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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • I have a mobile version of a site with a URL string that disables the mobile view on smartphones (view full site), string is like this I need the seomoz pro reports or crawler to ignore it because the crawler visits both versions of the site then reports them as duplicate content. Is there a setting page I haven't visited yet that will set this?

    | Str82u

  • "Unable to retrieve linking pages on this anchor at this time." This is the notice I get when trying to see links for anchor text. Can someone help?

    | Joseph-Green-SEO

  • Free API, PRO member. We have been experiencing an issue with a free version due to the fact that it does not pass more than approximately 20 requests. It crashes every time after about 20 requests. We have tried placing 1 request per 10 and 15sec and have the same problem, even though the rate limit is 1 request every 5sec.2

    | bookworm

  • I keep getting this message, I have a 301 from my domain to my domain with the www prefix. What's the deal? We have detected that the domain and the domain both respond to web requests and do not redirect. Having two "twin" domains that both resolve forces them to battle for SERP positions, making your SEO efforts less effective. We suggest redirecting one, then entering the other here.

    | KrisPhoto

  • Hello, I register new domain and i research on keywords and got 16 keywords for 16 pages one keyword for every page.
    now i want SEO of my site please give me some good idea how to do my white hat SEO of my website? 16 pages + 16 keywords
    How many backlinks submission i can do daily base? Directory submission?
    Social bookmarking submission?
    Blog comment?
    Articles submission?
    any more..................... Hope you will give me positive response. Thanks

    | wildcat143

  • I'm a bit new here, but we've had a few crawls done already. They are always finished by Wednesday night. Our website is not large (by any means), but the crawl still says it's in progress now 3 days later. What's the deal here?!?

    | Kibin

  • Hello, I would appreciate your help on the following issue. During Crawl procedure of (WP installation) I get a lot of errors of the below mentioned categories: Title Missing or EmptyMissing Meta Description Tag for the URLs: (i.e. xxxx=1033) Any idea of the reason and possible solution. Thank you in advance George

    | gpapatheodorou

  • I just want to ask the people who subscribe to Seomoz on a regular basis, I just paid for my first  month subscription but to be perfectly honest I'm trying to work out whether
    somebody who is not rolling in cash and trying to make a living can afford to
    pay the fee each month. I'm not a professional I just have two business websites and I'm learning the subject and finding it interesting. The tools do seem very good but I just wondered how people see this service on which aspect is the most important of them. I like to continue, I have been impressed the quality of the forum topics and discussions I just wonder whether I can afford to justify the fee.

    | whitbycottages

  • Hi When I import an OSE Site Crawl .csv to Excel, the lines get messed up. This is due to commas within the crawled site: For instance, when there is a comma in the Meta Description field, it gets separated into two fields. Is there any way to escape this so that only the correct fields get separated? Thanks!

    | zeepartner

  • Hello, I'm tracking a domain (with since months. Last week we changed things related to domain & server and now SEOmoz has 0 pages crawled. I think that's because now my main domain is without www. ( How can I modify my campaign to reflect this "change" (that's not really a new domain..) to avoid losing all my campaign history ? Also, on Google Webmaster Tools it's like I have 2 different sites (one with www. and another without), although I've defined my favorite domain (without www.) months ago.. Google won't update its index. And I have this problem on several other sites.. Thank you very much for giving me a feedback. Regards Jean-Louis

    | JeanlouisSEO

  • For example, and both show the same DA in OSE. I believe it's the DA of the root domain. How can I compare the DA of the 'www' and 'us' subdomains?

    | Whitespark

  • Hi guys, I own, we translate the articles from my romanian website I'm working on a script for subdomain Whatafy = We Have All The Answers For You Now i'm stuck in seomoz, because as you can see we have articles from over 40 domains, and is a general online magazine with articles. What keywords should i use for main domain ? What competitors to enter in those 3 options so i can track and beat them. Should i make another campaign for when is ready ? or the main campaign have some options to track subdomain to ? I have same situation with where in subfolders i have different scripts like, web directory, companies listing, dreams interpretations, illustrated jokes, text jokes, driving licens test, online test for fun, postcodes, wheater, big forum, maps, ecards etc. Is a big portal with everything, and for each subfolder i targeted severel keywords, i need to make a campaign for each folder ?

    | whatafy

  • example: turns no results for me. what's up? thanks!

    | chiappa

  • Hello, Is OSE making any difference when crawling the web between http or https links? Will OSE show all links that point to my website regardless of them being http or https? Thank you Cornel Note: The Label for the search bar is http.

    | Cornel_Ilea

  • I just updated a clients website which resulted in about 6000 duplicate page content errors. The way I set up my clients new website is I created a sub folder calles blog and installed wordpress on that folder. So when you go to your taken to an html website, but if you click on the blog link in the nav, your taken to the to blog subfolder. The problem I'm having is that the url's seem to be repeating them selves. So for example, if you type in in that somehow is a legitimate url and is being considered duplicate content of of This repeating url only seems to be a problem when the blog/ is in the url. Any ideas as to how I can fix this?

    | ScottMcPherson

  • I have a local floor cleaning business in the UK. I have various discrete services e.g. carpet cleaning, stone restoration and polishing (a page for each type of stone) that are delivered in distance geographical service areas. Each page is set up to target a "town/service" keyword. In each geographical location I have different competitors Should I set individual campaigns for each landing page or is one site wide campaign the way to go. Many thanks David Allen

    | davidallen365

  • Hi Little confused with the ranking report on a campaign. I am position 1 for "web development company".  On the ranking report I am not in the top50.  Last update was on the 18th Jan. How current is the ranking report as my other ranking software (Rank Tracker) is a little more upto date?

    | Cocoonfxmedia

  • I was checking my ranking reports and double checking them on Google to see if it match. My rankings was updated today on seomoz and almost none of the rankings match the real thing. For example I have a rank that in seomoz says 9th place and i am checking it at google and it says 6th. Is there a possible explanation? I am in a need of an answer as soon as possible. Thanks in Advance

    | Angelos_Savvaidis

  • If anyone knows of a design someone has built, or if you know of one that we can purchase and customize ourselves that would be an option too. I am looking to have a company build us a white label SEO dashboard that integrates SEOMOZ api and SEMRUSH api.  I also like majesticSEO api for the lost links only, the rest of majesticSEO I don't really care about I like SEOMOZ much better hence why I am here. I need the following 1. Someone to be able to login and add their logo if they are a reseller company of our services, so we can offer white label solutions to them. 2. I need to have an admin section where we can upload backlinks.  The admin section should do the minimum 2.1 Allow us to select a website, select a link type, and upload the backlinks. It should extract specific columns from a CSV and upload them into the desired website/link area like a guest post or a social bookmark etc.. 3. We need graphs and all of the fancy looks for others to look at.. 4. We want to make sure that someone can download the report to their desktop in a doc, excel, or pdf form. Extras Automatic rank checking like IBP or Jonathen Ledgers new software etc.. If not I will just continue to use IBP it's not a big deal.

    | MarketingOfAmerica

  • Why don't i see a domain mozrank or moztrust? The compeitor's numbers work, but not my own site. Thanks a lot!

    | ivordg

  • I want to get a CSV file of all the pages that are indexed by Google and other search engines so I can create and .htaccess file of 301 redirects

    | etraction

  • We are looking at getting the Agency version of SEOMoz and are based in the UK Could you please tell me what would be the best way to correct this issue as this appears to be a problem with all our clients websites. an example would be Would you also be able to suggest the best SEO plugin to use with SEOMOz ? Many thanks Paul

    | KloodLtd

  • I'm trying to submit a private question but I get an error saying: We're sorry, but something went wrong. We've been notified about this issue and we'll take a look at it shortly. Cornel

    | Cornel_Ilea

  • Our URL in Thai language. We cannot read in Crawl report downloaded from research tool. Is there any way to correct this problem?

    | Amornpong

  • Okay fellow in-house SEOs, I need some advice please. We are considering an upgrade from SEOMoz Pro to Pro Elite. For a business our size, this is a major investment. I need some compelling reasons why we should go with this upgrade in lieu of simply adding an upgraded membership at SEMRush. Aside from more keywords tracked and more pages crawled (We only have about 5,000 pages, so I'm not sure more pages crawled is even something we need). Right now, it seems the only benefit to us would be the ability to track 2500 more keywords. We don't need more campaigns and we don't need more pages crawled. An extra $300/month is a lot to pay just for the sole benefit of adding more keywords. The reason we are considering this is because we have 6-7 product lines that are all quite different from each other, different keywords, different competitors. All of these products lines are enormously competitive, so of course we want to track each (with competitors) separately so that when I build a Ranking Index (which I learned how to do beautifull thanks to this post by AJ Kohn a few days ago), that my Ranking Index is a truer picture of how we are doing for keywords related to specific product lines, against the right specific competitors. Because of the keyword limitations in SEOMoz Pro (1,000 max), we can't come close to covering everything. Is increasing our level at SEOMoz really the best, most affordable option to do what we want to do? I realize I might get some bias here, but we are really trying to research cost-effective options, as $4,790 is a huge investment for us. Thoughts?

    | danatanseo

  • There are several videos of ours on 3rd party sites (YouTube, Vimeo) that are in universal placements but show as not ours. Since they are not on our domain is there a way we can claim them in the rankings report to make the report more accurate?

    | BWG

  • I have a PPC landing page with I'm getting a B grade on  the On-Page Report Card. Can I just ignore that, it says its a "Critical Factor" Thanks Mike Crawl status <dd>Status Code: 200
    meta-robots: noindex,nofollowall
    meta-refresh: None
    X-Robots: None</dd> <dt>Explanation</dt> <dd>Pages that can't be crawled or indexed have no opportunity to rank in the results. Before tweaking keyword targeting or leveraging other optimization techniques, it's essential to make sure this page is accessible.</dd> <dt>Recommendation</dt> <dd>Ensure the URL returns the HTTP code 200 and is not blocked with robots.txt, meta robots or x-robots protocol (and does not meta refresh to another URL)</dd>

    | mjrinvent

  • So, I'm implementing on-page fixes for a site that my company runs SEO services for ( However, I was wondering if there was a way to rank a pages' SEO quality, in general? As of now, it seems like the only way your recommendations can be consumed and altered is on a keyword basis. However, this seems be the reason I have a good amount of my F-Grades. Since my website sells powersports apparel and accessories, we cover a variety of applicable (but different) keywords like 'Motorcycle parts' or 'snow tubes,' because we sell so many different types of products. But, when I look at my F-Grades - SEOMoz is telling me my homepage is ranking poorly for a multitude of those pertinent keywords - but only because my page isn't catered specifically to each of them (IE: 'Snowmobile Parts' - 'Water Sport Apparel') But, with so many different types of products, catering to a specific one is impossible and would be detrimental. Is there a way to see how a page ranks, without factoring in those keywords? Or a better way that I can use these recommendations more efficiently? Thanks guys!

    | BrandLabs

  • I find the keyword rankings feature of SEOmoz Pro probably it's most useful feature.  I was wondering why you can't see your listed competitors stats in comparison?

    | AndyMcSherry

  • Hi there, I am trying to analyse the UK version of my website. However as the website is set to redirect people to the most relevant site and SEO Moz is based in the US, it is redirecting all the pages your crawling and therefore analysing US pages. So I am trying to look at the UK homepage but all the factors relate to the US site... Is there a way around this?? Thanks

    | MyTights

  • At what point do you think that an inbound link becomes a bad or low quality link when it comes to the inbound links page domain Authority and page Authority. SO as they are scored 1-100 in each case. At what score would you attempt to get rid of such links.

    | askshopper

  • Hi, I have just noticed something within Open Site Explorer. On the page it says it draws the Twitter stats from tweetmeme. I have just noticed that tweetmeme have shut down. Their new product datasift seems to do the same thing, but can someone confirm if SEOMoz is drawing data from them now, or is the current twitter data shown not fully up to date. Its not a major issue, its just something I noticed. Thanks Rich

    | mos_rich

  • Hi! I've had a pro account for almost a month now and there still isn't any data for my site in the competitive domain analysis section of the pro dashboard. Am I doing something wrong? Bvxj4.png

    | rhmio

  • For the most part, SEOMoz's keyword analysis tool has been in line with other tools like Adwords keyword tool with regards to competitive level. I have just encountered a keyword though that a client may choose to compete on that seems to be far off. keyword phrase: online math games Adwords competitive level: Low SEOMoz competitive level: 80 This seems like a sizeable difference (I know the two compare all results vs first page authority's, but typically they are in line with each other). With other related keywords for the industry in question, SEOMoz and Adwords seem to be in line. This one just got me thinking. I know the SEOMoz score is a sign of the strength of the top results and that the "low" score from Adwords may be a sign of much weaker results on the following pages (with a higher number of weaker pages vs fewer high authority outliers). **Question: ** How accurate is SEOMoz keyword analysis tool and what other keyword analysis tools are you guys/gals using that you like? I have tried others but many provide duplicate insights.

    | mattylac

  • Hi, Since the last time our sites were crawled in SEOmoz they are all showing a spike in Errors. (Mainly duplicate page titles and duplicate content). We haven't changed anything to the structure of the sites but they are all using the same content management system. The image is an example of what we are witnessing for all our sites based on the same system. Is anyone else experiencing anything similar? or does anyone know of any changes that SEOmoz has implemented which may be affecting this? Thanks in advance, Anthony. WzdQV WzdQV WzdQV.jpg WzdQV.jpg

    | BallyhooLtd

  • Regarding the CSV export of site crawl issues. I have noticed that resently several of the crawl reports are issing vital information specifically the "refferer". I my mind it's kinda hard for roger to find a page without having a refferer so what is happening I have no idea. have anyone else experienced this?

    | novicell

  • Hey All, On the 4th of January our site ( Webmaster tools showed a massive drop in the number of impressions we're getting from Google.  We went from over 500 to around 100 and we haven't recovered. That week's SEOMOZ keyword report showed we were wiped from the Top 50 for everything we were tracking except our branded terms. I've seen no indicators to why this might have happened. Our Domain Authority hasn't changed.  I haven't received any malware notices in Webmaster tools. displayed our Google Places listing as not present despite being able to click through and see our listing displaying as "active." Is it possible there's something wrong with the DNS that I'm missing? What could cause a complete wiping like this that wouldn't trigger an alert in Webmaster tools? Any help, guidance or suggestions will be greatly appreciated! Craig

    | SpotColorMarketing53

  • I use  Cute Rank to check my keywords ranking in Google, but after last update seomoz is showing some of keyword ranked much higher than Cute Rank. I checked them manually and they are on positions showed by Cute Rank and not by Seomoz. Can someone explain me why is that?

    | misterdam

  • The site I'm helping with was at one time a page 1, even #1 on page 1. Lots of changes, problems when someone else did something and dropped to page 4 for keyword. After some recent tweaking I did, it no longer shows on rankings. No penalty on Google Webmaster, in Webmaster tools it shows the sitemap processed with no errors. SEOmoz still shows it at #43 in Rankings. Why does SEOmoz see it, but I don't? Site is (sorry, plus size women's lingerie) and keywords are "plus size lingerie".

    | dlcohen

  • As a loyal Moz Pro subscriber I track my site's authority, trust and links against 3 similar competitors.  Last week my authority fell from 61 to 60 but all 3 competitors saw a drop in their authority that week too.  Was the Moz domain authority calculation changed?  Did anyone else see a drop or has something odd happened to just our market? Any ideas? Not sure if this is something I should address or just shrug and ignore. Cheers

    | SteveBrumpton

  • Hi, I was wondering if other people had noticed the (very sudden) closing down of the ranking tools for both Raven and Ahrefs - both of which were major parts of their software. Given the sudden and synced timing my guess is that Google is throwing its weight around and banking on the doors of companies offering ranking software with the threat of a fat lawsuite! What is everyone else using for their rank checking ? Will this impact SEOMOZ ranking results ?

    | James77

  • After checking them from the report I was emailed, some of them seem to be incorrect, or is it something my end? To be fair the majority of them are correct, I'm just querying it.

    | JonathanRolande

  • Is there an API for access project data is SEOMoz?

    | VanadiumInteractive

  • After the last linkscape update of 2012 (December) I noticed that it had missed a couple of high quality follow links to other sites that I'd built. I just assumed that the crawler had missed them but would pick them up next time. It hasn't though (I've been built some since then as well) and my DA has stayed the same. Help...

    | EmpofMan

  • Since the linkscape update before Christmas I have built a couple of links to fairly high quality sites. I can't find them on open site though or the other tools I mentioned. I'm a bit concerned there is an issue with my site. Does anyone have any idea why? I'm stumped. My site:

    | EmpofMan

  • I've pulled a quarterly report for a client, and it's showing very odd numbers. I'm monitoring 58 keywords - and the current keyword ranking report from last week says that there are 21 keywords in the top 3 and 33 on the first page. But the quarterly report says that there are 50 in the top 3 and 70 on the first page??? What's up with this?

    | Bigheadigital

  • Is there any other services or software that provide keyword ranking and traffic data other than SEOMoz or Raven Tools?

    | JohnW-UK

  • Is anyone else having this issue? The universal rankings are not populating in my keyword rankings tool for any of my clients. Is this something that SEOmoz changedrecently?

    | TippingPointMedia

  • Hi there, we have a lot of customers linking to our homepage from a subdomain of our domain or from an external domain. From SEO point of view is it best that they all only have one DoFollow Link and the rest of the links are NoFollow? Or does this have no matter at all? The problem is that we have like 900.000 links but only from round about 1000 different root domains. If we put like half of the links on NoFollow our ratio of links/ different root domains gets better. Thanks for answering! Sebastian

    | Sebastian23

  • How come the linking root domains tab doesn't download to the cvs when I try to create a "Top Pages" report?

    | mrmworldwidesearch

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