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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Hey, The seomoz toolbar was permenantly logged in. But for some reason after a period of inactivity it now logs out and I have to relogin. I'm using firefox, what could be causing this?

    | PeterM22

  • I do not want to buy XL or Pages just to read the CSV from SEOMoz. So I bought an app on the AppStore... and this app is unable to read the CSV from SEOMoz. Since I already wasted $2, Id rather avoid to waste more (and avoid that to others too!). What software is recomanded to open these CSV files? Also, I tried Google Docs, but I bumped in their 400K cells limit 😞

    | jgenesto

  • When i download a csv i get just one colum with every information in it... which makes it unreadable.. any suggestions for this unlogical problem?

    | JarnoNijzing

  • I was checking a few of my clients backlinks that recently got hit by the "penguin" update to possibly try and remove some of the potentially spammy links. I ran reports in both and majesticseo and majesticseo brings back a ton more links, and these are sites that don't even have the max 10,000 backlinks that OSE should be bringing back.  Does OSE bring back reliable backlink data?  I'm starting to wonder.

    | RonMedlin

  • Given all the recent talk about over optimization, when was the last time SEOMoz updated the on-page report card tool? Rand wrote an excellent piece on Perfect On-Page Optimization (which is great, and thanks) in summer 2009. Is that still best practice 3 years later (and post-Penguin/Panda)? If not, has the SEOMoz on-page report card tool been updated to reflect current thinking for on-page best-practices? I know the higher level concept is "write for humans, not for bots" but if you can do both (and not create an unreadable seo-frankenpage) then why not? Does getting an "A" grade wreak of over optimization now? Should I use the key phrase at the start of the title, h1, and strong (or bold) elements on a page? Should have an image with file name and alt text equal to (or containing at the start) the key phrase?

    | scanlin

  • I was just wondering how SEOmoz calculates keyword rankings up and down every week. Shouldn't there be a way to have SEOmoz calculate rankings on a Local and Non-Local Basis? For example I have "Local Dentist" as a keyword in SEOmo for my dental client. SEOmoz shows that we are not in the Top 50. | Local dentist Keyword History Ranking Analysis | Not in Top 50 | Moved unknown 0 spaces | Not in Top 50 | Moved unknown 0 spaces | Not in Top 5 | If I change my location in Google browser to the zip of where the office is located, we
    show up in position 14(for the home page) & 15 (for an inside page) How can I show the keyword rankings to my client if the keyword ranking report doesn't reflect searches done in my clients local area?

    | Czubmeister

  • What does the "Internal Links" data in the Keyword Difficulty SERP report represent? Thank you! QocBS

    | richpalpine

  • What is the quickest way to get Google to clean up dead
    link? I have 74,000 dead links reported back, i have added a robot txt to
    disallow and added on Google list remove from my webmaster tool 4 months ago.
    The same dead links also show on the open site explores. Thanks

    | 1step2heaven

  • Facebook doesn't appear on Top 500 domain list. What am I missing?

    | Gyi

  • Does SEOMoz in the future plan to report on Bot visits for each URL, when they are spidered and when they appear in for example Google's index ?

    | NeilTompkins

  • Our site has had "crawl in progress" for over 24 hours now without an update, we're dying for the results since our last changes :).

    | absoauto

  • Is there a way to access opensiteexplorer result details via seomoz's API?  Most interested in the social media results

    | fuzzlepop

  • I have several campaigns which currently get their weekly keyword ranking reports updated on different days. I'd like all of them updated on the same day, so I can just check in one a week for everything.

    | RichardDavies

  • Hi everyone, I was wondering if there is a way to get the past  PA and DA  value for a specific URL ? I did run a small SEO campaign targeting a couple of deep pages over a month on my site and I would like to measure  the efficiency of this campaign but I forgot to write down what was the PA (I know more  aloess the DA) of those pages before the starting the campaign. Is their a way to retrieve the historical data of PA/DA ? thanks

    | Gus_Martin

  • Is it just me, or is the Redirection resource page missing the exclamation point (!) in this code. If so, this could really mess someone's site up if they copy and paste. Redirecting Canonical Hostnames: The original developers at SEOmoz needed to redirect any requests that do not start with to make sure they included the www. They did this not only because it looks better, but to avoid common canonicalization errors. Redirect: Redirect: Redirect: Solution: Add the following directive: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC]RewriteRule (.*)$1 [L,R=301] Explanation: This directive tells apache to examine the host the visitor is accessing (in this case:, and if it does not equal redirect  to The exclamation point (!) in front of negates the comparison, saying “if the host IS NOT, then perform RewriteRule.” In our case RewriteRule redirects them to while preserving the exact file they were accessing in a back-reference. *emphasis added by me

    | squareplug

  • I have the same kw sets across 3 campaigns but are being counted against the 300 total count. Shouldn't they only count once? Thx!

    | AZWebWorks

  • I went to Distilled's linklove conference earlier this week. Many of the presenters showed spreadsheets where they had pulled in Page Authority for a long list of sites. What tool can you use to quickly do this? For instance, I want to be able to copy a list of 100 sites into a tool and have it spit out the PA for every site...anybody know how to do this?

    | znotes

  • Hello, On the last crawl of a website of mine, seomoz pointed out about 1500 errors (ouch!) on my site. I have made some corrections and i just want to see if they are at the right way but the next crawl is in a week. Is there any way so i can force a crawl before the scheduled date? Thanks!

    | Tz_Seo

  • I was thinking today what are the chances that SEOMOZ can look into my campaigns and see what keywords I am targeting, strategies etc. and then sell that information to others? There has to be some type of clause when you sign up correct? But who knows because I'm not sure. Having Rand and Matt Curts talking via twitter to each other kind of concerns me. Not that I'm worried that Google will know my strategies because we don't do any black-hat linking and anything shady but how much power does SEOMOZ really have and can they leak any information to other companies or Google? Scary stuff that's why I don't put all my eggs into one basket, I spread them out. Thoughts? Thanks in advance - Brett Shaffer

    | EmpireSEO

  • A few days ago I noticed an issue with the on-page optimizer, when I couldn't find a solution, or even any mention of the problem in the forum I posted a ticket at the help desk.
    After ten hours I got a generic reply that didn't answer my ticket so I posted saying so.
    After two days of not getting any reaction I looked through the forums again, this time searching for reactions about Moz's help desk.  I found the post saying that sometimes the mail with a reply isn't received correctly so I went to the page of the ticket.
    Here I saw that not only didn't I get an answer but my issue had been marked as solved, even though my last message clearly stated that it wasn't. This was three days ago. So my question is, is this how Moz usually treats it's clients?  I'm new and my free trial is about to expire.  At this point Moz should be impressing me with their great tools and services, convincing me it's worth my money.  If I can barely get their attention now I don't expect it to change once I have payed them.

    | Abidos

  • I have a domain with six months of data in my PRO account.  The MozRank and MozTrust is still 0.00.  Is this normal?  If not, what on Earth am I doing wrong?!?

    | MikeHarmanos

  • I have corrected most of the problems shown in crawl diagnostics and changed the meta desc. , titles etc. When will SEOMOZ recrawl those pages and show that Its correct now ?

    | VarunBansal

  • Ive recently joined seomoz and i am receiving data regarding my keywords but the traffic data is just flat lined, no information at all. I know am getting hundreds of hits a day through my own web analytic and webmaster tools but nothing from seomoz. any help please?

    | totaldriveways

  • this may be a realy silly question to ask but when im trying to print off traffice report I can only see reports based on my keywords is their a way to show all traffic not just based on my keywords?

    | seoactivejames

  • The ranking reports are great but is there any way of changing the sender email address to be our own, and have our signature appearing at the bottom of the email notifications? We'd really like to send them direct to our customers and save some time double handling.

    | Fatpublisher

  • The definition of MozTrust is:
    "MozTrust is SEOmoz's global link trust score. It is similar to MozRank but rather than measuring link popularity, it measures link trust. Receiving links from sources which have inherent trust, such as the homepages of major university websites or certain governmental web pages, is a strong trust endorsement." That being the case it is quite disturbing that a number of websites have been hit very badly by the latest Google algorithm changes that did indeed have very respectable MozTrust rankings. Can I ask whether anybody has carried out any sort of analysis of MozTrust versus negative impact in Google rankings? The prediction would of course be that websites suffering from a lower MozTrust would have been hit quite badly by these recent changes.

    | driansmith

  • Ordered 5 reports last 24 hours, none received. Anyone else with this problem ? I do expect better from an expensive subscription. C'mon Moz, fix this new OSE report system please.

    | blocker0408

  • In the UK lots of people use rather than See: The above data is a bit out of date but still I know lots of UK people who search on When I depersonalise the results and search there is a difference between what I see on V's what I see on Indeed one of the companies I work for ranks ok on, but not so well on Questions: How would I best track ranking for UK based users who use AND/OR using the SEOmoz tools (or other tools if appropriate)? I note that in "Google Webmaster Tools" you can change the setings to "Target users in United Kingdom".  Given the fact that UK users use both AND/OR would it be better to change this to unlisted or deselect the "Target users in" option? Thanks in advance. Justin

    | GrouchyKids

  • I would like to be able to give limited access to members of our team so they can see SEO campaign results and print off reports without being able to edit the campaigns. Is this possible?

    | wouldBseoKING

  • Is there a report I can run on SEOmoz that shows me the page titles for all pages on my website, along with the link to each page?

    | TalarMade

  • Not asking about specifics of money, but this is just a general question to see what kind of return people get for their Internet marketing time investment.. I would say I'm getting  over 40,000 hits per year for one business which is holiday cottages but I only own one cottage and act as an agent for three other clients. Because the campaign is working well for me at the moment I get probably 95% occupancy throughout the year, which you would have no chance of accomplishing without SEO intensive input. If I had to pay £0.50 a click approximately obviously it wouldn't be worthwhile, especially when you realise that a percentage of the traffic and not related to your product. I also have a second business which is installing wireless security alarms over the Internet and once again approximate traffic at the moment is almost approaching 40,000 again per year. Now I'm sure there are some big hitters out but my general question is how productive, is you're organic results and Internet marketing for your personal business in comparison to what it would cost you if you had to pay per click? I'm kind of wondering how well the Internet is working people on this forum for their particular businesses? Good, Bad ? whats your story ? Cheers alan

    | whitbycottages

  • Hi, We are using the SEOMOZ Linkscape API (url-metrics and links) but the the API is not working well. We are sometimes (without any proveable reason) getting an http error with code 401. Like I said earlier it happens sometimes really often and sometimes just once. What could be the reason for this? We have an account with the following login [email protected]. Thanks in advance!

    | W_TrafficBuildersNL

  • I have noticed for a few of my websites that the SEOMoz stats have not changed over the last three months; PR, MR and even total external links. Is both the tool bar and OSE going through further updates and not yet pulling through accurate results? Any advice on this would be much appreciated.

    | Adido-105399

  • I have been using the SEOmoz toolbar for a while. In the course of a day, and with so many projects going on I end up having about 15-20 tabs in Firefox open at once.  Because of the toolbar, my browsing session slows to a crawl and I hate to disable the toolbar because then I have to shut down the 10 projects I am working on. I usually close down my browser when I can't take it anymore and it feels like I am browsing on my 1990's palm device. What I decided to do is install the toolbar on Google Chrome. I don't use this browser very often so now whenever I need to check out a website, I just use Chrome instead of Firefox. Maybe there is a way to turn off the toolbar that I don't know about. Any other toolbar tips?

    | Czubmeister

  • I sent the email below to [email protected] on the 12th April and haven't heard anything back so thought I'd fire it up here in case someone has a solution for me... "For the past month or so I've had an issue in Firefox where my SEOmoz toolbar appears to not sign me in, or allow me to sign in. All metrics are 0 for all websites/pages and if I click the login button, nothing happens at all. If I click the Quick Links button the drop down menu appears but whichever option from the drop down I choose, nothing happens. I'm funning Firefox 11.0 and have attached a screen grab of the bar as it appears no matter where I browse.
    Do you have any suggestions how I can get it working again? It works fine in Chrome but I primarily use Firefox..." UNRMw.jpg

    | DWJames

  • Hello all I'm currently getting back over 8000 crawl errors for duplicate content pages . Its a joomla site with virtuemart and 95% of the errors are for parameters in the url that the customer can use to filter products. Google is handling them fine under webmaster tools parameters but its pretty hard to find the other duplicate content issues in SEOMoz with all of these in the way. All of the problem parameters start with ?product_type_ Should i try and use the robot.txt to stop them from being crawled and if so what would be the best way to include them in the robot.txt Any help greatly appreciated.

    | dfeg

  • Hello All - I've been running some Advanced Reports again lately, and they seem much slower than I remember from last time I ran some. Currently I've got one (Inbound Links) report at 2,500 out of 10,000 links retrieved through LSAPI, and it's been at that point for about 6 hours. Did something get cloggered on the reports, or is it this just the expected performance?

    | icecarats

  • Hi guys, Is there a way that the Rankings tool within the campaigns could show a monthly comparison rather than weekly? Possibly a drop down just to choose weekly or monthly. At the moment, when someone outside of the team involved looks at the results, it looks as though the website is in a downward sprial, where as we could be lower than ever, just with one bad week. Thanks for your help! 🙂

    | RPIDigital

  • Hi there, Why is my SEOmoz toolbar showing me higher linking root domains than open site explorer? For example, for this site:, the linking root domains in SEOMOZ show 1,015 and in open site explorer it says it has 35. I have noticed this for other sites as well. Which one is right? And why are they different?

    | qlkasdjfw

  • I don't even know what a meta data tag is.

    | christopherxnorth

  • Hey All I was hoping a friendly mozzer might help me out, heard they're hard to track down though 🙂 I see OSE automatically has the http:// for the URL you enter. Anyway to tell if an https:// version of a page has backlinks coming into it with OSE? Thanks! -Dan

    | evolvingSEO

  • Hi, I'm just taking my first steps with Open Site Explorer. I've hit a problem that I'd be really grateful for some help with. I'm running a website (that I didn't create) and want to get a clear picture of the inbound links. When I enter the URL into the OSE search bar, there are no external domains listed under the 'Inbound Links' and 'Linking Domains'  tabs. Only internal site links are registered. Setting the filters, "only external" + "pages on this root domain", under the Inbound Links tab, does bring up a list of external sites. But I haven't had to enter filters just to see a list of inbound links with any other sites. Also, the breakdown under the Linking Domains tab remains the same - only links within my site are shown. Does this ring a bell? Any ideas what I might be doing wrong, or what might be wrong with my site to cause this problem? Cheers for helping, Josh

    | JoshAustin46

  • Hello! I'm new to seomoz and excited to learn the system. I created a campaign and added keywords but I'm not clear how the seomoz campaign rankings tool works. As an example, one of my keywords 'cigar cutters' is reporting at position 20 for url However, I think it would be better target to focus that keyword on as a search for 'cigar cutters' could encompass either a guillotine cutter, punch cutter or cigar scissors. Is there any way to assign to the term 'cigar cutters' in the campaign ranking report? Brian

    | davesabot

  • Hi, not too sure if this is a discussion or rant!? I’ve been following SEOMoz for a couple of years now. Testing their tools, reading their blogs, sharing their content, and watching the whiteboard Friday videos (massive thumbs up to that one!).  They are at the top of the game, no argument there. Although I should have done so much earlier, I have eventually signed up to the pro version and am about to migrate all my clients over. But there is one major caveat which I’m not sure should exist.. Open Site Explorer. Don’t get me wrong, OSE provides invaluable metrics, some that no other ‘crawler’ provides, but it is far from perfect, there are things that we SEO’s need, and are hoping to get! Some feature SEOMoz could add; Ability to view a chart of ‘link types’ (i.e. blog post, social media, Press Release etc..) – Linkdex do this! Utilise a ‘fresh‘ backlink index as Majestic SEO do. ( we do use majestic alongside SEOMoz) Crawl more frequently – enough said! Index all ‘not so good’ backlinks – this will help identify what backlinks AREN’T helping. I realise this is a lot easier said than done, and I’m sure SEOMoz are working on solutions.. just can’t wait till they launch! What do you think? IS OSE more than it’s cracked up to be? Could it be improved? Let me know 🙂 Lee

    | Webpresence

  • Should the Mozbar pickup 'nofollow" links that are handled in  robots.txt ? the robots.tx blocks categories, but is still show as a followed (green) link when using the mozbar. Thanks! Holly ETA: I'm assuming that- disallow: - is comparable to the nofollow tag on catagory?

    | squareplug

  • I have long since had enough Moz Points to get my hug and STILL have nothing. WHERE'S MY HUG!!!??

    | TheGrid

  • I have now 124 notices showing rel = conical as follow , can you please advise are they ok , they might be due to new wordpress plugin URL: Tag value are they ok ? Although they look same but then why are they there , how can i remove them in word press and is there any reason for them to be left or removed . My site always uses www, if you put non www address it resolves automatically to www. My ranking have suddenly dropped as well . can it reason . I am aware of new update .

    | HateDoingSEO

  • I am just wondering if something changed with the SEOMoz  crawler.  I was always getting 10,000 or near 10,000 pages crawled.  After the last two  crawls I am ending up around 2500 pages.  Has anything changed that I would need to look at it see if I am blocking the crawler or something else?

    | jeffmace

  • Every time I try to put a url in a Private message it gets garbled up with extra chars and then won't go to the right place. Becomes: Ok after that test I deliberately garbled a url and it STILL work in the open forums....

    | Mcarle

  • Hi, When will your On-page Optimization Tool be updated to reflect the Over Optimization Penalty which is coming. I would think that grading out at an 'A' will have adverse effects.

    | Bucky

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