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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • How often does seomoz crawl the site? Can you force a crawl at a specific time ?

    | stewbuch1872

  • Hello, I am a pro member, in my campaign it says duplicate content for few urls. which i m not able to understand, because both the url's are same but why its showing under duplicate content. here are the urls example.

    | dasjoy85

  • Can anybody suggest me How to increase the Domain Authority ?

    | dasjoy85

  • I just ran some on page report cards. As I was playing around with the tool I noticed that I would get different results if I used my primary domain vs a 2nd domain. The main difference was in how the tool was counting keywords on the page. The keyword used was 'vehicle inventory' Primary domain: Title = 1, URL = 0, Meta = 1, H1 = 1, H2-4 = 1 Body =1, Strong = 1, IMG Alt = 1 Total = 7 2nd domain: Title = 1, URL = 0, Meta = 1, H1 = 1, H2-4 = 2 Body =5, Strong = 4, IMG Alt = 2 Total = 13 I can understand if the keyword was in the domain, but it's not. So I'm wondering what is going on here - any help or suggestions on what to research would be a great help. Thank you!

    | gormaniavt

  • I have a webcrawl through SEO Moz stuck in progress since Feb 27th. Is there a way to cancel it or force it to stop , so i can try it again ?

    | smaslesa

  • On my most recent campaign report, I have 2 Notices that we can't find any cause for: Meta-Robots nofollow-
    "noindex nofollow" for the page: Blocked by Meta-Robots -Meta-Robots nofollow-
    "noindex nofollow" for the page: We are unable to locate any code whatsoever that may explain this. Any ideas anyone?

    | gfiedel

  • Hi guys, The SEOMOZ report shows there is duplicate content on my Magento ecommerce: Example: Duplicate content shown on the report: My guess is that this is due to the fixed footer that we have set where modal windows pop up with delivery info and so on. As such, all the content within it is repeated through all the pages What do you recommend me to remove this duplicate content? I have read about duplicate content issues but they don't usually deal with div tag duplicate issues, modal windows and so on. Thanks Regards

    | footd

  • has anyone heard when rank tracker under the research tools is going to be working, been a very long time. I use this tool to check on the progress of sites, I know that it is in the campaigns per week but i want the tool under the research tools and feel a bit let down by semoz over this

    | ClaireH-184886

  • In SEOMOZ price plan if i select $99 for 1 month . Can i campaign 3 different websites using this one month Paid plan. Is this advisable?

    | Rajesh.Chandran

  • Good program for sending comments on blogs and forum Hello, I am looking for a good program for sending comments and links (blacklink) that automatically connects on several blogs at once. Anyone know a good one? (Sorry my english) I'm from Brazil and use the translator. I see that my competitors have a better placement for blacks q links they put on weight, is there any program that does this in blogs q asking login and password?

    | Slash-RJ

  • I'm using it to create reportes on multiple keywords and I don't see an export/download button.I see that when one keyword only is searched for, you can export the serp results. I am asking about searching multiple keywords and then exporting them all with their scores.

    | davhad

  • It seems I'm still getting results that are not very accurate. Any word on this?

    | Dino64

  • My problem is similar, and SEOmoz add campaign is giving me several pag. Duplicate, and he's giving me links pag. That do not exist. Look below. My site has 115 pages and the extent SEMOZ gave me 250. Duplicate Page Content ... pages / Alexandra / Clarisse / Clarisse.html
    ... pages / Alexandra / Clarisse / Clarisse / Clarisse.html
    ... pages / Alexandra / Clarisse / Clarisse / Clarisse / Clarisse.html
    .... pages / Alexandra / Clarisse / Clarisse / Clarisse / Lizie / Lizie.html When the verade this link does not exist, there is only. ... pages / Alexandra / Alexandra.html
    ... pages / Clarisse / Clarissehtml
      And so on. How to Solve?

    | Slash-RJ

  • I'm trying to get this page to rank as the top search result on Google with the keyword "teaching jobs" but it seems to be number 5 in the results! My competitors are totally kicking my arse on getting this page to be above my website. I've got the keywords in there, I have the right content and I have links, what more can I do to make it rank as number 1! Help please!! If anyone has an SEO check list of things I need to make sure I do on my pages for them to rank in the top 3 results then that would be really handy!

    | Eteach_Marketing

  • I am trying to increase my website traffic and I know that sitemaps are super important to google and not only. So far I spent some money on softwear from several companies and the results were terrible. Money spent on nothing. I really need sugestions from you because I'm feed up to spend money on nothing. NB: I am not a programer or website developer so my knowlegde is rather basic in this stuff but I like learning new things. THANKS A LOT!!!

    | mihaelastam

  • I just downloaded and installed the MozBar for Firefox, but it will not let me login to my account. The Log In button is gray and none of the buttons do anything when I click on them. Please help! Thank you,

    | Instabill

  • My url redirects to ttp:// because of my old CMS and this cannot be changed. Should I set it up as a Subdomain, root domain, or folder? For example using the homepage url I get the following results: subdomain: You've decided to set up a subdomain campaign, but entered the subfolder path: Don't worry, we'll switch that for you and crawl everything on your subdomain: If you meant to set this up to only crawl pages in the subfolder /site/c.leJRIROrEpH/b.5699537/k.BEF4, click "Go back and Change" and choose the subfolder option in step 1. root domain: You've decided to set up a root domain campaign, but entered the subfolder path: Don't worry, we'll switch that for you and crawl everything in the subfolder /site/c.leJRIROrEpH/b.5699537/k.BEF4. subfolder: It looks like you submitted a URL that relates to an individual file:
    rather than a folder: Don’t worry, we’ll switch that for you and crawl everything in that folder instead. If you meant to set this up for a different folder, click ”Go back and change” and enter a different path. To complicate things further, as you move through the site, the only part of the URL that starys consistent 100% of the time is: Depending on where you are on the site, it appends the url. For example: One page is while another is

    | mstanwyck

  • Dear colleagues, Who can explain the following to me? Subdomain metrics - Total links The total links is huge compared to the sum of internal and external links. I do not understand this metric. Can somebody help me to explain this the metrich "total links" I have to present these metrics to my customer and do not want to have "don't know" as an answer 😉 Thanks, Alain Nijholt BMC Internet Marketing

    | bmcinternetmarketing

  • What's the purpose of the keyword difficulty report? I've typed in some of my keywords and discoverd their "highly competetive." As if I didn't already know this. 😉 The question is, what do I do about it?

    | sakeith

  • Dear MOZ TEAM - WHY, when I have 2990 moz points, and my profile shows guru, does my profile banner in the Q&A itself now say ASPIRANT? Such a cruel world this has become ! I know I've wanted all along to have you come up with any title other than "guru" because that word is so dreaded in our world.  Yet seriously - aspirant?  I feel like Roger got drunk one night and decided "let's tease Alan"...

    | AlanBleiweiss

  • In seomoz pro this page shows the error - "Title Missing or Empty", but has a tag. I'm trying to figure out if it's an issue on my end or a bug in the mozpro system. Thanks!!

    | MusicNerd

  • Hi! Something has been puzzling me. I've filter down a few things within open site explorer to produce some links of interest to me - around 500 records are showing When I try to export it via CSV however, only 25 links appear? Anyone know why and how I can get the rest?? David

    | rejigdigital

  • Hi, One of my campaigns gets updated every Thursday, but the keywords ranking hasn't been updated yesterday. The last update was made on 28th February. Is there anything wrong with this tool? Thanks in advance.

    | cvissi

  • On the SEOMoz Crawl Diagnostics, we are receiving information that we have duplicate page content for the URL Blog pages. For Example: blog/page/33/ blog/page/34/ blog/page/35/ blog/page/36/ These are older post in our blog. Moz is saying that these are duplicate content. What is the best way to fix the URL structure of the pages?

    | _Thriveworks

  • Hi, i was wondering if i can rely on the tracking for a campaign like The idea is to measure all the data regarding e.g. one specific language within a subdomain and use the tools based on this data. Thank you in advance.

    | ValerieSchmidt

  • Good morning everyone, I have just run a test from SEOmoz PRO tool and I got more than 2,000 double content errors. How might I see which are the 2 pages whose content is double? My website is just newly revamped and can't find these similarities on my own: for me there are not). Thanks for your help! Francesca

    | astojanov

  • My profile pic is updated and displays on my profile but I still have the default avatar beside all forum and blog posts... This is life or death... I must know the answer. 😉 Thanks guys.

    | Anthony_NorthSEO

  • Hi i am still finding my way around semoz and still learning what the tools do and i am trying to find out how i can increase my page authority. My competition page authority is 52 while mine is 36 and i would like to learn how i can increase mine to beat my competition. If anyone could give me some step by step instructions on what tools i should use and how i should use them to increase my page authority many thanks

    | ClaireH-184886

  • I received a warning in my most recent report for too many on-page links for the following page: I can't figure out why this would be. I am counting between 60-70 including all pull downs, "read more's", archive, category and a few additional misc. links. Any ideas or suggestions on this? Or what I might do to rectify? Perhaps it's just an SEOmoz report blip... We currently don't have the post list rolling to additional pages so it's kind of passively set up to be endless, but it's in the works.

    | gfiedel

  • Is anyone else seeing people's moz levels shown incorrectly?  Spotted this yesterday, but I am getting the same today.  Lots of people showing as Aspirant who shouldn't be.

    | matbennett

  • It appears that the Web Explore looks for exact matches to a page.  I'd like to see all matches to any page.  Will regular expressions work?

    | Leverage_Marketing

  • In my SEOmoz errors there are over a dozen 404 errors listed. However, they are not showing up in Google analytics. How can I find the referring url for the ones showing up here?

    | sakeith

  • I have run my 1st site check with SEOMOZ and have 4000+ errors. The "duplicate Page Content" culprit appears to be a extended url that keeps showing as duplicating. This is only a customer log-in and can be redirected back to the main cust log in page, but is there a short way of doing it (rather than 4000x 301's)? The format of the url is: http://www.???? Thanks

    | Paul_MC

  • So SEOMoz says that I've consistently ranked #6 for a certain keyword. But when I search I'm no where to be found. I've done regular searches, incognito and some non-seomoz reports and all come up with nothing in Google. I noticed it a week or two ago, but didn't think it would continue. This is no bueno. I wouldn't be surprised if I got penalized (luckily my homepage relatively well for similar keywords), an old seo consultant used very spammy tactics. I recently removed them, but not before I started to notice that I fell off the map. Why would SEOMoz not recognize this, and continue to say I'm ranking well? The keyword is bpi building analyst the page is

    | CleanEdisonInc

  • Howdy! We've made some performance improvements to Q&A, and things should be much speedier now. If you see anything amiss, please leave a reply here or send a note to [email protected]. Thanks!

    | KeriMorgret

  • I'd like to change my email alert settings for my campaigns. I want them to go to [email protected], not [email protected]. How do I change that? thanks Paul

    | Atiba

  • I am getting a lot of duplicate title errors when the only difference reported in SEOMoz's detail download shows that the capitalization in URL's from 2 referrer's is slightly different.  But there's really only one page.  See the example list of dups below: Title: <colgroup><col width="511"></colgroup>
    | College Classroom   Maps | URL: <colgroup><col width="566"></colgroup>
    | | Dup'S URL from another page: <colgroup><col width="566"></colgroup>
    | | So you see the M in maps is capitalized in the A tag on the second referring page.  I would be pretty shocked to learn that Google would consider this a duplicate title, but I am always learning new things. I do have canonical set up on my home page because this site can be accessed by and   So I don't think it's a lack of a canonical.  Could this be a bug in SEOMoz's crawler or is it because IIS is not case sensitive and maybe Apache is?? Thanks in advance to whom ever can shed some light on this. Ted

    | tdawgtoo

  • I have only been here a little over a week so bare with me if I am out of protocol by asking this here if there is a more appropriate place for me to have done so. Anyhow, i own the domain and just a few months ago, this domain was ranked 1 on Google for the search term "low loans" and "lowloans"  Now, that domain is nowhere to be found. I don't even know where to go to begin to work on this.  With respect to the search lowloans, the sites that get top spot don't have a lot of info that I have been able to find that would help me better my position.  I must be doing something wrong in my campaign as all of top 3 sites on google, don't rank within my campaign "rankings" report.  Ugh.  Where to start? Is there some section within SEOmoz that would give me the info I need to reclaim the top spot for my desired search terms? I am still making my way through this site so if I am asking something obvious to you vets, please be patient with me.

    | FailuretoPlan

  • Hello, I am a new user here (this seems really interesting!), but english level is not very good (I am spanish) and I dont understand what means 'Define Branded Keyword Rules' Hope someone can explain me it in easy words so I can understand Thank you very much! 1362443047.jpeg

    | matiw

  • I am an admin of a blog and I used to use "Yoast All in one SEO" plugin. While I was using this plugin it stripped the category base from my blog post URL's. With yoast all in one seo:
    Without yoast all in one seo: Now, that I have switched to another plugin, I am trying to manage the page crawl errors which are tremendous somewhere around 1800, mostly due to pagination. Rather than redirecting each URL individually I would like to develop HTC access 301 redirects rules. However all instructions on how to create these HTC access 301 redirect rules are regarding the suffix rather than the category base. So my question is, can HTC access 301 redirects rules work to fix this problem? Including pagination?  And if so, what would this particular HTC access 301 redirect look like? Especially regarding pagination? And do I really have to write a 301 redirect for each pagination page?

    | notgwenevere

  • I've noticed this past week that when you search for the links pointing to a given site, by using the "link:" operator, that Google not showing as many links as they use to. I noticed this also with Open Site Explorer, it is not showing the detail link information as much as it did before. Is Google trying to mask what we can view now on competitors backlinks? If so, how can we see the backlink building that our competitors are doing?

    | tdawson09

  • I can't tell if a keyword is newly ranking or if it just started ranking because I added it to the system. I have added keywords piecemeal over several months and I can't remember which ones I added on which date. Can anyone help me with this?

    | unitedairlines

  • This is a basic SEOmoz question - Is there a way to view past campaign reports? I haven't manually "archived" any of my reports, because I didn't realize that may be important so it seems I might be out of luck on this. i would like to compare old reports to current ones and can't find a way to access the old reports.

    | gfiedel

  • Does it matter whether you capitalize a keyword in a campaign?  Will the data be the same for keywords that are lower case vs proper?

    | djlittman

  • I have added 215 keywords to my account. From past two weeks i am waiting to see the rankings, however it's not updating.

    | Sasank

  • Hi, I am trying to set up a campaign for our website - however, I can't seem to get a scan of more than three pages. I have tried the following: (only 2 pages) (only 1 page) (only 3 pages) There is a geo IP redirect on but the second domain listed above should resolve the full site. I'm a newbie to SEOmoz so any help would be appreciated! Thanks, Mel

    | KingPings

  • Hi everyone, My company is exploring moving into a new industry, and I'm struggling a bit with where to start regarding adwords / keywords. I'm wondering if you have any recommendations regarding a tool for analyzing what others in the space are using for keywords in Adwords (preferably including some detail regarding CPC, volume, etc...). There appear to be several options (both free and paid).  I'm just looking for what you'd consider a good product (whether paid or otherwise). Thanks in advance and greatly appreciate any insight you may have. Best, Jason

    | ba_seomoz

  • I am using SEOMoz for only one domain.  Should I track keywords under only one campaign, or should I utilize the different campaigns for different types of keywords under the same domain?  Is it easier to keep all keywords for a domain in one campaign? Is it helpful to assign labels to keywords within the campaign?  What types of labels should I create?

    | djlittman

  • I want to find out what keywords a site is ranking for. In other words, I want to find out how Google is currently seeing a site. I've used Google KW tool - not very accurate when you simply type in the URL. Is there anything in SEOMoz I can use? New to this. thanks

    | goodge

  • I try and answer many questions here on SEOMoz Q&A, but the page load speed seems so slow I think my browser is going to time out. I don't remember it being this slow. Anybody else noticing slow loading (especially when asking, answering, or replying to questions)?

    | Francisco_Meza

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