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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Is there anyway i can change a campaign setting once it has been established from root domain to domain? I could just start a new campaign but that seems a bit of a pain.

    | pancakes

  • It says last updated 19/08 and is updated every Friday but nothing has changed.

    | JasonHegarty

  • I know I have back links to my site from about 5 or 6 websites and most of them even show in my Google webmaster account but according to OSE I only have 1 inbound link. Is it normal for the OSE stats to be wrong? I really want to use it but am worried the info isn't going to be accurate.

    | JasonHegarty

  • I looked for a question in the forum already for this but couldn't find anything.  Perhaps I am using the wrong keywords, so I apologize if this is a duplicate. I recently signed up with SEOMoz Pro and added two campaigns.  For one campaign, 10,000 pages were crawled.  For the other campaign, only about 300.  It's been 2 weeks since I created the campaigns.  Is there a way to force a crawl of the site associated with the second campaign?

    | SharieBags

  • How do I asses the higest quality backlinks using the Open Site Explorer tool? Is there a measurement that ranks the highest quality backlinks for a given search? Thanks. Sunil.

    | sunilmuse

  • What's the best keyword ranking report tool that anyone is using currently? I have used CuteRank (booo), Rank Tracker, Rank Tracker, etc. Cost isn't an issue - I'm looking for a free or a paid tool. I need to be able to export resutls in PDF and Excel format. Thanks for the feedback!

    | ezclickmedia

  • Usually they have a little day icon of when they will be updated, but I did some adjusting from around 65 to 98 keywords, but only 54 show up. Is this normal? Do I just need to wait?  Some of my page 1 keywords are MIA.

    | mikescotty

  • Hi guys, I just wanted to check the status of the Competitive Link Finder. I've been trying to use it for well over a week, literally trying it every day and every single time I get the "we may be a little busy" message. Are there any plans to upgrade it? I realise its a labs tool, but its actually a really useful tool which I just don't seem to be able to benefit from whatsoever. Would love to hear what the plans for this tool are. Thanks Al

    | dotcentric

  • Hi, I've just run an SEOMOZ Pro scan for the first time and it is picking up duplicate content errors from the RSS feed. For some reason it seems to be picking up two feeds, for example: Does anyone know why this is happening and how I can resolve this? Thanks

    | pugh

  • I'm looking at a site for which the https URL currently ranks in Google. Using a header checker on the http URL I see that it is being 302 redirected to the https version (I have no control or input on this site). In OSE there's no option to specify an https URL as the http part is pre-populated and uneditable. My question is: does OSE treat the https and http version as the same URL? I'm guessing so as the http URL has a lot of domain authority despite not being the "default" URL.

    | Equatorites

  • Looks like the Juicy Link Finder isnt working good with hebrew characters, after typing the keyword in and refreshing the page first the keyword appers in ???????? (question marks) and second the finder works for ages w/o getting any results. thanks

    | maddogx

  • The section for buying your dvd training lists the price for everyone at $119 and the special price for pro members at - $119. Then the text says that the special price will be shown when the item is added to the cart where the special price is - $119. Am I missing something here?

    | IanTheScot

  • We have a few exciting clients we about to start working with and I'm looking for a full campaign management solution that allows for branded reporting. Because we are an agency, is there an option I'm missing that allows you to swap your logo with the logo?

    | stevewiideman

  • I am working on fixing the 4xx errors. I have found the easiest way to do this would be to export the list, print it out, and check off the ones i've fixed. The site only lets me export the first page. We'll appreciate any help. Thanks, Ryan D. Gran --Not sure what category this question belongs in so selected SEOmoz Tools--

    | dggusmc

  • I keeping getting the notice from SEO Moz Crawls relating to Canonical issues.   I have tried Yoast SEO, All-in-One SEO and both insert the appropriate canonical code...  Can anyone help determine why the crawls report this notice?   Check out\testamonials for an example.   Could it be because the site in my SEOMOZ crawl does not have the http:// prefix? I've now installed FV Simpler SEO, a variant of All In Once SEO, but am getting the same canonical code...

    | kbryanton

  • The linking root domains is not reading the linking domains, Google shows 38, seo tool shows 180 another seo shows 92 and site explore shows 5.

    | 1step2heaven12

  • One of the website's we monitor have been getting high duplicate page titles, as we work through the pages, we see changes and the number of duplicate page titles are decreasing. However, lately, it went up again and the duplicate page titles have increased. I wanted to ask if there's any way to view the new errors and the old errors separately or sorted in a way that can help me identify why we are getting new page crawl errors. Any advice would be great. Thanks!

    | TheNorthernOffice79

  • Hi there, Been trying to use the Competitive Link Finder off-and-on for about an hour now. It keeps telling me it's busy. Is there something known going on right now? And if so, do we know when it comes back? Best Regards, Daniel @ Path Marketing.

    | PathMarketing

  • Hi there, when will the toolbar be compatible with Mozilla 6.0? Thank you for your feedback. BR, Ive

    | NeroSolutions

  • First of all Hi - My name is Jason and I've just joined - How you all doing? My 1st question then: When I view where these errors are occurring it says www mydomain co uk and www mydomain co uk/index.html Isn't this the same page? I have looked into my root folder and only index.html exists.

    | JasonHegarty

  • I am looking for some software, or an excel spreadsheet, or some way to manage 50-100 domain names. Maybe something a reseller of domain names would use? Something that keeps record of different whois information for different domain names, tracks IPs, nameservers, FTP logins, etc... I think excel would be best for this if there was a way to have the expiration date pulled so I dont forget to renew a domain name by mistake, and so I can easily keep track of them all in one place. I have seen a couple software programs out there for this, but none really meet all the needs I have.  I also looked into some kinda database software with a nice GUI (MS Access, or FileMakerPro) but I dont know them software well. Any Ideas?

    | getbigyadig

  • I see a lot of different metrics pointing to domain or page.  What is the difference between these two definitions?

    | Gfrink

  • My personal website has started to drop in both page authority and domain authority. This seems to be largely due to open site explorer not picking up all of my inbound links. Right now it says I only have one linking root domain, but I know this to be crap. I have quite a few followed links from well trusted and reputable sites. My page rank typically bounces between a 5 and 6. I should also have hundreds of inbound links. The other sites In my campaign monitor haven't  taken such a hit so I'm starting to get a little worried. Does anyone know what might cause incoming links to not me recognized?  they were just fine last month, and I can go find them on the web as we speak.

    | Bsalva

  • I've been using your on-page optimization tool allot lately, I must say it simply is a great checklist to run a page through and it forces you to think about it a bit more and you notice stuff that you might otherwise have overlooked (read forgot) . But! ('cause there's always a but..) I have noticed a few issues: it could be optimized to recognize plural endings, given this is a hard one since there's allot of languages.. but It would be awesome if it did.. right? (just like the SE's do) I would be more then willing to help with the Danish. Since you already specify what version of google you wanna target eg: ".DK" it might not be all that hard to implement plural? now that we are mentioning other languages.. It would be equally sweet if it would see the correlation between Ø and OE, Å and ÅÅ and so on.. (scandinavian chars for those of you who don't know) again the SE's do For German letters I expect (not sure though, I'm not German, I speak it a bit though, so if your German feel free to correct me 🙂 that the SE's would see the letter Ö as an OE.. Ü as UE, Ä as an AE and so on. Why is the above important? well because that many still use those versions of the letters in URL's. Even though all browsers/mail clients now a'days are able to understand punycode.

    | ReneReinholdt

  • Hello! I've been working with the various Google Docs Spreadsheets out there taking advantage of web scraping using xml and the seomoz api. I want to be able to track keyword rank by week, I've been playing around but can't seem to get it nailed on, I'm looking to put keyword in column 1, domain in col 2 and keyword rank on google uk in col 3. Anybody done/seen anything like this in a G spreadsheet? Cheers Jamie

    | ChapterEight

  • I had our web development company implement the rel-canonical tag on all pages of our website to get rid of the duplicate content months ago. However, when I use the On Page optimizer tool (in previous version) it would tell me I'm not using the rel-canonical tag correctly on the page I was grading and when I untagged use rel-canonical tag in our CMS (which was pointing to the correct page) my grade would go to an A. Now with the new version it says I'm using it wrong either way, when I have the tag used in my CMS and everything else is good I have a B, but one I click to not use Rel-canonical tag I have a C. Both ways it shows up in On-page tool without a check in Apprpriate Use of Rel Canonical. I've attached pictures. In C version it says - Canonical URL "/info/solutions/" and "/info/solutions/" In B version: Canonical URL "/info/solutions/" What am I doing wrong and how do i fix this? Because ALL of my grades have dropped to Bs and Cs. Thanks! iklEHOjJLZE4966 [URL]]([URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL]) 5BYcV

    | aircyclemegan

  • One thing I recently pondered following the introduction of logos on reports bringing that level of personalisation for the customers is ... would it be somehow possible to take it a step further and have a login on your own personal site that could somehow enable clients to download and look at the information as and when they wanted. An almost mini sep moz for clients where customers login through your own site ?

    | onlinemediadirect

  • I'm working on basic SEO for Google has indexed the non-www verions of the pages and these are what the SERPS return SEOmoz toolbar shows that all of the incoming links juice goes to the www. versions of the pages, none to the non-www version. Yesterday I set up GWMT for the site, submitted a sitemap with the www version of the pages and set the default address to the www version. I had to verify both versions of the site in order to do this and in looking at the non-www version I saw that Google had all the incoming links there and none in the www.version, the opposite of what SEOmoz shows. Is this just because Google only has the non-www versions in its index? Will they show the links to the www version once they get them in the index? I'm worried about losing Google Page Rank value or SEOmoz DA by making this switch.

    | bvalentine

  • How do I increase my MozRanK? Thanks Laila

    | 1step2heaven12

  • I use DA and PA every day for reporting, researching and most of the time it's a pretty good metric to compare domains and pages but recently I did an experiment and I was surprised when I saw the results. Two months ago I "link bombed" one of my old, unused websites with thousands of spammy blog comment links. Before the attack, its DA was 21 with a few hundred links. In August, after the recent OSE update I checked the website again and I was quite surprised to see DA 61 as a results of 8340 links. A DA value over 60 is considered pretty strong and it's interesting to see that spammy blog comment links could change it so significantly. Someone who doesn't know the history of the domain might get interested in advertising on such websites because the mozbar shows a high DA value. I know it's difficult to algorithmically differentiate between spammy and valuable blogs but a future OSE update could focus on this issue. Let me know what you think.

    | Gyorgy

  • Hi, I am just trying to get to the bottom of why I am seeing such wildly different figures in the SEOMOZ link analysis. The SEO company that we use is saying that we have around 331 external links to our website, when I check on Yahoo site explorer, it returns 264 external links, but in my SEOMOZ campaign manager, it says I have 4 external links? I fully appreciate that none of these methods are going to be wholly accurate, and are going to produce different results, but I can't understand why the SEOMOZ results are so vastly different. I also know for a fact there are a number of Followed links that I have added to a couple of websites, that Google has now indexed (as they appear in search results), but don't appear in the campaign manager results. If SEOMOZ use a different method to assess an external link, then no problem - my main concern here is that as a Newbie I am doing something wrong within the SEOMOZ tools, and don't want to take action based on results that may be incorrect because I have set things up incorrectly? Any help is greatly appreciated. Many thanks, Gareth

    | gdavies09031977

  • We understand the PA, DA, trust and all of that.  My question is, is there a process or formula anyone uses that shows an individual links value as to the link juice it passes. The old Domain Juice seemed to be that, but after further investigation (And Rand setting me straight)  I now understand it's not a good metric. Today, we use PA  divided by the number of external links on that page to get some sense of an individual links actual value to the site or page we link to. I understand this is a very sloppy system, but seems to be the only choice we have? It's based on this simple thought.  If you get a back link on two different pages, and both are equal in every way,  except one has 3 outbound links and the other has 30, the link from the page with 3 will be significantly stronger as far as passing juice. So...  anyone using something to determine an individual links value?  I did ask the SEO staff, and they do not current have it.

    | MBayes

  • ... or do you actually have to wait a week for the next scheduled crawl date on a particular campaign? We've just made a ton of changes to our site, and it would be helpful to know if they will generate any warnings or errors sooner rather than later. Thanks!

    | jadeinteractive

  • I am wondering how much time it takes to grow a new site's domain authority. More so, based on a consistent stream of links, syndication, and content, how fast can a website grow from 0-20, 21-40, 41-60, etc. in terms of domain authority?

    | NickEubanks

  • Hello, I started my first campaign on SEOmoz and my keword position do not match the results I receive by using google search or by using another SEO program. For example - Ingersoll Watches should be on position 6 on - SEOmoz shows me Ingersoll Watches is on 16. Why does SEOmoz show different results? Thank you for your attention!

    | JasonMGreen

  • I'm using the site explorer to compare a potential  clients site against 4 others, in an incredibly competitive market. Each of their competitiors has a higher page authority (on the home page) than their domain authority. This is untrue for the clients site. (which have much lower metrics all round) Any input as to what this means/says about their competitors who I would guess (looking at some of their backlink profiles) have done some failry widespread grey hat stuff in the past. (Though haven't we all 😉 )

    | FDC

  • Hi, I have performed a search on a root domain and the page auth is higher then the domain auth? I would have thought they would have been the same or at least the other way around!

    | activitysuper

  • I have Pro Plan but get a 3 report limit for the day when exporting from open site explorer: Login Run a report in open site explorer Click 'Send as CSV' Message shows: Your export has been started and will be emailed to you in 5 - 10 minutes. email arrives Link takes me to a HTML message:
    You've been busy! Looks like you've hit your 3 report limit for the day. Login or register for a free account to get unlimited reports with data on 5x more links! I thought I could use this unlimited?

    | bitedigital

  • I put 2 crawls in the same day. One came back and delivered a report that I could download. The other one is completed (says so on the page) but there's no way for me to download the report. How do I get a hold of it? Thanks!

    | LiliArancibia

  • Having trouble getting csv from OSE via email. Anyone else? Solutions?

    | Gyi

  • The Moz scores for a page-specific website:: are different than the subdomain: Page MozRank: 4.58
    Page MozTrust: 4.9 Subdomain MozRank: 5.21
    Subdomain MozTrust 5.18 Does that have any significance? Should I be routing pages to the " / " version? Thanks, Daniel

    | DanSpeicher

  • I have a couple of urls that are associated with the keywords in my campaign.  They are no longer valid so how do I remove them?

    | PerriCline

  • Ok, I'm a beginner here.  A few basic questions: I ran a "competitive link finder" search. 1.  What does "Subdomain mR" mean? 2.  What does Subdomain mT mean? 3.  What do the scores in each column mean?  Example 8.7 under Subdomain mR. 4.  How do I interpret this? thanks for your help! Dan Castro

    | DanManCastro

  • Hey everyone, I am wondering if there is a way to confirm or reinforce what am i seeing on a webpage using the Moz Toolbar? When I go to this website here: they have a high page/domain trust rank. However, when I filter down to the niche category I would be interested in submitting too - Then everything, including PageRank, drops to zero. The question I have, is I am not sure if this is really just a poorly constructed and untrustworthy page as identified in the Moz Toolbar. Or is it possible that these page categories have recently been redeveloped or something like that, and that's why the deeper pages are not showing any benefits? Thanks for any help or tips!

    | JerDoggMckoy

  • Hi Guy's, I have a question about campaigns, We run a eCommerce website with several categories with sub cats/ i.e. natural hair care Natural Shampoo Natural Conditioner Natural Treatments natural Skin Care etc etc My question is this... do you use campaigns to separate the sites sections up?  or do you run one campaign, trying to get my head around the best way to target my sections for performance/keywords etc... Thanks Daniel

    | LushDuck

  • i have almost three week now and some of my keywords still not showing any ranking under ranking tab instead they are showing the day next crawl is due. Any suggestions Thanks

    | TahirLiaqat

  • I was very active in SEOmoz's Q&A forums today and completed my profile - raising my Moz points from 0 to 50.  On my profile, however, I am still listed as Unranked.  Also, I do not appear on the SEOmoz Top Members List next to other users with 50 points. I'm guessing this is something that is updated once a day or so, and the rank will update tomorrow.  Is my suspicion correct?

    | AnthonyMangia

  • Working with a new client with large websites.  On the competitive domain analysis the numbers for my client and 3 competitors was 48 | 52, 51, 55 For 2 whole weeks it jumped to 68 | 48, 43, 51 and there were some really odd supporting numbers such as total links moving from 107K originally to 806K. Just today, the numbers have reverted to the previous numbers. I am relatively new to moz and like the reports, but this is very unnerving. Is there an explanation?  Anyone else seeing this? Added: Aargh. The numbers just jumped back to the previous high numbers.  Help.

    | mikescotty

  • I noticed for one of my sites, a large number of links do not show up in Open Site Explorer, including some of my stronger links.  That being the case, how much weight can I put on using these tools to compare sites? I'm not trying to bash here, I really like the tools but if my PA is 29 and my competition is 34, how much weight can I put on these numbers? Or if it says my site has 50 links from 25 domains and my competition has 60 links from 30 domains, these numbers obviously aren't very accurate?  So how much weight can I put on these comparisons?  Are there better tools?

    | MattMaresca

  • I set up my campaign a few days ago and have just signed in to see if my site has bee fully crawled... and the campaign has been deleted. What could have gone wrong?

    | borderbound

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