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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • I saw the note today that the link index did it's monthly update, yet our site still only shows 1 linking root domain and I know there are many more links now. What do I need to do to get open Site Explorer to use the latest data? I enter our site, create the report and only see old information from 6 may 2011's link index. I have the same issue with competive link finder, links I know we have on the sites listed for our competitors are not showing for our site.

    | oznappies

  • Hi SEOmoz folks We're getting a lot of 404 (not found) errors in our weekly crawl. However the weird thing is that the URLs in question all have the same issue. They are all a valid URL with a backsalsh ("") added. In URL encoding, this is an extra %5C at the end of the URL. Even weirder, we do not have any such URLs in our (Wordpress-based) website. Any insight on how to get rid of this issue? Thanks

    | GPN

  • I am just wondering if anyone has had a full SERP Report in the keyword difficulty tool finish for them or if they know how long these take to populate?

    | MarloSchneider

  • I have an issue with one of my sites where the SEOMoz crawler is following some form action links.  It is my understanding that the crawler will ignore these links.  Why would it not be ignoring them in certain cases.  If you need more detail, please ask.  Thanks.

    | AmberHanson

  • Please review my request here: and let me know I think it would make the program even more robust and beneficial to many members. Please advise: Thanks Sean

    | montage

  • Recently i have found that the data in the trifecta report is becoming less complete. For the last few sites i found that the report returned about half of the metrics it was looking for. For instance, it mentioned that one of the domains did not have a dmoz or wikipedia link/page even though they had both? Also, it rarely returns the Yahoo Site Explorer metrics even though when clicking to see the source the data is there? Are you guys planning on phasing out this tool, if not it seems like some work needs to be done on cleaning it up. Thanks!

    | kchandler

  • I did a 301 redirect to another domain and I would like to change the domain name in SeoMoz campaigns tool to continue to track the keywords, is it possible ?

    | mhenriques

  • Hey guys, So I was doing some backlink analysis for a client and was utilizing Open Site Explorer, which stated that I had roughly 2,111 External Followed Links.  However, I can't seem to find a way to export all 2,111 backlinks.  I wanted to make sure if the links I had acquired had been indexed and crawled, and picked up, but I can't seem to access the full list on a domain level, only on the subdomain level. Anybody have any suggestions or advice?  Any would be helpful! Best, James

    | sixspokemedia

  • Just a quicky: Tried to run keyword difficulty tool reports last couple of days but keep getting error messages regardless of how many words/phrases I request. Is this a general outage or just me? Cheers

    | lovealbatross

  • Hello everybody! As I'm working with SEOMoz Campaigns, i'd like to know if I can change the logo of SEOMoz on the Ranking Report, to a different one, on of mine in this case. Thanks! PKDKF.png

    | seomasterbrasil

  • Hi I have seen a Tweet and item on the latest news saying that the Linkscape has been updated. I'm still seeing a report generated at the start of May though. What do I need to do to get my grubby hands on the latest data? Chris

    | P4D

  • I have been fixing broken links, doing a lot of on-site SEO keyword and page title improvement, and steadily building inbound links. Yet my domain authority and MozRanking is dropping, though my keyword rankings are improving. What is going on? Should I be concerned? How can I find out why my domain ranking is dropping, and how (and should I) fix this? Is this because I do not have a blog yet? What factors determine domain authority?

    | threedegreesinc

  • Hi,At we get tons of links from low (or no) page authority websites, and I'm wondering what the crawl rate of those links looks like.  I know Google pulls in the web at an astonishing rate, but I'd imagine they aren't re-crawling lower PA very frequently.Are they discovering these links a week after they're posted?  A month?  More?  I spent a while looking around for histograms of actual crawl rates and found surprisingly little.  I'd love to see average crawl rate by Domain or Page Authority if that exists anywhere.
    Thanks!-MichaelP.S.  Here are some random examples of the types of pages with inbound links I'm talking about.  Normally we wouldn't spend too much time thinking about these, but there's just so many of them we can't ignore it!-

    | Thumbtack

  • I'm looking for the best MOZ Pro research tool to track the success of our fledgling blogger outreach/link building efforts. Should we use Open Site Explorer's "Full List of Link Metrics", or is there something better or more granular for counting and analyzing inbound blog links? Thanks!

    | MJOshea

  • HI there about 4 days ago I canceled my account over here at SEOmoz because I was going to take a break for a few months. Though earlier todayI changed my mind and now I don't want to cancel it anymore. That leads me to my question: is there a way to cancel you cancellation? regards /Alexander

    | aleand

  • I have run open site explorer for a couple of sites but I am getting the "no data available for this URL" message.  I have read the reasons listed on the error message but none of these apply to the particular sites I am looking for data from.  Any thoughts as to why this might be? Thanks, Kwan

    | SocialKwan

  • Hello, I have a crawl diagnostic warning that says 302 (temporary Redirect).  My site is set up with HTTPS - is that the main reason I am getting this warning?  I don't have a strong need for higher security SSL on my site, which is what I understand the main purpose of HTTPS to be so, to improve SEO, would I be better off getting rid of this and going with HTTP?  Or would 301 redirects be a better option? Thanks for your help! Niall

    | NiallTom

  • On my on-page optimization reports, all my key phrases are related to my index page. Is that a way I can associate specific  key words to specific landing pages automatically, without having to go to on-page report card and insert the landing page address all the time? The reason why I am asking this is because my marks are low, because associates with the index which is not optimized for some specific key phrases.

    | juliantile

  • Like in the SEOBook toolbar where you can click the information button and get the number of links to the domain and specific page for .edu and .gov sites. Thanks, Daniel.

    | iSenseWebSolutions

  • In the rankings section if I add these two terms to monitor They are both monitored: Fresh fish fresh fish Do search engines give more weight to capitals on some small scale or is this an error in the app? Thanks, Daniel.

    | iSenseWebSolutions

  • I consult in the dental industry.  Many professionals in this industry are operating in the dark ages when it comes to marketing. Any ideas about using research tools data to create client interest in dedicating marketing spend on SEO services vs their other current antiquated marketing methods? I am approaching potential clients to pitch SEO.  They aren't necessarily seeking SEO services currently but have a strong marketing budget.  I would like to use seomoz tools data about their site and competitors as way to show possibilities/potential of SEO services to gain interest in further discussion of SEO benefits.

    | cody_baird

  • My site is showing a 301 redirect or a forward to . I had done a 301 redirect long before from my site to this domain, but i removed that after 2-3 days. Please help me to solve this problem. I attached a screen shot seomoz1.jpg

    | riyas_

  • What is the best (hopefully seomoz) tool to create a list of the keywords bringing the most traffic into a competitor's website?  Goal is to build a list of keywords that bring the competitor the most traffic, stack ranked by volume of traffic coming into the competitor.

    | sftravel

  • My competitor have changed, so I want to alternate a new one instead. But I dont see where is the button or something to delete the old one!

    | seomasterbrasil

  • Hello semoz, I having problem adding my site http://климатмонтаж.рф to Campaign Manager. I got this error: "We have detected that the root domain климатмонтаж.рф does not respond to web requests. Using this domain, we will be unable to crawl your site or present accurate SERP information." Is it possible anyhow to add my cyrillic domain? Thank You, Dmitri

    | zhuk

  • I have specified the following in my robots.txt file: Disallow: /catalog/product_compare/ Yet Roger is crawling these pages = 1,357 errors. Is this a bug or am I missing something in my robots.txt file? Here's one of the URLs that Roger pulled: <colgroup><col width="312"></colgroup>
    | Please let me know if my problem is in robots.txt or if Roger spaced this one. Thanks! |

    | MeltButterySpread

  • I am viewing my Crawl Diagnostics Report. My report is filled with data which really shouldn't be there. For example I have a page: This is a main forum page. It contains a list of many threads. The list can be sorted on many values. The page is canonicalized, and has been since it was created. My crawl report shows this page listed 15 times. and so forth. Each of those pages uses the same canonicalization reference shared above. I have three questions: Why is this data appearing in my crawl report? These pages are properly canonicalized. If these pages are supposed to appear in the report for some reason, how can I remove them? My desire is to focus on any pages which may have an issue which needs to be addressed. This site has about 50 forum pages and when you add an extra 15 pages per forum, it becomes a lot harder to locate actionable data. To make matters worse, these forum indexes often have many pages. So if I have a "Corvette" forum there that is 10 pages long, then there will be 150 extra pages just for that particular forum in my crawl report. Is there anything I am missing? To the best of my knowledge everything is set up according to the best SEO practices. If there is any other opinions, I would like to hear them.

    | RyanKent

  • Hello! All of my campaigns have the box 'Weekly crawl completed for campaign ...' unticked under Campaign Settings, yet for all of them I still receive an email regularly with the subject 'New crawl completed for ...'. How do I stop this?  Is there a bug here? Adam Bishop

    | arbishop

  • Hi, I need to optimize a multi-language site. It's an hotel chain website and has 4 languages. Each language version of the site must be optimize for a diferente Google Engine. The english version of the web must be optimized for Google United States, an so on. Do I need to create a new Campaign for each language? or can I use more than 4 Engines in one campaign. Thanks,

    | Dragut-Comunicacion

  • I just started a new contract with a Fortune 50 client that is using Akamai Ghost.  Makes sense because they are truly a global presence.  The problem is I am having a hard time using anything to crawl the site, even Seomoz only comes up with one page when pointed to the home page. It really worries me that Gbot is having the same problem. We are indexed really well but I fear its only because of internal deep linking and the bot is getting stuck in different places and not crawling the whole site or passing “Link Juice” like it should. At first I thought it was a cookie issue due to language selection but that was ruled out and Google Webmaster tools is throwing up an intermittent Akamai error when a crawl test is done. (sometime it stops at the first page and wont crawl) Has anyone here worked with Akamai had the same problem or found a solution? I want to get a handle on this before I write up a business case and call Akamai in for a meeting.

    | SEMSEOManager

  • My website - - has 26 articles and when the SEOmoz did a crawl it only found 13 articles.  Can someone please give me some insight as to why not all pages are being crawled.

    | CohesiveMarketing

  • is there a search operator in google to sort by highest PR, or an alternate search engine (besides Google directory) to find high PR sites by keyword? I am sending free product out to webmasters to use as a giveaway for their audience, and would like to find the highest PR sites/pages to partner with. I want the highest SEO value out of the products I send out. I'm trying to find outdoor sports related sites, etc, which have done contests/giveaways in the past and linked well to the supplier of the prize. I've been just googling phrases like "backpack giveaway", etc. and this has worked ok, but I'd like to find a tool to search for the highest PR sites around each of the phrases.

    | rakesh_patel

  • Issue: When I export OSE Linking Pages results to .CSV, I'd like to filter only unique domains. It seems to me that there should be a way to do this with Excel, perhaps pivot table. Anyone have a quick solution for this? Alternatively, I can use Linking Domains, which gives all unique roots, but then i lose follow/nofollow filter. Thoughts?

    | Gyi

  • I am new, and I just got back my crawl results (after a week or more). The first thing I noticed is that the "duplicate page title" is in the thousands, my urls and page titles are different. The only thing I can see is that our company name is at appended to the name of every title. I did search and found one other person with this problem, but no answer was given. Can anyone offer some advice? This doesn't seem right... Thanks,

    | AoyamaJPN

  • I've noticed a difference in the reported PA and LRD numbers for URLs depending on whether you use Open Site Explorer, or look at the same metrics from within the rankings history (in your campaign set up). I've checked this for a few URLs and what I'm seeing is the reported scores for PA and LRDs is different 9 times out of ten. The PA is sometiomes higher on one report, lower on another, or vice versa. Same for LRDs. I thought it might be because one report was lagging behind and using old data, but that would only make sense if I was seeing an increase in reported LRDs, but it just as often shows a decrease ! Is this just a bug in the campaign>rankings history report or is there a reason for the discrepancies?

    | Websensejim

  • Currently my company uses basecamp with a splash of google docs a little bit of Paymo, and Raventools for project management.  (We use other tools like SEOmoz, but not so much for management as SEO tasks) The ideal features we are looking for are: Collaborative document editing and sharing(Google Docs) Task lists and project organization (basecamphq) Time Tracking on a per task basis (Paymo) (SEO tracking software is great too, but it doesn't have to be integrated with the project management directly. Currently using Raventools and SEOMoz along with some smaller tools.) The project management side can be completely separate from the SEO tool side, but it would be great if there was one simple interface that all of this could be done from. Any suggestions?  Are there features I'm missing in my current software that could bring them up to this level?

    | MarloSchneider

  • I've gotten confused when it comes to the Competitive Analysis Report in the Web App. I track in my own spreadsheet how many backlinks I accumulate. However, I had thought that the Competitive Analysis report would do that as well. But each month, the numbers of Total LInks- through Linking c-blocks changes up and down drastically. I clicked HELP to try and understand what each of these means, but could you please explain them to me? I was under the impression that External Followed Links are the ones I was going after, however, shouldn't my records match with the one in the web app? Somehow I went from 786 ext followed links in January, to 867 in Feb, to 804 in March, to 804 in April, then 973 in May, and dropped to 791 2 weeks later...I don't think I'm understanding how the web app calculates these numbers. And how come Domain Authority seems to fluctuate up and down? So what would be the best way to track my progress in accumulating backlinks? Would it be my own spreadsheet or do you have a tool for this? Because I'd like to see how many I've gotten since January, but don't understand how to see this in the webapp. HELP!

    | aircyclemegan

  • I've noticed that when looking at the SEOmoz tool, specifically the On Page analysis tool, it is still looking at an old url. About two months ago I made updates to all of our category page URLs. Previously the old urls were stuffed with keywords, strange characters and were really long. When looking at the on-page tool though it is referencing the old urls for keywords and I'm wondering why? I figure its been long enough to recognize the new urls. Is the paring of a keyword and a url saved and just graded on a weekly basis to produce the report? I had expected to see the new url's by now which are also represented in the sitemap. Around that same time I also added our TellAFriend Page and Review pages to our Robots.txt file as not to be crawled but I still see these pages come up in the errors report. Should this update as well?

    | dgmiles

  • Hi there, I´m looking for a tool, which shows all 301 redirect links to a domain. Have some competitors which haven´t many links but have quite good rankings. I suppose they have some 301 redirections... Thanks!

    | TheLastSeo

  • Hi everyone, I just recieved my crawl test report and its only given me 200 or so URL's when my site has thousands, any thoughts?

    | Ev84

  • Hi there, Im having a few problems getting my site up and running on SEOMoz and im not sure what im doing wrong.Firstly seomoz shows 2 links for my site... Which is wrong. Google shows alot more. However the most noticable problem so far is Opensite explorer. When i type in the web address it shows "No Data Available for this URL" The site is more then a year old and has a few links, can anybody tell me what the problem may be?

    | Ev84

  • My domain was updated to use www by default.  How do I update it in the profile?

    | dsfsystemsseo

  • I have a domain with PR6 according to the Historical Pagerank Checker.  But that last PR was calculated 2 years ago.  I brought the site back online a few days ago and have checked that many/most of the backlinks are still valid.  It is now in the Google index but the Historical Pagerank Checker shows PR0. Will it get back its previous rank or something close to it?  How long will it take?

    | DomainOptions

  • Every day when I get home from work, a web marketing firm in Rio de Janeiro, spent 2-3 hours trying to help other students of SEO, like me. I do not know why when I post an answer they do not have more points on my profile. I always try to answer questions on issues that i dominate, or exemplifying experiences I ever had. When I am not aware, I never answer, try searching at most. I really like to to know why my score has stopped.

    | j0a0vargas

  • I've been unable to edit my comments here for about a week 😕 Just me or is it like this for everyone? Tried FF 4, Chrome, IE 9, Safari and iPhone Safari. Just get the loading icon. If it's just me I'll submit a bug report.

    | StalkerB

  • I am referring to the area where it says ranking changes and where it has a green and a red arrow for improved and declined.

    | JGar-220371

  • Hello. I just joined and used the Crawl tool. I have many questions and hoping the community can offer some guidance. 1. I received an Excel file with 3k+ records. Is there a friendly online viewer for the Crawl report? Or is the Excel file the only output? 2. Assuming the Excel file is the only output, the Time Crawled is a number (i.e. 1305798581). I have tried changing the field to a date/time format but that did not work. How can I view the field as a normal date/time such as May 15, 2011 14:02? 3. I use the ™ symbol in my Title. This symbol appears in the output as a few ascii characters. Is that a concern? Should I remove the trademark symbol from my Title? 4. I am using XenForo forum software. All forum threads automatically receive a Title Tag and Meta Description as part of a template. The Crawl Test report shows my Title Tag and Meta Description as blank for many threads. I have looked at the source code of several pages and they all have clean Title tags and I don't understand why the Crawl Report doesn't show them. Any ideas? 5. In some cases the HTTP Status Code field shows a result of "3". Why does that mean? 6. For every URL in the Crawl Report there is an entry in the Referrer field. What exactly is the relationship between these fields? I thought the Crawl Tool would inspect every page on the site. If a page doesn't have a referring page is it missed? What if a page has multiple referring pages? How is that information displayed? 7. Under Google Webmaster Tools > Site Configurations > Settings > Parameter Handling I have the options set as either "Ignore" or "Let Google Decide" for various URL parameters. These are "pages" of my site which should mostly be ignored. For example a forum may have 7 headers, each on of which can be sorted in ascending or descending order. The only page that matters is the initial page. All the rest should be ignored by Google and the Crawl. Presently there are 11 records for many pages which really should only have one record due to these various sort parameters. Can I configure the crawl so it ignores parameter pages? I am anxious to get started on my site. I dove into the crawl results and it's just too messy in it's present state for me to pull out any actionable data. Any guidance would be appreciated.

    | RyanKent

  • I'm looking at a site for a potential link and am trying to find the most linked to page. The SEOmoz toolbar tells me the root domain (DA) is linked to by 660 root domains but the main URL (PA) is linked to by 38 root domains. I used open site explorer and got the same # of 38 root domains in the result. From the Top Pages tab, I clicked on the 2nd page down and the SEOmoz toolbar gives me 189 root domains linking to that page (PA). Then I ran a Linkscape report to see what that would say and I get 146 linking root domains. 1. Is this 2nd page down on OSE the most linked to page? 2. a. Is something off in these numbers?
        b. How come OSE/Linkscape doesn't report the 660 root domains in the DA?

    | Motava

  • Along with the current crawl notices (canonical links, 301s, etc) you should add "meta refresh". Those are tricky to catch via the human eye unless you are paying very close attention and they definitely effect your SEO if not done properly. Thoughts?

    | kchandler

  • I love the keyword tracker tool on SEO Moz. However I can't work out how to see search volumes for each keyword. So while I know how I am ranking for each keyword.....I have to open a separate spreadsheet to see the local Google Monthly search volumes and then cross-refer the two, which is clumsy and time-consuming. Is there a way to amalgamate the two? It seems like such a major flaw that i'm sure its there, I can't work it out. Thanks all, Dan

    | danfk

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