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Category: Getting Started

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  • Hi, I am a bit confused as to how Moz handles the tracked keywords list that it periodically updates and sends me e-mails about regarding where the position has changed etc. When I signed up for Moz it somehow automatically found a part of our keywords that we use and is now tracking them successfully. However, I have a lot more keywords to track ofcourse since we have nearly 1000 products and Moz hasn't really discovered most of them automatically. Does it mean that the rest of the pages are not optimized enough to even recognize a specific keyword or is it just the matter of adding them all manually? Thanks!

    | speedbird1229

  • Hi i use to be a user of SEO moz before the change to just Moz, however i am struggling to navigate around and work on campaigns. I need to know what steps to take methodically from setting up a campaign, keyword research, competitors and monitoring SERPs results.  in addition  improving the page grade reports and analysing keyword difficulty. Whilst Moz assist you to set up some of this initially when creating the campaign i feel it doesn't seem to take you through a logical methodical step process of configuring in depth the steps of ensuring the correct settings are relevant to the campaign i.e.  an outline of the steps and i need to take that follow on from each other and getting your campaign completed. for example: create campaign keyword research onpage optimisation competitor research link finder analyser run reports that related to the info provided above I feel lost in the features of moz whilst i can see they are highly beneficial putting them to use in a chronological order to ensure the the correct setup and make use of these tools. i.e. where to start and where to end currently i feel i can only find where to start and what i should do after that to make use of Moz fully is somewhat missing. Thanks in advance, any links and direct appreciated, i would alsolike to possible speak to a Moz team member regarding my account setup if possible.

    | mari-rose

  • Hi guys- I am new to Moz. I am looking for a tool which can let me know which keywords my competitors are ranking for.  I want to know both for knowing which keywords I should be doing a better job with and which keywords I am missing overall. My site is and am interested only in Canadian competitors. Thanks Jamie

    | jamiecbmetals

  • Moz have any keyword Suggestion  tools  or any best tools

    | Poojath

  • What are the Moz tools available with this package? What factors of SEO can be checked with these tools? With this package, is it possible to provide a single URL (preferably home page) and Moz will analyse the entire site and highlight how the site performs wrt various SEO factors? This package states that with this package we can run 10 Moz Analytics campaigns. Our understanding of Moz Analytics Campaign is every site; say is one analytics campaign. Are we correct? Does the subdomains within a parent domain also considered as one analytics campaign. For e.g., if I have sites: and are they considered two separate campaigns or are they considered as one single campaign? In this package it is listed as 750 keywords, what does this signify? In what way this feature can be used to check our site’s SEO compliance. Please elaborate. In this package it is listed as 15 social accounts, what does this signify? In what way this feature can be used to check our site’s SEO compliance. Please elaborate. What do you mean by branded reports?

    | WebCCTrial

  • Hi Folks, Apologies for the newbie question here, but hope any of the experts here can help. Our blog resides on a subdomain, and our blog increasingly plays an important role in driving traffic to our site. However the subdomain does not seem to show up in our keyword rankings report on Moz pro. Does this report only include URLs on the main site? Is there a way to monitor how our blog ranks on our keywords somewhere else? Thanks in advance all! Regards Patrick

    | patrickqureshi

  • I'm interested if it's just me that gets frustrated by this? I've just Ctrl + clicked a few links to open them in separate tabs and then realised that none of them had opened. I know it's been like this for a while. It's a usability issue as it goes against expected norms, and now I have to right-click and then click "Open in new tab" on each link, which is more time-consuming and frustrating. More and more websites seem to be losing their Ctrl + click on links ability (JavaScript often breaks it). I don't know if there's a Mac equivalent... Anyway, I hope that doesn't seem like I'm too angry. It just frustrates me a little and I hope it gets fixed. 🙂 Edit - I've just realised these are getting blocked by Chrome's pop-up blocker - but why? It's only an issue on a small number of websites.

    | Alex-Harford

  • Hi, I could not able to access my campaign pages (pro home page). I received the below issue while logged into my account. This webpage has a redirect loop The webpage at has resulted in too many redirects. Clearing your cookies for this site or allowing third-party cookies may fix the problem. If not, it is possibly a server configuration issue and not a problem with your computer. Learn more about this problem. Error code: ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS I have checked on both firefox,chrome browsers after cleared the history and cookies. Also checked with different ISP providers. But received the same. Has anyone experienced the same? Plz help.

    | HCSEO51

  • I only join 30-day free trial. I don't understand what 5 campaigns means. Please give me a hand. Thanks

    | dongreen2000

  • Hello -- I'm new to Moz and wanted to know if any community members were available for freelance work to help me fine-tune the setup of the Moz account for one of my clients. This could lead to additional work for other clients of my advertising agency.

    | KRT

  • Hi Moz community, I'm trying to optimise an online store and I'm thinking of setting up separate campaigns for each of our categories e.g. games, clothing, music etc... If I set up these campaigns with URL's like: /music and /games, would Moz track only URLs within these subdomains? Is this best practice? Thanks, Paul

    | kevinliao

  • Hi , I have a problems that I am trying to fix for a few days but with no luck My site is Moz page issues is saying that I have Missing Meta Description Tag and  duplicate page title also. I use meta description and I cant see the duplicate title. Can you please tell me  what I do wrong? Thx in advance

    | cyrixr

  • I'm trying to connect a Google Analytics account but when I go through the drop down box with our list of clients it doesn't show up. It is listed in our agency Analytics account. We have 30+ accounts on GA. Any reason why the account wouldn't make it into the list? Thanks, ~Anjolie

    | RKD_Group

  • Where can I see my domain website errors. Things like how may pages are missing meta description, duplicate title tags or broken links. I use to see it when I signed in. Now I can't find it.

    | gsam

  • Is there any way to authenticate genuine Moz crawler. Because, our website keeps getting scrapping attacks and if there is no way to authenticate Moz crawler, then, any scraper can just set user agent as Rogerbot and scrape all our pages. Is there a fixed IP that can be used or any other customization that will help us authenticate and allow only Moz crawler to crawl our site. Looking forward to a solution to this problem. We haven't been able to use Moz crawler due to this issue.

    | longclimber

  • I am not able to interact with the social account section of my campaign.  Why is this?  I am on a pro trial and that is what I mainly want to test.

    | probreakingtour

  • Hi there, I'm looking to give my entire company an introduction to Moz software. I would like to show them a recorded version of the introductory webinars you host every Friday. I need a recorded version because our team meetings are on a Monday. Please can you point me in the right direction?Thanks!Mike

    | The_Mezzanine_Group

  • All of my pages are "F Grade" upon last week there's no problem but now all pages are Grade F Is there any problem with crawl my page? Could you please check? Thanks

    | nopsts

  • Hello everyone! We'll be holding a webinar on Friday to help new members learn about what all Pro has to offer, show some off our most popular tools, and get you comfortable with the dashboard. Register here**:** Date: Friday, October 17th Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT Hope to see you all there! If you can't make it, you can watch a previous webinar here:

    | jennita

  • When I first discovered Followerwonk, I searched 15 accounts before reaching my daily quota. Now that I have signed up for a Pro account, how come I can only search two? How come there's any daily limit at all now?

    | allpurposeguru

  • Last night I found out through Moz that my robots.txt file was blocking any crawling of my website. I fixed the issue. Now do I just sit and wait?

    | cmc-interactive

  • I would like to add my Google+ and Facebook addresses in my profile but when I do it says my vanity names are not correct. I am copying and pasting directly from the Google+ page and Facebook page so I do not know what to do. When I do try to just add the numbers for my Google+ page that is not working either. Thanks - Travis

    | TravG123

  • Hi everybody, I'm new on SEO Moz and we don't realy know where I need to start to optimized the SEO of my client When i go in the On-Page Optimization section of my SEO Moz account in my campaign, i have a lot of page with a Rank of #1 but with a Grade of F. Why it's our page who are first and it's not another page? Why I have a F grade but i'm first? We don't know where to start when we want to increase the SEO of a page from a client. Where I can find a tools, a guide or a checklist that explain what i need to do to increase the ranking? Can someone help me please? Thank you

    | cFocus

  • I recently updated my subscription to the better one and want that my campaigns would scan more pages. I still cannot this how to update on the settings page? Should I create a new Campaign and delete the old one? (That would suck)

    | FCRMediaLietuva

  • I am anticipating, say, three main categories of searches for one site (let's say, keywords pertaining to first aid, doctor treatment and emergency room treatment. I have gotten the keyword difficulty data for 20 keywords in a category first aid, and have exported the csv. Now I list 20 different keywords related to doctor treatment. The results come mushed into the first aid report, but I want to export them separately. I figure I can delete all of the entries from the first report and start a new search, but I can't even find a way to remove them from the list. Is there a way to create separate reports to export based on a new set of keywords? Thanks!

    | lauriefree

  • Hi there, How can I modify the timeframe? I'm stucked in the last week timeframe, up to September 30th. Thanks for the help. Cheers,

    | crazydiamond

  • How do I set the Moz to produce monthly report on 1st of every month.  I dont see any option there. we have 50+ Clients in Moz now and we need to generate report on 1st day of all month to send them report. Its 3rd Oct today and I don't see my previous month report being generated. Can you guys help me

    | emarketexperts

  • Trying to load my campaigns and for each one, Google Plus tracking is not loading. It just doesn't take. I've tried with three different clients so either I'm doing something wrong or the system is not working properly. I entered the names of the accounts exactly they appear on the Google Plus page and copy and pasted the url with and without /posts at the end. Any other ideas to troubleshoot this?= Thanks.

    | Masbro

  • Even though it shows it should run weekly the campaign appears to be stuck.  Also, it seems like campaign frequency should be a variable under campaign settings, but isn't.  Is there a way to manually run the campaign to add the data?

    | dwerkema

  • I am creating a campaign and want to connect a page that I manage.   However, I don't see how to do that. It clear how to connect my account but not the page.

    | primoathletic

  • Hi, I've been referred from Mailchimp and I have a promo code. It said I could redeem it at the check out, but I didn't find it. How can I enter it now? (I am currently on the 30 days free trial) Thanks!

    | Stukers

  • I'm struggling with a very basic question at the beginning. How to use campaigns in moz 🙂
    How do you use Campaigns? Only one campaign for the whole domain? One basic Campaign for the whole domain plus temporary campaigns for the current topic you are working on? A campaign for every conversion goal... Couldn't find a best of what a campaign could be.

    | nabujona

  • Hello , i have conencted moz to My new ecommerce website , MOZ is not reading any visits , although i can see the visit on google analytics and i have moz connected to My analytics as well, why i cant see the visits ? need your help please 🙂

    | moeayyad

  • I would like to find out where all this traffic is coming from. It is most likely from an out of date sales site etc, but it's important to find out as it could be the result of hacking etc. It appears the page is linked to another site and I would like to find out which one(s) Entering the page url is not getting results, can anyone help?

    | cyganswenia

  • Hello everyone! We'll be holding a webinar on tomorrow to help new members learn about what all Pro has to offer, show some off our most popular tools, and get you comfortable with the dashboard. Register here: Date: Friday, September 26th (this Friday!) Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT Hope to see you all there!

    | jennita

  • So I set up my Moz campaigns on the 8th of this month. I can see data for the week, however, I can't see data from the previous week or for the month. So my question has two parts: a.) Is there a way to view data for the previous week, and b.) when can I expect to see data for the entire month. Seeing data for the entire month is absolutely critical for me, since this is what I'm going to use to prepare my monthly client reports. Has anyone experienced anything like this? PLEASE HELP!!!

    | maxcarnage

  • Does anyone know how Moz campaign setup. I have set up a campaign and Moz has identified a number of spammy keywords which we cannot find on the site. Please see the image. The site is Thanks Ed Gzy0UkO.jpg

    | EdBen

  • Why does Moz only let you send 2 private messages a day? I'm a Moz Pro subscriber! Sorry Message Not Sent You are currently over your quota of 2 threads per day.

    | deelo555

  • Hi I'm on the free trial, I'm finding it really useful. since I was 16 (16years ago) all I've done is cook. After 3 weeks of Moz I feel like I'm or the way to marketing my business instead of having others tell me how to do it. A while back I used to use SEO freelancers to buff my site, but recently I realized that I was not doing enough to promote my business myself, I was trying to pay others to do it for me. I goggled Soe and marketing, of course I found Moz while doing so! The content is exceptional and really goes in depth and we are now coming up with a new content strategy! The problem is that I have this gut feeling that The moz product is worth the money it asks for as I can easily identify the issues or opportunities my site has, I still feel that I lack the competence to use moz  to its full potential! Is there an option to have someone skpe me and give me some tips or in sites with in my own campaign? I've spent a lot of time reading the blog content and watching the videos but this all seams to focus on how to get results but not so much on how to use the Moz console/dashboard. I've probably just missed a hole bunch of content but if not do Moz have and option to help set up your Moz analytic and Research so you can get the most relevant info to you? Any help is most welcome Kind regards Ben Horle

    | SussexChef83

  • Hey we have registered for 30 days Trial and now we want to use the Pro , we wish to pay by CC, please let me know how. This user is created for our customers Accenture- for 1 month usage

    | Accenture14

  • Hi, Invalid URL when I try to set up a new campaign. I'm trying Thanks, Paul

    | rogerspictures

  • I want to download and compare Keyword Rankings for the prior 2 periods - which are currently August 31 and September 17. Selecting the timeframes refreshes the data on screen but when I download the .csv files they are the same - both showing the 'SERP Date' of 9/18/2014. I've cross checked the data to confirm and it is the same between the 2 files. Am I doings something wrong and/or is there another way to accomplish this?

    | AISEO

  • How do I produce a website report for the whole year.   Its just a click away on semrush

    | BlueandGreen

  • Edit - Turns out I can't delete a question. I ended up finding out I'm supposed to email the Moz team at [email protected]. I did a search regarding the issue, but I only found answers for people using AWS. The results say the .htaccess isn't setup correctly, but I don't know how to fix that file. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    | MattHarris

  • One of our competitors uses Https:// on thier search results and when we add and save it, it removes the s - we know their site ranks on specific keywords, we know this from manually searching before we got moz but moz is not showing them because it is looking for http:// not https:// How can i fix this. Also - when we first set it up, we did not add the www. and our analytics are setup as such so we show no traffic on our dashboard, but it wont let me edit to change it. Thanks

    | HansSchlamadinger

  • Hi, I signed up after seeing the videos on Udemy and YouTube (white board Friday) So I've started the free trial and am looking forward to getting my site ranking higher. I've crawled my site and its come back with the following errors (please see below. 608 I'm sure this information is very important but I have no idea how to fix the 608, I found a robots.txt in my directory and deleted it as I think that maybe the problem? I crawled the site twice by accident so will have to wait till tomorrow to find out? 404 I found it quite hard to find the broken links at first but once I realized all the information I needed was in the table I think I got them all. did I miss a tutorial or am I just a little out of my depth here? 503 I have no idea how to fix these, I can click the links and it takes my to that page or file. so how can it be the server down? Or is this because they are links to PDF's? should i convert them to jpegs and give them meta data? I'd be grateful for any help anyone has to offer as I'm keen to learn how to promote my site better. Crawl Error Moz encountered an error on one or more pages on your site608 Page not Decodable as Specified Content EncodingInvestigate the cause of this issue on the Help Hub.Discovered: Sep 2 - 8Crawl Diagnostics Crawl Issue Found: 404 Errors 10% of site pages served 404 errors during the last crawlA high percentage of 404 pages can indicate a problem with the internal link structure.Crawl Diagnostics 404 : Received 404 (Not Found) error response for page. Issue 404 : Received 404 (Not Found) error response for page. Issue 404 : Received 404 (Not Found) error response for page. Issue 404 : Received 404 (Not Found) error response for page. Issue 404 : Received 404 (Not Found) error response for page. Issue 404 : Received 404 (Not Found) error response for page. Issue 404 : Received 404 (Not Found) error response for page. Issue 404 : Received 404 (Not Found) error response for page. Issue 404 : Received 404 (Not Found) error response for page. Issue 404 : Received 404 (Not Found) error response for page. Issue 404 : Received 404 (Not Found) error response for page. Issue 404 : Received 404 (Not Found) error response for page. Crawl Issue Found: 500 Errors More than 5% of site pages served 500 errors during the last crawlExcessive 500 errors impact search engine indexation. Double check that your website is serving pages properly to both users and crawlers. 503 : Received 503 (Service Unavailable) error response for page. 503 : Received 503 (Service Unavailable) error response for page. 503 : Received 503 (Service Unavailable) error response for page. 503 : Received 503 (Service Unavailable) error response for page. 503 : Received 503 (Service Unavailable) error response for page. 503 : Received 503 (Service Unavailable) error response for page. 503 : Received 503 (Service Unavailable) error response for page. 503 : Received 503 (Service Unavailable) error response for page. 503 : Received 503 (Service Unavailable) error response for page. 503 : Received 503 (Service Unavailable) error response for page. 503 : Received 503 (Service Unavailable) error response for page. 503 : Received 503 (Service Unavailable) error response for page. 503 : Received 503 (Service Unavailable) error response for page. 503 : Received 503 (Service Unavailable) error response for page. 503 : Received 503 (Service Unavailable) error response for page. 503 : Received 503 (Service Unavailable) error response for page. 503 : Received 503 (Service Unavailable) error response for page. 503 : Received 503 (Service Unavailable) error response for page. 500 : Received 500 (Internal Server Error) error response for page. 503 : Received 503 (Service Unavailable) error response for page. 503 : Received 503 (Service Unavailable) error response for page. 503 : Received 503 (Service Unavailable) error response for page.

    | SussexChef83

  • I am getting a high priority warning that I have pages with title missing or empty, however, when I check the page, there is a title tag <title>Long Term Care Planning</title> . Anyone have any idea what could be doing on? I check the CMS (using AEM - adobe experience manager CQ5) and the title field is filled out as well.

    | Laura-Genworth

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