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Category: Getting Started

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  • Can you help me with setting up a campaign? I get stuck after I put in the domain name and the other information doesn't go through. Regards Roshni M

    | harmanseo

  • I tried to create a campaign for which is my main website. It gave me "Oops! This does not appear to be a valid URL. Please try again." this error during campaign creation please help.

    | Fatteh

  • I've been away from Moz for a little while and the inferface has change alot.  I'd like to know how I link a specific keyword to a specific landing page.  I'm getting a bit confused?

    | GooglePlusGirl

  • We've received a lot of good info about our website using the Moz analytic tools but I'm curious to know if Moz provides consulting services on how to implement changes based on the data. Basically, Moz gave me the "what", I need some direction on the "how" and does Moz have the in house capabilities to assist with the "who" can do the actual work.

    | Elara

  • Is there a way to upgrade the account to get more competitors?  Every website I analyze has more than 3 competitors, which makes the took very difficult to justify if no upgrade is possible.  Any ideas? Thanks for any help!, Eric

    | WhitakerBrothers

  • Hello, There seems to be a bug regarding MOZ's customized report. I set it up as a weekly report but i received up to 3 emails (4-5 hours interval) with incomplete data. Kindly fix. I'm using gmail. Thanks!

    | leecourt

  • The option to change the URL is grayed out. Is there a way to do this or do I have to create a whole new campaign?

    | mathamatix

  • Hello Moz community, I already have 301 redirection in my .htaccess , just like this: RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ "$1" [R=301,L] Mozpro shows that I have duplicated content for &\index.html I am a little lost, there is " 301 Redirect" and "Rel="canonical", moz replied me back that I need to use "Rel="canonical", but can one use both together? i also read on forums, if I 301 redirect index to /, there will be infinite loop and such. Another story, I am also getting IP Canonicalization error when I checked my SEO performance: Your site's IP ...* does not redirect to your site's domain name. This could cause duplicate content problems if a search engine indexes your site under both its IP and domain name.** Which adds to my headache. What is this one all about? There is no single thread or page here, to clear all this confusion and give a straight solution, but rather each page or thread says do a different thing. I am lost, so somebody help!

    | mdmoz

  • I'm on the first month of MOZ PRO and have added 3 competitors to each of the 5 campaigns. But no competetive metrics show up in the dashboard. How long does it take until that info shows up?

    | RalfSkirr

  • Trying to create a campaign but the step 3 of connection to Google Analytics is giving error. Please suggest. Thanks

    | Vaneet.Gupta

  • I'd like a report which shows a list of all the keywords and their ranks - s it possible to get a complete list in the report rather than just summary of rankings?

    | ukandyh

  • Hello everyone! We'll be holding a webinar on Friday to help new members learn about what all Pro has to offer, show some off our most popular tools, and get you comfortable with the dashboard. Register here: Date: Friday, August 29th (this Friday!) Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT Hope to see you all there!

    | jennita

  • I can not create new campain because it always warning my site is not a right URL. I don't understand, please tell what should I do. My site is: (When I try to use "Grade a page for keyword" for URL: or, it returns "Sorry, but that URL is inaccessible".) Thank you so much. Minh Tam.

    | toosol

  • I am looking through my crawl diagnostics and one of my errors states that a page has a duplicate title. My problem is that I do not know how to find the duplicate. Any advice here?

    | bearpaw

  • Hi there, Here is the thing.. I have an e-commerce website selling in Canada and USA. I created 2 different directories to get my website translated in both English and French. My first campaign is basically the English version of my website: I've configured the campaign with G.A, Social Media, targeted keywords etc... Now I'd like to create a 2nd campaign targeting my French version: The only problem here is that it won't let me go through the whole "Add a Campaign" process. I've been able to access the "BASICS" tab where you have to enter the company name, website link and campaign name. However it doesn't allow me to go to the next step. As soon as I press the "Next" button, here is the message I have: "We have already started building this campaign. If you entered the wrong URL and would like to track a different site, please create a new campaign." When I created my very first campaign, I didn't have to wait, the campaign was available almost immediately. Does this message mean that it requires couple of hours/days to create my 2nd campaign? Thank you for your help.

    | MorganNw

  • I am trying to add my site to a campaign and it keeps telling me the URL is invalid. I have tried entering it as: Nothing works. I even tried the redirect domains I have and still nothing. I tried a few of my other sites too and it works for only one of them. It also would not take Can someone help me please? Thanks!

    | Ayres-SEO

  • If someone has that available can you send that to me ?


  • When ever I type in my website its tells me its not a valid URL . I have bought the URL This was on my 90 day trial and it is not a good way to start my trial. nlGDl3f

    | Teddy_Corl

  • I get the error not a valid url when I'm trying to set up a campaign.  I know it's a valid url.  I have tried with www, non-www, http://, https://  when I do the https it lets me start, but then I get an error that https is forwarding to http and I need to use that.  When I then put in the http, I get the original error. thanks in advance for your help.

    | HighVoltage

  • Hello Guys, i was using non-www domain for my campaign, but then i realized Google Index my site with www. on it The scoring from non-www and www is different. I delete the campaign and recreate with correct one, but Moz always recognize the old domain Anything i miss ?

    | viktor.iwan

  • Hi! I'm trying to set up my first campaign, however at the step where it suggests connection to Google Analytics, when I click "Skip" it stalls... and never continues. I'm just testing your services, at the moment - I I definitely do not want to connect to GA at this point. How do I proceed?

    | Strongpages

  • Hi, I just started with using MOZ and at my first trouble is I can not start a new campaign because my url doesn't appear to be valid. I tried It's a Chilean extension. Can you help me to know which is the problem cause? My account is: [email protected] Thank you.

    | Magallanes

  • Hello everyone! I am a newbie here. I am trying to create a campaign, however I got stuck at the first step! It says 'We have already started building this campaign. If you entered the wrong URL and would like to track a different site, please create a new campaign." please see attached image. I thought it would be very straight forward... I have tried to create another campaign with a different website and it worked, so I don't understand what has gone wrong with this campaign. It will be much appreciated if anyone can help with this... 😞 thank you very much !! Screen%20Shot%202014-08-12%20at%2022.39.39.png

    | sweetlime

  • I am in my MOZ PRO trial. I want to add a campaign to see how I like it, but something keeps coming up saying "Oops! Try refreshing the page, if that doesn't work click here to contact our help team" And I can't find an answer to that question here. Please help ASAP Ld3rHLi

    | WFC-Sales

  • Hi, So, like many others I was always in the top 3 for keywords in google for about a year, then 9 months ago we dropped, we now dont even exisit! (Page 10). One of the actions we are looking at is backlinks, however we have limited budget and want to work with domains that have high DA in order to help us, I assume this is good idea for us to do? Question, how can I easily identity domains that have high DA relevant to my sector? so I can engage in backlinks conversation David

    | petstar

  • I just started the free trial today, but I can't setup a campaign. Everywhere I go (,, all I see is: Oops! Try refreshing the page, if that doesn't work, please click here to contact our help team. Is something broken?

    | jcsilkey

  • I have been a member before, but cancelled due to Moz not doing daily ranking.  Signed up again, as i like the reporting facility, and now have planned to use this along with Rankinity. I got the free trial, added in two new campaigns, which is not a quick process if you do it correctly, and neither are showing up in my campaigns tab. So I thought, maybe its because it's a free I upgraded to the 149/month, and got billed.  Tried adding a campaign again, and nada.  Also tried activating archived campaigns...again, nothing. Nothing is working, talking directly to Moz is pretty much impossible (no phone number, the 'talk to us' button never gets a response - tried that on Friday), so I am trying to get  some kind of answers here. What I would like from Moz is: 1.  Make the adding campaigns thing work asap (I need to make the client reports soon). 2.  Make it so my old archived ones, when I click the activate button work. 3.  If they are feeling nice for wasting hours of my time, maybe refunding my sub for the month and putting me back on the free trial or something. My head is about to explode....HELPPPPP! Love, Jeannie xo

    | Jeannie.

  • I'm planning to take a large subscription of moz..but i may need a premium account in the future.Can I upgrade it in the middle of  my current subscription or will i have to wait till my subscription gets over? Also, I'm planning to take only one month currently but i'll renew it once the month completes so can i continue the same account without my campaigns being deleted?

    | kdcdmp

  • I've tried multiple times (over 2 days) with every variation of the URL with no luck. Any ideas for why the URL does not seem to be working?

    | jgrammer

  • Hopefully this isn't a stupid question. I'm new to MOZ Pro so I created a campaign and uploaded about 300 keywords. Our site is an ecommerce site so there are many many products and of course, many pages. My first On Page Ranking Report has completed and naturally we have pages with scores ranging from A to F.   What I don't understand is this:  for any given keyword, how did that word get assigned to a given page for the purpose of the ranking report? We may have many pages that may include a given keyword so when I look at a page with a score of F,  I'm sometimes surprised that a given keyword is assigned to a particular page for the purposes of ranking. Can someone help me understand this architecture?

    | jbcul

  • Can anyone give some guidance in which setting we should use for the sites when setting up our campaigns? Google GB or Google UK etc. Many thanks

    | BruceA

  • New users when sign up to an application like Moz need concrete support to make them familiarized the basics at least, but Moz seems to be not realizing this hardship of the new users or intentionally ignoring it. There is no chat service or phone numbers to quickly contact the designated agent for some quick help. Mail responses that are received after much time have their limitations -- not much interactive. What the new users should do, because the Moz is not that simple for new users. [edited question for formatting]

    | Sequelmed

  • I am very new to all of this and need to learn. So please accept my apology if I just didn't find it, but I've been searching and can't find a way to add more competitors. Thanks

    | s-s

  • I just signed up for Moz...  Created my campaign. I'm noticing Moz is removing the www* from my domain.     When they do analysis its wrong. when i go to google and type i have 350,000 + pages.  MOZ is telling me i have 1,277 pages because its getting the external links by using *  and not how do i force MOZ to read my domain as and not *

    | CarlosJaa

  • I am new to Moz and my campaigns haven't been updating.  I got the initial data, but I haven't received any new data since then.  I think that I set up the account on the 23rd of July.  My reports show that info, but nothing else.  I have checked the dropdown for this last week and it is empty. I have done a lot of work and want to see if there has been any change. Help! FyBaH8B

    | webgurucreative

  • I created a new account and my Moz plan says, that I can have 5 campaigns. But it does not let create me another campaign in addition to my first one. What to do???

    | PascalKlein

  • I am new to Moz, wondering where to starts. Some questions to ask if somebody could help. 1-Why there is a limit of 5 campaigns, and if I exceed the number then what to do? 2-How often I should enter a campaign? 3- When a campaign is entered how much time it takes to complete result on it? 4-The dash board with results shown in the Getting Started With Moz Analytics Video appears nowhere in my account, how to reach that place? Tanveer

    | Sequelmed

  • I just ran a campaign for one of my web sites and am a little bit confused. Social Interactions states 0 new for all of last week.  That's odd, because we are very active with facebook, twitter, and instagram. On top of that, we blog daily and always tweet and post links to our blog posts. Google Analytics tells us that we're getting traffic from Social Media web sites.  But MOZ campaign says there's nothing. Also, Brands and Mentions indicate just one mention?  Strange and disappointing. Can anyone explain?  Thanks

    | mcafiero

  • Hi, I have just started using SEO MOZ tool. I was creating my first campaign however I am unable to get through because it suggests that I am inserting non-valid url. How is that possible? I tried with all these following urls: It doesn't let me create the camapaign. Please let me know what are the issues. Thanks! BR
    Barun vOYJblW

    | barun

  • Hi, I just started with using MOZ and at my first attemp I can not start a new campaign because my url doesn't appear to be valid.. I tried , and It's a Dutch extension (.nl). Can this be the problem? Excuse me my spelling and typo's. I'm Dutch 🙂

    | SWP

  • Hello!I am trying to setup my first campaign, we have a GEOIP re-direct in place for the domain to go to the .com site however we have specified that bots do not get re-directed.When I enter the domain name at setup stage I get the following message: "We have detected that the domain redirects to We do not recommend tracking a redirect URL. Would you like to track for this campaign instead?" I have setup the rogerBot user agent in Firefox to see if I get re-directed but I do not so I can't figure out why i'm getting this message. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks Chirs

    | ChrisParry

  • I am managing an existing ecommerce website and just subscribed to the MOZ tools - what is the best rout to learning how  bets leverage all the tools to optimize my site?

    | DiveNSail

  • Dear Team, How i can edit and display my name in Custom report in place of MOZ.

    | 1akal

  • Everything I enter comes back with a grade F and 0s across all spectrums. I know this isn't the case so cannot understand it.

    | Swifty1981

  • Hi, Upon signing up I clicked the link to create a new campaign, but nothing happened. The background loaded and that was it. I tried refreshing and still nothing. I went to the Pro dashboard and keep seeing "Oops! Try refreshing the page, if that doesn't work, please click here to contact our help team." Under campaigns there's no button I see to create a new one. The documentation about it here:
    is outdated. I tried putting in a support ticket but the link doesn't work, just redirects me back to the top of the page. I was using Firefox but switched to Chrome, but neither browser works. Any ideas? I have to say this isn't exactly the best first impression...

    | RDoherty

  • How often does Moz crawl the website? I have a lot of high priority crawl issues but my web development team says that it fixed them. However, Moz still shows me that none of the errors are fixed.

    | Leoni

  • The list of Google Analytics accounts and UA codes listed are outdated. How can I update them to reflect the most up-to-date accounts (& UA codes associated with those accounts)?

    | SearchParty

  • Hi all, I'm very new here, and I'm quite slow in terms of learning things. Now I've had MOZ for about one and half month, but still only just understand to use on-page grade to SEO my site. I've been spending quite a bit money (for a small business) for online marketing: facebook adverts $50 a day; google adwords $10 a day; MOZ $99 a month... However, the conversion rate isn't ideal... only less than 2% Now what I'm trying to do is, while keep doing the cash burning online adverts, do more SEO on a daily basis. Can I please ask: other than optimise 5 pages' on-page grade, what else should I include into my daily SEO to-do list? Many thanks!

    | alexlovesmoz

  • Can I confirm whether or not a specific level of access is required to connect Google Analytics to a campaign? Or if access, whatever user permission level that may be will suffice? GA User Permissions Manage Users: Can manage account users (add/delete users, assign permissions). Does not include Edit or Collaborate.
    Edit: Can perform administrative and report-related functions (e.g., add/edit/delete accounts, properties, views, filters, goals, etc., but not manage users), and see report data. Includes Collaborate.
    Collaborate: Can create personal assets, and share them. Can collaborate on shared assets, for example, edit a dashboard or annotation. Includes Read & Analyze.
    Read & Analyze: Can see report and configuration data; can manipulate data within reports (e.g., filter a table, add a secondary dimension, create a segment); can create personal assets, and share them, and see shared assets. Cannot collaborate on shared assets.

    | SarahCDonegal

  • Hi, I have created a campaign for our divelife/blog page to monitor success with the KW's we are targeting with articles. It is connected to the same Google and social account as our main domain campaign that is working just fine but 2 weeks in and still no data is appearing.

    | Divelife

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