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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • I want to know iwll SEOmoz improve my google ranking. will they improve my keywords.

    | imusmanbutt

  • Is there a way for us to track the keywords of our competitor and so we can use that to optimize our sites?

    | shebinhassan

  • Can I somehow look which of my answers were marked as good answers?

    | sesertin

  • (Using Firefox 7.0.1) I just downloaded the toolbar and the Custom Search Profiles do not work--clicking on any of them adds "%" and numbers to the search query. I've created a couple of specific locations and I'd really like to get this figured out. Does this function work correctly for anyone?  Am I doing something wrong?

    | Court_LOQUA

  • Hello, I am comparing my site with my competitors.  According to Open Site Explorer, my site has 541 internal follow links, and a total of 1,286 total internal links, implying I have 745 no follow internal links. I tried to drill into these internal no follow links using the "Inbound Links" report in OSE.  But I'm receiving an error stating that No Data is Available for this URL. Does anyone have any insight to this?  I'd really like to understand where those no follow links are coming from. Thanks in advance. eh70

    | TheBOTWGuys

  • Can I somehow sync the day of the week for each of my campaigns' crawls, so that all campaigns are updated on the same day?

    | ATShock

  • Hi, I’m a noob so if this is a really obvious question, I apologize. Our domain authority increased this week.  I wonder if there is any easy way to find out what changed.  (We didn’t do anything.) Thank you! Ann

    | anns

  • I have about  350 websites all created in farcry 4.0 cms platform. When i do a site crawl using any seo tool ( seomoz, raven, screaming frog) it comes back telling me I have duplicate titles, description and content for a bunch of my pages. The pages are the same page its just that the crawl is showing the object Id and the friendly URL which is autocreated in the CMS as different pages. EXAMPLE these are the samge page but are recognised as different in SEOMOZ crawl test and therefore flagged as having duplicate title tags and content ... <colgroup span="1"><col style="width: 488pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 23771;" span="1" width="650"></colgroup>
    | <colgroup span="1"><col style="width: 488pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 23771;" span="1" width="650"></colgroup>
    | | | GOOGLE WEBMASTER  however does not show me these errors ? It shows no errors at all. Now i believe i can fix this by chucking in a rel=canonical at the top of  each page ? (a big job over 350 sites) But even so  - my problem is that the website developers are telling me that SEOMOZ and all the other tools are wrong - that google will see these the way it should, that the object ID's would not get indexed ( although i have seen at least one object id show up in the serps.) Do i believe the developers and trust that google has it sorted or go through the process of hassling the developers to get a rel=canonical added to all the pages? (the issue sees my homepage as about 4 different pages   /index AND object id.

    | cassi

  • I have two sites. Previously I had flyfitters 301 redirecting to plasticandfoampackaging.  I stopped that about a month ago.  I moved the nameservers and stopped the redirect.  I am a novice but it seems to be working perfectly.  However, SEOMOZ is showing that the redirect still exists.  Does the site need to be recrawled or do I need to update the info somewhere? Please advise. Thanks Patrick

    | PlasticandFoamPackaging

  • As we all know paid links can harm your SEO efforts because Google doesn't like these type of links. I was wondering, if paid links are bad, why does SEOmoz includes so many paid directories in the SEO Web Directory list???

    | nvs.nim

  • I ran the report for my site and had many more 4xx errors than I've had in the past month. I updated my .htaccess to include 301 statements based on Google Webmaster Tools Crawl Errors. Google has been reporting a positive downward trend in my errors, but my SEOmoz campaign has shown a dramatic increase in the 4xx pages. Here is an example of an 4xx URL page: This is strange because URL: is valid and works great, but then there is a duplicate entry with %2F representing forward slashes and 2 http statements in each link. What is the reason for this?

    | maximphotostudio

  • So I'm working on a law firm site and looking at the links for pages in OSE. For practice areas, the links to each practice area are in the left hand menu on every page of the site. Can anyone help me with this question: Example: When I plug this URL into OSE, it only shows one linking page,, yet there is a link to this on every other page in the site. When I plug in a random competitors page,, it does show all the internal pages linking to it. Since I'm not using a flash menu or javascript, any ideas as to why no internal links are showing up in OSE? Even when I plug in the main URL for the home page, it only shows 4 other internal pages linking to it, yet there is a link on every page. What am I doing wrong?

    | c2g

  • I see an abundance of websites that don't link out at all, and there is no data available to seoMoz for the sites, some like http:// regal - diving dot com (trying not to get moderated AGAIN Innocent need to show which link and its a competitor kind of) are not linking to anyone else just internal links. How come they dont show info to SEOMOZ Should I link out from home page, is this detrimental does ANY single link from home page show google that I am not a PROPER web business. thanks

    | landed

  • In an effort to evaluate SEOmoz I started off my free trial with a fresh website that I am going to get to rank on the first page and hopefully to the #1 spot. I have been link building and changing the website around a lot. When I created the website hosted by HostGator with wordpress installed I marked down where it showed up the first time. After checking for many days to about the 100th spot I found it in spot 65. I have since then been spending some time (not a ton of time, but enough) guest posting, some bookmarking, press release creation and some other odds and ends stuff. The page has gone up to 23rd but there have been no signs of any work done on the link analysis. So, How long does it take?

    | DLRISM

  • When I check our seo campaign I can see that the report was not updated. It still show that the next crawl is Nov 1 but it is already Nov 3.

    | shebinhassan

  • I searched SEOMOZ for this but haven't yet found the answer.  It seems that it's been removed.  I'm sure it was announced somewhere that I missed

    | bluenote

  • When looking at the Competitive Domain Analysis I noticed that I am the only one amongst my competitors that does not have a link from DMOZ. The problem is, I do have a link from them. When you search for my site on you can find my site and it has been that way for quite a while. Anyone know any possible reasons it may be doing this?

    | ClaytonKendall

  • It seems that SEO Moz inturprets & as the html ascii character code: & in my titles.  This is pushing the titles over the limit by 1 or 2 characters in some cases.  Does this matter? does google actually treat & the same way? or is this an SEO Moz bug?

    | adriandg

  • I am new to SEOmoz and was wondering if any, which tools on SEOmoz does not use or require backlinking and/or tagging?

    | aschraegle

  • Hi all, When I create a report on page level (links to pages per page), it seems that also internal links are included. Is it possible to create a report where per page only external links are shown? thnx Dennis

    | djingel1

  • How many campaigns I can run on SEOmoz software in $99/ month?

    | genetech

  • Time and time again i see SEO moz come out with a new rankings report and tell me that I've gone up or down in the rankings by 9 and I get really excited.  Then i go look at the search and once agian we are in the exact same position!  What it seems like is sometimes SEO Moz decides to count the local search block, and other times it decides not too.  Is there any way to fix this? To make it always count the local search block would be preferred.

    | adriandg

  • Hey Mozzerati, I'm curious if there's a way to expose and analyze historical data from each previous Linkscape/OpenSiteExplorer (OSE) update. Essentially, I'm looking for something similar to MajesticSEO's Backlink History tool that can show you both daily links over a short time as well as cumulative links over a long period.  I think the utility of such a tool is to see which competitors have gained many links over a short period, signalling that they're engaging in some form of link-building/-buying/-baiting activity. Is there any way to yield this data (other than to record it manually after each Linkscape/OSE update) from SEOmoz PRO tools?

    | jcolman

  • Hi! We've been using SEOMOZ on a client's site for a while now. We've been working to improve both onpage and offpage metrics and optimization. Out of nowhere another site has moved to the top position in Google. I don't understand it. In SEO MOZ' dashboard we blow them away in every category. All they have is a blog roll link that is getting picked up as a link on a blog and a couple articles on another blog.Plus they have the keyword in their domain name and title tag. That's about it. We create new unique content each week and have been following the Google rules. Just wonder if this isn't all Voodoo! Any ideas? Here's a 5 minute video that shows.

    | MaxOtto

  • Is there a way to tell where a competitor's facebook shares and likes are coming from? How to also tell what ads they have running in Facebook and their spend? I am looking at OSE's data and its telling me a competitor has 8.5K Facebook shares and 1K facebook likes. I go to their facebook page and it has about 25 likes. This site should not have anywhere close to the facebook shares/likes its receiving so wondering where they are getting their boosted traffic from.

    | rjb627

  • I already have one campaign running with several keywords and competitors tracking, I was wondering when should I start a new one ? is this option is for those who have multiple websites ? we only have one !.

    | processia

  • I exported my back links report from the Open Site Explorer toolbar as a CSV but the file it showed was only about 400 urls. The tool bar is listing over 1,200 links, so at first I thought maybe it was only exporting one link for each unique domain, but it only lists 200 or so unique domains linking to my site. I know it will only export 10,000 urls, but obviously I'm significantly below this level. Here is a link to a competitors site which is having the same issue. about 900 links and only generating about 500 in the CSV report. Any help would be much appreciated.

    | bbelgard

  • Has this happened to anyone else? I keep running reports in OSE and then exporting them, but I only get 120 rows exported to the csv when it should be several thousand. Thought I'd ask around before raising it to the Moz team!

    | PeterAlexLeigh

  • What is the deal with this: Based on the links it is showing, there is no way in hell that it should have a domain authority that high.  What am i missing here? There is practically nothing on this site, and hardly any backlinks, yet OSE thinks it has a huge PA and DA!?

    | adriandg

  • Hi guys I have included Bing en-GB in my engine list for rankings on one of my websites, however, the actual rank placements are not showing at all in the results, even though a search in Bing shows my site is top on some of the keywords and near top on some of the others. Am I doing something wrong here? Thanks Nick

    | Total_Displays

  • In our campaign I see that it reported that some of our pages have too many on-page links. But I think most of the links that was seen by MozBot is related to our images. There are a lot of images in our site and at the same time we support 11 languages which adds additional links One of the pages that have a lot of links is What can you <a></a>suggest to fix this? Thanks. <a></a><a></a><a></a><a></a><a></a><a></a><a></a><a></a><a></a><a></a><a></a><a></a><a></a><a></a><a></a><a></a><a></a>

    | shebinhassan

  • I use the ranking tools to check each page of our site. I use the keyword flora grand and exact url . It return page rank 1 in US, UAE, and UK region but when I try to search it in google it doesn't appear.

    | shebinhassan

  • I've used Open Site Explorer here at SEOmoz for the first time and I'm confused by the results. I'm wondering how dated the results are? And, what are they based on? For example, I'm certain my facebook shares and like are higher...same with the twitter links. It seems kind of old?! One of my competitors who gets about 2x more traffic than me DOES have great backlinks. I know that. BUT, it's odd that her facebook and twitter results are what they are compared to mine - they're WAY higher in site explorer  AND her links seem on par with her facebook page whereas mine don't. Whereas mine seem WAy Way lower than what they are in reality. She barely tweets and facebooks any more. Maybe once per month. She started out gangbusters, but doesn't do it much any more. That's kinda why I'm wondering if it's based on older stuff and not updated often? Anyone know?

    | annasus

  • Hey guys. This is my first question on here so hello 🙂 I have noticed recently a couple of times in Open Site Explorer, when I am checking out links, they are direct download links. The two I have noticed are flash files and with one companies links, dropbox related. Can anyone shed any light on this? I am pretty new to SEO and find it really confusing. Thanks in advance 🙂

    | Nextman

  • Hi, I'm testing out the SEOmoz API - however I'm stuggling to understand the use of the Cols parameter within the "anchor-text" method. I've looped through increasing numbers of "Cols" for a standard query and there just seems to be no logical pattern.
    ** - Could someone please enlighten me as to how this works?** E.g. of results for query: 1Array ( [0] => Array ( [aturid] => 86128451138 ) [1] => Array ( [aturid] => 86128451144 ) [2] => Array ( [aturid] => 86128451131 ) ) 2Array ( [0] => Array ( [atut] => seomoz ) [1] => Array ( [atut] => ) [2] => Array ( [atut] => seo ) ) 3Array ( [0] => Array ( [aturid] => 86128451138 [atut] => seomoz ) [1] => Array ( [aturid] => 86128451144 [atut] => ) [2] => Array ( [aturid] => 86128451131 [atut] => seo ) ) 4Array ( [0] => Array ( [atui] => 38845159274 ) [1] => Array ( [atui] => 38845159274 ) [2] => Array ( [atui] => 38845159274 ) ) 5Array ( [0] => Array ( [atui] => 38845159274 [aturid] => 86128451138 ) [1] => Array ( [atui] => 38845159274 [aturid] => 86128451144 ) [2] => Array ( [atui] => 38845159274 [aturid] => 86128451131 ) ) 6Array ( [0] => Array ( [atui] => 38845159274 [atut] => seomoz ) [1] => Array ( [atui] => 38845159274 [atut] => ) [2] => Array ( [atui] => 38845159274 [atut] => seo ) ) 7Array ( [0] => Array ( [atui] => 38845159274 [aturid] => 86128451138 [atut] => seomoz ) [1] => Array ( [atui] => 38845159274 [aturid] => 86128451144 [atut] => ) [2] => Array ( [atui] => 38845159274 [aturid] => 86128451131 [atut] => seo ) ) 8Array ( [0] => Array ( [atuiu] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [atuiu] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [atuiu] => 0 ) ) 9Array ( [0] => Array ( [atuiu] => 1 [aturid] => 86128451138 ) [1] => Array ( [atuiu] => 1 [aturid] => 86128451144 ) [2] => Array ( [atuiu] => 0 [aturid] => 86128451131 ) ) 10Array ( [0] => Array ( [atuiu] => 1 [atut] => seomoz ) [1] => Array ( [atuiu] => 1 [atut] => ) [2] => Array ( [atuiu] => 0 [atut] => seo ) ) Links API: Similar confusion here for:
    "LinkCols" The description here API - is a bit vague It appears that the links API spits out everything anyway - that one's less of an issue. So... could anyone explain how the Anchor-text API parameter Cols works?? Cheers!

    | AlexThomas

  • Is there a funktion / tool, that displays domain data like: Domain Authority
    Domain MozRank
    Domain MozTrust
    No. of Links
    No. of linking Domains historical?

    | softclick

  • Hello There, There is a section about Mozpoints I can not understand. It says if you get 500+ points: Free members who reach +500 mozPoints are eligible for access to the PRO Q&A section where you can respond to and view questions immediately after being posted. I can now access to this section with my 30 or so points. I am surely getting something wrong. What is the actual benefit?

    | sesertin

  • Last night my keywords were crawled and it shows me that a key word is ranked 14. For 3 days now it has been rank 4 or 5. Is there a reason this is not accurate? I have not checked the rest of my keywords so i am not sure about those. Thanks

    | tom14cat14

  • The Crawl Diagnostic tool shows issues and displays a graph but they don't display the page specific results/suggestion like it used to. I get the "Congratulations, there are no pages affected by this issue!" message.

    | -PAUL-

  • During the Crawl Diagnostics of my website,I got a message Search Engine blocked by robots.txt under Most common errors & warnings.Please let me know the procedure by which the SEOmoz PRO Crawler can completely crawl my website?Awaiting your reply at the earliest. Regards, Prashakth Kamath

    | 1prashakth

  • Anybody else having this issue? Here lately when I am doing competitive research on open site explorer I set it to only pull up followed + 301 redirects and it will still pull up no-follow competitors links. Can anybody help me out here?

    | axzm

  • Hi, My main domain is  I have this 301 URL redirected to  I set up an SEOmoz Pro campaign for each of these URLs in order to see if they were being treated differently in any way.  In most cases the report results are identical, or the small differences are understandable. However, there is one big difference between the two sets of campaign reports.  In the Keyword Ranking reports, the data for the Bing and Yahoo! reports are identical, but the data for the Google reports are dramatically different.  Out of 21 keywords, 9 are listed in the top 50 for, but only 2 are listed in the top 50 for (the specific positions are the same for the 2 keywords that are listed for both). Does this make any sense?  Could the SEOmoz Pro data be wrong?  If not, then I'm suspicious that Google may not be interpreting the 301 redirect properly.  I don't think this could be fully explained by a 1-10% reduction in link juice due to the 301 because I have one keyword for which my site ranks #1 in Google, Bing, and Yahoo! with, but it doesn't even rank in the top 50 in Google with  And why would these differences only exist for Google? Any insight would be much appreciated! Andrew

    | dancenut

  • I just joined as a Pro member and am fascinated by all the strategies. I was wondering what your opinion is on where to get started. I am familiar with SEO, but am interested in strategies and techniques people use to make the process easier, more effective, etc.

    | TheVolkinator

  • We set up some new campaigns, and now for the last two weekly crawls, the crawler is only accessing one page per campaign. Any ideas why this is happening? PS - two weeks back we did "upgrade" the account. Could this have been an issue?

    | AllaO

  • Hi, What is the criteria on Seomoz Crawl Diagnostic Report? I got a long list of URLs indicating  Content that is identical (or nearly identical) to content on other pages of your site forces your pages to unnecessarily compete with each other for rankings. But as I gone through none of the reported pages duplicate. What should I do? Thanks in Advance

    | VipinLouka78

  • Do the SEOmoz keyword rankings display results for exact match or broad match?

    | ClaytonKendall

  • In previous months ago open site explorer listed many other sites linking to mine. I have checked those sites and they are still linking to my site. Why doesn't open site explorer list them?

    | call4help

  • Just had my first crawl report today which has been very useful in finding missing and duplicated title tags and meta descriptions but it has flagged up the fact that my xml files are missing these. Surely non HTML documents shouldn't have them (or need them) so why are they showing up in the report?

    | PandyLegend

  • Hi there, I setup my domain along with 20 keywords to target. One of the first things I learned is not to focus on too many keywords per page. For this reason I decided to create 5 sub pages and link these pages on my index page. My questions to you: 1. Does SEOMoz track the keyword rankings for the URL entered only?
    2. If the answer for 1 is YES, Would I have to setup those 5 extra URL's as new sites along with their 3 to 5 keywords? Thank you,

    | debeenus

  • I just ran a report from the SEOmoz diagnostic survey and was surprised to see errors. How did I fix these errors? Thanks in advance for your help, I have been pleasantly surprised at the thoughtfulness and responsiveness of this community: Errors: 5XX (server error) Overly Dynamic URL 302 Temporary Redirect Too many on page links (how many is ideal?)

    | TheVolkinator

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