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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Hi there, SEOMoz dashbard report shows 'URLs Receiving Entrances Via Search' - Is it counting only organic searches or all searches including PPC? Thanks, Gemma

    | RBA

  • Hi, I find I will no longer require the SEOmoz PRO service that I took out on the 12th Septemer (it is now the 26th September - well within the 30 day period).  However I can't find any instructions on exactly how I do this. Please can you advise me on this? Thanks Matthew Fisher [email address removed by staff]

    | CaptainNemo

  • I have just ran an Open site explorer query on our site due to having one of a constant ranking keywords drop, and found that we have 48 new links appear on the report under the anchor text 'home' These are not normal links, and I cannot see where or how these have been connected to our site for example: <colgroup span="1"><col span="1" width="696"></colgroup>
    | <colgroup span="1"><col span="1" width="696"></colgroup>
    | | <colgroup span="1"><col span="1" width="696"></colgroup>
    | | My question is how and why are these appearing on the seomoz open site explorer report? What are they? How can I get them removed, and let google know this was nothing to do with us? Thanks S |

    | hickboy5

  • As you probably know SEOmoz had some hosting and server issues recently, and this came at a terrible time for me... We are in the middle of battling some duplicate content and crawl errors and need to get a fresh crawl of some sites to test things out before we are hit with the big one? Before I get a million thumbs downs- I love and will continue to use SEOmoz, just need something to get me through this week ( or until Roger is back! )!

    | AaronSchinke

  • I often check Open site explorer to see if I increased in linking root domains to my site after getting some backlinks on it. I have a concern about the number it is displaying: How does this statistic get updated?  If I spread backlinks on some sites do i have to do anything else like ping it so google can crawl it so OSE sees it and counts it towards my linking root domain statistic? Is this current figure OSE is reading from cache and giving me an outdated number? NNzAn.jpg

    | lafurniturestore

  • We've been doing a lot of building and work on just  one category page, but when i try to put it in the campaign it won't let me do any url that has a sub folder like I can only do, and when i select the other campaign options like root domain or sub folder, roger pops up with an error. Is anyone else having this problem?

    | anchorwave

  • Is there a tool that can give me % of duplicate content when comparing two pieces of content that are not Live on the web? Like copyscape but for content that may not be indexed by copyscape or not live on the web? Does Word or any other program allow you do do this?

    | bozzie311

  • Really strange thing on my laptop, the seomoz toolbar is not working with FF 6. I have the same set up in the office on a PC and all is fine there. Basically it shows the tool bar but no info, states log in but when you click on this it takes you to the seomoz site and states the website is down, which is false as the website is working as I type now. I have uninstalled the the toolbar and then reinstalled it from the research tools, still no joy. Can anyone help? Thanks A

    | blagger

  • Does anyone know what determines when Open Site Explorer will ask if you meant to type in the redirected URL or when it will automatically change the URL to the www version. example of a site I get asked the redirect question: Oh Hey! It looks like that URL redirects to Would you like to see data for <a class="clickable redirects">that URL instead</a>? example of a site that redirects automatically:

    | irvingw

  • It's been left alone to grind now for a good 20 mins, and ah... it's still grinding away. Is it worth just trying again? Or does that typically mean it probably isn't going to work on the domain it's, ah, grinding away on? Thanks

    | iansears

  • When trying to browse the results using the "group by domain" filter in OSE, when you click on the next page or one of the page numbers the results go back to the ungrouped list.

    | IanTheScot

  • I'm trying to incorporate keyword yield ratio (the ratio of keywords to pages yielding search traffic)  in my seo report. I want to be able to compare on a monthly basis the percentage ratio of keywords to a landing page yielding search traffic. So for example, in July we might have 5 keywords that earned a click to landing page A. But in September, the number of keywords grew to 8 keywords that earned a click to landing A. I would like to be able to report monthly on the % ratio growth of number of keywords to landing pages that yield search traffic. Aim is to grow # of keywords per page... Is there a way I can get this data through seomoz tools or google analytics? Thanks, Gemma

    | RBA

  • Hi, I am managing a site in 5 different languages/regions. Our language structure is as follows: - For US - For UK - For France ... However, SEOMOZ does not allow to set up a domain with "/" as a campaign. How can I do it? Thanks

    | hockerty

  • I see a link to my site on a couple different url's, but they are not listed in OSE. The links have been active for a long time too.  Does OSE not track all inbound links from all sites? Thanks, Stephen

    | stats44

  • I made a mistake and added the wrong campaign.  How do I delete it and replace it?

    | dtrader9

  • I'm looking forward to it and fidgety in apprehension 😄 Can't wait!!

    | SteveOllington

  • What's the best way to count and track the number of inbound links to a subfolder like ?  I've tried using open site explorer but I can't seem to get it to show just inbound links for things under a subfolder.  i.e. links to etc. Thanks!

    | twobitoperation

  • I got my pro account a few months ago and now wondering if the Domain MozRank has changed much since when I first started. How can I see this?

    | SharpKiwi

  • Or can I use the Custom Crawl tool to help create this? The domain I'm working with has 1,300+ pages so most free tools I've used in the past won't capture that many pages.

    | JonClark15

  • I'm getting a few formatting errors in the CSVs I export from Opensite Explorer, after I've opened them in Excel. Specifically, in an Inbound Links export, there are several merged fields creating new rows. This seems to be caused by line returns in the Title column. At the moment I'm sorting these all out by hand, but it's a bit of a chore when there are lots of records. However it has to be done, because you can't sort of filter properly otherwise. Has anyone else had similar problems. If so. I'd really appreciate any tips to a) stop it happening, of b) speed up / automate the process of cleaning up the CSVs. Many thanks Ben

    | atticus7

  • Is it possible to check out my competitors and see how many times there back link is using the anchor text "buy widgets here" for example?

    | dynamic08

  • I was using open site explorer and trying to figure out how my competitors are getting so many .edu links.  Now I won't mention any names here but I am trying to figure out why almost all their links point to downloads of documents.  Here are a few of the examples of sites I keep finding... Journal Clinical Nutrition&rft.atitle=Problems with red meat in the WCRF2&rft.volume=89&rft.spage=1274&rft.epage=9& <colgroup><col width="3111"></colgroup>

    | MichealGooden

  • When looking at the OSE metrics (DA, PA, Number Linking RDs etc.) is it purely based on OSEs evaluation of the specific domain or will it take into account links that have been 301-redirected to the domain?

    | bjalc2011

  • I would like to ask for the possible problem plus solution on one of our  campaigns. Only 1 page is being crawled by SEOmoz for the last 2 crawls. Before the last two crawls, SEOmoz crawls numerous pages and we can’t think of a possible reason for this error. For this particular campaign , there are no data --- no errors, warnings and notices. Thanks!

    | TheNorthernOffice79

  • We rank in the top 5 consistently for our keywords on However, the ranking report (set to Google UK) shows that we don't appear in the top 50. When looking in more detail at the keyword in question, it shows the top ranking sites to be all US sites with .com domains that don't rank at all on Can anyone shed some light on this or tell me if there is any way of getting accurate ranking reports via SEOmoz tools for UK sites, so I don't have to do it manually? Thanks in advance

    | heatherrobinson

  • Since you guys are understandably struggling with crawling and processing the sheer number of URLs and links, I came up with this idea: In a similar way to how SETI@Home (is that still a thing? Google says yes: works, could SEOmoz use distributed computing amongst SEO moz users to help with the data processing? Would people be happy to offer up their idle processor time and (optionally) internet connections to get more accurate, broader data? Are there enough users of the data to make distributed computing worthwhile? Perhaps those who crunched the most data each month could receive moz points or a free month of Pro. I have submitted this as a suggestion here:

    | seanmccauley

  • Hi, I Have An Issue Too Many On-Page Links In My Site And I Saw That There Are More Than 300 On Page Links On My Home Page URL. My Site Is Hosted On Blogger. So Please Tell Me How To Fix This Problem In Blogger.

    | MaherHackers

  • Hello everybody, I’m new to SEOmoz and I have a few quick questions regarding my error reports: In the past, I have used IIS as a tool to uncover broken links and it has revealed a large amount of varying types of "broken links" on our sites. For example, some of them were links on my site that went to external sites that were no longer available, others were missing images in my CSS and JS files.  According to my campaign in SEOmoz, however, my site has zero broken links (4XX). Can anyone tell me why the IIS errors don’t show up in my SEOmoz report, and which of these two reports I should really be concerned about (for SEO purposes)? 2. Also in the "errors" section, I have many duplicate page titles and duplicate page content errors. Many of these "duplicate" content reports are actually showing the same page more than once. For example, the report says that "" has the same content as "" and that, of course, is because they are the same page. What is the best practice for handling these duplicate errors--can anyone recommend an easy fix for this?

    | EnvisionEMI

  • Does anyone presently use this tool as a regular part of their SEO analysis? Does anyone have any updates regarding this tool? It is still in the lab despite no updates for over 6 months. Is it being retired? Or promoted to production? If you do use the tool, what % of relevance is your goal when optimizing pages?

    | RyanKent

  • Hi, Is there a way of setting up multiple users under one account? Ideally I need to be able to provide access to different users without access to billing/account settings. If this isn't available, is it something that could be developed? This would be a very useful feature. Thanks Joe

    | j_brickell

  • Where can I post a job at?

    | PapaRelevance

  • Why does OSE report such a high domain link total in the SERP overlay underneath each result? I'm looking at at site that I know has about 90 links domain wide and the OSE overlay in SERP reports 610

    | waynekolenchuk

  • Great set of tools! But what would make them better is some type of guide to what the tools do (remember I am a new user) and how to maximize the results. Oh and while your at it what do the results mean.

    | marcreece

  • Does anyone have one they'd like to share. I've seen the great ones by Tom Anthony but I am looking for the list of the first 1000 links that are available as part of the free API to be brought back into a Google Doc.

    | belasco

  • Our site is new. So far we have a 534 pages. Our competitors have around 5000. I'm working on building more, but that's a lot of catching up. The report says we have only 174 internal followed links. Why is that? I have all links set in the site to be nofollow links, but not the inside links. I also have lots of landing pages, which are not added to the main menu, obviously. But the the main menu shows up on all landing pages. Just wondering if either the nofollow has anything to do with it  or the landing pages set up, or the numbers are accurate. Any ideas? Thanks!

    | FinanceSite

  • I recently updated a website and it seems as though my campaign results are not accurate. I feel that the more I learn about SEO, the less I know (if that makes sense?). Every time I check my campaign results for this site I feel like I am missing something but just don't know where to begin. The site is For example, "aphrodite desserts" is one of my keywords. When I type that into Google, it automatically pulls up the site as #1. But in my campaign, it shows that "aphrodite desserts" does not rank in the top 50 for google. Why is this? (I know there is a lot I could do to improve the SEO keywords on this site, but I am limited because of the client's budget.) However, if I could just get a handle on the answers for these types of issues, I think I would feel much more confident as an SEO specialist. Right now I feel more like a fraud. =( Any insight into what may be causing this would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

    | RuthWrites

  • Hi, I am in the process of finding blogs to have a few articles published with a couple of links in each. Articles will all be unique and relevant to the link I drop in and relevant in someway to the reader However I have a few questions. My site is a designer menswear site, so I have picked fashion and sports sites first and foremost to have the articles published. Now, I have a guy who owns about 30 different websites. 2 of them are sports based and about 10 are fashion based. Around $10-$15 an article. I have ran them all through the Open Site Explorer Tool and picked out the best ranked ones. Now my problem is, how do I know if its a good site to not only list an article on, but to pay for it as well. The sites page ranks are around the 30-45 range, the domains are around the 35-45 range. What is a good range to have? I know the higher the better but is 30-45 good enough to pay for? (I don't mind paying the $10 each (£7 my money) for each one) Also as he is quoted me in dollars, I assume there all USA based, so majority of users are USA based. Well I am UK based and only ship to the UK. Will this matter as much if I am trying to gain backlinks? Obviously a UK based site, would be ideal, but is it a case of getting more external links on the web for Google to find, as long as they are relevant to the user? Any help would be great. Thanks Will

    | WillBlackburn

  • Can any member of the Moz team or of the community comment on the most recent OCE/linkscape update as of 09/08/2011. It appears that the link data capture for one of our platform is dramatically different than previously and that there are some huge discrepancies? Any update on the change would be appreciated as we use all these updates as benchmarks. Thanks

    | OlivierChateau

  • As of yesterday's OSE update alot of sites that I'm tracking saw their PA & DA drop significantly.  This was for multiple sites, whereas last month's index saw those stats increase significantly.  Has anybody else seen this happen to them and perhaps drawn any conclusions?

    | MichaelWeisbaum

  • I've tried the Keyword Difficulty Tool on "consultant seo" in Romania (that is .ro) The tool says that it's Highly Competitive (59%), but I've got my website on #8 in 2 weeks. Question: Is this tool really working for local results? It seems way off... Actually I was kind of expecting for this keyword to be easy, what is confusing is the "59%" from the Keyword Difficulty results. Thanks for the answers!

    | wizant

  • Is anyone else having problems with this? Every search I do seems to throw up an error in the traffic fields.

    | neooptic

  • If anyone could shed some light on this that would be great. It seems as if the two tools are using different versions of the database?

    | belasco

  • I understand that it is easier to rank for a particular keyword given a higher DA score. How fast can  page authority be established and grown for a given keyword if DA is equal to 10/20/30/50? What are the relative measures that dictate the establishment and growth of this authority? Can it be enumerated to a percentage of domain links? or a percentage of domain links given an assumed C-Block ratio? For example you have a website with DA of 40, and you want to target a new keyword, the average PA of the top ranked pages is 30, the average domain links are 1,000, and the average number of linking domains is 250 - if you aim to build 1,000 links per month from 500 linking domains, how fast can you approximate the establishment of page authority for the keyword?

    | NickEubanks

  • Most of our clients are local but we can not get local or regional (for example VA State or Washington DC) SERP results within SEOMOZ. it would be nice to create custom search profiles based on region (State or County) and track SERP within SEOMOZ.  Ranking reports and even keyword difficulty analysis etc. within SEOMOZ are misleading for local web sites. SEOMOZ default site setup assumes every business doing SEO serves all over the US. I think it will be very beneficial if we have a choice to select State or County of local web sites during initial campaing set up at SEOMOZ. what do you think? do you know any work around of this problem? Thanks,

    | CertifiedSEO

  • Hi Can anyone explain what all the info within the link acquisition tool is all about? I put in to look for Money Hoodies, Money being the brand name and Hoodies being the product type. This is what I get back, what do the links mean when I click them? I don't get it? money hoodies + "submit site"
    money hoodies + "submit url"
    money hoodies + "intitle:directory"
    money hoodies + "intitle:resources"
    money hoodies + "directory list"
    money hoodies + "inurl:list"
    money hoodies + "intitle:list"
    money hoodies + "inurl:directory"
    money hoodies + "inurl:resources"
    money hoodies + "add url"
    money hoodies + "submit url"
    money hoodies + "suggest url"
    money hoodies + "suggest a url"
    money hoodies + "submit site"
    money hoodies + "submit a site"
    money hoodies + "submit your site"
    money hoodies + "add a url"
    money hoodies + "add a site"
    money hoodies + "add listing"
    money hoodies + "add your listing"
    money hoodies + "submit a listing"
    money hoodies + "submit listing"
    money hoodies + "submit your website"

    | WillBlackburn

  • Hi all, Since Linkscape was retired we've been struggling without the mozRank passed data for our competitor research. However, I've read that it wasn't a particularly reliable metric to go on so my question is: what makes a link more valuable, in your opinion? I'm trying to work out the relation between Page Authority / Domain Authority / Number of Links etc., ideally to come up with some form of ranking system where we can say: Overall link value = ( (A x Page Authority) x (B x Domain Authority) x (C x Number of Links) ) / Number of Linking Domains or something like that. Is this a good way to go about it?  What do you guys look at when using the OSE data? Thanks in advance for your help!

    | OmarKattan

  • Hi, I started a campaign for a website which uses multiple redirects before showing the real content.  in the crawling report only one page is crawled. Is there a way to let the crawler pass the redirects to get usefull reports? The website is Thank you

    | Cegeka

  • Just curious if the SEOMOZ rank checker accounts for the mega sitelinks? Are this counted as separate listings (which would in effect make it report a lower serp position) or are they bundled up with the first result and considered as #1 spot? Thanks

    | carmenmardiros

  • Hi, I'm link building with Open Site Explorer. I'm really picky in get links from only high quality sites. When do you stop going down the list of possible backlink providers because the page authority is too low. I usually stop at 40, but what do you do, why, and what does it depend on?

    | BobGW

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