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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Hi, Currently we have this page on our site - It contains both "Gift Vouchers " & "Gift Cards" content which are 2 keywords we are targeting for.  Currently the top nav link anchor is "Gift Vouchers & Gift Cards" If we were to change the top nav to be "Gift Vouchers" & "Gift Cards" as different tabs, both linking to the same page, what might be the SEO consequences? thanks

    | NSJ78

  • Currently i have a campaign running for 1 month+ now, it has 42 registered keywords and 40 of them already hit the top 50 (11 of them on top 10), but after i waited for 1 month , the on page report still 0 (yup not even 1 keyword) whats wrong? Please help I have 2 campaigns, the one in question is for

    | IKT

  • SEOMoz is showing too many links on the page ( There clearly aren't 100 visible links on the page. Is it counting each page found on the (extensive) pull-down menu as a link? If not, where do all the links come from?

    | rarbel

  • On our site we have Chinese characters in the title's and after reviewing the campaign reports I noticed it was showing that the majority of these pages have a title which is too long.  However, the Chinese character count is far less than the recommended number. I think the crawling/reporting for this language might have a problem ?

    | NeilTompkins

  • I cant seem to get this tool to work for any targeted keywords & amounts. Anyone else having this issue?

    | Anest

  • In the past I heard that other SEO type crawling software like WP Gold could seriously harm your rankings in the search engines - especially Google.  How is SeoMoz different ?

    | NeilTompkins

  • Wondering if there Is a bug with the crawler or known timeout issues?  Site speed is fast, but we do run a couple of large cron jobs out of hours, which may be the cause of any timeouts, but shouldn't the crawler report that, rather saying no title tags on 100 pages, when there are? SEOmoz newbie, so still finding my feet 🙂

    | sjr4x4

  • So I just read an SEOMoz post about the great SEO benefits of Question and Answer sites (or sections of sites) - much like the Q&A section I'm in right now. 🙂 I did some googling and haven't really found a good software for implementing (installing, skinning, integrating, etc.) a Q&A section on my website. There are a few out there, but they are pretty basic, nothing like this site or Yahoo Answers. Anyone know of good software (i'm on a PHP server) to implement Q&A on my site? Something that has the look and feel of this site or, etc.? Thanks for the help!

    | mynewco

  • A crawl of my site started on the 8th July & is still going on - is there something wrong???

    | Brian_Worger

  • I'm new to SEOmoz and I'm really enjoying the fact that I can track all my keywords in a single place and monitor the changes. Is there a way to do the same with no my links? I mean: I'm using Open Site Explorar to track my links, but I want to know my link building performance overtime. Is there a way to do this automatically with SEOmoz? In case of a negative answer, how do you track your links over time? Thanks in advance!

    | Nauweb

  • Hi is there any free ways of link building where you do not use exchange link sites. Also are there any free tools and paid tools that you can use to increase your links to your site. I have a couple of new sites and i am trying to bring more traffic to them through link building and other methods and trying to find the best way of doing this. I have heard of people talk about free tools and paid tools but not sure which ones they are. any help would be great

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi. Does anybody know where the rankings summary has moved to in the campaign reports? I want to know how many keywords have moved up or down in the last week and can't find it anywhere!

    | neooptic

  • I have a question regarding keyword selection and the difficulty score. I get the idea that you need to temper your desire to go after keyword phrases that generate lots of traffic with the reality of competition for that keyword, which is conveyed by the difficulty score. But how do we know when the difficulty score is too high? And isn't this relative to a website? If my website is in the top 1% of traffic, can't I go after more difficult keywords than if my traffic is in the top 10%? Are there guidelines or best practices to help with this decision? How do I know whether my website is "strong" enough to compete for a keyword that has a high difficulty score. If we already rank on page one of Google for numerous keywords with difficulty scores of 50 or so, is that an indicator that we can try to rank for other keywords with a difficulty score of 50? When do we know that we can start trying to rank for more diffcult keywords?

    | espressob2b

  • Hi there, It seems I have lost all the ranking history on all my keywords. I have only checked two campaigns - and and none of the keyword show any historical movement any more, something I found very useful. Please let me know if this is just a glitch or if something has really stopped working as my account has been up and running for quite some time now. Many thanks, Julian

    | Kate1982

  • I noticed that one of the pages on my root domain has a #5 rank for a keyword, yet the ranking report says that there are no results in the top 50. So I am assuming it is only tracking the home page. That is one thing I liked about the Rank Tracker, that it would find any page that was ranking on a root domain. Thanks, Lara

    | larahill

  • Hello everyone, Is there a way to dismiss some errors in the Crawl Diagnostics tool so they don't appear again? It happens so that some of the errors are never going to be fixed because of their nature. For example, 'Title too long' errors that point to some of the threads on my forum - it doesn't make sense to change the title of a thread posted by user just for the sake of the error disappearing from the 'Crawl Diagnostics' tool. 🙂 Otherwise the CD interface gets a little bit cluttered with errors which I will never fix anyway. I wonder how others deal with this problem. Thanks.

    | MaratM

  • Hi everyone, Under the "On-Page" tab which shows your report cards, is there a way of getting it to grade your entire site? One of my site's is only ~20 pages so it's no big deal to manually enter each URL and set each one to update weekly. But what if I have a site that has ~1,000 pages and I want to optimise each and every page for my main keyword using the report cards feature? Thanks in advance! 🙂 Ash

    | AshSEO2011

  • Hi I created a campaign against, and this campaign reports that only one page has been crawled. This site uses a jsvascript redirect to the real page which can be found through the following:!ut/p/c5/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os_hQdwtfCydDRwN_Jw9LA0-LAOPQYCdDI_9QY_1wkA6zeAMcwNFA388jPzdVPzi1WL8gO68cANNcdLU!/dl3/d3/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/ Now I also attempted to create a campaign against this page in case that the javascript redirect was breaking things, but that campaign also reported 1 page crawled. Can anyone instruct me as to what I'm doing wrong? Thank you

    | jcmoreno

  • I have a website that it running via SSL, to secure the website, to reassure the customer is browsing (and so will be purchasing) on a secure website, and to show off the green address bar which many of my competitors do not have. However in my campaign I am getting on Links showing, with my rank reporting '1', surely this cannot be! I asked a Help question, and the only response was: "Unfortunately, we don't currently support https for our linkscape crawls. This is definitely something that we plan to implement in the future though! I hope that helps and I apologize for any inconveniences!" This definately does not help.. Is there any way of working around this issue, or will I be forced to cancel my SEOMOZ membership?

    | jcarter

  • In my dashboard I'm not showing the ranking reports from this most recent saturday.... it is now july 3rd but my dashboard still shows: Last Data Update: 06/27/2011 Is this normal to have the rankings delayed? Thanks for any ideas

    | PillarMarketing

  • Did a semoz analysis of site and it came up with 484 pages with duplicate titles and 484 with duplicate content. Also gave me a 531st ranking for search term "Driving Lessons" (with many smaller schools with better rankings)- so I think that I may have a problem 1-Duplicate titles - I have many area pages - one for each of the post codes that we cover (some 40 odd) Each page is titled  "Driving Lessons in "xxx" where xxx is the area.
    Plus each Instructor has their own page which is tiled "Driving Lessons in xxx" where xxx is the more local towns/areas covered.
    Is this the use of the term Driving Lessons xxx on each page the problem? The report doesnt seem to make this clear -it simply lists each page on the site 2- Duplicate content puzzles me as the content does differ although each instructor page has probably 80% content derived from a master page. Attach screenshot - hope someone can help Many thanx Brian

    | Brian_Worger

  • Hi All I hope there is a simple solution to this - we have a number of campaigns setup which are all crawled, and therefore updated, on different days of the week.  We review these weekly and it would be much easier if they were all crawled on the same day. Is it possible to change the crawl day for some campaigns? Thanks Roy

    | bluelogic

  • I am a Pro user and I am trying to find a way to create an SEOmoz API key but cannot find how to do...

    | netbuilder

  • I purchased the Ultimate Advanced SEO Bundle DVD set and I understand that I can also watch it online. Where do I have to go to view it? MC

    | deuce1s

  • I've just had a look at the crawl diagnostics and my site comes up with duplicate page content and duplicate titles. I noticed that the url all has %5C at the end which I've never seen before. Does anybody know what that means?

    | Greg80

  • Hi, I'd like to build links to my websites from other relevant sites that are about similar topics. To do that in the best way, I am looking for a tool that generates keywords for a specific site or a page. This tool should basically analyze the website and understand what topics is it about. Then I can compare my website and the website I am looking to do link building in and see if the relevance is high. I remember SEOMOZ had a similar tool. Does anyone knows the link to that tool or other tools that can help me do the task I am looking to do?

    | liors

  • In my last SeoMoz Crawl I've found a lot of warnings about duplicated content in page with a noindex meta tag. Is that normal? These pages should not be considered as indexable content of my website, isn't it?

    | jgomes

  • Is having the company/office's address in the footer (or header) of each webpage important for SEO? Your page for the Geotarget tool says that having the address in this element helps search engines find your location. My question is, how important or relevant is this to SEO? How does knowing the address influence SEO? Is it best SEO practice to put the address in the footer of every webpage?

    | richardstrange

  • The "<" is not recognised by SEOmoz campaign crawl bot. Bot only keeps the text before < and deletes everything else from the title! Fix needed.

    | petrusl

  • Is there a way I can refresh the reports manually instead of waiting for it to pull the updated data?

    | RBA

  • Can anyone explain the rows of 0 values for the majoity of anchor text reported in the Anchor Text Distribution section of OSE ? e.g I ran a report for a website which has around 2,500 inbound links and when I looked at the CSV file, there are about 1,500 anchor texts showing as 0.  I'm sure there's either a simple explanation for this or its just a glitch. Can anyone help?

    | Websensejim

  • So I'm trying to quantify some of our drops and I suspect that we've taken some hits on lower quality links (some reciprocals, etc). The problem is most of the metrics I've relied on to help weed out the bad ones seem irrelevant after Panda. So I'm curious, has anyone taken mozRank to task after Panda? Is it still a good metric on valuable links?

    | Highland

  • I've recently been tasked with the SEO on an old site that was ranking somewhere on page two for desirable keyword phrases. The site was taken completely offline for a few months and started ranking on page one for the same desirable keyword phrases. The site has a lot of link partners and I think that some of the links from the site are going to undesirable pages and I'm looking for the best way to get rid of the links that are hurting the sites rankings.

    | kerrick-95531

  • We've jumped up in our rankings, page authority scores, and our toolbar PR over the past year, but our domain authority score remains the same as it was this time last year. I have noticed that for most people's sites, domain authority is typically higher than page authority, and my suspicion is that our domain authority score staying static is capping our page authority potential to some degree. Our SEOmoz scores are quite low for our toolbar PR. I've looked at the SEOmoz page relating to domain authority, and it rather vaguely says 'improve SEO generally across your site'. Other than age, the only thing I can think of is that maybe we have backlinks ranging across too broad a spectrum of topics. Being a web hosting company, we get a lot of links from our customers' sites that aren't related to our industry. Anyone got any specific advice? To provide some context, it's a PR7 website that's around a decade old with links in the hundred thousands. We score just 59 for domain authority. Thanks in advance, Jenni

    | Jenni_HeartInternet

  • Quite often when I'm using OSE and perform a CSV export, it looks like the total inbound link count and many phrases come from internal links for the domain in question.  I haven't had the time to try and figure this out and don't know exactly how to go about figuring it out. So the initial question is does OSE's anchor text distribution CSV include internal links or are they external only?  And alternately, how do I test for this?  I deal with sites that have tens or hundreds of thousands of pages and hundreds of thousands or millions of links...

    | AlanBleiweiss

  • The Linkscape Update Calendar lists two updates in July (7th and 11th). For some internal calendaring, it would be helpful to know which date the update will roll. And as always, thank you very much for the great tools.

    | Gyi

  • After the PR update the other day, some of my domain names gained PR (from 0 to 3 or 4) but the kw rank they held previously dropped off the map. Its clear the term pagerank is ill defined. Does anyone have any insight into this?

    | getbigyadig

  • We have just made a yellow pages site n in 3 weeks Google has just indexed 1700 pages out of 18000, so what can we do that Google index all the pages or how the process works? Regards

    | razasaeed

  • previously, when I went to export the weekly rank stats, the csv opened into excel and everything was fine. This week, one campaign data will not export other than purely in comma deliniated and will not translate to colums in ecel. A second campaign does export directly to excel but the data showing (on 27th June) is for the 22 february (report created march 1). so all my spread sheets for position analysis are up the creek and I cant even get last weeks positional report on my key domain. any thoughts??

    | Citybase

  • Hi, We would like to move some accounts from this one, to their own separate accounts. How is this done best so we don't lose the campaign history you've accumulated so far? Thank you in advance. BR
    Thomas Rode, Atcore

    | AtcoreDK

  • It always seem to compare the standings based on the week before, which confuses the issue when I'm only reporting monthly or quarterly. Is there currently (or might there be in the future) a way to set this so that the comparison is based on a time period that I specify?

    | MackenzieFogelson

  • I love all the data Roger gives me if I ask him politely. It's awesome to turn that data into a nice looking Excel file for analysis. There is however one situation that gets me into trouble. When I export CSV, open it in Excel and convert text to columns (seperated by comma) and e.g. a Page Title contains a comma (which often happens); my file seperation is messed up. Anyone got some tips to handle that? Thanks in advance mozzers

    | Partouter

  • Hi i am new to seo and trying to teach myself the best way to improve a site and the best way to use the tools on seomoz. The problem i have is. i am working on a page at the moment on a site. the page is called weight loss hypnotherapy and i have around 130 links going to the page where as a site which is much higher than me in google has only around 5 links. I cannot understand with being new to seo how this can happen, can anyone please explain what i need to do to improve my ranking please. here is the site i am talking about that is higher than me any help would be great can anyone also give me a good example of a page before it has been optimised and a page after it has had this done.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Is there a way to "rule out" a subfolder in the pro dashboard site crawl? We're working on a site that has 500,000+ pages in the forums, but its the CMS pages we're optimizing and don't want to spend the 10k limit on forum pages.

    | DeepRipples

  • Greetings, I just redesigned my site,, and have the old site pointing to the new site via canonical URLs. I had a new crawl test run and it showed a large amount of duplicate content. Does the SEO Moz crawl tool validate canonical urls and adjusts the duplicate content count or is this note considered? FYI, I sent from no duplicate content to having 865 errors since the redesign went up so that seems suspicious. I would think though that assuming the canonical tag were used properly, and I hope it is?, that this would not be a problem?? All help with this is most appreciated. Eric

    | Ericc22

  • Hello, I've added a new website to my SEOmoz campaign tool. It only crawls 5 pages of the site. I know the site has way more pages then this and also has a blog. Google shows at least 1000 results indexed. Am I doing something wrong?  Could it be that the site is preventing a proper crawl? Thanks Bill

    | wparlaman

  • Hi there, Open Site Explorer doesn't report backlinks from or Is that possible? Thanks, Adrien

    | AdrienOLeary

  • Hello everybody! I have an PRO PLUS account, and as I'm working with SEOMoz Campaigns, i'd like to know if I can change the logo of SEOMoz on the Ranking Report, to a different one, on of mine in this case. Thanks!

    | seomasterbrasil

  • Not sure I understand why the SEOMoz PRO report of rankings only occurs once a week? Any ideas?  Seems like it would be easy to just pull that ranking report at any time.

    | findachristianjob

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