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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Hi there, When using open site explorer to check the anchor text for I see Chinese characters as anchor text. However, when I do the same for I see normal English anchor text. Coincidentally this domain has dropped from first page rankings to outside the top 50. Is this a spam issue? Open-Site-Explorer.png

    | Robbern

  • As a recent newbie to SEOmoz, I've been implementing some suggestions and doing a general tidy up. I removed URL's from our robots txt, and rolled out instead the noindex meta tag to pages we don't want indexed. But surprised to see issues that are now flagged from the last crawl by the moz bot from pages that have this meta tag? Does the SEOmoz bot not ignore this tag? Just want to make sure I've implemented it correctly, so the google bot does ignore it. Meta tag syntax is   and is placed below the title tag. cheers Steve

    | sjr4x4

  • As ever, my apologies if this question's been asked before -- I searched for it, and didn't find it. But, our SEOMoz 'Domain Authority' has recently really jumped (from 67, where it was for many months, to 77).  And, our number of Linking Root Domains increased as well, from 1,986 to 3,349) Of course, none of this has translated into Google goodness, but if any of it's true, maybe it WILL in the future?  Any thoughts/ideas? Thanks, Dave (

    | daveschappell

  • Hi all, I have a bit of a problem with duplicate content on our website. The CMS has been creating identical duplicate pages depending on which menu route a user takes to get to a product (i.e. via the side menu button or the top menu bar). Anyway, the web design company we use are sorting it out going forward, and creating 301 redirects on the duplicate pages. My question is, some of the duplicates take two different forms. E.g. for the home page: www.<my domain="">
    www..<my domain="">
    www.<my domain=""></my></my></my> Now I understand the 'index.html' page should be redirected, but does the 'index.asp' need to be directed also? What makes this more confusing is when I run the SEOMoz diagnostics report (which brought my attention to the duplicate content issue in the first place - thanks SEOMoz), not all the .asp pages are identified as duplicates. For example, the above 'index.asp' page is identified as a duplicate, but 'contact-us.asp' is not highlighted as a duplicate to 'contact-us.html'? I'm a bit new to all this (I'm not a IT specialist), so any clarification anyone can give would be appreciated. Thanks, Gareth

    | gdavies09031977

  • I use FireFox as my browser on a Windows pc. When I close FF it rarely closes properly. The process is still visible in the task manager. I need to end the process to shut it down. After researching the issue I learned this problem is usually caused by an add-on. I disabled my add-ons one at a time and it is clearly the SEOmoz bar causing the issue. I can run every other add-on without any problem but if I use the mozbar but itself, the issue occurs. I plan to report this problem to the help desk but first I wanted to ask if others are experiencing the same issue. The more data that can be collected, the easier it will be to resolve the problem. Thanks in advance for your feedback.

    | RyanKent

  • On the Rankings Report page, under the keywords position. Some have a calendar icon that says "Wed". What is that suppose to mean? Thank you! 3B5Ct.jpg 9x1KV.jpg

    | Droidman86

  • Playing around w/ OSE post update. Love that there are social signals. Having issues with exporting to .csv via email. What's the reasoning behind this change? Anyone have any solutions for circumventing (i.e. downloading data directly to excel via API)?

    | Gyi

  • Our client built a wordpress site on url A, then opted for a better url B. Rather than moving all the wordpress files/website over to the new url B, they just contacted GoDaddy, who hosted BOTH urls under the same IP address. When I do a term target on url B, I'm flagged for rel canonical use. I can only get a B grade for each keyword. (I've also tried using url A, but I get the same flag and B grade results). I'm not sure if this set-up will thwart our seo efforts for the site, because only the homepage comes up when you type in url B anyway. Every subsequent page displays the original url A. Somewhere, wordpress is also adding a rel canonical link on the homepage source to url A, too, which we can't seem to edit. So, question is: is it ok to leave this set up as is with both urls hosted on the same IP address, or should we move the whole site over to the desired url B? Thanks much!

    | GravitateOnline

  • Our site's mozrank recently dropped, but so did all our competitors. Have there been some updates to the factors to cause this change?

    | thappe

  • Is there no tool to search a keyword and find related backlinks among the top10,20,30 SERP results?

    | FirePowered

  • I've been using googles keyword tools to get keyword search data, but I'm pretty sceptical of some of the results it throws out on number of searches. On a number of keywords - particularly when you get to longtail, I've seen results which cannot possibly be right. So - I am trying to find out a way of getting REAL data I can trust. Here are my thoughts on a possible method of getting this key data:
    1/. Firstly I am taking on the assumption that the adwords campaign monitoring statistics are more reliable and accurate than the keyword research tools - correct me if I am wrong! 2/. Then take a load of keywords you wish to monitor and create didfferent ads for them based of EXACT match. 3/. Make sure non of your adverts conflict with each other, so you may have to turn off any other campaigns you have running. 4/. Put you bids and available spend as high as possible, so that ideally you will your ads will always be shown for every search match, and ideally always come in No1 spot on the ads. IE your aim is to create a neutral environment where your ads are shown for every search match and appear in the exact same position for each search match. Run the campaign for a period of time long enough to be confident that you have enough search data. From this you should have the vital data on keyword searches done on your exact match keywords. 5/. Repeat the test, but this time use phrase matches and again make sure there are no conflicts. 6/. Repeat again with broad match - this would require very careful implimentation not to have any conflicts and you would likely need to make heavy use of the "Not Include" keywords. What are your thoughts on the above process? - Any flaws, or other better solutions? Obviously one key thing with doing this is you need to have to be prepared to have a decent budget to get this data - but it won't be wasted as you will also be getting the adwords traffic. Thanks

    | James77

  • I have an account where we manager several different domains, but I need a manager to only see ONE of those campaigns, not all of them. Is there a manager view where I an share just that one campaign?

    | rivershark

  • Just checked our links for a couple of our sites and noticed that the number of inbound links has dropped from around 55,000 to 13,000 on one and from 6000 to 700 on the other. GWMT still showing the previous amounts. Anyone else experienced this over the last few days?

    | heatherrobinson

  • Looking to add Analytics tracking for a specific campaign that is a separate, secondary account from my primary GA account.

    | ksracer

  • Is there still a problem with the new OSE anyone ? I am not receiving the csv reports I am ordering via OSE.

    | blocker0408

  • Hi there, I've been using the PRO tools for a few months now, and find them great for revealing information for my clients, and planning our SEO approach. One report I've put together has been really helpful for a client, but I built it manually and it took ages. It lists, in a spreadsheet, keywords side-by-side with keyword difficulty, target URL, and SERPs result. Sorting by keyword difficulty or SERPS position has helped us to prioritise which pages to hit first. But it took a while to generate the report, and I'm wondering if anyone has a better approach, or if this kind of report can be generated automatically: Thanks Mozzers!

    | nedwells

  • The SEOMoz keyword reports show week-to-week changed in keyword positions, but what report can I run to see trends over time so that I can evaluate the effectiveness of our SEO efforts?

    | mhkatz

  • anyone else getting strange result from the new linkscape update? i've got a pa 78 and da 73 and it was pa 40 da 39 last week, and not much has changed, i know it shouldn't be that high another site has decreased when some top media sites have linked to it over the last month, strange.

    | chrisdragonsdesign

  • It looks like they are retiring the old Link scape.  Where do we find the report that showed the Domain Juice passed by each link?  Is it in the advanced reports and we need to request and wait?

    | MBayes

  • I have a PRO account and added the initial keywords and got the immediate rankings for those. Then I added new keywords and those have not been updated. How long do I have to wait to get Keyword Ranking data on those keywords. I know it says they are updated every Friday, but does that mean I have to wait until next Friday for my first run of data on new keywords?? I ask because I have to present to a client before then and I require the data for that meeting. Any insight is appreciated.

    | mc41872

  • Good afternoon SEOmoz, I first want to congratulate with you for the amazing new look and new features of Open Site Explorer, it's an amazing and valuable tool that I use every day and that has helped me build tons of links for my clients. I have been keeping track of the OPE data on a monthly base and I just noticed something strange. In May 2011, OSE was showing that my client's website had 12,624 links, in July 2011 the website had 14,157 links and today I just ran a new report that showed just 6,401 links. I don't want to believe that in 2 months we lost half of the links, so I was wondering if you guys can give me more insights about this data. 
    Did SEOMoz change the way they measure the number of links? Or is this just a bug or issue they are having with the new version of OSE? Thanks!

    | Aviatech

  • It seems the Q&A section had some issues since the 25th. Users could post new Q&As but they were not visible to most users. Roger was caught slacking! The issue appears to be resolved at this time. I just wanted to share to anyone who asked a question the past few days who did not receive a response you may wish to repost your question as many readers will not go back and check questions from prior days.

    | RyanKent

  • Hey everyone. I just checked our website in OSE with the latest update and noticed some strange numbers. The number of linking domains skyrocketed from 300 to 785 which definitely caught me off guard. Like all good SEOers I work hard to get links, but in a typical month I usually get between 40 and 50. To suddenly jump up by over 300 seems odd. Digging deeper, I noticed that some of the incoming link domains could be considered less than trustworthy (pages filled with links), while others I couldn't find at all on the page in question. I also never ever asked for any of these links, nor did anyone on my team. Should I be worried? I've heard of websites who purposely gain bad links to their competitors in order to penalize them. Is there an easy way to find out if this is going on? Could this possibly be a problem with OSE and just reporting non-existant links? Thanks for your feedback! Andrew BTW, the website in question is

    | dunklea

  • I can see that Open Site Explorer's Advanced Reports feature is very powerful in terms of sifting through large amounts of link data, but does anyone have any useful tips on how to get the most out it? I want to use my 5 reports a month, but I want to make to maker sure I'm making the most of that allowance.

    | seanmccauley

  • Hi! I just noticed a decrease on our domain authority and also the page authority of several of our pages on the SeoMoz toolbar. For instance, DA went from 34 to 29. I was scared and confused, so I went to check it on the opensite explorer and saw that it had been updated. I want to ask you guys if the same happened with your metrics or is it just us. Because the strange thing about it is that we have been doing some good optimization work lately and also some linkbuilding, and actually our SERP’s have been improving in general, and some specific ones have been performing great. Our website is as a reference. Can anyone cast some light into this?

    | inmonova

  • The new version of the tool does not allow me to download the data via csv immediately. It says it will email in 5-10 minutes and never comes? Anyone else having this problem? Cheers

    | josey

  • Does anyone know of a good seo tool ( either in seomoz, or another website ) that will allow me to search google from different geo locations. For example, if I wanted to see how my company ranks for the term "computer repair" in redding california and sacramento california.

    | NerdsOnCall

  • I can only see q&a's up to 25 July.  I think there is a bug.... can someone confirm this? Thanks

    | mosaicpro

  • Since the rollout of the new OSE the many sites i run are indicating a huge loss of links overnight. is there an issue with OSE, either before or after the update or am I missing something ? Thanks

    | blocker0408

  • Hi all, One of my websites has been crawled by SEOmoz this week. The crawl showed me 3 errors: 1 missing title and 2 client errors (4XX). One of these client errors is the 404-page itself! What's your suggestion about this error? Should a 404-page have the 404 http status? I'd like to hear your opinion about this one! Thanks all!

    | Partouter

  • How can you explain that a website (not mine) appears on 1st place in Google (on the Keyword Difficulty Tool/Ranking Analysis) but the Page Authority, Page Linking Root Domains, Domain Authority, and Root Domain Linking Root Domains are much lower than the other websites on the list. Even when running the On-Page Report Card, this website gets grade F comparing to the other (including mine) websites that get better grades. I just want to understand which criteria I'm missing that can explain why a website appears on first place when it seems it's not well optimized. Any input is appreciated. Thanks.

    | yeseniagn

  • I can see that Open Site Explorer's Advanced Reports feature is very powerful in terms of sifting through large amounts of link data, but does anyone have any useful tips on how to get the most out it? I want to use my 5 reports a month, but I want to make to maker sure I'm making the most of that allowance.

    | seanmccauley

  • In Open Site Explorer´s tab Full list of Metrics  I get for the Page Specific Metrics only 2 Internal Followd Links for one of my websites domain URL. I have checked this metric for other websites and I get some surprising results. Most of the websites get an amount which seems logical take the size of the site into account. But there are a couple of sites more for which I get very low results like only 1 or 2 Internal Followed Links! This is strange because the sites do have at least more than a 100 internal pages which are all linking back to the domain and are indexed in Google. I have checked if there is something strange with the robots.txt or htaccess but I havent found anything. So I wonder if this a failure in Open Site Explorer or can there be any other explanation? Anybody with similar experience? aNp83

    | ceesie

  • Hi - is anyone else getting an error using the Keyword Difficulty tool? I'm getting "ERROR: There was a transient error with your request. Please try again."

    | ErikDster

  • Hey all, So, I've noticed a site ranking on the first page in Google for a keyword that I have been targeting for years. The keyword is "mixtapes" and pretty competitive. The site, is ranking around #4 in Google. It seemed odd to me so I looked into the site using some of the tools here. Open Explorer showed that they have minimal links. The actual site is pretty spammy also. Does anyone have any idea how this site ranked so high so fast? Is it ranking because I am located in New York? Does Google still put lots of weight on exact match domains? It's just been bothering me because it's a keyword that I put a lot of work into and then the site rolls around an ranks well for it with barely any backlinks. I just wanted to put it out there and see if I'm missing something obvious. Thanks everyone!

    | getrightmusic

  • Has anyone re-run the correlation data for webpages' LDA Score since Google's Farmer/Panda update?  I still have my writers use the LDA Tool and I am curious to know if there was a significant change in correlation now that "quality content" is touted as a more important ranking factor by Google.

    | costume

  • My duplicate pages went up 50 plus in the past week, and my duplicate page titles went over more then 100. We recently redesigned the website, but it has been up for several weeks now.  The only change I made specifically last week or late the week before was to get my 301 redirects done to get the www. version and the non www version pointing to the same place (as well as a couple other sites that point to it). I'm sure this is not enough info to figure out what went wrong . . . I'd love some help in figuring this out though.

    | damon1212

  • Why is blocking the SEOmoz crawler considered a red "error?" Please see attached image... Y3Vay.png

    | vkernel

  • Hi I am not sure if this is the proper place to post this. I was wondering if there are any plans to add automated emails to SEOMOZ Pro. Each week I find myself logging into SEOMOZ Pro to pull csv files across several profiles (I use PRO Elite), does SEOMOZ have any plans to add this functionality sometime in the future? All I need is an email to be sent to a specific email address after the ranking report has been updated. SEOMOZ staff - Great job on the tool, definitely the best ranking tool I have ever used. Thanks, Chris Phillips

    | 21stSEO

  • I have 51 errors on my Crawl Diagnostics tool.46 are 4xx Client Error.Those 4xx errors are links to products (or categories) that we are not selling them any more so there are inactive on the website but Google still have the links. How can I tell Google not to index them?. Can those errors (and warnings) could be harming my rankings (they went down from position 1 to 4 for the most important keywords) thanks,

    | cardif

  • The SEOMoz toolbar is displayed very differently in Chrome as compared with Firefox. It 'overlaps' the page, showing on top of the content instead of offsetting the page/window. In other words, the footer or the header of the page (depending on what toolbar location is chosen in the Settings) is eclipsed by the Toolbar. This was not an issue in Firefox. Has anyone experienced the same problem with the toolbar? How can I make the toolbar integrate into the browser window itself rather that popping up on top of the rendered webpage? Thanks.

    | MaratM

  • I am running a campaign for a client that has 86 pages via Google and SEmoz is up to almost 10K pages. I am really confused. Any ideas?

    | LaurieK13

  • I am curious why one of my client's main competitors ( shows links from the Better Business Bureau and (associated with BBB) but links from those sources do not show up for his domain ( He has been a BBB Acredited Business since 12/2010 and on file with them for probably as long as they have had the online version, which seems like plenty of time for the link to have been picked up. BBB has a very nice domain authority and it would be great to see these links show up. (they don't show up in webmaster tools either) Is there something I am missing? Thanks in advance guys and gals! (I know the site has other SEO issues - just getting started on pounding everything out.)

    | SnoBaer

  • When I place the site errors page  in pdf format it won't let me print the second or any of the other webpages containing content about my site. Does any one know why?

    | ibex

  • Hi there. Recently, we've made some changes to to implement canonical tags to some dynamically generated pages to stop duplicate content issues. Previously, these were blocked with robots.txt. In Webmaster Tools, everything looks great - pages crawled has shot up, and overall traffic and sales has seen a positive increase. However the SEOmoz crawl report is now showing a huge increase in duplicate content issues. What I'd like to know is whether SEOmoz registers a canonical tag as preventing a piece of duplicate content, or just adds to it the notices report. That is, if I have 10 pages of duplicate content all with correct canonical tags, will I still see 10 errors in the crawl, but also 10 notices showing a canonical has been found? Or, should it be 0 duplicate content errors, but 10 notices of canonicals? I know it's a small point, but it could potentially have a big difference. Thanks!

    | neooptic

  • Hi, How do you use whois or other resources to find an email address for a site that doesn't list their email address or have a contact form? Our competitors look like they have contacted the site but I don't know how to contact the site myself. They have a facebook fan page and a twitter account. Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • Is there a tool where I can enter a URL and it will tell me all the terms a site ranks for? Basically I recently put up a new website and I want to know what terms I rank in the top 50 for in Google

    | KevinPatrick

  • How crucial is it to follow / fix the campaign warnings.  For example, even though our website is ranking well the campaign report is stating that we've too many links on the majority of pages and the title element is too long. My question is if I make changes based on these recommendations, do you think that we will see a dramatic improvement in our rankings ?

    | NeilTompkins

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