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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • My site gained several new inbound links during December and only two of them are not all showing up on the latest Linkscape update. It seems to be the links that were created at the end of the month which are showing up, whereas a handful at the beginning of the month are nowhere to be seen. All the linking pages have been indexed by Google the links are do-follow, and one of the sites in particular is not obsure and has a DA in the 90's. I appreciate the Linkscape doesn't index everything, but I would have thought that more tof the results of my efforts would have shown up in OSE. I'd be really grateful if anyone could explain this to me please. Thanks Ben

    | atticus7

  • Hello, My domain is this domain must be positioned by one keyword, but, inside this domain there are more pages to be posicioned with another keywords. As example, inside the domain there is a page that must be positioned by the keyword "Rafael Navarro" ¿ How can I configure it ? May I create a new campaing ? Is it possible to create this page inside the existing campaing related to the main url www.artes-plasticas-pollock ? Please ... any information will be pleased. thanks pilar.

    | OkTuWeb

  • Is there a way to "localize the web app"? In other words, get ranking results based on a location? I pecked around the forum and documentation but couldn't find anything. Any plans to move in this direction? I'm getting wildly different results based on browser location settings. Any thoughts are welcome.

    | Gyi

  • Hi, In campaigns, every week we found a big keyword ranking fluctuation. For Example: This week SEO MOZ campaign shows one keyword on 23 position and keyword change number shows 13 position down. When i have checked manually its showing on 13th position. Can you please tell me why its happen? Waiting for your reply Thanks,

    | pulseseo

  • What is your opinion about Market Samurai tool as a SEO Tool? I have used it and found it good for analyzing the top 10 competition, getting anchor text profiles and so on. SEOMoz is cool, but has a lot more features. However it lacks keyword research tool. We really cant compare the two tools in terms of pricing because the cost of the MS tool for a lifetime is what will cost SEOMoz membership for a month. What;s your take on this?

    | ConversionChamp

  • Hello, We're doing link building for nlpca(dot)com with Open Site Explorer. 90% of the sites found that we're targeting have NLP resource sections that will probably list our site because we are an authority. My Excel Spreadsheet has the following values: Backlink Holder Site Name Site URL Site Type Tactic PA Ease (1-5) Estimated Value (1-5) Priority (Ease x Est. Value) Contact Info -- I'm only interested in strong sites - sites that will be around for the long haul, and I'm stopping aquiring sites that their resource section has a PA lower than 20. Should I be incorporating DA in some way as well? What other feedback do you have for me?

    | BobGW

  • Hi all, I work for a large retail brand and we have lots of counterfeit sites ranking for our products. Our legal team seizes the websites from the owners who then setup more counterfeit sites and so forth. As soon as we seize control of a website, the site content is deleted and subsequently it falls out of the SERPs to be immediately replaced by the next lot of counterfeit sites. I need to be able to download a copy of the site before it is seized, so that once I have control of it I can put the content back and hopefully quickly regain the SERPs (with an additional 'counterfeit site' notice superimposed on that page in JS). Does anyone know or can recommend good software to be able to download an entire website, so that it can be easily rehosted? Thanks FashionLux (Edited title to reflect only wanting to download html, CSS and images of site. I don't want the sites to actually be functional - only appear the same to Google)

    | FashionLux

  • I'm building a tool for mechanical engineers, and I'm trying to find 10 low-competition keywords to target in my first few content marketing efforts.  I've got a lot of maneuvering room, so (with a bit of expert advice) I bet I'll be able to find some low-hanging fruit.  Here's what I've found: Most keywords are seem to have about 40% difficulty. What's the highest level of SEOmoz "keyword difficulty" that a new website should reasonably try for? Some ranking high-authority pages are don't appear to be targeted at the term Is it fair to say that I could beat any page with less than a 'C' ranking for on-page optimization?  (Assuming I target the term with general best practices)* Thanks! If you're interested, here is my current process: Go on engineering blogs for keywords Use Wordstream's Keyword Suggestion Tool for ideas around it Use Google Keyword Tools for keywords above 50 searches in direct match Use SEOmoz Keyword difficulty report, looking more deeply at keywords under <50% If I can find a top 10 page that's less than 30PA and less than 40DA, or has less than 'C' ranking for on-page optimization, I consider the keyword achievable within 3mo, using general best practices. *Except for YouTube/Wikipedia/etc

    | 49wetnoodles

  • I'm not finding a clear solution to getting 100 results in the Google SERP. I'm currently using Firefox as I use Chrome for being logged into Google (Gmail, Docs, etc.) I tried the Grease Monkey script, no luck. I tried appending the url with &num=100 (looks like that may have been killed in 2010 which may explain why the GM script isn't working). And it doesn't look like any toolbar, SEOMoz included has that functionality, any ideas or places to look? In addition, does anyone have a good SERP numbering tool? If I do a search and the first page, including Local & Organic has 15 results, when I click over to the 2nd page it starts back at #11, kind of defeats the purpose of using a numbering tool 😉 Any help would be appreciated. Thanks much!

    | nsauser

  • Hi everyone, I'm new here - always loved SEOMoz and glad to be part of the Pro community now. I have 2 questions regarding the Canonical URL tag. Some background info: We used to run an OsCommerce store, and recently migrated to Magento. In doing so, we right away created 301 redirects of the old category pages (OsCommerce) to the new category pages (Magento) via the Magento admin. Example:
    301 redicrected to In Magento admin, we have enabled the Canonical tag for all product and category pages. Here's how Magento sets up the Canonical tag: The URL of interest which we want to rank is: However Magento sets up the canonical tag on this page to point to: When using the SEOMoz On Page Report Card, it pick this up as an error because the Canonical tag is pointing to a different URL. However, if we dig a little deeper, we see that the URL being pointed to
    has a 301 redirect to
    which is the URL we wan to rank. So because we set up a 301 redirect of the old-page to the new-page, on the new-page the canonical tag points to the old-page. Question 1)
    What are you opinions on this? Do you think this method of setting up the Canonical tag is acceptable? Second question... We use pagination for category pages, so if we have 50 products in one category, we would have 5 pages of 10 products. The URL's would be: (which is the SAME as ?p=1) Now ALL the URLs above have the canonical tag set as:
    <link rel="canonical" href="" /> However, the content of each page (page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) is different because different products are displayed. So far most what I read regarding the Canonical tag is that it is used for pages that have the same content but different URLs. I would hope that Google would combine the content of all 5 pages and view the result as a single URL Question 2) Is using the canonical tag appropriate in the case described above? Thanks !

    | yacpro13

  • I don't know where the right place to ask this is, but I work for an SEO agency, and we are looking for someone to help us with development of some tools utilizing the SEOMoz API and probably the Google API as well. Does anyone know where I could find a person with some previous experience with development using these APIs? We've had poor luck just trying to use a developer without specific experience in this area or at least some SEO knowledge. If you're a developer and would like to talk with us, you can contact me directly if you prefer, rather than post your contact info publicly, but I welcome any helpful thoughts or ideas regarding development of SEO tools. Thanks,
    jmaher [at]

    | BandLeader

  • hey i've been told that page auth is more important than domain authrity on open site.. why is that?

    | daxvirgo

  • We have canonical tags set up for a feature page on one of our sites. This site has an image gallery controlled by javascript. To aid the user experience the image can also be specified by a URL parameter (the javascript also uses this URL to fetch the images). The SEOMoz report complains that the links to these images have duplicate page titles and content. To try and combat this we set canonical tags to point only to the original page, without the slideshow parameter. e.g.   ->   canonical tag set to   ->   canonical tag set to The latest SEOMoz report has come back and the errors still exist. What can we do to remove these error messages? Thanks

    | TJSSEO

  • I'ma Japanese, So, I'm sorry in poor English.
    Question about the API.
    Will be returned as unauthorized api 'links' to the following request. Is it OK in the request parameters?

    | flaminGoGo

  • Hi folks, I am hunting for duplicate content based on SEOMOZ great tool for that 🙂 I have some pages that are mentioned as duplicate but I cant say why. They are video page. The content is minimalistic so I guess it might be because all the navigation is the same but for instance and are mentioned as duplicate. Any idea? Is it hurting? Cheers,

    | nuxeo

  • I don't have access to the clients Google Analytics Password. Can you set it up without being redirected to Google webmasters? Is there a way to insert a simple code into the website and then have SEOmoz double check the code? Thanks so much

    | Robin_Jennings

  • I'm putting together a link prospecting csv (very basic/simple).  I'm doing my own manual hunting for link prospects and compiling them in a list in that excel doc.  Once I'm done with that, I want to pull OSE data on a larger scale (MozRank, PA, DA, etc.). I know Niel Bosma's SEO tools for Excel exists, but I have a Mac, and it's not available for that.  And I can't really pay for any of the big tools right now (ie BuzzStream).  Does anybody know of a good tool or way of going about pulling this data in a way that will save time?  As opposed to pulling data for each URL one by one.  ANY tips would be GREATLY appreciated.

    | MichaelWeisbaum

  • I ran in OSE and it shows 118 Facebook shares while we see more than that. Maybe we are doing something wrong or a setting isn't correct, I'm not sure. The site was created in WordPress. Here are 3 posts that add up to 224 shares: Post 1 114 shares Post 2 64 shares Post 3 46 shares I'm sure there are some people that are sharing multiple posts, Will that make a difference? Even if that was true the number still seems very low. Thanks 🙂

    | Mike-Dream

  • The latest traffic I see is from week ending 2nd Jan 2011, this seems an overally long time to wait for a traffic update, given that tools such as Raven can provide live stats.

    | Grumpy_Carl

  • What is the difference between Google Great Britain and Google United Kingdom in the keyword analysis tool? I had always expected Google United Kingdom to mean but now I am not so sure...?

    | Jolora

  • Hi, I have a client with a huge efforts on social media and I want to know which is the time range of the social media data collected with OSE. Or is using some sort of APIs, so is showing totals? OSE shows this: Times Shared on Facebook: 932 Facebook Likes: 1,898 Times Shared on Twitter: 191 Times Shared on Google +1: 52 Total Social Shares: 1,175 Thanks 🙂

    | CristianGuasch

  • Hi i am researching the following site and i would like to know what keywords they are using to gain traffic and i would like to know what tools i need to use to research how they are achieving great success with google. i am new to the semoz tools so i would like help in using them to study this site and other sites, can anyone please let me know what i need to do and what tools i need to use to research this site and find the links to the site and how they are achieving great success many thanks

    | ClaireH-184886

  • I have been going round in circles trying to find a Hostings company with a good reputation and service etc... For ever one you find you find reviews sayings its shocking... I was planning to take a straw poll using the vote up and down function to try and spot good ones. I will add the ones I know about or use/tried. If you like just vote up. Any more suggestions for companies please add them with your views. Try and reply to the right hostings companies with reviews. Not sure if this is suitable for SEOMoz I apologise if this is not and offends anyone.

    | JohnW-UK

  • Newbie so this may be SEO 101... Quick back story: My wife Lauri is a Dream Expert who has been on over 5,000 radio shows, TV shows like Good Morning America, the Today show, the View, in major magazines and newspapers, the list goes on and on, I'm not bragging actually the opposite. Lauri barely exists online and to top it off we don't seem to be getting any "link juice" from some big sites that have linked to us. Here is just one example of many: Our site: Here is a page on Dr Oz site that links to us, anchor text at top right "Click here": When you use On site Explorer this link isn't there, what are we doing wrong? Our plan is to build a new site ( and get these links and many others pointing to us correctly so she can get the exposure she's earned. Lauri was also on the Dr Oz TV show : Watch it if you like. Thanks for any wisdom, Mike

    | Mike-Dream

  • Running a keyword analysis in SEOMOZ it shows my the folowing information "Local Search Volume (Dec)". I compared the data for the specific country , language and keyword with the adwords keyword tool and it exactly showed me the same numbers. The adwords keyword tool shows: "Local Monthly Searches: This column shows the approximate 12-month average number of search terms matching each keyword" So if the numbers are the same in google keword tool and  SEOMOZ why is SEOMOZ saying  that for a specif month? If the data is the same one of both can not be right or probaly I didn't get the point. See screenshot: Thanks for help

    | n-media

  • I've been using OSE for a while now, and I'm struggling to see any value in it. When I search my competitors link profiles, I find just hundreds and hundreds of crappy reciprocal links, splogs or the like. I have to go through days and days (thousands of links) before I find anything worth using. Is anybody having this sort of problem? Thanks

    | kevinmorley

  • I have a warning in SEOmoz saying that I have 150 rel canonical - What the hell that means? 🙂 Tks in advance 🙂 Pedro Pereira

    | PedroM

  • I have a client that has between 60 and 70 websites. I has recommended to him the setup of at least one campaign per website. However, the bigger plan SEOmoz not covers up to 70 campaigns in a single account. What you recommend to do in this case?

    | Abril

  • Hi, Working on a website for a company that works in different european countries. The setup is like this:
    ... You see that every country has it's own subdir, but NL & BE share the same language, dutch... The copywriter wrote some unique content for NL and for BE, but it isn't possible to write unique for every product detail page because it's pretty technical stuff that goes into those pages. Now we want to add canonical tags to those identical product pages. Do we point the canonical on the /be products to /nl products or visa versa? Other question regarding SEOmoz: If we add canonical tags to x-pages, do they still appear in the Crawl Errors "duplicate page content", or do we have to do our own math and just do "duplicate page content" minus "Rel canonical" ?

    | nvs.nim

  • Can I still access the private questions that I asked on the old q&a system?

    | larahill

  • I am going to send referrals to SEOMOZ and I want to put a badge on my site with my referral link from this page: Can you make some banners where we can just select an image src with a call to action like "FREE SEO Tools" and "Free 30 Day Trail"? Currently the only badges I see say something wack like "I Love SEOMOZ" I need something that converts higher than "I love SEOmoz". Love yah guys!

    | Francisco_Meza

  • Is it possible to do the comparision between a subfolder against a subdomain at SEOmoz campaign tool? For instance: - I have a client who uses a subdomain model to render your homepage and he has a competitor hosted in a subfolder.  It appears to be impossible to do that kind of comparision at the SEOmoz campaign tool. Do you have some other way to do that?

    | Abril

  • We have been with SEOMOZ for just a couple of weeks now. We impemented all the recommendations made in page analysis and crawl errors but since making changes we have started to fall in ranking for these keywords.  Should we undo all his work or sit it out. Why would our rankings fall if these changes are for the better ? Thanks

    | Yorkie

  • There has been a lot of talk lately around social profiles potentially improving your brand as well as search. What I'd like to know is the best practices for getting those social profiles crawled and indexed so they actually provide a good link to my site. I'm also wondering what the difference between what Linkscape sees and what Google sees and when I'm looking at Open Site Explorer's rankings on one of those social profiles how can I be sure that Google sees it the same way. I ask this because a lot of these profiles are not well internally linked to. An example is, it's a potentially great link, but it's essentially an island, and even after dropping a couple Twitter links to my profile, Open Site Explorer shows and Page Authority of 1, and it's not even indexed with Google. What I did last night was put a link to my, flickr and wedding wire in my Connect menu drop down on my site to get that crawled hopefully soon. Are there other methods of getting those crawled and indexed so it starts passing some juice?
    What do you guys do?

    | WilliamBay

  • Hi seomoz, Sorry to bother you with that "noobie" question but i was wondering what can the wed flag" mean in the repport ? A crawl just ran this morning so i guess it's not some kind of calendar "issue" unless the crawl don't run on every keywords ?? Thanks for the enlightenment 😉

    | mywebshop

  • The weekly crawl website report is telling me that there are pages that have missing meta description tags, yet I've implemented meta robots tags to 'noindex, follow' those pages which are visible in those page source files. As far as Google Is concerned, surely this then won't be a problem since it is being instructed NOT to consider these specific pages for indexing. I am assuming that the weekly SEOmoz website crawl is simply throwing the missing meta description crawl findings into its report without itself observing that the particluar URL references contain the meta robots 'noindex,follow' tag ???? Appreciate if you can clairfy if this is the case. It would help me understand that (at least in terms of my efforts towards Google) your own crawl doesn't observe the meta robots tag instruction, hence the resultant report's flagging the discrepancy.

    | callassist

  • I know it only gets a big refresh once a month...The last being in the early part of January. But I released a map that went viral (front page of CNET, Wired, Scientific American) that has gotten me hundreds of links from different domains: I got these links in early to mid December and OSE is showing no data at all. Similarly, I have been doing some linkbuilding for clients and links that I got in October and November and those links aren't showing up either. Anyone else experiencing this? Many thanks, Matt

    | coppersix

  • I have lots of recently gained good links that don't show in seo moz, how long does it take for moz trust, moz rank and PR to update?

    | myloseo

  • The system says I have two duplicate page titles. The page titles are exactly the same because the two URLs are exactly the same. These same two identical URLs show up in the Duplicate Page Content also - because they are the same. We also have a blog and there are two tag pags showing identical content - I have blocked the blog in robots.txt now, because the blog is only for writers. I suppose I could have just blocked the tags pages.

    | loopyal

  • Not quite sure if I read correctly, but is it correct that one campaign tracks only one page of my site?  So if I wanted to track something like a services page, this would require a second campaign?

    | GroundFloorSEO

  • Hello, I received a crawl diagnostic report for the website here's what it said: Issue: (301 redirect) Page Title URL: Redirects to:http:// I called for help: They checked my .httaccess file and did not find anything that would cause this  301 redirect.. Cpanel was evaluated for a 301 redirect and nothing there either. MyPHP Admin was checked for anything that could possibly cause this issue. They had a tech search the entire database and no luck on any issue that may be causing the SEOmoz software to pick up this 301 redirect. We checked the Wordpress settings... No discrepancies. Wordpress permalinks... No problems..... We checked Google to see if they may have indexed the site for the error with no luck... I told the SEO Hosting staff that the canonical feature that has been built into Wordpress would prevent this redirect from allowing Google to index the site with this error. Is it possible that the crawl diagnostics is wrong??? Please help... Best regards, Jeff Bratcher (404) 520-2385

    | Jeff1

  • The SEOMoz crawl tool is telling me that I have a slew of crawl errors on the blog of one domain. All are related to the MSNbot. And related to trackbacks (which we do want to block, right?) and attachments (makes sense to block those, too) ... any idea why these are crawl issues with MSNbot and not Google? My robots.txt is here: Thanks, MJ

    | mjtaylor

  • Hello Mozzers, I just logged into my account and after what has felt like a few months of on site work I finally see ZERO errors across the board for my main campaign with SEO Moz! I just wanted to share that with everyone because at one point above the errors were in the 5,000 range. It was causing penalties and weight in serps, but now thanks to SEO Moz and the help that I have received in the Q&A section, I have corrected all the errors! So, thank you to SEOMOZ and the pro community very very much!!! As a discussion though, how are the errors with most other users? Are you typically always seeing no errors, a few errors or a lot of errors for your campaigns? Thanks! Jesse

    | getrightmusic

  • I just saw, SEOMoz updated their Page Authority, Mozrank and Domain Authority. However in most of my websites, the Page Authority got reset. Am I doing something wrong?

    | GroupM

  • I can see the grade change for my on-page optimization in the weekly email, however, when I load the summary page on only rank change shows, grade change is blank across the board.  I also tried downloading and see the same results. Is this a bug on the website? Thanks!

    | leighw

  • Has anyone seen their competitive link analysis update in the last 2 weeks? My campaign summary says the last linkscape update was on the 21st Dec but the data is still showing from November. Looking in the full analysis section especially the timeline confirms that it is only going up to November. OSE also seems to show the old data.

    | PPCnSEO

  • Hello, I ran a report on my website at and noticed my page authority went to 1. I also noticed a lot of our results that were showing high page authority have dropped right down. I checked other sites and they all seemed fine but was wondering if this is a open site explorer issue or a a issue? Kindest Regards, Chris

    | kymodo

  • Hey, I'm trying to create some old reports for a client and wanted to see how I can adjust the reports to a specific timeframe so I can view the statistics & changes between that time frame. Is this possible? 

    | SavvyPanda

  • When I do a rankings search for one of my sites on Google and it appears high in Google places, SEO Moz tracks this as its ranking - but is this its organic ranking?  My clients are wondering if things have changed and so am I?  Does ranking in the Google places/map appearing on front page of google count as your ranking for that keyword? Client keeps ignoring the Google places ranking and goes looking for a placement farther down... Please explain this probably simple question to me... and if you have official Google references for this, please include them. I appreciate it a lot... be blessed ben

    | creativeguy

  • Hi All, I've looking at my Crawl Diagnostics Summary and working on getting my site errors down as low as possible. One thing I'm noticing is that in the "Other URLs" column I'm seeing a lot of 1s. When I click on the number, it is showing me the exact URL with an upper case category title. For example, it appears like it's telling me that these two URLs are considered duplicate content: Is that right? Does google care about upper and lower case spelling?

    | shawn81

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