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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Hi, I'm new to SEO and learning fast. Myself joined together with my friends have set up a string of websites each for different products to sell online. To start with we have finalized keywords, optimized the on-page using the on-page analysis tool and right now about to start working on link building. For the first month we have planned to do around 20 bookmarking, 3 articles each to 15 article directories, 30 directory submissions (priority to niche based), business page listing in hot frog etc, 3 articles each submitted to 10 web 2.0 properties, 1 press release to 15 pres release sites, some Q&A links and few blog comments, 10 video submission and 1 guest blogging. We have also completed setting up facebook fan page and twitter account and active in them too. For anchor text diversity we will be using keywords only in links from article submission and web 2.0. For links from other methods, the anchor text will be either website name or website url. And we will be targeting 4 keywords per website (2 keywords for home page and 2 for 2 sub-pages). The difficulty level of the keywords range from 40% to 60%. Now, I have few questions which I believe the experts over here can help. 1. For the first month we have planned the above link building, but hpw build links from different websites in coming month? 2. For web 2.0 properties we can keep adding articles to the same blog we have created or we need to create separate set of web 2.0 properties for each month. 3. Are we missing any link building methods or strategy? If so, can you please tell me the method? I know some of the questions might be silly, but being a beginner it would be a great help to know the answer for these questions from this community. Thanks, Sridhar

    | chosenindian

  • What I mean by this is we have a linkbuilder working for us and I'm looking for to record there progress with link building I've seen somthing in Majestic but is there one in SEOMOZ All teh best Steve

    | ibexinternet

  • I think my competitor is using Black Hat SEO. They are a training institute but when I use the PRO tool to check their inbound links, many are links to porn sites. Is this illegal? Can i do something about it?

    | Jigsaw123

  • Can anyone please explain why this list might be ordered in this way? It seems so counter-intuitive! MGFFA.png

    | Klindon

  • I have tried to go in and add a logo to a report on one of my campaigns, but I can't see where to do that anywhere. Thanks.

    | Rocket.Fuel

  • I want to know what sites and blogs have the to rankings overall based on their Domain Authority and Page Authority - Top 500 - 1000 in nation - I want to know which ones are follow and no-follow too - Does anyone know?  Has anyone run such a report yet? Thanks for help - BD

    | creativeguy

  • My business website was hacked (for the 2nd time in 12 months) last Thursday and all data lost. I've been rebuilding the site and database since then but I'm still getting Hacking Warnings each day. The latest warning says: Dear Colin/Administrator,
    Someone has attempted to inject SQL into your domain:
          HACK DETECTED!
      PHP TYPE
      Scriptname: /index.cfm
      PathInfo: /index.cfm
      QueryString: My Technical advisro tells me the IP address is that of Inferno Solutions of The Netherlands. I wonder if anyone has suffered hacking like this what steps they too and what I could do about the potential hackers? Colin

    | NileCruises

  • I've recently made a few changes to my site based on some advice from the seomoz tool.  I've noticed some changes in the traffic data (see attached image) which I can't completely explain. First, the good news is that total organic search visits is up 2%.  I assume this is the most important metric and I'm obviously happy with total increase in organic search.  At the same time the number of number of URL's entered on search is down 1%.  I think this can be explained by the fact that I removed some duplicate pages (like archives that had the same content as the blog post pages, etc.) The part that I don't quite understand is that total number of non paid keywords sending search is down 3%.  That seems like an unexplained decrease that I can't really account for. Any ideas on how to interpret this?  Is it also possible that a single week's results can be misleading about how well your SEO efforts are paying off? 20120711-j4ti8ynwi1hn4rbrsppe167m6.jpg

    | schof

  • Hi this is my first question and i couldnt find a similar question on here. basically i have a clients website that is showing 150 duplicate page titles and content errors plus others. SEOmoz analysis is showing me for example is 3 duplicate hompage URLS: all 3 are the same page. after explaining to the guy (who built the website) the errors, he ensured me that the main URL is URl 1. and the other 2 are 301 redirects. however SEOmoz analysis doesnt seem to change the results and webmastertools doesnt seem to show any errors at all. also if i try all 3 URL's there are no redirects to URL 1. any help or clarity would be awesome! Thanks e-bob

    | bobsnowzell

  • I'm checking one of my competitors out, dubdubdub ny maids com, in both OpenExplorer and MajesticSEO. The former is showing about 2600 links from 850 domains (historic), while the latter is showing 58 links from 20 domains. I don't see that SEOMoz has a historic feature, which is vague to begin with, but even the 'fresh index' of MajesticSEO is showing more backlinks than SEOMoz. Could someone explain this dramatic difference in services? And could they also comment on how strong of an actual link profile they have? It's clearly a very old domain, which I realize has some weight, but with so many services showing such different results, I'm having a tough time discerning what it would take to dethrown them. Thanks everyone.

    | Neyzio

  • I'm seeing very strange results on my competitive link analysis. It used to give me a fairly constant domain authority of 38, now one hour i'm seeing 1, then 38 then back to 1 but if I look in opensite explorer it says I have 40. The same weirdness is having to every other stat in the section both in the overview and more detailed section. The same thing is happening with one of the other competitors i'm comparing my link profile with. What's going on?

    | AquanautsUK

  • I've made Google US search and than tried to compare SEOMOZ data for first few result. I've used Open Site Explorer and On-Page Report Card. On attached picture you can find this statistic. Pages are sorted in order as they appear in Google search. For me is big question why position 2 and 4 is so hight and 6 is only 6. And what position 6 should do to go up. Thank you. 2s9zlu8.jpg

    | ctam

  • Hi, Has any once else experienced any difference in data between and Please look at the attached image. For "" and "" page authority and domain authority match exactly. But for "" data does not match. The data from "" was retrieved brely 60 seconds latter after data from "". We used our custom app for retrieve data from "". The columns were matched against the specs given in "". We are retrieving following columns 1)ut(Title) 2)ueid(External Links) 3)uid(Links) 4)umrp(mozRank) 5)upa(Page Authority) 6)pda(Domain Authority) Any help will be greatly appreciated. zvFif.jpg

    | claytons

  • Why do so many great responses in this forum  never get labeled as the  "Best Answer".  Questioners should realize that many experts give them great advice for free and the least they can do is to show some sort of appreciation by giving a thumbs up.

    | irvingw

  • If I'm pulling a rankings report for a specific subdomain and a different subdomain appears at the main result and the specific subdomain is a site link beneath it, does that show up in the results?  It doesn't seem to in my report.

    | mattiasantin

  • Hello, I'm having trouble exporting reports to excel, when I open it, all the accented characters apeears wrong, is there anything I can do?

    | marimonteiro

  • I was reviewing Historical Domain Analysis and found that in last 2 month we lost almost 10000 external followed links. What this could be? is this real or just question seomoz crawling? 30voy1g.jpg

    | ctam

  • In my 404 errors, the second entry is as follows: URL: Is there a simple way to find the root or page in which this error was generated?  IF I visit this page "" without the attached gobble de gook, I see a good page.  So bottom line its possible it could be in one of my sitemaps, but I have 50 of those so its time consuming to search thru all 50 for each error like this since I have so many.  I am pretty sure its not in my sitemaps, since google has not picked up any of these errors and they have crawled over 12,000 urls so far. When google gives me a 404 error I can click on the link and find what pages they found the link and go there and correct it at the root. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have more than 1,000 of these errors with the bad url with the junk attached to the end and have not been able to isolate the cause yet. Thanks in advance.

    | tommytx

  • Hello, I would like to export the reports from SEOmoz to an Excel sheet. However when I downoad the report and open it, all the information is random and is hard to work on it. Since Im not an excel expert, I have to ask if there is an Excel sheet ready to receive the SEOmoz reports. Tks for the help, Regards, PP

    | PedroM

  • Noticed that my links and root domain numbers had dropped by ~40%, seemingly overnight. Any idea what could have contributed to this (Toolbar update???)?

    | wlefevre

  • Hi, how SEOMOZ PRO can suggest me the best keyword to rank easily in the first position of Google's SERP? Is there a tool to find good keyword and got some ideas? Regards

    | jadlib

  • Hi all, Firstly, I am a business owner and not a SEO genuis but I work on my site and am learning how to "tweek" everyday. That said, my site needs a bit more than a tweek.  Here is problem 1: I have massive duplicate page content which is being driven primarily by search and I'm not sure how to tackle the issue.  Working in Magento.  Could anybody give me an instruction on how to steer robots away from search results?  I would also like to know WHY a search result is here as well?  Example of about 20 pages of this type of result: | Search results for: '1 carat' Vintage Times 50+ 1 0 Search results for: '1 carat' Vintage Times 50+ 1 0 Search results for: '1 carat' Vintage Times 50+ 1 0 Search results for: '1 carat' Vintage Times 50+ 1 0 Search results for: '1 carat' Vintage Times 50+ 1 0 Search results for: '1 carat' Vintage Times 50+ 1 0 Search results for: '1 carat' Vintage Times 50+ 1 0 Search results for: '1 carat' Vintage Times | 50+ | 1 | 0 |

    | VintageTimesAustralia

  • Google monitor social media.  What I'm wondering is do Google use the same tools we have on Facebook's API, Twitter's API etc to use in their SERPs Or do Facebook grant Google more detailed access to see who has liked links etc. I think it's quite an interesting point as surely I can push up my own count by repeatedly sharing my own links, which wouldn't be genuine. If Google had better access they could then determine what's been faked etc.

    | PhotoGazza

  • Hi, Ive got this error whilst trying to add a campaign, could you help with this at all? "We have detected that the root domain does not respond to web requests. Using this domain, we will be unable to crawl your site" Cheers

    | Orantec

  • Should I be freaked out that website's domain authority dropped 4 points? Is it normal for websites to fluctuate a couple of points or have I really screwed something up?

    | bewoldt

  • Been using the SEOmoz toolbar for three weeks, yet nothing on my site seems to have changed in terms of rankings and metrics. How new or "fresh" is the data that the toolbar uses to come up with PA, mR, mT, DA, DmR, and DmT? How often does it update?

    | wlefevre

  • When I use the Mozbar to check a site I am currently working on (in progress) - I see that it is reporting duplicate Meta Description tags. I dont see any more than one proper META Description tag, but do have OpenGraph and Twitter Card descriptions on the page. Is Mozbar picking up one of these incorrectly and flagging it as the duplicate? If so, which i suspect, maybe you need to add this to the tool. Thanks, Scott.

    | eseyo

  • Why do i always see this message when entering a certain campaign? "You've recently updated your brand rules. We're fetching your new data, and we should have it ready for you within the hour." I didnt change a thing since i started this campaign two-three weeks ago ...

    | alsvik

  • UPDATED: Okay, it works in Chrome, but not Firefox 13.0.1.  In Chrome, a new page is loaded with the .pdf, but in Firefox the page is requested, i can see the keyword and the URL being passed to SEOmoz, but there doesn't seem to be any response and the page is neither reloaded or redirected. Nothing happens. I'm happy to use Chrome, but is this a bug for Firefox 13?  Does anyone else experience the same lack of result in Firefox? Thank you, Michael I run an Onpage Analysis Report, and click the "Export to PDF" button.  The page shows as connecting, but then when it stops, I'm still on the same page and cannot find the pdf in my inbox or in my downloads file.  Where do I go to retrieve the pdf once it's generated? Thank you! Michael

    | XLAB

  • I am tracking a blog for a client thats hosted on a subdomain, we decided to give it it's own SEOMoz campaign. My issue is that when entering competitors, if the competing blog is using a sub-directory, SEO Moz won't let me enter it, only the domain. I would assume that there has to be a way to do this, but I don't see it. I need to be able to track the competing blogs as separate from their root domain. mysite: their site: (very different from just Hopefully someone can tell me what to do here because the metrics are basically useless if I am forced to use only the domain. Thanks so much!

    | Ascedia

  • When will the next Linkscape index update occur? I've been waiting to run our backlink profile numbers, but the Last Linkscape index update was 05/30/2012? Thanks!

    | larahill

  • When I see ranking change in SEO Moz is there anyway of getting more information as why a particular keyword has increased or decreased?

    | petewinter

  • i getting crewl errors on Duplicate Page Title and content for the same page. what am i doing worng? please help thank you

    | eoberlender

  • I would love to see the option of having the ranking analysis listed for all my keywords! As it it now I have to click and get the numbers one by one and manually create a spreadsheet in order to have an overview of which keywords to pursue. I want to see my google ranking for each keyword next to information on how many people search for that term (in my country of choice - and the keyword competition in % Please tell me there's a way to do this and save me a truckload of time!

    | JaneVO

  • Hi Guys, We're new here and I couldn't find the answer to my question.  Here it goes: We had SEOMoz's Roger Crawl all of our pages and he came up with quite a few erros (Duplicate Content, Duplicate Page Titles, Long URL's). Per our CTO and using our Google Webmaster Tools, we informed Google not to index those Duplicate Content Pages.  For our Long URL Errors, they are redirected to SEF URL's. What we would like to know is if Roger is able to know that we have instructed Google to not index these pages.  My concern is Should we still be concerned if Roger is still crawling those pages and the errors are not showing up in our Webmaster Tools Is there a way we can let Roger know so they don't come up as errors in our SEOMoz Tools? Thanks so much, e

    | RichSteel

  • Hi guys, I'm working with the API at the moment.  I have most of the information I want, but I cannot find the uipl in any of the returned data using several methods. The methods I have tried are: I can't seem to find how to get the uipl.  Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

    | ClickConsult

  • Hi, We launched a website Mid-March. Strangely it's not yet being indexed by the Mozscape crawler (therefore I can't use tools like Open Site Explorer). Open Site Explorer keeps telling me: "No Data Availible for this URL". I don't think it's a crawl error of some sort. Google Webmaster tools tells me everything is fine (no crawl errors). Search Engine indexing is also fine. Any thoughts on this? Thanks.

    | Vendic

  • Hi everyone, I am on page #1 position #2 with my keyword but doesnt get any clicks !I desperatly need your help. Here are some info about my site. what do you think the problem is? Thanks for your help. -My keyword's Global and Local montly search is 1300 (exact) -Seomoz Rank Tracker shows that I rank ( on Page #1, Position #2 in Google / United Kingdom) -I use always private browsing to check my rankings -my domain is a .com and I bought the domain name from godaddy -Hosting is 1&1 and their server is in Germany. Which is a shame, I ve just realized 😞 -My site ranks on (The web) but doesnt rank (pages from uk). Is this the problem? I ve just change the target country to United Kingdom using webmaster tool. Will it help? Thanks a lot

    | Jorenr

  • We started a starter crawl 14hrs ago and it's still going, can anyone help on why this is taking so long, when it says '2 hrs' on the interface.. Thanks, Rory

    | RoryMacDonald

  • Hi There, Just signed up for PRO and I love it! We have a particularly large website (tons of content) and the 10,000 page limit is holding us back from getting really exhaustive analysis. Is there any way to up the limit for a single crawl? Thanks!

    | Richline_Digital

  • Hi there, I'm new to SEOmoz but familiar with SEO in general. I recently setup a new campaign for my wife's eCommerce business - We optimized 6 pages for 6 well researched key phrases. These pages have been indexed by Google however they didn't show up in the on page reports section of SEOmoz. I've just worked out how to add them manually so i've done that. The good news is that all of the pages get an A grade so we must be doing something right. The bad news is that we haven't got a top 50 result for any of them which is quite disheartening. I'd rather not invest lots of effort more page optimisation if this approach isn't working. Can anyone offer any advice on next steps / fine-tuning? Thanks in advance! P.S. We're going through a process of link building to try and improve our domain authority at the moment so i'm hoping that Friday's linkscape update will give us some better news in that department.

    | rmbdigital

  • For my chosen keyword(s), I rank below the #1 entry by far, am a little beneath the #2 in all metrics, but way ahead of the #3 entry in all metrics (domain authority, page authority, links, etc...). I don't even come close to the first page, however. I'm figuring there's something horribly wrong (and probably obvious) that I'm doing and just not seeing. The site in question is and the most important keyword of choice is "tampa dj." I'm not sure if maybe there's some other metric I'm not getting, or something really bad I'm doing with my site overall. Thanks in advance for any help!

    | thedjbay

  • I just noticed on the Linkscape calendar the update that was supposed to happen yesterday is pushed back to the 6th. It would be better not knowing. Is this a possibility? Or use the calendar internally, I don't care. Credibility in any announcement or claim looses muster once you do not do what you say you are going to do over and over again. Just a thought..

    | Mr.Rangen

  • Something I always do to assess how easy/difficult it will be for a clients site to rank against competitors is to compare domain and page authority scores with the scores of the competitors on page 1. This  is great when Moz have spidered my clients site and can provide scores but what about where a clients site is brand new with only a few natural links? Anyone suggest a ball park figures for Domain authority on  brand new websites?

    | QubaSEO

  • Okay so check it out. I already have the problem where my main page shows 3 of my posts of 3 popular posts and the SEOmoz optimization tool tells my there are like 60 keyword occurances? for the damn page so I had to make it look damn ugly for my views and lowered it to 1 post and 2 popular posts. Can I fix that? Another thing - The SEOMOZ tool keeps telling me I have this cannibalization crap on all my posts because my homepage in the upper left corner has the keyword in it and in the footer of the template, my homepage title shows up (Keyword). What the heck do I do to fix this? And also another question - I have my main page AND 1 of my posts ranking for the same keyword. Is there a problem?

    | 678648631264

  • My SEOMoz report shows a 404 error, found today for this url: i do not have this anchor text anywhere on my website. How did Roger figure out that somebody looked for that page? Do I need to worry about 404 errors that are the result of user mistakes, instead of actual bad links?

    | FreightBoy

  • I have an existing xml sitemap that my website developer loaded, however I don't think its set up properly. What is the best practice for replacing an old xml sitemap? Is there anything I should be concerned about?

    | webestate

  • Does anyone have any suggestions on a good XML Sitemap Generator?  Also interested in best practices and tips for updating the XML Sitemap. I typically have relied on my web developers to do this however it seems that they have not been setting this up with SEO in mind.

    | webestate

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