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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Ok, a bit of a 'how long is a piece of string' type question this... Looking for the opinions of wiser users than myself in trying to work out how long is a realistic target for getting my domain authority somewhere near that of my competitors. I have been tracking my domain and three competitors in the campaign tool for a few months and they seem to average about 0.5 increase a month in their DA - they are averaging around 65 DA each. My site is currently DA 32, has increased from 21 in 5 months. Is this a decent rate of increase? How long would people expect it to take to increase a domain by 10, 20 etc? I know there are too many variables in the world of seo for a complete 'do this and this will happen' answer, but it's good to have a DA goal to work to, it acts as a good motivator for staff, especially when you begin to close in on competitors. Thanks, Carl

    | Grumpy_Carl

  • I have 102 duplicate page title errors and 64 duplicate page content errors. They are almost all from the email a friend forms that are on each product of my online store.  I looked and the pages are identical except for the product name. Is this a real problem and if so is there a work around or should I see if I can turn off the email a friend option? Thanks for any information you can give me. Cingin Gifts

    | cingingifts

  • I'd like to clear all my old keywords out and start from scratch. How do I remove them?

    | shawn81

  • Hello everybody, currently, I am working on a project that will be available in multiple languages. My problem concerns the difference of the German and English language in relation to the SEOmoz`s Keyword difficulty (KWD). I just finished my German keyword research and got a satisfying collection of keywords I can use according to the KWD, page/ domain authority, Backlinks and Onpage-check. Now, as I am doing my research for the English market I find it hard to find any appropriate keywords with a satisfying KWD. I imagined the ranking on the English market to be much harder but now I doubt to ever rank for any useful, effective keyword on my list, because most of them are over 70 (some important over 80). According to the research it seems to have something to do with the authority strength of the pages, trust, etc, because they do not have more backlinks. Since they are query independent it is very hard for me to get a feeling for those metrics (I am new at SEO). So here are my questions: Due to your experiences, is it even possible to derank such pages or should I simply save the effort? How significant is the SEOmoz`s KWD? Would you always do Onpage optimization (text, internal linking) in case you earn more trust, authority, etc in the future,  just to have your site optimized on the best keyword possible, even though you know that you cannot rank for that keyword (Cue: User-experience)? Or would you switch to less significant words (e.g. flashcards -> index cards) where you have a chance to rank but which is not that effective with traffic? Or focus on longtail, if possible? Many thanks

    | cramlr

  • I've been comparing the links to my domain that OSE and GWT show and GWT shows many more links than OSE. Can anyone explain the difference? Does Google report no follow links that OSE does not?

    | cartersnipes

  • We are working on a international site that uses IP redirection. I am currently trying to crawl and monitor the Australian version of the site, however the pro-campaign crawler is running from the US and only giving me US data. Is there a way to tell the crawler to run through a local proxy so we can track international versions? Thanks!

    | MBASydney

  • Anyone else having this problem?  My last update was 2/28 and I'm not sure why it hasn't updated since then.  Went through all of the documentation to no avail.

    | syount

  • I'm working on a page that has links from some decent pages pointing to it, but a lot of them are low-value blog comments. So I'm pretty sure that its Page Authority is higher than it should be, compared to where it's ranking. Does SEO moz take the type of link into account? i.e. if it's a footer link, blog comment, or forum signature link; this should carry less weight than a link in the content of the page itself, as it does with Google.

    | seanmccauley

  • The issue I am having is an overwhelmingly large number of pages on show that they have duplicate page content. But when I check the errors on SEOmoz it shows that the duplicate content is from not So first of all, does this mean that there are two sites? and is this a problem I can fix easily? (i.e. redirecting the URL and deleting the extra pages) Is this going to make all other SEO useless due to the fact that it shows that nearly every page has duplicate page content? Or am I just completely reading the data wrong?

    | MarkP_

  • Hi, I am writing this article to know the possible causes of the value of 1 domain authority, and all values ​​of the "Competitive Analysis Domain" equal to 0. The domain was registered on February 14.
    Is there anything I can do to solve this problem?
    For example my site has some backlinks but are not displayed, the same goes for internal links. (On webmaster tools, I can see the backlinks) Thanks in advance for the answer Andrea

    | ndrrr

  • Hello Everyone, I hope this is OK to post here. I run a travel website and we operate tours abroad. We are slowly expanding after nearly 10 years in the field. I started the company from scratch and currently do my own website design and SEO work. However, over the last couple of years I've lost the SEO connection due to being so darn busy. I started account here with SEO Moz in order to get the ball rolling again. We continually rank high for keywords, publish superb content by great writers, and overall are doing fine. I would just like to ensure this keeps happening and that we have an expert on board to help us in sustainable organic SEO practices. What I'd like to do is hire an SEO expert to help with our site. It might be part time (10 or so hours per week, perhaps?) Anyhow, I would like if this person used SeoMoz and really had their fingers on the pulse of the SEO world. I want all white-hat SEO, help with page optimization, internal link structure, and help getting quality external links. I know that over optimization is something that is now on the forefront of SEO work, so of course keeping this in mind helps. I would like to be kept up to date (perhaps weekly overviews of data and how we are doing) and am willing to make changes as quickly as needed on the site. I would like to see how we rank with competitors and what we need to do to stay on top - for the long term (no short sighted decisions). I want to learn as we progress, not because I want to do the SEO work myself, I just enjoy knowing what is going on. I will not micromanage. I am too busy for that : ) I am not sure what amount SEO experts are paid, but I have a slightly flexible budget. I really want someone will communicate when needed and is thorough in their responses. Attention to detail is a must. I would prefer an SEO expert located in the US but who also knows how to access / think about markets abroad (Canada/UK/Australia). I suppose we can discuss pay once I have a shortlisted group. I am looking to hire and work with someone starting pretty much immediately (even in May). For starters, I suppose our budget might be $500 to $1500 per month. For the first month or so, we might offer payment on a stipend basis just so we can ensure whoever is hired is the perfect fit. It would be great if this person had worked on travel sites before or has at least traveled abroad a few times. But, no worries either way. Thanks so much! Thomas at [email protected]

    | journeybeyondtravel

  • Hi, my website is We want to hire a seo company that does everything together and can help me to increase visitors.  I am a truly believer that SEO is the best way to improve sales, we did seo in the past but my boss only liked to do it for 6 months, so we went from 8,000 visits to 25,000 visits in 6 months, but after stopping the contract, visits went down again. Sales also increased and decreased in the same way during that time. I need a SEO Company which I can afford for a long term projec and that can help me beat my competitors in my niche. (printers, printer accesories, printer parts, printer toners, etc), 70% of our items are refurbished, but we also sell new ones pretty well.  So ranking for the keyword refurbished printers only is not enough. We have about 12,000 visits per month and our goal is to go to 25,000 in 3 months, 50,000 in 6 months, and 100,000 in one year.  I think this is pretty doable, do you? I wonder if someone in the forum can recommend me one good seo company that can give us a full integrated seo solution/quote, and that we can afford. I would be welcome to hire maybe seos that are starting their own company if there is proven success or something, sometimes big company names charge a lot.

    | levalencia1

  • Sometimes we could not download all the data of inbound links from all linking domains. (Around tithe.) Don't you have any idea?

    | crossfinity

  • I have copied on of the errors out of the crawl diagnostics report.  Both /products and /products/ are returning an error, and both have pretty good domain authority so I feel like its hurting my site that these show up this way.  Both urls create the same page, should I just setup a 301 on the /products with no slash or will that cause more harm... I am using the MODx cms system and that could have something to do with it. | Products | Datalight 1 37 5 Products | Datalight | 1 | 30 | 1 |

    | tjsherrill

  • Hi, My website has been online since 1994.  We have old links pointing to pages that no longer exist so what we have done is to create redirects to the specific page where the content is being displayed now. However, when we use the Open Site Explorer, the linking root domains do not show those sites that contain old links pointing to our domain.  One good example of this one is: Am I improperly handling the redirects?  Or, what do I have to do so that old links that are being redirected to the new pages where the information is are accounted when calculating domain authority and trust? Thanks, Alex


  • We are using a combination of keywords using our brand name.  So the keyword is structure as: brand name - word (separated by a hyphen) When I run a report on the page for the keywords that have the above format, the report tells me that I need to use the keyword in the title of the page. Is it okay to have hyphens in Page Titles?  I assume not, but I want to double check. Thanks, Alex


  • In the Crawl Diagnostics section of the SEOmoz reports, we get errors in red, warnings in yellow, and notices in blue. After my latest crawl, I saw the "Rel Canonical" part go from about 300 down to 0. Obviously, this isn't right, so I'm wondering if this is a bug that everyone is experiencing. U9W5I

    | UnderRugSwept

  • I just ran a crawl test on our site and I'm seeing a lot of 404 errors that are referredt from the xml sitemap.. Anyone know how to fix it?

    | IITWebTeam

  • I would like to set up one campaign for my main site and another campaign for Is it possible? I don't want crawling to overlap for these two separate campaigns.

    | jombay

  • I have looked & looked but I can not figure out how to set MY timezone on SEOMOZ? The dates are all wrong in my reports ... **Organic traffic data ** Last Data Update: 04/16/2012 Crawl Diagnostics Last Crawl Completed: Apr. 20th, 2012 Next Crawl Starts: Apr. 25th, 2012 Keyword Rankings "Your keywords are updated weekly on Saturday. The last update was April 19th, 2012." Yet today is Friday the 20th 2012??? It seems like each segment of the information is updated on a differing date?

    | Mcarle

  • Hello, Just a quicky, is there anyway I can do a crawl report for something in a campaign so I can compare the changes? I know you can do a separate crawl test, but it wont show the differences,and the next crawl date isnt untill the 28th.

    | Prestige-SEO

  • I just noticed that a few of my campaigns have number of pages crawled 1. Can someone tell me what this is....  from 5 campaigns 2 have only one pages crawled from which one is an online shop with over 2000 products 🙂

    | mosaicpro

  • With the new over optimisation penalty coming in, I was wondering if you're going to update your online tool to take this into account?

    | photogaz

  • When two of my site appears in my Dashboard they have a * before them? e.g * Whats does this mean?

    | BitsCube

  • Hello , i don't understand  "Accesible to Engine" - critical factor - that  indicate: <dl> <dt>Crawl status</dt> <dd>Status Code: 200
    meta-robots: None
    meta-refresh: 0; URL=/shop/searchresult.seam
    X-Robots: None</dd> <dt>Explanation</dt> <dd>Pages that can't be crawled or indexed have no opportunity to rank in the results. Before tweaking keyword targeting or leveraging other optimization techniques, it's essential to make sure this page is accessible.</dd> <dt>Recommendation</dt> <dd>Ensure the URL returns the HTTP code 200 and is not blocked with robots.txt, meta robots or x-robots protocol (and does not meta refresh to another URL)</dd> <dt>My data</dt> <dd>This is the content of my index and home page:</dd> <dd>and this is my file robots content:</dd> <dd>User-agent: *
    Disallow: /shop/debug.seam
    Disallow: /bhimg/
    Disallow:/shop/zoomifyer/</dd> <dd>Tks for any reply.</dd> </dl>

    | lbecarelli

  • This is one of the most important areas of SeoMoz to see if you are making any progress or not. Unfortunately it is not updated since 2/28/12 and today is 4/18/12. What's happenning?

    | Pol360

  • I entered a new site into my dashboard 2 days ago - everything looked kosher, there were a few hundred pages crawled and a whole bunch of errors. I came back this morning to start work on the site and SEOMoz has crawled the site again, this time returning only 1 page and 0 errors. I haven't even logged in to the site since the first crawl, so I couldn't have broken anything. Has anyone seen this before?

    | Junction

  • Hi, I'm new to SEOmoz and just diving into it. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. I use Miva Merchant as my storefront interface. SEMOz is returning a bunch of duplicate page content and duplicate page titles and I can't figure out what to do about it. It seems it may have something to do with Miva shortlinks. I click on the dup URL's in SEMOz and it brings me to a dead page. I can't figure out where it's coming from. I know without seeing the actual information it'll probably be tough to help me but any suggestions would be appreciated. I try to fix them and come to a point (after about three hours of getting nowhere) it becomes too frustrating. Thanks!

    | musicforkids

  • I've been trying to get a CSV for linking domains for two days now and still have nothing.  It got to the "Finalizing" status within a few hours and stayed that way for about 24 hours, and now it's back to the beginning of a "pending" status.

    | BlastAM

  • I have a website in 3 different languages as annd what is the best way to track keywords in different languages in SEOmoz how do i structurize the campaign? Do i create a seperate campaign for every language?

    | MiaClientdata

  • Hi I was wondering if someone could help me with something? Whenever I try and use the rank tracker SEOmoz logs me out and won't let me log back in until I go to a different page. Is this because I am on a free trial (which I don't understand as I am able to use the other tools)

    | SEOclient12

  • With a limited budget for SEO tools, what would you suggest having that would cover everything. Lets say with a £200 a month budget. We only look after ourselves, which is around 5 accounts in terms of PPC, so SEO follows similar suit. Is SEOmoz effective enough to cover all of our basis. Are there bits it is missing that are better else where? What are your thoughts basically and what are the benefits of each tool. Thanks in advance

    | esendex

  • I had a terrifying experience today upon receiving my weekly rankings report that stated I had dropped out of google for the majority of my keywords! However upon further inspection it would appear the report is not including local results in the ranking (my page shows up #1 but is a local result). This didn't happen before, did something change that I didn't know about?

    | r1200gsa

  • Hi SEOZ 🙂 I have a question regarding the Rankings and On-page Optimization in the seomoz Campaign Manager. I have setup a website url for examle: After that created a list of all the target Keywords, that I want to reach within my Website: keyword-a, keyword-b, keyword-c and so on... Then I did a On-Page Analysis for all the urls with the specific keywords. keyword-a: keyword-b: keyword-c: and so on... Most of the urls got the A grade. Now after the Website hast launched and got crawled, I have a problem with the Rankings and the On-page Optimization. The Rankings for my Keywords and also the Grades at the On-page Optimization are only shown for my Start/Homepage: NOT for the urls that are specific for a Keyword for example: Also the Grades are shown for the Keywords but again only in combination with my Start/Homepage NOT for What is the problem? Bye, Alex

    | krseo

  • hi everyone, for each internal broken links I need to find all the pages that contain it. In the Seomoz report there is only a refferer link for each broken link, but google webmaster tools indicates that the dead link is present in many pages of the site. there is a way to have these data with SEOmoz or other software, in a csv report ? thanks

    | wwmind

  • I am trying to help out a site with its Search Engine Optimization and I am experiencing something I can not explain. For the last 2 months I have tried to build some inlinks to the site.  Since then, I have been receiving a lot of comment spam, so I know that my links are being followed, at least by bots. The mystery is that when I look at this site through SEOmoz or any other backlink checker, the result is always 0 linking Root Domains, 0 Total Links. When I do a Google search with the domain I get 364 hits of sites that mention this domain, so the links are out there. What am I doing wrong? The Google search can be found at:"" Any help is greatly appreciated.

    | Stevene

  • Hi Can somebody   help with the inbound links tool  of seomoz,  can you point me in the direction of how it works and the best practices to get the most from it. I know i have a lot more inbound links to  the site in my campaign but  its shows for example 114 links but when i click on show more it only shows 3 . am i doing something wrong? Any help and advice from how people use it , what for  and  what is best practice thanks.

    | Bristolweb

  • Whats the best way to improve your SEOMOZ avatar status  and gain SEOMOZ brownie points?  I notice some people have amazing status level such as Guru  how is this possible?  Surely  That becomes a full time job in itself?

    | Bristolweb

  • hi how can i get seomoz to crawl  a campaign on demand instead of on a weekly basis? For example i have corrected some error warnings and on page elements and would like it to re crawl the site sooner to see how the corrections have worked? thanks

    | Bristolweb

  • Silly question time..... Can Open Site Explorer work on twitter profile pages? Or is the fact twitter is on https still an issue for crawling open site explorer? Cheers in advance

    | JohnW-UK

  • I'm looking pass over some of the work involved in fixing up my SEO issues and would like to give access SEOmoz to someone else without giving my login details.  Is there a way of setting up a secondary account on a PRO licence?

    | CarlS

  • Hello!, I recently ran the crawl tool on a client site. Opening up the file, I noticed that the referring URLs listed are my XML sitemaps and not (X)HTML pages. Any reason or thoughts behind why this is happening? Thanks!

    | MorpheusMedia

  • I see a lot of people asking questions and getting some pretty good responses, but the people who are responding, often do not get a thumbs up for their answer. If you are new and you are reading this, then you maybe do not understand that a thumbs up actually helps the person who gave their time to answer your question. There are several ways it helps, including giving feedback that the answer or the attempt to answer was actually useful, that you learned something or you appreciate the time it took to check your questions and give you feedback that you don't get in other forums, where you might be ignored for weeks or months. This is a collaborative forum and we are all here to learn something and to pass some of our knowledge to others who need it. Not every answer we give needs a thumbs up, but if you got something out of the answer, then, surely it is worth a second of your time to say "Thanks, that helped me" or "Yes, I agree with this"

    | loopyal

  • Hi, Maybe it's easy to do and I've not seen it but I wonder wether or not it's possible to duplicate a report I've personnalised from one campaign to another one. I'd don't want to rewrite it and i'd like to have the same structure within all my reports ! Thanks,

    | Spleen

  • Hello! I need to filter out the crawl errors found before a certain date/time. I find the date and time the errors were discovered to be the same. It looks more like the time the report was generated. Fix?

    | AJPro

  • I have just noticed that my sub-domains are ranking higher in Mozrank and Moztrust than the root domain - that seems nuts. Am I doing something wrong?

    | simonberenyi

  • Hi all, I'm a little confused - when using open sites explorer to view of link stats on one of our competitors site I get conflicting results. For example - Page Specific Metircs shows the url has 265 external links. But Root Domain Metrics show they have 22,687 links Yet the total links at the top of the report says Total links 999 Can someone explain why has 265 external links and the rot domain (which is the same) has 22687 links? I've also run the report on rather than which yielded no results. Thanks in advance

    | EclipseLegal

  • I have an issue with my temporary redirects. The seomoz campaign is showing many pages are redirecting to the homepage. However, the pages it identifies are old pages and have been deleted and are not on the sitemap. How do i solve this?

    | CompleteOffice

  • Why when I use and I'm researching our's does the tool say "No Data Available for this URL"? Example:


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