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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Would it be a question of trawling their site for their keywords and content? Are there tools that find their weaknesses? Does a campaign against a top ranking site simply come down to cost and writing content that competes for the keywords - if they already have strong on and off page, link building and multiplicity in place?

    | dseo241

  • The following are pages that SEOMOZ says have "more than one canonical URL tag" but they all have only one. Can someone help me understand this?

    | SmartWebPros

  • For this site: I see no backlinks in SEO Moz Open SiteExplorer but Majestic SEO is showing 13 unique domains linking to it. I regularly encounter zero data for sites that I know have backlinks, why is this?  If it's a problem with crawling them, why would I continue to use SEO Moz when other SEO services are showing me links? Kind regards, Rich

    | Boogaloodoood

  • Is there a site submission process like for site explore?

    | cbielich

  • why are there differences between FB shares reported from opensiteexplorer for an url and data showed in a LIKE plugin on that page?

    | T2Omedia32

  • i have signed up for an seomoz trial but tried to access my account from a different laptop yesterday and could not a login. Is the trial version only accessible via the laptop i set it up from?!

    | GreatGifts4Kids

  • I have a directory listing site of harpists and have alot of issues coming up that say: Content that is identical (or nearly identical) to content on other pages of your site forces your pages to unnecessarily compete with each other for rankings. Because this is a directory listing site the content is quite generic.The main issue appears to be coming from the functionality of the page. It appears that the "spider" is picking up each different choice of filter as a new page? If you have a look at this link you will see what I mean. People searching the site can filter the results of the songs played by this harpist by changing the dropdowns etc... but for some reason the filter arguments are being picked up...? Do you have any good approaches to solving this issue? A similar issue comes from the video pages for each harpist. They are being flagged as identical content - as there are currently no videos on the page. | | | Do you have any suggestions? Many thanks for taking the time to read this and respond. | | | | | |
    | |

    | dseo241

  • Could you please tell me the software for checking SEOMoz PA, mR and mT for URL's list?! I would appreciate.

    | meteorr

  • I am running a campaing for three weeks now and first two crawls was ok but the last one is showing only one page crawled. the subdomain I am tracking is: I have everything correct in my site. Regards Alex

    | esencia

  • Hi, I love the functionality of SEOmoz, although I wondered if I am able to download the social results in another form other than an excel spreadsheet? Thanks, Adam

    | adamgthorndike

  • Hello SEOMoz! We recently signed up for a free trial and on the pro dashboard it states the following. "To get you started quickly Roger is crawling up to 250 pages on your site. You should see these results within two hours. The full crawl will complete within 7 days." It's been nearly 24 hours and we see no results under Crawl Diagnostics however we do under rankings. Is this normal? Thanks

    | hostsurfuk

  • I have tried searching for an exact example of the issues I am seeing, but didn't come up with anything. I decided to post my own question so I can get a direct answer on what I am experiencing. I recently took over a website and its' existing SEO practices with it. Upon placing the site on SEOmoz, I received many (LOTS) of duplicate content warnings. Pretty much, this is how the website is setup: but it is also coming up as - Should I setup a redirect so points to or should I just leave it alone since it's pointing to the same exact? Any information on this questions is greatly appreciated in advance.

    | EQ-Richie

  • Okay - so i have several campaigns. And of these campaigns, about four or five of them no longer show up as ranking after several weekly crawls by SEOMoz... Not sure why the line on the chart just stops when they are ranking in top 5 for google organics am confused by this can you help me do what i need to do so that the seobot can read my pages and save me time on checking where i rank - thanks Creative Guy

    | creativeguy

  • I have a campaign that's on a very small website at this point.  It's only 9 pages, so a crawl would only take a few minutes.  Is there a way to start a quick crawl at my request instead of having to wait a week to see if I fixed the issues it found during the last crawl?  I've been hunting around, but I don't see a way.

    | mytouchoftech

  • Hi there, Can someone explain the difference between the results in Google UK - the default is 'The Web', whereas I can opt to choose 'Pages from the UK'. My question is: If I'm tracking rankings for Google United Kingdom in SEOMoz, is it tracking the results from 'Pages from the UK' or the default setting of 'The Web'? Are there any statistics on how many people choose to see 'Pages from the UK'? Thanks

    | columbus

  • Is there a way to see the dates a backlink was acquired? Thanks !

    | tinarose

  • Why do I get different results from SEOmoz tool bar and OpenSiteExplorer for some sites. For instance I look at one site and toolbar says it has 101 link domains, so I check it in OpenSiteExplorer and it says 2 link domains...? Am I missing something, or is it just not working properly?

    | barnst

  • Can't seem to figure out how to go about it.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks JT

    | Johnthy32

  • I tried to use competitive link finder tool. it says that it will identify 10 most important links that my competitor get that I do not. The results that I get are inconsistent with linkscape tool. For example my competitor has a link on  www lawyer-links dot info Google rank of that site is 1. Is that really one of their most important links?

    | SirMax

  • Does anybody know if the SEOmoz crawler picks up canonical tags when its looking for duplicate content? I've got a ton of errors in one of my projects even though they all have canonical tags. Thanks!

    | neooptic

  • I am trying to figure out how to best use SeoMoz tools to do some competitive analysis of inbound links. With the site explorer tool I can "compare Link Metrics" I see that a competitor is beating me on External Followed Links and Total Linking Root domains. I want to dig further into this data and see how these are distributed. What I am really after is which root domains are sending them the most links. Knowing that 20k of their links are coming from 5 specific root urls would be great to know. Is there anywhere that I can see this data. Ideal column headers would be: Linking Root Domain of Followed Links (from this root domain) Linking Domain Authority The ability to drill down from there into specific links would be mind blowing. Is there any way to browse this type of data in SeoMoz?

    | dantheriver

  • What would cause a sudden drop in the number of pages crawled/accessed by the Moz crawler? The site has about 600 pages of content. We have multiple campaigns set up in our Pro account to track different keyword campaigns- but all for the same domain. Some show 600+ pages accessed, while others only access 7 pages for the same domain. What could be causing these issues?

    | AllaO

  • I never say nor used these terms before joining SEO moz. can someone explain what this is and how it affects your analytics. SEOmoz actually has a way to select branded words and treats them differently. What is the point or benefit of this? How do you use this to help you with analytical deconstruction.

    | TheGrid

  • Our site is very graphics heavy and I know the search engines aren't seeing it as humans do. Is there a tool (almost like Wirify) that can show me exactly how Google sees my page(s)? Thanks in advance. 🙂

    | askotzko

  • SEOMoz Link Analysis tool apparently doesn't have any info on my clients site - according to the response from Open Site Explorer. Is there a free tool available that doesn't use OSE that you could recommend?

    | DenverKelly

  • For around the last 24 hours, every time I run site explorer it gets to just over a quarter of the way through and then just stops. I've tried this with different sites and it makes no difference. Although this is the first time I've had this problem (I don't use the tool regularly myself) one of my colleagues says it often happens to her. Is this a problem SEOmoz can explain and/or fix?

    | Chuck-Boom

  • Hello. seems to be hanging all the pages. Most pages will not load for me. Even your contact page will not load. The forum seems OK. Alan

    | loopyal

  • The SEOmoz Web App is showing me that every single URL on one of my clients' domains has a duplicate in the form of the URL + :80. For instance, the app is showing me that is duplicated in the form of Any idea if this is an actual problem or just some kind of reporting error?  Any help would be appreciated.

    | AnthonyMangia

  • In some of my campaign settings I use specific country for search engine (e.g. "Google Slovakia"). Some times I check the rankings manually too. My process for this: 1. Open a new Chrome incognito window (be sure that that's the only open incognito window) 2. go to, type in the keyword 3. at the bottom of the page select advanced search, select language: slovak, resubmit the query That's it. With my process, the monitored keywords are not there were seomoz reports them. So the question: with what settings (domain, language anything else) seomoz is tracking the rankings in country specific search engines?

    | Brainsum

  • Is there a way to enable this in the settings somewhere? or is this simply not an available feature yet? Would be really great if there was an extra column in the report that shows local rank, as 93 of our top 100 keywords we track are all blended search results and a lot of the time this shows really inaccurate results because of this.

    | adriandg

  • I just started my 30 day trial a week ago. Yesterday, the toolbar stopped showing PA or DA, and none of the tools will load for a page. I've tried logging back in several times and it hasn't helped.

    | HealingCrystal

  • I have recently built an e-commerce website for the company I work at. Its built on opencart. Say for example we have a chair for sale. The url will be: Thats fine, seomoz is crawling them all fine and reporting any errors under them url great. On each product listing we have several options and zoom options (allows the user to zoom in to the image to get a more detailed look). When a different zoom type is selected it adds on to the url, so for example: and there are 3 different zoom types. So effectively its taking for urls as different when in fact they are all one url. and Seomoz has interpreted it this way, and crawled 10000 pages(it thinks exist because of this) and thrown up 20000 errors. Does anyone have any idea how to solve this?

    | CompleteOffice

  • I just got a major increase of errors on my website on the last crawl. I haven't touched my web site ( other than adding content ) for the past 3 months. It's like more than 500 errors I got on the last crawl, How can I call SeoMoz tech support ? I cannot use my 'One question a month to the pro's a option', cannot select the option pretending I have used my question this month where it is not true. Need help. Thanks

    | processia

  • My competitors show as Not in the top 50 for all my keywords - even though they perform better or as good as me? It says Not in the top 50 even for those keywords where they perform much better than me? Does anyone experience this too? It's on the rank-page under (all) my campaigns and it doesn't matter which engine I choose to compare against ....

    | alsvik

  • Can someone expand on what you actually get with your pro membership on the Site Intelligence API. API page. Thanks

    | josey

  • I have a blog linked to my web page.& when rogerbot crawls my website it considers tags for my blog pages duplicate there any way I can fix this? Thanks for your advice.

    | PCTechGuy2012

  • Hello, We just signed up for SEO Moz, and are reviewing the results of our second web crawl. Our Errors and Warnings summary have been reduced, but our Notices for Rel Canonical have skyrocketed from 300 to over 5,500. We are using a WP with the Headway theme and our pages already have the rel=canonical along wiht rel=author. Any ideas why this number would go up so much in one week? Thank you, Michael

    | MKaloud

  • Hi - How long should it be before a brand new external link to our site shows up in OSE?

    | tcolling

  • sorry if this has been asked/been written about previously, I had a search but couldn't find anything. I am using the keyword difficulty tool to narrow down on some keywords and whilst the % score for each keyword is being displayed, the Google Adwords data is blank. It just shows the animation as if it was pulling the data but after some ten mins or so not data is pulled, just the animation still running. Is there a problem with the tool or does the problem lay at my end? Thanks, Carl

    | Grumpy_Carl

  • Hello, In a competitive niche, how important is it to be strict with the seomoz on-page analysis? If it gives a page/keyword an A, am I good to go? Or do I need to be more strict in that. We've had some competition move above us and we want to make sure we're on-site optimized well. site: nlpca(dot)com Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • I'm a bit concerned about the results I'm getting from the Crawl Diagnostics Report. I've updated the site with canonical urls to remove duplicate content and when I check the site - it all displays the right values, but the report, which has just finished crawling is still showing a lot of pages as duplicate content. Simple example: Both of them are in the duplicate content section although both have canonical url set as: Does each crawl check the entire site from the beginning or just the pages it didn't have a chance to crawl the last time? This is just one of 333 duplicate content pages, which have canonical url pointing to the right page. Can someone please explain?

    | coremediadesign

  • So I set it up one of my Moz campaigns as Rogerbot only hits 1 page. I am thinking I should change it to, but I cannot seem to find how to do this.  Thoughts?

    | stubby

  • Hello, I've got SEOMoz Pro Can 2 of us use the search toolbar at once, or do we need to pay twice? Thanks! Bob

    | BobGW

  • Hi there, We are currently in the trial period of seomoz pro and have been testing all of the availiable tools. We are very happy with OSE and the other professional tools however we have discovered a barrier in our research methods. 1, Does anyone know how can you use the link acqusition assistant for non-english enquiries? The suggested search queries that are automatically generated are "submit site" "submit url" etc, but this has almost no use for a non-english keyword. - Also are the results only displayed for - is there no localization at all of search enquiries? 2, The list of directories provided by seomoz link: are anglo-centric. What are the availiable options for non-english speaking directories / local directories NOT based in the United States? Any help that can be provided would be greatly appreciated!

    | deliveryhero

  • We're currently looking for a product that has the capability of providing a comprehensive list of backlinks pointing to our domain, which currently has 400+ URLs. We've tried SEOMoz Pro, Google Webmaster Tools, and Majestic SEO. Does anyone have any recommendations or tips on getting the best report of backlinks?

    | Collegis_Education

  • It is the second time in less then a month when i get that error message. The first time I just removed the connection and re-added it. Is there any other way to fix it? is it the problem on my end or is it on SEOMOZ side?

    | SirMax

  • How do I know if I can compete on a particular keyword.  Say the keyword analysis tool shows the keyword difficulty is 59%. How do I know what 59% means to my site,  other than checking domain and page authority relative to my site (i.e. if sites in the top 10 are higher or lower authority than my site).  Is there a way of showing what keyword difficulty percentage is a cut off point for my site? Thanks, Dan

    | dcostigan

  • Hi Guys, Is anyone else having issues when scrolling in OSE remembering what the column headers are? Just throwing out a suggestion for the next OSE update, could the column headers remain at the top of the links table when scrolling? This would be very useful especially on the top pages table which now has many columns! Thanks guys! Danni

    | MB07

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