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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • I want to know how I can find out how a client's site was ranking for keywords at the beginning of the campaign so I can compare it with current rankings. I haven't been generating reports regularly. I kinda assumed I could ask for the reports retroactively. As in, what was the ranking of my keywords from the first crawl done by SEO moz. Thanks!

    | GreenGrowthSEO

  • I'm looking for a tool like this: that can check hundreds/thousands of URLs and give me a report as to which ones have been redirected. Does anyone know of something that can do this?

    | glass01

  • I know this seems like a really dumb question but the site I'm working on is a BigCommerce one and I've been concerned about canonicalisation issues prior to receiving this report (I'm a SEOmoz pro newbie also!) and I just want to be clear I am reading this notice correctly. I presume this means that the site crawl has detected the rel canonical tag on these pages and it is working correctly. Is this correct?? Any input is much appreciated. Thanks

    | seanpearse

  • When I run the On-Page Report Card it tells me that I should remove the multiple instances of H1 tags, even though the website is built using HTML5 and has hierarchical structure where each section / article has its own H1 tag. This approach is completely legal with HTML5 and I'm just wondering what impact does it have on SEO and whether the On-Page Report Card recognises the HTML5 and processes it accordingly.

    | coremediadesign

  • How do you adjust the SEOmoz crawling speed? SEOmoz tried to crawl 10,000 pages in 3 hours and crashed our MySQL server.

    | cappuccino89

  • In OpenSiteExplorer, I clicked "Download CSV" for a report on backlinks from one domain to another. The online visualization in OSE showed 93 external inbound links from site A to site B. When I opened the report, there are only 25 linking pages listed. How do I download the full list?

    | DanielH

  • Is there something wrong in Seomoz keyword analysis tool.I'm not getting the Exact and Broad match search volume. EDIT: It's been resolved.No need to answer this question

    | JohnChena

  • Hi. I'm looking to get links to my site from blogs/sites/pages that fit this criteria: niche: IT, electronics, product reviews Minimum PR: 2 Maximum 20 external links Is there an automated tool that can help me discover these site?

    | seo_marker

  • I've searched high and low, but I could just be missing it... Is there a report on internal links? Maybe a count? Or better yet, a way to see internal anchor text?

    | MCIMaui

  • Did anyone else get some really strange results in their weekly crawls this week with the campaign tool? Either my ranks sky rocked across three different sites or the tools is busted. Something to the tune of having 4 pages ranking in the top 30 to now having 15-16 pages ranking in the top 30. I'd love to find out it is just all the hard work paying off but i am worried it is the later. Regards - Kyle

    | kchandler

  • I want to remove keywords to one campaign, but i have several hundred being tracked. Does anyone know if i delete them all, then re-add the ones i want will i loose the ranking history? Thanks

    | ChrisDive

  • Hello, I have a question about the proportion (in %) of branded keywords vs targeted keywords in the anchor text distribution of a website. Suppose if I have a website with 3 targeted keywords and 2 branded keywords in the anchor text distribution that looks like this: 1 main targeted keyword 20% 2 targeted keyword 15 % 3 targeted keyword 15 % 4 branded keyword 10 % 5 branded keyword 5 % 6 more keywords 35% The question is: What would be the best distribution in percentages to aim for the main and other keywords? Should the branded keyword % increase and (main) targeted decrease? Or something else? (I have "Opensite Explorer" and Cognitive SEO" as tools to measure.) Thank you for your answers!

    | ThomasH

  • Hi all, Need a little help to understand this link information, if you go to our toolbar it show 1.6 million links on 224 root domains. when you analyse the page using the Tool bar. the link data show the page as having over 3000 internal links but when you go page attributes it shows a more complementary 92 page links we have a menu to all our pages and I am wondering if this is being registered in its entirety

    | LocksOnline

  • I was wondering how SEOmoz the SERPs tracks? e.g. the SERP of keyword in the Google US report, doesn't give me the same result as Does SEOmoz check the SERPs from several locations and calculate an average?

    | Teklan

  • Hi guys, I run an eCommerce store that has 1000s of subcategories, yes it's a lot but my niche requires that many. Using Traffic Travis, SEOmoz and other tools I can say that these are Easy/Very Easy to get ranked for. (Sounds good, but it's not that easy) If I'm honest my site has on site SEO done however I don't have unique content on each of the sub categories as it would take to much time, should I spend my time adding unique content to each one? I also need to increase page authority to my inner pages, how can I achieve this? My competitors on each subcategory are linking to there other subcategory should I do the same? I'm just not sure how deep linking works. My niche is printers/ink that's why I need lots of subcategorys however I'm just lost on what to do at the moment and I really need to increase sales! Thanks for reading.

    | Superinks

  • There's loads of free and paid SEO tools out there and I'm trying to find out which ones make up a common denominator for most professional SEOs.

    | MassivePrime

  • Hi there, I am wondering why the Link Analysis in SEOMoz takes so long to recognise new back-links. I have had the same figures showing for months when I know that I have added a lot more backlinks that are showing in my Google WebMaster account and I have also proven exist by searching directly in Google's search engine. How often does the Link Analysis section update itself? Are these figures worth following at all or are they useless? Thanks!

    | onlineexpression

  • Ive gotten many mixed opinions on Link Assistant and its complete suite, I wanted to get some opinions on the matter.. Anyone use these tools? What is the difference between these tools and other tools on the web? Would adding the free SEOmoz API into this software show better results?

    | SEODinosaur

  • I just started here and really like everything the community and tools so far.  One question. My SEOMOZ dashboard  shows only one inbound link while Google Web Tools shows 300+.  My site has been up for 3 months now and I'm curious about the lack of indexing. Any help, tips or feedback is greatly appreciated. Robb Jarrett

    | carbbon

  • I have a question about calls to the API and how these are measured. I noticed that the URL Metrics calls allow a batch of multiple URLs. We're in a position where we need link data for multiple websites; can we request a single row of data with link information for multiple URLs, or do we need to request a unique row for each URL?

    | ssimburg

  • Hi All Rogerbot has recently thrown up 403 errors for all our pages - no changes had been made to the site so I asked our ISP for assistance. They wanted to have a look at what rogerbot was doing and so went to the logs but rogerbot was not listed anywhere in the logs by name - any ideas why? Regards Craig

    | CraigWiltshire

  • Which of these is best: http://www.Myblogguest.com I like the look of so far. We are wanting to guest write articles to be published on quality sites in exchange for one or two links back (link building) Also, how do you choose what article topics to write. So far my strategy is to look at the industry's biggest sites and to use the "Top Pages" tab in OSE to look for hot topics. Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • hello. does facebook pass page rank i am getting some mixed responses from forums in which case is it a good idea for me to sign up to multiple blogs and link back to my site? thanks james

    | smashseo

  • hello i have had my site live and indexing for 3 months however open site explorer doesn't show the facebook or twitter linkback from my corporate sites. any ideas why this would not show in opesite? it doesn't show in google WMT either. my site:

    | smashseo

  • Hi I can't seem to find competitor title and descriptions in SEO moz PRO. I am missing something?

    | smashseo

  • so i created this simple site to test seomoz with: it is a one-page wordpress site. i want to rank it for "permission marketing dentistry" so now that i have it set up with seomoz what exactly should i do next? is there a procedure i need to follow? i am already working on fixing the errors.

    | dad7more

  • I am trying to seperate the duplicate title and description URLs, by looking at the report i am not getting how to find all urls which contain same title and description. Is there any video link on the site which walk me through each part of the report. Thanks, Punam

    | nonlinearcreations

  • We are looking to create a SEO report that is broken down by keywords. The traffic that the keywords generate for the site, the rankings in the search engines, the number of backlinks that have used the keyword as anchor text. We have a few tools that can do some of this, but are looking to find something that can aggregate all this info into a clean report. We are wondering if anyone knows a good website/application that can help manage a month-to-month report on the aspects above. Thanks!

    | insitegoogle

  • That's pretty much it. Been trying to import an inbound links report generated with OpenSiteExplorer with no avail. All I get is a messy spreadsheet. Does any of you happen to know the right settings for a nifty import? Thanks a lot 🙂

    | Ersatz

  • Hi, i am very puzzled about the rankings report. For some reason the past couple of weeks it is giving wrong information for example, my site the report says that the keyword gastric band hypnosis is eight in google on page one but when i have checked i cannot find it. It also says the word gastric band hypnotherapy is sixth place in google on page one can anyone please let me know what is going on

    | ClaireH-184886

  • I think this tool is a bit off : ) This morning I checked my ranking for a keyword and every time I recheck it I see my results in a different place. I checked on word 5 times and got three different results. Is Google brocken or is the tracker doing its own thing? This is not the first time I am seeing this issue only today its really acting up. IMHO I think it would be best if the tool just says out of order 🙂 rather than 3, 10, 6 for one keyword phrase within ten minutes...

    | SEODinosaur

  • Since 2 / 3 years I have been doing work a client of mine. I have been building a good reputation and also a lot of top 10 / top 5 positions for mayor keywords. Starting about 4 to 12 weeks ago the positions have been dropped some due to (very) new competitors. My questionnaire is this: The client had everything better, also when I use the SEOmoz analyses. The only difference now is; the new competitors have made massive links in very short time, that making 2 things: more links than my client and also beating my clients positions. These domains exist since 3 to 9 months. What I am trying to figger out is; 1. How do they make 250.000 links in this time? (safe and so quick) 2. How does only this effect the SERPs so much? 3. If they continue this, Will they keep climbing up or get à penalty? Love to hear some advice. Thanks,

    | CreativeCT

  • The SeoMoz crawler has found many pages like this on my site with /?Letter=Letter, e.g. I believe it is finding multiple caches of a page and identifying them as duplicates. Is there any way to screen out these multiple cache results?

    | johnsearles

  • Been noticing these anomalies for some time now. I'm from and we've found the rank tracker extremely useful to see how our campaigns are doing. I noticed however that we no longer show up in the app as ranking for our brand? I know that results differ according to location and a myriad other variables but I think we're pretty strong as far as our brand name is concerned. I did a quick double check in incognito and, yep, we're still ranking... Any ideas on this?

    | eVenuesSEO

  • Last week I was looking at a competitors site who has a link scheme going on and I could actually check the links for each anchor text. This week they don't work at all, do you think they're blocking the rogerbot on their domains? Or is there a problem with open site explorer? If you're interested in the background, all the links are to instant-home-biz . com which then redirects decks . ca - it's a tricky technique. Pretty much all of the links are from sketchy sites like: which I thought Penguin was supposed to catch…

    | BeTheBoss

  • When looking thru our keywords on our reports in SEOmoz, it would be really helpful to be able to rank keywords by major head terms and long tail terms. Is there any way to have the keyword's search traffic show up in the rankings report?

    | ACLens

  • Hello, I know the Mozscape was recently updated, but it's been a week and my site data ( DA, number of backlinks) in Open Site Explorer is still the same. The seomoz toolbar and my pro tools show my DA has increased ( I don't know of another way to verify my backlink count, so I'm not sure on that front). Any idea  of the reason behind the disparity? Thanks.

    | richje

  • Hi Guys, I am curious why in SEOMoz, our mobile site is showing to have the canonical tags used on the desktop site but when you double check the code of the mobile website it is showing Any thoughts on why we are seeing this? Also is there any lag in the code updates being reported through the SEOmoz toolset? Thanks for all your help! Cheers,

    | lwalker

  • I saw a severe drop in MozTrust for multiple sites I am working on. We have added some links this month, but would be considered 'spammy' or to be low quality. No other links appear to have been lost / removed. If we had some very high quality links before and have added some mid-level links can this be what is causing the drop? From the description on SEOmoz, it seemed to me that trust could only go up as links were added. It appears that I am missing something.

    | DigitalDiameter

  • I only ask because in my report it returned a few "no follow" links. Was wondering how SEOMoz operates.

    | Pikimal

  • Dearest SEO Friends, I'm working on a site that has over 2,400 instances of duplicate content (yikes!). I'm hoping somebody could offer some excel tips or tricks to managing my SEOMoz crawl diagnostics summary data file in a meaningful way, because right now this spreadsheet is not really helpful. Here's a hypothetical situation to describe why: Say we had three columns of duplicate content. The data is displayed thusly: | Column A | Column B | Column C URL A | URL B | URL C | In a perfect world, this is easy to understand. I want URL A to be the canonical. But unfortunately, the way my spreadsheet is populated, this ends up happening: | Column A | Column B | Column C URL A | URL B | URL C URL B | URL A | URL C URL C | URL A | URL B | Essentially all of these URLs would end up being called a canonical, thus rendering the effect of the tag ineffective. On a site with small errors, this has never been a problem, because I can just spot check my steps. But the site I'm working on has thousands of instances, making it really hard to identify or even scale these patterns accurately. This is particularly problematic as some of these URLs are identified as duplicates 50+ times! So my spreadsheet has well over 100K cells!!! Madness!!! Obviously, I can't go through manually. It would take me years to ensure the accuracy, and I'm assuming that's not really a scalable goal. Here's what I would love, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Does anyone know of a formulaic way that Excel could identify row matches and think - "oh! these are all the same rows of data, just mismatched. I'll kill off duplicate rows, so only one truly unique row of data exists for this particular set" ? Or some other work around that could help me with my duplicate content madness? Much appreciated, you Excel Gurus you!

    | FMLLC

  • I know I can do this in OSE page by page, but is there a way I can do this in a large batch? There are 200+ PDF's that I need to figure out what pages (if any) link to the PDF. I'd rather not do this page by page, but rather copy-paste the entire list of pages I'm looking for. Any tools you know of that can do this?

    | ryanwats

  • Hi, First question since becoming a member so be gentle with me ;o) We are moving from a site using a dynamically generated ecommercetemplate to a nopcommerce site. I have two questions about this I know that 301 redirects are the best way to pass "link juice" but with the site being dynamically generated a lot of these links will simply disappear when we move to nop, meaning that they wont actually be there in order to add a 301. Any advice on this would be appreciated. How can i get a list of the pages on my current site which have the best rank in order to create the redirects. Unfortunately due to some technical issues we had with google analytics we were unable to install it so dont really have any analytics to give us some extra info. I was hoping that there would be somewhere within seomoz where i could be directed. Many thanks Chris

    | cjhamill

  • My site hit by penguin and after that I worked on cloud tag and one duplicate page content which was present on my site, also I worked on back links though my site hasn't recovered yet. Please guide me if I missed on something to recover from penguin hit.

    | HQP

  • If you are doing a press release can you use the same content on the release with multiple sites for example.... press release done through PRWeb can you take the same press release and post in on Ezine or even add the release to the blog of the site that the press release is linking 2?

    | NormanNewsome

  • I have been ask to do a SEO campaign for one MLS  listing: house for sale in the rosedale area in Toronto, and I am having difficulty to target one specific MLS listing . I don't want to do the SEO campaign on but rather one specific listing Google Analytic does not allow me to have a URL with a query.

    | pd2012

  • With the last crawl update to one of my sites there was a huge spike in errors reported. The errors jumped by 16,659 -- majority of which are under the duplicate title and duplicate content category. When I look at the specific issues it seems that the crawler is crawling a ton of blank pages on the sites blog through pagination. The odd thing is that the site has not been updated in a while and prior to this crawl on Jun 4th there were no reports of these blank pages. Is this something that can be an error on the crawler side of things? Any suggestions on next steps would be greatly appreciated.  I'm adding an image of the error spike Xovep.jpg?1 Xovep.jpg?1

    | VanadiumInteractive

  • See Photo Below. 271 in the header, 500 plus in the results section. I just want an accurate number to chart my progress from here on out. Majestic numbers seem inflated too much. Google Webmaster Tools too. g58HX.png

    | DRPower

  • Hi there, When using Rank Tracker tool from Research Tools of SEOmoz and Google Ad preview and Diagnosis tool I get 2 very different results for the ranking of the same keyword. On the Rank Tracker my website is ranked at position 28 on Google US. As I have a Google adwords account, I use their Ad Preview and Diagnosis in selecting and United States as location for the same keyword. My website comes at position 6 in the list of organic results. Which one is accurate ? Thank you in advance.

    | leavethisplanet

  • There use to be a section on SEOmoz called Tips and Tricks. Anyone knows where that section got relocated?

    | RevanaDigitalSEO

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