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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • when i start campain for the first time it says " "Roger has detected a problem: We have detected that the domain and the domain xxxxxxtour.****.com both respond to web requests and do not redirect. Having two "twin" domains that both resolve forces them to battle for SERP positions, making your SEO efforts less effective. We suggest redirecting one, then entering the other here." How to resolve this and how can i redirect to ? Thank you

    | innofidelity

  • Hi, I am trying to compare a website that has a url of e.g. on Open Site Explorer. Any idea how to do this? It will only compare it when I use www and it also doesn't accept https. So I am comparing which has redirects on it but I am worried it's not comparing the right stats? If this makes sense and you can help it would be greatly appreciated. Cheers

    | Hughescov

  • Apologies if this has already been covered 100 times! Last month I set up a new campaign, and so far the On-Page Optimization tool has only crawled and graded three of my pages so far. I assume it takes time for more pages to be covered? But, here's my real question: I see that the tool is giving my pages grades based on certain keywords, but the tool itself seems to be deciding which keyword to use in grading each page. To use a made-up example, my example has a page about leather gloves, a page about wool mittens, and a page about cotton mittens. The last one is supposed to be optimized for the keyword "cotton mittens," but the tool is grading it based on how well it's optimized for "wool mittens." I can go into the drop-down at the top of the page and change the keyword that the page is graded on, and that gives me a new grade, but only for that instance. The next week, the tool is back to giving the page an F for "wool mittens." Is that because the tool decides that "wool mittens" is the keyword for which the page has the best chance of ranking, no matter what my intentions are? is there any way to permanently tell the tool that I want the page to target "wool mittens" as its main keyword? Thanks in advance for your help!

    | ScottShrum

  • Hi, I've downloaded a csv report for links in "advanced reports" section. At the very top in blue OSE lists overall metrics, i.e. Domain Auth, Page Auth, Linking Root Domains, and then it lists "Total Links" at 1,769. When I download the advanced report in csv I have 505 total links in Excel. Why is there a difference between Total Links and what I have downloaded? What makes up the Total Links? The report I created included, "inbound links/linking pages, Types of Links: any; Links that come from: Any Page, Any IP; Links that link to: any page on subdomain; links with properties: any; Thanks!

    | toby-02

  • I'm currently doing some research on blogs to guest post on and I want to make sure they are providing DoFollow links out. are the green links displayed from the MozBar simply links that don't contain the HTML element "NOFOLLOW" or is it more in depth tan that? according to this article there are TONS of different ways that people can place a NOFOLLOW link on their site Thanks

    | SheffieldMarketing

  • Hey guys, I've got like 120 "Too many on-page links" warnings in my crawl diagnostics section. They're all the pages of my WordPress blog. Is this an acceptable and expected warning for Wordpress or does something need to be better optimized? Thanks.

    | SheffieldMarketing

  • I am seeing an error for duplicate content for the following pages: Doesn't the first URL just automatically redirect to the default page in that directory (index.asp)? Why is it showing up as separate duplicate pages?

    | BlueLinkERP

  • SEO Moz Toolbar showing 1 do follow link in every forum question page Have checked source twice thoroughly - not able to trace that do follow link - to which site is that do follow link going to Some sample links - - Facebook & Google plus - both are no follow can some one help please so as to know this mysterious do follow link as shown in as letted know by SEOMOZ Toolbar

    | Modi

  • I have a client who has a website that is based on a magazine. They make their money through advertisement I am primarily an inbound marketer I would be very grateful if anyone out there has any tips for a site that has been around for quite a while ( over 10 years) we are transforming the site from HTML into WordPress then hosting it with a fast managed WordPress host using CDN. I feel the lack of links is an obvious place to start however if there's anything specific to magazine based websites I would be more than grateful to hear your opinions. Thank you all in advance. Sincerely, Thomas von Zickell

    | BlueprintMarketing

  • Hi Guys, why is it that seomoz's On Page Optimization Reports for Google TH are attributing certain keywords with certain urls which are wrong? What  mean is an example keyword -  'chiang mai villas for rent' has been scored an F against my home page url rather than using our 'Chiang Mai' url, why is this, is there a coding issue on my site? Is it that seomoz is finding something on my home page to suggest I want it to rank for this keyword?

    | ewanTHH

  • To analyse the current KWD situation. I would want to see the top 10 results link metrics (as in Keyword Difficulty & SERP Analysis) and each page's On page score (as in On-page Analysis) for the keyword. Those two figures would give me a pretty good picture of the current situation. Kind regards,

    | OscarSE

  • Hi Guys, Using the ranking reports given here at SeoMoz I cannot select various countries as it seems to only provide US Google/Yahoo/Bing results. I need ranking reports specifically for Thailand, UK, States, Australia, India, Hong Kong. Does anyone know of any such tools? Many thanks in advance.

    | ewanTHH

  • I started a campain a long time ago. 10,372 pages have been crawled and I have the results. Great. I started a new campain today (after migration of new code) and after two hours, the campain shows excatly the same results than what the the previous one completed in 4 days, as if it was the same crawl. Then the crawl stops and we see that the next one is in 7 days... Before there was a way to launch a campain after code modification to see right away the benefits. How can we do to see ifi the changes brought something without waiting for the next crawl? Thank you.

    | celyfred

  • When launching a campain, I got result after 2 hours with all the 10,000 pages crawled. Usually we see the analysis of  the first 250 pages and should wait to see the analysis of the 10,000 pages. And the results show old URL that have been remove as if the crawl have not been done Is it because I started a new campain on the same domain or is it a bug on seomoz? Thanks for your help.

    | celyfred

  • Hello Again, Here's I thing, my main website is my Digital Web Agency  but I also hold good affinity with dog lovers on Facebook over 2100 friends and have a website dedicated to my kennel of 9 racing Siberian huskies. In return I would give them exposure to my dog mediums (articles, links etc.) My only slight concern was relevance. However my thinkning is that as a Digital Agency surely you would be expected to have links coming from all sorts of sources as you "may" have had some input into the development of their site/ marketing etc. What do you guys think? Thank you once again. Kind Regards, Craig

    | fenwaymedia

  • What happens when you are no longer working on a campaign, and your client needs the campaign history? I don't pay for my account, my employer does. If I ever have to move on what should I do with the account? I would want to keep my seomoz profile and Q&A history. But the campaigns belong to my employer so I would have to change all of the profile settings into his name… Is there a protocol for this kind of situation?

    | BeTheBoss

  • I'm just starting to dig into crawl diagnostics and it is returning quite a few errors. Primarily, the crawl is indicating duplicate content (page titles, meta tags, etc), because of a session id in the URL. I have set-up a URL parameter in Google Webmaster Tools to help Google recognize the existence of this session id. Is there any way to tell the SEOMoz spider the same thing? I'd like to get rid of these errors since I've already handled them for the most part.

    | csingsaas

  • Hi, how are you doing? I am new to MOZ, totally love it. I recently developed the social media for my page ( in Facebook, Google + and Twitter. (I am from Mexico, so the website is in Spanish) I am no expert in SEO whatsoever, but i like to engage my customers with great content both in my page and social media. My question is: **What the best way to include your social media links or icons on my page. Is there a program or a way to include the links. I want the people that visit ** **Should you include them in every page?, in a footer?, with icons or links. ** Thanks in advance for your advices, they are greatly appreciated. Best Regards, Jesus D

    | JesusD

  • Hi folks, Something I've never had to do before so I'm not sure which tool to use, but is there a way to determine the keywords that a website currently ranks for? Hope someone can assist 🙂

    | ChristopherM

  • I have an SEOmoz account and can't seem to find the page strength tool.  Is it somewhere in research tools?

    | elenaroi

  • Hi, I am wondering if I can run a report which gives me the OSE results for every page on a domain, as opposed to just a single page? Can't find this anywhere! thanks, Brian


  • We have a website that displays a number of products. The product has variations (sizes) and unfortunately every size has its own URL (for now anyway). Needless to say, this causes duplicate content issues. (And of course, we are looking to change the URL's for our site as soon as possible) However, even though these duplicate URL's exist, you should not be able to land on them by navigating through the site. In theory, the site should always display the link to the smallest size. It seems that there is a flaw in our system somewhere, as these links are now found in our campaign here on SEOmoz. My question: is there any way to find the crawl path that lead to the URL's that shouldn't have been found, so we can locate the problem?

    | DocdataCommerce

  • How do I collect all links through the SEOMoz API? Yes, I know how to pull url metrics info but want to pull the inbound links only via php script w/out having to go to the OSE page to pull. any suggestions would be great!

    | destdigi

  • Greetings from the digital epicentre otherwise known as Wetherby Uk 😉 I want to track sentiments ie mentions, slurs fliratations of a brand on Facebook. So to start out with I thought 'Id hook up SEO moz social tracking service as illustrated here: But whilst i could add my twitter account I caount not add my favebook page: added david.honan.98 in the url box and a number of other versions but none successfully hooked up. Am enetering the wrong url or is SEO moz socail media facebook plugin jinxed? Thanks in advance, David

    | Nightwing

  • Hi Guys, Would I be correct in my assumption that if I submitted articles to this directory: www . I would recieve a link back to my site of PR7. Could this be correct? Any help with this and any information on Article Directories worth submitting in would be great. Thank for looking, Craig

    | fenwaymedia

  • What features do you think would make the ultimate SEO software? Which SEO software do you use and why? if you could combine all your toolsets which features would you combine? For a small business owner, which software should I choose?

    | jackc86

  • Hello, In the past, I was using two tools mainly: Keyword difficulty and the Juicy link finder. Buit Juicy Link Finder does not exist anymore and I miss it 😞 Any of you are missing it also? Do any of you who were using that tool have found a new tool to do the same good job than what Juicy Link Finder was doing? Thanks Nancy

    | EnigmaSolution

  • Hi for some reason i am finding semoz site very slow and when i have tried to use rank tracker it is not working. is anyone else finding this

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi Guys,If you can please help. I am trying to use OSE for the site www it tells me there is 177 link and it is showing 1-26 of these but I cannot seem to locate the others. Am I possibly doing something wrong oris it because all these links are internally linked. Im not sure. Thanks for Looking, Craig

    | fenwaymedia

  • Hey folks.  I'm here on a free trial and I'm really loving the Q&A forum.  I've learned a lot in the last couple of days. I've been playing around with the SEOMoz tools and campaigns and I'm trying to decide if it will be worth it for me to pay the monthly fee to continue with these once my trial is up. I direct two main websites.  One is an informational site and the other is a real estate site.  I've started a campaign for each and so far we're still waiting for a crawl.  (I'm assuming that will happen on Sunday). I've played around with some of the tools.  They keyword difficulty tool is cool but I can't see me using it a whole lot.  The rest is just a little overwhelming...I'm not sure where to start. So what should I be checking out next?  Have at 'er and convince me to stay!

    | MarieHaynes

  • Guys I really have an issue that i know have but cannot see if that makes sense. Basically 3 months ago i did a site wide 301 from to Every thing looks good get all the correct header responses , all canonicals work perfectly , Google webmaster tools is updated fetch as google bot shows the old site is 301 I tried the seomoz crawl test today on the old domain and got this message Oh no! Looks like the page you were trying to access is temporarily down which at first thought ok because the site was not there it wont do it on an old 301 domain, however i tried it on a domain i know has just been 301'd and i got this message The URL redirects to Do you want to crawl instead?
    Would you like to:
    Continue with
    Continue with I really do not know what to do, its either the redirect script is missing something however its doing what it should or the server is a problem but again its doing what it should so why would SEOMOZ not be able to crawl the old URL like it example site above. Now the strange thing is Open Site Explorer does see the 301 and asks if i want to check the new URL instead Ps the redirect is done using PHP redirect which i am asking him to change to a htaccess as its now on a apache server and was wondering if this could be an issue, all pages go to correct pages as requested Thanks in Advance

    | kellymandingo

  • I accidentally submitted a subdomain instead of the root domain. Is it possible to fix this? Or how should this be addressed? Thanks in advance!

    | comerecommended

  • Just recieved my weekly Rankings and On Page report. First thing i noticed is that an important  keyword dropped big time. "Rejser til Cypern" dropped from #3 to #40 ... So i checked myself (using and saw i was still #3 in SERP. I ran SeoMoz's own Keyword Difficulty Report-tool. It showed me i was #3 in SERP. Now im thinking: Did i just loose my trust in Seomoz, to whom i give access to all my GA-data? What to do? Have anyone else experienced this?

    | alsvik

  • When I use the Mozbar on my homepage it just shows: // where it should show the HTML text of the page....anyone any ideas? Does this mean Google doesn't read my HTML text on the page!? Many thanks! mozbar.png

    | ebowdublin

  • I have 3 products, and structure my site: - have a page to acess the products, institucional, blog.... - have informations and structure to product 1 (videos, testimonials, features, revisions)   - this product have the specifics keywords, and are different of product2, 3.... the same in: - keywords specifics and differents of prod1, prod3 - keywords specifics and differents of prod1, prod2 I need create 4 campaigns in seomoz, URL to URL, or create unique campaign with url ""?

    | Edudebona

  • Good Morning from heavily raining but cherrefull wetherby UK  🙂 How do you places images in these posts? Img tags clearly dont work eg... [IMG][/IMG] Looking forward to getting put in the picture 😉

    | Nightwing

  • Hi All, Our robots.txt file has wildcards in it, which Googlebot recognizes.  Can anyone tell me whether or not Rogerbot recognizes wildcards in the robots.txt file? We've done a Rogerbot site crawl since updating the robots.txt file and the pages that are set to disallow using the wildcards are still showing. BTW, Googlebot is not crawling these pages according to Webmaster Tools. Thanks in advance, Robert

    | AC_Pro

  • I checked some of the results with OSE that ranked top on Goolge SERPS that have high Domain Authority,Page Authority 1 and content on the website's particular page is thin. How come they rank high when PA is very low?

    | Frost

  • The SEO Moz crawler has found a number of 500 error pages, and 404s etc which is very useful 🙂 however some of the urls are weird/broken formats we don't recognise and nobody remembers ever using - not weird enough to imply hacking, but something broken in the CMS Is there anyway to find out where the crawler found these urls? I can patch up and redirect the end result as best I can but I would prefer to fix plug the leak thanks 🙂

    | Fammy

  • I'm interested in tracking new questions in a specific category in SEOmoz's Q&A (the Reputation Management category), and I was thinking RSS would be the easiest way to do this.  Is it possible? Or is there another way to get new questions asked in a category into your email or RSS reader?

    | brianspatterson

  • If you wanted to perform a crawl diagnostics but your campaigns are at full capacity are you able to do this and how (or does this mean you will have to remove one campaign to make space for another)?

    | SarahAhmed379

  • Hi guys, Trying out SEOmoz at the moment, and wondering if it has any kind of link manager I can use to keep track of the status of new and requested links? Thanks, Jon

    | jontarbuck

  • For each link listed in Open Site Explorer, I am seeing two identical entries. You can see why this might be a problem for both workflow and data accuracy. Any ideas why this might be happening? Is there a setting or filter that I'm missing?

    | StephenEggett

  • My SEO moz duplicate page titles are more than double the webmaster duplicate page titles.  Plus, some of the items appearing in SEO moz are not really duplicates.  Anyone else seeing this?

    | Stamats

  • I am trying to do some spring cleaning for a client and hoping to prune any unnecessary domains. Is there a tool that will check, in bulk, these domains through Open Site Explorer? I've looked through all the different Excel spread sheet apps and google doc apps but they are incredibly buggy if they work at all since SEOmoz changed their data limits. Maybe a new tool has been updated in the last few months that I am not aware of. Thanks!

    | kerplow

  • We have changed the primary domain for an existing campaign we are tracking with SEOMOZ. How do we update the NEW domain name for our campaign so that we can maintain the existing set of data? We just want to change the URL that SEOMOZ is crawling. We have already updated the Google Analytics settings, so they should be consistent with SEOMOZ once we get the URL updated with you.

    | 403SEO

  • Hello Friends, My website was ranking well with reputation management term in suddenly its drop in ranking and it gone from top 500 now. i run many tool and check the details but i am not able to find out any reason for drop in ranking. domain: any help will be appreciated please help me out. thanks in advance.

    | Vishal111

  • When I look up a domain in OSE, it shows that there are 3K+ links from 349 domains. However, when I download the CSV, I only see around 1,500 links. Why the discrepancy?

    | inhouseseo

  • Is there a feature i'm missing out on here? I want to download the complete link profile, but I only see 275 of 1,627 links when I export to CSV. Any guidance would be appreciated!

    | lipoweb

  • I don't know if my weekly reports are reporting the ranking of my keywords correctly. I have added some new keywords, since that all my reports are in red numbers. I don't know if this is happening because I did something wrong, or if is because my rankings are really falling down.

    | hockerty

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