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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • I am confused. The SEO Moz ranking reports state that my site show show up in a specific position in SERP for a specific keyword yet when I google the keyword the ranking is different. Are these ranking reports merely indicative or are they supposed to be accurate?

    | casper434

  • I reported this as a bug in OSE, because often I explore these links and find that the pages include both a brand-name link AND a regular keyword link, but for some reason OSE was only reporting the brand-name link... This led me to wonder how many links this occurred for, and therefore whether or not to trust the fact that the majority of the sites I ran OSE on returned at least (in most cases, more) than 90% brand-name links. I understand that brand-name links are amongst the most important to obtain, but that it's also important to get anchor text for keywords to build a varied profile. Given this apparent flaw in OSE, is it wrong - in the case of very successful sites - to take this ~90% as being anywhere near the correct percentage of brand-name links that I should be aiming for as a proportion of the total profile? Extra Credit :)... And this may help potentially help resolve the issue: does "Inbound Links" tab in OSE just report links to the Root Domain, or to that and every other page on the site?

    | ZakGottlieb71

  • My google pagerank has been missing from my SEOMoz toolbar for a while and I can't seem to find the number elsewhere.  Did google stop offering this?  I'm having trouble finding any blogposts or info about it one way or the other. Thanks!

    | netdiva_amy

  • My client has 2 domains which point to the same sever. eg and both point to the same place. For now has better seo but the client wants to switch to using more. Im guessing 301 redirects will not work in this case. How would I handle this? If i'm forced to manage both domains, what is the best practice for monitoring in seomoz pro. Should i set up as a competitor?

    | eztrans

  • Hello, I'm a new SEOmoz member. On Dec. 2nd, after completely redesigning our website, we migrated to a new hosting company by switching our DNS to the new server. The vast majority of the URLs have changed and we configured redirects of the old URLs to the new ones. Although, this task is not completed yet. After the migration, I created an account on SEOmoz to be able to track our progress and find the issues to fix to optimize our SEO. For some reason, in the SEOmoz reports it is the old URLs that show up. Unless the crawler does not actually crawl the pages and only uses the indexed pages to generate its report, I don't understand how could this possible. Anyone has a clue? When will the new URLs be indexed by SEOmoz and the major search engines? Thanks for your help!

    | Gestisoft-Qc

  • Hello. I was wondering why doesn't SEOMoz update ranking reports daily as opposed to weekly. Rankings to change overnight and since other services do it (e.g I can't really why not this one.

    | phaistonian

  • Dear SEOmoz folk, At the moment, I have one (rather large) site set up as a campain. I have decided to split off parts of my site into sub domains. My question is, can I set up these sub domains as a completely separate campaign on here? I'd very much like the crawl reports separated out for each one. A very real fear I have is that my site is well over double 10,000 pages, so I never truly see the actual number of errors that I have. Thoughts appreciated. Many thanks, Matt

    | Horizon

  • I'm just starting to SEO this site and I'm having trouble with the crawl report data. First question, should I be building links to the site above or the main page (which is a flash intro). If I build links to the flash page, what do I do to the forwarding URL to the welcome page to make it effective? Second question, why does the crawl data report show up almost completely blank? Is this site perfect or are there some onsite issues that I'm not seeing. Thanks for your support and guidance on this site. I'm not hosting the site, just building links and offering optimization advice onsite. JOE

    | KreativElement

  • I recently sign up with you guys and watch several videos but can't find tutorials on how to use the incredible tools here... please advice!  Many thanks in advance. Bira

    | cssyes

  • I'm new to SEOmoz but have a question regarding inbound links that I don't see posted in the forum. In order to become more familiar with SEOmoz tools, I've been checking out sites that friends and family members have created as practice. Things have been going really smooth until I came across a 2+ year old page that should have included an inbound link from but said link is not appearing in OSE for this page. Background: A friend of mine has a (basically) defunct blog that had a pretty well trafficked posting in 2009. However, when I use OSE to check out both the domain and page inbound links, I don't see the aforementioned inbound link from Why is that? Or, it's insanely late - am I missing something? Friend's blog posting: WSJ posting with a link to my friend's blog (4th paragraph...anchor text = "taken down"): No rush. Again, I'm doing this as practice and being new to the site, I figure I'm overlooking something. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    | ICM

  • Am I doing something wrong? So far only 3 pages of my site have been crawled - but my account has been live for 7 days. Would it tell me if it was having trouble crawling the rest of the site?

    | columbus

  • Hi, All! I was looking at OSE for one of my client's site's pages, and I saw that all internal links were said to be images.  I was pretty sure their menu was CSS, and all the links were text.  So I did "fetch as Googlebot" and looked in the resultant code of one of the homepage to see the main navigation bar. The navigation link for one of those pages looked like this: `onmouseover="doMenu2on(this);">[](` [``` <code>![](images/arrow6.gif)Anchor Text Here</code> ```]( ``` The nav link for a page that does show internal anchor text in OSE looks like this: onmouseover="doMenu2on(this);">[]( [```
    <code>Anchor Text Here</code> So there is an image in the link (it's the little arrow before the text to indicate a sub-category), but the anchor text comes right after it.  Is Linkscape (and therefore potentially Google) seeing them as two different links to the same page and only counting the first?  But it's all wrapped within the same <a></a>tags. Any ideas on if this is a bug in Linkscape, or a real issue, and what should be done?  Thanks! Aviva``

    | debi_zyx

  • eg: Page One
    <title>Page one</title>
    No canonical url Page Two
    <title>Page one</title> Page two is counted as being a page with a duplicate page title.
    Shouldn't it be excluded?

    | DPSSeomonkey

  • One of my competitors has recently got a surge of links and I need to work out where they've been focusing their efforts to make sure I don't get left behind. The only method I've really got at the moment is looking at saved reports from OSE and trying to find new links between them. This is obviously time consuming and has some odd results (Old content showing up only on newer reports for example and  have to ensure that each weeks report is generated exactly the same). What I really need is a weekly output of where 2 or 3 websites have been gaining links. Can anyone recommend any tools that can help me with this? Thanks

    | Stinkyink

  • Most of the pages on our site "Accessible to Engines" test in the SEOmoz reports. We cannot find any problem with the code and it's largely identical to the few pages that come up with an "A" score. One item that may be a reason is that we use meta http-equiv="refresh" content="600; For example in We use this to fresh dynamic content on our site. Do search engines penalise pages that use this form of page refresh? Alternatively, is there a known bug in the SEOmoz "Accessible to Engines" report? Many thanks

    | weatherzone

  • uk google Our site ranked well for these words funky golf trendy golf clothes Now these keywords do no rank at all for my website. I have not been penalised by google as i emailed them. The only thing I did was add best seller products to my main page. Now my about us page ranks far higher than my index page Please Help

    | funktiongolf

  • Hi So now when Y!SE is closed im trying to find alternative, so im trying OSE basically i like the data that it showed to me but the numbers is unbelievable different. Im used Y!SE about 1 year so i have statistic for a year. Previous month for my client homepage i have 2625 total external links and now OSE reports me only 1558, for the main category page was 16 now 68\. Most strange for me is total external links for root domain on Y!SE its always been around 6-7k but now OSE reports me 10,053. So my question why numbers so different can it be that the Y!SE don`t update for several month there data or some others reason? Thanks, Sergey

    | 77Agency

  • I work at a web design firm that's starting to offer SEO to its clients. They want to keep costs down until the SEO side becomes more established, so I've been using mostly free tools to do the SEO. I've been using a website called to check backlinks for clients. It says the data is provided by SEOmoz, so I thought it must be pretty reliable. However, I just signed up for the PRO trial to test out all of SEOmoz's tools (& hopefully convince my company to sign us up), and I find that the link information between the 2 tools can be vastly different! Sometimes the number of unique linking domains is very close, but other times it can be off by hundreds, even thousands, with Open Site Explorer typically providing the higher numbers. Is the Link Diagnosis tool really powered with data from SEOmoz, or does it just receive a portion of the data, since it's a free tool? I'm just trying to figure out what will be the most reliable solution for me to keep using, and the discrepancies between the two tools has caused me to question the reliability of both. Thanks, Hector

    | hmunoz

  • Hi Moz'ers! I have a questions for you guys. Can you explain why the website "Netspiren" has a lower "domain Authority" than "Duft og Natur"? See screenshot. I know it's a tough question without a detailed analysis, but looking at OSE's data, does the mozrank,moztrust, C-block don't reflect the power of the Domain Authority. What's you take? BTW: "Netspiren" has always had more and better links, and also had a higher Domain Authority. Something about the Domain Authority changed since the past 1-3 OXE updates. Looking forward for your take on this! Have a good weekend! mnRPI.png

    | FrederikTrovatten22

  • Hi guys, New crawl on one of my campaigns is still in progress since November 27th, i didn't get new data since November 19th 2011 ... What should i do ?

    | DavidEichholtzer

  • We would like to track the rankings for an internal site. The website runs inside a big corporate website, url example How can we effectively track the rankings of only the website inside the folder? There is currently no sub domain setup for this site. Any advice would be appreciated.

    | DeloitteSA

  • We are competing with other national brands and have a competitor who is NOT a national brand and who does NOT have any metrics ranking higher.  With the latest SEOMoz metric update this week, they (hawaiianjewelryshop) now have the highest DA in Link Analysis. Has anyone else experienced this?  Can SEOMoz explain this for us, please?  It would be great if Matt Peters would respond to this question. The sites in question are:

    | NaHoku

  • Or is it just me?

    | MirandaP

  • My campaign is showing me that I have 7 4XX errors. Is there anyway to see where these pages are linked from in order to remove the links?

    | MirandaP

  • Checking link data for a potential client who has given me access to their websmaster tools account, I've noticed that Google list over 150,000 "Links to Your Site" but yet OSE only reports a tiny fraction of this number.
    I have manually verified that there are in fact direct links from the sites that are listed in Webmaster Tools but not in OSE. Does OSE discard some links? Is there a reporting lag? Does anyone know why there would be such a large discrepancy?

    | G-DC

  • We just completed a build of a new site and used 301 redirects to retain our page authority.  In the first week all the interior pages reported a page authority of 1 after 2 or so weeks the page authority began to look more accurate but they were still not as high as the original pages.  The strange thing is that when you click on the link to a page the page authority populates correctly but when the page finally finished loading the PA goes back down.  Has anyone ever experienced this and if so how did you fix it? Thanks!


  • I'm tasked with optimising the UK part of a global site. - how should I set my campaign up in SEOMoz? Is it a sub domain?

    | columbus

  • Hello, Newbie here so this might be a really daft question.... We've a few accounts and are trialling different software - across a few campaigns, we're seeing big differences in link numbers from different software (namely Moz and Majestic). I'm assuming there is a really good reason for it - just can't find what it is! Thanks in advance!

    | jghull

  • A while back I remember Rand and I having a conversation about how many links on the page and up until that point I had followed the NO MORE THAN 100 links on a page rule - which is what the MOZ tools are telling me now in the campaigns I have running. But then during a seminar both of us were holding this 100 link rule question came up and Rand commented that this was probably old hat now as the search engines can crawl a much greater number of links in the page. I was encouraged by his answer especially where ecommerce websites are concerned. But the MOZ tool is driving me nuts telling me that this 100 link rule is still something to be adhered too. It is especially frustrating when we are discussing ecommerce website sites with editable mega menus. Examples to support this question are or which are 2 ecommerce sites I am aware of using such mega menus that are editable and give a link count greater than 100. and I am sure there are many more sites like this, even Amazon for example. So, how much notice do we take of this warning in MOZ tools that is telling me about excessive numbers of links on the pages it lists as needing corrected?


  • I monitor several keywords on several domains and i have found that rank tracker gives me one result yet when searching via Google myself (on different machines) i get a different result. I've tried several devices on different networks so there is no chance that Google is remembering my searches as such and i ensure that i am always signed out of my account. All devices provide the same results yet Rank Tracker provides a completely different result. It's as though Rank Tracker is a day ahead or something. Can anyone shed any light for me please?

    | MarkHincks

  • I'm getting a little fed up and exasperated - if I'm honest! Our seoMoz rankings are yo-yoing on a weekly basis - extremely. One week we're in the top 3, the next week, we're not in the top 50. The week after that, we're back in the top 3. Then we're outside the top 50 again. I understand rankings go up and down sometimes - but this is every week, without fail. Not only that, but I also check my rankings with cuteRank and Firefox's Rank Checker and while those rankings are consistent with each other - seoMoz's rankings are always different and the only ones that Yoyo. Further, it's not just our rankings that Yoyo - it's those of our competitors too. They follow the same pattern except that when we go up, they go down, and vice versa, I'm just a little lost and unsure what to do, and I can't believe really that this is a true reflection of what is happening to us on Google every week. I know rankings change but surely Google aren't throwing us around like this? It is making doing any SEO on the site impossible because I never know where I stand. Any ideas or help would be wonderful. Thanks.

    | JetBookMike

  • Looking at integrating our GA account with the seomoz Organic Traffic Data feature.  Can anyone let me know feedback regards this ?

    | NeilTompkins

  • I've had to rename some of the pages on my site and also move them to different locations. I placed a rel="canonical" on the old page pointing to the new one. The reports on my PRO Dashboard are telling me that I have Duplicate Content and Page Title errors. Do the SEOMoz automated reports take the rel="canonical" link into consideration or do I need to remove these pages and do a 301 redirect from the old to the new page?

    | TRICORSystems

  • I just recently saw a huge decline in the page rank of a specific page on my site.  When I investigated a bit further I noticed that the drop in page rank looks like it is due to the fact that most of the links to the page come through 301 re-directs from an old page.  I know you just made a change to Open Site Explorer.   Did you change the way that you are treating 301 re-directs? Here is the new page: Here is the old page: Up until the last couple of days, the new page was showing the links from the old page in your cache, but as of today, the new page is only showing the links that go to it, not the links to the old page that is re-directed to it. If there was a change recently, was this intentional (trying to replicate the search engines better) or is it an oversight or database anomaly?

    | gametv

  • Is there any way to set up Open Site Explorer to show these things for competitor external backlinks: Google Page Rank of the page the backlink is on Google Page Rank of the domain the backlink is on Whether the backlink is a follow or no follow Is this possible in OSE? If not, are there any other SEOMOZ Tools that will do this? Thanks.

    | N5c

  • SEOMOZ reports the Statistics, but where do i manage & improve??? Simply Statistics is all about SEOMOZ??

    | webicers

  • Hi, I made changes in my site. I would like to see the result of the crawl diagnostic. I know the crawl is happening every week, however, is there a way to force a re-crawl in order not to have to wait 5 days? Cheers,

    | nuxeo

  • Hi, Why does my sites get the crawler notice for rel canonical when using the PRO account crawlers?? The canonical is there and it works, and to me it looks just like any other canonical link, the canonical is only at some links but not everyone, why is that?

    | careeron

  • I have recently set up a campaign for Im the in-house developer there. When the crawl diagnostics completed, i went to check the results, and to my surprise, it had well over 100 missing or empty title tags. I then clicked it to see what pages, and nearly all the pages it say have missing or empty title tags, DO NOT EXIST. This has really confused me and need help figuring out how to solve this. Can anyone help? Attached image is a screen shot of some of the links it showed me on crawl diagnostics, nearly all of these do not exist. Will the relation Canonical tag in the head section of the actual pages help? For example, The actual page that exist is: Whereas, when crawled it actually showed Will have the rel can tag in the header of the real products.php solve this?

    | CompleteOffice

  • Our Domain Authority has been at 42 or 43 for a couple months and it just increased to 54.  Why did this happen? I would like to think that it is because of out SEO and linkbuilding work.  However, I suspect something else may be involved because the 3 competitors we track also all increased between 10 to 25 points at the same time. What happened?  Did you make changes in the way you score DA or is this the result of changes in what pages you crawl?  Or what?

    | rickt007

  • Since in SeoMoz is not possible to have 2 user for account, I need to transfer to a news Pro account 2 campaign I host in my Pro account. I need to mantain the historical data too.

    | BMLab

  • I have a directory on my website, paginated in groups of 10. On page 2 of the results, the title tag is the same as the first page, as it is on the 3rd page and so on. This is giving me duplicate page title errors. If i use rel=canonical tags on the subsequent pages and href the first page of my results, will my duplicate page title warnings go away? thanks.

    | fourthdimensioninc

  • I'm in the 30 day trial period of SEOMoz Pro.  Ran my first campaign and there are many improvements to be had across the board.  Looking for some sort of guidance as to what I should focus on first.

    | ChatterBlock

  • I am loving the new Social Media data that SEOMoz recently added. I am sure more will come soon, but I wondering if they have plans of adding LinkedIn Company pages as apart of a campaign to track. Does anyone have the inside clue about this? Do you think it would be a good idea as well?

    | nextraq

  • One of my campaigns says: Pages Crawled: 250 | Limit: 250 Is this because it's new and the limit will go up to 10,000 after the crawl is complete? I have a pro account, 4 other campaigns running and should be allowed 50,000 pages in total

    | MirandaP

  • I'm having a problem with our campaign especially the crawl report. Because the last update is Nov 4 and isn't supposed to be updated weekly? I already submit a helpdesk support ticket and even send a seperate e-mail regarding this issue but until now the report is still not updated. Anybody here can help me raise this issue/ Thanks.

    | shebinhassan

  • Where can I find a list of all Page Authority Metrics?  I'm looking for an exhaustive list of all link metrics that calculate Page Authority? Thanks

    | poolguy

  • We're trying to simplify our link analysis job when acquiring a new external link. We're wondering to know if Domain Authority Seomoz parameter is all what we need to take a decision. Does DA Seomoz parameter takes into consideration 'domain age', 'alexa ranking', 'dmoz links', indexed pages on google', and 'inbound links vs outbound links'?

    | seoneogames

  • There is more covered (in terms of checking on-page factors) when using the external report tool than when using the actual campaign one... will the external features be added into the campaign one?

    | SteveOllington

  • I understand that the scores it generates are essentially based on the difficulty of appearing on the first SERP for the keyword in question. That said, I am having a lot of difficulty finding keywords in my niche which return a score that would make this easily achievable for a site of my size.... The reason I'm pointing this out is because theoretically, a keyword could have a HIGHLY competitive first SERP, with a significant drop-off on the second SERP, which would make achieving a top ranking on that page substantially easier. So my question really is, is the importance of appearing on the first SERP so unequivocally important that it is a pointless activity to attempt deliberately to rank for keywords on the second SERP, which is ignored by the keyword difficulty tool? I know the breakdown of clicks goes something like 40% for top spot, 12% for second and downwards from there, but if a certain query has over a million searches per month, for example, it would still be possible to get considerable amounts of traffic by trying to rank highly on the second SERP, which the keyword difficulty tool cannot help with. So is this really a useless activity?

    | ZakGottlieb71

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