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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • I am running some crawls on some sites and I have a number still pending.  I have one from 7 days ago, a couple from 6 days ago, and 1 from 5 days ago.  The confusing thing is that I have run a few others in that same period that have finished already.  Do I need to restart the crawls or cancel them and start over?

    | DRSearchEngOpt

  • We already have a web application that pulls certain metrics about websites using the Mozscape API, but we are wanting to extend the usefulness of this application to enable users of the app to pull "Keyword Difficulty" metrics in bulk, instead of one at a time (or 5 at a time). I wouldn't mind the 5 at a time limitation if we could just automate the API calls and let the tool pull data for 50 or so keywords without user-interaction. I know that it's a "formula", but I don't know what SEOMoz uses for it's formula. Has anyone figured out a way to calculate this, based on the Mozscape API data?  Has anyone ever tried to reverse engineer this metric?

    | brchap

  • Hello all, Just a brief question... does anybody know of a good link profiling tool which will give me a list of URLs that are linked to from a specific website? Essentially, I'm looking for the polar opposite of OpenSiteExplorer as I'm not interested in the inbound links, only the outbound links. Thanks, Elias

    | A_Q

  • I ran an anchor text report for my client today, which shows that their site has some incoming comment spam links using totally unrelated phrases (pharma products).  However, when looking for the live link, the linking page no longer contains the link to them. Maybe the webmasters removed these, but I can't track down a single one... how old is this data? thanks

    | JMagary

  • I´m new at seomoz and just set up a first campaign. After the first crawling i got quite a few 404 errors due to deleted (spammy) forum threads. I was sure there are no links to these deleted threads so my question is weather the seomoz rogerbot is only crawling my subdomains by links or as well by ids (the forum thread ids are serially numbered from 1 to x). If the rogerbot crawls as well serially numbered ids do i have to be concerned by the 404 error on behalf of the googlebot as well?

    | sauspiel

  • Hello there I have just compared some sites in Open Site Explorer. The page domain, subdomain and domain stats are all different. I get the difference between page and domain stats. But why are the subdomain stats different? There are no subdomains on the site so I expected them to be the same. What is my confused brain missing??? Many thanks Wendy

    | Chammy

  • Hey guys Is it possible to change the date/time that SEOmoz runs its ranking reports? I put together ranking reports each Monday which I need to feedback to the business and it would be good if I could schedule these for late Sunday or early Monday mornings for me coming in to the office.

    | EwanFisher

  • Hi, I'm comparing three sites and one of them I know is quite popular however a few of the social statistics are puzzling me; they've got a small amount of Facebook likes and times shared on twitter - Which just can't be right if it's all time. What's the time frame of this data? The last three months or? Thanks, Dan

    | Sparkstone

  • Hi, i one of the description text I have found some wrong coded HTML entities. Do you know if someone can fix this bug (see pic) ? RhTdt.png

    | Autoschieber

  • For historical reason my entire site ( ) is in )HTTPS. I am trying to use opensiteexplorer to get a linkprofile. But then I only get the links that point to (without https://) . Is it possible to use it for https pages? Also, I assume some of the same problem arise when I use the keyword difficulty tool. The pages I have show up in the result, but they have a Page Authority that has to be made from just links to the http version.

    | Peekabo

  • I started a crawl test for my large site - - on June 20 and still have not received my results. It still says "Crawl in Progress" 10 days later. Does this seem odd or problematic, or is this normal?


  • We have recently implemented a white label site that is on a sub-domain. The site employs noindex on most of the pages I imagine due to duplicate content concerns on other white label versions of the site. It has led to a spike of over 14 thousand notices on our report. Is there a way to exclude a sub-domain from the SEOMoz scans and reports?

    | TSDigital

  • HI SEOmoz has finished crawling the site and surprised me with nearly 4k of 301's all the 301 are on my deal pages Example of the 301 as you can see from the above URL it returns a 404 but the URL is actually sent as below For some reason SEOmoz crawler is converting the = to %3d and reporting its a 301 even though it returns 404 Is this an error on SEOMOZ part ? or is there an error on my site Googlebot when i do a fetch as Google bot returns all on with the = sign and every other tool i have tried is ok too so not sure why SEOMOZ is seeing it different and then adding the URL as a 301 I am hoping this is just a glitch on the report tool part as im struggling since a recent site 301

    | kellymandingo

  • If i have just started a campaign, and the crawl is happening - can i log off and shut down my PC or will this cause the crawl to stop. My campaign was showing as "crawl in process". I then shut down and logged onto my SEOmoz account on another PC. When I did the crawl didnt seem to be in process, even though the total time was still about 30 min from the crawl start...... sorry if this is a stupid question, just a bit new to this

    | duff101

  • When downloading an anchor text report in OSE, there are very often a bunch or anchor texts at the end of the report that have 0 next to them (i.e. anchor texts that come from 0 domains and from 0 links - if you want a URL to run as an example try and paginate your way to page 7) Surely it is not possible for an anchor text to be found on zero domains/links - so how should these zeros be interpreted? There are numerous different anchor texts showing these zero's. Thanks in advance for any responses.

    | searchysearchy

  • I have been using the Mozbar data to locate Auth websites, basically the higher the DA/PA the better it is. If I then check the site out and they have good load times, lots of social sharing etc this makes it extra special and now a good site to try and get a link on. I found 3 blogs to guest post on which all have DA/PA 80+ some of the blogs have a PR7. Now this is great but what scares me is have I just wasted 3 guest posts because the data is incorrect. These blogs are run by 1 person and the kind of work involved to achieve those stats would be very heavy. Maybe this blogger has just hit the nail on the head with SEO and link building. Input anyone?

    | activitysuper

  • Has anyone noticed in the latest Link Scape update anchor text's are all over the place with corruption, ascii  characters and strange symbols.

    | PhotoGazza

  • There 5, 12 and 30 campaigns limit in Pro, Pro plus and Elite plan. Does that It mean that I the number of domain we can monitor per plan is equal to the number of allowed campaigns? Lets say I have 50 domains and I want to track them all. Can I manage them like the way Google Analytics do. Thanks

    | griffenhock

  • Hi There. If you check who ranks for "credit cards" there is a website that is in position #5 This is a highly competitive keyword, but cannot give me any backlinks for it. it says "No Data Available for this URL" The same thing happens in Market Samurai - no data 1. What are these guys doing that the others are not? 2. How come OSE can't pull any data for it?

    | SearchProduct

  • The crawl finished on the site and I'm getting over 4,000 warnings with 302 redirects with urls like this. /How-To-Install-A-Wall-Decal.html?xid_33e42=01f75b1ca2a53108d78f5c598ffd99e6 What can I do to remove or stop the spider from hitting those?

    | i156

  • I have 4 websites setup in my pro dashboard. The only site that isn't getting crawled is an HTTPS site. It has worked for over a year, but the past 4 crawls (an entire month now) has returned only one page crawled. Is there something going on with the crawler? I really need to be able to see these stats. Has anyone else experienced this issue?

    | nbyloff

  • Hi Guys Posting here again in regard to 301 redirects, SEOMOZ has just finished my second crawl, and its showing me nearly 4k 301 redirects, i am only tracking my new site which by the way changed domain name , however all im doing is tracking the new domain and there are no 301 implemented on that side (Except Canonical), so was wondering how SEOMoz is finding 4k of redirects. do you think it could be chaining somewhere ? as all the tests look good or could there be a problem with the reporting

    | kellymandingo

  • Does anyone know how often OSE index is updated? We've relaunched our website recently, and I'd really like to see how our redirects, PR efforts and new internal linking structure is working out for us. I think I have previously seen a schedule somewhere, but I can't find it at the moment. Any help is appreciated!

    | tomcraig86

  • When looking at top pages for my site in I'm seeing a bunch of asset pages being listed to have page authority. How could this be? Is open site explorer mistaken? Here is a page with a PA: 24

    | smines

  • Hi everybody!!! Hope everybody is dandy. Have spent a long time looking into SEOmoz and decided to just take the plunge and see what happens. Im quite new to the world of SEO but I really want to get good at it. Hoping Moz and this community will aid with this! Currently in the process of reading the SEO beginners guide and the SEOmoz user guide! The two sites that I am currently working on are: 1. 2. The first site seems to have crawled well and have entered my competitors and am getting some info back (looks like I have a lot of work to do judging by the errors D'oh) In the world of Google what is the best way to ensure you have authority on certain terms. For instance if I search advanced-incar we are top and we have all our sitelinks underneath etc etc, but when I search advanced incar we are second and as such we don't display sitelinks. Any ideas? The second site was built using 1&1 and gives us a good little site for what we need. I have found out through research the most popular keywords are in car camera & in car cameras. Currently Im using Adwords to get us sponsored hits which is getting us some nice traffic but costing a bit. Those are the two main keywords i want this site to really hit home with. Any advice? Also on this site, when I go to SEOmoz and select Link Analysis I get no info. It just shows 0 or 0.0 wheras my competitor sites all have values against them. Is something wrong with my site or what im doing? (Have added an example screenshot) I appreciate its a long ended question but would really appreciate some help. Hoping that the guides will help me understand all this linkjuice stuff etc as well! Thanks guys, really appreciative of any info you can provide. Tim CompetitiveDomainAnalysis-AdvancedInCarCameraSystems-SEOmozPRO.png

    | timborrill

  • I know that my link profile has changed within the last month, yet both SEOMoz campaign link analysis and Open Site Explorer have shown the exact same number of links for more than a month.  Majestic SEO fluctuates as I would expect, but Moz data is unchanged.

    | Aggie

  • In the campaign overview it reads that 0 pages were crawled. Also got an email saying that a comprehensive audit will be done in 7 days. But the 'crawl in progress' wheel disappeared. I think it stopped, and I need to submit that report to substantiate buying the tool! How do I force a crawl?

    | ilhaam

  • I noticed that the number of Crawled Pages on my website has been 2 pages only over past week. Before that the number of crawled pages was over 1000. My site has numerous pages as it is a Travel website that pulls search results for Flights, Cars, Hotels, Cruises and Vacation packages so there is a huge Database there. Can someone help? Thanks !

    | sherohass

  • Hi Mozzers, I have a dev site that I want to run your crawl text on (Roger Bot) but I want to ensure the other engines don't crawl it. What is the Robots.txt line that I need to make sure only Roger bot can get in and not Google etc? Please advise Thanks Gareth

    | Bush_JSM

  • Hi We have an ecommerce site selling physical products. There are a few areas where the products run into two pages. I have used canonical meta tags and  next and prev meta tags too. Despite this SEOMOZ reports are still displaying these as warnings for duplicate page titles. An example would be /brand_name/range/ <link rel="next" href="/brand_name/range/?page=2" /> <link rel="<a class="attribute-value">canonical</a>" href="/band_name/range/"/> /brand_name/range/?page=2 <link rel="<a class="attribute-value">prev</a>" href="/brand_name/range/" /> <link rel="<a class="attribute-value">canonical</a>" href="/band_name/range/?page=2"/> Should I be doing something different?

    | wouldBseoKING

  • Can google put a temporary ban on my IP using the SEOmoz Toolbar too many times? TY!

    | TP_Marketing

  • I don't understand this message. i never had problems with other sites and now I get problems with this message when trying to set a campaign twice for 2 different sites. I received the same message twice. What do I do? Help! We have detected that the root domain xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  does not respond to web requests. Using this domain, we will be unable to crawl your site or present accurate SERP information. Thanks.

    | mcuneo

  • how to enter the competitor domain? on feedback i get: may not have a /path after the host. what is to do? Thanks Christian

    | cnort

  • on a new project do you still submit to some directories on the list? do they still add some value? can they hurt SEO effort?

    | ciznerguy

  • Hi, When I pulled backlinks report for my website from opensite explorer. I see the backlinks listing for my homepage is duplicated with index page. Ex. For a external website my homepage as well as shows as backlinks. Note: I had given rel=canonical tag to my homepage and index.php is 301 redirection to the homepage. I find this error only to my homepage and I don't find this issue to my inner pages. I would like to know whether this is an issue with opensiteexplorer or a problem with my homepage url. Your answers are appreciated.

    | massimobrogi

  • How can I find out how SEOMOz found these links to begin with?  That would help fix the issue. Where's the source page where the link was first encountered listed at?

    | kirklandsl

  • Hi my account is saying i have reached my limit (5) and i am wanting to archive some of the current campaigns in have there within the 5 (they were trial play accounts).  Can anyone advise on the best way to do this? At this stage i am not in a position to upgrade my account, so i am hoping that this is still a possibility with the current membership i have and the Q&A outside of saying it is easy does not explain how to do it 🙂  HELP PLEASE?

    | SueCook_TAOS

  • Hi everyone, I request an advanced linking domains report in Open site explorer, but my csv file have only three columns as a normal linking domains report :  Root Domain, Domain Authority, Number of Linking Root Domains. I have missed some important data as: anchor text, origin, target url Etc I try to request the same report two time, but I have the same problem. Someone have experienced this issue and know the fix ? thanks

    | wwmind

  • Hello Forum, I've been optimizing an eCommerce site and our SEOmoz crawls are favorable for the most part, except for long URLs and overly-dynamic URLs. These issues stem from two URL types: Layered navigation (faceted search) and non-Google internal search results. I outline the issues for each below. We use an SEO-friendly URL structure for our product category pages, but once bots start "clicking" our layered navigation options, all the parameters are appended to our SEO-friendly urls, causing the SEOmoz crawl warnings. Layered Navigation :
    SEO-Friendly Category Page: Effects of layered navigation: As you can see the parameters include product attributes and page sorts. I should note that all pages generated by these parameters use the element to point back to the SEO-friendly URL We have also set up Google's Webmaster Tools to handle these parameters. Internal Search Function:
    Our URLs start off simple: Then the bot clicks all the layered navigation options, yielding Also, all search results are set to noindex,follow. My question is: Should we worry about these overly-dynamic and long ULR warnings? We have set up canonical elements, "noindex,follow" solutions, and configured Webmaster Tools to handle our parameters. If these are a concern, how would you resolve these issues?

    | pano

  • I've been with SEO Moz for over a month and a half. Why would this weeks crawl have Pages Crawled: 0? I've made no changes since the crawl last week that had 10k pages crawled...

    | mr_w

  • I suddenly have a huge jump in the number of errors in crawl diagnostics and it all seems to be down to a load of URLs that should be blocked by robots.txt. These have never appeared before, how do I remove them or stop them appearing again?

    | SimonBond

  • For pro members: Is there a way to see exactly what "it" is that is duplicate? Also, what % of duplicate content is required to be labeled as dupped. Much thanks, Chenzo

    | Chenzo

  • Hi, How to remove /index.html that causes duplicated content?
    From my website navigation links, it does not shows the /index.html. However, when I run the seomoz crawl errors, it show duplicated content. Can anyone tell me how to do it?

    | whitelies

  • Basically I am in internal SEO.  We subscribe to SEOmoz and we have 5 campaign spots. each with their own allocation of keywords. Ideally I only want to track our site and not 4 other's. I've currently setup the campaign a couple of times with different keywords, but it would be much better if I could choose what allocates to what.  I.e. 2 campaign tokens to one site and 3 to another or just 5 to one site. Is this possible, and if not why not?

    | DaveDawson

  • Hi all, I recently changed my site to For some reason my weekly scan states that no pages have been crawled. I tried making a new campaign with the sub-domain but still the starter crawl returns nothing? Am I doing something wrong? :S Thanks all!

    | pezza3434

  • I found this site the describes how to use excel to batch lookup url's using seomoz api. The only problem is the seomoz api times out and returns 1 if I try dragging the formula down the cells which leaves me copying, waiting 5 seconds and copying again. This is basically as slow as manually looking up each url. Does anyone know a workaround?

    | SirSud

  • Trying to troubleshoot an issue with one of our websites and noticed a weird discrepancy. Our site should only have 3 pages in the index. The main landing page with a contact form and two policy pages, yet google reports over 1,100 pages (that part is not a mystery, I know where they are coming from.....multi site installations of popular CMS's leave much to be desired in actually separating websites) Here is a screen shot showing the results of the site command: I have set my search settings to show 100 (the max number of results) results per page. Everything is fine until I get to page three where I get the standard "In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 122 already displayed." But wait a second, I clicked on page three, now there are only two pages of results and the number of results reported has dropped to 122 When I click on the "show omitted results" I do get some more results, and the returned results jumps back up to 1,100. However I only get three pages of results. And when I click on the last page the number of results returned changes to 205 Is this a difference between indexes (same thing happens when I turn instant search back on, Shows over 1,100 results but when I get to the last page of results it changes to 205). Any other way of getting this info? I am trying to go in and identify how these pages are being generated, but I have to know what ones are showing up in the index for that to happen. Only being able to access 1/5th of the pages indexed is not cool. Anyone have any idea about this or experience with it? For reference I was going through with SEOmoz's excellent toolbar and exporting the results to csv (using the Mozilla plugin). I guess google doesn't like people doing that so maybe this is a way to protect against scraping by only showing limited results in the Site: command. Thanks!

    | prima-253509

  • The exact error message is: The change you wanted was rejected. Maybe you tried to change something you didn't have access to. I checked the Word Count and I am definitely <300 keywords. I have also made sure that the Branded Keywords are entered 1 per entry form. My cookies are clear and there should be no issue with my browser.

    | trufflelabs

  • We switched hundreds of pages on our website from dynamic to static URLs (and optimized the static URLs for keywords), and did 301 redirects to the new URLs. Also submitted a new sitemap to Google. This was about a week ago. For my existing SEOmoz campaigns that have crawled since then, it looks like SEOmoz is still looking at all of the old dynamic URLs. Do I have to set up new campaigns with the same keywords in order to get SEOmoz to look at the new URLs, or will the SEOmoz crawlers figure it out over time? Or am I doing something wrong? Thanks for your help!

    | sally58

  • I was just starting to feel like I was getting traction and all of a sudden half of our external backlinks just disappeared! Over the past 4 months we've taken our total external links from about 2500 to 6500 and with the lastest report, we seem to have lost more than half and are now around 2100. Our domain authority has dropped accordingly too.  I realize that backlinks aren't forever but what in the heck could cause you to loose over 4000 in a one month period? eK9w

    | CaliB

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