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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • How can I make the a new report for the Competitive Link Analysis? My report has a date from two weeks ago and I would like to see an update.

    | CalgaryRealtor39

  • hey, someone I want to know why this page or blog post of my competition website ranking better.. I've many tools to spy & analyze domain name, but personalty I want to spy just one page of this or that website or blog.. I hope you could help me and share some tools or the best once for this job. thnx again

    | akitmane

  • For some client domains, I've tried to do a CSV export from the OSE Linking Domains page, I get a CSV that contains the typical OSE header text, but no output records.  Before I click the CSV link I always choose "show domains with links to All pages on the Root Domain". It doesn't happen with every domain I've tried this with, and when I've had the time/patience, some of the time if I try hours later, I get data.  The problem though is I rarely have the luxury of running reports a second time during the audit cycle. Has anyone else experienced this?  Is it a bug, or just an export fail due to system resources or something?

    | AlanBleiweiss

  • Hi Guys, Any advice much appreciated on this! Recently set up a new campaign on my dashboard with just 5 keywords. The domain is and a quick Google shows a good amount of indexed pages. However - first seomoz tool crawl has only crawled 1 url!! "Last Crawl Completed: Apr. 12th, 2011 Next Crawl Starts: Apr. 17th, 2011" Any ideas what's stopping the tool crawl anymore of the site?? Cheers in advance.. J

    | lovealbatross

  • Can you analyze outbound links from a given page with Open Site Explorer?

    | mjmorse

  • Hey SEOmoz guys, My question is simple. Have you re-test your metrics (DA, PA, mR etc) correlation with SERPs in google panda update? are they still valid in determining authority, trust and popularity in panda update? are they still usefull? Thanks! Yudhis

    | yudz

  • We're wondering how important it is to use a keyword at least 4 times versus say 2.  Often times we use our keywords once or twice within the body of our pages with appropriate H1 and Alt text use. Will we notice significant SEO benefits by using the KW at least 4 times given that we are scoring 'A's on almost all our pages via the On-Page Keyword Optimization Tool? Thanks!

    | alltreatment

  • HI about 1 week, the SeoMoz told me that was crawiling all the time . i don´t know if it a problem whit the system or is new software implemented. i´ts says about 20 days crawiling thanks

    | monotero

  • After getting the crawl diagnostics report for the first time my boss and I looked over it and we have tried to fix the problems but we are stumped.I have tried and watched videos , read books, etc.. but have found nothing to help. I need assistance getting started on improving my website. Can you help?

    | WVInjuryLawyer

  • Hello, and are listed under an error for having a duplicate page. They are in fact the same page. I'm wondering how I can remedy this. Thanks

    | benfirth

  • Hello guys, our site is nearly perfect - according to SEOmoz campaign overview. But, it shows me 5200 Errors, more then 2500 Pages with Duplicate Content plus more then 2500 Duplicated Page Titles. All these pages are sites to edit profiles. So I set them "noindex, follow" with meta robots. It works pretty good, these pages aren't indexed in the search engines. But why the SEOmoz tools list them as errors? Is there a good reason for it? Or is this just a little bug with the toolset? The URLs which are listet as duplicated are (edit the IDs to see more...) (edit the IDs to see more...) The crawling picture is still running, so maybe the errors will be gone away in some time...? Kind regards

    | mdoegel

  • Hi everyone, I'm currently using the trial of seomoz and I absolutely love what I'm seeing.  However, I have 2 different websites (one has over 10,000 pages and one has about 40 pages).  I've noticed that the smaller website is crawled every few days.  However, the larger site hasn't been crawled in a few days.  Although both campaigns state that the sites won't be crawled until next Monday, is there any way to get the crawl to start sooner on the large site? The reason that I've asked is that I've implemented some changes that will likely decrease the amount of pages that are crawled simply based upon the recommendations on this site.  So, I'm excited to see the potential changes. Thanks, Brian

    | beeneeb

  • I'm hoping this is a quick and simple question. Sometimes when using the open site explorer or the keyword difficulty tool i find that some pages have a higher "page authority" than the "domain authority." That seemed odd to me, is there a correlation between the two? You would think by default as you grow your page authority the domain authority increases as well? So i guess my question would be, what happens on a page to give it a higher page authority than domain authority?

    | kchandler

  • I have this new client new domain new website, when seo moz crawls the site it says it has 24 million links mozrank of over 7, looks amazing but impossible can someone as seomoz have a look please

    | francesco-285016

  • Hey All, question for you. What is your favorite tool/method for scanning a website for specific tags? Specifically (as my situation dictates now) for canonical tags? I am looking for a tool that is flexible, hopefully free, and highly customizable (for instance, you can specify the tag to look for). I like the concept of using google docs with the import xml feature but as you can only use 50 of those commands at a time it is very limiting ( I do have a campaign set up using the tools which is great! but I need something that returns a response faster and can get data from more than 10,000 links. Our cms unfortunately puts out some odd canonical tags depending on how a page is rendered and I am trying to catch them quickly before it gets indexed and causes problems. Eventually I would also like to be able to scan for other specific tags, hence the customizable concern. If we have to write a vb script to get it into excel I suppose we can do that. Cheers, Josh

    | prima-253509

  • I just ran our first SEOMoz pro report and it's showing that every article page on our site is missing descriptions. However, it's visible on the source and Google seems to be picking them up. 
    Can you please tell me why SEOMoz is makring them as missing? Are we doing something wrong here?

    | notebooks

  • Hi, i am getting this error most of the time in linkscape since last month. Sorry dude, no inlinks found matching this criteria. Pl guide is this a bug and the sites I am trying to use linkscape for were having lot of pages crawled earlier by SEOMOZ. Thanks, Preet

    | PreetSibia

  • Hi there, I was just wondering if there was a way to go back to previous results of keywords I was tracking for a site? My HDD crashed and lost the reports and was hoping to download the old reports. Please let me know if this is possilbe. Thanks in advance!

    | Greg80

  • Hi, I don't know why the mozrank of my website turn to zero suddenly.After that night,the mozrank is 0 for months and never change. What happen?  I hope can find the answer here. My website is goodbuycn

    | buycn

  • I've got two questions really.  First, is there anyway to compare your current Linkscape updates with previous updates?  Second, I've made a concerted effort to gain accumulate links in strong performing domains over the past 3 months.  However, Linkscape does not seem to be finding those links.  Some of them are pretty straight forward, like Yahoo Directory (this went live last month).  Is there a lag time between when I link to a page and when Linkscape picks up. Thanks,

    | vinnyb2000

  • Or perhaps my question is actually how often does the seomoz bot crawl the web? I ran some benchmark link counts for a number of websites about this time last month and I noticed when I went to update them for this month the data is the same. Thanks.

    | WCR

  • Hey guys, Would it be possible for you to release some sample documents, e.g. an 'initial proposal' example that can help us newbies when aiming to obtain prospective clients. I must admit I am much much more technical minded than articulate when it comes to these matters so a sample report would benefit me dearly that I could use as a starting point. My SEO services so far have been well.. totally free so far whilst I learn more about the techniques involved and determine whether it really is work I'd like to carry out in addition to my day to day development/design tasks. Now I am faced with a potential new client and after spending a fair number of hours Googling, I'm still not 100% sure how to structure the document and whether an initial audit should be carried out first to give me some statistics for the report.. Or whether the report should simply outline what I can offer. The samples I've found online, most of which are quite old, mostly tend to come from established SEO companies and have a corporate feel about them which doesn't reflect on myself as a single consultant. So if you could help out that would be fantastic and I'm sure would be a popular resource for others just starting out in the field. Thank you Dave

    | davebrown1975

  • After running one of my landing pages through the SEOmoz on-page keyword optimization tool, I see that my keywords are 13 characters from the front of the title.  My page is already receiving an A letter grade.  The 13 characters in front of my keyword phrase are not vital, but they related to the keyword phrase.  Is it that important that I drop the related word, in order to get my keyword phrase to start at the front?

    | Ticket_King

  • Looking at the Competitive Link Analysis report shows my domain outperforming my competitors on Domain MozRank, Domain MozTrust, total links, linking root domains, followed linking root domains, and linking c-blocks. But Domain Authority scores are very similar across all four sites with one competitor actually scoring higher than my domain. How should I unpick this result? I'm assuming that there must a problem with my link profile. Is that a valid assumption? Thanks, Tom fc7Ez.png

    | trbaldwin

  • OSE is an amazing tool, but do you guys at SEOmoz have any plans to develop it so we can track numbers of links over time. I need to demonstrate to clients how the link building is going, and this would be a great quick report to see how many links you found on a given day, month, year, etc. A bit like magesticSEO backlink history graph, but better 🙂

    | timwills

  • Hi everyone, According to my account, the crawl diagnostics were completed yesterday.  However, the duplicate page titles that it mentions aren't correct.  The changes that I implemented several days ago are not being shown in the report. When I click the duplicate page title links, the latest date in the graph is 3/26.  However, it says the crawl was completed on 3/30. Does it take a few days for the reports to match what the crawl actually discovered?

    | beeneeb

  • My duplicate page reports shows 376 pages with duplicate content.  After reviewing the pages the report claims have duplicate content, i can't find duplications.  could this be an error, or is there some source code that doesn't display that could be causing this issue?

    | noonzie

  • I've used the on page grade and now have all my pages at a grade A for relevant keywords. Most of them are cool, achieveing first page rankings apart from a few massive keywords. So the question is, what's next? What do i do now that I'm at grade A, but perhaps not #1 yet... Cheers -dan

    | spytunes

  • I'm trying to use the Keyword Difficulty Tool to research some keywords. However, I keep getting local Seattle results in the SERPs.  For example, if I search for "guitar lessons". At least 4 of the 10 results seem to be Seattle based (I guess because of SEOMoz ip addresses).  Is there a way to eliminate local results?

    | nixforsix

  • Hi everyone! Hope you don't mind me using Q&A to ask for your feedback, but we are looking for testimonials from PRO members on our tools, web app, and resources. These testimonials will be laced throughout the site on a variety of pages and will include -- your name, company, and possibly a photo {smile!} If you are willing to give one, please feel free to either email me -- [email protected], or leave in the comments below. We only need a line or two. Anything about what you think of our tools, how they have helped, etc., would be great! Thank you in advance, and I assure you this will not be a regular use of Q&A! We really appreciate your help and feedback everyone. #mozhug Joanna

    | JoannaLord

  • HI All, I am a new user to SEO moz pro and I have a few questions I hope you can help me with. We are adding a new product category to an existing site and I am wondering what tools to use to track our SEO efforts to build ranking for these new products. I have already started a campaign that tracks the ranking of our primary keywords but I am wondering if there are other tools I should be using as well. Currently our SEO strategy is centered around link building. I have been approaching sites that have content related to our products and offering to write articles, guest blogs, and create educational resources that benefit the sites users and have specific anchor text linking back to our site. Since we are trying to build rank for a new category of products should I be linking to the general product category page or should I try to link to sub categories or individual products? Also I have used the juicy link finder to help me identify related sites that I can approach but I haven't received very many good leads. Is there a more specific way to use the tool or another tool that I should try? If you have any suggestions about other SEO strategies/activities that we should be pursuing please share your ideas! Thanks!

    | AndrewY

  • Does anybody know if there's any easy way to use the On-Page Optimisation tool on intranet or not publicly accessible pages? Thanks!

    | neooptic

  • I got seomozpro so I could see a full list of backlinks for various websites. Not the top 25 most important etc, as I have different ideas on which are the most important. Is this possible?

    | sjc

  • I don't see a Q & A feed subscribe button. Am I missing it? Seems to me that being able to receive updates when new questions are posted would be useful.

    | Gyi

  • We have noticed a gap as large as 30 places when using UK Google. Interested in whether other people are seeing this and if anyone can offer an explaination. Thanks Turkey

    | Turkey

  • Profile picture are really really ugly, it really as annoying as the rest of the site really nice and professional. So why SeoMoz use a very high compression rate ? Bandwidth should not be a problem. The site is slow but only for generating the page content, not downloading the assets.

    | baptisteplace

  • Hi, We have a customer with a website in EN, FR and ES. They used Joomfish, so each language is in a subdirectory : sitename/en sitename/fr sitename/es and they want their website to be well placed on the web for all that languages and countries: English, French, Spanish, German and Italian. It is a website for specific affiliation, that's why there is no barriers. What I need to do to use the best way SEOmoz. For the moment I created one campaign following Google US, google Germany and Google France. To go deeper, I would need to create different campaigns in my account? And also, your robot will be able to recognize the different subdirectories and languages? And to improve the SEO of this website, it wouldn't be better to have 3 domains name, one for each country? Thanks a lot in advance for your answer, Anne

    | ahernoux

  • hi, According open explorer tool the site involved should improve its "domain authority" . So which is the fastest way for improving : Best content ? Backinks from authority domains ? Another technical adjustment ? Tks a lot ...

    | mozllo

  • First off, Hi guys I'm a new user here, in fact only in my second week of my trial period. However, I can assure you that I'll be continuing my subscription as this website is 'one hell of a bit of kit!'. Now, to my predicament. I have a website: which I am trying to move on up the rankings in Google (just like everyone else...). Well, I have followed the instructions and guidance through the Campaign Manager and I have 'A' ratings now for a couple of my preferred keywords, namely 'Office Supplies' & 'Office Products'. I also have a number of textlinks with these exact terms, some quite powerful (I'm the only outbound link on a Homepage PR5 on one). Anyway, being a complete and utter control freak - I wake up in the morning and check my rankings using the Google Mobile App for Blackberry whilst throwing as much coffee as possible down my neck. Basically (if you're not familiar with this app, it is just the same as connecting to the mobile internet and carrying out a search - or at least it should be). Well I was really excited to find that I was ranking at No.41 for 'Office Supplies' and No.17 for 'Office Products'. When I fully woke up and ventured to the office, I checked on the Mac through the normal Google UK and I'm nowhere, for either? What makes it even more confusing is that the results on the mobile seem to be intermittent - so if I check at 11.00am I'm No.17, 11.05 I'm nowhere, 11.10 back to No.17 - but only on the Mobile App. I have the Mobile App set up to Google UK, so that can't be the problem. I'm just wondering if either the Mobile App is ahead of the 'Real' Google UK results, or behind.The main reason for asking, is so that I can establish whether what I am doing is having a positive, or negative effect on the rankings. And if this is an quicker way to find out - then great! I assume the advice to come back will be '..ignore the mobile app..' but as it's being kinder to me than the 'Real' Google I'd like to be a bit kinder to it, and give the little fella the benefit of the doubt. But having said that I just checked the search results (Top 1000) for Keywords 'Office Supplies' & 'Office Products' - For Office Products the site was No.614 and for 'Office Supplies it wasn't in the top 1000, ouch. I know these things take time, as I have worked on a couple of other sites of ours and it seems that as soon as you are about to throw the towel in, the results just kick in. I'm not expecting miracles overnight, far from it - but it has me really confused. Does anyone have any suggestions/advice?(except '...get a life coffee fiend') Regards Limegreen

    | Limegreen

  • We had a question about your online tools for The Domain Authority for is 67:  Higher than most of our competitors such as <cite><cite> which has a rank of 54. </cite> </cite> We show up lower in the actual search results. An example phrase would be Visitors to Canada health Insurance. We get an A grade for onsite reports and we are working on the duplicate content and titles. We appear to be doing everything right but still rank lower than expected.  Any thoughts?

    | northerncs

  • Hello, We have a bunch of pages that contain local JSON we use to display a slideshow. This JSON has a bunch of<a links="" in="" it. <="" p=""></a> <a links="" in="" it. <="" p="">For some reason, these</a><a links="" that="" are="" in="" json="" being="" indexed="" and="" recognized="" by="" the="" seomoz="" bot="" showing="" up="" as="" legit="" for="" page. <="" p=""></a> <a links="" that="" are="" in="" json="" being="" indexed="" and="" recognized="" by="" the="" seomoz="" bot="" showing="" up="" as="" legit="" for="" page. <="" p="">One example page this is happening on is: . Searching for the string '<a' yields="" 1100+="" results="" (all="" of="" which="" are="" recognized="" as="" links="" for="" that="" page="" in="" seomoz),="" however,="" ~980="" these="" json="" code="" and="" not="" actual="" on="" the="" page.="" this="" leads="" to="" a="" lot="" invalid="" our="" site,="" super="" inflated="" count="" on-page="" page. <="" span=""></a'></a> <a links="" that="" are="" in="" json="" being="" indexed="" and="" recognized="" by="" the="" seomoz="" bot="" showing="" up="" as="" legit="" for="" page. <="" p="">Is this a bug in the SEOMoz bot? and if not, does google work the same way?</a>

    | trendhunter-159837

  • I would like to exclude in robots.txt SEOmoz and Open Site Explorer bots to don't let them index my sites… what's their names?

    | cezarylech

  • Hi, I look this morning on the rank checker for my site and it said 127 KW's had improved with 11 Declining. Just refreshed it..... 105 improved with 60 declining???? Why is this - i havent changed anything with the past wk!!!! thanks

    | wazza1985

  • Is there any plans for this! would be awesome!!

    | wazza1985

  • Ive been getting some really good links pointing to my domain as of lately, and they appear to be followed links. yet the number of external followed links shown in my seomoz tool bar does not want to budge! nor do these links show up in site explorer! Is there a delay in the toolbars response-time? or could it be something else? Thanks

    | ambisuite

  • seomoz shows our site at #1 for a keyword that we're actuallly #2 we seem to rank #2 even when I disable personalization (setting URL token) or using incognito mode on chrome. Any insight on how seomoz verifies these ranks, and if I can place credibility in them?

    | brianjolney

  • Hello, 1. Sitemap was successfully submitted via Google webmaster tools 2. Site has been up for two years. 3. Site shows up in Google results for "Teacher Resume Service" 4. According to Google and SEOMoz, home page not indexed by Google or Bing. I'm a novice, am I missing something obvious? Thank You, Eric

    | monthelie1

  • Question just about said it all: I've seen a number of pages on sites that have a PA of 1 (with the metrics being 0 links from 0 root domains) when I can see on the site that it is linked to internally - from the main nav (which is CSS, not Javascript) and also from the footer, if not other places.  Why would this be? Update: upon looking further at the site, it appears that there's some kind of redirect going on, where the page linked to from the nav actually redirects to the real page. Would that eliminate PA, even if it's a 301? And additionally, is whatever is causing this lack of PA a reflection of how Google would relate to the page? Thanks, Aviva

    | debi_zyx

  • Obviously, SEOmoz is full of awesomeness. But I'm curious as to what sections, tools, etc. of SEOmoz are the users' favorites? For me, it's a close race between the blog, Linkscape/Open Site Explorer, and the search overlay tool on the Mozbar. What are your favorites?

    | Gyi

  • As title, is there a tool out there that will allow you to see all the keywords a website ranks for in the first few pages of a particlur search engine? I would be particularly interested for keywords in the first 10 pages of Google. Thanks

    | blagger

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