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Category: Moz Pro

Discuss the Moz Pro tools with other users.


  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • We are managing a website that was previously consistently ranking on P1 or top position on P2 and over the weekend (28th Jan) suddenly dropped to P5. What is the best way of ascertaining whether this was down to an update, a tech issue or a penalty? There are other pages on the site (sub-folders) which are still continuing to rank well on the site for similar kws. Regards,

    | Varazad

  • Instead of having to wait until the new scheduled date?

    | MirandaP

  • Hello Everyone, We're having a serious Problem with the ranking of our website so we started testing the website in different Tools. Almost all of the tools say our website works great and in comparision to our competitors we win in almost every test – but we rank behind them. The only thing that makes me wonder is the fact that our website has only 2 Inbound links (Open Site Explorer) when the link source is set to only internal. And the only links shown are 2 links that come from the old http (we're using https) and redirect 301 to our https. No other links – in other tools we have around 80 internal links to our rmain https-webadress. Does anyone have an idea where that comes from? I'm afraid this might be our issue in ranking behind of lots of our competitors. Lokking forward to your ideas and suggestions.
    Greets Frank

    | Franksen3o3

  • I read the Moz guide intensely, and I gained tremendous knowledge the problem started when I don't cant see any live work or examples is there anywhere that I can watch examples see the tutorial and is there any way for me to "practice." thank you, experts, i appreciate your help

    | Ruchy

  • We have a site that was ranking top 10 for 15 KW and top 20 for about 40. We decided to restructure the site to create silos. The old site used a plugin to create ".html" pages and the juice in Google was all on those pages. We asked our developer to eliminate the plugin / .html and forward the .html pages to our new structure. Instead, he took a shortcut and did a mass forward in code which resulted in all pages - such as "" now forwarding to "" - He then did a 301 redirect from those pages with the "/" such as to "". He did this for over 500 pages. To make matters worse, he mis-mapped about 100 pages and Google saw them as 404s, then in fixing those errors, new ones kept popping up. Those are now fixed. The net result is that we dropped like a stone on all of our rankings. Moving forward, do you think we can regain ground by manually doing 301s for the original .html pages to their new locations and eliminating the interim step? What would be your suggestions to recover as quickly as possible?

    | kramerico2

  • We just moved our domain from http to https.  We have been at a solid 89 for domain authority for the past year, but this month we are now at 88.  Does changing to https cause the domain authority to go down and is this just a temporary fluctuation?

    | greenjane

  • I'm receiving 404 errors on my site crawl for  They seem to be generating only from our blog posts which sit on Hubspot.  I've searched high and low and can't identify why our site URL is being added at the end - I've tried every link in our blog and cannot repeat the error the crawl is finding.  For instance: Referer is: 404 error is: I agree that the 404 error URL doesn't exist but I can't identify where Moz is finding it. I have approximately 75 of these errors - one for every blog on our site. Beth Morley Vice President, Operations Messina Group Staffing Solutions
    (847) 692-0613

    | MessinaGroup

  • I'm trying to figure out why my DA is so very low. Is introducing an article (first 300 words) then linking to the original on another site considered duplication? Here's the deal: I'm a freelance writer and a blogger. I link to the posts I sold from my blog to the website that posted it in the first place. In order to do so, I keep a few images and the first 300 words, which I post on my blog, then link ("In order to read the full article, click here") to the website that posted the whole article. Here's an example: Will my domain ( be penalized for that behavior?

    | cedriklizotte

  • Hello fellow Mozzers. I've recently seen a fairly hefty drop in search visibility on Google mobile, from 12.8% to 4.1%. Desktop visibility is unaffected. The same search visibility drop is echoed in SEMRush. However, Google Analytics shows that our site traffic from mobile hasn't changed. The only thing I can think of is that we recently launched AMP pages. I know Google sometimes caches AMPs so they’re served off google domains. Could that mean that the cached version of the page is ranking rather than our own? That would explain the drop in visibility but stable traffic I think?! What other explanation could it be? Many thanks in advance, Kit

    | KitSmith

  • Hello Folks. Let me put it this way. Moz is great. especially, this community of like minded people. But, when it comes to Moz tool's features- it has its own Pros and Cons. And, that's what force us to add other tools to our tool kit. So, just wanted to know what all other SEO tools you use and why??? Let me start this by answering this question: I use as my other SEO tools suite. And the reasons are: It offers 40+ SEO tools  ( Few are similar to the ones that I get with Moz, but the other ones that I don't get in Moz are real good. For ex: **Site Auditor Pro, Mobile **Prospector) Along with showing data for their metrics and algos, they pull data from- SEMrush and Majestic SEO. So, I don't need to have subscription of these 2 tools and still I get the data from them. A big money saver 🙂 Let's start this interesting thread 🙂

    | w1t

  • Hello all, New to MOZ Pro and SEO - so lots to get my head round! I’m working through the Duplicate Content section of the Crawl report and am not sure what the best practice is for my situation. Background:  We are a reference guide for luxury hotels around the world, but the hotels that are featured on the site vary year on year. When we add a new hotel page, it sets up the url as When the hotels come off,  I redirect their URL to the country or region where we have other hotels. Example: The hotel in Zermatt has come off the site, showing 0 results on this landing page. Question:  My duplicate content report is showing a number of these regional pages that are displaying the copy “0 places - Region’ because the hotel has come off, but the landing page is still live. Should I redirect the regional page back to the main country page? And then if I add a new hotel to the site from that region in the future, simply remove the redirect? Should I also delete the page? Any tips would be much appreciated!

    | CN_Johansens

  • I'm running through the spam analysis and noticed a few links that are considered to be 9+ on the spam score (high spam level), but some of them have DA of 60 -75. How can this be possible? When I view the sites they appear to be be pretty low quality.  If i'm considering disavowing a site should I focus on spam score or DA? A DA of 75 is a pretty reputable standing.

    | STP_SEO

  • Hi, Sorry if this is a ridiculous post as I am really new to SEO, but I haven't had this problem with other sites! We had a website that was never promoted or used very much as it was early days in the product lifecycle.  The product (is called R-DNA or Remote Data Network Analysis) is now live so we re-branded and re-launched the site - it has now been live since the beginning of September but we still only have 0.35% visibility and very little ranking in our keywords. We are also using Google Adwords to try and generate business and have registered with numerous online business directories. I have been blogging to update content, tweeting and updating our facebook page, but we still aren't getting the traffic or visibility increases that we have experienced with our other sites.  The MOZ site crawl shows 5 medium priority issues (duplicate title page & missing meta description tag), but no major issues. I know its probably fairly early days for a "new" site, but wondered if anyone could advise if there is anything wrong which would explain our lack of visibility.

    | sharon.bathurst

  • Since Google Analytics no longer shows the keywords used by people to find a site online, does the SEOMoz toolset provide somethng to show this data?

    | Mionkeybot

  • Hey All, Both MOZ & Webmaster tools have identified 403 errors on an editorial site I work with (using Drupal CMS). I looked into the errors and the pages triggering the 403 are all articles in draft status that are not being indexed. If I am not logged into our drupal and I try to access an article in draft status I get the 403 forbidden error. Are these 403's typical for an editorial site where editors may be trying to access an article in draft status while they are not logged in? Webmaster tools is showing roughly 350 pages with the 'Access Denied' 403 status. Are these harmful to rank? Thanks!

    | JJLWeber

  • Is there any specific method to generate keyword idea from thousands and thousands of user comments ? For example the user sends the feed back which will be more than 2 or 3 sentences. Is there any specific method to generate keyword ideas and group it ? Any tool available or any excel sheets ?

    | NortonSupportSEO

  • There is a specific keyword phrase that I am ranking in the top 10 search results for. When I run page optimizer in Moz, my page is given a score of 73 and I'm predictably told I need to include this keyword somewhere on the page. This specific keyword phrase is not included anywhere on the page - not in image files, image alts, anchor text from inbound links (that I can find), text content, meta-titles or descriptions - it's nowhere. Meanwhile, a keyword phrase which Moz' page optimizer tells us we are scored 96 for we aren't even in the first three pages of search results for. What's going on here? On the surface, this seems to be telling me the Moz page optimizer is kinda...broken? Why am I ranking in the top 10 for a keyword phrase nowhere on my page? Thanks in advance for any help.

    | Closetstogo

  • When trying to create the campaign using the site URL, it's gives me an Oops.

    | NisbetsUK

  • Hi fairly new here, so just getting used to everything one questions please. Just ran a crawl test of the website and this page came back with a page authority of 1. Other pages have a rank of 18 through 26 scratched my head for a few hours and came up with no ideas. thanks andy

    | livingphilosophy

  • I manage a handful of sites and have ranked top 5 for a handful of keywords for a long time. I recently checked one of my clients websites and other tier 2 pages will come up but the home page is now not showing up for any listings on Google. Was there a recent update was I put in the mysterious sandbox? I have not modify anything or using any black hat seo tricks. Only thing that was done is the client installed demand force onto their website. Any feedback about an update or about demand force or issue would be helpful. The site is

    | Tylerr1985

  • I have no need Moz Pro, Your System automatically deducted the amount by my registered credit card. So plz. refund me my payment.

    | anil72749

  • We're using Moz and Ahrefs to monitor backlinks that we're getting to Siftery. Given that there are so many factors that affect the potential quality of a backlink - domain authority, page authority, context, anchor text, etc. - is there a single metric that attempts to quantify the value of a link? I realize that this would be an inexact science, but it would be a helpful view to get a quick directional sense of what are our most valuable backlinks (and be able to tie it to the campaigns that led to them, for example). If there's no "single metric" out there, are there heuristics that people have withstood the test of time? Thanks for your help!

    | ggiaco-siftery

  • In the past you could get MOZ to crawl your website, now I don't see this option, no do I see a crawl at the beginning of the month. Has this change? I saw this as a useful feature.

    | cdgospel

  • Moz is showing all many of URL's as duplicate URLs. I put canonical for all the pages but still it showing all as duplicate page. These are URL's Their is a lot of pages like this. How can I get rid from all this issues.

    | crystalize

  • delete

    | boiler101

  • Hi all, Im confusing between those www's and http's. If i go to searchbar (chrome) and ENTER:, It changes to
    ( with www, and https:// not used) / Its OK next: typing in searchbar and enter:, It changes to (without www and https:// ) / OK Next:, it stay the same, just https:// added: (used with https://) / OK Now its comes: If I do it again without http**(s)://, **It changes to / NOT OK 😛 In google search console (webmastertool) I gave property for the and Each of the website, Im seeying data clicks/ volume keywords etc, so  both of them functionating By search console: (With www) I see  crawlfaults/errors: 1633 (the url has not linked existing page) I see again: "?SID=..." after urls, example: By search console - other website: **(none-www) **you see two crawlfaults/errors! Bad influance for my SEO, because of no existed pages, bad urls and dubble content. Bye bye keywords! Lets analyze/crawl with Moz tool ofcourse ^^: Pages with High Priority Issues: | 2646 | Duplicate Page Content |
    | 14 | 4XX Client Error |
    | 3 | Crawl Attempt Error |
    | 1 | Title Missing or Empty | Medium priority: | 9618 | Temporary Redirect |
    | 2688 | Duplicate Page Title |
    | 13 | Title Element is Too Long |
    | 1 | Missing Meta Description Tag | After seeying this results what is the best option (no losing link-juice)? redirect 301? www to none-www (https://) ? Shortly I am going to change my domain provider and the website template in magento. After that I am going to focus on the SEO implementation. First, I have to solve this problem. Who can give me an advice for this situation? Regarding, Newbee

    | Dreamgame2016

  • I got an 803 error yesterday on the Moz crawl for most of my pages. The page loads normally in the browser. We are hosted on shopify, the url is please help us out

    | vasishta

  • Hi Moz'ers, I am a total newcomer to this level of seo.  Recently I transitioned to Shopify and I'm puzzled by why I'm getting 803 errors - incomplete crawl attempts due to server timing out. Wouldn't this have to do with Shopify?  How would I go about fixing it?  I'm also getting 804 - SSL issues, but I assume that will go away. Any advice? Thanks! Sharon

    | Sharon2016

  • Hello! I will be giving a talk next month about free/low cost SEO tools and apps and I would like to hear what your favorite/most useful tools are. I know this question has been discussed here before, but this is a topic that is constantly evolving and I am interested in knowing what people currently find to be the best. I'd like to hear about things you really use on a regular basis--there are a lot of things out there that sound cool, but end up not being used. So, what are your go-to free SEO tools? Thank-you,

    | Linda-Vassily

  • We've lost a bit of domain authority - has anything been update?

    | BeckyKey

  • Hello, everyone. This is Brad. I am new to Moz. I have a question. When I check my rankings in Moz Pro I get lots of high-ranking keyword phrases that are listed as "since removed".  What does this mean? I am attaching a screen shot.

    | b3bailey

  • HI Anyone know the difference between selecting UK or GB when choosing your engines to track keyword rankings? Is it that one of the options only includes pages from the UK while the other tracks all pages, but from a UK rankings point of view - ie pages hosted overseas will still rank. - if so, which is which? Or, and this is very unlikely, is it simply that the GB data does not include Northern  Ireland as the UK is technically the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. NI is in UK but not in GB. Nice and confusing! Thanks

    | Grumpy_Carl

  • I have a couple of campaigns on my SEOMoz Pro account and I would like to give access of one of theses campaigns to a SEO consultant, is that possible? Or do I need to give access to my full SEOMoz account?

    | bernardovailati

  • How does Hubspot compare with MOZ? Doe it provide similar features or is the functionality very different? Is Hubspot complementary to MOZ or could it be used as a substitute? If we stopped our MOZ subscription and subscribed to Hubspot would we lose anything? Thanks, Alan

    | Kingalan1

  • My question is regarding the URL structure best practices of a sitemap. My website allows search any number of ways, i.e. 1. 2. 3. However, I am not sure which structure to use in the sitemap (which is being written manually). I know that for SEO purposes the 3rd option is best as the link is more relevant to that individual product, but the Moz tool states that the home page should have less than 100 links (although Google doesn't penalise for having more) and by writing my entire site in the 3rd way it would result in a lot more links adjoining to the home page. It is either the 2nd or 3rd option, I think, as the 1st category is not keyword specific (rather a generic term, i.e. novelties). Does anyone have experience with this?

    | moon-boots

  • I pulled the latest moz report and my category pages are being flagged as missing description tag, but not only is the description visible on each page, it is also in the code for all to see. Here is the code, what am I missing? | |
    |   | |
    |   | |
    |   | |
    |   | dir="ltr" class="ltr" lang="en"> | | |
    | | |
    | | |
    | | |
    | | |
    | | <title>Astronaut Costumes</title> |
    | | <base href="<a href=" http:="""" "="">" /> |
    | | |
    | | |
    | |" rel="icon" /> |
    | | catalog/view/theme/pav_WindOnline_Store/stylesheet/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" /> |
    | | catalog/view/theme/pav_WindOnline_Store/stylesheet/stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" /> |
    | | catalog/view/theme/pav_WindOnline_Store/stylesheet/customize/1455569423.css" rel="stylesheet" /> |
    | | catalog/view/javascript/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> |
    | | catalog/view/theme/pav_WindOnline_Store/stylesheet/animate.css" rel="stylesheet" /> |
    | | catalog/view/javascript/jquery/magnific/magnific-popup.css" rel="stylesheet" /> |
    | | catalog/view/javascript/jquery/owl-carousel/owl.carousel.css" rel="stylesheet" /> |
    | | catalog/view/theme/pav_WindOnline_Store/stylesheet/fonts.css" rel="stylesheet" /> |
    | | |
    | | |
    | | |
    | | |
    | | |
    | | |
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    | | |

    | moon-boots

  • I'm all for letting Roger crawl my site, but it's not uncommon for malicious spiders to spoof the User-Agent string. Having a whitelist of Roger's IP addresses would be immensely useful!

    | EricCholis

  • Moz Pro Dashboard compared my site to three competitors' site.  My site is better in every aspect.  My DA is higher, I have four times more external links, I have more relevant content than my competition, my site also is the fastest, I have solved all redirect issues, there is no broken link internally or externally.  We are custom home builders.  So all our sites have numerous full screen images.  I have optimized all of them.  When I ran WebPageTest on my competition, they all fail.  My site got A's in all categories. The three competitors' sites rank first, second and third. My site ranks bottom on the 2nd page.  Since my site was online last January, I have spent thousands of dollars on SEO work.  Its url is I am hoping somebody can point me in the right direction.  I am attaching a screen shot of my Moz Pro Dashboard. frEpZ

    | pokongku

  • Hi Moz community, A quesiton about our dutch travel insurance website. Two weeks ago we had a ranking drop from 17 to position 35. The project is still fresh (we started in may this year). I quess penguin 4.0 didn't like our rapid linkbuilding. But we also receive a message in page optimization tool for keyword stuffing. When we analyze the homepage for reisverzekering (meaning travel insurance) Moz suggests to avoid keywords stuffing. But I dont understand, we don't use the keyword that much and Yoast doesnt give this message. How much key

    | remkoallertz

  • Last week, I reached over 100 mozPoints and I've been waiting by my virtual mailbox for days for a tweet from Roger. Level mozPoints Benefits **Aspirant - ** ** - 100 - 199** ** - A tweet from Roger (the week you reach 100 MozPoints)** The past few days have been sad. I've been moping around the office feeling terribly alone, wondering why I've received no Twitter based recognition for my efforts. The radio has been playing 'Careless Whisper' on repeat and it hasn't stopped raining outside. Can anyone help? (Attached an image of my sadness for reference) fYHP3

    | seanginnaw

  • Is there a way for me to find out how a keyword would rank if it were on a specific site? For example, lets say that does not have the keyword "ABC". Is there a way for me to find out how the keyword "ABC" would rank if it were on

    | TurboH

  • Good morning, I've been using the redirection plugin on my wordpress site and noticed i have multiple IP addresses going to the same folder on my site - like "". The "folder-name" is obviously not anything remotely like any folder or file name I have on my domain - so it's obviously spammy in nature. And, there are multiple IP addresses going to this same URL address every 3 hours on the dot, so it's appears automated. Is this something to be concerned about? Should I "do" anything? Thanks in advance for reading and replying!

    | mlm12

  • I apologize in advance if this has been asked a million times but I'm just not able to find anything on it for some reason. Probably the words "site" and "search" come up a lot in this area... Anyhow, my question: How do I find trends in "site search" data from Google Analytics? I set up "site search" a long time ago. I have thousands and thousands of searches people have made on my site logged and squirreled away. The plan was to review them on a weekly basis, find the trends and start writing content to address interests people seem to be having but not finding on our site. Sounded great at the time. The problem I have, of course, is that among my 10,000 searches (many shown in Google Analytics as "no-results:cats and dogs", etc), there are slight differences that make it difficult to total up search trends. Let's say the list is like this: Term | Search Count Cats | 500
    Dogs | 500
    Cat | 250
    Dog | 250
    Cat food | 5
    Dog food | 5
    Birds | 1
    Bird | 1
    Cats are great | 1
    Cats are really great | 1
    Dogs are great | 1
    I like birds | 1
    Seriously, I like Cats | 1
    Turtles | 1 ... 10,000 more entries, every single one only 1 search per term. OK, so it looks like people like Cats and Dogs a lot, but also Birds and Turtles. But maybe there are snake searches. Maybe there are "cat pajamas" searches and variations on all of the above. Who knows what else is really trending in there??? The review of this data is MIND-NUMBING. Especially when you get into plurality and misspellings, this rabbit hole has no bottom. Is there a tool people in the SEO jam use to take a big ole CSV dump and have it magically sorted by at least potential trends? I mean, there's gotta be, right? And I'm silly for not already knowing what it is.

    | rtkl

  • Hi Guys, We have someone in the process of changing our domain from an 11 year old domain to a newer country domain of .se, He is not a web expert although he knows a lot of things. I am just wondering is there a checklist anywhere of things that are very important here that we should be aware of or he should be implementing so we can just double check that he is/ we are moving in the correct direction. Thank you for your Help. Rootin and Tootin xx

    | Rootin_Tootin

  • Several thousand of these popped up on my Crawl Report and the links appear to be searches, i.e. below 902: 403: I don't want Moz, let alone Google finding this kind of nonsensical link but I don't exactly know what the problem is or how to fix it. Am I right in thinking these are pages people have searched for? Can anyone shed light on this please?

    | moon-boots

  • Hey, So on our site we have a Buyer's Guide that we made. Essentially it is a pop-up with a series of questions that then recommends a product. The parameter ?openguide=true can be used on any url on our site to pull this buyer's guide up. Somehow the Moz Site Crawl reported each one of our pages as duplicate content as it added this string (?openguide=true) to each page. We already have a URL Parameter set in Google Webmaster Tools as openguide ; however, I am now worried that google might be seeing this duplicate content as well. I have checked all of the pages with duplicate title tags in the Webmaster Tools to see if that could give me an answer as to whether it is detecting duplicate content. I did not find any duplicate title tag pages that were because of the openguide parameter. I am just wondering if anyone knows:
    1. a way to check if google is seeing it as duplicate content
    2.  make sure that the parameter is set correctly in webmaster tools
    3. or a better way to prevent the crawler from thinking this is duplicate content Any help is appreciated! Thanks, Mitchell Chapman

    | MitchellChapman

  • Do you know any tool or methods for load time testing on mobile app? Like Google PageSpeed Tool for webpages. Thank you.

    | Tormar

  • Hi there, Moz Pro is showing us 404 errors on our site as High Priority Issues. These 404 errors regard deleted product pages, which we did not 301. Should we 301 them all backwards ? We have an ecommerce site. After reading How Should You Handle Expired Content? on Moz and a few other Q&A discussions I now know we should 301 each expired url and now we do so. My concern is with what was done in the past, and what we should do about it: for the past few years we have been leaving the pages on the site, creating a big amount of outdated url's without either content nor traffic in march our IT decided to delete these url's, and ask for a webpage removal in Google Search Console: we 301 only a 40 url's and 404 the other 3500 now 6 monthts after, we still have 2500 crawl errors in the Search Console, and Moz Pro finding each week new 404 errors Our SEO consultant says we should not bother about the errors shown in the Search Console. But I am concerned about these errors not reducing, and about Moz Pro High Priority Issues: should we 301 the url's to similar categories or products?

    | isabelledylag

  • Not sure why this is happening but when i run our site though open site explorer it is only coming back with 1 link yet we have at least 10 - 20? our site is and i tried without the https:// so Any help would be appreciated.

    | BobAnderson

  • The site I am working on did not have their site submitted to Google Search Console (formerly Google Webmaster Tools).  I submitted the site and a sitemap that auto updates.  Google is crawling the site daily (about 30 pages a day).  Under Search Traffic > Links to Your Site it shows no data is availible.  I thought it was because it was a newly submitted site, but it has been two months now. Moz seems to have the same issue.  Moz does show inbound links, but their are some that we think should really help us that are not shown.  For instance, the Dallas Morning News wrote this article.  They have a high DA and PA.  Also, has an article about us that is still on the front page.  That was a few weeks ago but also does not show up on Moz or Google SC. We are trying to be selective about the links we are getting.  That they are follow links from reputable sites.  Worried that both Google and Moz are not showing them.

    | TapGoods

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