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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Is anyone else having issues with onpage report card on SEOmoz: I keep getting this message: The change you wanted was rejected. Maybe you tried to change something you didn't have access to.

    | deaddogdesign

  • Hello, We used IBP for over 2 years and it worked great.  We were able to schedule every clients site to auto run and email our clients. Now IBP is terrible due to Google's new updates. We are looking for something cost effective since we have 100's of websites we check on a weekly basis. We are either looking for a great software that uses proxies to check, or a service that offers unlimited sites and is cheap per month. We have searched for many, however there are so many that we aren't sure what is good and what isn't. We tried Jonathan Ledgers new one and it's not good, we looked into Web CEO and it's per amount of websites which is expensive. We tried cute rank tracker which is free and added proxies and it doesn't work, it lags out and doesn't even track ranks properly. It wouldn't hurt if it had a built in report analysis of the website as well. So whats a good one?

    | MarketingOfAmerica

  • My site is "". I am using SH404sef component for url rewriting. In your crawling report it is given more then 13000 warning. Most of the warning are related with temporary redirect where redirect type is showing 303. Please help me to find out the solution to reduce these warnings.

    | snapconstruction

  • I would like to know if it's possible to see (maybe in my Google Analytics) if SEO Moz has crawled my website. I'm also curious if and where I can see when the robot of Google visited my website. Thanks!

    | Spotler

  • I just discovered that, for my competitive analysis, it is set to judge my naked domain instead of www. My rel="canonical" is set to point to www., thus, www. has a much higher domain authority than my naked domain. However, I don;t want to lose all of the history I have accumulated over the years for this domain. How to I make it so SEOmoz matches against www. instead of my naked domain? Which is wiser to gauge by?

    | bks_seo

  • Hi All, I've been using Pro for a couple of years with nothing more than the occasional glitch, however, almost every day there is some kind of data missing from a campaign or two within my account recently.  It's got to the point that I send a support ticket most days, no matter how insignificant the problem. Often I just need to disconnect and reconnect Analytics, but it's becoming very frustrating. Is it just me who's having these issues or do other people have the same problem recently? Thanks, Steve

    | Stevie-G

  • Noob question. I'm using Open Site Explorer to hunt down some external links for a website. In the attached image (post-pressing the filter button), it says I have 889 external links, but after I've downloaded the CSV, I only get 695 links. Why the difference in number? And if I'm doing something wrong, how do I make sure I'm getting the full amount of external links to my client's website? Thanks! GG6wURf.jpg

    | EEE3

  • We recently got added to dmoz and botw and would like to see those links considered in our domain authority as we are tracking our progress and comparing ourselves to other sites.  Is it possible to submit links to the seomoz index manually to have those tracked? (If I am even understanding this correctly)

    | hyperthalamus

  • My outdated CMS redirects from a clean url root domain to an ugly url. Should I use the ugly one to start a my campaign? So when you type in it redirects to Should I use the url it redirects to when starting a campaign?

    | mstanwyck

  • Hello Internet People! I have been using Opensiteexplorer and Mozbar side by side for 2 months now, running comparisons while link building. I have noticed a small problem, in that sometimes, Mozbar will display page rank information while Opensiteexplorer does not. Eventually Opensiteexplorer updated after several days or weeks, showing the same values as Mozbar. Can someone help me understand why this is happening and if it is a problem to trust the tool over the website? Thanks!

    | CGalownia

  • Hey there. I'm researching internal links and In my report I get alot of image links with the following text in the Link Anchor Text column: (img alt)(img)[No Anchor Text]. Is it because my images don't have alt-text or something else... How to optimize correctly? See attached screenshot. Best regards K87xLN8

    | nosuchagency

  • Hi, Is it possible to use SEOMoz to see the keywords my competitors rank for? Thanks Andrew

    | Studio33

  • We have 3 websites that are on 3 different campaigns.  Our flagship website is  The Domain Authority score on it was 42.  When I first (Mid November 2012) started, we had 295 keywords allocated for and 5 other keywords for allocated to our other websites... and  What I wanted to do was optimize the other two pages and I did this by taking taking 50 the keywords that were not ranked in the top 50 from and assigned them to the our other two sites.  Could this have caused the drastic drop in the score?  Our keyword rankings for the "Top 3" has dropped from 93 to 34 since November 2012. We did have a company that did article submissions for us up till October 2012.  Could this have caused our drop in the Domain Authority Score and our Keyword Rankings? I didn't make any other changes to Cannon website beside taking away those keywords and given them to our other sites. Any suggestions or thoughts would really help me. Regards, David

    | ACann

  • I have built several new sites over the last few months for others, but recently built a new one for myself.  I have gone through most of the checklists from this site to address on-page SEO, and now I am looking at link building. When using Open Site Explorer, I receive an error saying that no information about the URL is available, even when I add competitor sites. Wondering if this is a common issue and if there is a convenient remedy? thanks!

    | MindSpark

  • Hi All, I'm fairly new to the site, have had a full site crawl and am somewhat confused by a large number of pages (82) reported as showing 'too many on page links'. Mine is a new e-commerce site selling a project management methodology.  I have about 80 pages which describe individual templates and contain internal links to additional, related content on the site. The crawl warnings define too many on page links as roughly 100 "on any given page" yet almost none of the pages flagged contain more than  20-30 on links. Any thoughts and ideas about (a) the degree to which this will aeffect my ranking in practice and (b) how to resolve it gratefully received! Thanks in advance, Felix

    | RomanCat

  • When will links appear? Hi I submitted one of our products to a range of beauty bloggers and all of the reviews came back, really positive, along with links to our site. However when I run a back link report in open site explorer only one of these links is showing up even though the links all went live at about the same time. Can any one explain this  in discrepancy?

    | Hardley1

  • I have 30 geo targeted landing pages under the same domain.  So i want to track geo targeting keywords for each landing page.  given this what is the best way to use seomoz and how do i set up and structure? example of landing page structure san francisco is - nyc is - dc- etc Much thanks I'm a newbie to seomoz tools

    | sevin

  • I got a new rank report today. For a lot of keywords in Yahoo and Bing it is saying things like >49 etc. When I hover over it, it tells me that these are new keywords for me that I didn't rank for before. When I look at the historical graph for those specific engines though it just shows me going back at the same position historically. For example like position 17 going back many months without change. Can anyone tell me what is up with that?

    | edu-SEO

  • i would like to download domain authority of 50 domains at once. Is it possible with seomoz tool? If yes, can some one tell me how to do that?

    | Sasank

  • Hi, You announce a number of keywords sending search visits much larger than what you show in the interface. How do I get the list of the keywords you found?

    | ResourceLab

  • All 3 sites In my campaign have no link data analysis done. 5 to 6 months after you said you were working on it Adwords data is still not available in Keyword analysis Partial service is understandable for a few days but not for months. Beyond the nice screens, what data & services do you exactly provide and what are we paying for?

    | ResourceLab

  • Yello everyone 🙂 Yesterday I generated Access ID and Secret Key to try the API, but it didn't work. It's said that it might need 5 minutes, so I gave it something like 8 hours but it still didn't work afterwards. I used the PHP sample and I checked it with the Sample Expires value and it produces the same Signature parameter as in the Sample Valid API Signature, so the PHP code sample and the Sample Valid API Signature are in sync. In case you wonder - yes I changed the PHP sample by adding the valid strings for $accessID and $secretKey - I'm a long time programmer and I know what I'm doing with it. I tried also the example URL from Sample Valid API Signature couple of times, refreshing each time to get new Expire parameter, but it's not working too. Both the PHP sample and the Sample Valid API Signature are giving me this: **{ "status" : "401", "error_message" : "Your authentication failed. Check your authentication details and try again. For more information on signed authentication, see:" }** I am new here and if there is another place to look for support please just point it out and excuse me for wasting your time - I just couldn't see it and I really tried. Thank you for your time to read this! Calvin Your Access ID:

    | Calvin5

  • Hi, 1st time use of the SEOMOZ scan has thrown up a lot of duplicate errors. Seems to look like my site has a & for the same pages. We had the domain on a hosted cms solution & have now migrated to magento. We duplicated the pages, but had to redirect all of the old url's to he new magento structure. This was done via a developer adding a 301 wildcard code to the .htaccess. Would that many errors be normal for a 1st scan? Where should I look for someone to fix them? Thanks

    | Paul_MC

  • Hello! We have been doing a lot of work on our SEO over the last few months and are thrilled to be in the top four four "edmonton website design" in our city. However, we are planning to launch a new website soon and are very concerned that this could negatively effect our rankings (as was the case with one of our competitors this week). What tips and techniques can you recommend in this case? On paper, the SEO on our new site is much better than the last - the url structure, contact info and content is much more targeted to our desired search terms, however, I don't want to take any chances. Is there any way to be certain (as certain as possible) that we will not get bumped to page 2? Thanks, Anton
    Creative Director
    Web3 Marketing Inc.

    | Web3Marketing87

  • Hi there I am monitoring this website for a client: Someone on their side had gone and blocked the sitemap from being crawled and also in some form or another removed it as well. (Confusing I know) However I have gone and recreated the sitemat for these guys allowing robots to crawl the site, resubmitted it to all major search engines. My question is; Will SEOmoz be ableto crawl the site like it usually does and give me proper results for my Keywords placed into the Keywords Capmaign as well as give me Onsite page crawls using these keywords with proper results? Thanks in Advance Ray

    | RayHay

  • Hi, Is there a way to add to the OSE a list of disavowed domains? Also, how often is it refreshed?
    I know that the GWMT shows us links on sites that are down for months now. Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • I want to start off with stating that i am truly an advocate of SEOMoz and the great stuff they have done for the inbound community that we all know and love. I've been an active member since July 2010 and a paying pro member since December 2010. The software has always been monumental in helping my clients achieve their goals. However, in the past few months i have received nothing short of buggy unreliable software. The keyword difficulty tool never returns difficulty results. The Adwords data has been gone since i can remember. The rank tracker tool is successfull close to 1 out of 5 times. OSE is updated terribly slow compared to competitors. Plus, I have had to write emails to get my campaigns to be manually refreshed to see new ranking data. I have simply missed deadlines because my data is always delayed or missing from the software. Am i an anomaly here? does anyone have these problems? I have been researching some new tools as a replacement but i have yet to find anything as robust as the old SEOMoz. I'd love some feedback. Cheers - Kyle

    | kchandler

  • Hello, If I have an OSE file of the site's backlinks, is there any way to easily put together a spreadsheet with domain page link is on anchor text contact info description/feed Buzzstream does domain, page, and anchor text but you have to add the contact info one by one and there's no description/feed. Is there any way with any set of tools to do it all? Talking about 1375 domains for a total of 4500 pages. Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • I'll be honest, it's pretty shameful how little attention I give Bing and Yahoo. But something recently caught my eye - I have a client who according to rank tracker is all over the place in yahoo/bing...up 20 positions for some kw's, down 12 for others...meanwhile Google's holding steady, and Google data seems mostly accurate - with one exception of showing 46th position for an exact match branded search that they're #1 for. I know Rank Tracker has been going through some fine tuning, right?  I don't manually check Yahoo/Bing - I can't imagine those #'s are accurate though.  Am I right to assume it's incorrect data? Just curious, any insight would be much appreciated.  Thanks

    | SVmedia

  • This question is for one of the SEOMoz staff. With the ongoing changes and improvement in algorithms, does the SEOMoz team keep the "On-page Report Card" up to date with best practices?

    | tdawson09

  • Is there a way to see a graph of the history of these two metrics that are displayed on semoz?

    | santiago23

  • Hello Mozzers. First time caller, long time listener. Just a quick query I hope.   Why do keyword difficulty percentages in the keyword difficulty report change drastically sometimes when the report is run from one day to another?   Thanks for your help. Thanks for your help.

    | dctdigital

  • I've been going through my monthly reports, and noticed something odd in the SEO Moz report section showing the visits from organic (non-paid) search engine results. When checking this data against the same data in Google Analytics, everything for the most part seems to line up with the exception of two dates: Jan 09 and Jan 23 of the SEO Moz report show 0 visits, but Analytics shows I do have visits on those days. Any ideas why this would be in the report or what I'm missing? IsePEAS hWBASOd

    | EEE3

  • I know OSE used to provide link data from these domains. But I have been doing link profile lookups on sites that I know have links from these domains - and they don't show up in my results. Just to make sure, they don't even show up when I sort the sites by domain authority.

    | ProspectMX

  • Just redesigned my site and want to have a crawl done to check for errors or any items which need to be cleaned up.  Anyone know how I can do this as SEOMoz only crawls once per week. Thanks!

    | creativemobseo

  • My question is why do my GWT's links not match up to the ones on Open Site Explorer. I watched John Mueller's video, and he said that they had problems with the link counts recently. After checking my links today, I can see that the problem is fixed, but my link count differs from Open Site Explorer. On Web Master Tools I have 307 links, but on Open Site Explore I have 42. Has anyone dealt with this problem? thanks. Peter

    | PeterRota

  • I use both SEOmoz's Open Site Explorer and Web Master Tools to find backlinks when conducting link audits. WMT always finds more links than OSE; I understand Google's database is bigger. But what is interesting to me is that it seems that a large percentage of the links WMT finds that OSE does not are real crappy links that I don't want. That makes me wonder if SEOmoz decides not to crawl certain, low quality, sites? Just curious.

    | ILM_Marketing

  • Is anyone else having the same issue? These errors don't actually exist and i think it has something to do with wordpress - how can i fix this?

    | MillerPR

  • I've been working on a clients site and put up the following but when I check back on seomoz i have over 3000 errors and notices and its been crawling a silly amount of pages that don't exist!! ErrorDocument 404 /404.html Options +FollowSymLinksDirectoryIndex index.html RewriteEngine OnRewriteBase / RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,9}\ /index.html\ HTTP/ RewriteRule ^index.html$ [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /index.html [L]

    | SeoSheikh

  • I know this question has been asked many times in this forum but I still can't work it out. Why does this link: Which is showing all links, external, to pages "on this sub domain" show 1,935 external links but this link: which is exactly the same but this time shoing followed + 301 links, says "showing 1 - 50 external links) but won't show the total links (and I know the mouse-over on the question mark says it's won't show the total links, but I don't understand why it can't show the total links when it could show the total links when I requested to see "all links" instead of just "followed+301" links.) but it actually lists 700 links (14 pages, 50 results each page). I know the link list is limited to 25 links per domain but then it means you can NEVER know the total link count unless you download the full report. This makes using OSE to know numbers of links (internal, external, or otherwise) impossible. And if anyone uses the API, why the API (external+follow) returns 1,451 links? I'm sure it's an ongoing issue with people trying to get their head around all of this and I've never really been able to. Any insight would be much appreciated!

    | eatyourveggies

  • Hei there, I tried to update my datas using your historical ranking reports, but last week the reports were incomplete not having crawled all keywords... Did I do somethign wrong or is that a mistake on oyur side? thanks for hleping me Sarah

    | SEOKrauteratwork

  • I am stuck in the redirect loop which seems to have become commonplace when seeking to access open link explorer... I have cleared my cache. I have reset and restarted my browser. And I think I have done what I need to do with cookies. Someone please help me  - I am using 10.6.8 OSX - Safari - but have also tried chrome thanks in advance be blessed bd

    | creativeguy

  • Hi there, I have to run a SERP report for about 200 keywords for 5 different domain names for a competitor analysis. I cant add them as campaigns here because I need to data before Thursday.  Does anyone have a good on-demand tool they recommend?  I need to run a SERP on both & Bing (US only)

    | digitalimpulse

  • Hi all. I think I'm a bit confused. When I check my crawl diagnostics its listing lots of warnings under the heading rel-canonical. I am not sure why, since virtually all my pages have the  link rel="<a class="attribute-value">canonical</a>"  tag. I use it because there are a lot of possible extensions that can appear on the pages as it is an eCommerce site. Why would seomoz list this as a warning? Thanks Ken

    | CandymanKen

  • So I just got the Crawl Diagnostics report for a client site and it came back with a number of 4xx errors and even 1 5xx error.  So while I can find the URL that has the problem, I cannot find the pages that have the links pointing to these non-existent or problematic pages.  Normally I would just search the database for the site, but in this case I don't have access to it as the site is on a proprietary platform with no access other than to the CMS.  Is there anyway to get the linking URL from the report?  Thanks!

    | farlandlee

  • I have made corrections to the crawl diagnostics report. Can I refresh this report? I would like to see if my corrections were correct. Thanks for your anticipated answer!

    | Bob55

  • i received a grade f for one of my keywords/page. i corrected some of the points but when i tried to submit the form again, it doesn't check off those corrected items. is there something wrong with the tool right now? also, how does the tool work if i'm targeting 2 different keywords for one page? e.g. digital marketing philippines and digital marketing agency philippines I'm pretty sure one of the keywords will have problems with at least 3 critical and high importance on page factors (broad keyword usage in page title, exact keyword usage in page title, etc.) is there an effect if there's a critical factor left unchecked because using both keywords in the title might look redundant?

    | optimind

  • Things changed a bit for me when Raven Stopped using google and SemRush data and I haven't exactly found a solution I'm happy with so Just wanted to use what people use alongside SEOMoz, or what they use instead of certain parts of SEOMoz. Before I was using Raven Tools, Screaming Frog SEO Crawler but currently I'm using Screaming Frog SEO Crawler, SEOMoz (trial), and SerpIQ (trial).

    | GBabyWilson

  • I have done various link building strategies, and used all white hat seo methods. SEOMoz even shows that my site is better than all my competition, but yet it doesn't rank ANYWHERE on Google. Can someone point me in the right direction as to why this is happening? I have attached the opensitexplorer screenshot showing my competition. 2013-02-13_1456_zpsb86ab0e1.png

    | locallyrank

  • It shows 0 internal links when I am pretty sure we have multiple internal links.Should we use absolute urls or relative urls for internal links?

    | SulekhaUSLLC

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