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Category: Local Website Optimization

Considering local SEO and its impact on your website? Discuss website optimization for local SEO.

  • Hello All, I am currently doing my H1 ,H2, H3 Tags on my redesigned website We have the ability to have links to relevant DIY Guides on the bottom of our webpage and these are currently displayed under a heading "DIY Useful Guides" above my on page content which is at the bottom of the page. My H2 Tag will obviously be the title that sits above my On Page Content at the bottom of the Webpage and I was going to do the H3 Tag for my DIY Guides Is it a problem if the H3 tag sits above the H2 Tag on the Page or not ?  Or have i got this wrong and I need to move the DIY Guides (links) to below the on page content so the H3 tag sits below the H2 tag? thanks Pete OTmPbbR

    | PeteC12

  • Hi Where should you add ‘local business’ schema, the 'Home Page', ‘About Us’ page, 'Contact Us' page etc etc ? I presume the page with the address such as 'contact us' page but if say the address is on every page say in a footer for example is it ok to add address schema to every page ? I know someone who did this and havn't got any rich snippets out of it so presume best to focus on one primary page such as 'contact' or 'about' type pages ? Also: If your business serves multiple areas can you add schema for the other areas too or is it only for your primary business address ?
    For example if your business address is listed in say ‘Wandsworth’ but you visit & serve customers in ‘Clapham’, ‘Balham’ & other regions of South West London, anyway of adding local business address structured data to your site for these areas too (to help target local searches including these other regions) Many Thanks

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • I have a site i am working on link It was ranking fairly well and then I added content to the homepage to  better optimize it for the keywords it was already ranking for. Ever since I did that the entire site is no longer ranking well. Thoughts?

    | Atomicx

  • I have heard that when doing a general search, the search engine will pull the results based on IP address. But what if that information is not available? Where does analytics pull that keyword information if there is no location associated with the keyphrase?

    | seomozinator

  • We do not have an eCommerce on our site but we do have a worldwide website and a local website, which SSL certs should I get? I found a lot here over at namecheap but not sure if the 10.95 would do just fine or what here: ?

    | surfsup

  • I'm starting to use schema on a site currently working on the business address in the footer.  What is the correct way to use data that has more than one line? So for example the address is something like "Unit 1, Some Farm, Some Street..." Unit 1, Some Farm Some Street or Unit 1, Some Farm
    Some Street

    | MickEdwards

  • I've seen quite a few threads that orbit around my questions, but none in the last year, so I'll ask it 🙂 I'm seeing some strange results when testing various keywords with and without locations included. For a foundation repair company in Indiana, we've optimized for all the big cities, since the company services the whole state. Here's a sample of weird stuff: Test 1: If I set my location (all other Google 'helps' turned off) to Indianapolis and search 'foundation repair' result is #3 'foundation repair indianapolis' result is #20 'indiana foundation repair' result is #18 Test 2: Location set to the small town the company is based in (Rossville, IN) 'foundation repair' result is #1 'foundation repair rossville' result is #3 behind other companies located in Rossville, GA, and Rossville, PA!! I suppose I was under the impression that the ip location data Google gathers would weigh more heavily than how place names are optimized as part of keywords (or just that the physical location would supplant the place name typed into the search if it happened to be the same). But according to these tests, it seems that inferred location is by far a secondary factor. I can deduce that we're more optimized than our competitors for 'foundation repair', but less optimized for keywords with place names in them (we feel like we'd be verging on stuffing if we did more). Am I missing something here? Has anyone else seen this sort of thing?

    | clearlyseo

  • Hello Everyone, My question is in regards to Schema and whether the it replaces the need for the conventional structured data NAP configuration. Because you have the ability to specifically call out variables (such as Name, URL, Address, Phone number ect.) is it still necessary to keep the NAP form-factor that has historically been required for local SEO? Logically it makes sense that schema would allow someone to reverse this order and still achieve the same result, however I have yet to find any conclusive evidence of this being the case. Thanks, and I look forward to what the community has to say on this matter.

    | toddmumford

  • I have a local client with a 500 page site.
    They advertise online and use traditional media like direct mail.
    A print media company, Valpak, has started a website
    And wants the client to use their trackable phone number
    And a proxy website. When I type the proxy domain in the browser
    It appears to be client home page at this proxy URL. The vendor
    Wishes to track activity on its site to prove their value or something
    My question is: is their any "authority" risk to my clients website
    By allowing this proxy site??

    | TFinder

  • Nominet have made a new TLD available, the .uk TLD. Some might argue that this is a cynical move by Nominet to get more money out of British businesses, but either way, we need to decide how we handle this. As I see it we have 4 options. 1. Do nothing - At the moment, only websites can register their .uk domain. That won't last for ever though, and eventually, if we don't register it, someone else will.
    2. Register a domain but do nothing with it.
    3. Register a domain and simply redirect it to the existing domain. I suspect this is the best option.
    4. Register the .uk domain and redirect the domain to the new domain. From a technical point of view, what is the best option? For businesses that have multi-lingual sites the 4th appears the best option but why do we need to act when we do not even know the SEO value of any of this, and where Google sit regarding the new British TLD?

    | Stewart_SEO

  • I am taking over this site and redoing it all over. I believe that google may have penalized the site because the site doesn't show up in the SERPS, but will show under a google search ( I am just asking for your opinions on what I should do to correct the issues with this site and get back into the SERPS.

    | mikezaiss

  • Hi All, I have a main eCommerce website which trades out of a number of locations and all these locations appear in google places although they don't rank particularly well in google places . I also have a number of microsites which are specific to one type of product I do and these rank very  well locally. My question is , should I also do google places for my microsites as this would technically mean I am creating a duplicate location listing in google places but for a different website etc./business I only have one google account so I guess this would be done under the same google account ? thanks Pete <iframe id="zunifrm" style="display: none;" src=""></iframe>

    | PeteC12

  • I am looking at website with MOZ PA 34. The website belong to a shop in Manhattan. Simple shop, simple man, not one that do tricks. Reconsideration request failed twice! Never happened to me in the past.. Google ignored some domains in the two disavow files we submitted. All of these domains are asking $ to remove links that as much as I know we didn't even bought 😞 My Question Can I create a brand new domain/website and transfer the PA juice WITHOUT the bad links?

    | Elchanan

  • If we have 15 different locations and 10 different services, do we need to make keyword targeted landing pages for each combination? Is that actually the best method or is there some alternative? For example, if we are a law office specializing in slip and falls and car accidents, do we need a page for EACH location for each service (ie. Miami Car Accident Lawyer, Miami Slip and Fall Lawyer, Orlando Slip and Fall Lawyer, Orlando Car Accident Lawyer) etc. to maximize our ranking potential in each location? Is there a better way or are we left with this until Google gets "smarter"?

    | RickyShockley

  • Joomla site is old and dated. Want to convert to new theme with Wordpress. The only thing holding me back is the fear of falling from the rankings and making the client very unhappy If we do this conversion, is their a chance that we could fall out of the 7 pack? Will try to keep most of the links the same.

    | Czubmeister

  • We have 2 websites, 1 domain is about 10 years old and another is about 4 years old, the 4 yr old domain we are thinking of shutting down since its the same type of service we run but it was a 'keyword domain' that used to rank on 1st page but now its 4th page back. If we put the blog posts and other content + setup re-directs from the 4yr old domain to the 10 yr old domain, would this help the 10 yr old domain with more link juice that it might need for the extra boost? There isnt really any point having both websites up since both are about the same content and targeting the same local market.

    | surfsup

  • I understand that the data on Google Analytics and Alexa would probably differ a little bit, but in our case, we see a substantial difference between the reporting parameters between these two. For example, the Alexa data shows that the number of page views per visit is approximately 11 pages whereas Google gives a figure closer to 5 pages/visit. The avg time spent on a visit is approximately 15 minutes on Alexa but closer to 4 mins on Google Analytics! Any inputs on why this huge discrepancy would exist? TIA Asif

    | prsntsnh

  • I had a bad plugin create duplicate content issues on my Wordpress CMS -  I got it fixed, but now every keyword has been stuck on page 2 for search terms for 4 months now, where I was 49 out of 52 keywords on page one. It's a small local niche with mostly easier to rank keywords. Am I missing something? p.s. Also has a notice on the Dashboard that says: "404 Redirected: There are 889 captured 404 URLs that need to be processed."  Could that be a problem? Thanks, Steve

    | OhYeahSteve

  • Hi Many thanks for all the input we have had from the Moz expert team here.  We have had some great thoughts and we have finally decided that we need to move our site to an new provider and to go back to one single .com site for all our global traffic, as we cannot get round possible duplicate pages as we cannot use canonical nor alternate links with our current website provider and this has meant a big rethink in the last couple of weeks. We where running two sites, .com which has been running for 7 years and a site which was dormant since 2007 until 2013 and used from last year to serve our local customers. Domain Authority for .com 19 and 23 for Our new site will serve 3 currencies so we can offer £ $ & € without the need for duplicate pages or local pages. We plan but are flexible about using a 301 from the site to the dot com. and have enough data to ensure we can do all 301 redirects at page level from our current site to our new .com site. Can anyone provide any SEO tips on ensure we grow our rankings when we make the switch in about 3 weeks. Many thanks Bruce

    | BruceA

  • Yesterday I started analyzing some of my keywords (Search Queries in Google Webmasters) and I'm not happy with some results. Some of them are doing pretty good and some just suck! For example avg position 1.0 and a brand name keyword gets me 98% CTR - Awesome. Would be happy with 80%. Another keyword which is pretty important for us, avg position 1.2 gets only 8% CTR. What the **** ? Is Google Adwords killing my results? This keyword is very competitive. I believe that meta description is pretty good compared to another results from the organic search. Some keywords that rank on average 3.5 gets better CTR but are not getting so many search queries. The keywords are in Lithuanian, so I don't see the reason to post them here. All tips are appreciated! Thanks

    | FCRMediaLietuva

  • Hi Everyone, **Website: ** I've been working on a wordpress based website for the past few months now. This is a new website that we designed for an existing company that decided to rebrand. The previous website had little to no traffic.. so we've basically started for scratch. I've followed SEO guides and have completed many of the basics. We started using MOZ just under a month ago and have made a ton of changes based upon those suggestions. With all of this being said, we have seen some slight improvements in traffic, but nothing truly noticeable. In fact, 90% of our traffic is coming from a Facebook PPC campaign. I think the main struggle is that the company has such a wide operating based (a ton of very small towns and cities). We created an optimize page for each one (same content, just switched out the keywords).. in hopes of driving traffic. Is this the correct approach? Or should be optimize for general terms such as "Bed Bug Removal" versus "Bed Bug Removal Barrie"? I was hoping that the community could take a look at the website (maybe run it through a few tests) and give me some more suggestions.  I would really appreciate any feedback. Thank you!

    | Timrhendry

  • Hi, We have 10 different website for our apartments. I am thinking about consolidating them all into 1 website. Is this a good or bad idea? I think it would be good as we would get all the authority for the 1 domain so it would be easier to get new apartments ranked but I am not too sure. I am trying to optimize for local SEO. I am pretty sure that consolidating them is the best option but I would like to be certain about it before we make the investment.

    | Jon_B

  • I would like to get some opinions on the best way to handle duplicate / similar content that is on our company website and local facility level sites.  Our company website is our flagship website that contains all of our service offerings, and we use this site to complete nationally for our SEO efforts.  We then have around 100 localized facility level sites for the different locations we operate that we use to rank for local SEO.  There is enough of a difference between these locations that it was decided (long ago before me) that there would be a separate website for each.  There is however, much duplicate content across all these sites due to the service offerings being roughly the same.  Every website has it's own unique domain name, but I believe they are all on the same C-block.  I'm thinking of going with 1 of 2 options and wanted to get some opinions on which would be best. 1 - Keep the services content identical across the company website and all facility sites, and use the rel=canonical tag on all the facility sites to reference the company website.  My only concern here is if this would drastically hurt local SEO for the facility sites. 2 - Create two unique sets of services content.  Use one set on the company website.  And use the second set on the facility sites, and either live with the duplicate content or try and sprinkle in enough local geographic content to create some differential between the facility sites. Or if there are other suggestions on a better way to handle this, I would love to hear any other thoughts as well. Thanks!

    | KHCreative

  • Hello, We are looking to focus on multiple local areas and it has been suggested one way to mention lots of different locations on pages without doing lists or using grey SEO practices is to create directions pages. We are trying this with a client who has 2 business at the same address. The layout is:- Introduction - 2-3 sentences Directions by Car Park Parking info Directions by Public Transports Closing - 3-4 sentences - using clients keywords The hope is the having locations/areas and the clients keywords on the same page will capture some of the local areas with the clients keywords. I have some questions:- 1. If we use the same directions text and just change the opening and closing paragraphs on the different website will this be enough to not have a duplicate content issue. 2. Are the directions pages the best way to capture keywords and local area/locations on the same page. 3. Is there anything I am missing or could do instead? Looking forward to everyone's input....

    | JohnW-UK

  • My client has offices in various areas of the US, and we are working to have each location/area rank well in their specific geographical location. For example, the client has offices in Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas & St Louis. Would it be best to: Set up the site structure to have an individual page devoted to each location/area so there's unique content relevant to that particular office? This keeps everything under the same, universal domain & would allow us to tailor the content & all SEO components towards Chicago (or other location). (  ;  ; ; etc. ) Set up subdomains for each location/area...using the basically the same content (due to same service, just different location)? But not sure if search engines consider this duplicate content from the same user...thus penalizing us. Furthermore, even if the subdomains are considered different users...what do search engines think of the duplicate content? (  ;  ; ; etc. ) 3) Set up subdomains for each location/area...and draft unique content on each subdomain so search engines don't penalize the subdomains' pages for duplicate content? Does separating the site into subdomains dilute the overall site's quality score? Can anyone provide any thoughts on this subject? Are there any other solutions anyone would suggest?

    | SearchParty

  • Hello! My website's and we're a marketplace for local lessons. I've been working on the site's SEO for maybe 3 to 4 months now, and am seeing some good results. The one thing that really bugs me right now is that my homepage is ranking for a keyword that I'm trying to target with another page. Specifically, I'm targeting the group of keywords for 'cooking class', 'cooking lessons', 'cooking class singapore' with the category page: However, my home page is currently ranking on the first page for local search (Google Singapore), and my category page isn't! On the other hand, the page that I'm targeting for 'baking class', 'baking lessons', and 'baking class singapore' is doing fine and is already in the top 3 positions for the entire group of keywords. Anyone have any ideas as to what I can do?

    | NgEF

  • Does the geographic Location of my Server effect my SEO? HELP US! We are arguing for 3 weeks already. My partner has mentioned multiple times in the past that  "since 2013 google does not require your server to be in the country you are targeting for seo"
    And that actually all they care about is if its a good and fast server - not where its physically located in the world. I am a strong believer that the geographic location of your server directly effects your SEO ranking... lets say if you want to target for your seo, best you have a server located in Russia for hosting your website.. WHO IS RIGHT? Choose the winner and base the facts.
    If anybody has the correct answer and information to base it on it will help us alot - and maybe even spare some unnecessary violent between us two! we found some articles across the web, sadly they are all dated back to 2012.... Thanks in Advance for all the help guys!

    | DanielBernhardt

  • Excuse for the novice questions, but looking for help! 🙂 I have an established website/blog for which I have established a good solid following in the UK over a good number of years. That said I have recently relocated to Dubai and so I am looking to target my English blog content to English speakers here and Singapore? While the language setting of my site is "en" is there anyway that I can change this to "en-ae" and "en-sg" for example to build a following in these markets? Or is my TLD an issue that is going to hold me back from building following in these locations? I ask as I have just read the hreflang announcement from Google, but noticed in my Webmaster Tools that I get the following message: "Your site has no hreflang tags". Thanks in advance!

    | twofourseven

  • I couldn't find anything online that really covers my exact question. If I wanted to change my home page URL, (currently along the lines of "") would it be a good idea to change it to ""? Then on the "services page" I might change the URL to "". Pages like the contact page would probably remain simply "" Theoretically by putting my main keywords right there in the URL, I would imagine that I could get moved up in the SERPs. Am I wrong? So if this is a bad idea, please let me know why. If this is a good idea, do you have any articles or references that cover this, or even personal experience?

    | Marshall_Motors

  • When I put my information into the geositemap generator, it generated this file: This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below:<urlset<span class="webkit-html-attribute"> xmlns=""</urlset<span> xmlns:geo=""> But other geosite maps I've seen have three extra lines involving "geo." Is my file wrong? Do I need to add something? Thanks in advance,Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Hi! I'm a 1 man business operating in Singapore doing Delivery Service for Business. Right now my website is ranking at the 3rd page of google,
    The keywords that i'm looking to rank are delivery service, delivery service singapore. Being alone in the business, i struggle in doing the SEO aspect of the website on a consistent basis. Therefore i'm looking for a scale-able way for me to do SEO in my free-time, perhaps 2 hours a day? Any recommendation especially with regards to the routine i should be looking at? 
    With regards blogpost, what are the recommended things to do especially when the crowd of the people who reads blogpost in my industry is close to none? Thanks!

    | Caleb-Seah

  • Hi, We currently have a .com site ranking second for our brand term in the SERP. This is mainly because we don't own the exact match brand term which comes from not having a clue what we were doing when we set up the company. Would it be possible to out rank this term considering we the weighing that google puts towards exact matches in the URL? N.B - There are a few updates we could do to the homepage to make the on-page optimisation better and we have not actively done any link building yet which will obviously help. competitor SERP rank 1 - MOZ PA38   DA26 Our Site SERP rank 2 - MOZ PA43 DA32 Thanks Ben

    | benjmoz

  • Hi All, I'm looking to rebrand my current website to a new domain name.
    In short the current website has out grown it's potential. The domain name is not memorable nor is it attracting a wider audience.
    I will create my new website and 301 redirect the old website to the new, hence pass SEO value. Google Places
    Having spoken to Google they tell me that I can simply change the URL in Google Places to the new URL. Articles on my current website
    I have a number of rich content articles on my current website, can I simply create my new website and copy & paste these previously written articles? Google+, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
    What should I do for accounts associated with the current website? Any other useful information would be much appreciated. Regards Mark

    | Mark_Ch

  • Hello, I hear there are a lot of small SEO companies in Boston (that have about 2-3 people) - does anyone know of any they can suggest?  They don't necessarily have to be in Boston - please suggest small SEO consultancies if you know of any.  Thanks! -Polyvore


  • Hello everybody, I'm a programmer so I'm not very good at marketing. Any idea what the best way is to promote my language learning site? ( Since Google Penguin the site has taken a big hit and the changes suggested by a SEO expert hasn't helped. Thanks for any suggestions!

    | delpino

  • We are having a quality/ relevance issue with some of our traffic. One of the problems is that we are ranking well in certain foreign countries, which is driving irrelevant traffic to our site (as we only really cater for UK residents). Is there any way to suppress our overseas Google rankings whilst retaining good performance in the UK? Thanks.

    | whis

  • Hi My website is showing up in moz as having multiple duplicate pages because of the tags (each tag generates its own page and since posts have many tags but the same tags are only used once/twice the tag pages are all duplicate pages. I wanted to block the tagpages in robots.txt but cant seem to find access to it- have searched online but havent come up with anything! I do not have access to the ftp folders only the wordpress backend.. should I just remove tags? the posts are grouped by category too.. THANKS

    | henya

  • We are in the process of building a new website for a client with locations in Tucson and Phoenix. Currently, they have one website that encompasses all locations, however, we are going to build them location specific websites (as many of the services are different between locations). Now my question is, as far as SEO goes, which one of these options would be the best? Option 1: Have separate domain names for each location. For example, and _Pros: Easy to target specific, local keywords. Better looking domains. _ _Cons: Splits backlinks between two domains. _ Option 2: Setup and Pros: Keeps all backlinks pointing to one root domain. Note: We are going to use seperate WordPress installs for both websites, regardless of how we setup the domains. As we will be using different templates, menus and so on, we found this to be the best option. Thanks for any advice!

    | McFaddenGavender

  • I would like to buy a local domain like and then seo it to first page before I sell it. Has anybody tried such strategy?

    | BWoods

  • I am currently having our website completely redone by a design company.  Are there any suggestions on this process as to not lose the rankings we currently have for our site?  The domain will remain the same however we are planning on changing our host.  We also have a good amount of sub domains that the web company will not be changing for us.

    | molchman

  • Hi everyone, I'm looking for some feedback on Yoast Local SEO, and if you think it'd work for our site. Our site is a wordpress site, and there's nothing about it, off the top of my head, that makes me think it wouldn't work, but I've been wrong before. We do use All-In-One SEO, not the Yoast plugin, so I'm not sure if that's compatible.or would cause a problem? (The reason we use All-In-One and not Yoast is because that's what we had when I got here, and I'm worried what would happen if we switched). Also, we have three offices, and I need to be able to do local seo for all three. I know Yoast says it supports multiple offices, but I'd feel more comfortable if someone on here let me know from his/her experience that it did. Anything else you want to add about Yoast Local, I'm all ears! Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • We discovered duplicate content issues because of errors in domain forwarding.  The forwards were masked so Google crawl thought all duplicate content.  Fixed now and any suggestion on how to notify Google?  just wait it out?

    | FredRoven

  • For example, I have a personal injury law firm in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. I only care about potential clients searching within the city limits of Sheboygan (and not within the state of Wisconsin or on a national level). Do the following elements need to contain an exact match geographically targeted keyword if I only care about ranking locally in Sheboygan, Wisconcsin? (The type of keyword phrase I'm referring to would be Sheboygan Personal Injury Lawyers, Sheboygan Car Accident Lawyers, etc.) Title Tag Meta Description Main Headline Body Content Should I not include an exact match geographically targeted keyword in my content and trust that Google can make the association with where I'm located by other factors on the website? Website factors: Google local business page is setup linking to my website Other local listings have been claimed and setup properly My contact page contains our full address and phone number My footer contains our full address and phone number on every page

    | peteboyd

  • Happy Friday Mozzers! I wanted to pick your brains this morning, and see what your thoughts were on how Google missed this one. One of our competitors is ranking high in Google, and has been for some time. About 5-6 months ago, his site skyrocketed from page 3-4 to the top of page one. The site meta tag is pulling in logo alt text, content is very messy and sales driven, and after looking at the backlink profile in MOZ tools, it has a ton of links from China, Japan, Korea. Most of the backlinks are from blog pages, about everything under the sun, from UFO's to porn sites. This site has consistantly ranked high at the top of the page for many different competitive keywords. My question is this: HOW? After all the updates done by Google, and their focus on web spam, what is allowing this site to rank high constantly?  (5-6 months now, and often in the number one spot). Here is an example of some of the backlinks. There are a LOT of them. Don't worry, we are not looking to follow in his footsteps, lol. I was just wondering how this can happen, and for such a long time period.

    | David-Kley

  • Hello! My site currently serves content in german and english, however without having separate URLs (it depends on Accept-Language and has a submitform for changing language based on set cookies). The site appears extremely well in the search engine, with many keywords ranking at #1-10. They appear on the german and english google search, with the first one bringing the best results. It's however the english site that appears in the results. I want to change to a better approach by having subdirectories for each language, as I'm extending the site, I know how to do this but I have found -nowhere- any infos on how to preserve my search engine ranks? If I keep the english version as homepage and send german visitors to /de/, might this kill my position in the german search engine which is very important, as the new frontpage under /de/ would become more relevant and the english one maybe less? Or should I keep the german version the default one and send english visitors elsewhere? What happens with my search positions, if I have no side on the / but visitors are always send to either /en/ or /de/? Every help is greatly appreciated, as I found a lot of articles everywhere on how to make a multilingual site, but nowhere anything on how it affects current search results.

    | innovacy

  • I'm asking because I want to do something similar.  Imagine hundreds of pages like this, with the city names switched out. Since the inventory is different on each page, due to different inventory in different cities, are these pages not considered doorway pages and Google will probably be fine with them?

    | CFSSEO

  • Hello to all, I appreciate your time and trouble greatly, so thank you in advance. Question - 1 - I just watched a video regarding onsite <acronym title="Search Engine Optimization">seo</acronym>. This video explained to instead of using a services page to list each service, instead if possible make a page and menu item for the most popular search terms. So my families business site is We do construction. I currently have it setup to have a services page then the listings of the services with its own page under the menu. But from watching this video, would you also suggest that it would be best to take maybe the top 3 or 4 services, then list the services as actual page menus? So say instead of this: Service Menu Link -
    -Pole Barns
    -Indoor Riding Arenas
    -Horse Barns
    -Loafing Sheds Would it be best to have each service as a menu in itself like this: Home
    Pole Barns
    -Pole Barn Construction
    -Pole Barn Kits
    -Pole Barn Color Charts Indoor Riding Arenas
    -Indoor Riding Arena Construction
    -Indoor Riding Arena Kits
    -Indoor Riding Arena Color Charts Same- Different word
    Same- Different Word So basically create specific and relevant pages and remove the popular pages from a service page. Not sure if this make sense, or is basically not needed? Last Question - Branding- I got 2 <acronym title="Search Engine Optimization">seo</acronym> companies reviews back, and was told to change my branding and domain. See the issue is that the company name is All Specialty Buildings. So All is basically thrown out of some search results, almost like its a stop word. So "Specialty Buildings" shows up on many results. I would like to counter this. So I am curious if I get a new domain, like say something like Would this be a better domain for <acronym title="Search Engine Optimization">seo</acronym> rankings and memory for people? Or would I risk an EMD penalty? When I look for dentists, or <acronym title="Search Engine Optimization">seo</acronym> help, I get coloradodentist, or coloradoseo(dot)com's So they all rank well, I just want something brandable and easy to remember. I figured the company name would be best, But these companies that want 3500 a month for <acronym title="Search Engine Optimization">seo</acronym> services are saying different. Again thank you for your time, your ideas, and your advice. Thank you Chris

    | Berner

  • Hi guys, We recently did a post on Google Panda 4.0 release. Check this here. Have you seen any notable changes in rankings for your website? Do you think that this update will benefit small businesses/websites? Looking forward to your comments.

    | FRL

  • Hi, My company runs a small blog in swedish. Most of the visitors are our customers/prospects. We will write about generic concepts regarding our business and the occasional company news story. However, I have quite a few ideas for articles that could be interesting to a lot of people, and I'm tempted to write those in english for better exposure. I would love it if that exposure could boost my companies authority. How should I go on about this? Can I somehow tell search engines that a certain part or page of the site is in another language? Should I translate our entire site to english and post the english post in a separate blog feed? Any insight is welcome. Thanks in advance!

    | Mest

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