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Category: Getting Started

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  • Can I not perform a manual update? I setup a campaign without GA as I did not have access, I got access, added the GA account to the campaign but no data is showing as I think I require an update, but have to wait 7 days? Is that right? Thanks

    | SJMDT

  • also for search engine select theres 2 for united kingdom english - en-gb and english en-uk whats the difference.

    | Carrotpower

  • Our site gets, when scanned with MOZ tools no links detected. <a href=""></a> Does someone know why?

    | SEMODU

  • Is it possible to manage a campaign for such a site on Moz?  It looks like in order to be able to add an independent Google Analytics tracking id, he has to upgrade to a business account.  Does anybody have any experience with this?

    | chill986

  • Hi Everyone, I'm absolutely dumbfounded about this 901 issue (showing pages with our url back to back). Our site is hosted on Big Commerce: When I look for these pages being crawled I don't find them. I've called BC for help and I can't seem to find a solution or where to turn as to how to fix the issue at hand or even if it matters.  Please see below what the Moz crawl shows. Could this be related to Yotpo or some app we have running? Or does this even matter and does it have any influence on rank? Do you have recommendations or ideas? Thanks so much. Pages with Crawl Attempt Error as of Mar 3 URL Page Authority Linking Root Domains Status Code | Error Code 901: DNS Errors Prevented Crawler from Resolving Hostname http://www.santabarbarachocolate.comhttp/ -- -- 901 Error Code 901: DNS Errors Prevented Crawler from Resolving Hostname http://www.santabarbarachocolate.comhttp/ -- -- 901 Error Code 901: DNS Errors Prevented Crawler from Resolving Hostname http://www.santabarbarachocolate.comhttp/ | -- | -- | 901 |

    | santabarbarachocolate

  • I wanted to track different pages on my website with Moz in terms of keyword positions.  Do I have to set up a new campaign for each url on my website that I want to track? I have to test campaigns set up in the free trial at present and it seems easy to track url movements when it is set up in its own page.

    | Feily

  • Hello, I am wondering if SEO Moz is able to provide automatic reports for us and our clients? Thank you!

    | medaestheticsgp

  • I'm very new to all of this and am having trouble understanding my campaign results report.  Is there anyone on MOZ who can help with that?

    | Aplantbasedsoul

  • How often does Moz crawl my website ? (I have a number of issues I believe I have fixed, and wondered if there was a manual request to re-crawl ?) Thanks. Austin.

    | FuelDump

  • I am at a loss and believe I have myself so twisted with what to do, with SEO or more specifically ranking, keywords, and backlinks, that I don't even know where to go from here or what to do next.  I use one tool, it tells me I have crawl errors, I use another it says I don't.  I don't really understand keywords anymore or how they're associated with your page other than simply being on it.  I could have swore I got some backlinks, but show none.  Sigh.  I just need help.  Anyone out there down to help a fellow teammate?  I have a computer science degree, whoda thunk, but this website stuff and how to optimize it just has me confused.  I have all these trial memberships to Moz and Ahrefs, but couldn't tell you how to use them or what exactly they'll do for me.

    | ARobinson36

  • How many sites can we follow w/free trial on Open Site Explorer? And can we do however many additional "by hand" a la carte searches on Open Site Explorer?

    | Study-Wizards

  • I´m new to Moz and I was using the keyword analysis tool. When I put a generic term for my country (cheap phones, buy samsung galaxy, etc.) which is obviously one of the most wanted and competitive keywords, MOZ displays a difficulty level of 3 and an opportunity of 100, indicating it´s easy to rank for it, when the main competitors are big transnational companies. Why is this? What do you suggest? Thank you!

    | awgsm

  • if I was to create a microsite, or a landing page, would I create a new campaign to only analyze this page?  If I want to report on the effectiveness of SEO on a series of landing pages within a campaign, or a microsite, how would I do this?  I cannot seem to create a campaign that only targets several identified pages... this one is baffling me. Help?

    | KenSlater

  • We have Standard subscription to Moz Analytics. I can't find option to how to give other team members access to view the analytics. I need other team members just to view same analytics profile, no need for them to create or modify profiles. Can anyone point me where do I invite other team members? Thanks.

    | romanr

  • Is Moz Pro or Moz Content useful for a local catering company?  I've started a trial to try to determine if it will benefit us. Our new site will be up next week so we don't currently have traffic.   We will be using some Adsense and direct mail campaigns to get started, but not sure if Moz local will be sufficient. Please help connecting the dots. I know it would be good to rank higher for example "Catering Tahoe, Ca."  But how would Moz help me see what kind of content to create for a local catering company?  I'm not sure a blog article makes sense.

    | Nasoj

  • Hello. Could you tell em how I can solve the 4XX client error from the moz crawl? I have the  broken links in moz crawler like this: Thanks.

    | iulianafun

  • I have an assistant in Ukraine, I need her to have access to my MOZ account.   How do I do that?

    | RentFit

  • How often do you Moz do whatever it is they do for me to get up-to-date data?

    | infinety

  • Hi, is it possible to set a timescale throughout a Custom Report without having to remember to change the timescale for each individual module?

    | mfrgolfgti

  • That little notification bubble on the bottom right corner of my account has finally gotten well beyond the point of irritation. Is there any way that I can permanently disable this?

    | cslattery

  • In the template there is a section called external media URLs , this section is for videos and other things? because within the template are already a category called images. Besides I want to know if I'm with MOZ oregon or seattle. Thanks n the template there is a section called external media URLs , this section is for videos and other things? because within the template you are already a category called images . Besides I want to know if I'm with MOZ oregon or seattle .

    | 230893

  • Hello, I've added 4 keyword in a project, last thursday, but I have any result yet, it is written "added after Fev 08, 2016". What does it mean ? Thank you !

    | Redactio

  • Hello all, I'm trying to setup a campaign in Moz for one of our subdomains that we use for marketing landing pages. Unfortunately there really is no home/landing page for the subdomain so when I enter it into the campaign settings it says the site isn't accessible. Is there anyway for me to add this? I tried entering the subdomain with a star, e.g. but it would not accept it. Any ideas? Thanks!

    | Brando16

  • Hi there, I'm new to Moz. I work for a furniture retailer and I'm in the process of auditing our digital presence and improving how we appear on Google and therefore to our customers. I am working on our website's content and SEO, Google Local Listing, getting our products added to Google Shopping and updating our social media accounts, removing old accounts and improving current ones. I'd like to know how to make the most of Moz. I have set our site up in Moz Pro but I'm unsure where to go next, so I was wondering if you'd be able to offer 5 tips on where to really get started. Thank you.

    | Bee159

  • Hello there, Our website is set up to have one main domain with 8 subdomains for each country. To be able to track each subdomain do i need 8 campaigns when setting up in moz?

    | cwpang

  • Good day, When I type my keyword in google, the website related to this keyword appears on page 1 (7th link from the top). However in Moz report, the keyword position is #13. I don't understand why. Can someone explain the reason? Thank you,

    | Wolfpacksweet

  • I am attempting to setup a new account for my client but Moz is having a problem and not registering the url  I get the "oops" message & read the info on the FAQ page it refers to. Why do I keep getting an "Oops" message when I type and submit my campaign URL? To create a campaign, we need to receive a valid HTTP response from the web server hosting your site. While the site may be accessible from a standard web browser, other user-agents and search engine bots may receive a different response. If you receive this error, we recommend running a test by sending an HTTP response using any online HTTP tool. Using an online HTTP tool I believe I received an HTTP response.  What else can I do? Regards Terry

    | Buzzin

  • No point having it on here if it doesn't get answered. Thanks

    | CamperConnect14

  • Hello all. I just received my first report fro Moz Analytics. Signed up here to see what problems my site might have and find out how to fix them. On all of my issue pages I see notice with black dot saying that my urls are Rel Canonical Using rel=canonical suggests to search engines which URL should be seen as canonical. I know that recently my web developer set up so that every url on my website has a rel=canonical as I think there was an issue with trailing slash. Is this to be considered an issue or I can just leave it? Thank you guys. Regards, Armands

    | A_Fotografy

  • Hi, I noticed an earlier thread on this topic that now seems dead so I decided to start a new one: We're a non-profit organisation based outside of the US and we were wondering if MOZ's non-profit program can be extended out? We're fully registered and audited in our home country and can provide all the necessary documentary proof if needed.

    | OBW_Noel

  • Hi, we have a website with HTTPS, moz could not crawl it and we get "902 : Network errors prevented crawler from contacting server for page" while in logs we see moz robot access but fail after some seconds, what could be the problem, while moz can access site when it is without httpS | 902 : Network errors prevented crawler from contacting server for page. |

    | Hamedkhorasani1

  • Hello folks, So I signed up for the trial version of the Moz tool and ran an initial site audit. One of the site audit results is confusing me.
    It reports that there are two pages with duplicate content ( Each page has a duplicate page with duplicate content in it).
    When I take a look at what those pages are, here is what I see:
    ( The difference in the above is the Contact and Us, the first letters are capitalized on one of the URLS) Now I am confused because for one thing, I don't have 2 Contact Us html files uploaded on my hosting server.
    Why is Moz seeing 2 Contact Us pages? How to remove one? Regarding my home page, why is it flagging the same page as two different pages? How to remove of them?

    | jjimen03

  • Need help fixing the duplicate content that keeps growing

    | Taiger

  • delete

    | devddp

  • IT is blocking AWS via a proxy in front of our server.  We've tried allowing the "roberbot" user-agent but crawling functionality still isn't working in my Moz Pro account.  Is there a more specific user-agent we can allow in our proxy software?  Thank you.

    | uShip

  • The total number of links figure in our case has shot up from 7k to 67k, can somebody explain plz. domain is

    | PropChill

  • Can someone please answer my question about not being able to not being able to access Social Overview? I originally posted this last week and haven't gotten a response.  Thank you.

    | Eric_Shew

  • Hello, Does MOZ have a tool which allows for keyword research to find long-tail keywords which are worth putting in the effort to rank for (keyword effectiveness rank)? This also includes being able to see traffic stats for number of searches by keyword, by country? Kind regards,

    | uworlds

  • Excuse my ignorance but I am very new to all this. I have a new site and am using MOZ to try and get it right first time. On OSE I am seeing different results for  and  i.e with an without / ) and different results again for These differences relate to the social page metrics but I would be keen to get one consistent reading. What do I need to do? Also, I know that I have links to the site but none are showing at all. On google console there are a couple showing but I know that there are many more. Is it just a matter of time before they are 'found' or is there something that I should be doing? Sorry for what are probably very basic questions but any help is appreciated.

    | Sassandgrace

  • Hi Everyone, we're launching a new WP website that has a non-www. web address.  Old address, new address  A re-direct has been created for the www. address.  It appears that this is causing an issue for the Moz page crawler.  It is currently only crawling 1 page.  I will set up a new campaign. BUT As best practice should I set up all new google analytics on  It appears that the analytics are functioning correctly, but I'm unsure if any issues may arise from the change.

    | JayTurner

  • I'm trying to crawl in Moz Analytics and the Search Diagnostics is only crawling 4 pages. The domain uses a "select your country" the first time you visit, and it seems as though the bot is not getting beyond that (aka, not clicking on "USA") and is therefore not crawling the rest of the domain. There is no country specific URL other than I've tried entering both "" and "" as the URL, but no luck. Any tips?

    | LabeliumUSA

  • It still says 0 after 6 weeks if i use other tooks like I do see the backlinks that i was counting on was there

    | onewordcenter

  • I want to see historic trend line (going back mid 2014 until now) of specific keywords, for me and for a few competitors. How do I do this in Moz?

    | woutcox

  • I have a rookie question. I started a campaign with the basic analytics package here. I have about 100 keywords I am attempting to paste into the box. I have done this a few times and have seen the "your keywords have been added message" but do not see the keywords below. Fast forward 12 hours still nothing, so I pasted in about 10 of the keywords (same format) and they took. I went to paste 10 more and nothing. What is the best practice for uploading bulk keywords? Also, will they appear only after the 24 hours to determine the rank?

    | mm916157

  • I want to know what to do first, how do I start the branding, etc. Thanks!!!

    | Gridiron236

  • In my profile I see only the comments, I'd like to keep track also of my questions

    | 2mlab

  • I need to have billing/admin stuff being sent to our administrative email address, and tech stuff (reports, grades, export) to another email address. I can't find how to in the Help Hub...

    | 2mlab

  • Signed up to Moz and my site is now down as it's "gathering data". Is this normal?

    | BurrowsPT

  • I am starting to use the craw diagnostics(specifically duplicate content) and I know there was a very helpful tutorial video i saw earlier but I cant seem to find it now

    | John-Francis

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