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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • I like the crawl diagnostic but it shows many errors due to a forum that I have. I don't care about the SEO value of this forum and would like to exclude any pages in the /forum/ directory. Is it possible to add exclusions to the crawl diagnostic tool?

    | wfernley

  • Hi guys, when will open site explorer update next?

    | Eavesy

  • Hi There, We pay for our site ( to appear on a popular property site: When I use Open Site Explorer, it is our top link, but it has 'no follow' above it. So I had a look at the source code on the homesandproperty website and I cant see any nofollow code that would effect our link. I also used this tool which confirmed it isnt classed as a no follow link: Can anyone else tell me if our paid for link on homesandproperty is a no follow, or if it is 'search engine friendly' so to speak? We pay for links across their site, so we want to get the full benefit. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks, Rob

    | op01

  • one of my SEOmoz pro campaigns has given me the warning: Too many on-page links and the page in question is my html sitemap. How do i resolve this because I obviously need my sitemap. How do i get around this?

    | CompleteOffice

  • My clients website is an e-commerce based website, where customers can go on and buy products etc from the website. I placed the website onto seomoz and it cam eback with something like 18,000 errors, mostly 404 client errors, when I checked to see what the URL was from, it was a summary of an order to a client who just purchased something from the website, this was the case for alot of the errors. So i am wondering, will this harm the site's optimisation or any other part of it? and how can I get rid of these errors? Many Thanks Charlene

    | Louise99

  • Hi, I signed up yesterday for a SEOMoz Pro Account, and would like to know, please, when will be the 250 pages crawled limit eliminated? 🙂 Thanks in advance for your help!

    | Andarilho

  • I currently have several 404 errors in the latest crawls from SEOMoz.  Here is an example of the error. In all cases the error is a result of being added to the real url. Anyone seen this before?  The site is a wordpress mutlisite.  I don't see where this incorrect link is showing up anywhere on the website. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks

    | Chris_Gregory

  • Is there a tool or way to see how my company ranks for each keyword  compared to the competition.I am new at this and  am wondering if there  is  a tool  for  this and how to use it .  Answers please in very laymans terms. Thank you.

    | poweradmin

  • I'm trying to use Open Site Explorer, but whenever I try to I get the error message "Ouch! It Looks Like Something Went South". Interestingly, I don't have this problem when entering a very popular site like,, Is there a problem with the tool at the moment, or something wrong on my end?

    | EssexGirl

  • Hello everyone. I'm new to SEOMOZ and sort of a beginner with this SEO stuff but this does seem like the place to be to learn things. I spent quite a bit of time reading the blogs and found them very helpful - including everyone's comments. I'm not sure what to make of a couple of my campaign reports. I'm going through my campaign reports and  have a few questions. I guess the easy way is to break this down. Question 1: Crawl Errors: I"m getting duplicate content/page errors for the following pages. and Am I losing a bit of google points because of this and do I fix it by using a redirect? Question 2: When I look at my on-page analysis I'm getting grades of A-F. I'm figuring maybe I should have some recommendations about what to do but SEOMOZ gives me a grade and then leaves it at that. Besides reviewing my on-page factors am I missing something simple that I"m supposed to click on to see recommendations? I suppose once I get used to the way things work I'll get this SEOMOZ site figured out.

    | dpdeleon1

  • i had a problem w/dup content and titles on my site, i fixed them immediately and im wondering if i can run another crawl on my site to see if my changes were recognized thanks shaun

    | daugherty

  • I have a problem. I got my api credencials. I use the example from this site I changed the credentials data and.. All I got is Service Unavailable or Authentication failed. Do I have to add my application on to get it work? Whats wrong. My id is member-3f4c13759d

    | traffictrends

  • Hi, In the Crawl diagnostics reports, I'm getting lots of duplicate errors warnings e.g. duplicate page title. In most cases these are tracking urls and the page has a canonical tag pointing to the original page. It would be helpful if the crawl analysis reports could separate these out from ones that are of genuine concern. It can also happen when there's a noindex tag on a page. Thanks, Leigh

    | Leighm

  • My webmaster tools info is completely differernt to the opensite explorer info, I understand that site explorer only updates every so often but i reckon it been around four months since my stats were updated. Is there anywhere else i could  view this info like PR and domain authority and actually get up to date info. Many thanks

    | totaldriveways

  • I have been implementing changes to our site outlined by the
    on-page report tool. One of the most common issues it highlighted with our site
    was Avoid Keyword
    Stuffing in Document. I have started reducing the number of
    keywords on each page so it falls under the recommended 15. So far we haven’t
    seen any positive effects from this and i am a little concerned we might be
    seeing some negative effect (very early days). Has anyone else implemented this change recently and what effect
    did it have? Is this recommendation more in preparation to the up and coming
    update from Google that will penalise over optimised sites? Any info much appreciated Jos Davies


  • In the opensite explorer most of the links that I see have a higher domain authority and lower page authority which makes sense to me because I thought that domain authority is an aggregate of  its pages authority. But apperently I was wrong because sometimes I see that the page authority is greater then its domain? How could that be?

    | SirMax

  • Half the time the tools don't work and there isn't any accountability. Has anyone else had the same experience?

    | wpsoule

  • Hello, I am trying to understand the link profile of my site. In the competitive analysis from SEOMoz, it shows 22K+ of links, with about 900+ being external followed links and 800+ internal. Webmaster tools shows a similar number of external followed links, but the link report from OSE only shows about 150 external followed links. This brings up several questions: Where is this 22K total links coming from? Why is there such a difference in the SEOMoz competitive analysis and the OSE report? Why does the OSE report show some links as not followed, while Webmaster tools lists them as followed? Am new to the off-page aspects of SEO, and I have to say the discrepancy in data from different tools is by far the most challenging thing for me. Would welcome general advice on this topic as well. Thank you!

    | LynnMarie

  • I've been doing some competitive research in Open Site Explorer and many of our competitors have Twitter accounts very similar to ours. Their Twitter pages are usually one of the pages with linking to their website with the most Page Authority.  The incoming links from Twitter are a "no follow" as you would guess. This has been the case for a large number of well ranking sites I have looked at. also has a Twitter account at:!/DREmed .  However, Open Site Explorer does not list the Twitter link as an incoming link at all ( or if it does it has no Page Authority ). The Twitter account page seems very similar in nature to other competing Twitter pages.  I'm not sure why it does not ALSO pull a high Page Authority score??? Do you know why this might be? Best, Justin

    | justinjeffries

  • Hi, I am using LinkScape API to get follow and nofollow links . I use cron to get data for each url of sitemap.xml. However while cron is running, the extraction of data hangs on some pages which i later need to delete manually for re starting the execution. Do anyone have any idea why this is happening ? How can i ignore such pages ?

    | Ravi_Pathak

  • In OSE's, "Followed Linking Root Domains" are defined as "The number of root domains that have at least one followed link to a page or domain." Does this mean that if one of my competitors has, let's say, 1000 followed linking root domains, they have a link pointing to them on the homepage of 1000 other sites? Thanks for your help!

    | gerardoH

  • Hello, A client of mine has a site that gives advice to people. It's moderately competitive. It's a content site. Using Open Site explorer, I looked up competitor's top pages and backlinks, and there were things such as sites that were heavy on directories, sites heavily on editorial mension, sites on juicy topics that I don't want to cover, and the rest was pretty much junk. Just so that you know, I only link build with quality websites that look strong, long term, have a nice design, are high quality, and are not a directory (with a few exceptions) What's the standard way to link build with a site like this? We've got 7 articles of good content that is from me spending hours learning about the subject and using my skills as a life coach. Right now I'm just adding quality content and social media. I am not a top expert in the field, but I'm learning as much as possible. How do we link build?

    | BobGW

  • Hi all, The Google's webmaster guideline in question reads... "Don't use unauthorized computer programs to submit pages, check rankings, etc. Such programs consume computing resources and violate our Terms of Service. Google does not recommend the use of products such as WebPosition Gold™ that send automatic or programmatic queries to Google." So, when WebPosition Gold is not recommended then how come SEOMoz is acceptable to check ranks for websites belonging to SEOMoz PRO? Do Google neglects breaking of few guidelines by good boys? Thanks in advance.

    | vinodchaudhary

  • It's been now over 3 days that the dashboard for one of our campaigns shows "Next Crawl in Progress!". I am not complaining about the length... but I have to agree that SEOMoz is quite addictive, and it's quite frustrating to see that everyday 🙂 Thanks

    | jgenesto

  • We wish to give different login details to authorized personnel without handing out the main account ownership login.

    | solution.advisor

  • All sites need to be developed from the small to the grand - and this takes time. Development usually takes place on a subdomain different from our live domain. It is locked down behind an htpasswd during development so its not picked up by searching engines - that may create duplicate content issues if when the site goes live it has already scanned our site on the development server. Its also a security implementation to keep the site away from prying eyes before its ready for launch There could be security holes that have not been tweaked. Whats the best strategy to get SEOmoz involved in this scenario. Its tools are invaluable to the SEO part of the build - but the seomoz crawler bot has a different IP address  (being cloud based) - so we cannot just let a single IP address through our htpasswd. Also is there a way to link the dev and live site in seomoz - so when it goes live to maintain all teh same logs without having to create two seperate site campaigns? Thanks!

    | dseo241

  • I found an old domain that has very high domain authority and one of its top linking root domains is baidu I clicked the link in ose and it took me to a baidu serp????? please happy to clarify if need be or give you the site in question just let me know what you think.   I checked ose for the page authority of the serp page it was 50. would that page be helping the site in question to rank?  or  am I just dumb for asking this question One more thing I couldnt actually find a link to the page I was looking at in ose on the baidu result page.. thanks

    | duncan274

  • Hi guys, My CSV report has been finalizing for 3 days. Is that right? I read some posts from last year when there was a backlog Is that happening again. Can someone have a look at that please? Many thanks.

    | Rosewood

  • Hi I set up the standard reports under Reports new and am still getting them emailed with no data.  Just want to stop receiving as I have archived the campaign Thanks

    | Alexanders

  • Hi, At this moment i have a site with 1 language wich is redirect to In the future i want to add 2 more languages (en/de). What's the best setup in case of the campaigns? Starting now with subfolders of subdomain? Grtz..remco

    | remcozwaan

  • I'm using the free API, and would like to use jQuery to fetch the JSON data outputted by the API. I need to make a JSON-P request, and for this I need to be able to pass some form of callback parameter in the url. I'd like to know if this feature is available, and if so what parameter I need to specify in my request. Of course I could just CURL to the API, but that's really a fallback for if I can't get the data using JS. Thanks

    | jgt1985

  • What is the best link building management tool that can automatically fill in content for submission for me, check whether my sites are submitted on other sites, propose new lists of submission sites, organize my link building (by date, anchor text, url, page rank, both back links, reciprocal, paid, etc), organize my social media profiles and connect them to each other ?

    | CretanDevelopments

  • I exported the anchor text for a domain from Opensite Explorer and when I sum the "Number of Linking Root Domains Containing Anchor Text" it is higher than the total amount of linking root domains for the site. Is this because some domains use multiple anchor text links, so it is counted more than once in the exported spreadsheet?

    | ProjectLabs

  • Hi all.I was shocked when when i run a campaign and the warnings and recommendations about my site are so many.I know nothing about web design and the person who design it  is asking me what are these problems and where did i get all these? any solution this are the problems 1.5XX (Server Error)
    2.Duplicate Page Content(875)
    3.Duplicate Page Title(875)
    4.Overly-Dynamic URL(1048)
    5.Too Many On-Page Links(60) and this is just a few of the problems.

    | jubba

  • Hi all, Hoping that one of you Guru's might be able to shed a little light for me please. we launched the online arm of our gold bullion business on the 21st of February and I signed up for an account here on the 23rd of Feb. I don't have a MozRank for my site yet and I'd love to get one. The mozbar that I installed shows o linkes from 0 root domains etc. but google webmaster can see links that are inbound to my site. My questions are: Do I have to wait the 45-60 days that I believe it might take SEOmoz to give me a rank- or is there a process that I manually kick off? Is there anything other than google webmaster that I should be looking at to try and make sure that I am on the right track; I'd hate to go 45-60 days in the wrong direction before realising there is an issue. thanks in advance, YGF

    | YGF

  • I have multiple campaigns and on a few of them SEOMoz has only crawled one page.  I think this may have to do with how I set up the campaign.  How do I get SEOMoz to crawl more than one page on these campaigns.

    | HermanAdvertising

  • Is the Rank Tracker working?

    | cardif

  • What's the best way to track 1000 keywords for a website along with monitoring how the competition ranks for the same set of keywords. We love the SEOMoz Tools but would love to see what else is out there using which I can pull weekly reports maybe of our rankings along with those of the competition.

    | NakulGoyal

  • When I run a report on my competition I'm seeing their link show up in OSE's report under the "Linking Domains" tab, but when I put my site in there, it doesn't recognize my link from my twitter profile. Any ideas?

    | shawn81

  • That was rather helpful.. I hate to see it go.

    | Igor-Avidon

  • In Chrome, I'll start off not logged in to the toolbar. I'll click log in which forwards me to the SEOmoz login page. I'll login. Sometimes the toolbar will reflect this login and the metrics will poplulate in the PA and DA, other times it won't. If I navigate to another page within the same tab, it may show metrics still, but it is also just as likely to show that I'm not logged in. If I open a new tab, the toolbar will show that I'm not logged in. I click the log in again but when directed to SEOmoz, it'll show that I'm already logged in. I haven't been able to pinpoint exactly when it'll work and when it won't. Seems a bit random, so am wondering if anyone else has experienced this issue and has been able to solve this logged in / not logged in problem. As a note, anytime I navigate back to the SEOmoz site, whether by opening a new tab or a new window, the SEOmoz site does show I'm logged in, while the toolbar shows I'm not. You can see a demonstration of the simultaneous logged in SEOmoz site and logged out SEOmoz toolbar in the attached screen shot. UPDATE Also having similar issues in firefox. Am wondering if this has anything to do with the fact that I changed my email address within the past few weeks. KQXxN.gif

    | gregalam

  • I was just using the keyword difficulty tool and for some reason, some of the keywords show "not enough data"...I'm not sure why this is the case because a few days ago, there was data... Anyway, is this because it take time for the tool to gather data each month, or is it because there's an issue with the GoogleAPI? Thanks a lot for your help!

    | simonmhchiu87

  • I really like the Keyword Difficulty Tool. I'm looking to get into some affiliate marketing and I'm trying to assess a good niche site to create. I have a couple questions about assessing the results of this tool: 1. When looking to compete for top 10 SERPs are Page Authority & Domain Authority closely related? because a page could have a 1 PA and an 80 DA. 2. What individual PA ranking is considered to be surpass-able? below 40? 30? 3. What difficulty percent would you consider worth competing for? or a waste of time? I guess I'm looking for some breaking points here. Thanks!

    | AndySolo

  • what if I'd need to check the ranking of 200 website for 7000 keyword?

    | wppseo

  • When it comes to optimizing my pages, I tend to rank them in order of DA first then PA. I start in that order going through my sites making sure they are ranking well for their keywords and if not what I can do it improve. But in doing more reasearch I am starting to think that I need to focus on the PA more than the DA. I am thinking as my PA increases, the DA wil take care of it self. Am I thinking right here?

    | cbielich

  • Hi, Question: Is there a difference between the Keyword Difficulty Report and the Rankings Report? I am tracking a long tail phrase in the Rankings Report for a Campaign. The Google results are that it's not in the top 50. Yet, in the Keyword Difficulty report, there it is in the 5th spot. I'm not sure I know which to believe. Thanks!

    | lilactree

  • Any reason these numbers are so much different? SeoMoz Competitive Domain Analysis:
    Followed Linking Root Romains: 288
    Total Linking Root Domains: 338 Open Site Explorer
    Linking ROot Romains: 127

    | fibers

  • Hi guys!
    Some hours ago I received my crawl report. I noticed several records with urls with duplicate content so I went to open those urls one by one.
    Not one of those urls were really with duplicate content but I have a concern because website is about product showcase and many articles are just images with href behind them. Many of those articles are using the same images so maybe thats why the seomoz crawler duplicate content flag is raised. I wonder if Google has problem with that too. See for yourself how it looks like: Those two url's are flagged as duplicates...please mind the language(Greek) and try to focus on the urls and content. ps: my example is simplified just for the purpose of my question. <colgroup><col width="3436"></colgroup>
    | URLs with Duplicate Page Content (up to 5) |

    | MakMour

  • My website has MANY duplicate pages and content which are both derived from the MANY 404 pages on my website.  While these are flagged in SEOmoz as "Warnings," should this be of concern to SEO effectiveness?

    | dhk5018

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