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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Probably a very noob question this ... I'm based in the UK and have just set up a campaign which includes Google US. There seems to be a discrepancy between some of the rankings found by SEOMOZ and what I see when I simulate the actual search using Adwords > Ad Preview. For example, a particular term shows "not in the top 50" for Google US on the rankings page of my campaign in SEOMOZ. But my US colleagues say that when they run the search they see us on page 1. And when I simulate the search via Adwords Preview, I also see our site ranking well on page 1. I'd like to understand why the discrepancy 🙂 Thanks for any advice. Gord

    | Gord69

  • I added a number of keywords and want to go back and categorize them. What is the easiest way to do this? I couldn't find a way to put a check mark on each of them and "apply category" so how can I do this?

    | BlueLinkERP

  • Hi, I am forming below url to get backlinks.".$trimurl."?Cols=2048 &AccessID=".$accessID." &Expires=".$expires." &Signature=".$urlSafeSignature; For Example, if I keep $trimurl = "" , I get  [uid] => 633. Is this a right way to get number of backlinks ? If not, what should be the 'Cols' value? Also, how can I ensure that the number of links I am getting is correct ? Is there any way to compare this number with Google search results? This is very essential to check as I got different number of backlinks on different APIs. Thank you.

    | Ravi_Pathak

  • Example:,"Alumni | Agrupaciones territoriales | Club de montaña Alumni | Universidad de Navarra.",Kompass,39,81,2,10356,Yes,No,External,, MSN Wikipedia - Kompass Karten,,26,78,1,15883,No,No,External,

    | mindshape

  • Hi There In the latest report I have 54 404-errors. All last week, previously I had 2 404s that I fixed. In report say: Title404 : ErrorMeta DescriptionTraceback (most recent call last): File "build/bdist.linux- x86_64/egg/downpour/", line 391, in _error  failure.raiseException() File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site- packages/twisted/python/", line 370, in raiseException raise  self.type, self.value, self.tb Error: 404 Not FoundMeta RobotsNot present/emptyMeta RefreshNot present/empty Are these normal 404 errors I have to look at and fix? Or is this some script that running on my server and causing errors? In general - what should I do to fix this? Thanks Dean

    | Passanger88

  • We are a regional store and tracking the "global" rankings isn't super useful. We need to know what our organic rankings are for our specific market area. Is this possible with the SEOMOZ Rank tracker tool? I didn't see this option but I just wanted to check over here since it seems like it would be a pretty  common issue. Thanks!

    | SheffieldMarketing

  • My competition has a few pages showing for each term, but only my homepage shows for those terms. My SEO shouldn't be so bad that no inner pages show. What's happening? Do I have something set up incorrectly?

    | Ocularis

  • In Opensiteexplorer it shows 16700 backlinks, but as I tryied various ways including advance report, with no filter I am getting only 1000+ links. How can I download all of my 16700 backlinks?

    | KalpeshBPatel75

  • Hi guys, as we all know, Google Panda update is here and it changed how they rank inbound links and the linkers domain and page authority. But when I look at OpenSiteExplorer's results, I cant see a difference in the page and domain authority. Why is that?

    | Uds

  • Guys, there's an example to batching URLs using PHP: Which is the maximum number of URLs I can add to that batch?

    | Srvwiz

  • Keyword Difficulty Tool has been down for two weeks, customer help does not reply to my emails, whats going on SEOmoz? the customer service used to be much better.

    | Thommas

  • I run a Joomla site and have noticed users having a hard time finding what they are looking for. The default Joomla search is lacking and the latest Joomla search component I added is better but still not great. I've always been able to find what I'm looking for on SeoMoz, do you guys use Google Site Search?

    | mr_w

  • I would like to remove the SEOMoz Logo from the reports and replace it with ours. Is this possible?

    | Mediablitzz

  • I've noticed that the Pro webinars on SEOMoz seems to have slowed considerably with the last one in April 2012. Are there other good places you would recommend to find good SEO webinars? Thanks!

    | ProjectLabs

  • On one of my sites I have 61 notices for Rel Canonical.  Is it bad to have these or is this just something that's informative?

    | kadesmith

  • Hi guys, I am trying to get total links, page & domain authority using the API. I am requesting the following columns: Cols=6871947673632768328204816384343597383681653687091214 { "fjid": 207343179, "ued": 43324279, "pib": 255645, "ptrr": 0.0056131743357352125, "fmrp": 8.246626591590841, "unid": 954915, "fjf": 4003651, "fjr": 0.00040067116628622016, "ftrp": 8.308303969566644, "ftrr": 0.0012189619975325583, "fejp": 9.265328830369816, "pnid": 45883246, "fjd": 2480265, "ujfq": 1277385, "pjip": 1230240, "fjp": 9.586342983782004, "fuid": 294877628, "uu": "", "pejr": 0.0004768398971363439, "ufq": "", "pejp": 9.647424778525615, "ujp": 300689, "utrp": 7.916901429865898, "ptrp": 9.487254666203722, "utrr": 0.001639219985667878, "fmrr": 0.000731592927123369, "pda": 100, "pjd": 5600882, "ulc": 1342758719, "fnid": 12165784, "fejr": 0.00016052965883996156, "ujb": 107264 } I cannot see the UPA column returned in the JSON object. Im using 34359738368 for the UPA column. I need to retrieve the three fields (page authority, domain authority and total links) in the same query. Is it possible?

    | Srvwiz

  • Are there any plans so we could add more data from Google Analytics to the seomoz reports? At the moment the reports are nice but my clients want to know the bigger picture than just the search traffic. They need to know the total traffic, the bounce rate, pages viewed etc - data in Google Analytics. There are other seo type tools which offer this information when you generate reports and if seomoz were to allow it then it would make life so much easier as I would not need to maintain a subscription here for the cool tools on offer and to offer websites at up to $100 a month just to generate client reports.

    | MegaFastMoz

  • Hi, I've got a list of about 12 url's in our 404 section on here which I'm confused about. The url's relate to Christmas so they have not been active for 9 months. Can anyone answer where the SeoMoz crawler found these url's as they are not linked to on the website. Thanks

    | SimmoSimmo

  • Is it possible to request that Open Site Explorer crawls a new URL on its next run? This tool is the first place I go to when working on a new site, and when there is "No Data Available" this is a little frustrating. I fully appreciate that this lack of data is usually a signal that the website is either very new or of low quality, however that if often the reason that I am brought in and would very much like to benchmark and provide initial analysis using this tool. It would make sense that OSE crawls the sites that Moz members are working on wouldnt it? Scott.

    | eseyo

  • Hi SeoMoz, From time to time my server crashes during Rogerbot's crawling escapades, even though I have a robots.txt file with a crawl-delay 10, now just increased to 20. I looked at the Apache log and noticed Roger hitting me from from 4 different addresses, 72.11, 72.12 and, and most times whilst on each separate address, it was 10 seconds apart, ALL 4 addresses would hit 4 different pages simultaneously (example 2). At other times, it wasn't respecting robots.txt at all (see example 1 below). I wouldn't call this situation 'respecting the crawl-delay' entry in robots.txt as other question answered here by you have stated. 4 simultaneous page requests within 1 sec from Rogerbot is not what should be happening IMHO. example 1 - - [05/Sep/2012:15:54:27 +1000] "GET /store/product-info.php?mypage1.html" 200 77813 - - [05/Sep/2012:15:54:27 +1000] "GET /store/product-info.php?mypage2.html HTTP/1.1" 200 74058 - - [05/Sep/2012:15:54:28 +1000] "GET /store/product-info.php?mypage3.html HTTP/1.1" 200 69772 - - [05/Sep/2012:15:54:37 +1000] "GET /store/product-info.php?mypage4.html HTTP/1.1" 200 82441 example 2 - - [05/Sep/2012:15:46:15 +1000] "GET /store/mypage1.html HTTP/1.1" 200 70209 - - [05/Sep/2012:15:46:15 +1000] "GET /store/mypage2.html HTTP/1.1" 200 82384 - - [05/Sep/2012:15:46:15 +1000] "GET /store/mypage3.html HTTP/1.1" 200 83683 - - [05/Sep/2012:15:46:15 +1000] "GET /store/mypage4.html HTTP/1.1" 200 82431 - - [05/Sep/2012:15:46:16 +1000] "GET /store/mypage5.html HTTP/1.1" 200 82855 - - [05/Sep/2012:15:46:26 +1000] "GET /store/mypage6.html HTTP/1.1" 200 75659 Please advise.

    | BM7

  • Hi, Simple question. Where can I see stats/reports from previous months from my campaigns? For example, I want to know if my Organic Traffic has improved in the last three months. Sorry, I'm new with this and couldn't find it anywhere :*( Thanks in advance. Cheers,

    | PacificFrank

  • Blackhat World: "We at Black Hat Forum Black Hat SEO would like to wish you a happy birthday today!" SEOmoz: crickets Happy birthday indeed watch?v=JOBYJrVQm3A

    | JasonJackson

  • Is there a way in the Pro reporting where I can see a summary of the number of incoming links by type (blogs / news / wiki / dir / forums etc)?  Even better, could the report give me an average Page Rank for each link type? Thanks,

    | CarlDarby

  • At the point where I'm asked to connect my Google Analytics account, it only shows three of my accounts, and not the one I'm trying to connect.

    | skittish43

  • In the crawl diagnostics screen "Rel Canonical" shows up as a notice for every page that has a rel="canonical" meta tag in it.  Why is this the case? Shouldn't every page have a canonical tag on it to show the absolute URL to the content?  Wouldn't a better notice be to display pages that do not have a canonical tag instead? I could be wrong but that would make more sense to me. (In fact.. let's be honest here.. I probably am wrong.. but I'd like someone to explain it if they could.) Thanks

    | rrolfe

  • I have been trying to so some keyword research for the past few hours, but really couldn't research even a single keyword. Is the Tool working??

    | vickygoal

  • What exactly does this mean? That the service is down? Or the score will never be available? It seems like I get that and then the tool gets stuck and I get no other data.

    | endlessrange

  • Hi guys I just ran my first campaign and the crawl diagnostics are showing some results I'm unfamiliar with.. In the warnings section it shows 2,838 redirects.. this is where I want to focus. When I click here it shows 5 redirects per page.  When I go to click on page 2, or next page, or any other page than page 1 for that matter... this is where things get confusing.  Nothing shows. Downloading the csv reveals that 2,834 of these are all showing: URL: url: referrer: location_header: I guess I'm just looking for an explanation as to why it's showing so many to the same page and what possible actions can be taken on my part to correct it (if needed). Thanks in advance

    | sethwb

  • Open site explorer not working this morning, anyone else have that problem? i am new, and i signed up because of open site explorer, but... no results! just a ooops! anybody has that problem today?

    | PLuc

  • Guys Another post by me in regard to a 301 redirect which follows on from this post here To quickly summarise all i have done is change URL name and done a simple 301 to change name where respective urls form old go to the relevant new pages Ok Now 14 weeks since we implemented our 301, Originally done In PHP everything looked text book but still 80% down on rankings PR has returned to inner pages Home page has not updated After some advice from some of the members here i changed the 301 on the old domain name from PHP to Htaccess This is the code i used on the old server is below RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L] On the new site the canonical is fixed by PHP , i want to change this to Htaccess, capturing the canonical element along with removing the trailing slash (This is only what has been done in the past so just keeping consistant) This is the situation Old site sits on a different server from the new so each have their own individual I.P addresses I am convinced somewhere in the PHP application we are chaining so want Htaccess on old server to do the 301 and want htaccess on new server to deal with canonical elements and remove trailing slash (if that best practice) What would be the best way to do this where we wont be chaining 301's at present all looks perfect and doing what it should, but i know there is an issue and i believe it to be with the php script Thanks for taking the time to look Paul Ps where i had the issue on the old site where Crawl test said page don't exist i now have on the new site if i try and crawl the non www. version of the new site , tested on a site that has the htaccess 301 in place and get the option of crawling the old or the new page so something don't stack up so its not the tool its the PHP Fetch as Googlebot and every other tool reports the correct header responses

    | kellymandingo

  • Hi - something not related directly to SEO - but a  vital factor Need to know for any tool - by which i can take backup or save existing file permissions of all my web site files.. God forbid - in event of any unfortunate circumstance if some mis hap happens or file permissions changed accidentally - how can i get them back to the original. Any tool by which i can save existing file permissions of filezilla thanks

    | Modi

  • Hi there A Java app of mine worked perfectly until recently, when it gets "rate exceeds your current plan" errors from the API, although it does only 1 request in 10 seconds. Any idea what's wrong? Cheers, Chris

    | Diderino

  • So I have notice that, at least for some searches, the rankings shown in SEOMoz's ranking reports are meaningless.  I assume this is due to blended search results including local search.  For example, I have a client, who is ranked 3rd overall for one of his most important search terms, but his ranking is based upon his local result (there are 2 organic search results and then he is the first local result).  The SEOMoz report shows him being ranked 12th.  Anyway I count down to the 12th ranked site (including local search, not including local search) his site is not there.  In fact the only place it is in the top 3 pages is in the local result. As a local marketing consultant, almost all of my clients are looking to be found for "Jackson Hole" this or that, or "Jackson, WY" this or that, so this is a pretty critical issue to me.  I would appreciate feedback. Thanks!

    | farlandlee

  • Anyone know when is the new SEO moz Rank Tracker tool coming? Getting a little flustered with the rank tracker tool, its bit annoying doing one by one.  😞

    | waheeed

  • Rand Fishkin has become a hero of mine recently I respect what he has achieved and would love to have the chance to drop him one email and ask him a few questions. I contacted him via Google plus but I didnt received an answer I then wondered has Rand lost touch with the little people now he is a celebrity in his own right or can I actually email him directly and ask a few questions. Will he speak to us little people 🙂 Can I get him on Facebook or my Linked In account and get a recommendation...

    | onlinemediadirect

  • I have 2 pages in my report that are identical: (more  page authority......21 vs. 1) (more linking root domains...... 40 vs. 21) Which one should I delete or should I do something like a 301 redirect? Your help is greatly appreciated! Sheryl

    | TOMMarketingLtd.

  • So I am consistently over the recommended "100 links" rule on our site's pages because of our extensive navigation and plentiful footer links (somewhere around 300 links per page). I know that there is no official penalty for this but rather that it affects the "link juice" of each link on there. I guess my question is more about how places like Zappos and Amazon get away with this? They have WAY over 100 links per page... in fact I think that Zappos footer is 100+ links alone. This overage doesn't seem to affect their domain rankings and authority so why does SEO moz place so much emphasis on this error?

    | kida12meyer

  • Sorry if this is obvious, but I'm new to seomoz. I've run an analysis for one of my pages and it's showing 624 total links - 118 internal and 6 external. Why doesn't the sum of the internal and external links equal the total links?

    | landmark1

  • On our CMS, there are duplicate pages such as /news, /news/, /news?page=1, /news/?page=1. From an SEO perspective, I'm not too worried, because I guess Google is pretty capable of sorting this out, but to be on the safe side, I've added canonical links. /news itself has no link, but all the other variants have links to "/news". (And if you go wild and add a bunch of random meaningless parameters, creating /news/?page=1&jim=jam&foo=bar&this=that, we will laugh at you and generate a canonical link back to "/news". We're clever like that.) So far so good. And everything appears to work fine. But SEOMoz is still flagging up errors about duplicate titles and duplicate content. If you click in, you'll see a "Note" on each error, showing that SEOMoz has found the canonical link. So SEOMoz knows the duplication isn't a problem, as we're using canonical links exactly the way they're supposed to be used, and yet is still flagging it as an error. Is this something I should be concerned about, or is it just a bug in SEOMoz?

    | LockyDotser

  • I would like one of our clients to see their campaign but not other information.  Is this possible or do they need a seperate account to do this.

    | JonSedman

  • Hei, Just start using seomoz pro and it's freaking awesome:) I have one question about Crawl Diagnostics and hope you guys can help me out. I just launch my website and i get two errors what greep me out a bit. I don't know how to handle them correctly. I have two duplicate content errors what are caused by Wordpress tag's. If i make more blog posts then i get even more duplicate content issues. how should i handle this "tag" situation? Respectfully, TauriU

    | TauriU

  • This question is not about how to use SEOMOZ Link tools.  It's about the numbers themselves and how their fluctuations are causing confidence issues.... My client wants to track inbound followed links over time.  But as I understand it, this number will vary depending on the Linkscape crawling success (or even outages or partial crawls.)   In the past few reports, we've had wild fluctuations which have made them very nervous. If my client wants to track inbound followed links over time, what SEOMOZ metric should we use for the most reliable progress checks?

    | scottclark

  • Just wondering what everyone is using, I am looking to get as much insight and detail as I can on websites that are not currently being monitored by me... i.e. potential clients. I use tools like pagespeed, webpagetest, loadimpact and open site explorer, google adwords, ispionage, alexa, semrush and well, looking for more. I really just want to rip a website to the tiniest pieces possible in an organized and coherent manner... is there anything out there? I have tried several other's which i no longer use (compete, 4q, woopra, nuestar, to name a few), I am not sure if I know exactly what i want, i just want more.... damn the human condition. lol

    | atb990

  • I am trying to pull some data for a client and there are a bunch of redirects going on until I get a message from Safari that says too many redirects are happening.  Any idea on what is going on? Need this info asap...

    | smulto

  • Hi, I have entered a competitiors website into Open Site to see who they get links from and to my surprise they have a load from Barclays Business Banking. When I visit the page I can not see the links. But if I search the pages source code for my-wardrobe, there I have it, a link to How have they done this? Surely Barclays haven't sold them it? And more so, why are they receiving link juice when you cant even see the link on the Barclays page in question - Thanks | |
    |   | <a <span="">href</a><a <span="">="</a>" class="popup" title="Link opens in a new window" rel='' onmousedown="dcsMultiTrack('DCS.dcsuri','BusinessBankingfromBarclays/Footer/wwwmywardrobecom', 'WT.ti', '','WT.dl','1');"> |
    |   | |
    |   |
    |   | |

    | YNWA

  • I'm looking at the link history for my site and 3 competitors I am tracking and for all sites External followed links have dropped by about 40% over the last 2 months. Has anyone else seen this with their sites?  What would be possible reasons for this? Thanks,

    | MarkTik

  • Hi, Very quick question. If the DA/PA of a website is 70/80+ I would assume the PR would be 5+. I have come across this DA/PA 70/80+ and PR 2. First is the DA/PA not connected in anyway to PR from the metrics they take into account? Secondly which one would you go for if you had to choose one: 1. DA/PA 60+ and PR 2 2. DA/PA 30+ and PR 4 Thanks

    | activitysuper

  • Hello, Our site thewealthymind(dot)com has a lot of duplicate content. How do you clear up duplicate content when there's a lot of it. The owners redid the site several times and didn't update the URLs. Thank you.

    | BobGW

  • ..per GA only some 60 clicks a day  and keywords are middle good..dont understand why??? I should have some 10 times more at least .

    | villaszilic

  • My account dashboard shows several types of errors,, warnings and notices.  I am just asking if there is a quick way to fix this.

    | Jchapman

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