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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • The rankings for all our keywords, and for our competitors as well as us, according to SEO moz have all but completely dropped off the radar. For the vast majority of the keywords, both us and our competitors are showing as not even in the Top 50, despite previously being top 20, first page and top 3 for a large number of them. What's happened? Would this be due to Google, or has some sort of error occurred seoMoz's end? The rankings have dropped so badly for all four websites I can't believe for a second they're real. Thanks.

    | JetBookMike

  • In the SEOmoz tools I am getting multiple errors for duplicate page content and duplicate page titles for one section on my site. When I check to see which page has the duplicate title/content the url listed is exactly the same. All sections are set up the same, so any ideas on why I would be getting duplication errors in just this one section and why they would say the errors are on the same page (when I only have one copy uploaded on the server)?

    | CIEEwebTeam

  • Hi, My 2 target keywords definitely rank in the top 10 in the USA version of Google but they dont show up in SEOMOZ rank checker...I started using SEOMOZ abour a week or so ago and in 2 consecutaive ranking checks they haven't shown up... Market Samurai says they're 4 and 8 respectively, I can see them in the top 10 of Google and various USA proxies show they're in the top 10... Is there a glitch with SEOMOZ or am I doing something wrong? Thanks, James

    | James1

  • Hi All, I asked about a client last month and have had to do some other digging to try to find out what's going on with its Google rankings. According to our link-building spreadsheet, we have got up to 50 links (from 50 domains) in process of being actioned and a large proportion of these are actually in existence. There are two questions:- 1. Open Site Explorer only recognises 3 domains - as I know that other domains exist and are pointing (mostly 'followed'), what can be the reason OSE doesn't recognise this? 2. What can be done to encourage these external links to be more easily accessible by OSE and, presumably other bots? Other Points:- 1. I initially thought it might be  crawl blocking issue causing the rankings, but Bing/Yahoo rankings are slowly dragging themselves upwards. 2. Robots.txt is not blocking any of the site 3. Pro on-site analysis for the target keyword is 'A' 4. The website's stats per OSE are better than some competitors in the top 20 except on the root domain issue, which is why the above point is important. Link building for other clients has worked really well without hiccups and with general gradual recognition, so any tips from more experienced folks out there would be gratefully appreciated. Many thanks, Martin

    | Nobody1560986989723

  • A much needed laugh during a stressful Friday found in one of my Crawl Diagnostics Reports - View attached image. seomoz-lol.jpg

    | longbeachjamie

  • I am on SEO MOZ pro and I am running an analysis on some Keywords. I would like to see how competitive they are on Google Brasil, but I only see GOOGLE USA and don~t know how to change it.

    | juliantile

  • Hi there, I was wondering if I buy a submission to the Best of the Web directory (waiting for the new directory list promised by the seomoz team 🙂 ) but when I get to the category on BOTW website that will fit for my website, I took some links already there and put them on open site explorer to see their value, I had the surprise they are not even recognized... So I am still wondering if it is worth or not... voilà , if anybody knows if this directory still has value...

    | thuraminho75

  • I'm in the process of working with a site under development and wish to run the SEOmoz crawl test before we launch it publicly. Unfortunately rogerbot is reluctant to crawl the site. I've set my robots.txt to disallow all bots besides rogerbot. Currently looks like this: User-agent: * Disallow: / User-agent: rogerbot Disallow: All pages within the site are meta tagged index,follow. Crawl report says: Search Engine blocked by robots.txt Yes Am I missing something here?

    | ignician

  • Hey seomozers, The most recent Linkscape update has created some strange links to our domain. They are links which when I navigate to are download links, here is one example: Now this links has nothing to do with our site and I can't see how it would count as a link to our domain, can anyone shed some light on why these types of links are being crawled as a link to our domain? Thanks Nigel

    | NigelJ

  • What percentage of total good quality back links are shown  in the "Open site" or other toolbar. I was checking backlinks for a spammy sites which ranks in #3-5 for a competitive keyword.But could not find nothing more than 10-15 PR4-5 in content backlinks and rest are just forum/profile signatures. 24% Trust/Authority of the Host Domain
    22% Link Popularity of the Specific Page
    20% Anchor Text of External Links
    15% On-Page Keyword Usage
    7% Traffic and Click-Through Data
    6% Social Graph Metrics
    5% Registration and Hosting DataI

    | RyanSat

  • In running one of my campaigns in SEOMoz Pro, it was recommended that I reduce the amount of times a keyword is used to 15.  On the actual page, there are fewer than 15, but when you include the number of times it is used in drop-downs from the nav bar, the number is 53. I know there is really no hard and fast rule about how many instances of a keyword make for keyword stuffing and the drop-downs only use the term where needed.  Without it's use, it would be difficult to navigate the site. Is this a problem or should I focus on more important fixes?

    | rdreich49

  • Is there a way to view the charts in the crawl diagnostics summary on a monthly view (or export the monthly figures)?

    | RikkiD22

  • Hi – I don't know if this is an SEO matter or not, but I have data feeds to Google, Bing and for all of my products. I have no idea if these feeds help.  My guess is that they do not generate much business.  For example if I type in "Brass Bookends" our products usually don't show up until the late pages.  Using this as an example does anyone know how these sites select the order in which they display products?  Another way to phrase this is what makes show a competitor's brass bookends several pages before ours? FYI we have been doing these data feeds for a year on a consistent basis so being new shouldn't be a factor.  Any insights will be most appreciated. Thanks. Don.

    | uniquegifts-277879

  • Hi Im brand new here - so not sure what im doing wrong. When I try to add a campaign it comes back and says - may not have a /path after the host . It doesnt seem to matter whether I put a path in or not it still gives same answer, so I cant launch my campaign. Help?? Thanx Kadira

    | Dragonfly7

  • The SEOmoz crawler is showing 236 Duplicate Page Titles. When I go in to see what page titles are duplicated I see that the URLs in question are incorrect and read "/about/about/..." instead of just "/about/" The shown page duplicates are the result of the crawler is ending up on the "Page not found" page. Could it be the result of using relative links on the site?  Anything I can do to remedy? Thanks for your help! -Frank

    | Clements

  • My domain: is not being analyzed by OSE for whatever reason. GWT and YSE can see the inbound links.... Whats up?

    | LucasGarvin

  • I just need to know what steps I should take to improve my site. My website url is : Thanks

    | NinaGraham

  • I set up my first 5 campaigns and one is not crawling beyond one-page. It's been over 48 hours. This site has nearly 3.500 pages the others much less, however, this shouldn't make any difference. I searched for the problem and couldn't find it so I hope this question isn't redundant. Comments and advice would be appreciated.

    | JavaManOne

  • Ever since the last couple Linkscape updates when doing competitive back link analysis I have noticed a large increase in the number of URLs of Linking Pages in OSE that result in an immediate file download. The majority of the time these downloads are not common files ie PDF, DOC files. For example, these were all in a competitors back link profile: model examples/Le25 mad hatter.wm?a=p&id=145880&g=5&p=sia&date=iso&o=ajgrep These are just a few I came across for a single competitor. Is this sketchy black hat SEO, some sort of error, actual links, or something else? Any information on this subject would be helpful. Thank you.

    | Gyi

  • Currently I have 15 affiliate marketing sites and three blogs which are monetized. My budget dictates the base pro package so may I get some recommendations on how or if I can do analysis over time for all the sites. I ask this because it seems you would set your campaigns for long-term but I imagine you delete/modify/add campaigns to analyze different key words. Thanks for your help.

    | JavaManOne

  • I trying to get the mozbot to crawl my site so I can get new crawl diagnostics info. Anyone know how this can be done?

    | Romancing

  • I saw at this link: "As a PRO member, you can schedule crawls for 2 subdomains every 24 hours, and you'll get up to 3,000 pages crawled per subdomain." However I am having trouble finding where to schedule this 24 hour crawl in my Pro Dashboard. I did not see the option for this setting in the crawl diagnostics tab or in the campaign settings section from the dashboard home page.  Can you help? thanks! Michael

    | texmeix

  • I set my first website as a sub domain...I think it should have been set as a "root" domain...does this matter and can I cahnge it? Thanks! James

    | James1

  • Am on a beginner level of SEO and as a pro member when i ran a report for my site i found some basic terms used. Can anyone please let me know what exactly is the difference between these terms and how important are they and how do i improve them?. or please let me know a source to find out.

    | NikhilM

  • Everytime i try to access the tool i get the following error: "Error 310 (net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS): There were too many redirects."

    | Anest

  • I'm working with an apt community with a large number of communities across the US. I'm running into dup content issues where each community will have a page such as "amenities" or "community-programs", etc that are nearly identical (if not exactly identical) across all communities. I'm wondering if there are any thoughts on the best way to tackle this. The two scenarios I came up with so far are: Is it better for me to select the community page with the most authority and put a canonical on all other community pages pointing to that authoritative page? or Should i just remove the directory all-together via robots.txt to help keep the site lean and keep low quality content from impacting the site from a panda perspective? Is there an alternative I'm missing?

    | JonClark15

  • Hi Folks, My company is in discussions with an ERP provider to migrate our existing website to a new backend system, new url structures..the whole 9 yards. We have over 15,000 products, and a lot of "odd" url structures created by an outdated system that we were unable to adjust. All and all, if you're talking about a raw url count, it's in the 100s of thousands. During discussions, we were told that bulk 301 redirects would be a problem. They could be performed manually though (greaaattt). Due to this, I ran an OpenSite Explorer report, and isolated our top pages. After exporting the CSV, I was able to breakout "all" urls that have links from other domains. My question is, has anyone used the OpenSite Explorer on a website of similar size, to form the basis of a migration? Do you have enough confidence in the tool to use it in this way, or should we re-negotiate our agreement until a way can be found to mass 301 ALL urls. I'm at least a little concerned that OpenSite Explorer isn't indexing all of the links out there. Gasp..or would there be a better tool to accomplish what I'm trying to do? Thanks!

    | Blenny

  • I have recently gained a few links which I know are definitly up, because I have seen them, however, when I navigate to link analysis on SEOmoz pro, the number of links isnt showing as more than before. How long does it take to update?

    | CompleteOffice

  • Hi, 1. I got signed up with SEOMOZ yesterday and would like to know about the competitive analysis tool. I saw in a demo video of SEOMOZ that there was an aspect of Social links (Facebook etc) included in the analysis, I can't see this in my analysis however. 2. Is it possible to change websites over time? Let say in a few months I want to work on a new website, can I remove one of my 5 and add a new one? Thanks! James

    | James1

  • I just signed up for SEOMoz and sent my site through the first crawl. I use the tilde in my rewritten URLs. This threw my entire site into the Notice section 301 (permanent redirect) since each page redirects to the exact URL with the ~, not the %7e. I find conflicting information on the web - you can use the tilde in more recent coding guidelines where you couldn't in the old. It would be a huge thing to change every page in my site to use an underscore instead of a tilde int he URL. If Google is like SEOMoz and is 301 redirecting every page on the site, then I'll do it, but is it just an SEOMoz thing? I ran my site through Firebug and and all my pages show the 200 response header, not the 301 redirect. Thanks for any help you can provide.

    | fdb

  • When using open site explorer to analyse my competitors links, when going through them, I would click them to have a look at them. Almost all of the ones I clicked on something started to download on my computer and would be a blank page or the tab would disappear when the download begun. What is this? Why have they done this? Is this bad practice? Thanks

    | CompleteOffice

  • When viewing my campaign and looking at the on page optimisation tool, I have a few issues. I seems to only shows the keywords I want rankings for and how optimised my homepage is for those keywords. Is there any way I can get it to analyse permanently specifc keywords for specific pages because my homepage isnt optimised for some keywords which are on my list, which I have optimised other pages for, and because its looking at my homepage its getting a really low grade, and looks really bad and frustrates me because I cant work this out. Any help greatly appreciated.

    | CompleteOffice

  • When typing in fun translator into google UK, my website is the 18th result on the 2nd page, however, there is an issue, it only shows, without the www part, which is not what I want because the whole address to show up, because my campaign on seomoz pro and webmaster tools account is not How can I resolve this. For not, I have a redirect that goes from funtranslator to I want to know how to get the full www.url into the results instead of just without the www part of the url. Also, will this affect my stats gathered in my campaign on my seomoz pro account?

    | RyanSMurphy

  • When I go to my campaign, link analysis, under competitive comparison/followed backlinks, the 5 pages under Anchor Text/Target URL, supposedly on my website, are not on my website anymore. I recently moved my domain name to another server (before signing up for seomoz) and deleted the forum associated with my website. Those 5 pages are all from that now extinct forum. What's going on?

    | ovistomih

  • Hi there, New to Moz and have just signed up to the pro package. I run a menswear website in the UK, and I want to start a campaign looking at 1 or 2 brands (Money Clothing and Cruyff Trainers). What I would like to know is, when starting a campaign for say Money Clothing, should I use my root domain or should I use my Money Clothing domain ( ? Then once I do this, do I use my competitors subfolder pages or do I use their root domain? I tried to use 1 competitor as a subfolder and I think it gave an error saying I cannot use / after the domain? Any help on what would be the best approach for me to begin targeting my specific brands and how to compare them against my competitors. Cheers

    | WillBlackburn

  • Using the tools in the SEOmoz pro repertoire I have inserted keywords. Will the rankings tool show me the rankings for any of my pages on the site that have listed for this keyword, or just the home page?

    | CompleteOffice

  • Hi. Im setting up my first campaign and Im having issues with step 3: 'Select your competitors to track'. I only want to track 1 competitor: When I enter this and the competitor name into the form provided and click 'continue to next step' it throws an error at me: Darn, there are errors in your form! Don’t worry, Roger can’t feel pain. Competitors domain may not have a /path after the host Domain may not have a /path after the host Can anyone help me as this is urgent.

    | RyanSMurphy

  • Hello - I am new to SEO and SEOMOZ and I am having issue setting my campaigns up.  Can you lead me to a resource/referrals that can help me with my SEO MOZ campaign and etc.  I watched the how-to videos - but I am still not sure if I am set up correctly and getting the everything I need from this service. I am looking to hire someone to set me up and get me rolling. Thanks!

    | clutchmag

  • I'm currently managing SEO for my company's website, and I'm getting into link building for the first time. As part of the process, I'm using Open Site Explorer to see who's linking into our competitor sites, to get a better sense of what's available to us in our particular avenue of e-commerce. However, I'm finding that our competitors are getting inbound links from high-authority sites pretty far afield from selling jewelry -,,, and others. I try clicking through to these links, but each link starts a download of a file. I've seen .f4v, .7z, and .apk files listed as inbound links to our competitor. How is this happening? Again, I'm new to link building, so there may be a simple answer here, and if so I apologize for asking. However, this seems really strange to me, and a difficult situation to confront.

    | jozaksut

  • My campaign in SEO Moz Campaign Manager has just ran it's weekly crawl, and all my keyword rankings are messed up. 18 keywords have apparently dropped by massive amounts, but when I do a physical search, they haven't moved. Also Keyword Tracker agrees with the physical search, so why is the Campaign Manager showing the wrong rankings all of a sudden??

    | gdavies09031977

  • I've been working on a site since it launched in April and the rankings for all targeted keywords have been creeping up in that time. For example the site was position 5 for "satchel" and 6 for "satchels". I've just had the latest rankings report from SeoMoz and it is showing "not in top 50" for both keywords and big drops on most other keywords. What is the likely explanation for such a big drop? The website is Z

    | MulberrySqCraig

  • I would like to export the keywords from all of my campaigns but I can't find anywhere to do that. I don't need data, just the keywords. I want to do an audit and refresh of what I am tracking and excel would be quickest. Thanks!

    | SEI

  • Is there anyway of clearing the 'Tool Reports You've Run' list on the Pro Dashboard, or setting certain reports not to be saved here?

    | BigMiniMan

  • Hello folks, Whenever I go the OnPage link in SeoMoz some of my links show a F ranking note. And when I click in one of them to see the detail of the page rank, it shows me as an A ranking note. Do you have seen the same problem? Which note shall I rely on? Thanks!!

    | jgomes

  • Hi there, One big reason my non profit hired me to tackle SEO for our site is that there is currently a lot of negative stuff out there right now about us. There was a lot of stuff that went down in the past, and currently Googling different names of our org's members, or typing in variations of our name, brings up several sites that are negative and inflammatory. They have been up since the early 2000's, so they have that advantage over us. It's interesting because I'm sort of in a position where I'm doing SEO for the sake of doing SEO, which is sort of cool because I get to learn a lot. We don't really have conversion KPIs or anything, but I'm sure that will come in time. I suppose my question is, what is the best way to tackle this? I mean I know that overall doing great SEO will help, but I'm wondering if there's a specific practice I should be focusing on to defeat a ton of negative stuff that has age over us. I'm also concerned that even if we get our site listed #1 for various searches, there will still be the negative stuff on page 1, just lower ranked. Any thoughts? Thanks for your time!

    | MikeQ-BACC

  • The keyword rankings in one of my campaigns update on Tuesday.  It looks like they updated today but when I downloaded to CSV, some say last Tuesday. Is this because they didn't change or are they still updating?  Today is Tuesday. i.e., do they update at a specific time and if so, what time?

    | mikescotty

  • Hello, Small question about the Open Site Explorer. on August 24th I've been trying to create several CSV reports which I knew would take a few days. But now, almost a week later when I check Open Site Explorer > Recent CVS reports it tells me it's still saving data. It's been saving data for 4 days now. Am I missing something, is this a bug, do I have to do something or should I wait a little longer? Thanks in advance, Dennis Tappij Gielen Retail&Clicks JFwMt.jpg

    | RetailClicks

  • unable to dispaly anchor text error  Doh! Roger is still working out the kinks with the new index and is having issues untangling anchor text data. We're currently showing anchor text data from the previous index, but we will update as soon as we can.

    | 1step2heaven12

  • I currently use SEOMOZ Campaigns and Advanced Web Ranking for monitoring our KW rankings and those of competition. AWR is a brilliant tool with so many different reports, methods of viewing etc. SEOMOZ campaigns are good but don't come close to the monitoring power of AWR (EG I monitor over 50 competitors on over 1000 KW's on a Daily basis with AWR and recieve a variety of set emailed reports on the data). However, one thing that SEOMOZ campaigns have that is useful is the traffic data - but this is still a bit basic and I think could be improved. The problem with AWR is that it doesn't integrate with your Analytics / Adwords / Google WM Tools - so it is only showing you half the picture. Knowing how your site ranks for each keyword is helpful, but it would be nice to understand the value of each keyword.  For example, being able to see your rank position and how much traffic that keyword has sent you over time would be helpful. It would also be nice to see the number of searches that are performed for that keyword each month .  For example, lets say I saw that I was ranking at number 11 for “hover mower” and getting 500 hits per month.  Two months from now, if I was ranking at position 7, it would be nice to be able to immediately see how that changed the amount of traffic I was receiving for the term.  Is a position of 11 (first item on page two) better than position 10 (last item on page one)? If you can link it to your analytics, you could then link it to your goals, and goal values to get a complete picture of where your keywords rank the value of the rank, and the improvment on that value when rank changes. If browsed around for such software but can't find anything like this - does anyone know of any software that can do this - or something close to this? Many thanks

    | James77

  • I don't know about everyone else, but this would make me one happy pro member!

    | davidangotti

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