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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • hi, I am trying to find the following guide that I available to pro members but there is no clear way to find it. the-professionals-guide-to-link-building can some one give me the url to find all the pro guides? thank you! Vijay

    | vijayvasu

  • For example, the Chrome/Firefox mozbar uses peid (Root Domain External Links) but the api doesn't allow this. I've done a little bit of reverse engeniering and it looks like the accessID for the mozbar (when logged in as a pro member) is "pro-xxxx". Does this mean that each pro account has its own accessid/secret key? If so, when will pro members have access to that? I've created a tool that I use for deciding which expired domains to buy and it uses all of the free metrics - but I find myself having to do one extra step to get the peid (navigating to ose). It doesn't make much sense that the metric is available to me when I'm using the mozbar logged in as a pro member (which I pay for), but not apart of the API.

    | SeanStewart81

  • Keyword Difficulty Tool. Why my rank is lower than competitors even though I have higher numbers? Can somebody help me understand this... take a look at screenshot. What should I do to get to number 1 position? Keyword: Hip Hop Jewelry My Website:

    | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • Hi, I've got a question here that is more about learning than about rectifying this specific situation, as it is a low traffic (low dollar) situation.  I would appreciate your help. Thanks, Ken The targeted long-tail is:  carrollton ga internet marketing The targeted site is: Yet, when I run the keyword search I get this other site of mine, which is older, but has much worse metrics.  On this site, all I did was put a in-text link on it and added the keywords to my title tags. Open Site Explorer shows these metrics: 34, 23, 18, 98 vs. BreemaWellness 27, 15, 7, 10. Both are on the same server. Note: -Until two months ago the was only partially about Internet Marketing- mildly so, actually- and it was a 2-3 page iWeb not-optimized site.  But BreemaWellness has never been about Internet Marketing, and those words were just added two months ago for the first time. gets regular content changes, to the blog. almost never gets touched. Thoughts?

    | ken-lewis

  • i would like to target countries like India, UAE AND Brazil for MODERN LIGHTING for the home or business. What is the best way to go about this. I also would like to target the LGBT group with this company another specific group to target and market the great product .

    | thewatchman13

  • hi, I have to "refurbish" a website from scratch. This domain is quite old (2004) and has got a good audience. 1/ Is there a tip or a tool to guess with witch kind of framework (cms) is it  made from ? I mean drupal, joomla, ezpublish, wordpress i can't see it from code source. 2/ Have you got any method to migrate the old database (seems to be iis with asp language)  into a new one  (i work with php mysql) ? 3/ In order not to loose rankings in Serp, is there a tool to list the main urls with best link juice ? I will then  redirect them with a 301 redirection in an .htaccess file. Many thanks..

    | mozllo

  • I apologize if this has been asked and answered or if the documentation is right in front of my nose, but I can't find it. I'm looking for information that explains what the various tools do and in particular, what each of the fields in the reports mean? For example, what does the "Find Links on this Domain" link mean in a Juicy Linkfinder Report? I know there are lots of resources on SEO and best practices and so on, but wondering if documentation on the specific tools exists. Thanks.

    | jkenyon

  • We currently use SEOMoz's campaign tool to review the SEO progress of our site.  One thing we are unsure of is that SEOMoz gives us a warning for over 1000 of our pages because we have around 200 links on those pages (all in the Menu Drop Downs).  I read the post and watched the video, Whiteboard Friday Flat Site Architecture a while ago and Rand mentioned there is no issue with having a web page with 200 to 300 links and he even encouraged it.  So why would these show up as warnings in our Campaign?

    | PBCLinear

  • Hey guys! I am proud to be a new SEOMOZ Pro member! I ran the report on my site and it says what I am primarily missing is domain linking.... What is this? it says I only have 3 of them for the specific term / subpage I am going after. In addition what does Linking Root Domains mean in my report? Thanks much!

    | shandaman

  • Hi, 1/ Please could you tell me why Moztrust and Mozrank give not similar figures for subdomain and root domain ? 2/ Which is the best way for Google webmaster tool for configuring : Sub or Root domain ? 3/ Finally, regarding anchor text, Sub or root domain ? Tks for links or knowledge base about it....

    | mozllo

  • I recently asked a question about viewing the questions I have answered already: It turns out the link was right under my nose (but it appears a lot of people were having this issue). I'm now having the problem of not being able to see where I can view all the Q&As that I have subscribed to. Again, I may just be missing a link that's right in front of me but it certainly isn't obvious. Any help much appreciated!

    | NickPateman81

  • I cannot seem to access the Pro Discount store? When I click on the link from within my account I get this page eEmTg.jpg

    | seo.unibet

  • Hi, I'm just getting familiar with all of the cool tools on SEOMoz PRO. There's a lot to use on the pro members area of the site! What are the best tools,etc.? Or is it more about just joining the community and participating? What is your favorite part of SEOMoz PRO? Thanks! -Erica

    | ownlocal

  • I need to track global keywords rankings for a web based product. Only being able to add three search engines to a campaign is limiting. I need to track at least 5 regional versions of Google, and curently have to duplicate my campaign to do this. would prefer to keep it under one campaign.

    | Vend

  • There used to be a traffic column on the Rankings page. Now I don't see it. ??

    | scanlin

  • AFAICT there's no way to filter questions to the ones that you have answered. Is there any plan to implement a filter like this? I realise there are email notifications available but no easy way to just go back and check on your answers. No doubt I'm just missing something here so if I'm completely wrong, please point me in the right direction 🙂 Thanks very much!

    | NickPateman81

  • Hi Just wondering if anyone can shed some light on the internal links metric in the Linkscape report. I have run the report for a number of sites that I know have internal links in them but often get the result of just 1 internal link when I run the Linkscape report and I am not sure why Thanks

    | UE-Web

  • Hi, SEOmoz is telling me I have a duplicate content issue between kansascityrealestate dot com and kansascityrealestate dot com/Real-Estate-Homes-Kansas-City.asp my webmaster says Google should figure out is the same page. Suggestions on what to do and how to explain it to the webmaster? Thank you.

    | Ken_Jansen

  • Hi, How are people presenting the SEOmoz reports to clients? Do you just export to PDF and email it? Cut and paste items inside some other kind of personalized format? Add adobe style sticky notes to explain things on top of the reports? Or something else that is wonderful and endearing to your clients? Thank you.

    | Ken_Jansen

  •!links The # of inbound root domains is ~3,100 and has remained relatively flat for a while yet we've been acquiring 1000's of new root domains that link to us. That said, we want to get some clarity on why the count has remained flat. It would be helpful if we could see which domains have stopped linking to us from one OSE index to the next.  Is it really the case that we're losing links as fast as we're gaining them or is something else going on?

    | homefinder

  • Hi everyone...I used Q&A a long time ago when my company had a paid subsription but I haven't used it in a while, so I'm excited! And since the Q&A is apparently addressed to the Moz community, I figured I would embrace it and ask all of the Mozzers out there: How do YOU use Linkscape to reverse engineneer a competitor's website? I understand how to use Linkscape. What I'm looking for is specific filtering or "out of the box" uses of Linkscape to truly understand how a website has obtained it's ranking in the search results. In particular, I'm really curious about how everyone (including those who truly know how Linkscape works, i..e the minds behind it) make sense of the "DJ Passed" #'s or "most important links" criteria. I realize Linkscape is wonderful, but what I've found is that often times the links that "pass the most juice" or the links that are the "most important" AREN'T actually the most important links on a site. For example, I often find that the links that have the highest "DJ Passed" are directories. I could be wrong, but my guess would be that directories actually pass very little link juice. If directories gave as much link juice as the linkscape metrics indicate, then they are by far the best linking source, which I think we all know isn't the case in most instances. To be clear...My intention is not to "debunk" the value of Linkscape...On the contrary, I think it's a wonderful tool and I want to understand it's nuances so I can identify "false positives", use it to get a true picture of a website, and get any tips/tricks from those who've successuly used it to overcome there competitors. Thanks ahead of time!

    | LuminConsutling

  • I have set up a number of campaigns with your pro tool. Unfortunately we have 7 sites on our server and our IT dept have said that we had an issue when your site crawlers visited for several sites at the same time - is there any way that I can retain the campaigns but have the sites crawled on request rather than automatically?

    | StephenALee

  • This is what you say on your website: Please note: depending on the size and speed of your site, it may take between 3 and 7 days to complete your crawl. Are you guys kidding?  This is unacceptable for almost all of my deadlines, and I suspect 99% of the SEO world...  you can fly to the moon faster.

    | rldonnell

  • The SEO tool bar is returning what I believe to be an incorrect domain authority of 71 and showing 24,356,141 lins from 153,051 domains. The OSE is also returning 71 as domain authority. Anyone know what could be doing this? Thanks. Jason

    | jayderby

  • Downloadable .vcf file is being shown as an error in seo errors.

    | CosmikCarrot

  • I'm fairly certain there is ultimately something amiss on our server but the Site Explorer report on my website ( is showing thousands of folders that do not exist. Example: For my "About Us" page (, the report shows a link: We do have "rss", "industries", "404-institute" folders but they are parallel in the architecture, not sequential as indicated in the error url. Has anyone else seen these types of error in your Site Explorer reports?

    | dturkington

  • Hi there, I was wondering if there was a way for me to freeze my account, e.g. make it inactive for some time and then reactivate it later, and keep all of my old info and settings. It would really encourage me to use your services again after a break/vacation/budget cutbacks. best, Rosa

    | rosa

  • I tried to delete campaigns inside "Settings" on a particular campaign. However, the campaigns still hangs around.. Please assist

    | freaksh0

  • With large ecommerce sites, we usually have more than 100 links per page and many times have more than 200 links on each page due to links and images in the header, footer, guided navigation and then the body product grid and content. When I use most on-page link counting tools like SEO x-ray and the SEO Moz Pro crawl report, I notice that every visible link on the page gets counted. This includes and javascript based links that expand the product grid to 30, 60 or view all, javascript sorting links, javascript links to view customer reviews for each product. etc. There was a QA post here about nofollowing and page rank sculpting and it seems pretty unanimous that most don't think that page rank sculpting is very valuable. So my question is, are the javascript links on pages that don't link to another page viewed differently by search engines? If so, shouldn't there be a way to see on-page link count minus javascript call links that don't actually link to another page? To expand a bit on my question, we also use nofollow attributes on the text links in the left navigation that are meant for refining products just as the javascript links in the product grid are meant to refine the products, sort them, allow for product comparison, allow for viewing customer reviews, etc. So should it be ok to have 300 links on a page if the unimportant ones that you don't want crawled like the left navigation refinements and product grid javascript links all have rel="nofollow" applied to them? I know that would basicly be PageRank sculting, but it seems like the best options for shopping sites that have a lot of navigation links.

    | abernhardt

  • The SEO Moz crawl diagnostics suggest that we have too many on-page links on several pages including on our homepage. How does your system determine when a page has too many links.  It looks like when a page as more than 100 links it’s too many.  Should the system take into account the page authority, domain authority, depth of page or other metrics? In addition, no-follow links are being included.  As these are dropped from Google’s link graph, does it matter if we have too many?  For example, we could have 200 links, 120 of which are no follow.  Your tools would tell us we have too many links. Feedback appreciated. Donal

    | AdiRste

  • is a complaint directory for phone numbers.  People post information on the phone calls they get.  Since there are many many phone numbers, obviously people haven't posted information on ALL of the phone numbers, THUS I have many phone numbers with zero content.  SEOMoz is telling me that pages with zero content looks like duplicate content with each other.. The only difference between two pages that have zero coments is the title and phone number embedded in the page.  For example, is a page that has zero comments.. I don't want to remove these zero comment phone number pages from the directory since many people find the pages via a phone number search. Here's my question:  what can I do to make google / seomoz think that thexe zero comment pages is not dupliicate content?

    | seo_ploom

  • I go into my campaign keywords and have 48, but when I view my on page report only 17 show up? All keywords have been in there since last Friday except 2-26-11, 4 I added this Friday 3-4-11.

    | SmallFry34

  • Hi All, I ask the question as I was trying to GeoTarget tool which happened to not recognise a business address I place in the footer on one of my sites. The tool states that including the address on page helps the search engines identify your location, so I'm curious whether a specific format works best when optimizing for local search? Thanks.

    | davebrown1975

  • Or is this a given? I am new to SEO and SEOmoz. One of my campaigns is completley free of errors...the others are a work in progress. Now I realize that SEO is never done, but can a site actually be free of errors? If so... I just gave myself a pat on the back.

    | AtoZion

  • Hey all! So I am curious how you recommend using the "on page report card" (which is really helpful) along with the concept of local modifiers.  IE, here is a term I am going after: business forums but really I care about a specific location: business forums | Greensboro NC So the word I hear is typically to do your keyword research & page optimization FOR the primary term, but then tack on your local modifiers after.  So which do you run reports on? Probably both is the best answer, eh? Obviously my local sites won't have a shot at ranking nationally/internationally for such a broad term as "business forums", especially with some monster sites out there with some serious clout.  This is more of a best practices question. Thanks dudes.

    | nsmcseo2

  • A few weeks ago I ran the SEOMoz On Page Optimization Reports for one of my sites. At the time, the site homepage was duplicated .com/ and .com/index.html (I know!). The On Page Optimisation Reports I ran at the time obviously included both as individual pages. I've now corrected the duplicate issue with a 301 but the On Page Optimization Reports are still looking at the rankings for .com/index.html and therefore showing "not in top 50" for keywords where I'm actually ranking 1st - any idea how I can get the reports to update so they don't continue to look for .com/index.html? Thanks!

    | trbaldwin

  • Hi, today SEOMoz crawled our site and it interfered with an email campaign that we sent out and pretty much brought our site to a crawl (seoMoz even reported numerous 4XX errors). Is there a way to tell the crawler to only allow indexing between certain time periods?

    | RugsUSA

  • The SEO moz is showing an error on one of the sites within my SE Moz account campaign under Crawl Diagnostics: Title tag missing or empty. No problem here but the file associated with this issue is sitemap.xml and that just dose't look right as as far as I know xml files are title tag free. I've searched around and i've  been able only to confirm my initial thought that sitemap.xml dose't use a title tag .. like any other xml. is this an issue ? (the error that is) or i should let it slide. can it be fixed ? if yes, how ? Thanks !

    | eyepaq

  • Hello, Seomoz did a crawl of my whole page, but under in page analysis grade rankings there have been no crawls? how can I initiate one?

    | AdamGymyGym

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