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Category: Getting Started

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  • Does Moz collect information of customers accessing my website
    Thank you!

    | gogoanimetp

  • I am wondering what is a Good Domain Authority Score? This is my website currently DA and PA are quite high, but the traffic is decreasing, I don't understand the reason, you can help. Thank you !

    | gogoanimetp

  • Hey everyone can anyone please tell me why my website DA is not increasing even though I'm making the backlinks?  My website: URL

    | Ghulam899

  • Dear all i have established a new site and want to increase its DA fast. So i need your suggestions in this regard. This newly established blog is my first independant project so i want to make it perfect.  

    | hamza5252

  • The DA of my website: is 16 and PA is 24. Why PA of other pages is different but DA is same. Moreover, how i can increase the DA of my website. Thanks for helping

    | KOidue

  • Hi Mozzers! I have a workflow question. I like to browse for keywords by hitting the SERPs and getting Related Keywords, People Also Search For, and Long-Tail Variants using various tools. I then scoop up these entries and paste them into a spreadsheet. The next step would be to find search volume data. Does Moz Explorer offer a good way to find this data for lists of keywords? I see how to get this info for one keyword at a time, but I'm interested in getting KW volume for a list, either by pasting KWs into a field or uploading a spreadsheet. I recall using the Google Keyword Planner once for this purpose, but I wonder if Moz also offers a way. I am a Moz Pro user. Thanks in advance for your advice. AK

    | AndyKubrin

  • Hi, I have two queries which are related to Moz DA and Moz Spam Score. 1.  I have created my website 6 months ago and also do proper SEO of my site. Now according to Ahrefs my DR is 47 and also shows me some organic traffic, Organic Keyword of my site. But when I've checked my site in it shows me the DA is only 1 and also there is no organic keywords and no backlinks. Why my DA is not increasing and stuck in 1 position?  When will DA increase and please guide me how I can Improve DA of my website?  URL:  2. My second query is, what is the Moz Spam Score? Is it important for a website and which factors Moz used to create a Spam Score of any website? Experts guide needed. Thanks, overview?⌖=domain

    | dekho87

  • Hi @Support Why my website Thesmartapk DA is not increasing it is old site even i have bought a fiverr gig of someone he was offering that he will show my site DA 70, he send me pic of 70DA, on his side 70DA of my site but when i check on it show 0 DA.
    Whats the problem?

    | Amiie784

  • Hi, I don't understand why does the DA of my site increasing but not the PA, ay reason guys?

    | Seotools53

  • Hi, I've just joined Moz and every keyword I am searching for is showing 0 monthly search volume. I've tried popular words like 'dogs' or 'pizza' and they're still showing as 0 searches? How do I fix this? TImJxya

    | hthorne

  • What is the quickest and easiest way to run an SEO audit on a Wordpress site that at least shows all the mechanical problems?

    | integratedproperty

  • Where do I find my sites ranking for a MOZ TRUST score?

    | Kuhliff

  • Can I change an article after I post it but to add some keywords or change the title of the article on my site my site

    | arabtechnologieseo

  • What are the poison words recognized by Moz, and are there any correlated to Forex?

    | Rhedlina

  • Hi Moz team, I wanna show KD as a column on the "All Keyword Suggestions" page. So I do not need to research every keyword that I want to focus on. Is there any way do this? Thanks, Bruce

    | Bruce.L

  • Hi, I'm seeing a huge rank fluctuation reported by GSC (all rank trackers reported stable rank) for one of our pages, one particular keyword, in one particular country (US), and only Desktop (not Mobile). Is anyone else encountering a similar case? More details: huge rank fluctuation reported by GSC in the US, stable in other countries (since Oct 7th) all rank tracking service reported stable top rank in US cities (as well as our own friend's testing across the country) only happen to 1 keyword and its close variation (other keywords that the page also ranks for are quite stable) only observed fluctuation for Desktop, while Mobile is stable in those low-ranked days, the average CTR is only slightly lower than normal days Does anyone have any idea what could this be?  Should I trust GSC's fluctuation or the rank tracking service's stable top rank? 0ee0a6cdd6cfc194e670ba5628d04e3d7c8253a35fdbf33291018aa4f528fd1e.png

    | sandiego-seo

  • Hope you people are doing well. I am getting error while using MOZ onpage grader. Page Optimization Error There was a problem loading this page. Please make sure the page is loading properly and that our user-agent, rogerbot, is not blocked from accessing this page. ScreenShot of error: My Site link: v2wv3f

    | ismailvela033

  • I was wondering if anyone can help? I am working using Moz to help improve the SEO on a website I am working with, the website contains thousands of pages, yet for some reason Moz only seems to be crawling a small snap shot of the website. I know there are particular pages that I had added a couple of weeks ago - about 300 in total - and none of these were showing on the first crawl, so I did another on-demand crawl and some of these showed up then. Despite this, it says it crawled 700ish pages, but there are getting close to 20-30ish thousand live pages on the site. Any thoughts and guidance as to why they crawling may be stopping?

    | dsmith802020

  • I'm new to Moz so still learning the system. I was just looking at the most significant move down of some keywords. I have one 'flooding carburetor' that moved down 50+. Now my question. How do I figure out which page was used, or is that even a consideration. I have that particular phrase scattered all over the web site. Thanks for the help.

    | MikeCarbs

  • hello friends hope all are you are fine my question is from beginning we use to taught that google always give importance to high DA sites and everyone wants backlinks from high DA site so my question is that is DA actually pays the role in the ranking? In my case i think No. The reason behind it is the google wants the quality not the authority is that true?

    | macheteguide

  • Hey DA of my website decreased last night what could be the reason?

    | 0hjgh6

  • hello guys, is there any way to use Moz free or any well-known company who would like to give me Moz login at a very cheap price. if anyone knows then please guide me shortly. Thanks With Regards, Abert sin.

    | seochris17

  • I understand the concept of locations in Moz Pro Campaigns. What does National exactly means? Is it like globally for a United States Google Search Rank or what? Please explain.


  • Hi. I need to define the most relevant sites which are talking about a specific keyword ir order to create an PR strategy based on that term. How can I identify those sites?

    | HarolRuiz

  • how to to increase domain authority score


  • When I have amended the missing description Metadata issue on an individual page do I have to manually mark as 'fixed' or 'Ignore'? I have attended to several pages regards Missing Description Metadata Issues and not manually marked them as fixed. However they still appear in metadata missing description issues after a second on demand crawl? Will they continue to appear until I manually mark them as fixed?

    | LM_Marketing_Solutions_Ltd

  • Hi, i am beginner to use Moz Pro. Can I know where can I find my keyword queries list? It mentioned i have 14k which almost reached the 15k limits in my account. My account is Moz Pro Large subscription. I wish to have some modification in the keyword list. Is it possible to extract it out? But if i did the changes, will it affect the tracking in previous campaign before. I wish to put in some latest keywords in. Please help.

    | laiyee

  • can you please remove my card details to my moz account

    | GlobalEyeTSS

  • I am working to improve SEO of a specific program offered by our school. The program's pages are located in a subfolder like This program is different from other programs offered by the school, both in terms of content, audience, etc. Right now, I tried to add the subfolder, but I feel that Moz is giving me results on the whole website. Also, I tried to add some competing programs from other schools (by adding their pages' URL) but again Moz seems to give me comparison results of the whole websites.

    | loyolallm

  • I've submitted my website to be crawled by Moz and done everything I can according to the troubleshooting guides. Please help!

    | DigitalButter

  • I have cancelled the subscription before the end of the trial, but I have been charged anyway. Why? How should I proceed to receive a refund? Thanks

    | Nadia89Mohamed

  • Been trying to exclude a ton of backed up files on our domain that have to stay public as people transition content over. I have tried everything — search a subdirectory by name, updated robots.txt with disallow and noindex (both with and without / or /*) and I still get almost triple the number of 'actual' pages. I there any way to get cleaner results aside from manual sort-n-cut from the CSV?

    | AaronWintersCSUS

  • Is this something you could help with? (it either bombs or crawls everything, so I assume I’m missing something in the campaign settings, or it’s just not possible.

    | blueprintatl

  • I am wanting to view organic keywords to see how our position has changed up or down.

    | rketter

  • As an example: Moz has flagged this as URL too long... but guideline is that happens at 75 characters or more? I count 55..??  or does the 75 limit have to include the domain? Thanks, Adrian

    | abtechgroup

  • I'm currently on the free month trial period for Moz Pro and I will probably cancel the account before the free period ends, but if I want to renew my subscription later, what happens to all the previous data? And does all the keyword research I've done disappear when I cancel it, or is it restored when I renew the subscription? Any insight is helpful! Thank you!

    | TeamOneRep

  • Hello, I am wondering where I can change the date of Crawl by Moz. I would like to change this crawl period from one week to 2 or even 3 weeks for Moz to crawl my website. Hope to hear from anyone soon. Kind regards, Koen.

    | Koenniiee

  • Hi all, in this article ( there is this screenshot (attachment): Where to find the Google spreadsheet in Moz that contains this sheet? Thanks! 59efcffe06dd67.30116441.png

    | MaxDevergori

  • Accidentally Deleted My Campaign, Possible to Restore It?

    | Kingalan1

  • Hi, I ran a crawl test on our website and it came back with 900 5xx potential errors. When I started opening these links 1 by 1 I could see they were actually working. So i exported the full list of 900 and went to the website: pasted the links by 100 and used that. They came back with status codes of  301 / 301 / 200 which i believe means they are okay. After reading it says that my programmer may need to see if we are blocking the MOZ BOT or to slow the MOZ BOT down. I guess I'm wondering if this is not done is the site actually having these 5xx errors when Google is Crawling or is it just showing 900 errors because of MOZ BOT but actually things are okay? I know the simple answer is to get the programmer to fix the MOZ BOT issue to know for sure but getting programmers to do things take a lot of time so I'm trying to get a better idea here. Thanks for your input.

    | Cfarcher

  • We are building a new site that, on the blog landing page, uses JS to populate the individual blog article links on the page. The links are not viewable in the page source, but do appear once the page fully renders. After running an on-demand crawl of the site (in QA...not indexed yet), it appears that Moz isn't indexing these pages, and it also isn't reading other page elements that load later (like an H1 that is rendered in JS but not in page source). Are we going to be able to use Moz to track this site? Is there some setting to help?

    | Rodrigo-DC

  • Just what the question asks, I filled out a really detailed campaign and I'd rather not start over, how do I remove the Google analytics attached to it?

    | StrategicMurphy

  • Hello! today my Card was charged with 179$ for Moz Pro fees which i was not aware of, kindly refund my money and cancel / delete any subscription related to my account. Username : aijaz555 Thanks

    | aijaz555

  • Why am I being deducted crawls if MOZ keeps telling me that it can't crawl my site?

    | BloggyMoms

  • I would like to track how keywords rank across and without setting up separate campaigns for each. We don't care if the blog, or the main site rank, we just want something to rank and therefore want to track both sites  in 1 campaign. Is there a way to do this without setting up a separate campaign for the subdomain and the main site?

    | AmyLB

  • What's a DA?

    | ddox

  • Hi, I m the new guy at the Neighborhood Can you help please with the question... how long does it take, So i can see results of Kewords Ranking search on moz? This is the popup note Message: Moz collects and updates campaign data weekly. Not collected means we have not yet updated data for this keyword. TNX

    | YarivHPAZ

  • Hello, I have a site that has around 300k static pages but each one of these has pagination on it. I would like to stop Rodger Bot from crawling the paginated pages and maybe even Google. The paginated pages are results that change daily so there is no need to index them. What's the best way to prevent them from being crawled? The pages are dynamic so I don't know the URLs. I have seen people mention add no follow to the pagination links would this do it? or is there a better way? Many thanks Steve

    | twpnglobal

  • The difference between pa and da??

    | ddox

  • I'm a beginner. I want to know what this is 'DA'

    | ddox

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