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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • So according to my SEOMOZ dashboard, I'm ranking between #3-4 for one of my keywords. My keyword is 'Boston Wedding Photographer'. My site is I show up in google places, true. But i was wanting to rank organically. Am i right in the assumption that Google Places and Google Organic are not the same thing? SEOMOZ claims 3,4th but not organically(Assuming they aren't the same thing) I get pretty good traffic right now being in Places, but i can't help but feel that organically ranking would bring more traffic. Any suggestions or advice is greatly appreciated. TIA! -Brendan

    | symbolphoto

  • Is it better to specify or * for SEO Moz campaign? assuming that I do not have any subdomains except www, in the Web Master tools I have selected preferred address as and I have redirect in my .htaccess from to The reason I am asking is because I see different SeoMoz trust and other stats for root domain and www subdomain. I would think they should be the same, given the fact that I only use www?

    | SirMax

  • Hi, I just checked an seo campaign we started last week, so I opened seomoz to see the crawl diagnostics. Lot's of duplicate content & duplicate titles showing up, but that's because Rogerbot is crawling all of the filtered pages as well. How do I exclude these pages from being crawled? /product/brand-x/3969?order=brand&sortorder=ASC

    | nvs.nim

  • I really love the webinars! I listen to them on long walks occasionally, but I haven't seen one in May or June. When will the next one be? Thanks! I apologize if this should have gone to the help desk...

    | WilliamBay

  • Is there a keyword suggestion tool available in the SEOMOZ suite of tools that is similar to semrush allows you to put in  a URL and then will tell you what keywords you rank for.  Looking for a good tool that is similar.

    | webestate

  • Using the SEOMoz pro tools and several of the terms I have listed get a report card of "F" but they also show Google rank of #1, #2.  Is this unusual?  And should I spend a lot of time "fixing" this if we're already ranking high?

    | schof

  • How does the facebook like value differ from the Facebook share value? How does the Like number increase?

    | PhotoGazza

  • I want to be able to check the keyword density of my copy before I put it up online. Do you have a tool for me to do that.

    | woisme

  • I have a site which was created in a way that it uses hasbang #!. I am using 3 different SEO tools and they can't seem to crawl the website. Or what suggestion can you give me in dealing with hasbang. Any ideas please. Thanks a lot for your help. Allan

    | AllanDuncan

  • 1)  My competitor has 20 links and a PA of 30, and a DA of 16.  I thought from reading info here on SEOmoz that PA is a lot harder to influence and you have to raise up your overall DA to bring up the PA as well?  I'm just trying to figure out how the heck she's managed to get a PA of 30 with so few links and ALL the numbers from the SEO campaign lower than mine.  Does navigational structure and deep links with pages with every keyword have anything to do with it?  Just want to learn as much as I can about this and how to raise PA...thanks.  I've been reading as much as I can on here and on google but if you guys have any more suggestions that would be great. x How often is the SEO moz toolbar updated?  Its been over a month and I've been working very hard on improving things and finding ways to get more links but its stayed the same?  Also noticed that SEO moz doesn't crawl as many pages as I've got indexed with Google...why is this? Thanks for your help

    | cmjolley

  • 1)  The PA in the SEOmoz toolbar for is completely different to  I think in link building I've occasionally left the / off and vice versa.  Is google seeing these as two different sites and how can I combine the two so the PA is no longer different?  I initially tried a 301 redirect from the less PA to the higher one but it didn't work.  Suggestions please. I'm trying to rank for the term Scentsy UK.  Was told on here that it was unnecessary to get a and that if I just link build for my scentsy-uk site which I have been doing.  Woke up this morning and my page was no where to be seen on Google.  I can still do site: and Link:  for my main .com and I'm still ranking first page for other things so don't think I've been penalised at all.  However when I try the site: and link: on the .com/scentsy-uk its no where to be found.  There was no messages in Google webmaster tools either. Is this an algorithm thing or have I been penalised? Also....its now pulling up <cite></cite> for the higher ranking results.  Have I confused google with having this blog tag as well?  Any suggestions to help would be appreciated.  Losing a lot of sleep on this website at the moment. x

    | cmjolley

  • I've not been able to access for a couple of hours now, the front page says "it looks like something went south... we have been informed" etc. Can somebody please answer the following for me? Is anyone else having experiencing this or is it me? Is there anywhere on this site that shows service status for these things? Does this happen often? Thanks Steve

    | stevoarnold

  • Is it suppose to be in today?

    | SirMax

  • A report card is directed towards one keyword. What if one is to target two keywords on one page? For example, if I want to target SEO in Miami, Miami SEO, and SEO Miami it would be impossible to get an "A" on the report card for all three. What is the best way to target two-three keys on one page? Lets say these keywords are equally beneficial to the site, and we do not want to have to use hierarchy for one key over the other. Would it be wise to build a page for each? I feel like that would be redundant to the user. It says I need the keyword 4 times in the body so I should have 4 "SEO Miami" and 4 "Miami SEO". High importance factors. What makes them high importance? The keyword should be in the beginning of the title. How does this make sense as a high importance factor. Many titles are going to sound spammy if this is how they are written. Lets use Miami SEO again as an example: Miami SEO from [company name] bla bla bla sounds like spam. Learn about SEO in Miami from [company name] sound much better and is probably more likely to get clicked on. How important are these High Importance factors? I was always under the impression that we build the site for the user however the report card changes that perspective.

    | SEODinosaur

  • Is there a way to get this from an api or a better method than pasting 5 keywords at a time into the keyword difficulty tool to get these numbers?

    | insitegoogle

  • I found out that some errors on my website are considered as "duplicated page content"  while they are not, the content is different on each page. I wonder why ? Is it an issue from Seomoz ?

    | Amadeus_eBC

  • If I download a CSV output of the external links and the characteristics of them, the output is mixed up. When I put the data in Columns, some columns are disordered. Do more people experience these problems? Is there some preference I have to adapt? Thanks! SFCTf

    | MartijnHoving82

  • First off, I love the campaign archive feature.  Very useful for my purposes. My question is: Is there a limit to how many campaigns I can archive?  Thanks in advance!

    | CollinJarman

  • Hi everybody, a short summary at the start: I have my page ( since a long time positioned good, but not perfect in google. The best ressource is a forum wich brings me about 50.000 content-pages, unique and nice. My most important keyword is "NLP". I never needet to look for backlinks. There where only two pages above me:, which is the direct key, and wikipedia. Since about one year my page is suffering on google. Mostly it is because of competitors. I personaly think, they buy a lot of backlinks. I startet Seomoz PRO three months ago and I see, that they have about 5 times as much backlinks from other domains / c-blocks as I have. Round about, I got 100 and they got 500. However, in the link analytics I also see that some pages with fewer backlinks are ranked higher. And I get so many different hints about SEO, that I don´t know anymore which one to follow. I am sure about what I am doing with backlinks, but I am not sure about onpage. Here an example:
    All my internal links are relative. As my key is also includet in the domain itself, it get´s no repetition in the url. One of my competitors, which has not the key in his url, just created a subfolder "/nlp/" to all of his pages and has absolute links in his navigation. This brings him the key to every single link in his navigation, while I have no key in the navigation, because it´s in the URL itself and the navigation is relative. I was told that it would make a lot of sense to change the navigation to absolute links, just to get my key into every url of the navigation. Others say, this is bullshit. Another question is double meta-description and meta-tags. With 50.000 content-pages it would be a huge lot of work to get them all done different (by hand). But it is shown as an ERROR in the SeoMoz-Reports. Are they so much important? However, I just realize I have no clue about onpage-optimization. So what would you suggest are the most important factors onpage? All the best, Julian!

    | JulianW

  • my website hit by penguin update on april; i check my anchor text and found that i had 1790 anchor links for " air conditioning nyc" i erase them almost a month ago but it still shows on the website report. how long it take seomoz see the changes and what about google. if someone have any idea how can i bring my site back to the top pages.

    | eoberlender

  • I have corrected some errors in my SEOMoz Crawl Diagnostics, however the errors are still showing. It says a crawl has happen since. Any idea's why?

    | petewinter

  • Why are the rankings of my keywords different to rankings from other programmes such as 'Access my Lan' and 'Firefly'? Does SEOMoz count 'Google Places and Maps' in their rank count? Im thinking this could explain the difference

    | john_Digino

  • I have the most boring copier service website, clients cool, concept is really boring; Well I am looking to generate this client some link back juice, cause this guy is struggling for traffic, and I am am struggling to generate a buzz about copier services?? Fortunately, it's only local, so that helps me with testing my localization campaigning. 🙂 Any opinions on this software? Do you know of some better "Back Linking Software? I was considering buying it. But once I go to purchase it, I second guess myself; "It just looks shady, and the perpetual up-sale, turns me off.". I really just value the MOZer communities opinions! and I want to see what the community thinks of the above company, and if ya heard anything good, or bad. The Demo seems legit as hell!

    | smstv

  • I have a site that was recently hit by the Google penguin update and dropped a page back. When running the site through seomoz tools, I keep getting duplicate content in the reports for and, even though I have a 301 rewrite condition. When I test the site, redirects to for all directories and root. I don't understand how my index page can still get flagged as duplicate content. I also have a redirect from to Is there anything else I need to do or add to my htaccess file? Appreciate any clarification on this.

    | anthonytjm

  • Hi, I have recently change my url architecture with site redesign and was just doing some analysis of the old and new pages. I seem to be losing a little bit of Organic Search because of it. As an example this old diving page in open site explorer shows a Page Authority of 46 whilst the new diving page shows a Page Authority of 22. I have a 301 redirect going from the old page to the new, but that seems to be quite a drop in Page Authority. Is there anything else I can be doing to improve upon it? Thanks, Adam

    | NaescentAdam

  • I need to find a tool that examine a site trust from google any ideas

    | MikeCooke11

  • This might seem a bit of an odd one, but we seem to be going around in circles on this when using the on page optimizer tool. We have an ecommerce site (magento) which by default is putting a canonical link in the header on every product page. For example; has the But when we run the on page optimiser tool, we're losing points on the critical section for not having canonical set correctly. If we remove the tag, we get the tick and the a grade, but then further down the report we lose a tick for not using canonical links. What are we missing here?

    | andyjsi

  • My crawl diagnostics show duplicate content at and which are essentially the same file.

    | MSSBConsulting

  • Just how lagged are the rankings on SEOMoz Campaigns?  They seems to be weeks behind what  I actaully see.

    | freestone

  • We are looking at a weatherforecast site with realtime information that is updated every 5 minutes. For this website many urls have 6 parameters The SEOmoz campagne found duplicate information and overly dynamic urls. Then we went to google wmt section url parameters and configured parameters like day, month, year (effect: none). The next weekly SEOmoz campagne showed a big reduction in duplicates and small reduction overly dynamic urls. How can we reduce these 'errors' further?

    | theonlinefactory

  • Hi For my new campaign I need to set up an engine Yahoo for UAE. But I cant find anything related to UAE or Arab Countries in the dropdown for engines. In Bing there is a target for "Arabian Countries" Is Yahoo & Bing giving the same search results?

    | riyas_heych

  • Hello! Thanks for coming to my rescue; I really appreciate it. I am a newbie at SEO and I still haven't got the full picture of everything in my mind that covers linkbuiling, on page optimization, domain names, website creating, etc. I've really pretty much all the available guides on WarriorForum and BHW without much help on the topics above since most of the information was either provided by some person who didn't know what they were talking about, the information was outdated, or I didn't know what they meant. I have so many questions that I hope some SEO-Expert could answer my newbie questions so that I won't get penalized for my two sites that I currently own. One of them was slapped by Yahoo!, Bing, AOL, and most other search engines with the exception of Google (It's only a matter of time of course). The other site I own is in the making currently without much on-page optimization. Before I start doing some on-page depletion t to my two sites so they both get de-indexed and such because of keyword stuffing, fail link building, and other factors, I wanted to cover the problems I currently have about SEO and this site. 1) Using the SEO-MOZ 'keyword analysis tool', what is the ideal percentage difficulty a newbie like me could take easily with just a few links here and there including 5 posts/pages of great content? (I usually only write 5 posts that cover 500+ words each). 2) Do I need hosting to become successful or to get more on-page optimization for my websites? I currently use Go-Daddy forwarding with masking so that when my site shows up in google the content comes from blogger. 3) What is "Self Cannibalization"? I ALWAYS get that error for both my sites when I use the 'on page optimzation tool' from SEO-MOZ. 4) Using Blogger, What exactly are labels and does using this add any SEO value to my website? 5) I've read so many damn articles about ALT text and Title text for blogger; nothing explained what I put in it though. What am I supposed to put in it that will help me with my on page optimization? (Stuff like do I use spaces or dashes, do I put my keyword in there, how many characters should I not exceed, do I put one word or two words?) 6) On my website, I 'accidentally' didn't know that copy and pasting images from paint straight to blogger would be a bad idea because in the html I saw it was f'ed up because there was literally random characters everywhere for the file name. Since my site is a tutorial site, I have over 50+ images in all my posts combined that I've copied and pasted from paint.exe to the Blogger post. Should I reupload all of them to blogger or keep it the way it is? Will I be penalized for this or nothing would happen? Is there a benefit to fixing it? 7) For a new website that is less than 1 week old, when can I start building backlinks? If I can start building backlinks now, what is the ideal number per day that I should create? 😎 Does post every single page or post of content I have on my website to other Web 2.0s like Squidoo, Wordpress, or Blog penalize my website for duplicate content or what? If I do this, does it give me any SEO benefit? 9) How much stronger is a .gov backlink than a .edu backlink? How much stronger are both of those compared to a regular extension backlink? 10) If I am building backlinks, should I link just my main home page URL or all internal URLs to? 11) I see several people that build backlinks to other websites by typing in a comment and throwing their link in there. Like question 10, should I post ALL the links to my website (Internal + Home) or just my main page link? 12) What is better; .com, .net, or .org? What about .info, .us, and .biz in terms of SEO benefit? 13) I have several pages on my site in which Google indexed them and I deleted the post. Now when I search my site on Google and I click on the link to the post, it is pretty much a 'dead link' because the post cannot be found. Does this harm my site in any way, and how can I take these dead pages off? 14) One of my sites is already indexed by Google but not Yahoo! What should I do to get my site indexed? It's already been about a week. Thanks for attempting to answers my questions. I don't have anything to give, but, I can choose 3 'good answers' for helping me!

    | 678648631264

  • I have a competitor in a campaign - the campaign report shows 181 linked domains BUT - the site explorer report shows only 15 linked domains. Which is correct?  And if the site explorer is correct - how do we fix the campaign report? [URL]]([URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL]) m9xFv open-site-explorer open-site-explorer

    | robertdonnell

  • Our website is active in about 40 countries in multiple languages and spreading. Is there a good way to track our SEO performance in each locale without making 40+ campaigns?

    | jtschoonhoven

  • Hi My question is one that most startups face. No large budgets for online SEO marketing and lack of quality SEO consultants willing to work for peanuts. To the point: 1. Where can I read reviews of SEO consultants before giving a contract? 2. Is it naieve to expect an SEO contract based on real ROI i.e. increase in qualified enquiries? All I spoke to over last 12 months refuse to commit, even in part, to this requirement. My take is what good is an SEO contract if all I get is loads of reports of work done? I do not have the capability to analyse the reports hence I employ someone! 3. I have SEOMoz pro memership. Can I do  my SEO myself by using the tools in the dashboard? thanks to all for reading my post.

    | dp91

  • Is there a certain limit that you have to hit before the profile picture becomes visible ? I can see it on my blog profile but in Q&A its the default image 😞

    | Saijo.George

  • Not sure what happened but I started a third campaign yesterday and only 1 pages was crawled, The other two campaigns has 472 and 10K respectively. What is the proper setting to choose in the beginning of campaign setup to have the entire site crawled. Not sure what I did different and I must be reading the instructions incorrectly. Thanks, Don

    | NicheGuy21

  • I've done several Youmoz posts and only recently noticed for some reason that other authors have included author links and links to their websites in their bio section at the end. I edited mine with a full URL but it only shows up as text. No editor there when you edit your profile so no way of adding a link. Anyone know how this is done?

    | DanDeceuster

  • Hi All, I'd like to have entry to the mozcon event - and I wasn't quick enough to sign up. If you have an entry to sell I'd like to buy it. Thank you. Karl Seidel (SEO guppie)

    | karlseidel

  • Using seomoz toolbar and can't get Page Analysis for homepage - it comes up blank for "page elements", "page attributes" and "link data".  Any help would be great. Cheers, Don

    | nositeleftbehind

  • Is there a way to upload 100 sites to somewhere in SEOmoz and get the domain authority of each site?  If not, what is the fastest way to get DA for 100 sites? Thanks, Steve

    | sgirardot

  • Hi there, I have a quick question: Does it make a difference if I add keywords to a campaign with the '[' and ']' brackets included? I just realized that I had copy/pasted many of my keywords from the exported CSV from the Google AdWords Keyword Tool and I fear that the keyword rankings on SEOmoz might factor the brackets as part of the keywords themselves. Thanks in advance! Ben

    | BenHammer

  • Hi All Our website identifies a list of search engine spiders so that it does not show them the session ID's when they come to crawl, preventing the search engines thinking there is duplicate content all over the place. The Seomoz has bought a over 20k crawl errors on the dashboard due to session ID's. Could someone please give the details for the Seomoz bot so that we can add it to the  list on the website so when it does come to crawl it won't show it session ID's and give all these crawl errors. Thanks

    | blagger

  • My followed backlinks tab is not showing any data for any of my campaigns. other tabs are shwoing data like top pages but nothing under followedbacklinks. Is anyone else having this problem?

    | Dataken

  • Hello, Can someone tell me how I can recognize links that can harm my website? I have OpenSiteExplorer and CognitiveSEO as tools to create nice backlinking reports for me. But my problem is, how do I know if a link shown on these reports can harm my website so I can remove them? Is it linktypes, low auth. links etc? Thank you for your answers in advance! Regards, Thomas

    | ThomasH

  • I'm trying to do link research and analysis on my website for however the tool recognizes only giving me fake results....

    | 678648631264

  • I've got a site that's brand spanking new that I'm trying to get the error count down to zero on, and I'm basically there except for this odd problem. Roger got into the site like a naughty puppy a bit too early, before I'd put the canonical tags in, so there were a couple thousand 'duplicate content' errors. I put canonicals in (programmatically, so they appear on every page) and waited a week and sure enough 99% of them went away. However, there's about 50 that are still lingering, and I'm not sure why they're being detected as such. It's an ecommerce site, and the duplicates are being detected on the product page, but why these 50? (there's hundreds of other products that aren't being detected). The URLs that are 'duplicates' look like this according to the crawl report: And so on. Canonicals are in place, and have been for weeks, and as I said there's hundreds of other pages just like this not having this problem, so I'm finding it odd that these ones won't go away. All I can think of is that Roger is somehow caching stuff from previous crawls? According to the crawl report these duplicates were discovered '1 day ago' but that simply doesn't make sense. It's not a matter of messing up one or two pages on my part either; we made this site to be dynamically generated, and all of the SEO stuff (canonical, etc.) is applied to every single page regardless of what's on it. If anyone can give some insight I'd appreciate it!

    | icecarats

  • We were able to rank very well for a specific keyword. After signing seomoz I've figured out that this keyword has a difficulty of 1%. All the other similar keywords I've researched have difficulties greater than 20%. Is the Difficulty related to my site? Or is it absolute?

    | BrunoReis

  • I would like to find out whether the use of SEOMOZ rank tracker violate Google's guidelines. "Don't use unauthorized computer programs to submit pages, check rankings, etc. Such programs consume computing resources and violate our Terms of Service. Google does not recommend the use of products such as WebPosition Gold™ that send automatic or programmatic queries to Google."

    | PGRob

  • Apologies if this has been asked. I was browsing Q&A and got a Ruby error page, reloaded and everything was fine. However a bunch of the topics are kind of messed up, and it looks like a chunk of them are missing now. For example my 'questions I've answered' section of My Q&A only has the newest question and the oldest question, and when I sort the SEOMoz Tools category by newest I get one recent post and then the next one is from November of last year. You guys having database problems?

    | icecarats

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