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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Just a quick question - I am tracking the keyword 'chemistry teaching resources' as part of a campaign and our site comes up at number 4 on a search for this however in the rankings report section of our account, we are ranked at number 50 for this keyword in the 'google UK' column. Does anybody know why this would be different? It is also different for a number of other keywords in the campaign. Any help you could give would be much appreciated. Thanks

    | EdwardUpton61

  • Hey Roger, In the posting etiquette it states that users should 'find out if someone has already posted your question before adding it' but we all know that is never really going to happen. So, we tend to see the same questions asked again and again when there are already top class answers in the Q&A. So, could you not implement some kind of suggested answer system? So, user posts a question, you analyse it, list potential answers that may provide the answer based on the content of the question itself. If nothing matches, the user can then go on to post the question but in many cases, they would get a top notch answer instantly. I have seen this on other sites and it would certainly cut down on the amount of duplicated questions and the suggested answers could all be hand picked to some extent (good answers, lots of thumbs up etc). So, the Q&A would have less duplication and users would get directed to the best possible answers for a given question in a shorter time frame. Good for those that do the answering, good for the people who have questions - everyone is happy. Just a thought,  my tuppence, 5 cents, etc. 🙂 Marcus

    | Marcus_Miller

  • Frequently we get red-flagged for duplicate content in the MozPro Crawl Diagnostics for URLs with and without a backslash at the end. For example: gets flagged as being a duplicate of I assume that we could rel=canonical this, if needed, but our assumption has been that Google is clever enough to discount this as a genuine crawl error. Can anyone confirm or deny that? Thanks.

    | MackenzieFogelson

  • Both the website and blog are hosted on the same domain, just wondering if I should setup separate campaigns under SEOmoz for each? If so, why would this be helpful?

    | Tatango

  • I tried to track a british domain and it looks like SEOMOZ interprets it as a subdomain as it has a address. When I list it as a subdomain, it says that the domain is not responding (i guess coz its pining What do I do to create a profile?

    | jwainstain

  • How do i get rid of a duplicate page error when you can not access that page? I am using yahoo store manager. And i do not know code. The only way i can get to this page is by copying the link that the error message gives me. This is the duplicate that i can not find in order to delete.

    | tom14cat14

  • I want the SEOMoz reports to ignore duplicate content caused by link-specific parameters being added to URLs (same page reachable from different pages, having marker parameters regarding source page added to the URLs).  I can get Google and Bing webmaster tools to ignore parameters I specify.  I need to get SEOMoz tools to do it also!

    | SEO-Enlighten

  • Does the SEOmoz toolbar show nofollow attributes as well as nofollow meta tags?

    | ibex

  • Why is ranking better than for the term "comunicate de presa" Absolutely ALL the factors (links, domains linking, authority, onpage etc) seem to say that should have ranked better.


  • For 3 weeks in a row my rankings have been showing between 15 and 26 for Bing Australia, when bing itself shows it is between 3 and 5
    I understand it can get the rankings on a day when it may have moved, but 3 weeks in a row is a bit strange.
    I checked the Bing US and i rank 5. Is there a problem? Keyword
    Web Development Perth Website

    | AlanMosley

  • How often do SEOmoz index backlinks? I have got the same amount of backlinks now for nearly a month. Thanks!

    | SWK

  • I have 180 warnings of  rel=canonical. The exact wording says this: Using rel=canonical suggests to search engines which URL should be seen as canonical. First - I don't know what that means - is that a good thing of bad thing? Second - Because of the above question, Im not sure if I have it or should have or it do have it but shouldn't. Which should I have? What should it look like? How do I fix it? Also, I have notices that say 'issue: 301 redirect' and a line about what a 301 redirect is. Again, do I have it, or not have it, should I have it? Do I have it but shouldn't?

    | borderbound

  • I tried to create a campaign with youtube video or my youtube channel as my primarly URL. But the crawler crawled the entire youtube site, which is of no use to me.

    | chandrac

  • My site is ranking #1 on Bing for the non-www version of my homepage, but this is not showing in my ranking stats, since the site is setup in SEOMOZ as www version. Do I have to create a whole new campaign for the non-www version or is there a way to pickup these rankings?

    | pdlcom

  • Hello, I'm new on SEOMOZ. I use Free API for calculate mozrank over many web site maybe 3 millions links or more. Can I calculate mozrank unlimited for free or not ? What is cost to calculte mozrank about many different links with FREE API ? Best regards, HL

    | lacahu

  • What would be a really good reason(s) to pay for PRO membership after 1 month free trial expires? What do I get here that I didn't already use during my trial, or can get somwhere else for free or less money? Not trying to criticize, just looking for facts. Thanks.

    | _Z_

  • Ever since the new Open Site Explorer came out, I've haven't been able to use the download feature.  It just gives me a prompt saying "No Data Received." Anyone else have trouble with OSE, or been able to get past this issue?

    | EricVallee34

  • I have compared 3 sites in open site explorer. The total # of links in the subdomain metrics report for one of the urls is 46,787. Where is that number coming from? There's 125 total external followed links and 132 total external links. I cannot see the number for internal links, but I'm sure it isn't 40000+. So 46,787 is the result of the addition of what? Thanks a lot for your help, and sorry for this newbie question 🙂

    | gerardoH

  • Instead of connecting Google Analytics into the SEOMOZ campaign monitor, is there a way to link Omniture or alter their output to plug into SEOMOZ?

    | Dekoda_Jones

  • I've noticed that my link count is high (165ish for some) on my category listing pages. I've been scouring my page to see if there's any way that I can reduce the link count without restricting functionality to the end user. Each product listing on the category page has 5 links currently: A link to the product in the title A link to the product from the image An 'add to compare' link An 'add to cart' link An 'add to wishlist' link When the customer chooses to show 30 products per page, the link tally goes off the scale. So I have two questions: Firstly - is it appropriate to keep link count down in this scenario? To elaborate - is it just inevitable that product listing pages will have lots of links, and should I just assume that Google knows this and forget about these warnings. Secondly - There are two links to the same page (the title and image links to the product page). Does SEOmoz include this in the link count, and more importantly, will Google take heed of these when deciding whether the page is too link-heavy?

    | SimonGreer

  • If Bing is running the Yahoo search results then it seems to me the ranks for both Bing and Yahoo should be the same. So why are my SEOmoz ranking reports showing different positions for each?

    | Thos003

  • Right now my crawl diagnostic information is being skewed because it's including the onsite search from my website. Is there a way to remove certain pages like search from the errors and warnings of the crawl diagnostic? My search pages are coming up as: Long URL Title Element Too Long Missing Meta Description Blocked by meta-robots (Which is how I want it) Rel Canonical Here is what the crawl diagnostic thinks my page URL looks like: 252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252 525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525 252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252 52525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252Bcleaning/ Thank you, Jonathan

    | JonathanGoodman

  • I am using SEOMOZ for a client to track their website's performance and fix any errors and issues. A few weeks ago, they created a sub-domain ( to create a niche website for some of their specialized content. However, when SEOMOZ re-crawled the main domain (, it also reported the errors for the subdomain. Is there any way to stop SEOMOZ from crawling the subdomain and only crawl the main domain? I know that can be done by starting a new campaign, but is there any way to work around an existing campaign? I'm asking because we would like to avoid the setting up the campaign again and losing the historical data as well. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    | TheNorthernOffice79

  • Sometimes it might be clever to analyse the stategy of a competitor to see with which keys they rank successfully. For example I have a webshop, so I type in and seomoz spits out: books, dvds, ... I can now see with what keys i wont have a chance and can think of missing keys where my chance might be. Is there a possibility to find out with seomoz?

    | SEOBavaria82

  • Sorry, perhaps a noob question. In relation to site explorer, have also searched and unable to find any information, wondered if anyone could advise as to what "Linking C Blocks" are? Found under the "Compare Link Metrics" tab. Thanks in advance. Lee

    | LeeMiller

  • It appears that our keyword rankings update weekly on Thursdays. Is this the same across the board or is there a way to manually run an update?

    | Motivators

  • I've looked through the Open Site Explorer documentation and can't find the answer so am posting here... I noticed a web page I work on showing a PA 30 but OSE is showing 0 links from 0 root domains. It is a page that has no internal links to it and no external links to it (that I know of) but has stumbles, tweets, and Diggs. Are these social factors the reason it has a PA of more than 0 or 1? If so, is there a link to documentation that shows how OSE handles social signals? Thanks, Evan

    | eBoost-Consulting

  • I've recently obtained some great backlinks from popular news sites but OSE hasn't picked up on them yet. Is there a way to "show" OSE what's happened, or do I just have to wait?

    | deuce1s

  • We use the Pro Web App for our keyword/ranking reporting. First, am I correct in assuming that this uses exact match to report the traffic? That being the case, is there a way in Moz (beyond entering endless permutations of our targeted keywords) to track traffic we're getting out of broad match searches? For example, say we optimized for and are tracking the keyword "lambada dancing llamas" for a company called Llarry's Llamas. Let's say that Moz reports little to no traffic for that keyword, but GoogleAnalytics indicates that we've gotten traffic from "larrys dancing llamas", "dancing llamas", "llarry llamas" and so on. So, obviously we're getting broad match traffic out of the lambada llamas, just not a lot of exact match, which is all that the Moz app shows. How do other people track this kind of traffic?

    | MackenzieFogelson

  • Hi there, probably this is so self explaining that I didn't find it described in the tutorial about learning to use PRO or here in Q&Α. But remember, there is no dumb question 🙂 What are the followed vs no followed links? I understand followed links as backlinks to my site, but what is a no followed link? Thank you in advance!

    | polyniki

  • Hi, I am new to seomoz and I would like to follow the q and a section using my rss reader. After searching a could only fine one feed for the sites blog but not for the q and a. Please advice how I can get it. cheers, Vishal

    | vishalkhialani

  • I need to prioritize fixes somehow. It seems the best way to do this would be to filter my exported crawl report by the Page Authority of each URL with an error/issue. However, Page Authority doesn't seem to be included in the crawl report's CSV file. Am I missing something?

    | Twilio

  • Hi Guys/Gals We do love the Crawl Diagnostics, but do find the missing meta tags ("Missing Meta Description" Tag in this case) somewhat spammy. We use the "All in One SEO Pack" for our blog and it does stick in noindex,follow (as it should) on the pages that is of no use to us. "2008/04/page/2/" and the likes. Maybe I'm wrong but should the Diagnostics tool not respect the noindex tag and just ignore any warnings, since it should really mean that these pages are NOT included in the search index. Meaning that the other meta tags are really useless. Any thoughts?

    | sfseo

  • I just ran a crawl report on my site:   The result report shows results for just one page - the home page, but no other pages.  The report doesn't indicate any errors or "do not follows" so I'm unclear on the issue, although I suspect user error - mine.

    | b1lyon

  • I am getting this pop up on every page I visit: A username and password are being requested by The site says: "SEOmoz" I've searched some forums and see that others are experiencing it as well. The advice was to log into my seomoz account, however that did not work...any ideas?

    | texmeix

  • I linked up the reports to my analytics account, and wanted to double check the period it uses for that number. When showing visits what time period is the report showing me? If I double check my stats in GA it looks like the past week but wanted to double check. Thanks!

    | SL_SEM

  • My question sounds stupid . But I had a good Moz rank for my Domain also Moz trust.It was in the high 400s for both..I was very happy with this score  My DA also dropped considerably. There was not much of a reason i could see,In fact my page scores still were up there and never moved. But the domain scores plummeted. I had added a Blog to my site once i added the blog there were roughly 13 pages involved.Of these 13 pages i had problem errors ,notices ,and warnings for all the blog pages.I did not notice this until a couple days ago . The 13 errors were mostly duplicate description tags ,302 redirect ,and other small stuff like this .. like fl** Could these items listed above actually be the problem behind my scores all dropping like flies??** And with the update being only 3 days away if i repaiir these right away do you think i will get my scores back ?? Or will i have to wait for another 30 days ...I really dont want to be left standing with such a low score ..I already started making the repairs. Thank you all...

    | consumers

  • HI, So how long does it take for ose to index a link ? Say from a pr 9 site like yahoo cheers, vishal

    | vishalkhialani

  • Greetings, I am baffled by the recommendation I repeatedly receive from seomoz's on-page optimization tool. The web page I am working on only shows one title between <title>and</title> in it's head. However, seomoz is also reading "Pass to multiple" from somewhere. It recommends that I "Avoid Multiple Page Title Elements" and I would like to but cannot find them. Any suggestions? By the way, I inherited this site and am just trying to deconstruct someone else's work. As a novice, I realize there might be some obvious explanation that I am just missing. Thanks!

    | shedontdiet

  • In several of our campaigns we have watched our keywords steadily climb the rankings without ever registering so much as a blip in the traffic data column. If these keywords aren't driving any traffic to our site, how are we still ranking for them?

    | MackenzieFogelson

  • Would it be possible to display Ranking data on a graph to show progress over a period of time? It would be great to be able to show a client how a certain keyword has improved over a time period.

    | barnst

  • There's a ton of directories. Has anyone had success with a program that will take your info for a site and submit it to all of them at once? Bonus points if you can vary the anchor text and description. Paid or free. And whether there is anything like that, which actually works, I am wondering if there is some relatively authoritative, relatively comprehensive list of non-spammy directories. Any other directory advice would be awesome! Thanks!

    | TheEspresseo

  • I just signed up for SEOmoz and already goofed up on setting up my root domain, I left out www. part. I can't find a way to edit it. Can I change it, or do I need to start a new campaign and delete this one?

    | ArenaS

  • I was wondering if there is a tool out there where you can compile a list of URL resources, upload them in a CSV and run a report to gather and index each individual page. Does anyone know of a tool that can do this or do we need to create one?

    | Brother22

  • Sorry, this is actually kind of a tripartite question: I was looking at the Competitive Link Analysis on one my clients' campaigns. Sometime between June and September their total links went up by about 120,000. We have no idea where those links came from (although the numbers would indicate that they're mostly internal). Question 1: In none of the other tools can I figure out how to list these links on a domain level. Is there a way to get a list of all links for our given domain? I've been playing around with the page-by-page and even that doesn't show me everything.  For example, I'm looking at OSE for their homepage and it lists 45 links for a page that it claims has 151 total. Question 2: How did it pick those 45 to display out of the 151 possible? If these are only external links, why do half of them come from one of our subdomains? Also... Question 3: If our client hasn't made any major changes recently, why has the number of internal links gone up so dramatically? Thanks.

    | MackenzieFogelson

  • Are there any details on the computations involved with mR and mT? I am specifically wondering about The DA and PA is 100. If that page does not max out on the other factors it seems that no internet page or site would. The page has the following stats: mR 8.68 mT 7.95 DmR 9.29 DmT 9.36 Until now I have only focused on DA & PA. I would like to better understand the mechanics of these other measurements.

    | RyanKent

  • Hello there, I would like to know the frequency of the New Rankings and On-page reports for the campaigns that we set up. We received our last campaign report on 3rd September for all the 5 campaigns. We also received 2 reports again on 9th September. Can you please let me know how often do we get these reports and can we manage to receive them every week or fortnight. Best Regards Sandeep

    | CalistonDigital

  • Where do you feel the best existing Glossary of SEO / SEM Terms explained currently resides. (and is there a better way to ask this question?) 🙂

    | iansears

  • This question is entirely in the whitehat realm... Let's say you've encountered a great blog - with a strong blogroll of 40 sites. The 40-site blogroll is interesting to you for any number of reasons, from link building targets to simply subscribing in your feedreader.  Right now, it's tedious to extract the URLs from the site.  There are some "save all links" tools, but they are also messy. Are there any good tools that will a) allow you to grab the blogroll (only) of any site into a list of URLs  (yeah, ok, it might not be perfect since some sites call it "sites I like" etc.) b) same, but export as OPML so you can subscribe. Thanks! Scott

    | scottclark

  • I'm looking at the keyword on page optimization report for my site and I have keywords where my landing page is showing up first on the SERP, but my SEOmoz on-page optimization grade for them is an F. Am I ranking high for these terms because no one is optimized for the terms? They are almost all directed at my home page, does domain authority play a role in me ranking high for them? Thanks for any insight.

    | ClaytonKendall

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