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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Dear Sir/Madam, I have been using SEOmoz PRO tool from last 15 days and have used most of the SEO tools and got a fair idea about my sites performance but I am still confused as how can SEOmoz PRO tool help me in optimizing my website.It gives me the comparison reports which is great.But I want to know about what SEO plans should I implement to improve my site's SEO Ranking. Can you please suggest and revert back at the earliest. Regards, Prashakth Kamath

    | 1prashakth

  • Is there an SEOMoz Pro badge?

    | laulaujones

  • While working against a tight deadline, I was surprised to see the following message: "We're sorry. Currently we are only able to offer results for 300 keywords per user per day. Please come back tomorrow" How long has this limit been in place and is the limit listed anywhere during the signup process? I rarely use this tool for more than 10-20 keywords at a time, so I have not run into this issue before.

    | davidangotti

  • Hi All, I am having some serious concern with OSE data recently for numerous clients, one client I want to talk about today has the following data from OSE for the month of August 2011 compared with July 2011: Total links to the domain: (decrease of around 100,000+)
    External Followed links: (decrease by around 5,000)
    **Linking Root domains: (decrease of over 60) ** The crazy thing is that the domain authority has actually gone up by around 5 points for this client even though every thing has suddenly gone down? Also funny thing is we have been link building quite strong for this client over the last 12 months using only high quality sources from out niche. I am worried that their is serious issues with the data, I realise we saw some updates to OSE recently yet I am suprised it can be this drastic. Kind Regards. PSV

    | ColumbusAustralia

  • I tried searching for questions regarding dynamic URLs and canonical tags, but I couldn't find anything s hopefully this hasn't been covered. There are a large number of overly dynamic URLs reported in our site crawl (>7,000). I haven't looked at each of these, but most of these either have a canonical meta tag or have are indicated as FOLLOW, NO INDEX pages. Will these be enough to overcome any negative SEO impact that may come from overly dynamic URLs? We are down to almost 0 critical errors and this is now the biggest problem reported by the site crawl after too many on page links.

    | afmaury

  • The SEOmoz Site Crawl indicates that we have too many on page links on over 9,970 pages. This is an ecommerce site with a large number of categories. I have a couple of questions regarding this issue: How important is the "too many on page links" factor to SEO? What are some methods of reducing the number of links when there are a large number of categories? We have main categories with dropdown menus currently and have found that they are used to browse and shop the store.

    | afmaury

  • I've recently been trying to tidy up my link profile. We have been link building for a number of years and I decided to check it out and see how good our profile looks. I used OSE to give me a report of all external links pointing to pages on my www sub-domain. The results are scary! I have hundreds of links point to my site that originate from URLs such as the following url which attempts to start a download, use caution!!! <colgroup><col width="768"></colgroup>
    |減量 | Another example (this one attampts to start a .jar download!! Be cautious) <colgroup><col width="794"></colgroup>
    | | All the other metrics reported for the offending URLs seem ok, such as PA and DA. Also, many have meaningful page titles (as opposed to random characters) and nicely formed anchor text. What I'd like to know is; Are these links having a detrimental effect on my SERPs? How does OSE find them since its a URL to a download? Has anyone else had a similar experience? Thanks for your time. Regards Aran <colgroup><col width="794"></colgroup>

    | Entrusteddev

  • How can I use site explorer to find out which sites are linking to us thousands of times.  It says we have over 300,000 total links pointing to our site.  I'm thinking there are some sitewide links from other site(s) making up most of that, but I can't seem to locate it/them?

    | poolguy

  • I have a whole bunch of them and I have no idea how I created them. I just make titles, that's it. Nothin' fancy.

    | annasus

  • Is there a way to see how the number of inbound links has changed over time for a campaign? It is hard to tell whether links are increasing for a campaign without historical data being stored so trends can be shown

    | MulberrySqCraig

  • Hi I asked a question a few weeks ago regarding the linkings being shown in opensite explorer showing crazy stuff like psds and odd file formats as being  the source of the links. I was told it was being repaired , the results were almost useless and I stopped using , I have just logged back in to check again and see even more random odd results with sites that would have no reason to link to us. Is this tool ever going to be repaired ? Is there a ETA for the fix ? How come you are launching new tools when the existing ones dont work ? Kind Regards

    | jbloggs

  • I just received my weekly ranking report.  2 Up, 0 down, 8 the same this week.  However, last week my page was #2 for "innovation conference" and this week you report "not in top 50."  My first thought was penalty, but when I searched and removed personalization, we were still #2 for that search query.  So, something must be wrong with the report - either we're 1 down or "not in the top 50 is wrong."

    | KNect365

  • Of course this happened without my intervention, i don't know why but seomoz is reporting 0 errors.

    | iFix

  • Hey Moz Community, Because honest user reviews are the best way to inform people about SEOmoz PRO tools and benefits, we'd love for those of you who are on LinkedIn to leave a recommendation for our product: If you do choose to leave a review, please be honest in what you say. Even if it's not 100% hearts & flowers, we'd rather you keep it real. Thanks!

    | EricaMcGillivray

  • Hi everybody, for some of our keywords we saw a huge drop in ranking in the Seomoz Dashboard, yet when performing a non-personalized Google US search we still hold our old positions. Now, I am worried whether this is an upcoming Google penalty or just some bug in the latest crawl. Did anybody ever experience something similar and how could we find out if we were indeed penalized by Google (as we did some major linkbuilding campaign for these keywords recently)? Cheers and a major thanks for your suggestions, Tobias

    | space56

  • Hi guys, I have added about 100 keywords to my Rankings Report in SEOmoz and I'm just wondering if there is a way to force the application to get my rankings ASAP rather than waiting a while for the rankings to come through? I'm in a bit of a hurry! 🙂 Thanks. C.

    | CormacMoylan23

  • I set up a profile for a site with many pages, opting for setting up as a root directory. When SEOMoz crawled, they only found one page. Any ideas for why this would be? Thanks!

    | Group16

  • Hi - I have been using the following URL for getting anchor text's. But this is not giving the results like the one shown in the Open Site Explorer - Can you put me in the right direction here?

    | ananthg

  • I usually don't sweat a lot for ranks and such but last couple of days, our rankings have been moving drastically. 'Rank Tracker' shows 1st position for many keywords and the "keyword difficulty tool" shows 2nd and 3rd positions.  Is is just me or this is a common thing?

    | Syed1

  • I just got my first seomoz crawl report and was shocked at all the errors it generated. I looked into it and saw 7200 crawl errors. Most of them are duplicate page titles and duplicate page content. I clicked into the report and found that 97% of the errors were going off of one page It has ttp:// etc Has 20 pages of slight variations of this link. It is all my members list or a search of my members list so it is not really duplicate content or anything. How can I get these errors to go away and make search my site is not taking a hit? The forum software I use is IPB.

    | NoahGlaser78

  • How can I create multiple white-labeled website SEO analysis reports using the SEOMoz software? I'm speaking at a workshop and want to provide this as a giveaway to attendees to start the discussion on improving their SEO. I'm looking mostly for an overview summary of a site's key SEO data points including inbound links, on-page SEO details including page titles, and basic recommendations for improving. offers this but not white-labeled. I'm not sure about how SEOMoz handles this. Thanks

    | bshanahan

  • With the Pro tools at SEOMoz, how do you know if your going after the right keywords on your website and do any of the tools suggest keywords you should be going after?

    | TheVolkinator

  • When selecting which search engines to monitor for a campaign both Google and Yahoo offer 2 very similar options. "Great Britain" and "United Kingdom" Bing only offers "United Kingdom" From a technical point of view, what is the difference between these options and which is the better to use?

    | PPCnSEO

  • I'm curious how people use the OpenSiteExplorer Advanced Reports tab. It seems very powerful. What do you use it for? In particular, I see that it has choices for 'same C block' and 'different C block'. Those seem useful to find C blocks that my competitors have links from that I do not, but I'm not totally clear on how to construct the query. Any help or best practices would be appreciated. Thanks!

    | scanlin

  • Hi All, I don't understand the metrics for this website :!metrics There is 0 internal followed links, is it normal? because there are internal followed links for this website. Or there is something I dont understand. It is penalizing for the website? how do we correct this? does it come from the robot text file? Thanks a lot for your help Anne

    | ahernoux

  • Is there a way to add a second email adress to my SEOmoz account, so that 2 people can get notifications from here?

    | wellbo

  • I'm comparing metrics between my site and competitors. Statistics on Site Explorer show that one competitor has no internal links. How is that possible? Thanks for your insight. P9WX7R9hpdD

    | addventures

  • Anyone know when it is?

    | PeterAlexLeigh

  • When selecting keywords to track in campaign mode, how should I enter the keywords for a company located in a city that shares the same name as another city in a different state? My assumption is that if you're searching for "Garden City Plumber" within Garden City Michigan that Google will know your IP and show local results (as opposed to results from Garden City California). If I want to track the key phrase "Garden City Plumber" in campaign mode how will SEOMoz know which city to deliver results for? Thanks in advance.

    | OptioPublishing

  • A recent crawl diagnostic for a client's website had several new duplicate page content errors. The problem is, I'm not sure where the error comes from since the content in the webpage is different from one another. Here's the pages that SEOMOZ reported to have duplicate page content errors: The only thing similar that I see is the headline which says "Glossary Terms Used in this Site" - I hope that the one sentence is the reason for the error. Any input is appreciated as I want to find out the best solution for my client's website errors. Thanks!

    | TheNorthernOffice79

  • Hi all. I have a client with a specific request and wanted to ask if there is a reliable tool which allows a user to enter a given site and keyword, and it will return the site's ranking for that keyword. More specifically: Needs to work for Google, Yahoo and Bing Needs to work for various countries such as,, etc. Needs to show at least the top ?10k rankings, not just the top 50 The last requirement is the challenge. I clearly recognize anything past the top 50 or so ranks is really off the map, but the client would like to view his current standings.

    | RyanKent

  • Our mozTrust number is just 1.06. Looking at the rankings for important keywords for us, the sites around us all have over 4. However on closer inspection, even some with a mozTrust of over 4 don't really have much of a different linking profile than our site. With one competitor, I've looked on OpenSiteExplorer comparing link metrics, and we get tickmarks for everything other than mozTrust (1.06 us, 4.5 them). What could posssibly be causing such a low number, and how important a factor is this in SERPS?

    | freebetinfo

  • Hi Mozzers! SEOmoz just finished crawling one of my websites and this crawl found 3 errors. One of these errors was the (custom) 404-page, because of the http-status 404. What's you suggestion about this? Should a 404-page have a status 404? Thanks in advance for your suggestions!

    | Partouter

  • Hi all, I was working on some monthly SEO reports and I noticed that the number of inbound links was a lot less compared to last month. I measured these number of inbound links with the mozBar, e.g. May 2011 - 49.306, June 2011 - 10.659, July 2011 - 1.010 Do you have any idea how this could be possible? I'm really looking forward to your answers! Thanks all!

    | Partouter

  • There's been no significant changes to their link profiles, so I'm thinking how mozRank is measured may have changed. Anyone else have this issue?

    | RiseSEO

  • I collect the information contained in open site explorer reports and csv backlinks audits on the 15th of every month.  I noticed that the numbers are unchanged from 9/15-10/15.  How often are the reports typically updated?

    | seagreen

  • We have an SEO Moz subscription and we were wondering if there was a way to setup multiple users attached to that subscription (i.e. separate logins).

    | Panjiva

  • Hello; Every week when I see my stats I notice that RogerBot has crawled 10000 form my website, even pages with a no index or not allowed in the robots.txt. Is it possible to avoid him from crawling the these pages? They are form pages in my site, with are not indexed by google, they have a noindex and they are not allowed for crawling in the robots.txt. Thanks everyone for your help!!!

    | jgomes

  • I'm getting a ton of duplicate content errors because almost all of my pages feature a "print this page" link that adds the parameter "printable=Y" to the URL and displays a plain text version of the same page. Is there any way to exclude these pages from the crawl results?

    | AmericanOutlets

  • Mine started yesterday afternoon and it's now almost 11pm on Sunday. 30+ hours and still not finished (and no progress indicator). 438 pages quoted as being crawled. That's not normal - right? I have made a bunch of changes based on last weeks crawl so I have been eagerly waiting for this to finish But 30 hours?.... Thanks. Mark

    | MarkWill

  • It's been doing it's thing for over 48 hours now and Ive got less than 350 pages... is this norma? It's NOT the first crawl.

    | borderbound

  • I have just changed the domain name on one of my sites, can i change the domain name of the reletive campaigns and keep the data, or do i have to set up a new campaigns?

    | AlanMosley

  • I have over 400 URLs in a spreadsheet and I would like to get Open Site Explorer data (domain/page authority/trust etc) for each URL. Would I use the Linkscape API to do this quickly (ie not manually entering every single site into OSE)? Or is there something in OSE or a tool I am overlooking? And whatever the best process is, can you give a brief overview? Thanks!! -Dan

    | evolvingSEO

  • While looking over my competitors inbound link report, they have a reported 5K inbound links. The first 20 listed inbound domains are things like UPS, and other sites that when I look at them, and the source file has no link to their domain at all??? So are they using some kind of Black Hat technique, or is SEOMoz not reporting properly? Help please.

    | WBConsulting

  • Really quite disappointed with the response to this thread: Three of us expressed an interest in this but the response was for (only) the original poster to create a ticket and the question was closed to any further discussion. Might I request that SEOMoz folks read the thread? There is a general question and three of us have requested some feedback. It is very clear that more than one person is interested in the answer Just asking one of those individuals to open a ticket and get a response for himself doesn't seem very customer-centric (well, beyond that first customer). I'd really appreciate an open and public discussion as to whether SEOMoz can support updates more than once a week and, if not now, whether it intends to in the future. Thanks. Mark

    | MarkWill

  • I can't seem to work this one out. Basically I want to make a very simple rank checker tool something similar to where a user simply type in a domain and a keyword and in return is shown the position within the results. The problem is I can’t work out which API's I need in order to build it, does anyone know what I need to poke about with? It must work with Google and ideally with Bing and the rest

    | therealmarkhall

  • I signed up for pro last night and in the set up process it asks for 5 keywords. After it ran those, I added another 75. How do I get it to run for those new keywords?

    | annasus

  • Hi, I asked this in another post, but didn't get a solid answer. For several websites I manage, I have access to their Google Webmaster Tools. When I put the site through there, or the link:// or SEOMoz's OpenSite link reporter, I get not even a fraction of the links that I know are pointing to the websites in question. Some of these links are from home pages or side columns, and some are from articles keep within a website, like at I wondered if the links in question were not themselves being indexed, but if I do a very specific search, I can pull them up in the search results. Is it just common knowledge that these link tools are not accurate? And to assume that somehow, search engines really do see all of the inbound links, even if our reporting tools don't. Thanks in advance!

    | lilactree

  • SEOmoz's Crawl Diagnostics is complaining about a duplicate page error. I'm trying to use a rel=canonical but maybe I'm not doing it right. This page is the original, definitive version of the content: This page is an alias that points to it (each month the alias is changed to point to the then current issue): The alias page above contains this tag (which is also updated each month when a new issue comes out) in the section: Is that not correct? Is the https (vs http) messing something up? Thanks!

    | scanlin

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