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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • I am getting this warning in the Pro Report Card, my site is which seems to have Children's and not Childrens in the title. Is it my site that needs to html encode in the title or is Report Card slightly broken? Exact Keyword Usage in Page Title Easy fix <dl> <dt>Page title</dt> <dd>"Personalized Childrens Books Kids Music CDs Baby Books & Gifts."</dd> <dt>Explanation</dt> <dd>Search engines consider the title element to be the most important place to identify keywords and associate the page with a topic and/or set of terms. SEOmoz's correlation research has also shown that rankings are heavily influenced by keyword usage in the title tag.</dd> <dt>Recommendation</dt> <dd>Employ the keyword in the page title, preferrably as the first words in the element.</dd> </dl>

    | DineshMistry

  • My first question on this community.. A high traffic site of mine has been severely hit for over two months. I took a look at GWTC and noticed a lot of suggestions on the HTML suggestions tab, where I believed that one or a combination of these errors/notices might been causing the penalty. At the moment of typing GWTC shows no HTML suggestions and minor meaningless crawl errors. Checking on SEOMOZ reported issues, I see zero errors except for a high number of duplicate page titles resulting from tag pages being accessible in the same tag title in paginations (tag.html?page=x) which can be fixed easily by using rel=canonical but I just know it can't cause such penalty. For reported warnings, site has a decent amount of title element being too long and missing meta tag description tags. I have been very active in the past with 301 inner pages of the site to make pages URLs as unique as possible and results were great, but that was long time ago before taking the hit. The penalty the site suffers from is zero rankings for newly added contents and old contents as well. It has also lost all rankings for its money terms. Site is not banned and still ranking top for its name which is a good thing. I am not sure where else I should be looking and will appreciate any good advices. Thanks!

    | HossamHossny

  • So, I have a website which provides mobile phone topup in India. I signed up for SEOMOZ Pro membership a little less than a month ago. For all our competitors , which rank above us in google as of today , I checked out two things a) competitive link analysis     and b) on-page optimization. On b) , our home page had the best optimization for targeted keywords and the best score amongst all competitors who ranked above us. On a) , linkscape tools showed our moztrust and mozrank to be the best. Except for 2 competitors, our domain authority was also better than the rest. Inspite of all this, our website is ranked no more than 6 on google for all targeted keywords. We have the best quality links amongst our competitors. I am at a loss to understand this and how to improve our ranking. I have to make a decision whether to renew my SEOMOZ membership in 2 days time. Please help me decide!

    | mobikwik

  • Some of my Open Site Explorer Top Pages!toppages have [No Data].  How do I fix this?  I use WordPress and these are .pdf files I uploaded to my server and 301 redirects I created using the Pretty Link Pro plugin

    | drhoro

  • We're in the process of looking to hire link builders & content managers in the Chicago area. While I know it's not a "core function" of SEOmoz, the SEO Industry Jobs section has been very helpful to us. Unfortunately, it's not easily searchable/filterable by geography. I think the Moz resume & job-board could be a lot more helpful with some updates, including filter by geography. Anyone else have any suggestions?

    | Gyi

  • Signed up to the trial version of Seomoz today just to check it out as I have decided I'm going to do my own SEO rather than outsource it (been let down a few times!). So far I like the look of things and have a feeling I am going to learn a lot and get results. However I have just stumbled on something. After Seomoz dones it's crawl diagnostics run on the site ( it is showing 20,000+ plus errors. From what I can see almost 99% of this is being picked up as erros for duplicate content due to session id's, so i am not sure what to do! I have done a "" on google and this certainly doesn't pick up the session id's/duplicate content. So could this just be an issue with the Seomoz bot. If so how can I get Seomoz to ignore these on the crawl? Can I get my developer to add some code somewhere. Help will be much appreciated. Asif

    | blagger

  • Rand yoou mentioned soon we will be able to list the root domain and be able to track subdomains also in the same campaigne. I could not find the article again now, do you have a ETA?

    | AlanMosley

  • Lots of times I'll Thumbs Up a question, blog post or response not only if I think it's high quality but if I think I'd like to revisit it in the future.  Essentially, I want to use a the SEO Moz  Thumbs Up as a bookmark. Is there any way to see all the SEO Moz content that I have given a "Thumbs Up" to? I know I can review all the questions I've asked or answered in the "My Q&A" page.  Perhaps, I'm just missing a "Thumbs Up" page somewhere on my profile?

    | TaitLarson

  • In the old Q&A set up your response was automatically given a thumbs up by you so that you got a mozpoint for every response you gave. Now you have to manually thumb up your responses. Why was this change made? Can we get it back to the way it was?

    | DanDeceuster

  • I've been working hard to use this EXCELLENT tool for optimize some of what I consider my most important pages . . . But the automatic tool that pulls pages and grades them (the "summary" of the "on page" report) . . . I don't get it.  It only graded three of my pages, and I don't understand how it chose what keywords to grade it for? I'm just very confused.  I don't understand how it chose the pages to grade, not the words it chose to grade it against. 😞

    | damon1212

  • Does anyone know if we can expect keyword rank tracking in Google mobile? It would be a cool feature for SEOmoz Pro. Does anybody know of any reliable software that does this at the moment?

    | A_Q

  • I have the SEO MozBar set up and for one of the sites we are maintaining, it is showing them on a 59 as PA in the MozBar.  When I check it on Google PR, it has either no info or a 0. was one of the ones I found which shows them as 0. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    | Champions

  • I have around 1200 keywords in an seomoz campaign, chopped into various groups using labels.  I am interested in tracking how keywords perform over time, especially groups of keywords.  As far as I can tell, in the seomoz tools I can only see historical performance for a single keyword at a time. Is there a way to get a historical performance graph of more than one keyword at once?  We often run optimizations for sets of words, so it seems like you would have better stats looking at groups of words vs picking one at a time. Is there a way to export historical data for more than keyword at a time?  (So I could graph and analyze this sort of thing myself) Does anyone have other suggestions for tracking rankings in this way? Thanks for any help!

    | mlenz

  • In OSE I can see how many links there are with a given anchor text, but I can't see where those links come from.

    | seocraig-310177

  • OK, so the SEOMoz PRO Q&A forum is officially awesome since the redesign. It works amazingly well guys - thanks for a great resource! I'm wondering, what technologies have you used to make it work so well? Is the Q&A forum totally custom, or does it run on top of another 3rd-party / open source / web app structure? We're thinking about doing something similar for our business (not in the SEO space, so don't worry 😉

    | monetize-266006

  • First let me say I want to improve the text of the site I am working on focusing on the site visitor in the first instance. I run the "On-Page Keyword Optimization" The page fails on "Avoid Keyword Stuffing in Document... ...Occurrences of Keyword 48" well over the limit of 15. The occurrence include those in the site navigation and strapline, but it was my understanding that Google was aware of nav areas/areas common to most other pages on the site and that keywords in these areas weren't viewed as being part of the page content. The keyword is the main keyword for the company, and the page is the home page i.e. "acme widgets" the others are "acme widgets for the home"... well you get the idea: The page breaks down as follows: 5 instances in primary nav 1 instance strapline 3 instances secondary nav Remainder in page body I am told by the tool to reduce to 15 instances, so should I? Have 9 instances in the nav and other areas and 6 or so on the page Have 9 instances in the nav and other areas and 15 or so on the page

    | GrouchyKids

  • Is it possible to view keyword statistics from previous months. I'm interested in analyzing the trend of particular keywords from the beginning of this year up until the present.

    | DigitalHills

  • Hey guys, just a quick question about page authority. Often I'll be on a page with a high domain authority but the page authority is 0 as it says there are 0 links from 0 domains to the page. This is despite the fact there is a followed link from the homepage to that page. Is this just a bug in PA, and can I assume that the page will have at least some authoirty as a link from the homepage is pointed to it? Or is there some other factor that may be preventing the page to not have any PA. Thanks

    | SureFire

  • I received this in my Private Messages section: My name is Fatima,i saw your profile at/ and became intrested in you,i will also like to know you the more,and i want you to send an email to my email address so i can give you my picture for you to know whom i am.Here is my email address ([email protected]) I believe we can move from here I am waiting for your mail to my email address above.Fatima(Remeber the distance or colour does not matter but love matters alot in life) How can somebody spam like this on protected forum?

    | IM_Learner

  • Open site explorer will only show up to to 25 links per domain but in order to fully understand the link profile for the site I'm working on, I need to know how many links are coming from each domain - when I download the linking domains report, it doesn't contain this information. Is there a way to access it?

    | jabbate

  • Hello, Hoping someone can help me understand the difference between the Domain Juice Passed and some interesting numbers found in the exported CSV file. I ran the Advanced Link Intelligence Report and focusing on the Links to Domain metrics.  It looks like the report is sorted by mozRank passed but next to each link we are given the DJ Passed instead.  Why is that? My confusion is compounded by the fact that when I export the CSV of this report it no longer includes the DJ Passed numbers but does show URL mozRank Passed instead. For Example, on the web version of the Advanced Link Intelligence Report the top link is: with mozRank: 5.56 mozTrust: 5.95 and DJ Passed: 4.49 In the CSV file we don't get the DJ passed but get the URL mozRank Passed of: 0.00051 Looking at the CSV file further some links have URL mozRank Passed of 4.00E-05 Anyone has a clear explanation of why DJ Passed is not in the CSV file and how the mozRank passed is calculated?  And what the 4.00E-05 mean? Thank you.

    | miloszpekala

  • I've got a campaign set up here in SEOmoz and it appears that it just started picking up data for a site that is not mine. Our site is and i noticed that SEOmoz has begun including and is showing 20,000 302's from this site.  The site is in no way related to our business and should not be tracked in our campaign.  Has this happened to anyone else?

    | WP_SEO

  • Hey SEOMoz I have been spending a bit of time in the Q&A of late and have noticed lots of questions never get answered. I also had a question of my own that I left open for ages and I figured it maybe a good idea to add some kind of email nag or on screen notification for people to close old questions. There are some that have had plenty of answers but that either never get closed & really, it takes away from the fun of participating if things are never closed off & searching shows the same old tired, answerd but not closed questions lingering around like a bad smell. 🙂 Not really a question, but a little tweak suggestion. 🙂 Cheers

    | Marcus_Miller

  • Hi, there is something puzzling us about the rel=canonical reports... On the general report that is generated after the system crawls our site, we have blue flags on the rel=canonical tag, but the flags don't actually specify exactly what is wrong, they just say: "Using rel=canonical suggests to search engines which URL should be seen as canonical." so we presumed that we should take the rel=canonical tag out of our pages, and after we did so, we noticed that the on-page-report-card (the one that shows up when you run the keyword page optimization tool from the research tools) says (close to the bottom of the report) that we should have 1 canonical tag on each page. So right now we're confused, the general website crawl report flags the rel canonical as being bad and then the on page report flags not having them, we don't really know what to do, should we keep the rel=canonical or not? We are using wordpress to power our site, wordpress has a built-in system for generating the rel canonical for each page, I've checked that and the tags are being generated properly, but we have no idea why the general website report flags them in blue, the error message is not too comprehensive. Any help or information you could provide would be much appreciated. Our website is thanks.

    | joemas99

  • This is probably going to sound a bit strange but I'd like it if I could "opt out" of the 200 MozPoints in a month giving a free months worth of membership. The reason being that I am enjoying using the forum but feel like every time I click on a thumbs up for my stuff to get MozPoints, it's like I'm trying to take advantage of the offer... when in actual fact I have no interest in that. Don't get me wrong, I want MozPoints because I want an SEOmoz t-shirt lol, and maybe one day I'll get to find out what the "something really special" is (I don't want to have one of whatever it is, I just want to know what it is.... the curiosity is killing me!) Anyway, what I'm saying is that I would feel more free to use the forums without having this kind of uncomfortable feeling that it may look like I'm just in it for the points to skimp on cash lol. I use the service, I love the service, and so I am happy to pay for the service... not only that but the forums are part of the benefit of the service, so I'd rather not worry that every comment I make may look like I'm doing it for reasons of greed, rather than reasons of interest. So, can we have a thing where we opt out?

    | SteveOllington

  • Re.  External Links (link-juice) - I really need to know what this reflects.Ie. divides the PR by external link factors to get an idea of link juice or power - how does Moz calculate this scoring?

    | Turkey

  • I have a page that is listed in, but when I run an OSE Link Analysis, that link doesn't show up. I'm currently doing the free trial for SEOMoz Pro and I'm concerned that other links might not be showing up as well. Has anyone had any similar experiences and/or do you know why DMOZ links specifically might not appear in the results?

    | JoyceScott

  • I have been using Open Site Explorer for the following website I have been link building for serveral months now and added over 100 links including directories such as yet when I run the Open Site Explorer report it says I only have 10 root domain links.......the ones that were there before I started my link building. Any ideas on why this might be? Or does Open Site Explorer take a certain amount of time to collect this data?  If so does anybody know how long this takes? Thanks

    | BelfastSEO

  • Hello good people. Quick question about the Keyword Difficulty Tool (which is great by the way).  I am wondering specifically about the "keyword difficulty score" If I were to type in "blue widget,"  the tool returns a diffiiculty score of 51%. "red widget" on the other had returns a score of 40%. My question is how much more difficult is the term, "blue widget" when compared to "red widget?" 20% harder? more, less? I just don't know.  I'm sure the info is somewhere on the seomoz site, but I have searched high and low and cannot find it. Thanks a lot, Joe

    | sawa0019

  • Which would you chose? Link on PA56  with 88 OBL's and 80  IBL's or a link on a PA75 with 225 OBL's &  40 IBL (Same Domain) Pretty self explanatory. I want to know what metrics SEOMozzers rely on most. If you are not an expert at evaluating links for large scale development please don't muddy the waters on this question with a thin and vague answer.

    | DavidWolf58

  • I am trying to optimise on line shop. At begining I was focused on small number of keywords, but now I am considering using 'long tail' technique. Is there any software supporting/helping with 'long tail' seo, as it seems impossible to optimise for all of  those pharses? How should link to subpages to get best results? Any other information regarding 'long tail' seo would be much appreciated. Best Regards

    | g_stepinski

  • Hello,
       I am trying out your SEOMOZ and I quite like it. I've managed to remove most of the errors on my site however I'm not sure how to get round this last one. If you look at my errors you will see most of them revolve around things like this: These are essentially the same pages because the category for Dead Locks does not contain enough products to view over more than one resulting in the fact that when I say 'View all products' on my webpage, the results are the same. This functionality works with categories with more than the 20 per page limit. My question is, should I be either: Removing the link to 'show all products' (which adds the PageSize query string value) if no more products will be shown. Or putting a no-index meta tag on the page? Or some other action entirely? Looking forward to your reply and you showing how effective Pro is. Many Thanks,
    James Carter

    | jcarter

  • Dumb question, why is the SEOmoz Toolbar reporting vastly different data than opensitexplorer? I had assumed they pulled from the same data set. False assumption? Am I misinterpreting the metrics? The discrepancies with which I am most confused are differences in number of root linking domains between OSE and Toolbar. Please enlighten me.

    | Gyi

  • How does the website get a Domain Authority of 54 and a Page Authority of 61 when Google quite correctly gives it a PR 0? It is clearly a spam directory, which Google has recognised. It is very misleading using OSE or Campaign Management when sites such as these (and there are hundreds more we have found) are skewing the results of competitiors through the use of spam links. Is there no way that SEOMoz tools can identify such spam sites when they create their ratings?

    | paulsmithlondon

  • I'm tracking keywords. In the past past i used Rank checker. I have compared Rank checker and Rank tracker of SEOmoz and they give different results. Which one is more accurate?

    | PlusPort

  • We  notice a huge difference in the number of inbound links . Site explore shows 1,200 as an example and linkscape shows over 100,000 for the same site.

    | JamesBarry

  • My SEOMOZ campaign says that "n" number of pages were crawled. How do i get access to the list of the pages crawled by SEOMOZ?

    | IM_Learner

  • Does SEOMoz have a tool that allows me to see backlinks to a specific URL sans redirected URLs? So, URL is redirects to and I want to see how many people have linked to the /search, the resulting URL. Thanks for any help! Erin

    | ErinTM

  • Hi, I don’t know if I am incredibly stupid or am just missing something with the on-page optimization report page. I have 11 key phrases set up covering five or pages. When I grade each key phrase against the page I have optimized for it using the on-page keyword optimization (Term Target) they score A/B’s. The issue I have is the campaign manager on-page optimization report only appears to check all the key phrases against the home page, as it shows several F reports. How do I set it up so it grades each key phase against the correct site page. Thanks Fraser

    | fraserhannah

  • I recently added to seomoz, its a new site with a new domain. on the first overview its saying it has more than 24 million links and has a mozrank over 7, how is this possible?

    | francesco-285016

  • These are two metrics highlighted in the "Organic Traffic Data" report in the PRO campaigns.  Since this report is composed of data linked from Google Analytics, I bet there's a way to find this same information in GA. So...anyone know how to do that in Google Analytics?  I want this information for some long-tail productivity/potential research.

    | jcolman

  • In one of my campaigns, competitive domain analysis shows that the total links is always the same as ext. followed links. This can't be right as the site has both external links and internal links. What would be the possible issue here? Thanks for sharing your insight.

    | F-D

  • I'm getting the following error when seomoz tries to spider my site: First Crawl in Progress! Processing Issues for 671 pages Started: Apr. 23rd, 2011 Here is the robots.txt data from the site: Disallow ALL BOTS for image directories and JPEG files. User-agent: * Disallow: /stats/ Disallow: /images/ Disallow: /newspictures/ Disallow: /pdfs/ Disallow: /propbig/ Disallow: /propsmall/ Disallow: /*.jpg$ Any ideas on how to get around this would be appreciated 🙂

    | cmaddison

  • How does everyone use the mozMetrics (mozRank, mozTrust, Domain Authority, Page Authority) with their clients?  Do they ask you what these metrics mean and if so how do you explain it to them?

    | caseyhen

  • In the campaign manager, is there a way to track trends in the average ranking of a labelled group? We divide our keywords into aggregate buckets which we maintain on week-to-week basis and we're more interested in how we're doing for each bucket as opposed to individual keywords (which fall in and out of buckets over time) If this isn't possible - is it part of the product roadmap? Thanks

    | tmtoseo

  • I own more than one website. Can I have more than one website under this account? thanks Al

    | ayabi

  • Rank tracker can't find ranked for sinus lift on (us), but If I perform a real search thru I can find it ranked at 15 . Why ?

    | Filolari

  • It was a long night last night (working, not playing), therefore forgive the potential stupidness of this question... Running an OSE report on a website earlier their top linking domain was * This is a valid TLD, and I know for sure that the website has not acquired links direct from the website but from What I am asking is does the Moz Calculation and/or the pagerank calculation give more value to these links? * has a Domain Authority of 71 and 156,497 linking root domains. If so i'm gonna go buy me a bunch of domains..... Opinions please.

    | eseyo

  • Having problems with this question, old edits get saved as copies of the question, even this one had to be edited twice, originally an old version of an edited question. How do I DELETE a question I authored (like this one) I see no button for it.

    | AspenFasteners

  • The number of my total links (internal+external) is always equal to the number of Ext followed links. How come? and what could be the issue? Thanks, Eddie

    | F-D

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