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Category: Link Explorer

Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Hey everyone! Can somebody explain to me why this keeps happening: Whenever I'm trying to backlink my competitors, I typically use RavenTools. Every time, without fail, if I put that same URL into Moz's Open Site Explorer - It gives me about 1/20th of what RavenTools shows me. Sometimes it literally comes up with 2 or 3 links total. Unfortunately, RavenTools has a cap on how many backlink checks you can perform in a month - so once I've used those up, I have to start using OSE... But, it just doesn't work. Does anyone else have this issue? Thanks!

    | TaylorRHawkins

  • Is there a way to get a date of when a inbound link was created from a external website. And if so is there a way to add that to the Moz Pro tools reports on a csv file.

    | willakawillow22

  • Hi Mozzers, I just check a site in OSE and while the inbound domains are up the total links have dropped and therefore DA and PA. How can I find which links have gone. I'm assuming a domain passing 1000's of links has either gone down or broken the link - can I use the ISE tool to fine which links have been recently broken? I know there is just discovered for new links. If not can you recommend a tool please. Thanks

    | Bush_JSM

  • ISSUE:  301 Permanent Redirect |  301 Permanent Redirect Yes   Target | | 301 Permanent Redirect No | According to the above article you lose 15% page rank on permanent redirects. Our site and domain was launched without any migrations.  Is there a way to fix this problem?
    Please 101 me on this question. Thanks,
    Kevin Welch

    | CTGManagedIT

  • Hi - Looking at acquiring a domain name that has a great product fit. The problem is it is currently getting a 10/17 Open Site Explorer SPAM score. The existing site for the domain is running Google sponsored link ads and is full of internal pages that link off to these ads. That explains the existing SPAM score. If I acquire the domain I'll throw out the Google ad pages and build instead a site with real valuable content that behaves like a normal site and look at building backlinks etc. My question is, following this approach, how long is it likely to take Google to not see the domain as some Spam factory so it starts getting well positioned SERPs?

    | Gavin.Atkinson

  • Hi Guys We make custom portfolios and boxes and every time we have a Moz site crawl, Rogerbot always returns a number of Duplicate Content Issues relating to different products. As per the image below (which I hope is visible?!) Rogerbot has flagged duplicate content onto one product that relates to 5 other different products. For instance there is duplicate content for an A4 Leather Portfolio and an A3 Leather Portfolio and an 11"x17" Leather Portfolio. I can't redirect or canonicalise to just the A4 Portfolio as they are all individually different products. The information on each page although similar, is relevant to each of the products, so rewriting a different blurb on each product page, will not be user friendly for our customers. I could ignore the duplicate content issues, but then that isn't good practise (and also makes for a very unsatisfactory looking Dashboard!) Any ideas?? Nick wzQLgBl

    | nick_HandCo

  • I keep getting a "Redirect Chain" issue with my contact us page and not sure how to resolve it.  I checked my redirect plugin and contact us page is not on there.  Not sure where to go on this does anyone have an idea? | 301 Moved Permanently |   | 5 |
    | |   | 5 |
    | Cloud Services Dallas | CTG Tech | Contact Us |

    | CTGManagedIT

  • Hi When i am trying to crawl my website ( ) it can only find my frontpage. It's a node js page. Any one had the same problem or know how to crawl my site in order to see all my pages? Kasper

    | KasperClio

  • Hi there, I recently started looking into SEO and joined the Moz community. I'm trying to understand why my spam analysis score is so high (9/17). Our competitors look to have much lower spam scores so I'm wondering if this is negatively affecting our search engine rankings. Our website is We are a small accounting firm in a rural Australian community. I've read as much as I can find about the spam analysis score but am still unsure how to fix it. According to Moz, our website has the following spam flags: **Low MozTrust or Moz Rank Score, Large Site With Few Links, Small Proportion of Branded Links: **I understand that all of these in theory have to do with the fact that we have only one incoming link. We are working on this. What confuses me is that our main competitors also only have one or two incoming links and don't seem to raise this flag. Again, we are a small company in a small community so there are only really a small number of links we can cultivate before it gets too spammy. **Ratio of Followed to Nofollowed Subdomains/Domains: **Again, I'm guessing this has to do with the fact that we have only one incoming (followed) link, but again, our competitors don't seem to raise this flag. Is there a reason why only one link would raise this flag? **Thin Content: **We do have some short articles but I didn't think they would be short enough to warrant a "thin content" flag. Again, some of our competitors have pages that our just as short and don't have this flag. **Low Number of Internal Links: **We do have internal links, so I'm wondering if they're not getting picked up for some reason? I did go through and add a few more today, but I don't want it to be too overwhelming. **No Contact Info: **We do have contact info, and plenty of it, so I'm not sure why we're raising this flag. **Low Number of Pages Found: **We do have a decent number of pages (I would have thought), and again, no less than our competitors. I've tested on Google and it looks like it is getting a valid response to our pages. I've been tasked with improving our SEO relative to our competitors and I'm wondering if these flags have to do with the fact that we're ranking lower. Our website is relatively new (2 months) and our domain name is also newer than our competitors, so I'm wondering if that's impacting things. Any insight you could provide on how to reduce the spam score would be great. Thank you!

    | KarenTDG

  • Hi Moz Community, When I go to search for backlinks for any site, I am getting a blank screen after starting the search. This is happening to every search I perform for any URL or root domain. It's been happening for about a week now and I am not able to find any solutions. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Ryan

    | RyanRhodesGW

  • Hi folks, I'm moving a digital magazine of mine, which has a great deal of authority (DA53!) to a new domain, which is much more brandable. I'm curious if Moz ever passes the actual DA/PA numbers to the new domain. Does the tool pick this up, eventually? I know once the domain is switched, DA will show a "1" -- as the domain is brand new, technically. This is NOT a question about authority/link juice being passed, but rather the numbers being displayed by Open Site Explorer. Some authors do look at Moz DA as an indicator of a sites "power" before applying for authorship, so I'm trying to find a way to move to a more brandable domain, while keeping the OSE stats in place. If it's not possible, I'll have to live with it 🙂 Any input? Thanks everyone!

    | avilawebfirm

  • I have a client who has an old URL with 3 linking root domains and 4 links, with a PA of 24. This is on the open site explorer. There is a 301 redirect in place to direct this old url to the new url. When he uses the Moz bar on page, it shows that he has a PA of only 1 with no LRDs or inbound links? Can anyone please explain why this is happening and if this could affect further page links across his site? It would be appreciated. Kind regards

    | lisa_rothery

  • Hey guys, just wondering if we can refine results to Australia only with the fresh web explorer?

    | thinkLukeSEO

  • Hi, We've ramped up our PR since 2-3 weeks and have been mentioned in a lot of publications including a big name like Forbes. But the OSE moz tool still shows zero backlinks to our domain. 
    How much time does it take for it to get updated? Do I have to do something manually to make it happen? 
    Please let me know

    | ImranZafar7

  • I am getting a 902 error, "Network Errors Prevented Crawler from Contacting Server" when requesting a site crawl on my wordpress website, I think the error may be related to site speed and caching, but request a second opinion and potential solutions. Thanks, Rich

    | rweede

  • I've been comparing the inbound links report from Open Site Explorer against other backlink services and the results are very different. E.g. Compare the domain on When I ran my test this other service found about 30% more active backlinks...why would Open Site Explorer skip those results?

    | rsnell

  • Hi I have 2 websites, 1) DA 20 PA 29 RD 6 Total Links 226 and 2) DA35 PA 46 RD 34 Total links 11,075 Every post i published on my 1st website shown in Just discovered links, whereas in 2nd website, it is not appeared. Now, my question is, what i do to have my all posts shown in just discovered links for my second website. From every aspect my second website is stronger than first one. Awaiting answer.

    | Abdul_Majid

  • In my Moz crawl report I get: Crawl Error
    Moz encountered an error on one or more pages on your site
    Error Code 804: HTTPS (SSL) Error Encountered The Moz Help Section only says: 804 HTTPS (SSL) error 804 errors result from a site with misconfigured SSL software. If Moz's crawlers cannot correctly interpret an SSL response for a home page, the crawl ends immediately. My site is publicly accessible on https - And I'm not seeing any issues with my certificate. Can anyone help me out? What steps can I take to troubleshoot this error? If SSL is misconfigured, how do I configure it properly?

    | Happy-SEO

  • My website is, it is an E-commerce Online flower delivery Portal and Moz shows a spam score of 4, may I know why my site spam score is high and how can I reduce it further. I had already removed few of the spammy links from the shown websites. But still, it shows 4.

    | gurjinderguri

  • These sites have many inbound links but Moz Pro finds no such links. I also used SimilarWebPro Trial to confirm the existing of such links. (these sites have IP block so it requires an VPN to access with Japan IP) Could anyone figure out why Moz can't find those links to those sites? Any tricks in place to hide those links from SeoMoz? If I pay to upgrade SimilarWebPro but Id rather stay with SeoMoz Pro. thanks in advance.

    | Yuji_m

  • Hi there, The Guide to tracking your keyword rankings in Moz Pro states that "Click on the keyword to analyze it, the URL to be taken to that page in Open Site Explorer or the Optimize link to get a Page Optimization Score with recommendations.". But my URLs all target to the specific page on my site. I figure it would be nice to dive deeper in analysing specific pages, using Open Site Explorer Is just the link with Open Site Explorer broken, or is the Guide out of date? Thanks, Arnout

    | BentoPres

  • I own the site  I have a 301 redirect rule in place to direct all non-www traffic to www.  The site is about 10 years old.  We're ranked in the top 20 in Google for around 20-40 search terms that I know of. Google Webmasters lists us as having in excess of 10000 backlinks (though many are subdomained duplicates). Majestic reports 1269 external backlinks, with the best trust/citation flows being around 40/100.  Majestic also reports 39 referring domains. I'm working through crawl errors at the moment.  The main high priority ones are 4xx errors, due to the fact that I changed some URL redirect rules a month back and am slowly getting round to changing internal backlinks in the forums.  There are no 5xx server errors, which I would think is the most likely reason Rogerbot might fall over crawling the site.  Rogerbot has no issues crawling, I've set it up in the phpBB section of the site as a registered bot, and it logs in and crawls for long periods when I manually trigger a crawl. Can anyone explain why the site might still be at DA 1?

    | e_i_pi

  • Hi all, I have seen a few discussions / advice pieces around this, but wondered what the current view is on the fastest way to get new backlinks recognised by Moz? I have seen people say that the content needs to be shared (e.g. on Twitter), and advice around creating Bitly links.  I am not convinced that these techniques are working. On a related note, my website is very large.  I have around 2.5m pages.  Most of these pages are 3-4 clicks from the home page, but I have a small amount of important content much higher up in the site (1-2 clicks from the home page).  Does Moz crawl pages nearer the home page more frequently, or does it make a pass of all pages on the site before it starts at the beginning again?  If it makes a complete pass of all pages, then presumably making my site smaller will help to get Moz to see new content more quickly?  Is there any other value to be gained in making a large site smaller? Many thanks in advance, Neil.

    | NHARRIS1

  • I know my websites have links from other sites, but I don't see it listed using the open explorer tool. perhaps the reputation of the external link is a factor? _Cindy

    | cceebar

  • I'm doing a link audit and I want to download a spreadsheet of all the links to my website in OSE. There has to be a way to do that right?!

    | jennie.evans

  • Hi google search console is showing root linking domains at 297 but OSE only shows 19 This was highlighted because OSE dropped from 50 to 19 since last scan Regards Paul

    | phes

  • Bit of an odd one here, anyone seen this before:

    | ThomasHarvey

  • This has been asked many times but I cannot find an answer. On Open Site Explorer, most URLs I enter show as "No title" which means you have to hover over the URL to see which page is being referred to. I know you'd want an example, so here's your own site 🙂 CWrkxZQ

    | clifra

  • Hi Moz community, I've got a question about all old backlinks pointing to the http version of my site: Firstly, how it impacts my site's backlinks for SEO and secondly, why does Moz and if you know why Majestic have different metric report values for the different URLs. The Back Story Two months ago I bought an SSL for my personal domain and changed my URL from http to the https version. I 301'd it and can verify that on Majestic SEO using the old http URL. I did this sitewide for an eCommerce site that I'm working and did see a lift in traffic; that was the main reason based on Google talking about sites moving to the SSL Web. I'm No Stranger to 301s Of course all the URLs on my site have been 301'd. I used a HTTPS Redirect plugin for my WordPress site and there's been no issue. I also installed a 404 Checker plugin to log broken external links to my site where I can create a redirect right away in case the HTTPS plugin missed something along the way. I'm comfortable knowing that doing when you change the domain name for a site or just a page going from one URL to another will transfer all the link equity over time. What's Causing the Confusion What's a little confusing is that when I use tools like OSE or Majestic's Explorer, the data doesn't match. For instance in OSE, the https version of my domain has a DA of 1 and PA of 1. But, the http version of my site has a DA of 25 and PA of 36. With Majestic (BTW, please feel free to stop me from asking questions about another tool on Moz, but since we're all part of the same SEO community, I thought I'd ask it here anyway) the Trust and Citation flow values are definitely closely matched but still different values nonetheless. My Question Will I ever see the DA and PA the same for the https & http versions in the future? Does OSE catch the fact that there is a 301 redirect to the https version or does it only recognize that it redirects from to when in fact it redirects to My second question is, what about the backlinks? Is it because they are different URLs that OSE doesn't have a way to recognize this and display links from the old http version to the new https version? How will I know the true PA and DA of the https version of my site even with a perfectly executed 301 redirect? lol Let me know if you need more clarification. Thanks

    | KingRosales

  • Hi I was just looking at a competitors new site in OSE and it had a DA and PA of 1 which I would expect and also no links, which again I would expect, basically the guy used to design stuff for me and thinks he can do a better job so he is giving it ago. But he has a spam score of 9/17 but no links - how is this even possible. Thanks Andy

    | Andy-Halliday

  • I am using moz pro 30 days trial version.Can Anybody tell me how many pages moz crawl in a day or in a week.Because its two days and only 2 pages they crawled. Thanks

    | VarinderS

  • Open Site Explorer doesn't seem to be working for me. Any one else got the same?

    | seoman10

  • Hi there We've run a report today which shows we have 157 pages with duplicate content. Out of these 157, 134 have canonical tags so I'm not sure why they're showing up in the reports as being duplicate. Here's an example, this page: .....has an canonical of: But it's still showing as duplicated in your reports. Any support would be appreciated. Thanks.

    | Havs1

  • Are the guidelines of Open Site Explorer's spam score published anywhere? I'm trying to figure out how a page like has a Spam Score of 2/17 -- I expect it to be 17/17 It has no visible content, but if you view the source you see very spammy links. c9kyGF

    | Solutions21

  • Is there a way to run a report through Moz's Open Site Explorer to produce an MS Excel or Google Sheets spreadsheet showing Page Authority (PA) for all the individual pages on my site?

    | micromano

  • We have a bunch of links and none of them report in MOZ OSE. Does the MOZ OSE tool have a cache that takes a while to refresh? We have recently moved over to CloudFlare and since the move the numbers do not add up. Here is a link to a ahrefs screenshot. Any insights would be greatly appreciated. moz.png

    | seanallen007

  • Hey why do my websites & not have any links showing in ose? thanks

    | livingphilosophy

  • Hi guys, Is there a way to upload multiple domains/pages into Open Site Explorer in order to get DA, PA and Spam Score rather than a manual approach?

    | Metropolis

  • Hi My site has a 301 direct from the www. version as recommended and, up until last week, OSE showed no results for the www version with a message of some kind saying about the re-direct. This week the message has disappeared and I have half my links (still v small) on www version and half on the non version. Has something changed? Should I be worried? And what, if anything, should I do? Thanks

    | Sassandgrace

  • Hello, We have about 9 websites connected to moz. We frequently are checking reports and crawls. From November 24 to December 18th there was a dramatic drop from 25 to 1 one only one of our sites. Our Linking C-Blocks went from 2 to 0, Domain MozRank went from 3.75 to zero. Essentially everything that we have worked for and ranked in for the past 5 years of the website being live dropped to zero. We are extremely frustrated and we are doing everything out of our power to figure out what may have happened. Here are a few things that we have done in that time and we are hoping someone might be able to direct us in the right direction on what may be the issue. We are in the process of pushing our new website. We have added our new website to a site_root_2 directory. In this directory we have robots no follow metas and a robots.txt. We do this prior to pushing our new websites. We move our website to the root when it is done. We have also forced all our urls to https. If anyone could help us get to the bottom of this issue we would greatly appreciate it. Thanks

    | jkloosterman

  • Recently I received a spike in errors from the Moz crawler. When I looked into the matter I noticed that all the URI's looked right but then I looked a little closer and there was a /page/2 and /page/3 in front of the URI's. I'm running a WordPress website. Immediately I thought to myself this must be some kind of caching or permalinks error. So I disabled all my plugins including W3 Total Cache and ran the Integrity Link Crawler for the Mac and found that the errors were still popping up. 404-errors-ncworkercomp.png?dl=0

    | NCCompLawyer

  • Our website is made up of approx 4000 pages - some of which are old pages with a pa of 1. I am removing these pages (ensuring they don't have links etc). Can removing so many low scoring and useless pages impact on domain authority. Our DA jumped 4 points and i wondered if this was helping Example 4000 pages in total 2500 have PA 1 - these get removed will it look better for DA that overall there are now no pages where PA =1 and the site now contains higher PA pages only?

    | acsilver

  • Hello, so our domain is and we do not use www in our domain. Now moz shows our page authority as huge (website. Com)  and domain authority very low. But our domain is our page that we rank. Is this due to the fact that we use no www and we rank our main index page? Am I correct? Thanks!

    | advertisingcloud

  • Our site migrated to https a year ago but when I ran the Top Pages report, it's listing only http URLs. 1.  Why is it only listing http URLs? 2.  I'm interested to see which ones  301 redirects to https and which are 200.  How can I do this? Thanks!

    | CND

  • I've read through the forum, but I'm confused as to what "Number of Linking Root Domains" means in the Linking Domains report. For example, if the root domain is and the number is 135,000 does that mean there are 135,000 links from Moz pointing back to my site or does it mean there are 135,000 sites linking back to Moz? Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

    | karrabarron

  • Hi there! I have .photography domain. The domain is 3 years old. We know we have a lot of backlinks. However, the DA and PA are still 1. Also the number of linking root domains shows as zero. Can someone help me with it?

    | Tatiana3000

  • Hi, I am pretty new to SEO and it might show. Here is my question, regarding the difference on "full and partial" urls in Open Site Explorer (OSP). That is, the difference on and I get very similar results for the two variations, but not exactly the same. That suggest to me that OSP most of the time find the same links regardless of whether the url put into the search field is full or partial. But not all the time. Can anyone clarify? Thx in advance

    | plovski

  • My domain authority is showing 6 for my paid option but 15 on the Open Site Explorer. Which one is right and why are they different?

    | mstockbridge

  • Hi I am trying to determine how effective our store blog is and am trying to analyse the inbound links it provides to our store domain but am confused with the results, can anyone help please? For information the blog is on a subdomain of the store site, has plenty of relevant original content, and has been regularly updated over several years in line with basic Yoast SEO best practice. When I look at analysis of inbound links and linking domains for the store site in Moz Pro, the blog subdomain does not show as providing any inbound links. Google Search Console shows similar results, with no inbound links to the store domain showing from the blog subdomain in either 'search traffic > links to your site', or 'search traffic > inbound links'. Open Site Explorer for the store domain also shows no inbound links from the blog subdomain to the store with 'link source > only external' selected. But if I change to 'link source > only internal' then all of the inbound links from the blog subdomain to the main store that I would expect to see appear. Should I be concerned by the fact I can only find these inbound links under this one specific search and not in any of the others? Does this suggest a problem in the passing of any current and future SEO benefit from subdomain blog to main domain? Or should I not worry about it too much? I am looking to begin a full overhaul of all SEO for the store and blog from the ground up and want to be sure the connections between the blog subdomain and store are functioning properly before I start. Any help in unpicking this would be really appreciated Thanks very much

    | Warren_33

  • My site has a high number of  fluctuating internal equity passing links in open site explorer from month to month, theses range from 30 000 and sometimes as high as 1,million. The fluctuations occur even when I have made no changes onsite. I have noticed that when the internal equity passing links are very high the DA drops and when they are low the DA is high, has anyone ever experienced this with open site explorer ?

    | TMI

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