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Category: Getting Started

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  • Hi, I'm on the 30 day trial and I can only run one campaign right now. I thought I could add in 5 campaigns. When I go into Manage Campaigns the 'add a campaign' button is light blue and I can't click it. Is this just because I'm on the trial? Or should I be able to add 4 more campaigns?

    | Sophie-Kool

  • Hi, I am new to moz. There are a lot of tools and information in moz. I am very excited. I also went through the Howtos sections. I am trying to use moz tools to optimize my own website. Is there a case study to show the process to do that by using your tools? Do you recommend any study articles or videos that can shorten my learning curve? Thanks. John

    | pianomother

  • I'm unable to start a campaign. The MOZ Analytics page is telling me the URL is not Valid. the site is I'm not sure what the issue is - the site is live.  Please advise.

    | ignaciolorenzo

  • Hi, I recently started with the SEO and all the "magic". Thanks to moz I analyze/change my keywords in On-Page optimization and follow recommendations in the Crawl Diagnostic. Since then I have a simple (maybe dummie) question.
    How can I determine that changing of  some keywords was worth it? I was thinking that I could check these three things if they are growing/improving: check "url - keyword" rank and grade check number of visits from the organic search history check Page Authority, MozRank, MozTrust in Open Site Explorer Are these three good metrics? What else?I know it is probably not so easy to answer and it is probably matter of discussion. Thanks anyway for answers. D.

    | ExtranomicalTours

  • What is the "other" group in traffic to your site on the moz analytics dashboard ? "Not provided" is in search - organic search history so it's not that.

    | Crocodesign

  • I have added hundreds of keywords to "Add and Manage Keywords" how do I get those over to Keyword rankings? Its showing 5 that I manually added.  Do I need to manually add them one at a time?  That seems a bit crazy.  Is there no way to import them over from add and manage?

    | Sika22

  • Hello Moz Forums! I'm having problems building custom reports for my clients. So, i've managed to put together a few reports and I've set these to be scheduled for weekly automated emailing! Now, here's the problem, before sending it to my clients, I was testing this by sending it to myself. This is what I receive: I don't really want my clients to see 'By Moz!' everywhere when I send this out, is there a way to change this automated mail? Or a way to just just send the PDF without a link? Alternatively, have I just failed in using this product? Edit: Just to clarify! The 'simply change your report settings' option, just takes me to an option to edit the report title, not the email in any way.

    | Paul_Tovey

  • Hello, When doing website set up will yield different results than just ? Same about competitors: should I use www or not when I set up their sites? Or it won't matter? Thanks,

    | dstepans

  • Just ran my Site Crawl Report...which was awesome! But It says there are over 50 Duplicate Content Pages, and the list of links only shows the PAGE that is supposedly "duplicate content"...but where is the other URL that these pages are duplicates of? Would be nice to be able to double-check if it is in fact duplicate and decide which to edit. Pls help! Thanks Moz!

    | DerekM4242

  • I connected a MOZ campaign to a client's Analytics. It seems it's connected properly with the same Analytics ID # and everything, but the stats still show 0 in MOZ, even though there are thousands of visits in Analytics for the same date range. Pls help! Derek

    | DerekM4242

  • Hi, I am new to MOZ. I want to ask about campaign. I saw on price comparison table, a package with $99/month can have only 5 campaign. When i sign up free trial and create a campaign, a domain need to set for each campaign. The situation is, i have more than 5 website to monitor. Do I need to subscribe another account? I am totally new on this. Please help me. Thank you

    | tomyeto

  • Hello Moz! I haven't been here since the days of SEOMoz, but it's great to be back and i'm really pleased to see lot of shiny new tools at my disposal, but I do have a question in regards to functionality. If I have, for example, 15 clients in my dashboard and would like to run the same report for all of them. Assuming that I just finished creating a custom report for my first client, how can I duplicate this report without having to re-create this report 15 times? Additionally, while I am here. I have noticed that when I add a campaign, the last screen never finishes loading and the window seems to freeze. A quick refresh fixes this, but I thought i'd flag it 🙂

    | Paul_Tovey

  • Basically I would like the Moz crawler to focus on a specific section of our domain. We do not bucket things via folder groups, so the use of wildcards would be applicable to us. Our URL structure: Is the example below a valid input to track the above URL structure? Thanks.

    | WEB-IRS

  • I am a first time user.  Newly updated site using Drupal and having lots of SEO problems.  Under site explorer, several pages list NO DATA for the page title.  This doesn't seem right.  Any suggestions on what this means?

    | IV-Debbie

  • Im using the trial for moz however I can not add another campain. how can I add more campaign?

    | deeplysense

  • Hi everyone! Looking for a bit of help here. This message keeps popping up when I try to put in my url ( I've tried,, and and nothing works. Can someone help me out here?

    | Nimble.Keith

  • I am trying to set up a new campaign for a website, but I keep getting this error message... campaign.crawl-seed.bad-response 😞   I have no idea what the problem is. Can you tell me what I am suppose to do to fix this? The URL I am trying to set up is

    | ChadC

  • I have just set up an account and when I make my first campaign it stays at stage one, nothing happens?

    | ArttiaCreative

  • Right now it appears to be showing both in the same category. I want to be able to see whats an organic click vs one from google adwords ads.

    | allb83

  • This is the second time I have this issue... I get an email from Moz saying my report is done... but I have NO clue how to find it under my account, and there is no link on the email 😕 Please help. Hi there! The Keyword Difficulty: Full SERP Analysis Report you requested for your account is complete!-------------------------------


  • I'm in the beta analytics tool. In the On Page Optimization > On Page Grades by Keyword section, there is a Keyword column with a keyword assigned to each URL on my site. How is the keyword that is shown here decieed upon? Is it simply based on a guess of the "best keyword" for each page based on kwp density and other factors? Can I map a new keyword to each page? or at least to my top ten most important pages? I see I can check the grade for any keyword on any page here: I want to map my top ten pages to ten keywords - can I save these changes in the system so I don't have to manually check a keyword/url match each time? Shaun

    | nuash

  • For the same site i am finding 2 different data details under Duplicate page content,etc. Why it is happening? Which data should i consider? Kindly suggest.

    | 1akal

  • Moz is reporting duplicate titles on my clients website, citing different versions of the same link, one without dubs as and the other with dubs as for example ... duplicate title = Warranty Requests For Custom New Home Construction in Jacksonville links are the same, one is just with www and the other is without. in another example ... Moz reports 5 duplicate titles on the Home page, citing 5 different URLs that all load the same home page ...
    duplicate title = Jacksonville Custom Home Builder, Quality Construction On Your Lot is this just something that's always going to be reported as a duplicate title or is there a way for me to change the website so Moz doesnt report a duplicate title on the same page (since there really isnt a duplicate title in these examples)?

    | ElykInnovation

  • I have a quick question. Does Moz have a tool I can use to see how much traffic my site gets a month versus some competition? I know Alexa has this but you have to create an account. I am just wondering if Moz has one and I am missing it.

    | trumpfinc

  • I've used Hubspot's keyword tool previous to MOZ, and I know that they import data generated from MOZ into their tool... but I find it a much more convoluted process using Moz's more robust system. ALL I want is to dump in a long list of keyword possibilities, then see where we can easily rank for these terms, especially against our local competitors. How do I set this up???? It's not as self-explanitory as Hubspot! Thanks!!!

    | uptongirl34

  • I went through all the steps to set up a new campaign, and am on the last page, where I list competitors.  When I click finish, however, the site spins for a few seconds, then does not proceed.  I even checked the URLs.  Is there a problem with the site right now?  I am assuming the social links are optional because they are greyed out, and I am not getting any error messages after I click finish, just nothing. Help!

    | springkeeper

  • Hello All, We have been having an issue with very high crawl errors on websites that contain blogs. Here is a screenshot of one of the sites we are dealing with: . Looking through the links that are turning up in the crawl errors, the majority of them (roughly 90%) are auto-generated by the blog's system. This includes category/tag links, archived links, etc. A few examples being: As far as I know (please correct me if I'm wrong!), search engines will not penalize you for things like this that appear on auto-generated pages. Also, even if search engines did penalize you, I do not believe we can make a unique meta tag for auto-generate pages. Regardless, our client is very concerned seeing these high number of errors in the reports, even though we have explained the situation to him. Would anyone have any suggestions on how to either 1) tell Moz to ignore these types of errors or 2) adjust the website so that these errors now longer appear in the reports? Thanks so much! Rebecca

    | Level2Designs

  • Hello Rand, I was looking for the best content quality checker and I've found many websites saying Free to service. but I got bad experienced there was something poorly coded system on their website so they couldn't check the content quality and duplication. So I suggest you to make a tool that should be helpful for users who are seeking to find out the quality of their content. it should Tell us following factors which are important! Content quality score - English and Grammar Duplication Uniqueness Suggestion to optimize the content

    | shubham1234

  • Hi My campaign is not showing a complete set of data on my Social Dashboard and displays the following message: We are having difficulties connecting to your "Facebook - Welocalize" account. Please go to "Add/Edit Social Accounts" to reauthorize it. recommendations? Thanks

    | LaurenSouthers

  • I am relatively new here, I have 5 campaigns. I get new crawl complete reports almost every day for all of them. Wow great, except when I check the reports nothing has changed. Even if I have gone in and changed things or fixed errors, the same ones are still there and takes 4-7 days for that work to show up. Everytime I get one of these reports I am opening them up going through and not seeing the changes I implemented the previous days before. I'll spend 20-30 minutes going over these and checking details. So the question is, Are these reports wasting my time? Are they actually new reports or am I just getting spammed repeat notices everyday?

    | RandyFriesen

  • I'm new to MOZ, I'm on the niche sites building. Is there an easy way to find HQ pages to post to with MOZ? Like it's with Market samurai.

    | bishop23

  • Can anybody tell me why the Moz pricing sign up page shows the the top 3 packages says "includes branded report", but when you go to your dashboard the plans say "coming soon branded reports"? I'm not sure if it does or does since I'm in trial mode. Does it work or not?

    | Multiverse-Media-Group

  • I used to think Moz was rich and full but man, there is so Much new stuff! I love it! I still need to explore everything. Does anybody know if its going to be an option for our clients to log in and see just their account? are changes in the works for reports we can pull and send to clients? thank you!! Matthew

    | Mrupp44

  • Hi I am new to Moz, (6 days New) Moz has done the initial crawl and report on my site, it has gathered some Google analytics data from my account, it has ranked 150 Keywords from me, it has found my backlinks and reported accordingly. All seemed to be well until I realised that it has not updated my information for a few days now.
    The Weekly reports are labelled 27th Nov 2013 plus I have a daily report from the 1st December 2013 and that is it. I am wondering if I am missing something, it all started so well and now has appears to have stopped.
    I know that 6 days is early and wont get any real good data for a few weeks or even months,
    But I was under the impression that I could get things like my daily search traffic reports for the search engines ( yes I have added 3 search engines google, bing and yahoo to my campaign) So any ideas would be useful or am I just being impatient and my data will appear in a few days 😞 Many Thanks

    | numbers

  • Been getting bizarre Redirect Loops from Chrome after I log-in to MOZ. Has anyone had something like this happen? I've tried clearing cache, rebooting, etc. but no luck. Thanks in advance!

    | danny.wood

  • Hi, i am using a 3rd party wordpress plugin (WPMU DEV - Infinite SEO). I've got a trial account and the plugin is asking me for: Access ID Secret Key Where can i find these? much appreciated graham

    | aguyiknow

  • Our name is HostDime but often put as Host Dime (2 words) by news sources and other sites. How do I set up my brand mention so I only get a notice when both words appear, in order, together. I don't want "That host is a dime" and such. Can I use a +Host +Dime?"Host Dime"? Do these operators work in MOZ?

    | hostdime

  • Sorry, I know this is a silly question but I have added the modules that I want for each domain's weekly report. The reports are generating and mailing as they should be but it doesn't display the date range of the report anywhere. I have them set to weekly reports but it should definitely show the date range of the information included in the report. Am I missing something or do I have to add to the top? If so, how do I add that? I am thinking it should be the first thing on the reports.

    | TGiovanni

  • Is this where I can get suggested keywords for my website?

    | jellybean22

  • Hi everyone, I'm trying to set up a new campaign for a website which has Cloudflare installed. After I enter the campaign name and URL the loading circle comes up and spins for a while, but then it just stays on the same page. No error message is given. I can't get to the next page of the setup campaign form sequence so that I can set up this campaign. Has anyone else had this problem and is there any fix? Thanks in advance

    | _jrmo

  • I just connect my g+ user,but it cann't work.why?

    | fountainamara

  • Hi, I have been using Moz tools like keyword, site explorere. And the results have all these big words in the column that confuse me. In other words, I don't know how to translate the results and understand what the results mean. Is there an easy guide on how to use the tools. Also, once I understand the results, Is there a way to come up with rough estimate on what it takes to rank my site for certain keywords. Is there a step by step or easy guide to become productive after using those tools? I have been through introductory videos and read some material like beginning SEO etc. But having hard time using the tool? Is it just me and every one is blazing with Moz tool?

    | zsyed

  • My google analytics accounts "can't be found." Any ideas?

    | Colleen216

  • Hi, Does anyone know how we could get Moz to browse a development site before launch? But without Google and other engines indexing it? Thanks

    | bjs2010

  • Hello Experts, today i was analyse one of my website with moz and get issue overview and get total 212 issue 37 high all derive to this same url so can anyone help me how to find this url and remove all high priority error. and even on page website get A grade then why not performing well in SE ?

    | JulieWhite

  • As I went thru the process of setting up my campaign, MOZ could not connect to my GA account.  Any idea why?

    | selectlocks

  • I am trying to find where to configure whitelabled custom reports in moz analytics. Where can I find them? If they are only accessible through the old version, how do I switch back?

    | keybroker

  • As we know that being a standard pro member in Moz community, we have at least 5 campaigns to add and track & as well in new moz analytics. But when I just made website campaign an archive to make active or add one of the old campaign which I was unable to do WHY WHY WHY? Let me know . .? Also do guide or train me How to use Moz analytics as I was not enough familiar with it as I am habitual with in Pro tools. Best,

    | Futura

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