]( Actually, because of our company name, all sitewide links have branded anchor text except for The term "NLP" is not ranking for us, we should be on page 1 or 2. Also, we used to be sitelinked for "NLP California" and aren't anymore. Notice that "nlpca" splits into "nlp" and "ca" for California. Could you look and see if it is just those 2 sites and if all we need to do is contact them to change to branded anchor text. Or if it's something else to get back our rankings for "NLP" and our sitelinks for "NLP California" Thank you

    | BobGW

  • I joined SEOMoz 6 days ago and set up my first campaign straight away. On my Campaign Overview, it says: "Here's what you can expect over the coming days (we'll send you an email when each step is completed". But I've not received an email saying that any of the steps are completed, so I haven't really used any of the tools yet as I wanted to wait until I had something to work with 🙂 Since it's almost been 7 days (will be 7 tomorrow), do I assume that most if not all of the stages have now been completed and I can get started? Thanks, Iain.

    | iainmoran

  • This may be more of a developmental comment, however... Is there any way to pull an overview of keyword ranking over the week (or any period of time) for one of your campaigns? It looks like you can pull graphs on individual keyword performance, however not for the full set of keywords for a campaign. Anyone have suggestions on how to do this within Pro Moz... or is it best to compile the keyword data every week and track it in Numbers or Excel? Thanks everyone!

    | Treefrog_SEO

  • Seomoz is tracking my adwords traffic through analytics and reporting it. how can I get it to track just organic?

    | SamCUK

  • I have a campaign setup a couple weeks ago and noticed that only 1 page has been crawled. Is there something I need to do to get all pages crawled?

    | priceseo

  • Quick question about OSE, if you are extracting with excel all inbound links from a big site like, OSE only exports 10,000. However IMDB has alot more links then that. I was wondering what criteria does OSE use to select those 10,000 links from the 100,000+ which IMDB has. Is it a random selection of those 10,000 links or does it select those 10,000 links based on metrics like DA or PA? For the settings i have selected: followed + 301s, only external, pages on this root domain, group by domain. Cheers, Chris

    | MBASydney

  • When the crawl report is finished, it is saying that there are duplicate content/page titles issues. However there is a canonical tag that is formatted correctly so just wondered if this was a bug or if anyone else was having the same issues? For example, I'm getting a error warning for this page

    | KarlBantleman

  • Hey guys, I'm trying to develop lists of our competitors affiliates using opensiteexplorer using the following method When logged in to seomoz, go to Search for<rival company="" domain=""></rival> Select Show ALL links from ALL pages to PAGES ON THIS ROOT DOMAIN and SHOW LINKS UNGROUPED Click 'Filter' Click_ 'Download csv'_ Open the csv in excel and filter the Target URL column for any known part of the affiliate link (example ?a_aid) - this leaves you with a list of the affiliate links Filter out duplicates Is this the best process? I have a feeling I'm missing some as OSE truncates to 25 links per domain. It would be nice also if OSE could do the filtering for me. Any better ways to do this?

    | pilkster

  • Seomoz is currently reporting 404-errors, without saying where these errors are found. What good is this report when it does'nt say a word about where I can find the page linking to the 404? Screen: I really think it's time for Seomoz to prioritize upgrading the pro tools. Feels like they haven't been updated in ages..

    | Inevo

  • Does OSE have the ability to crawl AJAX pages utilizing Google's escaped fragment directive? I ask because I'm seeing all our AJAX built pages returning HTTP status codes of 404 when I run OSE reports. See for yourself

    | RyanOD

  • Hi: In our company, we have notified that Google is banning our IP due to massive queries under the same IP. It is caused mainly by local softwares installed in PCs or some plugins of Firefox. We think that SEOmoz don´t causes this due to its tool uses its own IP and servers, not  ours. We would like your opinion about this. Thank you,

    | Equipo_SEO_HUB_Interaction

  • Hello, I use the plugin MBP Ninja Affiliate to redirect links. I did Crawl Diagnostics and it appears 404: Error, but the link is working, it exists. Why Crawl Diagnostics appear 404: Error?

    | antoniojunior

  • I am new here in Seomoz and also if I do SEO I am very lost in SEOMOZ because full of options and instruments. Now I am in a way that I saw that I need to improve a keyword but I dont know what steps to do to improve that. I made all scan, check bebsite and fix everything but now what I can do if I have competitors list and I have opensiteexplorer etc etc? There is a way to understand how to do? Theer is a guide to explain how to use well SEOMOZ for an Italian person? thanks Ps: the keyword is "agriturismo valdobbiadene" and I am in second page in

    | MircoSEO

  • Hi I take it the Rank Checker tool is not working right yet as I'm getting bizarre ranks for some of my keywords. Some stating 50th when I know we're on the first page for instance, even using GA > search engine optimisation the averages for this term for instance is 11th across all countries. If this is the case and its still being redeveloped I'll just skip the tool for now Cheers David

    | David-E-Carey

  • I've removed all blocks but two from our htaccess. They are for to block amazon from crawling us. I did a fetch as google in our WM tools on our robots txt with success. SEOMoz crawler here hit's our site and gets a 403. I've looks in our blocked request logs and amazon is the only one in there. What is going on here?

    | martJ

  • I'm using Linkscape API plugin from SEO Gadget. It's all fine but I can't find any documentation on other 'sort' calls. The only request that I knows that works is "domains_linking_page". Any idea where this information is? I was hoping for a list of all the available requests I can and more particularly I want to sort it by Internal Linking Domains.

    | iProspect-39756

  • In the crawl diagnostics it says has a 403. doesn't say what's causing it but mentions no robots.txt. There is a robots.txt and I see no problems. How can I find out more information about this error?

    | martJ

  • My client was previously serving their website from both a and a .com domain. The DNS for each of these domains was pointing to the same place, rather than redirecting. I saw this as a potential duplicate content problem so I set the to 301 redirect on to the .com. As a user, the 301 seems to be working correctly. However, now that I have done this, SEOmoz is picking up thousands of "inbound" links from the domain. Essentially, every single link on the internal site, is being duplicated in my stats as an inbound link as well. It appears that the spider is ignoring the redirect. I'm not sure if it's a legitimate issue that will upset Google too, or if it's just a bug with SEOMoz's spider.

    | MadisonSolutions

  • I use SEOMoz for a client and want to track the client'sprogress on Facebook. But I can not get connected becasuse the facebook page is not my own. How to solve this? Patrick

    | paddydaddy

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