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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • I own a store and the scam always says that I have duplicate page titles or duplicate page. What happens is thn I may have for example And if I hve 20 pages all what will change from each page is the number at the end and all the rest of the page name will be the same but really the pages are if different products. So the scans think I have 20 pages the same but I havent Is this a concern as I don't think I can avoid this Hope you can answer

    | mzube

  • Is there a way to use KDT and include my own URL in the process so that I can see (and show my client) how things look competitively across all these nice dimensions? All is well if my client's site is in the top 10 - but if it isn't, how can I get the same set of metrics on a specific URL as it pertains to a specific keyword? Do I somehow to remember it used to do this? Or am I imagining things? I can't seem to get it to work this way. Thanks,

    | seo_plus

  • I have all my key phrases in excel (csv) and would like to upload all of them to get the traffic that they generate on Google UK. Is there a way of doing this?

    | JBidigital

  • Our twitter username was recently changed. How do I edit this? I see options to add comparison accounts and remove the name, but I don't want to lose the data.

    | tinarose

  • Since the MozRank and MozTrust metrics are on a logarithmic scale, I'm wondering if it's still valuable to get a general idea of the quality of a site's link profile by calculating: MozRank / Total Links MozTrust / Total Links Would this be useful, or is it always going to be higher for sites with lower MozRank & MozTrust since it's "easier" to achieve the lower values?

    | conquerapathy-64412

  • Hi guys, we've successfully optimized our home page such that it receives a Grade A for 3 completely different, high traffic keywords. Looking forward to seeing the results! The keywords in question were identified by using the monthly searches reported from the Google Keyword Tool. For one of the keywords, the Google Keyword Tool differentiates between what I thought would be seen as being the same. For example, let's say Google reports these three keywords as high traffic keywords: tea cup
    tea cups
    the tea cup Using the On-Page Report Card, we get a Grade A for 'tea cup', but we get an F for the other 2 terms! I thought Google searches didn't really care about the plural form or adding the word 'the' in front. How should we interpret the result from the On-Page Report Card for the plural form of the keyword and with the word 'the' added in front? Would you track all 3 instances of the keyword independtly in your campaign, or would you just track 'tea cup'? Thanks!

    | yacpro13

  • The "Notices" section under "Crawl Diagnostics" shows that there are 435 issues on my website. I checked out a few URLs to verify this issue and found that most of these pages are working perfectly. For instance, the above mentioned report shows that redirects to http:// . Then, redirects to http:// . However, when I open these pages, they seem to be working perfectly. I didn't find them getting re-directed to somewhere else. So, as per the report, it seems that all of these 435 http://URLs are getting re-directed to  http://http://URL versions which in reality is not true because all the http://URLs are working perfectly. So, is this a problem with SEOmoz software? If not, what is the reason for these issues and how can I adddress them. Do notify if any further information is required for the same. Thanks. bNiEm.png

    | unknownID1

  • I'm surprised there is no simple overview of all the features anywhere, or a guide on how to use the tools? There's a nice intro video, and a good beginners guide, then BAM! - straight into the Pro Tools (it's a bit daunting for someone learning!) Or at least that I can find... and help or pointers would be great 🙂

    | seanuk

  • I've got a site I'm optimizing that has thousands of 'too many links on-page' warnings from the SeoMoz crawl diagnostic. I've been in there and realized that there are indeed, the rent is too damned high, and it's due to a header/left/footer category menu that's repeating itself. So I changed these links to NoFollow, cutting my total links by about 50 per page. I was too impatient to wait for a new crawl, so I used the On Page Reports to see if anything would come up on the Internal Link Count/External Link Count factors, and nothing did. However, the crawl (eventually) came back with the same warning. I looked at the link Count in the crawl details, and realized that it's basically counting every single '<a href'="" on="" the="" page.="" because="" of="" this,="" i="" guess="" my="" questions="" are="" twofold:<="" p=""></a> <a href'="" on="" the="" page.="" because="" of="" this,="" i="" guess="" my="" questions="" are="" twofold:<="" p="">1. Is no-follow a valid strategy to reduce link count for a page? (Obviously not for SeoMoz crawler, but for Google)</a> <a href'="" on="" the="" page.="" because="" of="" this,="" i="" guess="" my="" questions="" are="" twofold:<="" p="">2. What metric does the On-Page Report use to determine if there are too many Internal/External links? Apologies if this has been asked, the search didn't seem to come up with anything specific to this.</a>

    | icecarats

  • I'm new to SEOMoz and wondering if some nice person can put this into plain English for me? 🙂 On the Competitive Domain Analysis report there are green follow / no-follow links and blue followed / non-followed linking root domains? what is the context of the green & blue circles? is there a better or worse visual representation that I should aim for - more dark green, more light green or about half & half. thanks in advance

    | seanuk

  • Good tool guys. Basically, when I used to work at a software development company, we used to have a huge hosted app that had to import/export 10's of 1,000's of records, and at batch of 10,000  could be done in a few seconds. When exporting from OSE, it can take several minutes. Thanks and keep up the good work. Look forward to when your database can catch up to Yahoo's old SiteExplorer (yes, I know they were a full on search engine 🙂 but your one of the only decent alternatives, so guessing you're getting quite popular now 🙂

    | onlinefun

  • I show in open site explorer that I have 8 Facebook likes for my domain but I actually have 1500+ Facebook likes. Am I missing something?

    | fibers

  • I'm moving my store to a new site and will have a much friendlier but completely different URL structure. I used Open Site Explorer to find inbound links to 513 pages and have done about half so far. The remaining pages have one link each at a page authority of 27 or less - but there are still 250+ of them. I have to manually view each old page, search for the product on the new site, and enter the redirect as there is no way to translate old URL's to new ones. How important is it for rankings to redirect the remaining 250 or so  pages?

    | agirlandamac

  • Hi Guy's, I am super excited to be here and looking fwd to getting to know you all. As the title suggests I am a complete newbie to the world of SEO I am very keen to learn, I just need pointing in the right direction. My website is live! Now I need to make it super populated, my site is an e-commerce website selling natural / organic beauty products for men women & children. I would like to make it one of the best out there and I am not worried about putting the hours in to achieve that goal. So my question to you guys is this....  where do I start?

    | dan1el

  • Hi Guys, I am relatively new to the SEO community and have what  is hopefully a pretty quick and simple question? I have recently outsourced some of my SEO campaigns to an Australian SEO group which were referred to me buy a friend, and i do not have the time to manage all sites SEO. On pitch the SEO company said they had in excess of 7000 domains, and they would implement a massive back linking strategy for me anywhere upwards of 200 links a month and all legit. Initially there were some basic header and title tag changes needed on the site, and I am now in month 4 of my campaign. Looking forward to using SEOMOZ service and specifically Open Site Explorer, I entered my URL but to my disappointment I could only see 4 links and two I was responsible for. I spoke to the SEO company who responded Open Site Explorer wasn't a good indication of back links and that a lot of their sites were not on the network because of the structure of their linking being only one way. I would appreciate a second opinion (external of this company) on this because of my short time learning and dabbling with SEO. On a side note thoroughly enjoying learning SEO and my journey as part of the SEOMOZ community. Appreciate any feedback or responses I get. Kind regards Bodie

    | Bodie

  • Can anyone recommend a reporting system I can use to send reports to my clients based on their campaigns in SEOMOZ   This appears to be a missing link in the program - Or as a newbie I just have not found it yet.  Thanks in advance!

    | HGbiz

  • Quick question: Will adding an extension such as .html or .php to a URL affect the Page Authority? Long explanation: My site is built in Drupal, and has the rewrite rules in place to redirect URLs with .php extension to no extension URLs.  For example, the real URL for one of my pages is:  Because of the rewrite rule, it is rewritten to by Drupal. If I wanted to keep the url the same, but add an extension to the end (ie. ".html") would that affect my Page Authority? Would Google consider this an entirely new URL? The reasoning behind this is I am working on setting up some goals and events in my analytics and it requires urls with an extension, it's not accepting my "extension-less" urls. thanks!

    | TrueResults

  • Hello, I have been building websites for about 4 months now and finally had my first real success with a website. I found a niche that I was able to get on the first page with. This site was fine and then boom it dropped to #17 around the time of the recent Google changes. So I just thought it was that, I decided to add it as a campaign on here. This is when I noticed that the pages were not being crawled. So being new at all of this, I researched that.  Of course, the main things were is the privacy and robots.txt.  It is running on wordpress and I know not to set the blog to private, but I wasn't familiar with how to edit the robots.txt. I found a good plugin that easily allowed me to set the text to allow all bots. It seemed to be set to the normal wordpress settings before, and I never had a problem with any of my websites not being crawled. Anyway, once I just set it to allow all bots on ALL of my website, the pages started being crawled again. My traffic went back up and I was on the first page all day yesterday. Today, so far big drop off. So, I deleted the campaign and set up a new one. Sure enough no pages crawled yet. I made some security changes using Bulletproof Security and another plugin to see if that effects it.  Nothing yet. I am just really confused as to what is going on, so if any of you have any ideas that would be great. It is a simple site, and I made some changes like theme when I was trying to figure out why the pages weren't being crawled. So it is not the most beautiful design right now. Also, I try my best to put up well-written useful content, so I don't think that is the issue for the rankings drops. I don't have many if any actual backlinks yet because of the newness of my site, could be the reason for it acting strange BUT none of that explains the pages not being crawled at the same time my site drops????? Sorry so long but had to explain it all! Thanks in advance to anyone who has anything to say about this situation! Edit: I should clarify, I put the the security plugins on yesterday while I was on the first page and have deleted them to see if that allows the pages to be crawled. Sorry if I wasn't clear.

    | iheartkelby

  • it says click it below.. but nothing is there? it is saying im connected to a profile but it's connected to the wrong one. so i need to disconnect and reconnect.. please help! thanks 😉 regards, Fraser

    | vipgambler

  • hello wonderful Mozzers, I am building a new site and was wondering if any of you knew any latest " thorough" ON Page Check Lists? I want to make sure I build the site right, and do every bit of on page and new site seo right. I have access to the SEOMOZ guides as well. Have  a fab day guys, Best, Vijay

    | vijayvasu

  • According to Google's Webmaster Guidelines: "Don't use unauthorized computer programs to submit pages, check rankings, etc. Such programs consume computing resources and violate our Terms of Service." Does that mean Open Site Explorer is a violation of those Terms of Service, or is it authorized?

    | ericwagner

  • So I am pretty new to SEO Moz.  I have an e-commerce site and recently did a website redesign.  However, not without several mistakes and issues.  That said, when SEO Moz did a crawl of my site, the results showed A LOT of Duplicate Content Pages on my site due to my having one item in many variations.  It was almost over whelming and because the number of pages was so high, I have been trying to research ways to correct it quickly.  The latest crawl from yesterday shows a drastic drop in the number of duplicate content pages and a slight increase in pages with too long page titles (which is fixable).  I am embarrassed to give the number of duplicate pages that were showing but, just know, it's been reduced to a third of the amount. I am just wondering if I missed something and should I be happy or concerned?  Has there been a change that could have caused this?  Thanks for helping this rookie out!

    | AvenueSeo

  • Hey guys, I'm having a hard time grasping canonical links and the warnings I'm getting on my report card. I'm using Yoast SEO Plug-In and can see that every page on my site has a canonical reference to the URL of the page I'm at. Can someone please enlighten me on this subject. I'm reading everything I can about Canonicalization ( easier word please) but I does not make sense yet. Thanks! I added the notice I'm getting on my report card. This is my domain swG7x.png

    | FDSConsulting

  • Morning all - I've been using Open Site Explorer a fair bit since I signed up to SEOMoz a couple of months ago and found it to be a little different to other tools in the past, so would welcome some thoughts on what I should be looking for when I run reports. For example, I've always thought that Outbound links should be important when deciding whether to place a link on a a particular site, but in OSE I'm only given a Page Ranking and a Domain Ranking. Am I therefore to understand that these two factors outrank OBL and that the number of links on a page don't matter? Or have these been factored into the overall Page rank already? Thanks a lot for your help,

    | theshortstack

  • I 301 redirected a page to a new URL that is better optimized for my content. However as soon as I did this upon visiting the page, my browser's seomoz toolbar "page authority measurement had fallen to "1" it was previously in the 40's... Does anyone know how long it takes for the seomoz toolbar PA rank to refresh on a 301 redirect? I see where seomoz says the redirected page will retain between 90-99% off its link juice. I'm fine with losing a little if it would mean long term gains in terms of good on-page seo. Any ideas?

    | TrueResults

  • I received a keyword ranking report over the weekend, was horrified to see some of my keywords have dropped ranks by 20+ for some 😮 I checked them on google and they haven't moved ( Any information would be greatly appreciated.

    | Anthonykal-group

  • Hi SEOmozers! I have a question. SEOmoz analysis report me some duplicate that I thought I had fix. I can give a concrete example. This page: is reported as having 6 duplicated URL in the tool. When I click on 6, SEOMOZ tells me "Our crawl bots are getting their joints greased to fetch you even better data. Sorry for the delay!" And on the page itself, I placed a canonical link to follow recommandation. rel="canonical" href="" /> As a result I am curious why I would have this reported as duplicate by SEOmoz. Is this a bug? Thanks for feedback!

    | nuxeo

  • Since Google made privacy changes and certain keyword tools such as MS have had to make drastic changes to continuing to be usefull, has SEOMoz encountered any problems and is your keyword data as reliable and accurate as before the Google change?

    | penandzeke

  • Hi, When I first start researching a site, I like to see what Google "thinks" it is relevant to. I use the Google KW Tool and enter the website URL only. I sort the results by relevance. I can then show the prospective client what Google thinks his site is optimized for and use that info to show him what opportunities exist to rank for terms more relevant to his business. I show him keyword, volume and I also get current SERP rank for his site. For larger sites, I do this for the top pages based Domain Authority. I want to automate this process using excel and APIs but Google refused my API token request. I told them I wanted to use the "Google AdWords API Extension for Excel" from The Google API token team replied: Please note, after reviewing your application in detail, we are sorry to let you know that we won't be able to approve your token. We understand that you are planning to use the AdWords API mainly for Targeting Idea Service (TIS) and Traffic Estimation Service (TES) such as 'keyword research'. Please note that as per the Required Minimum Functionality (RMF) outlined in the API Terms & Conditions, using the AdWords API exclusively for TIS and TES type of services is not allowed. Q1: What does the KW Tool relevancy data mean, anyway? Q2: is there another way to get it or is there another way to do this? Q3: Is there a better approach I should take with the Google API team? Q4: Are there other APIs and Excel plugins that can do this, including the SEOMoz APIs? Thanks,

    | phersh

  • I got one hit each on "Missing Meta Description Tag" and "Title Missing or Empty" but in the source of my page they are clearly there: <title>Protein Powder | Compare and Get the Best Prices</title> <meta name="keywords" content="protein powder, whey protein, protein supplement, whey protein isolate, hydrolyzed whey" /> I understand there are conventions which may or may not be followed by Drupal (I read an earlier question where ordering and W3C conventions were suggested) but i'm not sure how to fix them given Drupal will just overwrite any hand editing the next time something is built and importantly, I can't get the crawl to work on cue - it works on the automatic once a week crawl in the main campaign summary but every time I've specifically used the Crawl Test tool it gives me a "There was an error submitting your request to the crawler. Please try again later" so I can't really test any changes. Given Google seems to be recognising the title tag - ie showing it in the results - Do I put this down as seomoz just not working? Kind Regards, Brian

    | btrr69

  • I am looking for a Excel template to pull GA directly into the spreadsheets. I have seen them around before, but I have always had trouble with them. Does anyone know a good how to or template somewhere? Hopefully this can include some areas to customize areas such as date and fields.

    | KJ-Rodgers

  • Curious as to what the "FRI" image means under Bing on my Keyword Ranking reports? I saw this on Friday and assumed it hadn't crawled yet (as it was to set to crawl on Friday Jan 27, 2012) but here we are Monday AM and I'm still seeing the same thing. Glf4F.jpg

    | QueenSt

  • I've used the "fetch as googlebot" tool in Google webmaster tools to submit links from my site, but I was wondering if there was any type of tool or submission process like this for submitting links from other sites that you do not own? The reason I ask is, I worked for several months to get a website to accept my link as part of their dealer locator tool. The link to my site was published a few months ago, however I don't think google has found it and the reason could be because you have to type in your zip code to get the link to appear. This is the website that I am referencing: (my website is Is there any way for Google to index the link? Any ideas?

    | texmeix

  • Hi I am having an issue with my site showing duplicate page title and content issues for and Is the trailing slash really an issue? Can someone help me with a mod_rewrite rule to sort this please? Thanks,

    | JoeBrewer

  • Hi all, Another issue while trying to resolve all the duplicate content SEOmoz reports to me. May be some of you guys can help: I have a dynamic error page on our website, generated in case of error, that can happen on many urls. Of course that one should not be indexed. I added the following tag on the HEADER: name="robots" content="NOODP,NOINDEX,NOFOLLOW" /> To me this should prevent from having this page indexed, but also from having this page reported by SEOmoz analyzer as duplicate content. Any hints?

    | nuxeo

  • I see that my rankings are not updated. Why is that so? Do we have to do something else for ranking to update or is it automatic? It's said that ranking updates every tuesday. Also when does the next Linkscape update take place? JGHjA.png

    | ConversionChamp

  • We have an old domain that we have had for years now. And recently. December, we completely redesigned the site, I mean a complete overhaul, design, architecture, asp to php for example. Resubmitted to google via webmaster with a new site map etc. Our website for reference is We are trying to rank in UK google,, for the term office refurbishment kent (we are on page 2) and office refurbishment (we are on page 17). This is confusing me, because thats 7 pages lower than we were originally, before the site design, its better seo wise, duplicate content is none, title tage meta tags all correct, domain authority has doubled from 12 to 24 in a few months all in an effort to rank better. our homepage and office refurb pages both got an A on the on page SEOmoz tool test. So we dont understand why we are not ranking highly. It seems sites, much uglier and less seo friendly than our with same or lower domain authority are ranking at least 10 pages higher than us. Why is this? Can anyone help or give us a few suggestions. All help greatly appreciated. SEOmozzers.

    | CompleteOffice

  • SEOMoz reports 250 crawl warnings on my site.  In most cases its too long title tags, with 4 of them its missing meta description. SEOMoz says it will hurt my rankings? However, I'm sure a recent whiteboard Friday contradicted this. So what is it?

    | sanchez1960

  • I found this on the MOZ site.  It confused me. "Whereas MozRank measures the link juice (ranking power) of both internal and external links, external MozRank measures only the amount of mozRank flowing through external links (links located on a separate domain). Because external links can play an important role as independent endorsements, external mozRank is an important metric for predicting search engine rankings." In the tool bar and other places in Moz am I seeing the combo Internal or the External and how do I get to each?  Maybe I'm just reading this wrong. 🙂

    | RustyF

  • It would be nice if the directory list ( had an area to discuss each individual directory.  Some of the directories like Internet Library have great domain authority, but have a large number of thumbs-down from users.  I would like to know why. Personally, I'm very skeptical about directories.  I'd love to prove myself wrong, though.  The SEOmoz directory list in its current form isn't all that helpful.

    | MicahMMG

  • Just took on a WP site using Yoast - need help understanding the title tag.  SEOMoz reports that the HP title tag is 159 characters, but there are only 60 characters entered in the plug-in field and GWT reports no "too long" title tags.  Is this a Yoast thing? Wordpress: San Diego Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning Specialists (60) Google Webmaster Tools – reporting 0 titles too long SEO Moz: San Diego Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning Specialists | Anderson Plumbing Heating and Air » San Diego Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning Specialists (159)

    | vernonmack

  • I'm curious what the suggested number of times is for including an EXACT keyword in a document, OTHER than in the page title, h1 and alt text? What does SEOMoz advocate for this? Bonus credit: What is the consensus on "stop words"? I've read the the search engines ignore these, yet searching for the same query with or without them produces vastly different results... So should they not always be included in one's keyword optimization, above?

    | staingurus

  • Like the title says, about 3 weeks ago several websites linked to me. Those websites have very high and probably 100% of this board has heard of them. I'm wondering how long it takes for OSE to recognize these links, and if my website's DA and mozTrust will increase as a result?


  • What is the best seomoz tool and or indicator within a tool for checking on a link (directory or article site) to evaluate whether or not you would actaully want a link from them? Any way to see if google penalizes them for there tactics or if that can hurt me by them linking to me or whatever? I am at the beginning of a link building mission, but want to ensure that I do it methodically and correctly as possible based on the combines wisdom of this community. Thanks for your help, Steven

    | sfmatthews

  • Just logged into one of my profiles to review my traffic data and the last traffic is for 9th Jan. Given it is now 22 this is far far from acceptable. Given the high monthly fee charged by this service why is the traffic data so far behind. If other services (cheaper services) can update their traffic data daily or even weekly why should I continue to use SEOMOZ. The rankings, errors etc are all updated for the 21st of Jan so why not the traffic. Your's An unhappy custimer

    | Grumpy_Carl

  • Hi guys, I just need to run something past you. when I look at my on page analysis I have 5 key terms I am focusing on. For instance one of them is "computer backup". According to the report the current grade is 'F' when looking at site page "/" which I assume is the home page.
    When I do a lookup on other pages of the site it gets a ranking of A. Which is good. But since the hompage ranking went from A to F my rankings have definitely been affect. So i guess my questions are: does "/" mean the hompage, or all pages overall. What should I really be looking at here. I am assuming that you select certain pages to target certain key words. Should i be focusing like this, or more to the "/". Thanks Guys hoping to clear this one up.

    | cubetech

  • This just happened two days ago and I don't get it.  I have been using rank tracker.

    | eidna22

  • Hi all, I joined Seomoz over a month ago and Roger has been crawling all of the pages on the site approx 20 pages. Through out the last few weeks I have been working on the errors and notices identified by Roger. However, this week Roger has only re-crawled 1 page and is not picking up all the other pages. Has any one come across this problem. can you recommend any thing to resolve it? Many thanks in advance....

    | Dan28

  • Hopefully I am missing something basic... I can't see how to specifically add and delete On-Page reports.  It seems like running a report adds it but how to delete? Also,  how does one change the URL for a report?  I have re-organized some pages and can't seem the get the on-page report to keep my URL change. Here is what I tried.  From the On-Page report card for a keyword I changed the URL and ran the test.  Test runs ok but if I navigate back to the summary my old bad URL is still there.

    | Banknotes

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