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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Hi Been with this tool for a few days now and enjoying it so far. I do have one query though. In the campaigns section we have various tabs of data, including Social. However while all the other data is exportable in the created report, social is not available to add to the custom reports. Why is this? When I click on the social tab I can download it in CSV but it would be good to be able to export the charts in pdf as per the other analysis data. Would make it much easier when sharing reports with clients. Are there any plans to make the social metrics addable to the custom reports one can create?

    | GrumpyCarl

  • Hello, I think I know the answer to this but I'm sure there's more to be told. If I optimised a site for a particular city and keyword, let say bespoke kitchens Edinburgh. Do I really need to add the Edinburgh word in if I am mentioning Edinburgh in a different context on other parts of the site? So I would just be using and optimising for bespoke kitchens which is a far easier phrase to fit organically into written text. The Edinburgh (location) word would be mentioned but in different sections of the text, I might even use Glasgow & Fife (other catchment area locations) Would search engines then still rank me for searches for "bespoke Kitchens" searched for by someone from Edinburgh or does it need to read "bespoke kitchens edinburgh"? Thanks for you help.


  • Hi, I run an individual On Page report for a particular URL, then I export as pdf. The URL appears in the pdf and looks fine but when you click on it it goes to a 'page not found'. I know the URL is correct. When I hover over the URL in the pdf i notice that the word 'Good' is at the end of my URL but I did not put this in there. if I give the report to a client it doesn't look so good. Is this a bug? Cheers Virginia

    | VirginiaC

  • Hello Guys, my situation is: I have more Page Autority More Backlinks More Root Autority But my competitor still in a better position then mine! How it´s possible? Tks

    | MarcioMoura

  • I recently checked one keyword ranking and it was showing my keyword is in 10th position of but the same when i check directly on i seen my keyword position is 16th so i again refresh the ranking and again it is still showing 10th position.. i am totally confused here which one is right.. please help here is the screenshot of that keyword so you can guys check from your side..

    | xplodeguru

  • We have a subdomain that I don't want to show up in our root SEOmoz campaign.  How do I tell SEOmoz to ignore it?

    | wcsjohn

  • The last recorded webinar is from april did moz stop doing these? Luckily i have all the moz con videos t go thru (which are awesome by the way-thanks)

    | DavidKonigsberg

  • How can I use my logo or company name at header left and footer section in SEOmoz Analysis Report?

    | anu_bajpai

  • do anybody have a problem navigating  Seomoz webpage and scrolling down. for example everytime that I came to ask a question and post, I write down later select my topic. and when I scroling down the web page just push up. and don't let me go to the button to "aks a question" from one moment I though was my computer but at the office and at home using chrome, I have the same issue. Anybody have the same issue?

    | lnietob

  • Say you have a site that has better Domain/page authority, more links, more social media sharing, and a lot more indexed pages (thanks to blogging) than the competition. Of course all of these metrics are based off of data from SEOMoz open site explorer tool which I am not sure if it produces accurate data. 1.  Other than exact match domains or the age of a domain what would be other reasons why competition would outrank you? 2.  Can anyone suggest other ways to help increase a sites domain/page authority besides creating more indexed pages, link building, etc..?

    | webestate

  • How come this blog post of mine which got lots of links has not been picked up by Open Site Explorer:

    | Eavesy

  • Hello Dear Members, I am a new member to not only seomoz but to the SEO World as well. I was learning and implementing SEO from the last 5,6 months and got my website on page 1. I was quite happy with all the results. I recently got adsense approved on my site and was quite happy with the earnings as well. Unfortunately the most recent Panda update has effected most of my SEO efforts I was doing from the last 5,6 months. My rankings are effected a lot and same with my earnings from adsense. My rankings are effected in this manner. A couple of keywords that were in top 3 spots (1st page are now at 7,8 (1st page position. There are 3,4 pages that were previously on 5,6 spot (1st page are now on 15, 16 spot (2nd page Now I want to ask what tools from seomoz can help me to regain my lost positions in Google? Secondly what type of strategy (backlinks) can help me to regain the lost rankings? Best Regards Sam

    | sampaul549

  • Hello everyone! 🙂 I'm almost desperate, and trying to find a solution to one of my blogs. Below is it URL: It has more than 3 years, and even so I get just around 700-1000 visitors a day. I have already applied several SEO techniques, tried several SEO plugins, tried to work with keywords, etc, but nothing changes. I see several other sites and blogs of the same niche (games), with much less content (I have more than 3800 articles, in 3 years), practicing plagiarism, stealing content, etc, and with much more visitors and revenue. I have never done nothing wrong. Never stole content. I always worked honestly, and always tried to write articles with "something more". I really don't know what happens with . And, how can, for example, Seomoz helps me, here? I would be very grateful for any help. 😄

    | Andarilho

  • Hi all, I just signed as a PRO in Seomoz(yes, I am noob) and in the crawl diagnostics it says I have got a couple of 404. first one is a typo but I just can't find where it is on my website; any idea? second, it is a page I deleted third, it is a page with double subdomain ie it works with sitename/country/services 404: sitename/country/country/services

    | omawo

  • When using the Find New Keywords tool, the information listed for Rank is often incorrect. I attached an image with two screen shots. One from the Find New Keywords Tool and the other is a Google search results page. In Incognito mode, I searched for the third item on the list, "Speak Creative Memphis." The results put us at #1 for that term, but the Keyword Tool shows that we're #4. Can you help me understand why there is a difference? keywordtool-ss.jpg

    | speakcreative

  • I've shared to FB and tweeted my blog many times but the Link Research & Analysis With: Open Site Explorer hasnt picked them up, does this mean Google isnt picking them up either? What am I doing wrong?

    | Ranj

  • I just ran a SERP/keyword diffculty report for a keyword I want one of my pages to rank Also, I just conducted the on-the-page-optimization and now I am going to start buidling links. => I would like to estimate how many linking root domains I need to overrank one of my competitor. These are the MOZ data:
    1. My page:
    Page Linking Root domains: 0
    Root Domain Linking Root Domains: 151 2. Competitor:
    Page linking root domains: 1
    Root Domain Linking Root Domains: 5,786 I don't really know on which metric (Page or domain LRD) to rely on in order to make an estimation and I would be glad for some help! To simplyfy the problem, assume that all toher factors (code, on-the-page keyword use., social etc.) are equal for both sites. Can I just get 2LRD to that page in order to likely outrank my competitor or do I need around 5000 more links poiting to my site? I think an answer to this question could help a lot of users here, since I saw similar questions/difficulties regarding the use of page LRD vs. root domain LRD P.S. Non of the pages of my website do currently rank in the top 100 for that keyword.

    | He_Jo

  • Hello People, I hope everyone is well, this is bugging me because I cannot figure it out, my old website which I still have up ranks on page 2 or 3 for the keywords "social media marketing edinburgh" but when I check the URL's in particular the SMM page: and I know the URL's a mess but we have resolved all these issues with the new co. setup. Anyway the On page optimization for this page is an F for this phrase, yet it ranks highly, I am greatly puzzled as to why. Can some one please help shed some light on this? Thanks to everyones who may kindly take the time to assist here. Craig


  • We are doing a backlink campaign for a personal development training company that is a pretty good authority with lots of good long articles. So far I found competitors ranking for our keywords - about 10 of them - and analyzed their backlinks We found about 40 possible backlink providers. What's the next step to find more? I know 2 possibilities so far: do inurl commands in google to find related sites with resource sections - how do I do this? Analyze the backlinks of the sites that make up competitor's backlinks.] - how do I organize this huge task? What else is there?

    | BobGW

  • Hi, I was trying to get the data for total external links to a page and total external links to the domain using Mozscape API but I can't see a bit flag which can do that. There are bit flags for external followed links to a page and external followed links to a domain but I wanted the total external links data, is there a way to do that using Mozscape API else I would end up copying the data manually from OSE which would be cumbersome and time consuming. Your help is highly appreciated.

    | HQP

  • how best is it to use the on-page reports in seomoz? Any help and techniques people use would be greatly appreciated thanks

    | Bristolweb

  • I prepared a real professional looking website analysis packet. The emphasis is on it being VERY professional and classy, nothing cheesy about it. (If you want a copy send me a p.m. and I will email you one). It will take me about 8 minutes to look at their site and run it through a couple tools and and have a quick list of things that are missing. Another 10 minutes for my office manager to edit the template and print a good looking copy. My plan is to take out and deliver about 10 of these a day and call and follow up on them over the phone. My hope is that when they see the quality and professionalism of the report the chances are low it gets thrown in the trash and when I call I have a REASON to call and not some random idiot cold calling. **What do you think? Any suggestions? ** I have a lot of sales background and don't mind talking to people and I know the key will be in FOLLOWING UP which is what MOST people are NOT willing or able to bring themselves to do. I realize that giving away a 'free' report may devalue what I have to offer in some peoples minds...... thought about that. I am just getting started and only have a few clients but I HAVE produced great things for those few but I need to get the ball rolling a little quicker. Thanks for weighing in with your two cents! 🙂 Have an AWESOME week! Matthew

    | Mrupp44

  • I wanted to know the general practices SEO marketers use when  initially researching and revisiting relevant keywords for a website. I use this process Brain storm a list of keywords, between me and the client Check out competitors websites & SERP's look at Google adwords traffic analyser ( mostly as a point of reference and for increased ideas) How do others do it? what process do you find works - i'm based in the Uk would be great to get a UK perspective. Obviously you can't optimise for all  keywords in your list how best is it to decide on the best value or less competitive keywords? I struggle to get  stats for local keywords( not enough search data) - most my clients are local businesses and have limited surrounding  service areas. thanks

    | Bristolweb

  • Hi, I am looking for a tool most probably web based tool like opensiteexplorer / majestic seo that gives me the list of URL For example, on google we can do , and it's saying About 115,000 results. I need to get list of those 115,000 URLS in any file whether it's csv or any other. anybody care to share ?

    | sumairr123

  • Hi, I've signed up for the free 30 day trial and I'm on the edge of not actually subscribing to the service. I go through the Q & A boards which I find really interesting and hope I can add value there in the future, but the tools interest me more (and this is where the issue lies. Do they ever work? The Keyword difficulty tool just constantly says to come back in 20 minutes and I don't think the Rank Tracker has worked for at least half my freebie 30 days. Have the tools always been this flaky or is it a blip?

    | orlandovisiting

  • I have A rankings for my on-site grades for my most important keywords. I have no Critical issues and no Warnings with my Crawl Diagnostics. Most of the Competiive Link analysis data shows my site beating out the competition. If all this is accurate, how can my SERPs continue to decrease and lesser pages with terrible optimization and backlinking be ranking higher?  I even have a facebook page beating me in the results. If there is nothing left for me to address using SEOmoz, and I keep getting worse & results, doesn't it mean that the SEOmoz tools are not relevant to producing actual results? Or, am I missing something?

    | TOPYX

  • Hello, I have 2039 duplicate page errors and most of them are 2 different products on 1 page, I haven't set it up in the CMS, how has this happened? here's 2 examples, the 1st example has ghd's on the back of a different brand and the 2nd has gift packs on the back of the same brand 'rockaholic'? and what does 'norec' mean? Thanks Mark

    | smoki666

  • Due to an issue with our CMS, I had a bunch of URL aliases that were being indexed and causing duplicate content issues. I disallowed indexing of the bad URLs (they all had a similar URL structure so that was easy).  I did this until I could clean up the bad URLs I then recieved a bunch of sitemap warnings that the URLs that I blocked URLs with robots.txt that were in the sitemap. Isn't this the point of robots.txt?  Why am I getting warnings and how can I get rid of them?

    | Aggie

  • Hello, I am measuring a competitor total link in my campaign (Pro app) and the Total links are bigger than in the open site explorer? Did you have an idea? thks

    | VOUS

  • Is it now possible or do you plan on making it possible to see your mobile ranking in the Ranking Report?

    | peterkaad

  • I see this when researching top pages.   I know for a fact that the pages have title tags that appear to be fine on google and our site, so I'm not sure what the [No Titlle] means or why it's appearing in Open Site Explorer.  Thanks!

    | JasonBilog

  • Hi there, I'm fairly new to SEO but have learned a substantial amount in the last 8 months or so. I currently run my own web design company but want to add a new SEO service to the list. My question to you all is this... How do other SEO'ers organise their week for clients with SEO needs? Do you dedicate a day per client, divide your day up into hourly segments per client? What i'm looking for is a rough guide as to how I should get organized for the new service that I want to provide. How do you monitor what you have been doing with a client? There are sooo many questions that I want to ask, ut feel I may end up driving people crazy. Any help/advice will be welcomed with open arms!! Many thanks.. Alex

    | SeoSheikh

  • Morning all! I need help with my adwords budget (not a loan :-)), when I use the Google recommended CPA bid it eats my money whatever budget, (I spent £135 yesterday which is far too much.. I can keep topping it up as long as the sales keep coming in, but when i take my eyes off Google uses my budget fast. My adwords account has been tweeked by a pro since Feb 12 with 722 conversions at 10.22%. I have now taken over and personalised the campaigns (I've read many books and have 5+ years adwords experience) Anyhow here's the question; Today Google suggests a MAX CPA of £9.75 and a target of £6.72. what prices do you suggest ? I've set daily ammount at £60.00 And which option should I choose in Ad rotation; Clicks,Conversions or rotate evenly? My best ad has had 134 conversions. I'm selling Tigi Bed Head & Redken hair care products. Thank you

    | smoki666

  • Hi there My client's site is showing around 90 pages indexed in Google. The seomoz crawl is returning 1934 pages. Many of the pages in the crawl are duplicates, but there are also pages which are behind the user login. Is it theoretically correct to say that if a seomoz crawl finds all the pages, then Google has the potential to as well, even if they choose not to index? Or would Google not see the pages behind the login? And how come seomoz can see the pages? Many thanks in anticipation! Wendy

    | Chammy

  • Hi - I'm having issues getting started with the Mozscape API. I'm putting the following into my browser: http://[member-ID]:[secret key] According to the blog posts I'm reading I should get loads of json script returned but all I'm getting is {} Does anybody have any pointers as to what I might be doing wrong? Thanks

    | GBC

  • I've added the savings info to a few products to see if I get any more visits from google merchant, example;  After Party | Save £5.40. will it harm the products ranking or merchant feed? Thank you Mark

    | smoki666

  • The crawl diagnostics error report is showing tons of duplicate page titles for my pages that have filtering parameters. These parameters are blocked inside Google and Bing webmaster tools. I do I block them within the SEOmoz crawl diagnostics report?

    | SunshineNYC

  • I'm 87th ish with this term and I don't know why?! crap result I know. With every other phrase I use 'cheap tigi bed head' 'buy tigi bed head online' etc etc, we are on the first page all day long, pls help this worthy cause? I am, free hair products for the best results. Thank You.

    | smoki666

  • Are there any good free tools that can track our traffic compared with 2 competitors? We're lookimg for a (rough) graph. We don't have Google Analytics installed yet.

    | BobGW

  • hi. i am new SEOMoz and i joined pro monthly and create 2 campagnes but there are every thing shows me 0 and i guess nothing changed with before.. please see this.. |   | StickerApt |
    |   Domain Authority | 1 |
    |   Domain MozRank | 0.00 |
    |  Domain MozTrust | 0.00 |
    |  External Followed Links | 0 |
    |  Total External Links | 0 |
    |  Total Links | 0 |
    |  Followed Linking Root Domains | 0 |
    |  Total Linking Root Domains | 0 |
    |  Linking C-Blocks | 0 |
    | Followed Links
    NoFollowed Links****Followed Linking Root Domains
    NoFollowed Linking Root Domains | | ubdomain Metrics | canadastickerking | stickeryou | stickybusiness |
    | 4.31 | Transparent 5.26 | 4.56 |
    | 3.78 | Transparent 5.43 | 4.87 |
    | 71 | Transparent 38,649 | 631 |
    | 73 | Transparent 38,814 | 1,265 |
    | 3,805 | Transparent 235,124 | 26,337 |
    | 7 | Transparent 243 | 115 |
    | 7 | Transparent 286 | 161 |
    | | | | |   | StickerApt |
    |   Subdomain MozRank | 0.00 |
    |   Subdomain MozTrust | 0.00 |
    |   External Followed Links | 0 |
    |   Total External Links | 0 |
    |   Total Links | 0 |
    |   Followed Linking Root Domains | 0 |
    |   Total Linking Root Domains | 0 |
    | Followed Links
    NoFollowed Links****Followed Linking Root Domains
    NoFollowed Linking Root Domains | "No followed (0%)"
    "No nofollowed (0%)" | Total Branded Keywords Manage brand rules Non-branded Keywords Week ending: 9/9 Change 9/16 9/9 Change 9/16 9/9 Change 9/16 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Organic Search Visits 45 -18% 37 7 -14% 6 38 -18% 31 URLs Receiving Entrances Via Search 8 25% 10 4 -50% 2 4 100% 8 | Non-Paid Keywords Sending Search Visits | 20 | -10% | 18 | 6 | -33% | 4 | 14 | 0% | 14 | can any one help me what should i do with SEOMoz? all the keyword i set up tells me not in top 50 ranking.. i set up 12keyword for start.. and aslo i there is craw erros on my site but it can not be fixed because the page that getting erros are automatic quote pages and made php. and it should be duplicate pages it share with other pages, hard to explain.. but you will see what i am talking about it has duplicate title and content.. it should be like that.. i can not change duplicate erros is it gonna effect page rank? please help..ㅡㅡ

    | bratt

  • Hi! I'm on the Rankings History page, and for more than ten minutes I have seen this message where I should see data on organic visits: Organic Google traffic for visitors from United States Loading your graph data. Thank you for your patience… Loading a sweet graph... Is this normal? Could there be something wrong with my Google Analytics connection? Thanks! P.S. I looked up "loading a sweet graph" in this forum before posting, but didn't find anything.

    | ScottShrum

  • With Open Site Explorer I have exported our domain link profile but I only get 65 domains returned when our marketing software reports that we have 315 . . . I know that some domains point to which redirects to Is Open Site Explorer missing these links?

    | BlueLinkERP

  • I am looking for the SEOmoz Term Extractor Tool and it's nowhere to be found. Does it exist anymore? If not why and what would be a good alternative tool to use? Thank you.

    | brianhughes

  • Is there away to get a spreadsheet of the pages indexed for a certain domain in google and bing? i.e. I search google for and I want to export a .csv file of all those domains/pages. Cheers

    | JohnW-UK

  • I operate a medical website and am confused on how ot get started with SEO - how can SEOMoz really help me?  This tool seems complicated to use.  I am looking for a simple step by step plan?  Any takers on this question.  Thanks in Advance.  NS

    | nshah002

  • Hey. One of my main clients has asked to see the crawl data and rankings data for the past eight months. He wants to have tangible evidence of the effects of Penguin. I would like that info too. Is it possible to retrieve that information on a weekly crawl and ranking basis through SEO Moz and if so, how do you do it? I simply want to show a graph, timeline and brief explanation across several main keywords... Help me as you guys always do - You rock Best Ben

    | creativeguy

  • Since early July a DotNetNuke site is generating long urls that are showing in campaigns as crawl errors: long url, duplicate content, duplicate page title. URL: Is this a problem with DNN or a nuance to be ignored?  Can it be controlled? Google webmaster tools shows no crawl errors like this.

    | EricSchmidt

  • Any suggestion where to buy traffic?

    | lnietob

  • I have been trying to use Rank Tracker but it still appears to be down. The following message is displayed which dates from 5th September and suggests it would take around a week to get it working. "Due to a server failure, we are experiencing a delay in Rank Tracker results this week. Unfortunately, it may take up to a week to get it working properly again. Thanks for your patience and understanding; our engineers are working around the clock to get this issue fixed. - Updated September 5th." It is now 17th September and I am still unable to use it. Just wondering whether this is the same situation for all or whether SEOMoz have an update on when we can expect this to be up and running. Thanks.

    | simon_realbuzz

  • Hello, Does anyone know how to reset the crawler? We recently uploaded our new website and deleted the current campaign but it seems the crawler is caching our old websites data and not the new so every time we try to create a new campaign with the same details, it's just pulling everything from cache it seems. Thanks

    | ForzaHost

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