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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Hi guys! Ijust started using SEOMOZ software and wondered how it could be that my site has over 10.000 pages but in the Pro Dashboard it only indexed about 1500 of them. I've been waiting a few weeks now but the number has been stable ever since. Is there a way to get the whole site indexed by SEOMoz software? Thanks for your answers!

    | ssiebn7

  • Hi, I'm getting a duplicate content error from the SEOmoz crawler due to an issue with trailing slashes. It's showing and as having duplicate page titles. However I'm pretty sure this has been fixed in the .htaccess file since if you type in the domain with a trailing slash it automatically redirects to the domain without a trailing slash, so this shouldn't be an issue. I'm stuck here. Any ideas? Thanks. Rob

    | milengo

  • The SeoMoz site crawler says all my pages have too many links. I am using Dreamweaver with a horizontal Spry drop-down menu bar. My site has several hundred pages and about 100 of them show up in this Spry menu bar. I believe that this would be considered a false positive for too many links - am I right? Or is Google seeing this also as too many links per page? I am trying to get my Google rankings back after being hurt badly by the Penguin. I am using php but don't see another way to do the site links without going to a CMS type site. Thanks for any help you can give.

    | johnsearles

  • Hi all I am a developer for a small agency in the UK.  I am using SEOmoz for a couple of our clients and I am also using it to learn from. So far I am finding it a great tool and this forum is also incredibly helpful. Now I also visit another forum called and this months newsletter is a list of points that are defined as "SEO Mistakes".  In it, point number 2 reads: "Repeat after me: There is no specific number of times a keyword phrase should be used in my content. There is no magic number of words that my pages should have written on them. And there is no best number of words or phrases that belong in a Title tag. And most of all: There is no SEO software that can optimize my website (despite the claims of their creators). Use your common sense to optimize your site! Learn how your target audience searches for products, services and information such as yours, and write about it accordingly on your website. Then write to make an emotional connection with your visitors so that they'll convert into happy customers." Now as a user of SEOmoz I wondered what others thought of this comment? Many thanks for reading. Kris

    | yousayjump

  • The "Domain Authority" of my site on the "Link Analysis" section of SEOmoz Pro (34) is different to what it is on Open Site Explorer (36) - how can this be? All I can think is that one hasn't been updated yet (I'm hoping the lower one!). Elucidation gratefully received! Alex

    | reddogmusic

  • Hello, I only submit to general directories that are extremely strong - DMOZ, Best of the Web, Yahoo Directory. But I do submit to all fairly strong, fairly high quality niche directories that any competitor is listed under. Is this completely white hat and useful now and in the future? I don't want to be penalized. I do try to get a variety of links as well as the niche directories. Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • Hello, When skoping for how to beat competitors, do I need to aim to beat the linking root domains number or the total links? Or do I need to think about both? Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • Read this! Any ideas? How's your Google+ circle look like? What will happened to our SEO ranking? IS Rogger MOZ is ready for that change? What about SEOmoz will give us some Local/Pages/Google+ tools?

    | Elchanan

  • We have some pages (for example a contact us form) for which the URL is modified by the CMS depending on the referring page (this helps to put the form submission in context for the sales reps who get the contact submission). The SEOmoz crawler considers each URL a new page -- and so numbers like in diagnostics are all inflated as the same page is listed multiple times (e.g. for too many links) Is there a setting to change what  the crawler considers to be the same page? Here are two URLs for the same page that the reports treat as separate pages: The page is actually: Thanks Ken

    | spirent.marcom

  • Is there a compelling reason that OSE treats subdomains as part of a parent domain, rather than as a separate site? Or is this just a technical limitation? I ask because it's my understanding that Google treats subdomains more like separate domains than like parts of the parent domain. OSE treating them more like folders creates some frustrating situations when researching niches that are heavily filled with blospot and blogs. First of all, the domain authority in these situations is not at all indicative of the strength of the site. It also makes it hard to evaluate linking root domains at a glance, since all blogspot blogs count as one domain. So to see all blogspot sites linking you have to go to the full link list -- where each site may be listed hundreds of times -- and you can't group them because they're all considered the same domain. To be sure you when researching these niches you can just throw out domain authority as a metric, and export every report to excel where you can sort things in a way to make it easier to separate sites. But if there isn't a compelling SEO reason to have OSE function this way, I'd love to see those subdomains treated as separate sites so I can have access to all the easy to use SEOmoz metrics and layouts without the extra work. And of course if there is a compelling SEO reason for subdomains to be treated as domains, I'd love to be educated! : )

    | Ecreativeworks

  • Hello, I'm slowly finding backlinks for our niche site. 90% of the competition is using internal pages so mining competitors is hard. I'm mining sites that are in the backlinks of my competitors. Question: In cases like this, what percentage of the time do you think that it is possible to find enough backlinks to rank in the top 3? For example, is there always enough backlinks to rank high enough? Is there only enough half the time? I know this is a general question but maybe you could try the answer it followed by a statement of "why I gave this answer" Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • I need to cancel my trial. It ends on 2nd june as per seomoz. When can i cancel it exactly to avoid charges.

    | VarunBansal

  • Hi Everyone, I was trawling through You Tube and came across this video from Matt Cuts from Google about the 100 links limit being removed. I then logged into my SEO account as I remember a previous report we did for a competitor where they had quite a number of pages just over the 100 links, but only barely (They are highlighted in SEOmoz as a warning). Given that google has removed this number from their guidelines and it's clear that a few over 100 isn't as bad as it used to be, is it not about time this was changed or looked at again? Maybe even put ones like these under a new title such as recommendation rather that the alarmist Warning one unless it's ridiculously high? I wonder if the SEOmoz team can also find out a better range figure for it instead of the outdated 100? Regards Alan watch?v=l6g5hoBYlf0&feature=relmfu

    | ContactOnline

  • When one hovers over the social media metrics in Open Site Explorer the popups say that the numbers represent the total number of times the URL has been posted, liked, tweeted or +1'd. Those numbers are [appear to be] more dynamic than the data in OSE's other reports and seem to get a fresh analysis each time the URL is entered. So I'm wondering what period of time is it counting in it's "total number of times" determination? If I'd like to track the data to get an idea of, say, total number of Facebook Shares for a one month period, how often should I check the numbers?

    | BlastAM

  • I have been using the rank tracker to update clients on their current positions/improvements etc. but have been told a number of times now that the results they were seeing were not the same. Does the rank tracker work by giving results based off my location or from somewhere else or what? I should mention that I am based in Malta and my clients are based in the UK and Italy (with their sites being optimized for local keywords) I also ask them to clear their browsing history and to restart their browser before they check.

    | MassivePrime

  • Not a complaint, but a question to understand how the research tool operates: When I run backlink checks on websites, often the reported link is not only not on the page, but it's not found anywhere on the site. I use several tools to search for the link url as well as for the keyword.   Why does the tool report a link is there, but I cannot find the links in some cases?   Is there a lag in the information the tool is using, making it not quite up to date, or is it something else? Thanks much!

    | AdamThompson

  • My SEOMoz trial is drawing to a close and I have spent the month doing a ton of cleanup on my sites to remove errors and warning and otherwise comply with the basics of what I need to do to help position them.  What I need to do now is take the next step and move them "up the ladder." SEOMoz looks good and I don't want this to sound like an ultimatum but I am also getting better at Google Analytics and their Webmaster tools.  The question is, "Should I pay the money to SEOMoz or just work with google?"  I am a very small shop with a very limited budget.  Also, time is of the essence...I am prepared to continue my subscription if I can get an answer to the question:  "What do I do next and how can SEOMoz help me where just knowing Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools can not?" Thanks a ton in advance!

    | bobbabuoy

  • I'm fairly new to SEOMoz, and am looking for a way to pull all rankings for a site with the keywords I've listed, not just the top ranking. So for instance if my site ranks for the keyword "widget maker in MO" in two spots. The current rank report will only show me the top result. I know I can click on each keyword individually and see a full list of the top 50, but I'm looking for a more automated way of doing this (I'm the only SEO at my agency and time is an issue). I previously used Advanced Web Ranking and the tool would like me pull a CSV of the top 30 sites for each keyword I was tracking and then I could just search for my site and pull those results easier. Anyone know of a shortcut or report I should use? Thanks!

    | OsbornBarr

  • Hi, I am receiving the following message in my on-page report card: Avoid Keyword Self-Cannibalization However, I cannot find a link with the relevant anchor text on that specific page? I am using Wordpress and it is a page not a post so there are no tags. Hmmmm.... I'm confused - too many glasses of red wine?

    | thehopefactory

  • I have some pages on my website that receive an "A" grade with the SEOmoz On Page Report Card if I use a plural term in a phrase (say, "landscape designers in Dallas") but an "F" grade if I use the singular term (say, "landscape designer in Dallas"). Is this a true and accurate reflection of how search engines see the page? Am I going to rank well for plural terms but not for singular, given the specific on-page content I'm using in this example? Or is this an opportunity for SEOmoz to tweak its' algorithm to better reflect the search engines?

    | ahirai

  • I want to remove a campaign from my list how would I do that? Thanks Lee

    | WattersGroup

  • It would be great if their were plans to integrate Google Webmaster Tools into the mix. Specifically the Errors section. I am currently working on a new Campaign where I am seeing a little bit of overlap, but Google is finding all sorts of different missing pages from 3 redesigns ago but also quite a few current ones. Currently in SEOmoz: 0 Errors, while Google is reporting 12 - 403 Errors for some content the client unpublished. While the addition of Google Analytics was a nice, it would be great to dig further into Webmaster tools and Analytics with features that discover errors and provide actionable next steps. Is anyone else seeing these discrepancies between SEOmoz and Google Webmaster Tools?

    | drewschug

  • Hi, does seomoz have keyword research tool? or any plan to have one in near future?

    | imsameer

  • Hey everyone, Can you please recommend great resources for building mobile website and using proper SEO techniques for mobile? Just a list of resources would be great. I understand that this is SEO forum so at least basics for mobile SEO would do. I'm currently using and WPTouch PRO (for WordPress) but would love to learn to build mobile sites myself, at least with templates or basic tools provided. Just want to know what's there to know and how hard it is. And if I can handle it - what SEO practices for mobile I should keep in mind. Thank you! Max

    | MaxMinzer

  • Does anyone know of a PRO Q&A Forum software that could be used on our domain, ? This is a great way for people to earn points and help each other. We've tried other traditional forum software and it didn't work too well nor did people like to participate. Thanks!

    | onlinemktg1

  • After completing a crawl of my website: I noticed that all of the pages had a 301 Redirect? There is this huge amount of what appears to be corrupted
    data for each of these pages: Please see the attached Crawl report and a test ran from a crawl spider. It looks like each page is a 301 redirect to itself? Can anyone please tell me what all this means? 301-Redirect-crawl.jpg 301-Redirects.jpg

    | rdominey

  • Hi, I have no trouble adding my twitter page in SEOMOZ, but its giving me an error when I try to load my facebook page  . I also tried adding my personal facebook page which is tied to the Eugene Computer Geeks facebook page, but SEOMOZ wont accept that either. My business facebook page is tied to my personal account, and its also not showing up on the facebook search.  Any idea how I can make my business show up? I wish I could just start over fresh and have my buinsess setup with it's own facebook account.  Thanks.

    | eugenecomputergeeks

  • So, I have a new site that we are currently building links for, lots of hard work. Anyway, I was a bit shocked when I viewed my site through Open Site Explorer and found only 4 backlinks!!!!!, Majestic, and Google Webmaster Tools don't show the exact same numbers, but their figures are all MUCH higher, 4 to 566 for example. What gives Site is for those who want to look themselves. Thanks for your time and concern.

    | DRPower

  • Hi, I ran a competitive link analysis report today and back came quite a few domains that 2 or more of my 5 main competitors link from. Is it worth me submitting links to these sites? And would i be best served submitting my homepage URL or submitting a brand page such as Creative Recreation Trainers? I want to target that brand but don't want to do it if my main URL is better? Any ideas? See below my report. | Subdomain | Subdomain mR | Subdomain mT | # Competitors | # Linking Pages | Link Acquired |
    | | 8.05 | 8.04 | 2 | <a>2</a> |   |
    | | 5.99 | 6.50 | 2 | <a>3</a> |   |
    | | 5.90 | 5.59 | 2 | <a>2</a> |   |
    | | 5.69 | 5.66 | 2 | <a>3</a> |   |
    | | 5.66 | 5.53 | 3 | <a>20</a> |   |
    | | 5.64 | 5.68 | 3 | <a>4</a> |   |
    | | 5.58 | 5.81 | 2 | <a>2</a> |   |
    | | 5.52 | 5.51 | 2 | <a>3</a> |   |
    | | 5.50 | 5.22 | 3 | <a>9</a> |   |
    | | 5.48 | 5.23 | 2 | <a>15</a> | |
    | | 5.46 | 5.24 | 2 | <a>38</a> |   |
    | | 5.37 | 5.07 | 2 | <a>20</a> |   |
    | | 5.30 | 4.97 | 2 | <a>2</a> |   |
    | | 5.14 | 5.12 | 2 | <a>2</a> |   |
    | | 5.13 | 5.20 | 2 | <a>21</a> |   |
    | | 5.12 | 5.07 | 2 | <a>2</a> |   |
    | | 5.03 | 5.03 | 2 | <a>2</a> |   |
    | | 4.92 | 4.58 | 3 | <a>4</a> |   |
    | | 4.64 | 5.00 | 3 | <a>20</a> |   |
    | | 4.63 | 4.77 | 2 | <a>2</a> |   |
    | | 4.42 | 4.61 | 2 | <a>4</a> |   |
    | | 4.33 | 4.21 | 2 | <a>4</a> |   |
    | | 4.27 | 4.86 | 3 | <a>1</a> |   |
    | | 4.23 | 4.34 | 2 | <a>2</a> |   |
    | | 4.16 | 4.21 | 2 | <a>6</a> |   |

    | YNWA

  • My Google webmaster ranking for keywords differs significantly from SEOmoz. For example, Webmaster say 8 and SEOmoz says 1...thoughts?

    | mjcarrjr

  • When setting up a new campaign, I attempted to add GA.  I entered the wrong GA account to this profile.  How do I change the GA profile that is linked to this campaign?

    | sgavin

  • I've been a big believer in SEOmoz's TAGFEE tenents since stumbling on them a while back: **Long version: ** **TL;DR? Here's a shorter version: ** (scroll down) TAGFEE stands for "Transparent & Authentic, Generous, Fun, Empathetic, and Exceptional".  It's the core set of guiding principles that makes SEOmoz great... and a great place to work. And even though I don't work for SEOmoz, I find TAGFEE inspiring and something that I want to implement in many aspects of my own life and work.  It has occurred to me more than once that TAGFEE is, in and of itself, just as much a tool for developing your work as Open Site Explorer, the browser toolbar, or the Linkscape Index. So I'm curious: do folks outside SEOmoz use these principles at their workplaces?  Or do Mozzers use them outside of work in their community/communities of practice? tagfee-transparent.jpg

    | jcolman

  • Hi, My theory is yes I do. But the problem I have is a small budget and competitors who have a big one. My problem is we have a small number of external links and linking root domains. My profile from a domain analysis read like this in March and then May... External Followed Links - Mar 103 | May 257
    Total External Links ------- Mar 114 | May 276 Total Links ------------------- Mar 5,577 | May 24,425 Followed Linking Root Domains - Mar 24 | May 47
    Total Linking Root Domains ------- Mar 30 | May 55 As you can see, progrss is being made considering I do this part time for a family website. But what I need is a big bump in these numbers as my 3 compeitors are pulling in silly numbers such as 308, 7000 and 45000 external followed links. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to compete with this realisticy without spending a fortune? I am putting the time and effort in so anything you guys can do to help the better. I am using twitter and facebook quite a bit, and seen growth on Twitter go from 40 to 1,350 followers over 7 months. Visits to the site over 7 months have gone up 50% as well. However sales are still looking about 10-15% up on previous year. I need more links coming into the site don't I? And what is the most important part of the Domain Analysis, what shoudl I want to increase first and foremost? Any ideas? Cheers Will

    | YNWA

  • Hi there, I'm noticing that the total errors for our website has been going up and down drastically almost every other week.  4 weeks ago there were over 10,000 errors. 2 weeks ago there were barely 1,000 errors. Today I'm noticing it's back to over 12,000 errors.  It says the majority of the errors are from duplicate page content & page title.  We haven't made any changes to the titles or the content. Some insight and explanation for this would be much appreciated. Thanks, Gemma

    | RBA

  • is it possible to give other users access to your account?

    | bhanu2217

  • I have a site that is just a few months old. How do I get the domain authority up?

    | bronxpad

  • I've signed up for a trial pro account, yet when i try and export a report as a CSV i'm unable.  Is this feature disabled for trial accounts? Many thanks, C

    | councilflat

  • Hi, I recently deleted some pages from my website and believe that there will be external inbound links pointing to these pages. I would like to find them and put redirects in place - can anybody tell me how to use SEOMOZ to find where external links are poiting to moved/deleted pages Thanks

    | stayin

  • Seems my last private question was on March 23 -- so why would I have to wait until June to ask another? I believe I made a reply right at the first of April, which wasn't answered... and I haven't asked another private question yet... not that I have one now, just wonder why the wait that seems longer than a "calendar month"? _Cindy

    | CeCeBar

  • Hi, I am trialing SEOmoz at present. What i dont understand is how come the rankings check, which presumably involves sending requests to Google, doesnt contravine the Google quality guidelines and cause a website to be penalised. Sorry if being a bit dim - but if anybody could explain it would be really helpful cheers stayin

    | stayin

  • We run a family-owned flower shop that used to be #1-5 in several areas in Google a couple years ago. Now it seemed with all of the Panda, Penguin and other updates in Google that we have become almost Non-existent online. We used old Link-building tactics that are no longer good like before. We have a regular Wordpress Site/Landing Page and an Ecommerce website. The Landing Page used to rank first page all the time (now it's not ranked) and now the Ecommerce site shows up more often. But still nowhere where we need to be. We just need to get ranked on Google Places and/or first page in Google again. Please assist with strategies, systems or ideas?? Thank you, Luke

    | lightningyang

  • Does anyone have experience in ranking E-commerce sites? I'm trying to rank 1000+ subcategorys and 300+ products. All less than 1k Exacts some are just 20ish some go up to 1k. I've used Traffic Travis all keywords are ranked as [Easy] along with the tools here. My competition have 0 backlinks to there sites. Some sites have PR1-4 (only 2-3 per SERP rest are 0 so should be quite easy. However I'm up against Amazon and Google shopping for the products. Anyways what would you guys recommend me do?

    | InkCartridgesFast

  • Hello, I am getting starkly different inbound link amounts from Open Site Explorer and my Campaigns tab. Domain 1
    Campaigns: Total links = 10,895,942 Open Site Explorer - Links =  224,000 Domain 2
    Campaigns: Total links = 25,670,287
    Open Site Explorer - Links =  157,000 Why would these be so different? For reference, the "Historical Domain Analysis" shows these sites getting exponentially more links starting in February.  This is of concern to me.  I didn't do anything different in February to get so many more links (especially not in the millions).  If anything, I am hoping the "Campaigns" section is simply wrong about this.

    | truckguy77

  • <bs>I have helped many people (probably 100s) here in the forums. My fingers are swollen and I can't answer questions right now. I want my SEOmoz t-Shirt for becoming an Authority, but I'm a few points shy. Any help would be appreciated.</bs> Watch people give me a thumbs down. LOL

    | Francisco_Meza

  • Hi there, According to SEOmoz Dashboard's Competitive Domain Analysis, the 'Total Links' for our domain shot up (more than quatripled) in the last few weeks. We haven't really done much link building in over 6 months so not sure how to explain this.  Did SEOmoz make updates to their bots?  Could it be that the bots are finding all these links only now? We've been using SEOmoz reporting for almost a year now, and I've never seen this before. Some insight / explanation for this would be great. Thanks in advance,

    | RBA

  • Hi,
       I am trying to complete my SEOmoz profile, but there seems to be a bug.  I am able to fill out everything except the 'favorite topics'.   It lets me go in and fill it out, but when I click the update button to save it it does not save, and still shows up as missing in bar at the top.  I have tried it in Mozilla, IE and Chrome, and it still does not work.  Am I missing something? Thanks.

    | rayvensoft

  • I started a campaign 5/11/2012. It's still churning. Here's what the Crawl Diagnostics Summary has said for the two days. Starter Crawl in Progress! Processing Crawl Data Started: May 11th, 2012 To get you started quickly Roger is crawling up to 250 pages on your site. You should see these results within two hours. The full crawl will complete within 7 days. Should I / can I stop this campaign? How?

    | lbohen

  • Hi, A very challenging questions I always ask myself is that how exactly do I measure SEO. I am writing content, building pages, correcting links and so on. So now how I measure as to what I am doing is this really working out for me? Are the content which I am building is it working for the benefit of my website etc. What tools can I use to measure SEO specifically. What factors should I look at to measure when in cases where I am just begun my seo strategy. Could anyone highlight the correct tools and where inside these tools or which features inside those tools could give me good measures of the SEO Implementation. Thanks

    | shanky1

  • ..or subtitled "This is how I did it" Managed to get clients second most important keyword to #1 on Google recently (most important is about 5 or 6, am getting there with that one) 🙂 Yes, we all know 'rankings aren't important, traffic/searches are' but you know what -  when a Client sees their keyword at #1 it kinda helps getting paid. Thus, in summary, this is how I did it. I don't think there's anything earth shattering here but it might help a few out as I see so many 'where do i start' type posts. 1 - Do everything within Webmaster Tools that is humanly possible. Sitemaps, fix errors, preferred domain the lot. Spend ages here! 2 - Get your on page optimisation sorted out. Decide on THE main keyword for page, fire it into your campaign and test it. Do not give up until it's an A and you've done ALL the tips/hints (yes, even bold text on the page.) It's obvious but you have to tell a Search Engine exactly what the page is about - and give it a few hints too. 3 - Links - ahhh, good old links the bain of our lives. This site was struggling for links so i bought some - yes, the shame of it. I still think the best directories are a good starting point, spent about £400 or so. (BOTW, JoeAnt, HotVsNot etc,) Also, find low hanging fruit places for links. See where top 3 or 4 competitors are getting links from (via OSE) and get your site linked there too. These aren't always chargeable. 4 - Get rid of as many errors you can from Crawl Diagnostics (Roger) and do everything you can to ensure page(s) load as quick as possible. e.g. for images, resize them and reduce colour depth. 5 - Go over Steps 1-4 again and again AND AGAIN. I think that's about it (will add anything if i think of it), this all took about 4-5 months - not to do the SEO work but for Google (or any SE) to recognise it all, so thanks to all at SEOmoz, the blogs and this forum for all the assistance. (Just need to get Linkscape updated quicker now folks - i couldn't resist that one!)

    | Capote

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