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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Hi All, Sorry if this question has been asked before. I've had a look through the Q&A sections and I couldn't really see anyone who'd asked the question as direct as this? Basically, I'm using the SEOMoz competitive domain analysis to compare some of our domains and our competitors domains and see where we're falling down. At the minute, we seem to be only scoring around '31', whereas our two closest competitors as 32 and 33 on the overall score. This still seems pretty low to me (maybe it's not) so I'm assuming we can make some good headway. At the minute, the analysis shows that we're beating our competitors hands down with the number of links to our site, these are all relatively good quality and they haven't just been spammed out there to gain links. We are however struggling to get followed linking root domains. As I understand it, these are basically just links from domains not on the same IP that are followed? Since I've seen this, I've looked through the open site explorer and gone through all of our competitors sites to get backlinks from URL's linking to them. I've had fairly good success with this but they only seem to have gone up by 1 - 2 links. Does this only get updated once a month? In addition to this, does anyone have any tips on how to build up followed linking domains? Kind Regards

    | LewisSellers

  • I'm really enjoying hanging out here so far.  I was wondering if there is an easy way to find out which of the discussions that I am taking part in have new responses in them.  I know I get an email whenever a question I have subscribed to gets an answer, but is there a way to see this when I am on the website? I see that I can go to "My questions" and "Questions I have asked" or "Questions I have answered" but on that screen it doesn't tell me which one(s) of those questions have new answers. Am I missing something?

    | MarieHaynes

  • I am using seomoz webapp tool for my SEO on my site. I have run into this issue. Please see the attached file as it has the screen scrape of the error. I am running an on page scan from seomoz for the following url:  When I run the scan I receive the following error: We were unable to grade that page. We received a response code of 301. URL content not parseable. This page had worked previously. I have tried to verify my 301 redirects and am unable to resolve this error. I can perform other on page scans and they work fine. Is this a known problem with this tool? I have verified ensuring I don't have it defined. Any help would be appreciated.

    | GeoffBatterham

  • Hi, I really like the SEOMoz keyword difficulty tool. It currently reports metrics between the top 10 positions. Is there any plan to introduce the facility to directly compare metrics between a selected website and that of other competing websites. For example, a clients' website compared to the top 10 results, or compared to a number of other selected competiors websites? Best wishes, David

    | Hallam

  • Currently my Domain Authority is at 36, I believe earlier this week it was at 39 and a few months ago it was 41 but I have no way of checking the Domain Authority history. Why would my website's Domain Authority go down like this? I was hit pretty hard (well not so hard compared to other sites, but It feels pretty hard) by Panda 2.0 and I have been making many changes. However, I am 301 redirecting the few removed pages. All paginated pages (page 2,3 etc of each category) I have changed to "noindex, follow" meta tags. For all "thin content' pages I am also using "noindex, follow". And all possible duplicated content I am also using "noindex, follow". So the link juice should still be flowing. So where is my domain authority going? Thanks!

    | donthe

  • Is it possible to get a report of errors that were on a site back in April? Does SEOMoz keep that data available? There was a big decline in the number of errors on one of my sites and I'm trying to go back and see what it was. --Steve

    | Aggie

  • Hi ,My site is ranking very well.Although lacking large numbers of links ,Im only able to grasp the bottom page of First Page, Im in the position #6 through Position #10 with approximately 44 keywords. Its been about a year now so i think im doing well .. ** Here is my problem,** I recently was able to pick up a few very good High ranking backlinks ,They are in the Range of pr8 & 9 they have huge amounts of links pointing to them,One of them is a Dot Edu back link..Niether one of these are showing up..In fact , In the open site explorer i had a couple very high domain rank backlinks showing as my top link. This been there for 7 months They are gone...Now i have these 2 new backlinks  both pr8 and pr9 not showing up in the top of the list..They are both cached .I can see them in the cached links .. **  But where the heck is my new links ??? been about 1-2 months ..shoudnt these show up in the top of open site exploreer?? Very aggrevating...Could this be open site explorer reading the site differently month after month??**

    | herrie

  • When I started the campaign I used but now I have an external blog at and is hosted on tumblr. This site gets lots of errors showing on the campaign because insists on following no-follows. If I change the campaign to then will not be part of the campaign. It does say in the help that it will NOT track sub-domains, but it does and hence my problem. So, I am not sure if the rest of the info there is old. 'Does the Web App track the subdomains of my campaign’s domain?
    A.  Unfortunately we do not currently track subdomains as a part of the
    domain you enter. Instead, you must create another campaign slot for any
    subdomains you wish to track.' Any ideas on where or how to do this?

    | oznappies

  • I'm still having issues with this's referencing my tags as links that are doing this... should i remove the tags on my posts that are exact keyword matches to my article? for example, this post generates an 'a' through the on-page optimization tool for the keyword 'kw cares'...they only thing i receive a warning on is the self-cannibalization. Cannibalizing link - "kw cares" is it best practice not to have your tags match your primary keywords? any guidance is appreciated!

    | brentmitchell

  • Hi all, I'm using the links seomoz API, and it's working great for me, except it only appears to return 3 results. Seems to only return 3 results on the anchor text api also. Is there something basic I'm not doing to get more results? Thanks!

    | jimbo_kemp

  • I have always been under the impression that top level (or root) domains can hold different domain authority than that of a sub domain. Meaning that sub domain's and TLD can hold different ranks and strength in search engine result pages. Is this a correct or just an assumption? If so when i add a root domain and subdomain into the campaign manager i get back the same link information and domain authority? Have I made an incorrect assumption or is this an issue with the SEOMoz campaign manager?

    | kchandler

  • I am doing some competitor analysis and one thing that I want to know is how many links my competitors have and how many different domains link to their sites. I got some figures on this both from the SEO Moz toolbar and from Majestic SEO. My problem is that the figues are massively different. E.g. SEO Moz says 9657 links from 95 domains, Majestic says 4895 links from 1722 domains. Who do I believe? And where do each of these tools get their data from?

    | mascotmike

  • I would like to suggest the ranking changes be broken into two categories, You and Competition, right now it seems everything is lumped in together... Screen shot attached. Thanks. A24tp.jpg

    | CouponCactus

  • I received a message that my crawl report is complete with a link  - went to the link however - when I click on the icon that has the report name and the complete check mark nothing happens looked around can't find the results. Need to bid on this job so it would be helpful to know where to get it. Thanks for all you do. Wickey

    | Wickey

  • What's your SEO sweet spot for monthly keyword search volume*? At what volume do you actually expect to see traffic? (I know this depends heavily on competition for said keywords). (*Currently measuring volume via Google AdWords Keyword Tool / SEOmoz keyword difficulty tool. || Comparing exact match and broad match.)

    | JessicaCox

  • One of my backlinks is from a site that has a page authority of 74. However, the domain is a domain I purchased and 302'd to my current main domain. What I'm wondering (without getting into why a 301 is better than a 302) is this: does OSE have any tool that shows if there is actually value in a link? My assumption is that despite this domain having a PA of 74, the 302 is not passing over any value. To be clear, I understand that a 302 doesn't pass over any SEO value, but my question is whether or not OSE shows the value of a link? Thanks!

    | RodrigoStockebrand

  • I used the onsite optimization and made some changes to my post, but am still getting the Self-Cannibalization mention in my results. It lists this: "Real Estate Careers | Keller Williams | Career In Real Estate" as the link that is not supposed to be there. This is not a link, but the title of the post.  What am I missing?

    | brentmitchell

  • I ran some of my pages through the 'on-page report card' and one thing that kept popping up was to Avoid Keyword Self-Cannibalization. I thought the best SEO practice was to have anchor text at the end of your article that matched your target keywords. Is this not accurate? Please let me know the best practice so I can make sure my pages are all optimized correctly. Thanks. Here is an example:

    | brentmitchell

  • Using wordpress is a good CMS, yet there sre so many meta data errors occuring, is there a list of what to look out for and good practices when using wordpress?

    | CosmikCarrot

  • Afternoon everyone (well, it is for me), We've been tracking the linking root domains to our domain for around 6 months now, alongside tracking these domains we have also been engaging in linking building activities. Our initial activities worked quite well with linking domains rising from around 620 to 720 in 3 months. However, recently we have seen those numbers begin to fall away, in many cases it is because certain domains have stopped linking to us, have become no=follow sites or have been archived. But, in some cases we can see the link is still there, and is being registered by other tools such as yahoo or webmaster tools. My question is really, does anyone have a way of working out why a link, that was in the past being registered by open site explorer, is no longer registering and presumably no longer passing over juice to help with domain authority. What kind of signals should i be looking for to tackle a 'decaying' link? Looking forward to hear your thoughts!

    | NigelJ

  • Hi guys, I'm loving the SEOMoz PRO dashboard and have learnt so much from the campaigns I've been running. I was wondering if I could personalise the reports to have my logo on them instead of SEO MOz's? At the moment, I export them and try recreate them offline, but it wouold be way easier if I could just send them the reports PDF'ed up straight from the dashboard.

    | Lindsay_D

  • We are experiencing a problem in which category pages do not appear to be passing Page Authority to subcategory pages.  See the example below: Home page has PA of 47 The next level category page down has a PA of 34 The next sub category down has PA of 1, and shows no links at all in spite of the fact that we got to it from a category link The page in question is crawlable, is indexed and has nothing that we can see that would be prevent it from showing Page Authority and a link profile using your tools. Do we have a site architecture problem?

    | smines

  • Because I noticed a couple conflicting information they recommends me to do, but it conflicts some SEOmoz recommendations.

    | smstv

  • Well i am aiming at those +10 mozpoints 😮 only 1 thing left that i need to do, that is to upload my photo.. But when i clicked "Edit Photo" , the popup window shows only message and a single "Upload" button, in which case it says "No file image" which is.... of course, because the "Select Image Browser" did not come out at all :((

    | IKT

  • Hey all, anyone know how to add new campaigns in the pro dashboard after you upgrade? I went from pro to plus pro to get 12 campaigns, but it won't let me add anymore. It says I am a plus pro member and all, but there's no option to add more campaigns, anyone know what to do here?

    | DanDeceuster

  • Its works on my (virtual) Window based machine in FF. And when I open that same file on my Mac OS, it works! However, when downloading the overlay data to csv on my Mac OS in FF, i get a super long file name & then the file won't open? Shows -5000 error? Both in Excel and Open Office. Any ideas? Both new version of Excel & Mozbar.

    | josey

  • I used this tool once and noticed it provided nice links to where listed keywords were posted in articles, forums, blogs, etc..., since that time @3 weeks ago... it lists an "error" to links and/or doesn't provide them in a linkable list below to access. Is this tool being worked on or will it be available in the future? Thank you.

    | tylersmcc

  • Linkscape says that there are only 4 internal links to What could be the problem?


  • On the moz toolbar there is an Analyze tool. The third tab is for viewing Page Attributes. That page contains a section called On Page Links. I can see the External Link count, but I need to drill down further to look at these external links. I have viewed a page and don't see the external links this tool is seeing. I have searched the page, the source code, and used other tools on the page. The numbers don't match up. Is there a tool which lists all the external links on a given page?

    | RyanKent

  • Why does new Keywrod tool show incorrect domain linking to root domain count?  Why does the "Root Domain Linking Root Domains" column show "4,764" for  yet when I run OpenSiteExplorer for it shows "2,963" Linking root domains. Why are these two numbers different?

    | homefinder

  • Hi guys, I'm trying to make API requests from my webserver via PHP. I'd like to retrieve data from the SEOmoz URL Metrics API. Unfortunately I always get the error response "unauthorized" even when I copy and paste the Sample Valid API Signature generated by your system into the browser. Is Signed Authentication not longer supported? I even tried the sample PHP Code SignedAuth.php but there's the same problem, too. If signed authentication is not longer available, do you have a code example for the basic http authorization? Thanks, Brandon

    | thegreatpursuit

  • For crying out loud.  I have a day job.  And I'm supposed to be working.  How am I supposed to get any work done when there is so much great information that keeps appearing on SEOMoz Q&A?

    | MarieHaynes

  • I am using the latest version of the moz toolbar in my firefox browser. The IP location feature is not working for me as demonstrated in the article. "You will now notice a new button with a flag that shows up in the toolbar as you surf the web. This new toolbar addition shows the country where this site is hosted. Click on the flag to see more details about the location and IP address. If you want to learn more, click on the IP to access WhoIs information." My flag icon is depressed and looks like a US flag, even when I browse European sites. Also, I never see the location nor IP address of other sites. Am I missing a step or is the tool not working correctly?

    | RyanKent

  • It Monday and Roger has done another crawl and now I have a couple of issues: I have two pages showing 404->302 or 500 because these links do not exist. I have to fix the 500 but the 404 is trapped correctly. &\ The issue is when I do a site scan there is no anchor text that contains these links. So, what I would like to find out is where is Roger finding them. I cannot see any where in the Crawl Report that tells me where the origin of these links is. I also created a blog on Tumblr and now every tag and rss feed entry is producing a duplicate content error in the crawl stats. I cannot see anywhere in Tumblr to fix this issue. Any Ideas?

    | oznappies

  • Hi there, i am trying to clean up some duplicate content issues on a website. The crawl diagnostics says that one of the pages has 8 other URLS with the same content. When i click on the number "8" to see the pages with duplicate content, i get to a page that says "no urls with duplicate content to report". Why is this happening? How do i fix it?

    | fourthdimensioninc

  • Can I do like 15 at once? I'm also looking at a way to export all the data from multiple keywords in one view, it seems I can only export individual keywords. Is there a better seomoz tool to accomplish this?

    | insitegoogle

  • I just see the number of duplicates but not what the urls of the duplicates are? I don't see it in the export either, but maybe I'm missing it Cheers S

    | firstconversion

  • The SEOmoz crawl diagnostic tool is complaining that I'm missing a meta description tag from a file that is an RSS xml file. In my <channel>section I do have a <description>tag. Is this a bug in the SEOmoz tool or do I need to add another tag to satisify the warning?</description></channel>

    | scanlin

  • Hi Everyone, I'm working on our website Sky Candle and I've been running it as a campaign in SEOmoz. I've corrected a few errors we had with the site previously, but today it's recrawled and found a new error which is a missing Title tag on the sitemap.xml file. Is this a little glitch in the SEOmoz system? Or do I need to add a page title and meta description to my XML file. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I didn't think I'd need to add this. Kind Regards Lewis

    | LewisSellers

  • Hey, I was just thinking that it would be useful to be able to group keywords by page or some other factor in the campaign monitor keyword rank checking tool (I am sure it's called something better than that). Maybe it's just me, but I am struggling a little with this for relatively smaller sites so if I could tag each keyword and filter / group them by the tag it would be another useful tool for my seo utility belt. Fairly painless to implement as well I would imagine. 1. Create tags 2. assign tags to keywords with a drop down (optional) Would be a useful tool when exporting data to group by tag etc. Just a thought. 🙂 Marcus

    | Marcus_Miller

  • On the "On Page Repord Card", in the "Page Analysis Detail" section, I can click "Read More" for each factor and see a "Recommendation" on how to fix the page to meet that factors criteria. Are these recommendations the same everytime or will they vary depending on the page itself? Can get a copy of each recommendation that would appear if none of the criteria were met? Thanks, Daniel.

    | iSenseWebSolutions

  • I setup my keywords on SEOMoz properly but the On Page result just shows me 2 keywords instead of the 7 that I set for my campaign. I was expecting the application to score the other keywords on wednesday but it did not add the missing keywords. Is this a bug?

    | netbuilder

  • In the process of trying to figure out why a site has suddenly seen a massive fall in traffic and just noticed that MozTrust has suddenly gone to zero - was previously around 2. Any ideas on factors most likely to result in total loss of MOZtrust for a site?

    | ShaMenz

  • I have the SEOMoz toolbar installed. In the settings I have a tick next to Display SERP Overlay. When I first activated this it showed up but with no data just continually searching for a long time. Now it is not showing up at all. This is such a great tool, how can I get it working? Thanks, Daniel.

    | iSenseWebSolutions

  • Does the Keyword Rankings tool track all urls or just the main. Example: Say I put to have tracked. Will the Keyword Rankings tool also track  and any derivative of the main domain or would this be considered a separate campaign. Thanks

    | montage

  • ...but I'm not sure how to go about it. What I need is simple: all I want is to be able to paste a list of URLs (different domains), and have the program return the Page Authority for all those URLs. I understand I can use the free SEOmoz API, particularly the URL Metrics API. Then I want to export the data to an Excel file. That's it. Problem is, I have absolutely no clue how to do it. Obviously I'd pay someone to do it. Pay very well if you can do it professionally and quickly. How can I go about finding the right person for the job? Apologies if this is not the right place to ask this, but I don't know where else to go. Thanks.

    | thegreatpursuit

  • Hey guys, I'm on the free trial for SEOmoz PRO and I'm in love. One question, though. I've been looking all over the internet for a way to check Page Authority in bulk. Is there a way to do this? Would I need the SEOmoz API? And what is the charge? All I really need is a way to check Page Authority in bulk--no extra bells and whistles. Thanks, Brandon

    | thegreatpursuit

  • I think it's extremely important to be aware of any change in ranking ASAP is there any way to have SEOMOZ Pro update more often than once a week?

    | montage

  • Our site has a lot of non-followed links showing up on the latest SEOMoz Competitive Link Analysis update and I would like to know how to get a list of the sites that aresettin no-follow.

    | oznappies

  • We have noticed some strange rankings for a while that do not make any type of logical sense from an SEO standpoint. After an SEO review, it is found that these sites rank for top terms in very competitive markets for no clear reason. To demonstrate, here is research for one of the categories where this is taking place. Google for "Phoenix Computer Repair" Rank #1: Rank #2: Rank #4: Linkscape Visualization and Comparison Report The first thing we run is a linkscape visualization and comparison report. Compare site #1 to #4 or site #2 to #4. In all instances, site #1 and site #2 are completely dominated by site #4. Visualizer stats, with higher ranking site #1 on the left. Lower ranking site #4 on right: | Overall Score | 29% | 53% |
    | Page mozRank | 3.72 37% | 5.66 57% |
    | Page mozTrust | 5.41 54% | 6.09 61% |
    | External mozRank | 3.38 34% | 5.62 56% |
    | Subdomain mozRank | 3.91 39% | 5.70 57% |
    | Domains Linking | 11 12% | 74 29% |
    | External Links | 10 0% | 17461 60% | ********Linkscape Report Next, running a linkscape report to evaluate inbound links for site #1 shows a collection of cheap profile spam links. There actually appear to be no high quality inbound links: ****;u=3432;sa=summary TARGET: TITLE: View the profile of Phoenix12****Anchor Text: Computer Repair Phoenix URL Metrics mozRank: 0.00 mozTrust: 0.00 Passing: 1.59 domain Metrics ( mozRank: 5.19 mozTrust: 5.05 Machines Forum 1.1.11 blog/index.php?action=profile;u=1897;sa=summary TARGET: TITLE: View the profile of Phoenix59****Anchor Text: Computer Repair Phoenix URL Metrics mozRank: 0.00 mozTrust: 0.00 Passing: 1.56 domain Metrics ( mozRank: 2.38 mozTrust: 2.59;u=1990;sa=summary TARGET: TITLE: View the profile of Phoenix59 ********Checking Page Text and Content Full evaluation of the top site #1 shows there's not much relevant content on the pages to warrant rank 1. Just a few bare pages with very little text. Site #2 does have a lot of on-page information, but still not enough useful information to justify rank #2 in this market. ********So, what's going on? How is site #1 without any good inbound link and very little page content and site #2 with little inbound links and low trust ranking above sites with tens of thousands more inbound links, sites with more content, and sites that dominate in every way with MOZRank. Is this some kind of black-hat SEO that is exploiting an unpublished weakness in Google? If so, what method is being used? Spammy profile links? The current site ranked #1 has been reported to Google as SPAM 3 times in the past. Every time it disappears from the top ranking for a few weeks, but is back again a short time later.

    | mypctechs

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